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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

Breathe, Aidan, breathe. You can do this. Just close your eyes and all the monsters and the colors go away. It's back to normal. Your normal.

He closed his eyes feeling his heart racing in his chest. Heroes were not scared, and if they were....they faced their fears anyways. They stood their ground in the face of danger. They got ready to defend like Lexi and Leon. Whatever was going on with Rachel, the two of them were not attacking her but waiting for her to go first. And here he was, having a panick attack up against the lockers unknowingly covered in her blood. The trench coat was dripping.

He started to side step closer to the beast, his hands pressing hard on the aluminum hollow metal of the lockers.

He felt Lexi flicker infront of him placing her hand on his chest protectively. "Don't."

"I c-can do this," he faultered. He couldn't. But this was an ordinary girl. There wasn't anger or rage or any monster qualities in her. Just fear. "Lexi please...let me try."

"You literally-"

He stopped her squeezing her hand. "This isn't Lou-Louise. I saw this girl earlier...she's scared. The very second that th-thing swings you can jump in. I know you move faster than anything recordable."

"No. I'm not-"

"We're both scared....if I don't do this....with a friend...then how are we ever going to move past what happened?"

Lexi bit her lip, her foot rapidly tapping as she stared at the huge monster, it was twitching. "Fine. But I'm not letting you go. Do what you want to, but I'm not letting you go, alright?"

He nodded trying to coax himself to take a step off the locker wall. He could do this. But his body was sweating, his skin white as sheets. He barely saw Rachel's grey aura....but he took his first step, then the second. He knelt, Lexi having her hand on his shoulder, ready to flicker him away the moment it lunged. It was all going to be ok. There was no reason he should be scared.

He placed his hand on the beast. "R-rachel...if you can hear me...you can fight this. I know you're str-stronger." Friends supported friends, that's what they did. And no matter how scared he was, he didn't want anyone to change who he fundamentally was...and that included looking at people and trying to see the best in them.

The Beast

The Beast made no response to any of this, its three white eyes continuing to stare at their respective flesh-bags. However, all three eyes turned to stair at the blind one, as he stood up, his fear-stench permeating the air. It watched as the fast one stepped infront of the blind one, denying it the easy kill. It continued to stare wordlessly, as the boy knelt down in front of it. It prepared to strike as the boy touched its shoulder....

Inside, Rachel heard his words, and she was filled with dread. She could feel The Beast, feel it preparing to strike... So she struck first. With all her effort and all her strength, she launched herself forward, hoping to beat the stunned beast.

To the others, they could see Rachel's pale white left hand shoot out of the Beast's shoulder, taking hold of Aiden's. Rachel forced the Beast back, holding it there as she held Aiden's hand, the boy with the glowing eyes that she loved, and that she would not deny loving. It was that love, or atleast her own determination to survive, that caused the Beast to collapse upon itself, the darkness being absorbed back into the black-haired girl.

She offered him a weak smile, and a murmured "Thanks". This time, she didn't immediately pass out. She held his hand for a few more moments, enjoying the contact, before she let go, so Lexi wouldn't attempt murder. Aiden could see her grey aura glow, and the Beast recede, although always present, although he could not see her smile.
Min watched in awe and horror as Leon fought that other kid. Holding her breath at every movement between the two she nearly fainted. Clenching her hands tightly together she watched worriedly as the two exchanged blows. Quietly hating the Knight kid for hitting Leon. I hate this, I hate this so much. When it finally ended she watched as the two of them knocked each other out. Min wanted to run to him; however the teachers got to him first. They carried both of them to the infirmary.

She looked around not sure who she would find.

The announcer called the next two contestants.

Impede vs. Red Hurricane

Min was about to follow Leon when someone stopped her. It was a small stout woman with stubby fingers. She didn't seem like a parent so she must have been a recruiter. "Hey aren't you next? Go on and get out there!!" Being pushed into the circle Min stumbled and growled.

The last place she wanted to be was in the center of it all. Why was I placed after Leon?

Moe heard his name, "Impede" and got up from his seat. Maybe I should just forfeit. I don't know who I'm up against, but unless it’s Nia or the German kid, I doubt I have much of a chance. He walked to the arena and stopped when he saw Min. Hmm maybe I misspoke. I might be able to win this, if she doesn't do what she did to get through the obstacle course.

Moe gave her a wave and settled with his hands in his pockets, waiting for the start bell to ring.

Min hesitantly stood in the arena. I shouldn't be doing this. I should be by Leon's side not fighting this Impede person.

She looked around not sure who she would find. Looking through the crowd she realized that no one from her past was here. Her mother had better things to do, her brother and sister off on their own adventures, and her father...gone. She couldn't even see Nia through the thick crowed. With Leon gone, Min realized she was completely alone.

Clenching her fist she did her best to ignore the pain. It didn't matter if mother doesn't care, or everyone else is gone. I can live without them. I have for this long. Turing her head as her opponent walked up and waved to her. Aggravated by her own problems Min did not wave back. Instead her eyes shone a dangerous crimson as she took control of the world in her radius.

As the bell rung she raised her hand out and from the ground four sharpened stones burst from underneath her. Spinning them around rapidly Min sent them flying out of her radius headed straight for Moe.

Moe brought his radius in to encompass just the arena. This wouldn't be a flashy fight like Leon's or a bloodbath like Louise's, but he was determined to make it a good one. As the stones slowed he began swaying and turning to avoid the four stones. He dodged three, but the fourth scratched his arm as it flew past. Misjudged.

Giving a soft tisk she decided to get closer. I want to end this quickly. Min's body began to shake as the ground underneath her shook again. Five feet of the ground tore from the ground as it shaped into a sharp pointed drill. Rising above Moe, Min aimed the drill tip right for him. As it began to spin, Min shifted gravity and began to speed down towards him the drill still in her radius. Her eyes glowing with power she was prepared to crush Moe if need be.

Contracting the field, he watched as she slowed down further. He simply walked out of the drills way, got up close to Min when it hit the ground, and punched her in the stomach. This isn't nearly as much of a challenge as I thought it would be.

