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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

Léon's head turned as Aidan spoke. Relief coursed through him as he realized the worst was behind his friend.

"Welcome back. You know, you have the worst timing Aidan. Now it's my turn to go get pummeled. I'll see you back in here shortly"he said with a smile.

Turning back to Min he asked "You coming with me?"

@CosmicChangeling @The Suspicious Eye
Looking at the girl who came in she blinked as Leon addressed her as Iz. Looking at her up and down, Min tried to place the voice to a face. Who is that? Her voice it sounds so familiar. Not thinking it could be the girl who she spilled some of her secrets to, she dismissed her. Knowing that Leon cared about her, Min wasn't jealous. Min looked to Leon as he squeezed her hand. She gave a soft smile, squeezing back. "Yes, of course." With Aidan waking up Min gave a sigh of relief. She was glad that he was alright. Min turned back to Lexi, "I'll see you soon Lexi." Looking to Mr. and Ms. Turner she gave a respectful nod. "It was nice(?) meeting you two." She smiled at Aidan, "I'm glad you're feeling better Aidan. Take it easy alright?" With that she let Leon lead her back into the gymnasium.

The Dark Knight vs. Foudre

She heard Leon's hero name be called and she looked to him. "Good luck. I know you can win Leon." Smiling she kissed his cheek and let him go. She was worried. The last thing she wanted was for Leon to get hurt. I don't think I could handle seeing hurt like Aidan was. She'd already lost one person in her life, and gave up what he loved about her in order to bring him back. One of the greatest mistakes in her life. Clutching her hands together she prayed for him to be safe.


His ears twitched as he heard commotion down the hall. "We're going to have to put pause on this." Corbin playfully bit Lisa's neck as he stood up. Beginning to get dressed. "Sorry, I gotta go support my baby bro. He's up next in the tournament and as much as I'd love to stay here" He looked at her and bit his lip, so very much. With a sigh he turned away, "I gotta be by his side." Buttoning up his shirt he smiled, "I hope we can resume this soon"


Bran sighed as his name was called the last thing he wanted was to fight. Pulling out the headphones and closing his phone he handed it to his brother as he passed him by. Not wanting to even think about what he was doing with Ms. Turner he focused on his center and breathing.

Bran walked into the clearing and pulled off his cape tossing it to the ground revealing the micro fabric suit he had on. He flexed his muscles and stretched as he looked over to Leon. He decided to keep the mask on, it may serve a purpose later on. Speaking in a calm tone he smiled underneath the mask. Even though his face was covered he could be heard quite clearly. "I haven't gotten to really fight someone lately so this will be fun. Don't hold back alright?!"

Turning his body sideways and holding out the rapier he began ramping up. As it ran through the sword, the gaps within the metalworking of the handguard began acting like miniature Jacob's Ladders small arcs of electricity jumping through them.

"I see no reason why anyone should hold back."

Immediately as the bell rang Leon swung his sword twice, sending a cross of electricity flying towards his opponent. Running behind the blast Leon watched as his opponent moved to the side, only to get a scratch delivered and a small cut to appear on his suit.

That won't work twice he thought to himself grimly

"Let's see what you've got" he said, aloud, with a grin.

"Very well." Bran felt the cut scrape through the first layer of his suit. I guess I can't afford to have fun. Closing his eyes taking in a deep breath he honed his senses. He let his body guide his mind as he got ready. Opening his eyes he looked at Leon with determination. He charged Leon head on. Close combat is the smartest action. Without my weapons I cannot focus on ranged attacks. Getting close he kept his palms flat as he dodged the thrust of the foil and pushed it aside as he moved around to Leon's open side. Disarming him would be the best, but so quickly is kinda boring. Besides I want to see what he's made of. Clenching his open palm not a fist he jabbed at Leon's third lower rib. Punching with his full force.

Spinning around to Leon's back he kicked Leon right at the base of his spine. Rebounding off of his spine Bran slid back waiting for Leon's next attack. Electric moves are easier to dodge at long distances as lightning can be traced through the ground and air. Bran crossed his arms. "Don't leave yourself open. Keep your sides protected."

The hit hurt, but Leon realized it was an open strike. After getting kicked and hearing his opponents advice, he couldn't tell if he was taunting him or actually trying to help.

So I can't get close, but I'm sure I can't stay at a distance either. No win situation. I need to try though, I need to prove I belong here. To prove I'm worthy of how Min thinks of me.

Flipping his sword into his other hand, he pulled out his disc, ran a charge through it, magnetized it, and threw it, watching as it opened up and flew at Bran. He put the sword back in his left hand. Bran dodged the disc easily but Leon counted on it. He made his sword into a magnet to attract the disc back without Bran's noticing. To keep his attention he went back up close.

I need to get some skin showing on him so I can actually hit him with my power

He swung, trying to keep his cuts small so he didn't leave himself open until the disc came back to hit Bran from the back

Bran dodged the incoming swings. Keeping his arms up and moving the sword's tip out of his way. "You're trying to keep me busy with offensive attacks. It's obvious. You're not focusing on defense otherwise you wouldn't be this close." He read Leon's face for any cues to what he was thinking. He saw Leon's eyes shift a bit behind Bran. I see. Frowning, Bran grabbed the foil the electricity running into his glove before stopping. Bran pulled the foil closer to him and punched Leon firmly in the face. Not sure if he broke anything he tried his best to keep Leon alive and his nose unbroken.

Bran went low and swept Leon's feet. "Keep a strong stance otherwise someone will ruin your footing. Your front isn't the only thing you need to look out for." He looked at Leon, while using his senses to noticed the disk coming back. "Keep a calm expression. Otherwise you'll give up your attacks." Must be attracted to the sword. Smart. It's getting closer. Instead of dodging the attack he steadied himself waiting for the disk to come close. He was excited fight again. It was making him reckless, but he could afford it. Besides, it isn't every day he can fight with someone that wasn't his adopted father's arch enemy.

Leon stumbled back, refusing to let go of the foil after being hit. That much was ingrained into him.That, and not closing your eyes in a fight, lest your opponent take advantage of it.

There has to be some weakspot to him. But where? I'm getting sloppy. Need to relax.

Leon took a grounding breath.

What can I do? He obviously knows how to fight better than me. There's only so much electricity I can generate on my own....but what if I used a conductor and actual sparks.

He let go of his foil, stepped back and undid the clasp on his cape. Swirling off his cape, mostly to block Bran's view he used the motion to turn on the spark generators on the side. They were small devices that were custom made by Knight Technologies. A wonderful irony that he had no idea who Bran actually was. As the cape got out of the way, Leon sent two bolts of lightning aimed at the foil Bran was holding, with the intent of using it as a lightning rod. The second bolt was in case he missed. He may not have been able to make his own sparks yet but he could manipulate them. If they weren't his own he could change the intensity of them as well.

