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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

Bran did his best not to laugh, their interactions are quite interesting. The mother seemed very adamant about Aidan leaving. The father was trying to take a more peaceful approach than his wife. However, Bran knew that in the end it was up to Aidan, and no one else. He knew that Aidan would choose what's best for him. Giving a respectful nod he smiled, "I see, I'll come by later. It was nice to meet both of you." Giving a respectful nod and turned away.

Making his way down the hallways he went through all the information he had recently gathered. The FBI Case, Nia's true father, the government money being sent to the school, Lexi's parents, that girl and her powers... He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, "this is going to be a challenge." He looked up at the ceiling counting the thoughts being separated in his brain. For each situation he thought of how to take proper actions. He'd already sent the all expense paid tickets to Lexi's parents and was going through the facial recognition database for Vi. It may take time to gather everything, but Bran was ready for a challenge. Hopefully I can find a way to get into the bottom of this and help along the way.

Making his way down the halls he heard voices in the distance. Placing the two very distinctive voices he overheard Sarah and Harriet. The two most...investigative girls at school. The last thing he wanted to do was be forced to do a interview. Maybe I should go through the air vents instead. Bran was about to leave when he heard what they were saying. His interest were peaked as he really listened to their conversation. Wait...this is. He walked over to the two of them curious how Sarah got this information. As Hare left, he grew closer. Walking up behind her he place a hand on her arm to get her attention. "Sarah Lane, right? You said you saw a FBI agent with Mr. Hapswell."



Min felt Leon's hand tighten around her shoulder. Gently she slid her hand out of Jean's grasp and slid her hair behind her ear. She blushed even deeper looking down at her lap bashfully. She didn't know that Leon was the jealous type. Smiling she sat with the others and watched Nia vs. Ember.

Her eyes widened as she saw the fight. Min hadn't expected it to be so dangerous. Min watched as Ember slowly ran out of oxygen in Nia's shield. Min slowly stood up as she watched in horror. She might have realized that the girl was suffocating quicker than the others. That girl is... she needs to stop. Watching as Nia fell to her knees and weeped. I need to go to her. Turning to Leon she whispered, "I... I have to go to her." She gave a soft smile at him, before walking down the bleachers towards Nia and Lexi. The three of them agreed to be there for each other and Min wouldn't back down from that promise.

Making her way towards them Min stood by Lexi and looked at Nia. She reached out and placed a hand on her head. Gently stroking her head she smiled softly. "Nia..." She hated seeing her sad. No one so sweet should be forced to tears. She didn't want to tell her not to cry, crying is important. It's how people show the true hearts. Taking a deep breath she whispered. "We're here for you."

@Homage @Brinni @CosmicChangeling
Sarah's attention on Loretta and Professor Darke talking to one another about something very suspicious when she felt a hand on her shoulder. The lights flickered in the hallway as she was caught off guard, her body had not flinched or shown any sign of fear, but her powers betrayed her. She turned to see it was one of the Knight boys, Bran was in some of her classes already but he generally kept to himself. Her tension evaporated.

"You can read about it in the paper, Mr. Knight," She said calmly. "Unless," She drew out her notebook. "You know something about the agent in question, could it be related to your family's technology?"

She already knew the answer. No. It was Alexandra Clark. But one doesn't just simply reveal their hand when they have a story like this.
Bran knew that approaching her was a mistake. Stealth and secrecy was the best way to gather information. However, he knew that the forward movement had its perks. Bran looked at her face looking for facial cues. The hint of truth, a crack in her facial features, that inquisitive look in her eyes. Keeping his cool, he smiled at her and spoke calmly. "Ms. Lane you know all too well what the answer is." He crossed her arms as he continued. "Besides, I'm sure a smart girl like yourself can find the truth all on your own."

Fixing his cufflink he closed the small clasp that once held the nano device he kept there. He had slyly placed he clear device on Sarah's shirt as he reached out for her earlier. He assume it wouldn't be necessary to bug her. However, if she was getting all this information by just being. It's worth looking into some of her avenues. Extending his hand to her, "I look forward to reading your article Ms. Lane."

No blush, no real cue of any emotion was readable on her face. The only clue to what she was actually feeling was her eyes, it was hard to keep control on everything after all. "Yes, suppose I do know the answer to that question, don't I?" she said simply.

But I don't know how you knew about the agent. You were not there. Which means you might be involved in this, or you're trying to steal my story. She wasn't sure what he could possibly know or what the thread that tied him to the knowledge of the agent could be, but she was going to not only find it but unravel it all for front page news. Sarah gave him nothing but a warm smile as she took his hand. "I hope I don't disappoint you, Mr. Knight. If we happen to cross paths at the dance tonight, well, I hope you save one dance for me."

A normal girl would blush, be bashful. Show a sign of hesitation with her bold question, but this was calculative and strategic. If he knew anything, anything at all...she would have to keep him around to find out what the answers were.
CosmicChangeling said:
No blush, no real cue of any emotion was readable on her face. The only clue to what she was actually feeling was her eyes, it was hard to keep control on everything after all. "Yes, suppose I do know the answer to that question, don't I?" she said simply.
But I don't know how you knew about the agent. You were not there. Which means you might be involved in this, or you're trying to steal my story. She wasn't sure what he could possibly know or what the thread that tied him to the knowledge of the agent could be, but she was going to not only find it but unravel it all for front page news. Sarah gave him nothing but a warm smile as she took his hand. "I hope I don't disappoint you, Mr. Knight. If we happen to cross paths at the dance tonight, well, I hope you save one dance for me."

A normal girl would blush, be bashful. Show a sign of hesitation with her bold question, but this was calculative and strategic. If he knew anything, anything at all...she would have to keep him around to find out what the answers were.
Bran saw something in her eyes, a glisten. Interest? Curiosity? No something else. Bran couldn't place it. He took her face to memory to analyze later. She's onto something, the eyes don't lie. Maybe listening in on what she's up to will help me keep Lexi safe and figure out what this secret is. He gave her a equally warm smile as she shook her hand. In a polite firm grip, but delicate as not to hurt her.

