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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

"I will, I'm sorry." Min felt a strange familiarity to the girl although she couldn't place where. Maybe I saw her once in my world. But this feeling is different. Besides I would remember her. Min glanced at the girls face not wanting to stare at her. A shadowy hand began to rise from the floor and reach out to the girl. Min quickly pushed it down and looked up a the girl with a awkward smile. "Um it was a bug." She got go her feet and half heartedly brushed her hands. Her cheeks were rosy with embarrassment she didn't know what came over her. The hands usually reached for her, but this time they wanted this girl. Just who is this girl? Looking over to Lexi and Aidan. Min smiled and took a few steps away from Rachel. She didn't want to be any closer to the girl than she had to. "Lexi! Adain! Guess what! Leon asked me to be his girlfriend!" She nearly shined with joy she was so happy.

@SirDerpingtonIV @CosmicChangeling
It only happened for a moment. Just a millisecond, a flicker of time. But in that millisecond, Vi nearly brought down the ceiling. Her vision had gone red with rage, she'd never felt such an extreme emotion before. For that instant, Vi had no control, power exploded in all directions. Hapswell's office was torn apart. He sold one of his own out. A fellow powered, and Hapswell chose money over her freedom.

He was worse than scum, Vi had to remove him from the world. She knew she wasn't strong enough, but she had a motive. Eventually she would find a way to get rid of him.

But first, the address. Vi had a location. First chance she got, which was likely Christmas, she'd follow that address up. Still shaking with shock and barely contained rage, Vi left the room.


"He what? Tim, how did he even... Who?" Nat was too surprised to express adequate thoughts. Instead, she took a breath, and spoke. "That's fine, I intended to tell her after the tournament. That way she wasn't distracted in case she fought anyone."

"Tell me what?" Nialla said, curious as to why her PE teacher was having a conversation with her mom. "Is something going on? Did Elastic recommend me for outside training?" That was the first thing that came to Nia's mind. Elastic treated her like a favorite, so maybe he was rewarding her for some perceived good deed.
Corbin would see the dirty blond hair of the lovely Ms. TurnEric in the crowd. She had the deadly.combination of Robin egg eyes, and a figure to boot. Sports jacket she had her notebook out talking to seniors and handing out her business card.

Her sister skirted through her legs and through the crowd, toddlers pointing out how pretty the kitty was.


"The blind one. Fucking....nat we are at a school of fucking super kids it's not a stretch some idiot would find out."

What he did next was wrong. Call it yewrs.of not knowing, reliving the past all.over again today and for the past two months.

He would need to apologize, but in that moment he wasn't thinking clearly.

It didn't help that hapswell was calling his attention to form the brackets. Not fucking now.

"Your mom and I fucked. Then you happened. I have to go fucking talk to the principal."

Day one as dad. Failed with glory as he stormed off to throw an old man.


Aidan noticed lexi grip his hand and pull him closer. He felt anger and other emotions directed at Rachel and none of it made sense.

"Something like super speed yeah...."she just wanted the kid to leave honestly. Min had shown up saving the day by bringing up leon.

"That's amazing min. It's almost as if these two knuckleheads egged the other one on."

"Wait how did you know that?" He asked. Then Rachel said fuck and there was something different in the tone.

"You ok rachel?"
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Leon walked away from Clara, disappointed in himself.

I should just switch into the citizen class. I'm clearly not cut out for the hero business. Sometimes, I wish I'd never left Paris. I was happy there. He saw Min telling her (...our he corrected himself mentally) friends about the two of them. I suppose...I suppose it isn't all bad. Still though...I miss my home.

He made his way to a relatively quiet spot and sat on the ground, placing his case beside him. As they called for the brackets Leon noticed that all of his friends made it through. He also noticed that he was placed against the person in the suit he had seen with Aiden.

That's....gonna be a tough one.
Nat wanted to call out to Tim. She wanted to run after him, call him a coward, and force him to explain things to Nia. Instead, she was forced to explain everything to her daughter alone. "What he meant was-"

"Why?" Nialla felt cold inside, betrayed. Her own mom kept that secret from her for her entire life.

"He... It's complicated, Nia." Nat couldn't explain the truth, she was only just coming to terms with it.

"How complicated is it? You lied to me, made me think my dad was dead! I never got a chance to see him when I was little, or anything! You should have told me!" Nia was louder than she intended to be, and was forcing down every urge to cry, but she didn't care. "I have to get ready for my fight."

A few minutes later Nialla was back in the cafeteria, laying her head on her arms, hoping it was all just a dream she could wake up from.
Harriet saw Nia storm off. With one last glance around to see if anyone in her family had shown up, she went out the door to find Nia. Eventually she found her in the cafeteria, sitting with her head on her arms. She was about to say something, but stopped herself.