Bran took the foil in his hand and saw the cape go up. Moving quickly he bent the foil into a triangle, making sure it was touching, and held it out. He winced feeling the electric energy peak under his mask. The current was caught in the foil circulating through it. Bran's hand was growing hot. He threw the foil back towards his own cape that he left on the ground. "You're playing smart. Good."

Smoke began to rise off his singed glove. That was a smart move.Dashing to the left he inspected the area. Two capes mine and Leon's. The sword grounded. There was a loud metal ding as the disk reverberated off the electrified foil. The disk and the opponent. He scanned Leon's attire for weaknesses and saw the two spark generators. I'll have to get close to him again. He charged forward and pulled his skeleton mask off. Flattening it he flung it at Leon. Hoping to use it as a distraction as he got close. If I was using weapons. I would have put a smoke bomb in the mask to hide my location. Starting to regret it now, but I can still take him.

Had he not tried the same thing at the earlier in the fight Leon might have fallen for the distraction. Instead he began ramping up as much electricity as he could, keeping his eyes on his opponent

I have no weapons and I'm definitely outclassed in hand to hand. The only thing I have left to fall back on is using my power to deal some extra damage. I need some more time though.

Using bolts from the generators he tried to keep Bran at bay for a little while so he could charge up more.

This fight won't last much longer. I'm almost certainly going to lose.

Showing off his acrobatic skills, Bran dodged the bolts as the flew at him. One to the left, right, back! Jumping back he skidded to a stop, looking up at Leon. His eyes were fiery with determination. This is getting nowhere, I gotta get close. Bran identified the generators now he just needed to get to them. He ran back and picked up the cape he dropped earlier. Wrapping it around is fist he looked back to Leon. Taking a deep breath he exhaled and charged him.

Moving with the pattern of the electricity he got close to Leon. Lunging for the right generator he grabbed it and felt the surge of electricity singe his face. He didn't let it stop him. Dragging the sparking generator against his cloak covered hand the sparks set the cloth on fire. Turning to Leon he raised his flaming fist and punched him squarely in the face.

As the blow connected with his face Leons vision started going black at the edges. As a last ditch attempt he forced all the electricity he was channeling into the point of contact.

He had enough time to think I'm actually getting knocked out twice in one day before his vision went black and he lost consciousness.

Bran felt the discharge burst from Leon's body. The electricity ran through his body as he was pushed back by the pulse. Trying to keep his footing he could feel his mind slowly begin to black out. His body began to sway as he lost his contok over it. With a smirk he uttered out, "nice one." Before falling back, unconscious.


Rachel Miller

Rachel huffed as she entered the office, spotting a woman sitting at the desk with a coffee. She vaguely connected her face somewhere, but couldn't come up with a name or position for the woman. "Got sent here by the nurse," she grumbled, taking a position against the wall to lean on. "Tried to carry a kid's parent out of the Nurse's office for yelling at everyone," she said with a shrug. Deciding to just quickly be done with the whole thing, she added, "I was caught when I did the same thing again, after the... Parent.. Decided to come back in and jam her heel into my foot," she said, and if the secretary were to look, she would see the blood welling out of the hole in her shoe. "All there is to it. Do what you will, but I'm not apologizing."
(That was beautiful you two. Just...just beautiful. THAT IS HOW COLLABS SHOULD ALWAYS GO)

The creature with the golden orbs radiated a golden light, Aidan was screaming no sound coming out of his lungs as gold energy emitted from its hands into his chest. How was no one else screaming when they came into this room? He was here...every day for the past years and he had never SEEN this....thing before.

Hearing Leon's voice pulled him out of his panicked terror closing his glowing eyes he counted to ten hoping it would all settle down. Forcing a smile when Leon said that Aidan had bad timing. "You outdid me with the...popping the question," He could feel his ribs snapping back into place. "Had to get to make my round more memorable than yours. Win this fight, ok Leon?"

If Aidan was a normal boy, his response would be, to get the sympathy points from his girl...but he didn't think that way. Bruises were dissapearing from his body, his face returning to normal.

"Shhh," Annalise brushed his auburn locks from his face. "Don't talk, you're still recovering, baby."

"Mom," He was still holding his girl's hand. "This is Lexi."

"I'm well aware of who..."she twitched looking at the girl. "This is."

"Done. He's good as new. Now kindly get out." The nurse huffed going back to her snack table.

"I want you to-"

"Now that you're fine, your father and I are going to take you to your room and we are packing your belongings. You are coming home tonight. With us."


"You don't have a choice in this. You are sixteen, you are under our protection."


Lexi looked at the two of them. She rubbed his hand. "Aidan...you...you almost died," she hiccupped. "Maybe your mom has a point....Louise is still going to-"

"I said no. If I go home you let Louise win whatever she's trying to win. She's filled with rage and anger, me going home doesn't end her abuse, it just enables her more power to abuse others because she got away with it. I am staying here. I'm going to show her and the whole school I wasn't broken by this. and maybe that will be enough to get people to stand up to her too. I'm not leaving."

Annalise looked at Lexi, clear venom in her eyes. "You. You poisoned him with these ideas of heroism. You little-"

"Annalise, I think the two of us need to go for a walk. I think we need to support our son standing on his own for once." He smiled patting his boy proudly. "He's becoming a man." A braver one than his father but he kept that to himself. He stood up and walked over the bed, grabbing his wife by the shoulders and taking her out to the hall. He had almost lost his son today, but in just one day he had seen him begin to make his own decisions, fall in love, and show acts of bravery only rare men possess...he was a proud father today.

Lexi felt her heart swell with pride, her throat swelling as he talked about heroism and doing the right thing. He turned to her, placing his hand on her cheek, not missing this time. She wasn't sure she would get used to his golden eyes glowing so intensly all the time, but they were looking at her and that was all that mattered. "So I did get you to want to be happy?" he grinned. "Just took two months to do it."

"Shut up," She smiled leaning in and kissing him.


Loretta picked up her mug again and took a sip as Rachel talked. She nodded her head to a chair in front of her for Rachel to take a seat. When the girl did so and said her peace, she placed the mug back down again. "Well, my gift is mind reading, so I already know you aren't telling me the full story. There is a lot more going on with this story than you care to admit." She said not a hint of anger.