"Well then." He gave a polite nod, "till we meet again Ms. Lane." He gave a slow nod and slid his hands into his pockets and gave her a soft smile. Walking past her he smiled. He didn't do more than that. A normal boy would have asked her to the dance, or stumbled around trying to continue a conversation. However, he had goals and needed to think strategically. Being around her, she'd be guarded keep what she knows to herself. She knows more than she's letting on. I'll find out soon enough though. With that he made his way down the halls towards the gym.

Nialla barely reacted as her two closest friends offered comfort. She didn't know what she could say, Nialla felt like a monster. Lux was right to call her out on what she did. She deserved the looks of disgust and hatred she felt from the eyes above.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Nialla stood up on shaky legs, ignoring her own Ember-inflicted injuries, and ran. Away from the tournament. Away from her mother and Elastic. Away from Min and Lexi. Lexi could catch up, sure, but why would she? Nialla didn't deserve them or their friendship.

((Anyone feel free to follow her, Note that she'll be sitting outside looking at the obstacle course rubble.))


((I'd wait for more Min/Lexi, but I need to get this post up before some sort of RPN bs deletes it while I'm at work.))

Vi, with her mask on, looked between the unmasked Lexi and Lisa over and over again, disgust rapidly forming on her face. She ruined Vi's only chance to keep her secret with her act of foolishness. She would have to reveal everything to Lisa after her fight, there was no choice anymore.

She sighed as the girls left the arena, and prepared herself for the biggest fight of her life. Inside buildings with close by walls, Vi had the upper hand, but the arena had no walls to speak of. She and Louise would be in a close quarters brawl, and neither would be willing to give up until the other was unconscious.

After several minutes of awkward shuffling as Nialla and the others left, the announcer began speaking. "Now, after yet another forfeit and the moderately exciting fight between Ember and Bloquer, we have what seems to be the most anticipated fight of round two, by villains and heroes alike! One one side we have Brick, the physical powerhouse who beat a blind boy to near death to get where she is. On the other, we have Crush, who tore two limbs off of Pockets to make it this far. Will Brick take her place at the final round of the tournament yet again? Or will Crush become the upset Rush was expected to become?"

"Now, it's time for...


Vi began calmly walking to her position within the arena, not bothering to offer Louise the advantage of an early attack through a handshake. She nodded to her opponent as she too moved into position, and Louise responded with the tilt of her own head. One second passed between the two girls...



Then, quick as a bullet, Both girls forced themselves forward, and Vi immediately pushed herself above Louise, in an attempt to dodge the inevitable first blow. Louise seemed to expect Vi's attempt at dodging, and grabbed her by her leg and threw her to the ground. Vi let out a groan as pain flared through her body, and she tried to buy herself some time with a quick push against Louise.

It mostly worked, pushing Vi herself away from Louise, and it gave Vi about ten extra feet to work with. In preparation for Louise's next attack, Vi anchored herself to the ground below, and waited for Louise to move. It didn't take long, anyone who prepared in more than a second would have been caught completely off guard by Louise's rush, but Vi had made sure to be ready.

As soon as Louise was only two feet away, Vi threw the force of a truck moving 90 mph at her, blowing Louise across the room. The brute barely even seemed phased by the attack, and got up with only a bruise on her shoulder where the attack hit, and a few scrapes where her bare skin met pavement. Lucky for Vi she didn't seem to learn her lesson, and rushed straight into her again. Vi grinned beneath her mask, and pushed against the rushing girl again.

Except she was no longer in the way of the blast. In the .1 second Vi concentrated completely on her attack, Louise rolled out of the way of the blast, and pounced on top of Vi from her left. Vi heard a bone break and let out a gasp, but the pain was coming from all directions, she didn't know where Louise did the most damage. In a moment of panic, she anchored deep below the ground while biting back screams, and pushed against Louise with all the force she could muster.

Louise flew into the air at such massive speeds, it was like watching a majestic dragon take flight. Unfortunately for her, when the majestic dragon came back down, she hit the ground with a loud crunch. Even Louise, high as she went, couldn't escape a fall like that unscathed.

Except, Vi could see in the corner of her eye, that girl was somehow getting up. "How?" Vi muttered, barely able to force herself to stand in response. One leg seemed barely able to hold her weight, and one of her arms fell limp at her side.

Louise didn't seem in much better condition. She looked shaky, and her left hand was so scraped that Vi knew it pierced muscle. Neither of them could keep going for much longer. Vi took a breath and anchored herself one last time, recognizing that her own energy stores were running dangerously low. She couldn't attack without making herself completely vulnerable, so she had to wait until Louise was in the perfect position for one final attack.

It didn't take long. Looking something like a drunk in a bar brawl, Louise dashed towards Vi with a scream, before grabbing her by the neck. Even her massive strength seemed to run low, and Louise didn't even bother pulling Vi off the ground and away from her anchors. The brute seemed to struggle to spit out the words, but she managed to succeed. "For Duvalt." She uttered, before throwing a punch to Vi's face.

In that instant, Louise's hand and arm stopped dead with most powerful force Vi'd ever mustered, an attack with the speed and weight of a bullet train. In another instant, Louise's right arm was gone, and Louise herself was propelled backwards, through a door and into the locker room which was used as one of the two contestant waiting rooms. She didn't get back up.

Vi didn't have time to celebrate, though, as she immediately fell to the floor, her legs unable to keep carrying her.
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Leon nodded to Min. "I understand. Go." He watched her as she left. As the girls cleared the stage, the announcer called for the next fight. Now it was up to Isabel. As the fight went on Leon nodded. This is the Isabel I expect. When Louise's arm came off though he gagged. Even with what had happened to Duvalt he wasn't prepared for the sudden dismemberment. This tournament is no joke. How can Hapswell allow things like this to happen? Come to think of it....where is he? Leon scanned the crowd. He didn't see any of the teachers he recognized. What's going on here? As Isabel collapsed Leon stood up. He watched as they took her to the Nurse. May as well go. She is a friend after all and should be congratulated on her win. He made his way to the office and sat in a chair beside her cot until she woke up.


Baylee breathed a sigh of relief as Jean left Leon. But does he know that his step father erased Leon's memories? I need to find out. I need to set him straight. To protect Leon. I couldn't save Jean from having to go with his mother, but I can still do right by one son at least. He made his way towards his lost son, he got about halfway to where Leon had been sitting before he lost track of him. Damn. I need to find him before he does something rash.