Min winced as she stumbled back trying her best to stay on her feet. Clutching her stomach she could feel something rising up. Min's powers caught onto Moe's body she felt every little cell in his body. She held him there as smile grew on his face. The air around her condensed into millions of tiny pins. The temperature dropped instantly freezing the air in place. The needles focused on Moe. There was a whisper in her mind. Do it slowly let's want to see him bleed. The needles came close to Moe's skin and eyes. As Min stood up straight the darkness clearly dancing at the edge of her mind.

Min suddenly felt the cool shock of electricity behind her. The frozen air melted and her hold on Moe was released. She turned her head and whispered under her breath, "father?"

Just as he was trying to figure out what to do about being unable to move, the hold he was in released. He saw his chance. He ran up top her and with as much strength gave her a shove towards the edge of the arena, watching as she stumbled and fell off.

The bell signaling the end of the fight rang, but it was nearly lost in the disappointed groans of the crowd at how dull the battle was. Moving towards his opponent he offered his hand, looking away as he saw the dress riding high. "You ok" He asked.

Min didn't even notice the dress she looked up at her former opponent a little dazed. Taking his hand she blinked a few times, her eyes returning to normal, before stammering out a bashful. "O-oh! Umm, y-yes I'm fine." Did I make that up or was it really... She stood up thinking about what she felt back there. That electricity was made of Dark Matter, what father's power was. Smiling she gave a little chuckle, laughing at how she seemingly flopped in the tournament.

Moving a strand of her hair behind her ear she looked at Moe, her face soft and pleasant. "Thank you." She gave a soft blush as she slid her hand out of his. "Um, nice fight and good luck in the second round." She gave a bashful smile not sure what to say.

"Thanks. I feel a little bad about taking advantage of whatever distracted you, but you gotta do what you can to get ahead in this tournament. Look at the bright side; you've got plenty of time to get all dressed up for the dance tonight now. I guess I'll see you around?" Moe shrugged his shoulder then turned and faced the crowd, waving in his victory. Hare's up soon I think, and against Nia. Kind of a one sided fight. Knowing her though she'll make it look good for the cameras.

Min smiled, "don't be. I'm actually glad. I'll see you around." With that she walked off and went to go find Leon and the others. Father was there I just know it. Beaming with joy she made her way through the crowd and into the halls.
"And that's why I don't get involved until clean up," the nurse finished her lollipop and flicked it to the side. "Kiddies, I'm going to break this to you as kindly as I can because I have one of you that has a constant need to drop little fuckers off in my office. You are all learning to be supers out in the world the the ones you make movies and comics about. Fun fact iron clause in signing here you all sold your power identity rights for media use to Hapswell with enrollment so you're not going to see a dime of it. Anyway, point is....we teachers staff we only get involved in true emergencies because with you folks you aren't normies. You're learning to become monsters like that wolf beast or heroes like that fucking blind idiot. I swear to God Turner after the miracle I pulled out of my ass to save your life you use it to die the next day I will find you in the pits of hell and it won't be pretty. Don't any of you EVER ask me to get involved unless drama is in my office and in my space. You got it?" She didn't wait for anyone to nod but motioned her door was open. "Bring Fido in. My brother is going to have fun mopping this fucking mess."


Aidans heart spiked as it grabbed his arm, only for the internal screaming to dissappear as it turned out to be Rachel.

He saw what she had said to Lexi while he was unconscious on the bed, the clear broken look on her face....while seeing lexis reaction to the hug at the same time. And as Rachel morphed into her true self he had seen at once, his head felt like it was splitting, being in the minds and emotional turmoil of two girls over whether or not aidan should see her.

Earlier today he would have been angry. He would have told lexi she knew better that this wasn't the kid he knew the past two months. Right now....he used his free hand and brought it up squeezing the hand on his shoulder.

The two of them weren't the same people...everything changed and everything including this revelation was too much. If Rachel needed a friend....he would be there like, but if what she needed from him was this...he could never give it to her. He would have to talk to her privately when this all settled.

Right now he squeezed Lexis hand smiling at Rachel not sure if she was awake or asleep. "T-told you, that you were strong enough."

One flicker and the energy was gone. Lexi had placed her in the nurses cot and returned hugging him tightly as if letting him go he would fade away.

"Let's uh....let's go cheer Min on." Aidan finally let out, but as he finished the sentence the TV in the nurse's room announced moe had won.
As the creature collapsed in on itself, Leon was shocked to see the girl that had dragged Aidan's mother out. What the hell kind of power is that? I'm just glad this is over for now, I'm not sure what we could have done next....short of killing it. He heard the tv announce that Min had lost. He had mixed feelings. On the one hand he a little disappointed. He was rooting for his girlfriend, expecting her to go far given how strong her power seemed to be, imagine the pride he would have felt if his girlfriend had gone on to win the entire thing. On the other hand, and this one overpowered the other feeling of disappointment, now there was nothing that could stop him from spending the rest of the day with her. Neither had matches to pull them away from each other. The only reason for Leon to leave her side was to get ready for the dance. Which, come to think of it, he wasn't sure if it was a costume dance, a formal dance, or a casual dance. He supposed he should find out, so he could wear the right outfit.

Walking up to Aidan he asked "You've gone through a couple of these before right? Do you know what kind of dance it is?"

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Harriet watched the fights, but want really feeling them. The one between Leon and his opponent was exciting enough, even having a double knockout for an ending. She was surprised when Moe won his bout. But it wasn't enough to light a fire in her. Given her opponent she wasn't thrilled at the thought of fighting Nia either. She sighed.
"Alright there, Fido, three more caffeine tablets and we're good to go." The nurse placed her hands onto Rachel's chest and the warm energy of her healing abilities began to do wonders. For one quick millisecond, Rachel would feel an intense BURNING pain, like her bones were splitting hairline fractures across from her skull to her toes, but then the warm energy took over again and completed the job.

She was getting tired. If this kept up, all her concentration to funnel her abilities to do a good deed to excruciating pain.

(The rest of the healing for tourney and the rest of the day is going to be GREAT)


Aidan got to his feet, losing balance on Rachel's blood, Lexi grabbed his arm before he had the chance to faceplant in something he most definitely didn't want to. "Semi-formal. You uh....some kids get very fancy with it. Most semi-formal, then you have a few kids wearing jeans. It's just a dance for kids and the parents that have lingered on abit. Hapswell gets very drunk every year, celebrating how successful the tournament was."