Loretta was a woman of 5'7 silver hair bunned up and a woman who looked just on the cusp of 30, maybe 28 or 29. A wedding ring on her finger, someone out there was a happy wife or husband. "Nurse..."the name was inaudible to Rachel as chaos in the halls erupted with kids shooting their powers at eachother. "Can be a little bit of a hot head, but she's the only one on staff who we have that can heal others. There is Ms. Turner's phoenix if you want to get your foot looked at, dear. Pieces of mangos and you can get that bird to do whatever you want. Very interesting creature. I will say it's not a good idea to harass parents. If they turn out to be parents with money, well....you would be in more trouble. I think right now you are fine when it comes to discipline, but if you look like you need to talk about something. I have nothing to do," Picks up her mug and takes a sip, "So I can be an unbiased ear for thirty minutes or so."


Lisa stretched her arms on Clara's desk, whatever knick knacks that were there during their hot romp were quickly pushed off. Clocks, artifacts, broken on the ground but who cared. He wasn't too shabby. She sat up, spreading her legs open, she grabbed the collar of his shirt as he was buttoning and pulled him down, kissing him hard while taking a bite into his bottom lip. "You know how to find me," She said through their goodbye kiss.

Letting him go, she got up and began to get dressed. She noticed there was a large red bird eating a mango just staring at her. Was he glaring? Did birds even possess the ability to glare? "You want some too?" She asked as it bit into the mango with its beak and only looked more pissed with that remark.
CosmicChangeling said:
(That was beautiful you two. Just...just beautiful. THAT IS HOW COLLABS SHOULD ALWAYS GO)
The creature with the golden orbs radiated a golden light, Aidan was screaming no sound coming out of his lungs as gold energy emitted from its hands into his chest. How was no one else screaming when they came into this room? He was here...every day for the past years and he had never SEEN this....thing before.

Hearing Leon's voice pulled him out of his panicked terror closing his glowing eyes he counted to ten hoping it would all settle down. Forcing a smile when Leon said that Aidan had bad timing. "You outdid me with the...popping the question," He could feel his ribs snapping back into place. "Had to get to make my round more memorable than yours. Win this fight, ok Leon?"

If Aidan was a normal boy, his response would be, to get the sympathy points from his girl...but he didn't think that way. Bruises were dissapearing from his body, his face returning to normal.

"Shhh," Annalise brushed his auburn locks from his face. "Don't talk, you're still recovering, baby."

"Mom," He was still holding his girl's hand. "This is Lexi."

"I'm well aware of who..."she twitched looking at the girl. "This is."

"Done. He's good as new. Now kindly get out." The nurse huffed going back to her snack table.

"I want you to-"

"Now that you're fine, your father and I are going to take you to your room and we are packing your belongings. You are coming home tonight. With us."


"You don't have a choice in this. You are sixteen, you are under our protection."


Lexi looked at the two of them. She rubbed his hand. "Aidan...you...you almost died," she hiccupped. "Maybe your mom has a point....Louise is still going to-"

"I said no. If I go home you let Louise win whatever she's trying to win. She's filled with rage and anger, me going home doesn't end her abuse, it just enables her more power to abuse others because she got away with it. I am staying here. I'm going to show her and the whole school I wasn't broken by this. and maybe that will be enough to get people to stand up to her too. I'm not leaving."

Annalise looked at Lexi, clear venom in her eyes. "You. You poisoned him with these ideas of heroism. You little-"

"Annalise, I think the two of us need to go for a walk. I think we need to support our son standing on his own for once." He smiled patting his boy proudly. "He's becoming a man." A braver one than his father but he kept that to himself. He stood up and walked over the bed, grabbing his wife by the shoulders and taking her out to the hall. He had almost lost his son today, but in just one day he had seen him begin to make his own decisions, fall in love, and show acts of bravery only rare men possess...he was a proud father today.

Lexi felt her heart swell with pride, her throat swelling as he talked about heroism and doing the right thing. He turned to her, placing his hand on her cheek, not missing this time. She wasn't sure she would get used to his golden eyes glowing so intensly all the time, but they were looking at her and that was all that mattered. "So I did get you to want to be happy?" he grinned. "Just took two months to do it."

"Shut up," She smiled leaning in and kissing him.


Loretta picked up her mug again and took a sip as Rachel talked. She nodded her head to a chair in front of her for Rachel to take a seat. When the girl did so and said her peace, she placed the mug back down again. "Well, my gift is mind reading, so I already know you aren't telling me the full story. There is a lot more going on with this story than you care to admit." She said not a hint of anger.

Loretta was a woman of 5'7 silver hair bunned up and a woman who looked just on the cusp of 30, maybe 28 or 29. A wedding ring on her finger, someone out there was a happy wife or husband. "Nurse..."the name was inaudible to Rachel as chaos in the halls erupted with kids shooting their powers at eachother. "Can be a little bit of a hot head, but she's the only one on staff who we have that can heal others. There is Ms. Turner's phoenix if you want to get your foot looked at, dear. Pieces of mangos and you can get that bird to do whatever you want. Very interesting creature. I will say it's not a good idea to harass parents. If they turn out to be parents with money, well....you would be in more trouble. I think right now you are fine when it comes to discipline, but if you look like you need to talk about something. I have nothing to do," Picks up her mug and takes a sip, "So I can be an unbiased ear for thirty minutes or so."


Lisa stretched her arms on Clara's desk, whatever knick knacks that were there during their hot romp were quickly pushed off. Clocks, artifacts, broken on the ground but who cared. He wasn't too shabby. She sat up, spreading her legs open, she grabbed the collar of his shirt as he was buttoning and pulled him down, kissing him hard while taking a bite into his bottom lip. "You know how to find me," She said through their goodbye kiss.

Letting him go, she got up and began to get dressed. She noticed there was a large red bird eating a mango just staring at her. Was he glaring? Did birds even possess the ability to glare? "You want some too?" She asked as it bit into the mango with its beak and only looked more pissed with that remark.

Rachel Miller

"If that isn't the full story, please tell me what was," she sighed, rubbing her hands on her temples, without a single drop of sarcasm in her voice. "Because honestly, I hardly know what it is myself." She wiped the tears from her eye, muttering a few words to herself about how she should be with Aiden right now. She put her arms on the desk, and put her head down on them, letting out a sigh. "And I know what I did wasn't smart. But I couldn't just sit there and let her just fuckin' walk all over me." She grumbled, looking down for a moment. "I have to act like this. You don't understand. I have to. Be all tough and mean all the time, take shit from no one." She admitted, looking up. "If I don't protect myself, keep myself strong, bad things will happen. It..." She admitted, eyes looking hollow. "It'll come out. It'll take advantage of my weakness. It always does. It is always pushing against me." She admitted, wrapping her arms around herself. "So please. Tell me what happened so I can make a little sense of any of it?"
Tell the story. Sure. Loretta took another sip, adjusted her glasses and folded her hands when the mug was down. "You have a demonic creature of sorts nesting inside you wanting to come out, so it places you in a constant state of fear, spiraling out of control with your emotions. You found a boy that not only looked into the darkest depths of your soul, but he didn't reject. Not only did he not reject you, he accepted you. Now you feel imprinted to him in a way you've never felt imprinted before. That has you scared you will lose whatever you think you have or that what's in you will eventually scare him away. Anything and anyone that seems to threaten this little spark of hope you're desperately clinging onto, you will lash out on in very inappropriate junctures. Am I close?" She asked.