Ryan took the picture at the exact moment that Brick's hand began to leave her body. He made the mistake of looking at the screen to see how it came out. The second he did he leaned over the side wall and puked. It didn't look so bad through the viewfinder, then again...nothing ever does. He left the stands to go to the rest room. As he left he walked past a boy...Bran I think his name is... that was on his way...somewhere. As he turned the corner he saw Sarah looking intense. He raised his camera, to take a portrait picture and hit the button.



Moe groaned. Why did it have to be Crush? If I worked with Nia the two of us might have had a chance to beat Louise. But Crush? We're going to lose at least one limb if her past fights are any indication. So much for being lucky today.


Harriet watched the fight. After seeing what Isabel had done to DuValt, she wasn't surprised about what happened to Louise. That didn't make it much easier though. On the bright side, at least for the paper, it's all freshman in the finals this year. I hope Moe handles this intelligently. I don't want him to end up like either of her opponents.

Getting up and stretching she decided to go for a walk. It'd be a little bit before the final fight anyways. Everyone needed time to recover. She took a walk around the area and made her way to the obstacle course, wanting to see the damage that Sarah had done first hand. She whistled. "Miss Fortune indeed." Her eyes alighted on Nia. Wonder what she's doing here? She walked over and tapped her on the shoulder. "You ok Nialla? You seemed pretty upset after the fight. Need someone to talk to....off the record?"
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Min watched as Nia ran off. She looked to Lexi worriedly as Nia ran away. Her face had an expression of confusion, as if asking the question, why would she run from us? Looking back she decided to follow Nia. Her eyes glowing red she floated off the ground and followed behind her. Ignoring the sounds of the arena as the next battle started, Min went to find her friend.

Making her way outside she looked around for Nia. Finding her beside the rubble of the obstacle course Min's feet touched the ground and she walked over to her. Her eyes settling on a the calm ruby as she sat down next to her. Sitting on her knees she looked at Nia. Not sure what to do. It pained her to see Nia so sad, but she didn't really know how to comfort her. Growing up she felt more comfort from her captors who held her for two and a half years than her own mother. She couldn't remember the last time she was comforted when she cried.

Closing her eyes she tried her best to remember all the people who cared for her. Her father, her brother, her sister, her uncle, Mr. and Ms. Yan, Rodin, X, even her mother in a way. Placing a hand on Nia's back she looked at her. "Nia, what happened there... it wasn't your fault. You shouldn't let what happen make you doubt yourself. You're a good person. Ember will be fine. The nurse will heal her. So don't place such a heavy burden on yourself." Min gave a soft smile slowly rubbing her back.


Their hands parted, the two looking at eachother like they were in a high stakes mental chess game against one another. Her eyes did not leave Bran Knight until he took to the corner and was gone. Grabbing her notebook she wrote a small note to herself to find out if bran knew anything or if she needed to watch herself around him about this story.

"Ryan," She said as Bran had finally left. "I don't think pictures of me talking to sources qualifies as pictures for the paper."


Nia took off and ran as Min showed up trying to calm her down. Lexi looked up at her best friend unsure what to do next. It looked like, Min didn't know either. Min chose to run, Lexi did as well.

She flickered next to Min and Hare, not noticing the wreckage the obstacle course left, like a giant wall keeping them in the school. "Nia, Min's right...and I'm assuming Hare said something similar sorry Hare I wasn't here...but I'm sure the nurse can help Ember no problem. I've seen her do miracles. What happened wasn't your fault....it's a tournament, I think they expect these things to happen."

Expect.....she cringed at the thought of Aidan again but looked back at Nia. "Look....whatever you need, we're here for you."


Seniors were being pulled out of the crowds and told what was going on by Mr. Elastic himself. Some geeked out, they would get the chance to be led by a team by the infamous Mr. Elastic....who seemed to be out of retirement today. Seniors were rounding up the weaker powerd kids and a team of them were given to Nat to help with the evacuation process.

Nat had Arnold sitting on her shoulder, eating a mango contently.


A snow owl in the sky, Ms. Turner had spotted them. She was making her way back to campus when she felt an arrow pierce her wing. She spiraled down the forest, crashing into a ceremony in the middle of the woods brought on by Oisin Kane.
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Bran passed Ryan, giving a quick glance at him. Wherever the crack reporter for the school paper the school photographer seems to be right behind her. He shrugged and made his way into the gym. He entered into the school during the middle of the fight. Making his way through the crowd he maneuvered around and looking for a place to sit. He noticed that most of the upperclassmen are grouped off. I wonder what's going on?


Deep in the forest surrounding the school a group of insurgents were watching the arena with serious detail. A man in the group looked down upon the school, disgust in his eyes.
Today's the day we finally make our statement to the world. The static from the microphones of the insurgent tactician crackled as the tactician took slow breaths. In a near whisper as if the words were straining to escape the tacticians lips a single word could be word.


Small pellets rolled across the room from every direction as the room, crowded with supers, became hostile. With out a notice of warning smoke filled the large arena. The dark murky mist engulfed the entire room in a matter of minutes, blinding those to what was happening around them. Quietly the insurgents moved in taking their positions at the possible exits. They used a frozen glue substance to permanently close the doors. Preventing the supered freaks and their filthy parents from escaping. The insurgents stood strong in their teams. Each one adored in the Anti-Power suit. While the ones hiding in plain sight sprung into action and pulled guns out of their bags.

The arena was in organized chaos as all the potential threats had snipers surrounding them. Each with a clear shot, ready to execute when commanded.
Clara would crash into Oisin's ceremony, shifting from owl to person, Clara cried out in pain ripping the arrow right out. She didn't seem to even notice Kane as she shifted into a panther sprinting full speed.

Jumping up Oisin Kane's body shifted and turned as the roots of the ground enveloped him. His human body morphing into that of a strong and powerful wolf. Without a second notice he turned and followed behind Clara. He caught up with her and spoke, his voice low and gravely. "What's going on?"

"Anti-power resistant group," Clara spoke, sprinting full speed of her panther exterior. Her voice had only changed slightly. "More than 100, towards the school we don't have much time."