Aidan didn't realize was he got drunk off counting the final number of dollars he earned at the tournament. (To be fair, Elastic earned that money along with Darke and any teacher that put it together. Loretta babysat him by letting him color Dora the Explorer books and play with toys to not bother anyone from doing their actual jobs.)

Lexi physically groaned at the idea of wearing a dress. She picked up her helmet, blood splattered spots were on it, along with her uniform as she placed it back on her head. "I'll just be glad for the day to be over....and things to wind down. I thought every day at this school was crazy, the tournament makes all this shit normal school routine in comparison."

Twice Aidan had quelled whatever the FUCK that thing inside Rachel was, and twice Lexi was both proud and pissed about it. Because I love him. Not the best thing to hear today....ironically not the worst thing that happened to her today but it fueled her with a rage she couldn't quite calm down. Nia had her fight next, a bittersweet thought there. She wanted Nia to succeed.....but she had done something that Lexi was going to need to talk to her about and if-

"It's not Nia's fault," Aidan said as the three of them were walking down the hall towards the gym. Lexi stopped.

"I didn't say-"

"I feel it. It's not her fault and you know it."

"I know she didn't-"

"But you blame her for how long it lasted. Just try to remember it's not so we can cheer our friend on. We already missed Min's fight."

Her nose scrunched as the top of her lip twitched. "Fine. It's not her fault."

It didn't sound very convincing, but he'd take it.

He turned to his friend, "Are you going for the full tux or semi-formal look?"
Min made her way down the halls her feet floating off the ground. She was happy even though she had lost the tournament. Her hair began to rise and dance as she hummed a soft melody. The song was from her childhood, a lullaby her father used to sing to her every night after they were rescued. And your boat waits down by the key. The winds of night, so softly are sighing. Soon they will fly your troubles to sea. So close your eyes on Hushabye Mountain. Wave goodbye, to cares of the day. The film it came from was the only thing that could put the twins to sleep when they were babies.

Feeling her father's power lifted her spirits higher than ever before. She missed him deeply, knowing he still remembered her was uplifting. Min could still feel the crackle of the electricity on her back. Father was here. Floating toward the nurse's office the voices in her head were nonexistent as her joy took over the darkness. Stopping towards the nurse's office she saw the others crowding around it. Staring dumbly she let her power fade, as her eyes returned to normal and her feet touched the ground. Walking over to them she smiled as she saw Leon. "Hey guys."

Placing a hand on Leon's shoulder she kissed his cheek and smiled. Looking to the other's she was glowing with joy. "What's up? Are you all ready for Nia's fight up next?" Min wasn't even mad that her friends weren't there to cheer her on.

@CosmicChangeling @Brinni @SirDerpingtonIV

Lux VS Ember

Lux had heard quite a bit about Ember, and he would be lying to himself if he said he wasn't nervous about the coming match. She was highly skilled and highly dangerous, and there was nothing she loved quite more than a fight. She used her fire excessively and was known for overwhelming her opponents before they could respond. He was not exactly eager to go charging headlong into the fire, but what kind of hero would he be if he just submitted? He made his way to the arena, hovering over it. He raised his fists, preparing himself for the fight. He waited for Ember to appear, until he saw a girl in armor, lugging a cart full of... Rocks... Approach the stage. She pulled out the hilt of a sword, raising it into the air above the cart, before she suddenly burst into flames, too bright for him to look at, as she plunged the hilt into the rocks. He stared, horrified for his immediate future, as the girl pulled the hilt from the cart, a blade of molten rock forming from the hilt. He continued to stare as she stepped onto the arena, her molten blade held in the right hand, although she wore no gloves. She turned to him, a smile on her face, her Amber-colored eyes alight with the fire that danced all around her.

He simply froze. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. And she was going to utterly destroy him. She offered him a smile,
"Are you ready to begin, hover boy?" She taunted, continuing to grin at him. He could only nod in response, still mesmerized. "C'mon then. Show me what you've got. We've got to entertain these people somehow." With those words, she pointed her sword towards him, a blast of fire rocketing out towards him. He barely dodged out of the way, before she hurled a fireball at him with her open hand, which he also dodged. He dodged and weaved his way around her attacks, trying to get behind her, but she was engulfed in flames and he could not get close to her.

Strangely, as if she realized that, the flames disappeared, remaining on her sword and hand only. He could see her wink at him, before she hurled another fireball his way. He barely dodged this one, searing the back of his "onesie". He frowned, and dived down towards her. He moved too fast for her blade, which cut through the air a foot behind him. He swung around, kicking her in the back and sending her stumbling forwards.

She turned, laughing,
"You have to hit me harder than that if you want to win!" As she slashed her blade, a line of flames shooting towards him. He soared above it, before diving back down again, swinging a fist at her. She swung her own flaming fist, and he slowed down, too late to pull away before her fist hit him dead center. The searing pain sent him flying back, providing quite a scene for the audience, although she hadn't hit him that hard. He shook his head in pain, as Ember raised her left hand up, a fireball forming, growing larger and larger. She was giving Lux time to recover, although no one knew but her. She knew the fight wasn't all that fair for him, and that if she just wiped him out it wouldn't be entertaining for anyone involved. This was too fun to end immediately anyways... Provided he remained standing after this attack.

Lux paused, seeing the massive fireball, forming a plan. He would let her throw the fireball, before he flew out of the way and attacked her while she was weak. It had to work... Right? As soon as she threw the fireball, which was now... Wider than he was tall, he flew as fast as he could. He successfully dodged it, and let out a triumphant shout.... Only for his very short victory to be cut down by the fireball exploding behind him, hurling him down into the arena floor with a smack, although he spared himself too much damage using his power.

Ember winced, making her way over to him. She got down on one knee infront of the boy, holding out her hand, which lost its fire.
"Good fight Lux," she chuckled, only smiling as he took her hand, shaking it, thankfully not too injured. She pulled him too his feet, raising her burning blade up into the air triumphantly, holding his hand up with hers. She turned to him, letting go of his hand to clap him on the back with a laugh, before she turned to leave the arena, dropping the now solid, cooling rocks back into the cart, sheathing the blade as her fire went out.