Ms. Miller brought up control, and how she needed to act this way. "No dear, you just believe you need to act this way currently. You've been given no other examples on how to behave that would show you otherwise. Sometimes the greatest strengths we can possess are empathy and restraint. It takes stronger will power to control your anger than to use it as an impulsive reaction. A good professor to teach you focus, discipline and control of your host creature would be Professor Savolt. He would understand this on a level that might surprise you."

She nodded to herself, thinking this would help, "And one final note...You aren't the first person to be at this school with darkness imbedded into their soul. We enroll atleast five to ten of them a year. So chin up, stiff upper lip. You're not alone but it doesn't give you the right to trample on others just because of it. You are here to learn who you are and what you will do with the circumstances you have been given."
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CosmicChangeling said:
Tell the story. Sure. Loretta took another sip, adjusted her glasses and folded her hands when the mug was down. "You have a demonic creature of sorts nesting inside you wanting to come out, so it places you in a constant state of fear, spiraling out of control with your emotions. You found a boy that not only looked into the darkest depths of your soul, but he didn't reject. Not only did he not reject you, he accepted you. Now you feel imprinted to him in a way you've never felt imprinted before. That has you scared you will lose whatever you think you have or that what's in you will eventually scare him away. Anything and anyone that seems to threaten this little spark of hope you're desperately clinging onto, you will lash out on in very inappropriate junctures. Am I close?" She asked.
Ms. Miller brought up control, and how she needed to act this way. "No dear, you just believe you need to act this way currently. You've been given no other examples on how to behave that would show you otherwise. Sometimes the greatest strengths we can possess are empathy and restraint. It takes stronger will power to control your anger than to use it as an impulsive reaction. A good professor to teach you focus, discipline and control of your host creature would be Professor Savolt. He would understand this on a level that might surprise you."

She nodded to herself, thinking this would help, "And one final note...You aren't the first person to be at this school with darkness imbedded into their soul. We enroll atleast five to ten of them a year. So chin up, stiff upper lip. You're not alone but it doesn't give you the right to trample on others just because of it. You are here to learn who you are and what you will do with the circumstances you have been given."

Rachel Miller

Rachel grit her teeth and she stood up so fast her chair fell back behind her, hitting the floor with a clatter. "That isn't what I fuckin' meant! I meant about the nurse's office! You had no right to say any of that other shit!" She curled her right-hand fingers into a fist, pulling it back as if to hit the woman who sat there. Her face was a mask of anger, outraged by what the silver-haired bitch was saying to her. She would beat this little shit to a pulp for saying that. How dare she!? She thought to herself in anger and hurt. Her single grey eye focused on the woman, alight with fury.

Just as she was about to swing, the full weight of Loretta's words hit her. She froze like a statue, her grey eye widening, its fire extinguished in an instant. The words that Loretta had just said ran through her head like a PowerPoint peesentation, as she just stood there, still as stone. '
You have a demonic creature of sorts nesting inside you wanting to come out, so it places you in a constant state of fear, spiraling out of control with your emotions.' And then. 'That has you scared you will lose whatever you think you have or that what's in you will eventually scare him away. Anything and anyone that seems to threaten this little spark of hope you're desperately clinging onto, you will lash out on in very inappropriate junctures.' And then the next. 'It takes stronger will power to control your anger than to use it as an impulsive reaction.' And then the next. 'You're not alone but it doesn't give you the right to trample on others just because of it. You are here to learn who you are and what you will do with the circumstances you have been given.' Hearing the words echoing in her head, Rachel simply let her arms fall limply to her sides, as she just stood there, blankly staring at Loretta. She sat there for a good minute, the wheels in her head turning, trying to process everything that had just been said. Eventually, she blinked, gave a monotone "Thanks," and turned around, her deadpan expression not changing as she left the room, gently closing the door behind her.

She stepped out into the hallway, turning whatever way, as it didn't matter to her, and she began to walk. She was unknowingly making her way back down the route she had used to go
to the Nurse's office, simply moving along, one foot before the other. 'Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right,' she thought to herself, as if she had to make herself remember how to walk in order to keep from collapsing, 'Left, right, left, right, left, right, left right, left, right, left, right,' walking until she found the edge of the world and stepped herself off it. Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, le- Rachel's legs crumpled beneath her not too far from the nurse's office, and she spilled out onto the floor, expression not even changing. She lie there for a good ten seconds, before her deadpan expression broke, and her face twisted in sorrow. She curled up into a ball, pressing her body up against the wall in an attempt to become small enough to stop existing. She was disgusting and she knew it. She could never face Aiden, Lexi, Lux, her adoptive parents, or anyone ever again. She was good at nothing, not even being "herself". She didn't care anymore about all the nameless people in that hallway who could have seen her as she wrapped her arms around her knee and began to cry. It started as a hiccuping sound and watery eyes as she lie on the floor. Then it became a broken, choked sob and a few falling tears. Finally, she broke out into full on weeping, a torrent of salty tears pouring down her cheek, her entire body beginning to shake as she sniffled and sobbed, snot dribbling down from her nose as she made an ugly, monotoned moaning, groaning sound as she drowned in her own failure and self-loathing.
Loretta Hapswell did not flinch or even show a flicker of emotion as Rachel curled her fist and winded it to smack her. She lived and worked for her father, this little tantrum was nothing in comparison to what that old man would do when he was enraged. There used to be eight continents not so long ago. It takes a great deal of mental strength and ingenuity to completely erase the existence of a continent from the minds of the world and the texts placed through history books.

She did not believe the girl's thanks but proceeded to finish her coffee. It was beginning to get cold and the amount of time she actually had to enjoy coffee was far and so few in between.