Commence was the last word the man would ever utter, the rest of any vocal variety would be screams and gurgling with blood. As the attack began on the school, a black panther had lunged from the bushes, pouncing on her pray. Her claws dug into his chest as her teeth ripped his throat open. The last thing he would ever see was the human robin blue eyes of Clara Turner with the body of a wild animal.

The seven or eight of them, the men in this little pocket organizating the attack sequences against the students did not stand a chance. They lifted their machine rifles, but before they could move the guns high enough to their tunics Clara formed into a rhino, impaling one of them with the trunk of her horn, using it as a meat shield as she ran full speed impaling them all.

Her number one job was to protect the school. Protect it at any cost.

Kane nodded and let Clara take the lead. He knew how strong she was, so the best he could is stay out of her way and watch her back. Calling the power of nature to help him. His eyes glowed a illuminating green as the roots and trees of the forest bent to his will. Moving quickly they twisted and pinned the remaining infiltrators. He's been doing his best to refrain from killing, especially on Samhain. The branches quickly formed into leafy dragons which destroyed all the equipment in the area.

A sharp pain crossing his cheek he looked to see two soldiers he missed. Bullets came flying at him. Raising up his wooden arms the bullets buret themselves into the wood. He growled and began to charge towards them blocking the bullets with his arms. He didn't notice the third soldier closing in behind him quickly.

Taking human form, the shiscabob of human soldiers had fallen off of her as she staggered slightly. The hide of a rhino could take a bullet or two and go full speed, but her speeding tunic had told her otherwise about the rest of her.

Shearlier had always been afraid of the school nurse and used her own remedies for healing, grabbing her satchel she pulled out the large medical cloth and a bottle. Pouring a few drops into the riddled holes, she wrapped her tunic tightly to control the bleeding.

It was in that moment she saw the third soldier make its way to Kane. She morphed into a squirrel, undetetected by the grass she lept on Kane's back running down the grooves of the branches leaping into the air. The squirrel had morphed into a large brown bear toppling the soldier. She pressed her paw into his chest, crushing it in until he choked on his own blood.

The adrenaline had stopiped her fromg noticing he had managed to run his blade into the beast'so already damaged tunic.

Clara let out an audible human cry of pain her teeth pulling the blade out, the bear lost balance rolling on its side Clara closed her eyes. But she had managed to stop the attacker from even getting close to him.

This ended here.

The sky grew dark with Clara's next shift. But it was the massive size and Clara blocking the sun from the forest that was actually the problem. Men began to fire their guns in fear, the nothing penetrated the dark scales as two massive hind legs shook the ground the dragon getting its footing. Wings expanding expanding the roar of the beast would shake all the windows at school.

Green fire filled the forest, creating a wall to get through to the school. Men screaming in agony as they were burned alive was also heard in the distance.

Raising his hand, roots spurted from the forest floor and wrapped around the soldiers. He squeezed the soldiers, causing them to drop their guns. Taking extra precautions to keep them safe. He didn't notice the person behind him until Clara saved him. Turning his head quickly as he heard the cry of pain. "Clara!" He shouted. Unintentionally crushing the two men held captive in the roots. Kane watched as her body grew large and scaled. He saw in awe as she overtook the men with burning green flames.

He watched as she created a blockade around the school, preventing reinforcements. He'd have to come out later and regrow the singed parts after the battle. He looked at the men on the other side and growled at them. "As much as I'd like to take them down, I must warn the faculty," he said to himself. Turning he dashed down the hillside through the forest towards the school He looked up to see Clara fly overhead. Beautiful.

Rachel Miller

Rachel stood up, fists clenched. "That's it you little fucking bitch!" She roared, storming her way out of the bleachers and towards the arena. "Limbs don't fucking grow back! They cannot be replaced!" She bellowed, as Isabel was being carried out. She was going to fucking murder that girl later.

She looked up, grey eye widening as the pellets were thrown in, smoke bursting from them. She snarled to herself, clenching her fists tighter. "Fuck it. I was going to try and keep the Beast in today." She grumbled, letting out a sigh as she let herself down into her knees. She decided to stay there, on the edge of the arena, hands behind her head so she wouldn't have to bother with becoming upset enough to let out the Beast. There were too many innocents around. Too many chances for the Beast to become too powerful. She didn't know who was there with the presumed guns, but if they wanted to kill them all, wouldn't they have started firing?

"I was afraid, Leon." Vi spoke, her tone shaky. Her arms were still in excruciating pain, and she knew they were both broken, but she didn't get the nurse. If Louise's screaming was any indicator, the nurse's healing was not something normal people should desire. "I never knew what fear was before. I thought she was going to kill me, so I hit her with everything I had." If Vi had aimed a little closer to Louise's chest, or if Louise's punch made contact before Vi's attack happened, she had no doubt that one of them would have died.

Vi heard the explosions within the school, and tensed. "Nurse," The woman's name was covered up by another wave of explosions, this time much closer. "I can't afford to sit here, do you have the strength to heal me? If not, then Leon I'll need you to escort me within one of the wheelchairs." Vi felt her emotional moment fade, and she distanced herself from everything again as she planned. Leon was strong, he'd handle himself well. The Nurse was... Something. Her healing was important, but Vi wasn't certain is was worth the pain it would cost.



Nialla nodded to Hare as she arrived beside her, and was beginning to speak, when Min arrived, followed just behind Lexi. Her hope to confide alone in Hare was dashed when Min and Lexi tried telling her she did nothing wrong, that what she did wasn't morally atrocious. "Don't either of you get it? I nearly killed someone because I wanted to win. Sure I was afraid, but I wasn't in any danger! I wanted to win so badly I was going to choke the life out of a good person who didn't even want to badly hurt me! You shouldn't be excusing this, nobody should!"

Nialla's face was red with anger, how could her friends, people she trusted to make the right choices, forgive her for this, or excuse it? Sure she made it to the finals, sure Ember would live, but Nialla could never live with herself for treating her like that. "The last time I used my power like that was against a psychopath who wanted me dead, and even then I didn't go as far. She could have torn me limb from limb without lifting a finger, could have hit me with the weight of my entire house, and I only held her within my barrier and waited for the police. How could you excuse me treating a mass murderer better than Ember?" Min would know Nialla was referencing Vi, but Nialla was about to tell Hare and Lexi about Vi, before-

Explosions. She turned instinctively, and surrounded the four of them with a Two barrier. If phones worked within the barrier, Nialla would have tried calling her mother to ask what was going on, but she couldn't do that without weakening or dropping her barrier completely. She wouldn't do that, not with Hare, Lexi, and Min around her. "We're under attack." She said, constantly looking around for the ones responsible for the explosions. She saw fire burning in the forest, and a dragon overhead. For just a minute, Nialla forgot about her personal struggles, and tried thinking of some way to get to as many people as possible.