She left him staring for a few moments, before he shook his head to clear his thoughts, and stepped off the arena as well, heading to take his place in the crowd.
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Rachel Miller

She was too weak to supply Aiden with an answer, although her smile, if he could have seen it, would've been an answer in of itself. Of course, he could feel her gratitude, before Lexi picked her up and hauled her to the Nurse's office. Rachel couldn't gather up the strength to feel anything negative about it either. Staying awake was enough anyways. She didn't say anything to the Nurse, who seemed pissed off enough on her own. Rachel simply let out a sigh as the healing began to set in, before her entire body seized up as the terrible pain washed through her. Her eye was wide with confusion, having no guess as to where the pain bad come from, but as it was gone after, she guessed she might have just imagined it. She stood, giving a "Thanks" to the Nurse, before she left the office. She waved to Aiden and the others outside, calling out a "Sorry", not wanting to say anything more, as to avoid a confrontation.

She made her way down to the gym, taking her seat in the stands, watching the fight between her adopted brother and this Ember girl. It didn't last that long though, and she felt a bit of pity for Lux, considering how badly he had lost. Atleast the girl had been decent about it.
"Full suit" he responded. "If you're gonna dress up you may as well go the whole way. I don't own a tux so a suit will have to do."

As he felt Min kiss his cheek he snaked his arm around her waist, not even thinking about the movement, and brought her closer. "Sorry I had to miss your fight, we had something to deal with here. But yes, I'm ready to see Nia's fight." Together with his friends, he made his way to the gym hand-in-hand with Min.
Nialla stood in the gym, ten feet away from Natalie and Elastic. She was forcing herself to show a steeled expression despite the internal turmoil she felt. She was shorter than both of them (Elastic by 2 inches), but felt like a Titan compared to them at the moment. "Fourteen years, mom. My entire life you let me believe my dad was dead." She forced herself to sound strong, but her underlying voice was shaky.

"We know. All I can do is apologize." Nat said. She was genuine, Nia knew, but it didn't mean she had to like the answer.

"How long were you going to keep it secret?" Nialla felt like she already knew the answer: to the grave. That was the kind of person her mom was, once a secret always a secret.

"Until you graduated from college." It sounded genuine, but Nialla knew she was lying, she had to be.

Finally letting a few tears fall, Nialla turned around and headed to the arena, more furious than anything. She wiped the tears as she looked up at the next set of fighters, and recognized her own and Hare's superhero names up there. She wanted to keep sobbing.
At this point, it was safe to assume the devices that Elastic and Darke did find were destroyed. But the damage had already been done. He had gone into his office and after throwing most of his crap around, he had found his old super suit. The material stretched on its own, white, with navy blue sides, one white streak in the middle on each end. The bowtie was thrown off, the suspsenders tossed to the side along with the rest of of his teacher attire. Dust popped in the air as he slid into it. The damn thing hadn't been put on in over a decade.

Still fit like a glove. He wasn't sure what he expected. A sense of home. A sense of nostalgia. Nothing. Not even anger. These were the moments when the epiphany tree came and beat the shit out of you for some sort of awakening, and he was standing like a dumbass waiting to feel some sense of worth or heroism or bravery....something.

No. This was Tim Sheppherd wearing old tights and there was nothing magical about this moment. Grabbing a wind breaker he covered himself, so it was just the unitard legs that were showing, with his navy blue boots to boot. (Gloves and mask were placed in the pockets.) It wasn't that hard to find Nat, he grabbed her arm gently a good ten feet away, snapping himself like a band right next to her. "Hapswell won't call it off. There's not much I can-CLARA!"

The dirty blonde turned her head, she was talking to a few parents standing across from them. Giving a polite 'it was nice to meet you' she walked over to the two of them. "Elastic, Mrs. Blake. Can I help you two with anything?"

"Do your stupid animal thing and sniff out intruders."

"What sort of intruders are you-"

"Just fucking," he rubbed the bridge of his nose, "Turn into a dog or whatever...if you see movement or groups scout and come back or get rid of it."

SHe looked at the two of them. "I want to ask for more specifics so I can do a better job, but I feel you're just going to get in an angry rant and hurl me out the window. So....I'll go off the vague answer of anything that moves or doesn't smell right." Most people in Clara's position would say laced in sarcasm, but not Clara Turner. She gave a nod, shifting shape into a black panther. Running through the crowd, parents would get startled and try to jump away, but the crazy animal lover was more agile and nimble in these forms than she was in real life.

And that's when Nia had come, a steely expression of bravery and anger looking at the two of them. His blunder and mistake at shouting at the two of them and storming off was not the best course of action (To be fair Hapswell was using Loretta's power to send a sharp piercing sound until he did show upt, but still not warrented)

"Nia, I left your mother, this isn't on her."

But with tears brimming in her eyes as mother and daughter spoke she stormed off walking off. "Nia stop!" She didn't. She had the fucking Sheppherd anger and stubbornness in her, but Elastic was able to keep up. "I'm not getting into this....or how it came out. But you need to listen to me. Tracking devices were found at the bleachers. Something is coming. Today. You need to go with your mom, somewhere safe."
If anyone cared. I doubt it, because I really didn't, Annalise was in Aidan's room trying to pack up his belongings as Roberrt was unpacking the boxes saying she was crazy. There was belittling shouts like 'you worthless shriveled up shrew', 'you never gave me an orgasm my entire life' 'jesus-loving nut cruncher' and so on....it really wasn't riveting. It was depressing. In 17 years of marriage this was one of the first fights Robert deemed worth going toe-to-toe with a fucking monster sack-eater. And he was losing horribly.


The four walked into the gym together so they could find a seat and support their friend...Lexi's best friend...Nia. She knew deep in her heart of hearts, Aidan was right. None of this was Nia's fault and Lexi was lashing out on her (in her head, knowing the two haven't met face to face just yet) but it was hard. With Nia's advice, Lexi went out and apologized to Louise (who no doubt now in Lexi's mind was probably laughing her ass off at how gullible and stupid Clark had been) and she had thrown up the barrier allowing Aidan to get worse. It shouldn't have mattered, aidan was fine and he was safe but she was still angry.