Sometimes kind words are the ones that hurt the most

Instead simply sat beside her and waited until she was ready to talk.

Corbin smiled as he saw the dirty blonde with the smoking body. He looked her up and down, and whistled. He walked up to her and smiled. "I'm not a student, but I'd happily take your number. Tell me how does dinner tonight sound to you?" Corbin in his vast knowledge knew that with older women liked getting to the point.


Bran's eyebrows raised under the mask as he heard Mr. Elastic blurt out that he was Nia's father. Wow, that must be a shock. His phone sent up an alert on the V-mites. Tapping it he looked at the footage from earlier. There he saw the girl from earlier breaking into the office and pulling out Lexi's file. He zoomed into on one of the images to the paper. 2451 South St. Vintage 02110. Alexandra Clark. 15. He scanned the rest of the paper, some of the information was blocked by Vi, but he got the most of it. He thought about what to do. Maybe give them a all expense paid vacation to the Bahamas this winter.

Two for one.
He watched as Vi destroyed Hapswell's room. She was powerful, very powerful. Bran watched as various cameras were destroyed. Most of them survived, but he watched as she left the room. Bran paused on a picture of the girl's face. So this is who I'm up against. Very well let the games begin.

Bran continued to listen to the conversation between Mr. Elastic, Nia and Nia's mom. He shook his head. There were a lot of ways you could learn about your family, but this was one of the worst. Bran sighed as he began to walked up the bleachers. He scanned the crowd looking for anything suspiciously.


Min blushed. "Thanks Lexi. I'm really excited. I want to be a good girlfriend to him. So I want to do something for his birthday today." Min didn't really know what to do for Leon. The only thing she really knew was that he liked her. Looking between the two she notices that there was some tension between them. However, she decided not to point it out. "Have either of you seen Nia? I'd love to bounce some birthday ideas around with her." Min hadn't seen her in a while. She was a little worried, but knew that her parents would be here today. Come to think of it. Leon's father may be around here too! Maybe I could ask him. Min blushed deeply, no. I couldn't that's way too forward I don't want to be creepy.

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Nialla heard someone sit beside her, and with a quick glance she saw it was Hare. She felt just a bit better, seeing that girl. "People suck." She said, after several minutes of silence. She barely wanted to talk to anyone, but Hare was one exception. Hare, Min, or Lexi.
Rush was written down in her notebook. The job that she was paid to do was to recruit heroes. Boring. People at this kid up and she was probably a wash.

Besides she was here to get this Alexandra Clark business wrapped up.

Turning around, she eyed the boy up and down, giving an experienced smile. "Aren't you direct," she mused writing something on a business card, she patted his chest, the card in her hand.

Nice abs. "Add dancing and you have my attention."

The black kitten skidded to a stop. Ears perkes,.yellow eyes enlarged. No. Not again. She sprinted towards her sister.
"Yup." She said simply. "Need an ear?"

Harriet was determined not to push too much. Antagonistic as she was, she knew there was a time and place for everything. Now was the time for compassion, and silence.
He took her hand and kissed it, taking the card with his teeth. Pulling it out he inspected it and looked at her eyes. Yes, her eyes. He already knew how hot she was there's no reason to keep staring. That and he has a photographic memory, so he'd never forget that body. "Ooo a dancer. Done, so tell me when and where and I'll pick you up." He gave her a seductive wink and smiled.


Bran sat in the back and noticed the bracket for the next competition. He was up against Leon. Interesting. I guess I'm leaving my phone out of the arena. He wondered how much of a fight that Leon would put up. He knew that power orientated fighters are very inadequate fighters. Looking at him, he thought about it. Maybe I'll help him out.
"Have to keep myself limber and flexible," she said.

He wasn't half bad, probably was an athlete and a marathoner where it countedoesn't. One of her favorite perks were the seniors trying to get the upper edge of the job market and getting an interview between her legs.

"How about we-" she toppled over to the ground, wallabee legs had found their way into her sides knocking her prone.

Clara had sprinted changing shape to an animal in the kangaroo family, kicking her sister away. Forming back to human she stood over her sister. "Student. Child. You do not have sex with the students. That isn't your job."she yelled.

Parents had stopped to look what was going on.
@SirDerpingtonIV[/URL] @CosmicChangeling
CosmicChangeling said:
Corbin would see the dirty blond hair of the lovely Ms. TurnEric in the crowd. She had the deadly.combination of Robin egg eyes, and a figure to boot. Sports jacket she had her notebook out talking to seniors and handing out her business card.
Her sister skirted through her legs and through the crowd, toddlers pointing out how pretty the kitty was.


"The blind one. Fucking....nat we are at a school of fucking super kids it's not a stretch some idiot would find out."