@The Suspicious Eye


@Brinni (Again)


Seven. Seven seniors, plus Savolt and Loretta for crowd control of some two hundred parents. Out of everyone, Loretta and Nat were the only two powers with any real potential. Louise or Duvalt would have been excellent to help keep the crowds down, with DuValt's ability to speed things up or slow them down, and Louise's sheer intimidation factor. Nialla too would have been a big help, but she wasn't with them. She left after her own fight, and Nat could only hope she was safe.

"Alright people, Our esteemed Mr. Elastic and Mr. Darke will be keeping you all safe as the first layer of defense. Loretta and I are layer number two, and these seniors are number three. If any of you fall out of line I will shoot you with a knockout dart and leave you behind. We aren't risking two hundred people so you can find your kids, they can take care of themselves, and if they don't other students can help them." It was a simple explanation, and with them Natalie ordered them to begin moving, single file, towards the entrance to the school. Once at the entrance, she and Loretta would scout it out and, if it was safe, try leaving the premises. If not, they'd get to Darke's basement and seal the entrance.

It wasn't entirely perfect, they were still missing some civilians (most notably were the Turners), but they had almost everyone. It was the best they could hope for.


"Four down, Tim, what are you at?" Darke asked with a smirk as he knocked out another attacker with a stun baton to the neck. For some reason they never expected a man to teleport behind them. He was determined to be the only teacher not to kill anyone during this fight, as a show of irony. He didn't even bother trying to compare his count to Clara. She was probably already done moping up the forest attackers.
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Ember Brook

Ember awoke alone, eyes bright. She watched Crush and Brick fight on the television, and was filled with revulsion. She wanted to give them both a stern talking to. This was not adequate behavior in this sort of learning environment! When the two girls were brought in, Ember began her speech, lecturing them upon their grevious mis-doings, and how they had embarrassed themselves and the school. She demanded to know whether they cared at all for their actions, and how they slept at night with such brutality. She had been ignoring everyone else in the office, focussing her energy into the two of them.

"-if you all would act like animals then maybe you should go a-" her rant was interrupted by the sound of explosions. She turned, hands raised, fire bursting to life in them. She let out a sigh, stepping outside. She cooks see a few insurgents approaching. She let out a roar of flame from her hands, before she stepped back into cover. She heard screams but knew she hadn't caught all of them. She was about to step out again, when bullets impacted against the wall beside her, forcing her to remain in cover, unable to fight back.
Savolt groaned walking along with the crowd. He yawned rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "I was sleeping," his voice dragging. Parents, if they had a choice right now, would probably screaming and running for the hills but as Savolt rubbed the temple of his head they would hear a faint humming sound in their minds that just seemed to put them at ease, and make them very compliable.

It made it easier when the gunfire was going off killing people left and right, it prevented the ones not shot from screaming in fear, but maybe it also prevented them from attempting to dodge the bullets.


Mr. Elastic was leading the charge of seniors. Four were with him as He bounced around the gym like a ping pong ball knocking out the ones shooting. It was hard to see in the mist and the fog, it was the lights of guns firing that gave their locations away. "Gymnasium, handling what I can until Nat and her team get these people out. Check the exits, Be...Darke."

The earth began to rumble as the roar of a dragon was heard not to far away.


A cannister can in the hallway and everything lit with smoke. Pellets were fired, Sarah felt a sharp pain in her left shoulder blood popping out of her like a wet water balloon popping. Her doe eyes expanded as she slid to the ground.

The entire power of the school was turned off. Misfortune and bad luck was now going to run rampant.


Green fire was cast around the school, Lexi looked above them seeing the large casting shadow of a dragon....it was bigger than a hovercraft. Gunshots were heard inside. Nia saying she was around a psychopath, everything...it faded away. She looked at Nia pleadingly. "Let me out, please....I can help with this."


The nurse looked at Vi her head tilting and a look of crazed exhaustion and twisted insanity looked back. "Sure," her voice drawled as her hair was now messy outside its bun. She blew a strand out of her face. "I can heal you....no problem."

Hands were pressed into Vi, a red glow sparking out of her hands and, it wasn't the friendly hairline bone fracture but the feeling that her organs were swelling up and seconds from exploding all together. The red flickered to gold and Vi would then feel energized and ready to go, it seemed to flicker from good to bad, taking a good five minutes to actually get the job done.

But hey....all the nurse needed was more...caffeine tablets....hahahhahahahahaha...
Gun shots were firing, some people began screaming and then it stopped. Before the people began to walk calmly with Nat with Savolt's unwilling assistance, people did run. One man had pushed a blind boy wearing a blood covered trench coat to the floor as he sprinted out of the way.

The fog, the lights going off, none of this affected Aidan's vision. Colored shape people in the midst of darkness was still there. Now they were everwhere and people dropping like flies.

From a distance, he could see colored humanoid shapes drop to the ground. The colors broke apart to small little circles either going up towards the sky or down below. He tilted his head, wondering if that was what death looked like. A man of sea green fell infront of him. He reached out, his body spazzing for aidan's arm. "My-my daugh-daughter, ple-please"

Aidan squeezed his hand images of his life flashing in his eyes until it went limp in his hold. He let go and watched as the energy was breaking down wondering what direction it might go, up or down. It went in neither direction, it went towards his gold energy. Aidan quickly released the hand back, pressing both hands on the gym floor to push as far away from it as he possibly could. But it moved towards him. His hand pressed on cloth, seeing memories of a woman loving her husband. Orange orbs of her energy going into his golden aura.

Aidan began screaming.