Aidan, on the other hand.....was not having a great time. There were moments his glowing golden eyes would turn and look at Min. Red eyes following her around, hands grabbing at her energy as if it was already claimed. They were looking at him. Whatever those things were....whatever was going on with min, those eyes were following him.

The moment the gym doors opened the darkness was illuminated with colors upon colors of people. His hand gripped Lexi's trying to keep himself calm. (Loretta was right to say a few of them a year were accepted. Aidan counted at minimum 30 people at this school, not including the girl in the truck and you. He began counting until they had found a seat where the view would be better.
Min blushed as he placed his arm around her waist. Her waist was slender so his arm completely wrapped around her. Her heart beat rapidly as he pulled her close. Placing a hand on his chest she rested herself against him. She hadn't been held by Leon like this before. It surprised her at first, but she liked it. Looking up at him she smiled, "it's fine. It was uneventful. I hope you're all alright." She looked at them worriedly as she walked with them to the gym. Oh I hope they were alright. Everyone seems fine. Although that girl who passed her by earlier seemed distraught. She still feels so familiar, but I can't place where I know her form.

Min held Leon's hand tightly intertwining her fingers with his. She looked at him with soft loving eyes. Happy to just be close to him. As they sat Min noticed Aidan staring at her from the corner of her eye. She wondered why, and more importantly how, he seemed to be staring directly at her. Well more like around me. Looking up above, she didn't see anything. How strange. Min would have addressed it, but they entered the gym. Sitting down Min saw Nia in walking towards the arena and waved to her trying to get her attention. "Nia!! Nia!!" She smiled at her, "Good Luck!! We're all cheering for you!! We know you can do it!!"

@Brinni @CosmicChangeling @Homage @SirDerpingtonIV


Bran had vanished from the nurse's office before Aidan could ask for his room number. Bran was off on the boy's dormitory roof with his laptop he sent the order to give the Clark family a all expense paid trip on a tropic cruise for the whole family. He made it look like a giveaway from Mr. Clarks workplace. He heard the growls of the monster underneath them. However, he knew that Aidan could take care of Rachel. It was his brother who told him about the beast. He didn't let it bother him. However, he knew that if he ever told Rachel she'd flip out. He wished she could trust him more, but then again she had such a sturdy wall around her heart.

Bran made his way back into the dormitory and changed into some casual clothing. He had no need for his suit, but kept the heavy duty under armor underneath his clothes. With that he went to Aidan's room. Bran had a brail machine in his room so he decided to write the kid a note telling him where to met tomorrow morning. Making his way there he heard arguing echoing down the hall. Then he saw what he assumed to be the Turners arguing in their son's room. Fixing his hair he looked at the two of them, "excuse me. I'm leaving a note for Aidan to meet me tomorrow for his training. Where is the best place for me to do so."He looked around at the two of them. It was obvious they were in disagreement over their son's future here.

(Sukes you clever mischievous devil, you just want to see more hate spewed Christian comments from Annalise before she returns home)

"There will be no training," annalise hissed. She snatched the note the small well dressed child had and crumbled it into a ball.

Robert quickly bent down and uncrumbled it, rubbing the paper on his legs to smooth out the wrinkles. "She doesn't mean it. She is just very frazzled with what happened earlier. I would hang onto this and come by later tonight when we aren't here."

"For the last fucking time Robert he is coming home with us today. " annalise was tossing aidans clothes onto the floor. Tit's, his flimsy suits (to this day Aidan believed that the school had school uniforms it just wasn't mandatory. There is no school uniform you blind oaf) until she stoppedoesn't, holding a clear case with a flower in it.

This was not her son'so handwriting, but he saw the name LEXI?

She let out a yell of aggravation as that fucking whore had made her way into her sons room. Annalise threw the container on the ground and began stomping on it aggressively.

"So...as I said after we are gone and the Mrs. Has calmed down. It is very nice to meet one of Aidans friends though," He held out his hand to introduce himself.
Bran kept a calm respectful face, but internally was surprised by the strange dynamic of the family. Never really having a mother figure in his life he wondered if all mother's were all like this. Looking at the parents argue, the mother wanting Aidan to leave, the father thinking it's best for him to stay. He could empathize with them if he'd seen his son brutally beaten like Aidan was, he'd be angry as well. However, he'd let his child stay.

Aidan was alive, and he was making friends here. It would be scary, but at some point you have to let your son go. In his case, his adopted father may have done it a bit too early. Even then, both Bran and Corbin flourished in his absence. Taking the note back he placed it in his pocket. Having spares of the note just in case something happened to the first one. "I understand."

Bran smiled and took the father's hand. Shaking it firmly, he spoke clearly so both could hear him. "Bran Knight, it's nice to meet you." Although he hated using his last name as a attention getter, it was a useful tool. The Kinght family name was everywhere it's nearly impossible for anyone not to know who he is.

Vrel Versus Bloquear

As Harriet heard the announcer call for her match she settled on a course of action. Giving Nia a little finger wave she settled herself into a position where she could dash at her. I should make it look like I care for this. The bell rang, signaling the start of the match and she ran at Nia with the speed of a rocket. Stopping right in front of her she waved. Lowering her voice she said "I don't particularly want to fight. I'd hate to mess up that pretty face of yours. I'd much rather take you to the dance instead. What do you say?" At Nia's acceptance, Harriet stepped back and raised her hand. "I just wanted to see if I could make it this far" she shouted so the assembled crowd could hear, "I forfeit." She walked off the arena, leaving Nia standing there.


Rachel Miller

Rachel frowned, grumbling as she sat in the stands. She was hoping for a fight, not a few whispered words and a forfeit. But none the less, atleast it wasn't an absolute beat-down like Aiden's. She had managed to watch a replay of it in the Nurse's office, and had winced in sympathetic pain every time Louise had hit him, and he simply hasn't respawned. Rachel could hear Lux's parents speaking to one another, as Lux approached them, taking a seat with his parents. They congratulated him, showering him with the praise and affection they had always shown. They gave him tips and advice, his father showing him step-by-step holograms of tips that he could have used, telling him. "You'd get it next time" while his mother fussed over his burnt costume, tugging at the frayed, singed strings. Rachel only watched, frowning slightly. The two of them, Mark Allen and Liana Allen, did try to help her like they did Lux, but they never knew her secret, although they could always sense her darkness, and were always too wary to truly love her as their daughter.