What he did next was wrong. Call it yewrs.of not knowing, reliving the past all.over again today and for the past two months.

He would need to apologize, but in that moment he wasn't thinking clearly.

It didn't help that hapswell was calling his attention to form the brackets. Not fucking now.

"Your mom and I fucked. Then you happened. I have to go fucking talk to the principal."

Day one as dad. Failed with glory as he stormed off to throw an old man.


Aidan noticed lexi grip his hand and pull him closer. He felt anger and other emotions directed at Rachel and none of it made sense.

"Something like super speed yeah...."she just wanted the kid to leave honestly. Min had shown up saving the day by bringing up leon.

"That's amazing min. It's almost as if these two knuckleheads egged the other one on."

"Wait how did you know that?" He asked. Then Rachel said fuck and there was something different in the tone.

"You ok rachel?"

Rachel Miller

Rachel simply stared, wide-eyed at the hand that rose up towards her. As it drew nearer, her headache only intensified and she let out a pained grunt, clamping both her hands on her temples, gritting her teeth. "G-get the fuckin' hands away from me!" she snarled at the white-haired girl, the terror setting in at the realization that The Beast was trying to tear its way out, now of all moments. The pain became unbearable, and she fell to her knees, eye welling with tears. Beneath her sweater, something began to move around in the area near her heart, writing against the inside of the cloth, and the black dot in the scar returned, suddenly growing outward like a tendril, although it was only a long, black finger, covered in fur with a few feathers on it, all black. It had a long, sharp claw, and it looked so strange, protuding from Rachel's head, her scar beginning to bleed, the pain nearly forcing her unconcious. During this process, she couldn't hear anything Lexi or anyone else had said. She only turned her watery gaze up to Aiden. "P-please," she stuttered, letting out a choked sob, tears dripping down her face. "P-please," she repeated, extending one of her hands towards him, her skin having turned deathly pale, her entire body beginning to shake and convulse, as if something was underneath, toying with her muscles and bones.
(Welp....horrible timing for it to come out now dun dun dun great)

Aidan heard the whimper in Rachel's voice unsure what was going on. Whatever it was he saw in those memories earlier, it was almost like he could feel it now in the darkness of his sight. Letting go of Lexi's hand he reached and grabbed her arm, feeling it tremble against his. "You're stronger than it. Ok. You are." He wasn't sure what to do...but he knew his new friend was scared and that was the only thing that made sense.

Lexi on the other hand had her eyes widen in fear. She looked over and saw Aidan just grab her and felt the sudden urge to blip into hyperspeed and drop him off at the nurse. Now. Right now. She was flickering in and out of frame fighting the urge as she just watched. He had wanted her to trust him...that he could do this but....there was fucking something coming out of her head.

She desperately looked at Min as if asking permission to just get him out of the gym and put this...her...wherever before any of them got hurt. Her body vibrating it was making a sound.


Rachel continued to sob and shake, holding tightly onto his arm with both hands, practically hugging it, trying so terribly hard to keep herself anchored in the real world. She simply nodded, her head moving jerkily, as she continued to murmur "Please" over and over, continuing to shake. She kept her gaze upon his, although she knew he could not see her. She convulsed in pain, feeling The Beast well up its strength for a moment before.... a large, clawed hand burst from her chest, right over her heart. It was massive, with fur black as night, and with similarly adorned feathers. Her blood splattered across the floor, but yet all that touched the hand seemed to just disappear into it. Blood began to gurgle between Rachel's lips, spilling out onto her chin. She continued to hang on to Aiden for all she was worth, the black claw twisting around in the light, as if trying to get used to the motions it was capable of.


Within Rachel's mind, all Aiden could see was the black, empty and devoid of all features and memories. With the exception of a small, remaining patch of light, through which he could only see broken images, although occasionally he could see his own face, and Lexi's, and Min's. The only emotion she was feeling was incredible fear.


After almost a whole minute, the black
tendril-like claws sunk back down within her, the wounds seeming to close up on their own, although she remained pale, her blood across the floor. She lowered her hands from her temples, and they dropped limply to her sides, just hanging there, as she was barely

conscious. She offered him the smallest of smiles, and her lips twisted to say something, but no words came out, and Rachel simply collapsed onto her side, unconcious.
"My dad is Mr. Elastic and my mom hid that from me my entire life." Nialla said, not even bothering to hide it or be around the bush. Everyone was going to find out soon anyway, Hare might as well be the first.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and Nia figured Elastic had finished setting up the brackets, but Nia ignored it. Her energy had been shot dead by the revelation of who her dad was.
Harriet whistled.

"Hell of a thing to find out. But hey, there are worse people it could have been."