Her baby was in that building! Annalise would storm out of the boys's dorms not noticing the large dragon breathing a ring around the property as she stormed through the grass. She did not care anymore about Aidan's belongings they would buy new ones. She was dragging her son to the car right now. He was coming home.
Min's brow furrowed at this. Her mother had always taught her that if you are going to fight, fight to the death. In a real battle your opponent won't show you mercy. Every one of her trainers forced her to fight to the death or the pain. None of the went easy on her, and that's how she got strong. Min listened to her friend as she continued on. It pained her that she was taking this so hard. Sure, Nia created the barrier, but in all truth it was Ember's fault of not understanding her powers. Of course having a open flame would rapidly decrease her oxygen. If anything Ember is at fault for not surrendering when she was clearly beaten. This pissed Min off, Nia should know that she's not a bad person for doing what she needed to.

Min looked at her friends face, red with anger. As Nia continued Min realized she was talking about Vi. Min looked at her worriedly. She needs to stop blaming herself and be balanced. Both Min and Nia knew the reason why she took better care of Vi than Ember. Other than the fact that Ember brought it on herself, forgetting she needed to breath, Nia and Vi were once friends. Nia knew that she was still scarred by the friend she cared about in the past. Opening her mouth, Min needed to tell her that she needs to stop putting so much pressure on herself. However, before she could speak there was the resounding sound of explosions.

Min looked up to see the fire grow in the background as a dragon flies overhead. Min hated to admit it, but she secretly thought, so cool. I wish I had a dragon. Bringing her focus back to the others. It was hard to focus, the chaos and calamity was bringing the darkness back up to the surface. It urged her to participate in the killing spree, however she kept her cool. Looking to Nia she smiled, "Elderweiss, meaning courageous. Nia thank you for protecting us, but we need to go and fight with the others."


Kane dashed by the group of girls and jumped into the school doors. Shouting out a quick, "don't do anything rash girls!! Find safety!!" Running up to the arena's wall he lept into the air. Kicking a hole in the wall, with a solid thwack of his feet. The soldiers were smart, but they didn't secure the outside walls, leaving them open for a surprise attack. Kane suddenly felt wobbly and began to teeter. Losing his balance he fell back out onto the law head first. Everything around him went black as he fell unconscious. The stone of the arena began to topple and fall right on top of Kane. Even in his unconscious state he groaned as he felt the rocks fall on him.


Seeing the soldiers jump into action.Bran instantly brought his guard up. He clenched his hands into fists as he was ready fora fight. Charing into one of the soldiers Bran kicked him in the back of his legs. He kicked him in the back of the legs causing hi the solider to fall to his knees so Bran could put the man in a head lock. Waiting till the solder went limp Bran dropped him to the ground and moved not the next solider. However jumping onto the bleachers Bran felt his footing slip underneath him as he fell back to the cold hard ground. He fell on top of another student crushing both of them a the crowed tried to escape.

The Beast

Rachel grew oddly focussed on a coin on the ground for no reason at all, allowing the Beast, made more eager by the violence, to pierce her defenses completely. It did not take its time, as it did the last time. There was sinply a great tearing as her body seemed to deflate, blood pouring out, before the Beast rose up, sucking her up into it. In the smoke, no one had seen the transformation, but shit luck for Rachel, it still happened. A few bullets tore into the Beast's shoulder, causing what felt like bee stings. It bared its teeth, leaping towards the soldier. The man let out a scream before the beast grabbed his head in its jaws, and bit down with force stronger than any animal. The insurgent's head popped like a grape, skull shattering, brain matter spraying out onto the floor. As the man died, his soul was absorbed by the hungry Beast, which turned, devouring the souls of the fallen, snatching a few out of the air like grabbing the strings of a kite. With each soul, the Beast only grew larger and stronger, as well as gaining memories of its own accomplishments. It looked around for a moment before it eventually found another soldier target. It would have been fine with massacring the defenseless parents, but the insurgents were the ones shooting it.

It sprinted forward, impaling a soldier on its claws, the man's body simply dissipating. The Beast saw his friend running away, so it ran the other insurgent down, scything off his arms in two savage swiped. It watched as the man fell to the ground, screaming in pain. It kicked the man around, watching him bleed, amused by its own cruelty, before becoming bored and butchering the insurgent, devouring his soul. It could see a half-dozen soldiers taking a stand in the center of the arena, and it leapt into the air, landing down right before them. The Beast mowed them down, becoming a whirlwind of claws and death. Once the last man dropped, the Beast shook its head, raising its jaws to the cieling, letting at a soul-splitting scream, a high-pitched, violent sound, like nails on a chalk board but louder and more sinister. With its scream, the glass windows in the gym shattered, if they weren't broken by bullets already, allowing the smoke to begin fading out.
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She's right. What she did would be inexcusable. But what matters is, she stopped when she realized what she were doing. You could have let her choke herself to death, but you didn't. Focus on that. You aren't a bad person Nialla. If you were, I wouldn't have a asked you to the dance. No matter how cute you are. Harriet was about to say so, and address the psychopath later, when the sound of explosions distracted her.

"We're under attack."

Fighting in a tournament was one thing, but if they were under attack Hare wasn't sure how far she was willing to go. It was unlikely that their attackers would let them live, given how big the explosions sounded. Could I really end a life?


"Sorry, it's just that you look your best when you're in serious thought. I can't pass up a good shot." At that moment there were other shots fired. As he watched Sarah slide to the ground, Ryan whimpered. What's happening? Are we going to die here? I should do something, it's why we're at this school right? But what can I do? I'm not strong like Hare, brave like Lexi, or smart like Moe. All I can do is take pictures. As he thought, a chunk of the wall next to him exploded as a bullet hit it. He yelped and dropped to the ground. Move. The one word thought spurred him into action. He looked around and saw an open classroom. He put arm around Sarah, under her shoulders, and pulled her into the room. He moved a couple desks to block the door, sat down, and cried in fear. I'm going to die here. There's no way I'm not.


"I don't blame you Iz. I would have been terrified in your position. I'm not nearly as strong as you are, I probably would have died seeing as how I'm too stubborn to give up. As for you" he said, turning on Ember, who was in mid rant "what was she supposed to do in that situation. It sure looked to me like Brick wanted to kill her. Or maybe the cameras didn't translate that very well?" Anything else he was about to say got cut off by the second wave of explosions.