"She sure kicked your ass, Lux," she chuckled, elbowing him in the ribs, a grin on her face.

She could see him sigh and smile, nodding his head. "She sure did. I didn't stand a chance." For a moment, he looked far away, entranced. She raised an eyebrow at that, grinning only wider. She realized that he must have fancied her considering the far-off look in his eyes while he looked off at the arena. She couldn't help her wolfish grin of the devious look in her eyes, as she asked, "You like her, don't you Lux?"

Lux Allen

Lux's cheeks turned red and he shook his head. Rachel was teasing him and he knew it. "I don't!" He denied, cheeks turning even redder. He frowned as Rachel poked his cheeks and continues to taunt him. He turned to his parents, hoping they hadn't heard, only to see both of his blonde haired parents smiling at him. His mother opened her mouth and began to assure him that "being attracted to someone at this age was natural" and that "it was part of growing up", while beginning, once again, to talk about how she and his father had met at high school, and she turned to Mark and began to ask him if he remembered.

He rolled his eyes and turned to Rachel, who was busy miming to vomit, laughing, letting out the occasional snort. "You all always gang up on me whenever I even look at a girl!" He protested, although it did nothing, as Rachel began to sing in a voice not made for singing, "Lux and Ember sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Lux punched her in the shoulder and she continued to laugh. "You're acting like an 8 year old!" He cried out, only for Rachel to nod and continue to laugh.

Lux could hear his father begin to speak, "It's alright Lux. What girl wouldn't go for a handsome young man like you? You're kind, smart, and you're going to be a great hero!" His father said, clapping him on the shoulder. Lux only mumbled, looking down to avoid his family and their teasing, until he could head them go quiet, and feel the air behind him grow quite pleasantly warm.

"Good fight, Lux. You lasted a bit longer than a lot of other kids here would have. Good job. But in the end I still roasted you. No one here can take the heat I guess," He could hear the voice laugh at its pun, and clap him on the shoulder with a very warm hand. He turned to see Ember's smiling face, and could feel his entire face flush a rather embarrassing Crimson. "I-I.. Thanks.. Yeah... I really.. Thanks..." He stuttered out, unable to get any words out. He could feel himself sweating like he was inside a furnace, although he couldn't tell if it was just Ember's power, or Ember's beauty that was making him so nervous. Ember gave him a queer look, before she simply laughed. "See you later. I want to prepare for my next barbecue. Also, you ok? I'm not boiling you alive, am I?"

He simply shook his head hearing the worry in her voice. He could see her smile, although he couldn't hear her farewell, as she turned to walk away. He continued to sit there, in the silence for a few seconds, before Rachel and his parents started up the teasing again, and he simply hovered away, leaving the gym, moving into the hallway.

(Anyone who wants to interact with Lux can do it now)

Nialla had planned for a fight in which she'd be on pure defensive, knowing all she could do is delay her inevitable defeat. But her opponent seemed to have other ideas. Harriet just walked up to her and answered Nialla's internal desires with the question that Nialla had been burning to ask. Nialla awkwardly answered in the affirmative, her face rapidly turning red.

When Hare ended up forfeiting, Nialla stood there shocked for a moment, before following her out of the arena, ignoring the weird looks from onlookers. Due to how distracted she was by Hare's confession and request, Nialla didn't pay attention to the face of the girl putting her splinter cell mask on in the waiting room. If she had turned around for just a second, looked in her direction at all, Nialla would found Vi.

Finally catching up to Hare, Nialla gave her a confused look. "Hare, are you sure about this?" Forfeiting didn't help aspiring heroes look good in the eyes of sponsors.



Vi ignored the forfeit, mentally preparing herself for her own match. It was against Louise's toady DuValt, who seemed incapable of using his powers on himself. Excepting the lack of walls which forced her to stick close to her opponent, Vi had every advantage. It looked to be a bigger slaughter than Louise's fight with Aiden, and for good reason:

Vi was going to break him.

Both mother and father had turned to look at the boy. Mother had stopped stomping the living daylights out of a helpless corsage while father had his jaw drop staring at him like an idiot. Aidan had to have gotten it from somewhere. "Kn-knight? Like the uh...I mean it's nice to meet you Bran." it took a moment for him to feel his fingers again and return the grip of a very small child.

But what was Knight doing with someone like his son? "If my son has done something to offend your family in any way, and this is you trying to confront him, we are both terribly sorry and will cover whatever property he broke or secret he accidentally uncovered."

"Robert." Annalise stepped forward, slapping her husband on the shoulder. "Clearly he isn't here to punish our son. They are friends. It's nice to meet you Bran," Annalise's voice sweet with the lyrical quality of a caring nurturing mother.

"We're talking about the same boy here."

"Yes. Robert," she hissed but then returned the sweet face.

"You understand it's more likely he chucked a rock at this kid or found out some top secret specs and blueprints of technology not meant to be released until 2016 and he accidentally gave it to a competitor in the tech field. Both of these are MORE likely the case than him befriending a family member of the knight technology."

Annalise laughed, digging her heel into her husband's shoe. He yelped out and regretted even standing up to her for something this minor. "What did you want to speak to our son about?"


Aidan was not having a great time. Not in the slightest. His fingernails were digging into the wood of the bleachers , fingers curled on the edge of the seat. A noise of someone dropping a drink, he twitched, someone shuffling behind him on their way to the main aisle to use the facilities Aidan had cringed. He kept visualizing a hand snatching him and spinning him to face whatever energy Louise was, humanoid form cracking knuckles You really think I wouldn't come back to finish the job? Giving one hard punch snapping his jaw off. Or worse, a big kick in the back toppling into the crowd, he would see Louise snap Lexi's neck before she grinned tossing the body at him.

Aidan closed his eyes as the fight started 1...2...3...4...5...6...9...7...9....no eight...10

Daddy had come, picking up an axe. His family needed to learn a lesson and he taught it to all of them, with 30 whacks.

He used to be my brother, my comrad but he fucking slept with my sister he needed to fucking pay.

Dirty lying filthy little whore, I paid for good service and didn't get a decent fucking blowjob.

Bastard cheated and deserved to get stabbed 13 times.