Harriet put her hand on Nia's shoulder and have it a squeeze of comfort and support.

"And hey, look at it this way. You found out while he was still alive. Plus this means you have both your parents here to cheer you on. That's more than I've got today. So keep your chin up, put on a smile as bright as your characters Aspect, and go kick some ass in the brackets. Show you are the kid of the infamous Mr Elastic and win this whole thing. I'll be watching your fights. I've got to get ready for my own. Catch you later"

She went to go see who she was up against in the gym and immediately began laughing.
"What do you mean we received a bomb threat?"

"You've yelled this three times," Hapswell yawned. "I need you and Darke to check the bleachers and find the bombs. Just can't tell anyone."



Elastic paced back and forth. Hapswell had used whatever student's stupid ability to send a siren high pitch shrill through Darke's and Elastic's mind until they ran over like dogs. He felt like a dog right now. "Fucking use Loretta, she's the psychic, she'd now where they are."

"Excuse me, Loretta is doing something vitally important for me. This is a matter of life or death."


Loretta stepped into the office to get Hapswell the coffee he wanted. As she stepped in and looked at the destroyed wreckage her heart sank, feeling a rock in the pit of her stomach. "This is the third time this month.....I'm going to run out of replicas at this rate..."


"I have to work with him?"

"What's the problem."

"I fucking...you stupid fuck face Fuckerknot!"

"No wonder your wife left you and took the kid. You sir have a potty mouth."

In that moment Elastic had to do everything in his will power not to strangle Hapswell for bringing his dead family into this. "You....fuck....Darke....dhamdgd" he lost speech as his face was turning purple. You could almost see the smoke.


Fuck not telling anyone. He stormed off when the blood settled down and grabbed Nat's wrist. "Bomb threat. Silent evacuation." Fuck that dick. He wasn't about to lose another kid and...well Nat...to some stupid bullshit. If there were bombs he was telling his old flame...then he'd look for the bombs. He left her there with those four words.


Aidan's own flesh turned pale just from feeling Rachel's own fear. But he remembered what it felt like in that moment to feel Lexi's heartbeat besides his own and stayed grounded, stayed focused. Despite what was happening *and let's face it he had no fucking clue* he kept saying calmly "You're stronger than it and I know you can do this."

Lexi was having her own panic attack. The hand that shot out and reached for him she almost blipped into hyperspeed.

He'd never forgive you.

Her fists clenched tightly, the nails digging intot he palms of her hands, blood dripping as it all went down. He wanted her to trust him. That's what she neded to do. But if he got hurt. If whatever that was killed him...she'd never forgive herself. But soon it was over. Rachel passed out. Aidan looked around confused as her arm slipped out of his grasp and Lexi looked at him, her heart skipping faster like a rabbit thumping its leg. He made the right call. Right now...he was a hero. Her smile lopsided as she looked more like a teenager seeing their favorite idol do something epic on tv or right infront of them. Like Nolan Graves signing his book. Oh she swooned for weeks for that one reading the passage repeatedly. But it was more than that...that feeling, it was stronger.

Because he was hers.

Rachel flickered out of the gym and reappeared on a nurse's cot. There was a post it note on her sweater. You and I are facing eachother. Good luck! - Lexi :)

Her joy was short lived when she came back to the gymnasium and saw who Aidan was facing. She looked back at her goof hero. "Thank God I apologized...." was all she could let out as she went back to the screen, growing paler as she saw it.


The first match.
The brackets were simple. One on one matches. You left the arena that was set up, crossed the line in any way and you were out. For speedsters, this counted as well, the lines were psychically linked and would light a color if a speedster left the box to go somewhere and then come back. Hapswell enjoyed this part the best. This was where most of the donors came from. The obstacle course and then this. The riddles were boring and most peopel just focused on placing their bets on who would win the belt at the end.

Darke and Elastic were off looking for bombs so he had pulled Clara onto the stage to act as a ref. "Sir I'm not sure this is a great idea."

"You'll do great."

"I don't like seeing students bleed i think I'd interfere too-"

"Unless someone is about to die, don't step in. Easy as that." he patted her shoulder and went back to his seat in the bleachers. His job was done.

Lexi was thumping her foot aggressively. "I can take you to the nurse, buy you two minutes to heal then you'll be ok."


"Or maybe you could just jump off the stage. Yeah, easy and done. And no shame. You made it so far and-"


"everyone is already proud of you. And-" his hand hit her eye at first, he tried covering her mouth and failed, only to bring it down, smooshing her nose in the process. "Lexi. I'm going to be ok." he heard her protest come out in muffles through his hand.