As Rachel would lie on the ground sobbing, she would hear Loretta's voice in her head. Ms. Miller. I've decided to redact my earlier announcement that you were free of disciplinary action. It seems you have taken my message and have donned a flair for the dramatics for it. I am mandating that you see Dr. Gemmiti for counselling after school daily. I will follow up with her on your progress. It may be...ugly...for others to point out your flaws, but if we aren't willing to self reflect and grow, what separates us from the animals, or beasts in your case. I wish you luck and please...don't give the janitor more work than he needs by sobbing onto the floor. It is very distasteful.


The tv was in the nurse's room, and even though Aidan had gotten the ok, the two had sat in the bed and watched the fight. Or, Lexi watched the fight, nustling into him and held his hands so he could see it through her eyes. As both Bran and Leon faced eachother in one of the most dramatic and compelling fights to date Aidan went wide eyed. "That's the kid that I chucked rocks at!"

"You did what?"

"I apologized for it..."

But it did give him an interesting idea. He would have to find this Knight kid later and see if he could help him with something. "Should we wait here for Leon to get dropped off here or go to him?"

"Min will probably have it handled why don't we..."

Lexi trailed hearing the sobs of an animal crying. She got up off the bed, picking up her grandfather's war helmet. Out the door she saw Rachel curled up in a ball, she twitched slightly, the girl's words from earlier still stinging....but she sat down next to her. "Do you want to talk?"
CosmicChangeling said:
Loretta Hapswell did not flinch or even show a flicker of emotion as Rachel curled her fist and winded it to smack her. She lived and worked for her father, this little tantrum was nothing in comparison to what that old man would do when he was enraged. There used to be eight continents not so long ago. It takes a great deal of mental strength and ingenuity to completely erase the existence of a continent from the minds of the world and the texts placed through history books.
She did not believe the girl's thanks but proceeded to finish her coffee. It was beginning to get cold and the amount of time she actually had to enjoy coffee was far and so few in between.


As Rachel would lie on the ground sobbing, she would hear Loretta's voice in her head. Ms. Miller. I've decided to redact my earlier announcement that you were free of disciplinary action. It seems you have taken my message and have donned a flair for the dramatics for it. I am mandating that you see Dr. Gemmiti for counselling after school daily. I will follow up with her on your progress. It may be...ugly...for others to point out your flaws, but if we aren't willing to self reflect and grow, what separates us from the animals, or beasts in your case. I wish you luck and please...don't give the janitor more work than he needs by sobbing onto the floor. It is very distasteful.


The tv was in the nurse's room, and even though Aidan had gotten the ok, the two had sat in the bed and watched the fight. Or, Lexi watched the fight, nustling into him and held his hands so he could see it through her eyes. As both Bran and Leon faced eachother in one of the most dramatic and compelling fights to date Aidan went wide eyed. "That's the kid that I chucked rocks at!"

"You did what?"

"I apologized for it..."

But it did give him an interesting idea. He would have to find this Knight kid later and see if he could help him with something. "Should we wait here for Leon to get dropped off here or go to him?"

"Min will probably have it handled why don't we..."

Lexi trailed hearing the sobs of an animal crying. She got up off the bed, picking up her grandfather's war helmet. Out the door she saw Rachel curled up in a ball, she twitched slightly, the girl's words from earlier still stinging....but she sat down next to her. "Do you want to talk?"

Rachel Milller

She lie upon the floor, still curled up, unmoving besides her shaking. She heard the voice of Loretta speak in her head, and groaned, seemingly unable to escape the woman. After she was done, Rachel meekly accepted, responding to Loretta's words with a thought 'Yes. Of course. Thanks'. Rachel sat there, rubbing her eyes to try and remove her tears. After Loretta had turned her mental presence somewhere else, a ball of nothingness surrounded her mind. The Beast, not appreciating the woman trampling all over its turf. It pressed itself into Rachel's mind, tearing away what it willed as Lexi approached her. Rachel seemed entirely unresponsive to Lexi's question at first, before the Beast mentally prodded her, and her entire body suddenly jerked a few inches to the right, as if she was a puppet, and an invisible puppet master had yanked on her strings. She responded then, shrinking away from Lexi as if scared, shaking her head rapidly from side to side. "No, I'm fine," she murmured quietly. "I am ok," she continued, blatantly lying as she began pulling herself off the ground and to her hands and knees. She slipped out of her hoodie and used it to clean up the mess of tears and snot, and blood too she had left upon the floor, the material forming a big ugly wet spot on it. For a moment, she stared at her beloved item of clothing, before her limbs jerked, and she fell onto the ground, letting out a groan. She got back up, a little shakily, continuing to clean the floor. After it was clean, she simply held the hoodie, not pulling it back on, not willing to. She didn't meet Lexi's eyes as she began to walk away, eyes locked on the ground, occasionally pausing to clean up the bloody trail her foot was leaving behind. She thought about Aiden for a moment, what he'd think of her now, but she pulled her mind off that topic, remembering Loretta's words. She saved the Beast the effort of doing it for her. For a moment, she turned to look at Lexi, and she murmured an "I'm sorry," although it sounded forced, in a way that seemed like she had wanted to say it, although had difficulty doing so. "I w-want to talk to Aiden," she grumbled, as if at herself, her feelings of attachment too much for her better reasoning. For a moment, she turned towards the door of the nurse's office, as if to go inside. Suddenly, her head was jerked forward with a pained whimper. and she continued to limp along. "Tell Aiden I'm s-sorry,"
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Lexi twitched seeing Rachel spasm like that. The hand that shot out of her chest in the gymnasium was fresh in her mind as whatever that thing in her was trying to come out and Rachel's bleeding mouth begged for Aidan to save her. Here she was now....a fumbling mess of broken despair on the ground once again asking for him. She tapped her finger on her leg trying not to panic at the idea of this and all the possibilities that could go wrong. She looked over across the door seeing Aidan was still in the bed.

The Nurse healed him, yes, but what had happened was too close for Lexi to even feel comfortable with Rachel's suggestion. She walked towards the door, the speedster's body vibrating, she was going to flicker to hyperspeed and discard her if she walked in there. But her patience paid off as Rachel seemed to limp away.

Standing up, Lexi took a gulp. "Rachel." She let out loud enough to get her attention. "I....I don't think it's a good idea you seeing him when the...beast might come out. He almost died today." When it came out of her mouth, she realized how cruel it sounded. Clenching her fists. "You were right, that I was being careless about his safety earlier...the way you spoke to me....but you can't control whatever that beast is either and I won't let you hurt him."

I can't. Not again.

"Why is seeing him important to you?"