It was easier when he lived these memories and there was never a real face. They happened so long ago, they all were scary....but he could move on. Not anymore. He had experienced first hand that rage...personally directed at him. His body trying not to tremble he wanted to cry at the realization that from now on, these stories, these memories...would all belong to Louise...and this day. They would all be the same.

Lexi's hand was placed on his, he left it alone for a moment, seeing Lexi run through her apartment acting like a tickle monster for toddlers. Swallowing, even if his throat felt dry, he squeezed her hand back.


"I don't like that this is mandatory." Lisa crossed her arms. How her sister convinced her wearing matching Pikachu onesies was a good costume idea she would never know.

"It'll be fun," Clara smiled. She placed her arm around her sister pulling her in. "They've never done anything like this before. It could be an annual get together and can you imagine all of the excitement?"

"Yeah...for you. Excitement for you. What am I supposed to do about it? I can't DO anything."

"You can you just need-"

"Easy for you to say, you're the talented one. I don't even know why I'm even at this school."

Clara frowned. She pushed herself off the wall and hugged her sister tightly. "Listen, right? We're a team. Sisters. You belong here because how else am I going to survive this school? You and I will win this tournament together. Prove 'em that ANYONE powered or not can be a hero." She held out her pinkie. "No one leaves the other behind."

Lisa gave a soft smile lacing her pinkie. "God you're corny."

"Can't turn into corn, but I really crave it when I'm a reindeer."

The promise was kept until the brackets when the two sisters found out they could not be a team. Lisa had rode a giant brown bear through the obstacle course and the riddles were simple. Clara's smarter sister had noticed Elastic in the library looking at riddle books and they memorized it those books while other students competed. Aced. Aced. Until Lisa was knocked out with one punch from a boy who could turn his skin into stone. Clara had made it to the final round. It was a spectacle alright. The girl had a talent for flair changing beast to beast as simple as breathing that it had seemed she would take the tournament home, but out in the audience Clara had seen her sister crossing her arms, looking miserable as her sister soared through the air as a hawk. She could have dodged the grab the stoned lad made, but she took the fall. He had grabbed her and pinned his body weight down in a wrestling slam head lock to keep her down.

Very easilly could have turned into an elephant, a tiger, a wallabee to kick him, something...but she took the fall. When it was all over she found her twin trying to leave, but Clara stopped her. "Next year, right? You did great."

"IF you're going to have fucking powers, Clara fucking use them. You lost on purpose and now everyone's going to think I told you to do it! You fucking suck!"

Clara shed a few tears in that moment as Lisa stormed off in the crowd.


The teleporter never stood a chance. Clara shrunk to the size of a gnat, until she was too close for him to notice, shifting into a snake and biting him with venom. He had tried to teleport away, but it was already done. His body froze in paralysis as he flickered to the edge of the ring to get away from her. She finished him off as a fluffy bunny, kicking him off the ring entirely. The crowd cheered. Phoenix was a crowd hit, wearing something of a one piece bathing suit with red hot firey designs.

She grinned, Elastic handing her a trophy as pictures were being taken. But her sister was nowhere to be found. It took Clara until most of the gymnasium had cleared out. THe dance was starting, but she found her sister sitting by the pool. "Hey....look, we won," Clara lifted the trophy tentatively as she walked over. Lisa was just staring at the water.

"You won."

"B-but for you. You said if you had powers use them....I couldn't have done it without you-"

"Don't patronize me and get over yourself." She barked. "You won it for yourself. And you rubbed it in everyone's face by gloating how AMAZING you are. Maybe you should frikken be considerate to those who aren't as 'gifted' as the great and wonderful Clara Turner."

"Lisa that's not fair..."

"You know what's not fair? Having you as a sister. Get out."



Clara quivered her lip forming into a small frail black kitten sulking off. The trophy was still there, it's reflection shimmering in the pool.


"We're a team, right?"

Clara looked up at Jack, her head in his lap as they lied under the the trees outside. She smiles at him. Today is their six month anniversary. "Yes, always. What's up?"

"I love that smile," He bends down and kisses her. "So we're a team. I was thinking, you already have every hero organization offering you offers for their leagues. But you and I we're a pair. We go together, but in order for them to see me as strong I need to win the tournament."

"But you are strong."

"Oh I know. But they need to see me as strong as someone like you...and the tournament's the only way to do that."

"Oh...I can help you win! I can make it to the final round give htem a show and you'll show them you and I belong on the same team. It's perfect!"

"I love you." they kiss and Clara feels like she's on cloud 9.

Ten minutes before the final round between Jack Frost and Phoenix, Clara had walked into the janitor's closet to get Elastic a mom when she saw Lisa was mounted on her boyfreind doing a mating dance she had only by animals until this moment. The fight was not quick and it was very painful. As she stood on the podium winning the tournament for the second year in a row, tears fell down her face as she frowned seeing her sister coming into the gym at the same time as one of the recruiters for the leagues, fixing her messy hair. She wanted to cry, scream, throw something at her. As she walked off the stage, Clara knew that this moment and this day had fundamentally broke her.

Principal Hapswell walked infront of her. "Every league offered top bidding for you, Ms. Clara. That is quite impressive."

She saw her sister and the recruiter, her sister and her boyfriend. "I want nothing to do with the leagues." she snapped. Then her round robin eyes widened as sh gasped. She snapped at someone. Trying to keep it together she looked up at her teacher. "I'm...I'm sorry Principal Hapswell."

"No no no, quite alright." He smiles. Clara hesitates because she has never seen this look on this man since she was a freshman. "I actually wanted to offer you a job here, teaching whatever you wanted. I was just afraid you would had all the bribes you could have dreamed of with those opportunities fighting for you. All I had to offer was this egg." He pulls out a large egg, it looks to way at minimum 5 to 6 pounds.

"IS that???"


Clara snatches it, hugging it securely. "Yes. Yes. 1000% Yes. I'd love to teach here."

"Wonderful, because we need to talk about how useful you'd be under a few protocol scenerios Loretta will run over with you. Nothing too much, just protecting the school like a watch dog or...baking cookies. Nothing that bad."