She looked at her class schedule crumbling it in her hands tossing it backwards as she started walking down the stairs. Fuck this place, she knew what it was....it wasn't a school...just a holding period for you explore being 'super'. Fuck super. Fuck powers fuck-

Something collided into her, Lexi took a tumble down a flight of stairs getting tangled in some jackass's feet and bag. She hit the ground first, the kid ontop, his eyes were glowing and he looked like someone that was half braindead. She pushed him off. "What's your problem?"

His face contorted and his pupils returned. "How did you get in an explosion?!"

"Is your super power tripping into people or getting up in their business?"

"Oh...no, sorry. I-" he pushed himself off, he wasn't even looking at her, Lexi snapped her fingers in his face. But when he looked at her it was off. "I see memories. I'm Aidan. Nice to meet you Lexi."

Creepy. "Aidan. What's wrong with your eyes?"

"Don't worry about it, just blind."

"You really need to walk with a walking stick or something...you're going to get yourself killed one day."

I was kind of creepy when we first met," He gave a lopsided smile.

Lexi grabbed both cheeks in her hands and kissed him hard. Her body began to vibrate as sound was slowing down, but she focused. "Be safe. Ok...you still owe me a dance."

"BRICK VS RECALL. The true battle of brawn vs. brain. Brick might have this one in the bag, but the stealer of hearts might have something up his sleeve to steal victory in the end." With that she left the padded cube boxing style set up taking her seat next to Nia (Of course when Nia arrives Homage and I wrote this post together)

Aidan didn't really pay much to the announcers. He held his hand out before the first battle began. "Good luck," he said genuinely. "May the best super win this."

Louise ignored the lowkey insult the announcer made, and shook Aiden's hand with a smile, still pretending to be pleasant. The bigger the shock on Lexi's bitch face, the better. "Good luck. If you want to surrender though, there's no shame in it." It was an offer she knew he wouldn't take. He was too stupid to take that.

"That's not fair to..."His eyes began to glow a golden color, pupils dissapearing. He saw Lexi shouting into the crowd that this was between the two of them. The anger, the hate. It was overwhelming. He saw Nia in the line of eyesight.

Gasping he took a step back. "You....you threatened Nia. Why???"

"Aw, did your girlfriend not tell you? That bitch Nia is the only reason your girl isn't in a hospital right now." Louise didn't bother explaining further. "Let's get this over with." She grunted before walking to her circle on her side of the arena.

As the bell rang to start the fight, it was met with Louise punching Aidan square in the face.

His nose broke instantly he saw himself being flung off the stage of a cheering crowd, energy blasting right in his face. He knew this fight. This was last year's fight. Aidan was knocked prone off his feet getting himself up. "You have a lot of anger...do you need to talk Lo-Brick?" he wiped the blood from his gushing nose.

He understood that rage. He felt that rage, that burning desire when he walked by a street corner where a kid was shot down fourteen times. He felt that anger when he was two years old and saw a man pick up an axe and chop up his entire family.

This was the anger that caused him nightmares as a kid first growing up with this. To say there was no fear on his face, as his skin paled would be a lie...but Aidan had to believe that this wasn't the same anger. This was a fellow classmate. It was possible he could talk her down, just enough that when she inevitably knocked him out....it wasn't fatal.


Nialla threw a barrier around Lexi instinctively. She watched the fight, if anyone could call it that, knowing what would happen. Louise was killing him. Nialla wanted to stop it herself, but she trusted Elastic and Darke to stop the fighting before it got too bad.

She regretted her decision as Louise kneed Aiden in the stomach, but her barrier didn't waver.


"Like those memories, shithead? Trust me, I've got a few more in store for ya." She ignored Aiden's attempt to calm her down, as she picked him up by the neck, Murder in her eyes.


Red. All she saw was red. As Nia put up the barrier there was a loud THWAP as she crashed into it. The blur didn't stop. Lexi was sprinting at all speeds THWAP. PING. THWAP. Relentlessly against it.


Four ribs snapped, one puncturing his lung. His heart was skipping as his brain screamed in pain seeing Duvalt in his eyesight as the memory there was a kiss, first love swimming in his noggin as he attempted to try and stay conscience.

Her grip was crushing his windpipe. Grasping at his her hands he tried to breathe. He saw himself...Louise...losing the tournament again. "Louise....stop," Blood spilling out of his mouth. "You don't....have to...be this...person...there's no going back..."


The intensity and the THWAPPING against Nia's barrier only seemed to grow worse.


Nialla's barrier was cracking, already about to falter. She couldn't use up too much energy before her own fight, but she also couldn't let Lexi ruin her relationship with Aiden by coming to the rescue again.

She had to hope Darke and Elastic were paying attention.


As it turns out, they weren't. There were reports of a suspicious device planted under the bleachers of the gym, and both men were held off to investigate it.