Rachel Miller

Rachel turned her head towards Lexi, pausing her movement. Her hopes were up for a moment, that maybe Lexi would help her get in there, help her take back control of her own body. However, whatever tiny sliver of hope she had was smashed to pieces by Lexi's next words. She let out a pitiful, choking, whimpering sound, looking almost as if Lexi had punched her. "I didn't.... I didn't want.... It shouldn't have..." She stuttered, shaking let slightly, taking a few uncertain steps forward. "I didn't want it to come out l-like that," she admitted. "I'm sorry Lexi," she said, trying I step toward her, as her legs jerked out from beneath her and she fell to her knees with a groan of pain. "Please...." She mumbled, beginning to violently shake on the floor, trying her hardest to fight the Beast. "Let me see A-Aiden," she gasped, letting out a loud sob.

She paused as Lexi asked her just why she wanted to see Aiden. Without much hesitation, she answered, "He accepted me when no one else would. He cares about me. He can't see me for what I look like, he can't see the Beast either." She spat out the answers quickly, as if she was timed. "And I lo-" she clamped her hands on her temples by the order of the Beast, tearing out some of her own hair as she howled in pain.
I love him, she told herself, trying to focus her thoughts on it.
"Not when you're like this," Lexi became firm with her answer seeing the puppetry jerkish steps Rachel was making. "Especially not today right after he had his heart stop beating. I don't know you Rachel....and the only times I've seen you, you've put me down, were aggressive or had him in a dangerous situation. And I get it....you don't know me and all you've seen is the not best sides of me. We won't like eachother and I'm ok with accepting that."

She wants to be with him, Lexi tried hiding the anger in this and keeping it rational. It was hard to see this girl cry, choke up and be this vulnerable but it was the jerking and the twitching Lexi focused on. She saw that something dangerous was lying underneath and about to be exposed.

"You can't control that thing...and it's irresponsible for you to assume he can. Aidan sees the best in everyone. That's who he is. the last person he did that to beat him with an inch of his life. And he was right to see the best in you...I'll admit that...but I'm not risking his safety so he can play Russian Roulette with that beast until you have better control of it. Controlling it is YOUR responsibility, not his and it is awful you would put him in that position instead of owning up to your own struggles."

She paused trying to sound less cruel. "I want to help you...but you need to want to help yourself first. Don't put him through this."
The next thing Leon knew he was waking up in the nurse's office. He turned to Aidan and said "Told ya I'd be back here soon. I'm just disappointed that I lost." His face was still sore from where his opponent had hit him, but nothing seemed broken. "So who's up next anyways Aidan, and where's Lexi at?"
Lexi had been gone longer than he thought, and there was no explanation why. He had debated leaving the bed to see what was going on when he heard Leon next to him. Turning his head, his eyes permanently glowing as he saw the yellow silhouette of his friend with blue lightning strikes coursing through. It was probably the first time in their friendship Aidan was looking directly into Leon's eyes and not off in a different direction.

"But you didn't really lose, Lexi showed me the fight when she was here. You found a way to take your opponent down even if you both got out. That's pretty amazing," He gave a smile to his buddy, holding out his fist to pound it. "I think I have control of the memory thing....it's weird I can see people now...and that's what friends do right? Pound it? Or do we high five? I know the pinky promise thing is for secrets and this isn't a secret."

The nurse let out a heavy sigh, walking over and pressing her hands hard into Leon. Aidan grew pale looking at her shifting uncomfortably in his bed trying not to give direct eye contact as she was healing Leon.

"She heard something and left the room. I'm not sure what she's doing. I know Min should be up next, I wanted to go to the gym.....get it over with and support my friend." But he shifted once again in his seat. It was one thing to talk about going, another to actually do it. Louise was probably still in there and her anger had him figit at the thought of actually confronting her again.

Big boys get over it and suck it up...and that was what he was going to have to force himself to do. Swallowing. "Dad's talking to Mom, he'll calm her down and everything will work out in the end.....Leon....I think Louise might try to kill her....and I don't know what to do about it..."
Slowly coming into consciousness, Bran was on the cot beside the two. He had been carried in along with Leon after the fight was over. Bran groaned in the bed beside them, rubbing his forehead he smiled. "Ugh, that last pulse was strong. Note to self, keep face covered at all times." Looking at his hand he clenched his fist and listened for his pulse. It was beating normally and his higher bran functions seem to be working normally. Good I'm not that injure.... "Ah." He winced in pain as he looked at his other hand, it was covered in 1st degree burns. Well, Corbin did say it wasn't completly fire resistant. He gave a pained chuckle and sat up.

He ran his finger through his straight black hair. Looking over at the two who were talking he smiled. Shaking his head, great these two again. Looking over to Leon he spoke up. "Hey Leon right? Good fight. That last attack was done brilliantly... no pun intended." Other than his arm he felt pretty good. His body was actually ready for another round. His adopted father was always training them to get up after the hard punches. After years of training, Bran could bounce back after anything.

He gave a nod, "also don't worry about Louise. She's all about getting a good internship. Her chances of getting a heroic one are nearly shot now. That beatdown that she gave you Aidan was pretty brutal." He looked at him worriedly, a bit relived that he was alive. "Besides someone who thinks with their fist isn't as strong as you think." He gave a nod to Leon, "he get's it. When you can't out fight them, out maneuver them."

@Brinni @CosmicChangeling
CosmicChangeling said:
"Not when you're like this," Lexi became firm with her answer seeing the puppetry jerkish steps Rachel was making. "Especially not today right after he had his heart stop beating. I don't know you Rachel....and the only times I've seen you, you've put me down, were aggressive or had him in a dangerous situation. And I get it....you don't know me and all you've seen is the not best sides of me. We won't like eachother and I'm ok with accepting that."
She wants to be with him, Lexi tried hiding the anger in this and keeping it rational. It was hard to see this girl cry, choke up and be this vulnerable but it was the jerking and the twitching Lexi focused on. She saw that something dangerous was lying underneath and about to be exposed.

"You can't control that thing...and it's irresponsible for you to assume he can. Aidan sees the best in everyone. That's who he is. the last person he did that to beat him with an inch of his life. And he was right to see the best in you...I'll admit that...but I'm not risking his safety so he can play Russian Roulette with that beast until you have better control of it. Controlling it is YOUR responsibility, not his and it is awful you would put him in that position instead of owning up to your own struggles."

She paused trying to sound less cruel. "I want to help you...but you need to want to help yourself first. Don't put him through this."

Rachel Miller

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she groaned, wincing with Lexi's words as if they were physically hurting her. It took all her remaining willpower to force her body to stay where it was for the conversation, so she just meekly accepted Lexi's words without much of a struggle, although she did continue her begging. "W-we can," jerking, "Get to know eachother." She took a moment to breath heavily, trying to pull herself together. "Please.... I didn't mean to offend you.... It was all just.... Bad chance..." She rasped out, looking up at Lexi, pleading.