((Preemptive warning, this fight is just as brutal as the Louise-Aiden fight)



Vi knew well ahead of time that the battle would be fast. When the announcer let everyone know who was fighting, and Vi shook DuValt's hand, she felt the sweat under his gloves. He was terrified. Vi didn't much care, she was completely disconnected from him. Powers or no, he was with Louise. He was dirt. No, slightly higher than dirt. He was grass. Piss yellow grass.

Her expression and voice completely neutral, she said to him under her mask, "Good luck." As they shook hands. Her eyes were dead, not that he could see them. As soon as they released hands, she walked back to her position of the arena opposite of him, and stood. There was no announcement signalling the beginning of the fight, it was really just a question of who was willing to make the first move.

Seconds passed, and DuValt pulled his first weapon out of one of his many, many pockets. Vi tried moving to dodge it, but she felt his speed field manipulating her. Almost nobody could move fast enough to escape his first attack, and from that short range it was like shooting fish in a barrel.

The problem for DuValt, sadly, was that Vi was part of the 'almost nobody' crowd. She pushed against the ground below her, throwing herself (slowly, but much faster than anything else she could have done) into the air and out of his field. His shot missed, due in no small part to his not expecting her to dodge, and the electrical dart that was meant to hit her flew harmlessly into the ground.

One second passed, and with only ten feet separating her from the ground, Vi pushed softly against it, slowing her down enough that the landing only slightly hurt her ankles. Unfortunately for DuValt, she landed three feet in front of him. With the distance that separated them gone, she rapidly anchored herself to the ground below, and threw everything into an attack on DuValt's legs.

She watched bones jut out of his left leg as he screamed. Blood was dripping everywhere, and Vi knew there were looks of shock on the faces of those viewing the fights. Unfortunately for DuValt, he wasn't yet unconscious, and she would cover his mouth before he could scream out a surrender. It was almost sad, seeing him a ruined mess like that. For a second she wondered if Louise would come to his rescue, but Vi knew the answer to that: She cared only for herself, she wouldn't risk her future to save DuValt's life.

Too bad for him.

Still anchored to the ground, Vi gave his right hand a look. He was left handed, or at least he wrote with it, so it wasn't like his right hand was too important. Vi threw the weight of a small car right to his hand, and after within a millisecond the skin was gone. Vi felt no passion, or justice, or anything while doing it, all she was doing was sending Louise a sign.

A bloody, flayed sign that was her boyfriend.

Things would have been perfect where they were, but DuValt, despite his tears and screaming, despite the fact that two of his limbs were gone, didn't fall unconscious. Vi couldn't risk killing him, but he obviously wasn't knocked out yet. "Surrender." She said calmly, offering no remorse in her voice. She was making the offer only out of necessity.

"Yes, yes, I surrender!" He said in between sobs and screams. Vi was surprised he was able to even provide that much. Without another word, Vi left the stadium, aware of her victory. With him out of the way, Louise was next. She would suffer for what she did to Aiden.

Vi would make sure of it.

Lux Allen

Lux prepared to watch the fight from where he stood by the door, away from his mocking family. He didn't know much about Isabel or DuValt, and didn't care much either. The fight would probably be over quickly, so he turned to do something else. He had begun to walk down the hallway, making it pretty far, until he heard screaming.

He turned, hovering back to the gym, his eyes widening as he saw Isabel utterly obliterate DuVault, in a way that was inhumane, and not even fair, as she appeared to just... completely remove his limbs. He tightened his fingers into fists, and soared into the air, moving into the gym. He could see Rachel bellowing swears at Isabel from where she was in the stands, her anger making him flinching at every word. A few startled bystanders were trying to hold Rachel back as she swung at the air, continuing to curse Isabel her whole way out. He could see Ember burning bright across the Gym, her fists clenched, pity and outrage playing across her face. He watched her run out of the bleachers, making her way onto the arena, clearly wanting to help, although some of the teachers had carried the boy off towards the Nurse before she got down there. He could see his parents too, stunned into silence by the brutality. He could feel nausea creeping up his throat at the sight of DuVault's ruined limbs, and he turned, running into the nearest bathroom to vomit up his lunch.

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Min blushed as she saw Harriet ask Nia to the dance. Oh wow!! How romantic! Min loved romantic gestures like that. Big or small romance was a beautiful thing. The expected girly girl Min loved love in all of it's forms. Smiling she held Leon's hand thinking of how she loved how he asked her. It was so recent, but she'd liked him from day one when he gave her the flower. Min rested her head against his shoulder and gave a content sigh. "I love, love."

Her warm demeanor dissolved as the girl she saw in the nurse's office took the stage. She watched as Vi fought against DuVault. She slowly let go of Leon's hand and covered her mouth in sock. It was disgusting. The smell and sound of the blood engulfed the room. She thought she would be sick. "Oh God..." Min turned away and held onto Leon burying her face into his chest. She didn't want to see this. Wrapping her trembling arms around him she hid from it all just wanting it to end.

Although Min was disgusted her aura said otherwise. The burning red eyes looked at the slaughter, with widened eyes. The hands seem to reach for the blood begging for a taste of the crimson nectar. As the teacher carried him off the hands wrapped themselves around Min's aura digging into her red outline. The eyes turned back to focus on Aidan swaying ever so softly as if to wave to him.



Bran smiled holding back his laughter. He expected this from people after finding out who his family was. Stopping in their tracks, getting nervous, jaw dropping at times. However, he didn't expect them to assume that Aidan had done something so ridiculous. Aidan hadn't done any of those, other than the rock throwing, but that was purely out of happenstance. Bran couldn't help but be amused by their banter it was like watching a Punch and Judy show with reversed roles.

Raising a hand up to dismiss the worrisome stamens Bran smiled. "Oh no, no. Aidan didn't offend me or anything. He's a pretty cool guy." Bran looked between the two of them as he spoke. "As to why I'm here, your son and I are starting up training tomorrow morning. He wanted to learn some self defense moves that will help him in the future." He paused looking to the father, "I was planning on leaving a brail note for him to tell him where to meet at." Turing his gaze to the mother he spoke slowly "Although if Aidan is leaving today I won't be able to work with him. It's quite a shame we were just beginning to become friends." Looking down a bit sadden he scanned the room, taking note of various items in Aidan and Leon's room. Surprisingly tidy. Well other than the mess Aidan's mother made.

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