Vi was trying her best to subtly slow Louise's punches, to keep the damage at a minimum, but without an anchor or short range she was almost useless. All she could do is push as delicately as possible, hoping the hits weren't as full of force as they were meant to be.


"Are you seriously trying to reason with me?" Louise was more confused and annoyed than anything. "You're going to die here, and you're trying to talk me down? You know what would have stopped this?" She pulled him down, right up to her face. "What would have stopped all of this is your girlfriend not being a showboating bitch."

She threw one final punch, aimed right for his face.


Nialla couldn't keep holding it, her barrier shattered against the force of Lexi's movement. She could have doubled its strength, or made another, but she chose not to. She couldn't let the fight continue, she just couldn't.


This wasn't watching a fight. This was watching a massacre. A bloody horrible massacre where the person getting the beatings wasn't even begging for it to stop. It only made it worse to watch. His lung was filling up with blood. He saw himself reading the newspaper, jealousy fueling over Lexi that wasn't his own.

His face was turning purple, the lack of oxygen at this point was probably causing brain damage down the road, his body would begin to shut down. "You....aren't...a...murderer..." he tried. "You are...a....good....person..."his voice rasping for air.

As the fist once again hit his face, he saw Lexi....the last thing he probably would ever see. Saw the hot steeled determination in her grey eyes as Louise broke both her legs...he saw his hero...and then everything went black.

The fist smacked him, and Aidan hit the ground of the arena like a ragdoll. No movement, a groan, nothing. Not even a twitch. The audience drew quiet. The shield shattered and Aidan flickered off the stage. In the confusion people looked around to see what was going on, the sound of locker doors being ripped off their hinges was heard from a distance, a force of speed and power broke through the gym in a blur, it's doors flinging right off.

Rush had dropped aidan off, went to the furthest end she could go and sprinted at full speed towards the gym. All she felt was rage, her face streaming with tears as she undercutted her fist into Louise's stomache, the blow so strong the girl flew into the crowd and smashed the cement wall, the cement cracking on impact.

Bitch. Lexi was going to finish this. Finish her. She was speeding up in place to create another supercharged hit when a literal ton of weight collided in on her off the battle stage.


Lux Allen

After his failure in the obstacle course, Lux recieved a bit of brief healing in the Nurse's office. He had a few broken ribs, but the Nurse almost magically fixed those right up. He felt better physically of course, but couldn't shake the feeling that he had failed his parents and his friends with his embarrassing failure. He had been watching videos of the others going trough the obstacle course, and Rachel had done flawlessly, despite moving incredibly slow. He felt almost... jealous, something his parents always discouraged. Rachel didn't care about any of this, and yet while he tried so hard to win, he failed. Quickly and thoroughly. He sat on the bed in the nurse's office, curled up slightly, arms wrapped around his knees, feeling sorry for himself, before he looked back up to the television screen.

What he saw, was not the horrific suffering and partial
transformation of his adopted sister, as none of the cameras were watching that, but instead something else.

His heart stopped in his chest. He saw some poor boy getting beat up by Louise, brutally, pointlessly. He looked so small and broken, and something seemed terribly wrong.
Why is no one stopping this?! He bolted up, outrage playing across his face, as he began to hover above the bed without realizing it. "Someone's got to help him!" he cried out, kicking open the Nurse's door, soaring down the hallways at incredibly speed, the wind he raised carrying along the dust from the ground, into a sort of cloud behind him. He flew into the gym, coming to a halt before the arena, feeling incredibly nauseous. But now was not the time for his fears! Now was the time for action!

"Let him go!" he cried out in the most heroic voice he could manage, floating there in his yellow onesie. "You aren't following the rules! Why is no one stopping this?!" he cried out, casting his head from side to side, seeing no one in the crowd moving to help. It just wasn't right! He did not care if he got in trouble for this. He would not stand for it. And he knew in his heart that is the true good heroes were supposed to fight for, what his parents had always told him. They were guardians, protectors, those who helped others when no one would. And right now, he was that boy's guardian. He raised his fist, hurling himself towards Louise as quick as he could manage, his fist soaring towards her face..... only for Louise to just be... gone. He looked around, confused, before he saw her falling down from the opposite wall into the crowd. He frowned, trying to find the poor, beaten boy, only to realize he had gone too. Lux frowned, having yet again, utterly failed.
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Corbin's eyebrows raised as she mentioned, limber and flexible. His interest were peaked she was a very fascinating woman. She's a scout, which was evident by the card and she's used to being hit on. Although very comfortable with it, so she's just as loose as I like em. He was listening to her, when suddenly she was kicked by a giant wallabee.