However, in Lexi's next batch of words, Rachel only nodded, and set her chin down on the floor as she continued to shake. "I u-understand," she murmured, letting out another sob. "I'm sorry..." She said, shaking her head. "I d-don't want to hurt him.." She murmured. She tried to turn away from Lexi, head bowed in defeat. "I won't put him through this. I don't want to hurt him. I w-will control it. I want to control it. D-do you think I enjoy this? I don't. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it," she breathed, getting the lines out, before her limbs jerked again. "Because
I love him,". She whispered. Her own secret. She slowly pulled herself to her feet.
"If she tries, we'll stop her" Leon said, hitting his fist into Aidan's.

When his opponent complimented him he smiled. "Thanks, it was obvious early on that I was outmatched. Outmaneuvering was the only choice I had against you. I don't think she particularly cares if she gets a heroic or villainous internship, so long as she gets to hit something. I worry about Lexi though. Anyways" he said, pushing himself up "I've got to get going to the arena. I wanna be there for Min's fight. Either of you care to come?"
Because I love him.

The words felt like a knife was lodged into her eye socket and twisted in there.

Because I love him.

Her fists curled, knuckles turning white.

Because I love him.

A wirely smile spread across Lexi's lips as her grey eyes stared at her with venom and rage. She knelt down besides the girl, placing her hand on her shoulder, a pressure she put down that had cracked the school benches earlier today, that had cracked the desks whenever she couldn't control the fire in her belly. "I will help you....because that's what Aidan would want me to do." She said finally. "I will get to know you...for him. And we can be friends...or whatever the fuck you want to call it....because that's what he'd want me to do. But I want you to understand something very clearly, Rachel. You and Aidan will not be together. It will never happen. You try to cross this line and I will end you. I won't even think twice about it." It was not a threat, it was a promise.

"And no....I truly don't believe you want this to happen. That you struggle with this every day. And that you fight with every fiber of your being. But you have no fucking regard for boundaries with other people around you and you HURT others emotionally because you can't seem to function or handle your own shit. Everyone has their own fucking crosses to bear, it doesn't give you a free pass to take whatever you want," like Aidan, "and cry poor me at the end of it."

Because I love him

Fuck you and the mustache you rode in on, Rachel Miller....you only knew him for one hour and Lexi wasn't giving up on the one special thing she had in this world. Not in a million years.


When their fists touched Aidan saw his golden energy seem to latch onto Leon's images swirling in his head of Paris and their lights but he pulled back before a full memory took place. He wasn't going to get used to this. It was easier when he just didn't know how it all worked.

The deep red energy in the shape of a boy the size that faced Leon earlier, the voice matching the television. He gulped as Bran mentioned Louise wouldn't go there. "Knight....kid I am very sorry I chucked rocks at...you weren't in her head. I felt what she felt. She wants Lexi dead, the tournament doesn't matter anymore. It doesn't matter if she does it today or the next day....I uhh...."

He clenched his fist in and out trying to calm down. He felt her fist impact his ribs again and almost gasped at the feeling or that he was reliving it. "When I was little...all I ever saw were murders. I'd walk by a room or a street and I would see the last moments of someone's life through the eyes of the killer. Their anger over the victim's fear and terror imprinted at locations more. I know first hand what that anger is like...what it feels like in a person. Louise has that and it won't go away. Lexi's my..."

My everything.

He swallowed. "I saw how you fought. Could you....uh....could you teach me how to fight...and how to handle myself. I need to be ready next time. Whatever you need me to do, well homework's not the greatest idea you'd get a worse grade...but maybe I could pay you."

Before Leon could interject that he could teach his friend he already shook his head before it even came out. "If I do this, Leon...I'm going to need you to help keep Lexi away. She's scared and beating herself up over this...she won't let me do this or will try to protect me at every turn. You're the only one I trust with that.

Leon got up, brought up going to the gym. Aidan pressed both hands on the bed and pushed himself off, his legs trembling, he forced a smile as his heart pounded heavilly. "Yeah....I'll come with you. I want to see the fight in p-person."

As the three talked the nurse pushed bran into the bed and began healing him, eating three caffeine tablets as she did so, letting out a yawn.
Bran looked between the two, they seem to have a pretty good friendship. He didn't envy them, friendship clouded judgement. At any moment anyone can change. The willingness to strike your friend down showed strength not cruelty. Because his adopted father taught him this, he'd never really be able to make deep connections. Not that he really minded he spent of all his childhood either training or fighting crime. He watched himself grow over time as he practiced. He became stronger and wiser than the average human living a average life.

Listening to Aidan as he spoke Bran realized that Louise might actually be a threat. Maybe she is working with the other girl who wants to take Lexi. If so thst would be a interesting predicament. At least, I know how to take down Louise. I'll have to work on some of the devices to have them all operational, but when the time comes she shouldn't be a problem.Bran's eyes didn't leave Aidan's as he continued to listen. It was admirable that he wanted to learn how to fight. Feeling the healing glow from the nurse's hand, he deliberated. Training someone is always very dangerous, especially if they weren't someone you knew well. If you don't choose wisely your pupil could use what you have taught them for evil purposes. Looking at Aidan, he didnt see any darkness beind those blind eyes. It would be useful if Aidan could protect himself. It would be one less liability in protecting Lexi. Bran nodded, he was pretty much bored here anyway teaching someone would be at the very least interesting.

As his arm was healed he inspected it and flexed. The next one is going to be fire proof. Bran thanked the nurse, she'd have a long day if the tournament continues like this. As Aidan got up, Bran spoke up. "I'll train you. Meet me tomorrow, my room at six am. We'll start then." He stood up and stretched, truthfully he would have started training here and now. However, he had a student registry and facial recognition program to look through. That girl... I need to know who she is. Who she really is. Bran looked at the two of them. "I wish your friends good luck in the tournament."

@Brinni @CosmicChangeling @Homage

Rachel Miller

Rachel yelped, being slammed back down onto the ground by Lexi's grip on her shoulder. She shook, trying to pull away from Lexi, feeling the Beast becoming active, boiling in her gut, her body continuing to shake and spasm. For a moment, she was terrified. "P-please let go of me Lexi," she begged, continuing to try and pull away, as the girl growled her angry words into her ear. "S-stop! It h-hurts," she whined, like a little girl, continuing to try and escape her grip. "L-let me go! Y-you don't understand what you're doing!" She begged, becoming more and more desperate. She could only hear had of Lexi's words, but she could hear enough. She growled, trying to push herself up. "You know NOTHING about me," she hissed. "Don't pretend like you-" her words were interrupted by the snapping sound of her shoulder breaking. She hit the ground again with a whimper, wheezing out, "Why do you hate me so much?" Before the Beast broke through.