As the nurse healed Isabel he heard gunfire in the halls. "Right now we have more important things to worry about." Not about to waste any time, he turned on both generators. People will die today, I don't plan to be one of them


Harriet. Where is she? Her folks would never forgive me if I let something happen to her, even if it's always been her protecting me

Moe kept his barrier close enough to him that any bullets that came his way he would simply dodge, so long as he could actually see them coming. He made his way outside the gym, seeing them.


Baylee made his way towards the nurses office, determined to get to his son. As a soldier approached him he put his hand in the soldiers face and created a light so bright that it blinded the man permanently. Do not cross a Bellamy he thought as the man yelled and dropped to the ground. He picked up the man's gun. Nothing was going to stop him from being with his son.
Brinni said:
She's right. What she did would be inexcusable. But what matters is, she stopped when she realized what she were doing. You could have let her choke herself to death, but you didn't. Focus on that. You aren't a bad person Nialla. If you were, I wouldn't have a asked you to the dance. No matter how cute you are. Harriet was about to say so, and address the psychopath later, when the sound of explosions distracted her.
"We're under attack."

Fighting in a tournament was one thing, but if they were under attack Hare wasn't sure how far she was willing to go. It was unlikely that their attackers would let them live, given how big the explosions sounded. Could I really end a life?


"Sorry, it's just that you look your best when you're in serious thought. I can't pass up a good shot." At that moment there were other shots fired. As he watched Sarah slide to the ground, Ryan whimpered. What's happening? Are we going to die here? I should do something, it's why we're at this school right? But what can I do? I'm not strong like Hare, brave like Lexi, or smart like Moe. All I can do is take pictures. As he thought, a chunk of the wall next to him exploded as a bullet hit it. He yelped and dropped to the ground. Move. The one word thought spurred him into action. He looked around and saw an open classroom. He put arm around Sarah, under her shoulders, and pulled her into the room. He moved a couple desks to block the door, sat down, and cried in fear. I'm going to die here. There's no way I'm not.


"I don't blame you Iz. I would have been terrified in your position. I'm not nearly as strong as you are, I probably would have died seeing as how I'm too stubborn to give up. As for you" he said, turning on Ember, who was in mid rant "what was she supposed to do in that situation. It sure looked to me like Brick wanted to kill her. Or maybe the cameras didn't translate that very well?" Anything else he was about to say got cut off by the second wave of explosions.


As the nurse healed Isabel he heard gunfire in the halls. "Right now we have more important things to worry about." Not about to waste any time, he turned on both generators. People will die today, I don't plan to be one of them


Harriet. Where is she? Her folks would never forgive me if I let something happen to her, even if it's always been her protecting me

Moe kept his barrier close enough to him that any bullets that came his way he would simply dodge, so long as he could actually see them coming. He made his way outside the gym, seeing them.


Baylee made his way towards the nurses office, determined to get to his son. As a soldier approached him he put his hand in the soldiers face and created a light so bright that it blinded the man permanently. Do not cross a Bellamy he thought as the man yelled and dropped to the ground. He picked up the man's gun. Nothing was going to stop him from being with his son.
Ember Brook

"Oh normally I'd agree with you," she addressed him, having not really seen him around before. "But are you going to tell me that her "fight" with DuVault was self defense?" She challenged, focussing her orange eyes on him, frowning. "I understand that Brick acted much the same, but that does not excuse letting yourself sink to the same level of barbarity in a practice fight against fellow students!" She shouted, grabbing the gun of a soldier who tried to step through the door. The man shot into the cieling, before Ember breathed a torrent of flames into the man's face, causing him to drop his gun. She pulled it away from him as he curled up on the floor, crying. Killing had to always be avoided. That was the point of being a superhero, after all. "I don't know what your power is, but I would appreciate some assistance. I cannot protect you all for long." Almost to emphasize her point, another soldier stepped in, firing his gun. A bullet tore through Ember's right shoulder before she could react, as, unluckily, she hadn't been paying attention, and she hissed in pain. She turned around, a flames roaring up towards the soldier. The man dropped his gun to run, but the flames hurled him up against the wall, knocking him unconscious.

She leaned up against the wall, face screwed up in pain, holding a hand over the bullet hole, which steamed slightly. The light-colored steam curled up into the air, as she covered the doors in fire to keep anymore soldiers from getting in.
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Elastic was in mid air, dodging a ricoche of bullets, his body looked like a silly straw. He felt a twinge in his back, like he pulled a muscle. He made an unvoluntary gasp in pain as he snapped back into his normal form. Or, about to, his body knotted himself in mid snap. As he hit the gym floor his arms and legs were tied together and twisted. Fucking fuck bullshit fuck!


The white in Aidan's eyes were completely gone as the memories of two lives simultaneously played next to each other from beginning to finish. The screaming of the realization of what he was doing would not end, but his mind and body were so lost in memories he couldn't move, couldn't run, couldn't do anything as the auras of these two people seemed to just be absorbed into him.

When it was done, he scrambled to his feet. More bodies were dropping. The beast was devouring the energy of people as it broke them apart. He looked at his own trembling hands. He was a monster too. He needed to leave, get out before anyone else was in danger. He sprinted, but tripped on the blood of a soldier, skidding on the ground crashing into another dying body.

It was too late, his attempt to get away from it futile as his eyes completely went gold and he saw the memories o someone's entire life as that energy entered his body.


Clara lost control, she was swallowing two soldiers when the sharp pain in her side could no longer be ignored. A bellowed roar, she shrunk to human, her stomach looked completely torn apart. Crying out she pressed her hands on her stomach to keep in the blood. She carried bottles of remedies, arnold's tears with her for moments like this. She leaned herself against one of the trees, wincing as she reached in her bag for one of these bottles only to notice the bottom had a whole....the bag was completely empty.

Clara let out a soft whimper. A bit of bad luck could spell the difference on whether she could make it out of this alive.


The pain was sharp and numbing. Sarah could barely concentrate on anything else but the pain and the confusion. Ryan had picked her up and if he had locked the door to the classroom....the lock would not work. The chalkboard fell off the wall from what Sarah could only assume it was her. Her breathing was hitched with pain as Ryan was next to her cowering and crying.

She grabbed his hand with her trembling one. "Listen to me, Ryan," she tried sounding brave but her paled flesh and fear in her eyes betrayed her. "I need you to be brave right now, Ryan....someone needs to be brave in this room and I can't....I can't calm down."