What the? He looked in surprise as the wallaby turned into Clara. He looked between the two of them. Two knock out blondes? Hot. He watched as Ms. Turner shouted over her twin. He noticed the other parents stopping to see what the commotion was all about. Corbin raised up his hands up as he approached the twins. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's calm down." He looked to the woman standing over herself.

"Ms. Turner? I'm Corbin Knight, I graduated last spring. I'm here supporting my baby brother Bran. It's nice to see you again." The last name would be familiar, the Knight family is one of the biggest players in technology and weaponry in the world. The company/family was recently estimated for their net worth to be over 120 billion dollars. You can't throw a stone and not hit something with Knight technology.

He leaned down and helped Lisa to her feet. "As young as I look I'm 100% legal." He smiled down at Lisa and then looked to Ms. Turner. "Don't worry your sister isn't taking advantage of a student. Just a former one." He looked at Lisa, "now about our date. What's a good time for you?"


Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Min covered her ears, the voices began chanting loudly in her head. All of them at once. Luckily, they were all one word. Min closed her body teetering left and right. Her eyes dilated and began to glow and faded in and out of her power. "Shut up" she murmured under her breath. There wasn't a grab of control this time only a nuisance. Min's heart began to race, faster and her bones began to ache. It felt like her body was on fire. Her blood raced through her body three times faster than normal as she grew more agitated.

She watched as the beast began to claw it's way out of Rachel. Min's eyes glowed down her power seething emanating something dark. Lexi looked to her and Min pulled the hood over her head. "Get her out of here." Closing her eyes she raised a shaky hand over her face and walked away from Rachel and the others. Min staggered towards the doors and as she left the gym passed out in the hallway.

(Poor Min. Although curious who is going to pick her up.)
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((Backtracking a bit, was in work couldn't keep up))

He watched her head out the gym doors.

I should follow her right? Make sure she's ok?

He wondered why he even questioned it. Worst case scenario she says that she wants to be alone and he lets her. He got up and follwed her out, stashing his case behind the bleachers so he didn't have to carry it everywhere.

When he finally caught up to her he tapped her shoulder. "Min? Are you okay?"

When she didn't respond he started to get worried.

Rolling her on to her back he tried to gently shake her awake.

"Come on Min, wake up."

I need to get her to the Nurse

He lifted her up, surprised at how light she was. He carried her to the office, beginning to sweat from the effort at the end.


((this comes after the hare/nia scene ill edit it later but i've got to get my part in!))

Harriet took her seat, prepared for the beatdown Aiden was about to get. There was no other outcome. What she wasn't expecting was the sheer brutality of it.

Lexi hasn't stopped it yet? That's odd.

Then Aiden was unconscious, and Louise didn't look like she was going to stop and nobody was stopping her.

Aiden blinked out of existence and knew what was about to happen. Mostly because she knew what she'd do in Lexi's place. She stood up just as Lexi punched Louise in the gut. Wasting no time she tackled Lexi from her blind spot, and made herself weigh a ton.

You may be fast, but that does you no good trapped under a literal ton.


Harriet stayed calm, and simply bent over to whisper in lexi's ear."No. I won't let you do this. Not because she doesn't deserve it, I totally believe she does. But for two reasons. First, you don't have the strength to fight her. You can heal anything she gives you, but you can't do any serious harm to her. And more importantly, do you
honestly believe that Aiden would want this from you? I don't know him very well, but I doubt he'd want you to go into a rampage on her, and try to kill her or get killed yourself. Now me on the other hand...I can take her. And I won't even get disqualified because I won't throw a single punch. One day, you can get your revenge. Hell, I'll even help you. People like her need to be knocked down a peg or ten. But for now....Aiden needs you with him more than he needs you out here getting yourself hurt."

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The nurse was one person, her gifts were remarkeable where she could bring you from the brink of death and make you feel good as new....but it wasn't an instant fix. One minute she groaned looking at the newcomer, Rachel about to do work, the next she felt her insides turn as her hands were pressed into Aidan Turner.

Bleeding in the brain.

Bleeding in the lungs and ruptured spleen.

A large amount of fractures.

His heart beat was weak.

She looked down and realized, she only had two hands, there were three immediate dangers that even if she fixed two and one gave out, he would still die. The bleeding in his head was the least critical, still very critical. She placed one hand on his chest, the other on the spleen and just prayed to God he wouldn't suffer an anorism on the table or have his heart give out from trying to hold on. "You mother fucker. I've seen you every day for three years and you come in like this."

There was no anger...just fear.

(The nurse just looks at you and knows whats wrong. Safes a shit ton on medical supplies)
Brinni said:
((Backtracking a bit, was in work couldn't keep up))
He watched her head out the gym doors.

I should follow her right? Make sure she's ok?