The girl's body was jerked away from Lexi, right out of her grip with a sudden strength, as if the puppeteer was growing angry. The body was sprawling out across the floor. Rachel continued to spasm, as a shower of blood sprayed out from her chest, and the black hand reached out, slamming into the ground. Another hand burst out of the scar in Rachel's face. This hand too, clamped down into the ground. Rachel's body suddenly went very still, her mouth gaping open, her eye so very empty and wide.

Like something out of a nightmare, The abomination rose up, clambering out of Rachel's body with jerking, puppet motions, it's long, slender limbs constantly twisting and bending in impossible ways. The beast made no noise as it finally emerged. Rachel's body seemingly being sucked up into it. Its three, massive, glowing white eyes focussed on Lexi, seemingly boring holes into her very being. The Beast's presence seemed to suck all the warmth out of the area, as it loomed up in the hallway, far too large to have possibly fit inside of Rachel's body. It opened its jaws wide, rows of razor sharp teeth visible, although it still made no sound. Rachel's blood was splattered across the ground, yet none of it marked The Beast. It lunged towards her suddenly, moving too fast for something of its size, seemingly filling the entire hallway.
Leon opened the door and what he saw stopped him in his tracks. A behemoth of a creature filled the hallway looming over Lexi. He hesitated, unsure of what to do. He watched as Lexi took a step back and slipped on something, falling to the ground. Is that blood? The beast raised an arm, prepared to swipe at Lexi. The next thing Leon realized, he was in front of the beast with his palm on his chest. He mimicked what he did to bran in his fight. He stared as the beast collapsed, it's muscles no longer responding as the electric pulses contacted it's muscles beyond use. It was awake, and angry, but for at least a couple more minutes out wouldn't be able to move.
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Every ally you make, you create one or two enemies.

Boy had the rubbery abusive man had been right. Every turn of a good path Lexi had taken since developing powers something was thrown in the way as a giant obstacle. This was in the form of a raging beast like wolf with feathers, as she slipped on Rachel's blood taking a step back from it. As her back hit the ground, her grandfather's uniform soaked in blood, she couldn't help but notice the irony.

The one time she actually confronted someone for being a bully had led to a chain of events that nearly killed Aidan.

The very moment she had decided that she did deserve to be happy a she-beast monster of a girl showed up out of nowhere proclaiming and announcing her love for her man.

You tried to do the right thing....apologize to the bully to make amends. Despite your better judgement you agree to help the she-bitch. And as the beast flung towards her with supernatural speed (still not fast enough for our scarlet speedster) she realized that the right thing got you fucking trampled. No one else gave a damn fucking shit about the right fucking thing.

And then Leon had come to her defense, just like that.


Aidan grinned, his legs still shaking. "Really? You mean it? That's....I won't let you down Bran. And...and don't go easy on me. Even if it looks like I can't handle it, go as hard as you need to!" he was so excited that he turned and almost headed out the door without finding out where he lived. "Uh....you're going to have to give me your...."

He was in mid sentence about to ask what Bran's number was when his head turned towards the doorway seeing the silver energy of Lexi on the ground, Leon standing in her defense as the mangled supernatural beast inside Rachel twitched, blue sparks of energy around it showing Aidan what Leon had done. There was a faint energy of grey so far mangled in the animal...this was Rachel.

Aidan ran out, tripping on Rachel's blood, face planting into the floor and sliding into the lockers. He had no idea what he was covered in but he could feel Rachel's agonizing cries and pleas in his head meaning whatever it was...it was something that was a part of her or meant something to her her. "Wh-what's going on? Lexi are you ok?"

Rush got to her feet pulling Aidan up. "She was struggling to maintain her form and wanted to see you. I told her no. You went through too much. Then she said she loved you and I broke her shoulder." No remorse or hint of an apology was in Lexi's words as she stared at the fucking monster, she'd do it all over again and sooner. Aidan, however, was just growing pale trying to comprehend it all.

"She could have-we should have-"

Lexi cracked her knuckles standing next to Leon as Aidan babbled. "Thanks for having my back." She gave him a wire smile....she expected Leon to agree with Aidan on this. So be it....she was going to take the bitch down regardless.
"I don't think you needed to break her shoulder. Although I agree that he needs to rest and avoid drama. The rest I'll admit I'm a tad confused about. But we'll sort it out later. There's got to be someone that can...Can you give us a hand with something Nurse"
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"Well it's not like I did it on purpose! I tried telling her I would help her but I was pissed and it just happened." There was still not a hint of apology in her tone or regret, just anger. "Point is, she's only known him for less than an hour is claiming she loves him and there's...THIS...that is racing to come out whenever she's emotionally wound up. I'm not putting him through any of that shit."

Jealousy was ugly, but there was a line of rational thought behind it.

Aidan was pressing his hands against the locker trying to not have a panic attack. He saw that...thing lying there and flickers of Louise standing up and taking charge at him and he couldn't breathe. "R-Rachel....if....if you're in there you ca-can t-take c-control again." He stammered out.

The nurse leaned against the door frame. "My job is healing people," She sucked on the tootsie pop in her mouth. "Not stopping fights. She aint in my office so I don't care. Just make sure whatever you do injure isn't huge because honestly...all you people suck." She did however stay at the doorframe and just watch.


The Beast lunged out for Lexi, its claws scything through the air... Before a blonde boy stepped in front of it and filled it with volts. It flopped onto the floor with a loud thunk, although it itself made no sound. Each of its three, blank white eyes focused on a different prey, as it lie upon the ground, motionless, enfuriated that it was not yet strong enough to slaughter these flesh-bags. It's limbs still idily jerked, although that sort of thing just happened, not of the Beast's own movements. It cared too little of the mortal's words as they blabbered on, wasting their breaths. They were all pathetic and weak. It bared its teeth, trying to move its claws out to tear their weak bodies asunder like it had done with the fools who had summoned it all those years ago. It remained in silence, waiting patiently.

Inside, Rachel could hear all their words, but only vaguely understand them. Through the Beast's eyes, she could see Aiden slipping around, and she was filled with sorrow.
I'm sorry Aiden... I can't take control back.... I am not strong enough. She glared at Lexi, unable to even make sense of her thoughts. She was sure that she hated the girl though. Breaking her shoulder out of spite was just something that wasn't needed.

The beast stabbed its claws into the floor, already forming control over its fingers again.

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