THe windows exploded with an array of bullets. Sarah screamed ducking down pulling ryan with her. Tears ran down her eyes as she pleaded with herself to calm down, she needed to calm down. The men firing the bullets from outside just had their guns jam, one exploded in his face and killed him on impact.

She squeezed Ryan's hand desperately trying to cling onto any sense of rationality to reign her powers in....but all she wanted to do was curl in a ball and cry.
As he got pulled down Ryan saw his camera beside him. It's never as bad through the viewfinder. She needs me. I can't do this....I have to do this. He grabbed his camera and watched the classroom. He could pretend he was watching a movie, snap a few stills to show what things were like. His heart rate slowed some. "Sarah, we can get through this. They can't come through the door. Look at the screen. Pretend you're in an action movie. The beautiful damsel in distress if you want. Soon the hero is gonna show up and save us. But we need to calm down until then. You're the newspaper's crack reporter. If anybody can remain calm through a situation like this, it's you."
Sarah tried to keep the internal screaming just internal as she realized her misfortune had outright killed a man. A man that was going to kill them without a second thought, but she...she killed him with her powers. Her mouth hung open, lip quivering she was spiraling further and further down the rabbit hole. Until Ryan squeezed her hand back and spoke to her.


She looked around the room. "How about we play John McClain, shall we?" Her voice trembling but it was regaining confidence. "The vents. Up there we are away from immediate danger until someone comes....and...." she was an investigative reporter. Danger like this should not be this terrifying. "And...and...you won't get a better camera shot than a view from above."

Sarah still squeezed his hand pulling the two of them to their feet. Her shoulder ached and she winced. As the two of them used the desks and furniture to get up to the vent, take off the cover and pull themselves in, Sarah knew that if she had been alone right now...there was no fathomable way she would be alive or in control....she wasn't sure if Ryan understood how much she was reliant on him in these moments.


Unfortunately for everyone else....misfortune was still on and blaring.
With the intense, burning pain over and done with, Vi could finally start focusing on everything around her. Bullets. Enemies were firing. They had to be dealt with. "I'll handle them." Vi said, ignoring Ember's criticisms. She got up, still feeling the effects of the pain, looked to Leon, and back to the attacking organization. Without any other preparation, Vi pushed against the wall behind her, knocking some vials and pill bottles over, in an attempt to get the drop on them.

Problem is, she pushed too hard, and was flying across the long school hallway, away from the action. Shit. She said, turning around to take down the attackers. Vi threw several anchored pushes at them, and at least succeeded in distracting them from the nurse's office. "Powered freak." One screamed as they chased her down the hall, firing several bullets. Vi tried dodging, but it seemed that her emotions had compromised her powers, as each push was harder or softer than it needed to be. She felt a bullet hit her upper left arm, and turned.

The three men were closing in, but lucky for her their guns all either were out of ammunition or jammed up. Vi took advantage, and pushed herself at high speed into one of them, slamming into the man and throwing him into the ground. Now within spitting distance of the other two, Vi anchored herself to the ground and pushed against both men, hitting them with the speed of a truck. Her powers seemed to flicker in that moment, and she didn't hit them with the full intended force. They were each unconscious, but alive. Vi grabbed the gun of the only conscious man, and fired, accidentally firing seven rounds into him when she meant to fire one. At close range most of those hit his body, so he was unlikely to get back up. She turned, after preparing herself for the recoil, to the other two men and aimed the gun at the neck of the first one, and was about to fire, when-

She heard a woman, screaming. Vi knew the voice from anywhere. Aiden's parents, or his mom at least, needed help. She dropped the gun in front of the two unconscious men, and dashed towards the sounds of Annalise Turner.


At Min and Lexi's insistence, Nialla had every intention of dropping her barrier, but Kane ordered them to get to safety, and Nia decided she would instead strengthen it. Only, the problem was, the barrier seemed to collapse as soon as she tried boosting its strength. "W-what? My barrier just..." Nialla didn't understand what had happened to it.

There was no point in dwelling on it, if they were going to help anyone they had to move. Nialla didn't know where to go, so she simply entered the building with a One barrier in front of herself. If her last barrier was any indication, it wouldn't protect her from much, but it was far more than nothing, and would at least buy some time before she could respond with a stronger barrier.


Things had been going mostly smoothly on Nat's end. Any enemies had been eliminated by Darke or Elastic before the parents could remotely see their attackers, but finally, after getting nearly out of the school, she saw a woman rappel down, aim her SMG, and fire, directly at Natalie.

Nat fired her piercing dart before the woman could fire, but the bullets still fired, and Nat felt intense pain in her stomach. Two bullets missed, but one didn't. "Shit. Henry, keep going. I'm hit." She wouldn't be able to keep up with them long, especially if the pain she was immediately feeling was any indicator. The woman who fired her gun was twitching, as the dart tore through her skin and bone. She'd die slowly.

Despite the agonizing pain which bending down brought, Natalie picked up the SMG and sat on one of the hall benches, waiting for someone to come her way. She wouldn't die without getting at least slowing their attackers down.
Kane. Nia. It didn't matter about being safe. Aidan was in there. As the barrier fell lexi ran full speed.

But her body seemed to halfway through the void and half not, gust of air breaking around her just by physical and speed, she crashing into one of the closed doors, topping over in pain.

What the fuck was that?!


The bullet had gone straight through...in that sense nat was lucky that the metal wouldn't be stuck in her. Arnold cooed, rubbing his head against Nats neck ad he walked onto her chest.

Tears fell into the wound, it slowly began to heal.


"Darke, I can't get myself unfucking stuck, you need to take fucking charge!" Tim yelled. He rolled himself under a pile of debris as he tried getting his arms and legs free.


Robert picked up his screaming son, bullets still going like wildfire and bodies dropping left and right.

"Dad get away. I cant....I don't want to do it to you!" Robert didn't understand why his son was crying.

The golden glow not fading away was anot indicator of what it could be. "Right now we are getting you out of here."

"Where's mom?"

"I don't know, well find her but you need to keep moving with me. Whatever you see or feel....you have to keep moving with me."

He didn't give his son a chance to respond pulling him along through the chaos.

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