He wondered why he even questioned it. Worst case scenario she says that she wants to be alone and he lets her. He got up and follwed her out, stashing his case behind the bleachers so he didn't have to carry it everywhere.

When he finally caught up to her he tapped her shoulder. "Min? Are you okay?"

When she didn't respond he started to get worried.

Rolling her on to her back he tried to gently shake her awake.

"Come on Min, wake up."

I need to get her to the Nurse

He lifted her up, surprised at how light she was. He carried her to the office, beginning to sweat from the effort at the end.
That girl...there's something wrong with her... with me. I... can't move anymore. Is this another attack? Was the last thing that went through her mind before she passed out. She took silent breaths as she laid there. Min's heart was beating very slowly, her breath was shallow as she could feel herself being carried. Her skin was cold, and she was trembling ever so slightly. Her mind drifted from the pain she she was in, to a soft calm. She gave a quiet murmur as she leaned into closer to him. "so....warm...." He felt warm and sturdy, giving her the feeling of safety. Placing her ear to his chest she listened to his heart beat. The steady rhythm of his hear calmed her.

As the two arrived at the nurse's office Min was slowly regaining consciousness. She seemed to have fainted due to blood loss. The remedy some bedrest as a blood transfusion was out of the question at a school. Her eyes fluttered as she saw a shining light. Whining she blinked and looked up at Leon. Giving him a tired smile she rested her head against him. "Hey...." Looking around she noticed they were in the nurse's office. "This... this is the nurse's office, what are we doing here?" Min saw Aidan laying down looking like a beaten pulp. "Oh Aidan..." Min's eyes glowed a soft red as she raised a hand up and suppressed the bleeding in Aidan's brain as the nurse worked on healing the other two injuries.

She could feel her internal organs begin to be sliced as she forced her power. Whenever it sleeps...the pain... She bit her lip as she could feel her lungs, heart and liver begin to slowly be torn apart. Holding on until the nurse was completely finished she dropped her hand wearily. Smiling she looked at Leon. "Thank you for carrying me here, but I'm fine." Her red eyes glowed brightly as her body slowly repaired herself. "I just fainted from seeing that monster try to tear through that girl. She is alright?"
Nia was nothing less than shellshocked at the sight of Aiden's body. She barely moved, barely did anything as Louise got up from her place in the cement and stared down Hare. She looked barely hurt. There were whispers in the crowd, wondering what kind of monster Louise was, wondering if Aiden was even alive. Nia felt nothing short of complacent. If he died, it was her fault. Lexi could have saved him faster, if Nia hadn't put up the barrier. She stopped Lexi from saving his life, and for what? Lexi's grade? Her reputation? That girl wouldn't care for either if the boy she cared most about was dead.

Nialla saw Hare staring down Louise from her position, and decided to move beside her, standing across from her enemy. It was an awkward moment of silence, where some of the crowd seemed to wonder if the second fight was already about to happen. Nia still didn't know who her opponent was, she had yet to check her phone. Once she had finished speaking with Hare she found Lexi and stuck with her.

Either Louise actually cared, or noticing both Nia and Hare, the two people just below Lexi on her shit list, caused her to stop. "You want a piece of this?" Louise asked, in a challenging posture. Fighting another contestant before your actual battle was grounds for disqualification, but it didn't seem like Louise cared. She got her revenge by crushing Aiden, right?

"Hare, whatever you decide, I'm with you." Nialla said, preparing barriers for both herself and Harriet. If Louise attacked, their chances were slim. Her barriers could block one or two of Louise's hits, but at full strength they wouldn't last a minute.


Aiden showed her kindness when nobody else bothered asking her name. When Aiden got an image of Nialla away from the school at one touch, he didn't ask questions. Aiden was the greatest example of potential Supers, the best of their kind. Even as Louise was beating him to death, with every intention to end his life, Vi knew from how she knew Aiden and the movement of his lips that he was giving Louise a chance. That was the kind of person he was, and that was the kind of person Louise beat to near death without a hint of mercy.

Vi didn't move from her seat, but she tensed and Nia and Harriet moved to face Louise. If they threw the first attack they would both be disqualified, but if Louise threw it... Vi watched with anticipation, hoping Louise would throw the first punch so she would have an excuse to throw that bitch so far even Lexi would take years to find her.


Darke was examining one of the two suspicious devices, and he knew almost immediately what it was. He was terrified, so he went to his best engineering student, DuValt, to double check (Claiming it was a student's project). The boy confirmed Darke's fears:

It wasn't a bomb. It was a tracking device.

Someone was sending out the location of the school, a location kept secret from all but the parents and students, with parents having their memories slightly altered so they forgot the location twenty-four hours after returning home (They signed the paperwork, it was mostly legal). And now that secret, one protected for years, was gone.

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