• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

The room was dark, the wooden walls only visible due to the fading, dull blue light of the candles all around her. She was lying upon a stone altar, tied down with ropes as her parents, the man with black hair, the woman with brown hair, looked on, eyes devoid of all color as they swayed and chanted, ignorant to Rachel's screams as she thrashed against the ropes, her own blood continuing to drain onto the floor from where her parents had cut her open. "Please let me go.." She whimpered, eyes filled with tears, a pit of terror devouring her from the inside out. Her blood was not the one blood in the room. The corpses of mutilated animals, and even people, also lie around, their blood and hers used to draw some hideous symbol upon the ground, which slowly began to glow. She could hear fists knocking on the door, as quick and rythimic as her terrified heartbeat. She tried to scream to get help, but no one seemed to hear and her voice had stopped working. All her body hurt from the bloodloss, and her vision began to blur. Because of the blur, she wasn't sure she was really seeing what happened next. A massive, shadowy form rose out of the ground, growing arms and legs, terrifying claws and razor sharp teeth. She looked away as it cut her parents to ribbons with those claws in nothing more than a single swipe, blood splattering all over the walls, although none stained the beast's fur or feathers as it approached her. Her grey eyes made contact with its deathly, glowing white ones, all three, and she was paralyzed, unable to look away as it loomed over her, raising its claws. It had not made a single sound, not even breathed before it It stabbed one clawed hand into her heart, also silently, and the other scythed through her face. She tried to scream, but all that came out was a gurgle and the taste of her own blood pouring out between her lips, still staring into those white, empty eyes, as all her world faded away.

Aidan staggered forward not realizing that there were tears streaming down his face living that memory and that he had tried to let out an audible scream in those moments that wouldn't come out. Spinning around to see who caused it, it wasn't their fault. They didn't know. "oh...oh thanks. I umm...have a long way to go before I reach any of the people here." he paused. "I'm sorry, I don't want to be rude. I've had enough memories for the day....week...definitely the week. It was nice meeting you!"

He walked past them trying not to run, pulling the collar of his shirt. Oh god, what did that kid go through?! He stopped. turned back around. "I'm not being rude...i swear...just touching, I see memories and I'm really sorry you went through that."

Tugging at his collar again he walked out. Nurse first, then the walking cane. Somehow keep himself together from Min's kidnapping, a girl's torture, his mother's newly discovered abuse....and how he was going to talk to Lexi again. Right now, it was all very overwhelming.


Her shoulders relaxed incredibly as Louise held out her hand. Lexi didn't think twice. She gave a small smile and took it. "No...you didn't deserve it. Fresh start. I like that." She rubbed the makeup off her face with her sleeve.

Aidan would go further. He would make a friend. That kid didn't have a mean bone in his body....and maybe it was about time she started following his example instead of trying to protect him. That was going to start now. "I do like the costume and I think its really cool that Darke was getting you infront of tv producers. Who would you want to play you if you got a tv deal?"

Unknowingly to Lexi, that same TV producer that had been eyeing Louise was going over footage of the two of them during their obstacle course pointing out the antagonist...Louise...but the real star...the spitfire jackass super Rush. Everyone loves a fucking jackass.
CosmicChangeling said:
The room was dark, the wooden walls only visible due to the fading, dull blue light of the candles all around her. She was lying upon a stone altar, tied down with ropes as her parents, the man with black hair, the woman with brown hair, looked on, eyes devoid of all color as they swayed and chanted, ignorant to Rachel's screams as she thrashed against the ropes, her own blood continuing to drain onto the floor from where her parents had cut her open. "Please let me go.." She whimpered, eyes filled with tears, a pit of terror devouring her from the inside out. Her blood was not the one blood in the room. The corpses of mutilated animals, and even people, also lie around, their blood and hers used to draw some hideous symbol upon the ground, which slowly began to glow. She could hear fists knocking on the door, as quick and rythimic as her terrified heartbeat. She tried to scream to get help, but no one seemed to hear and her voice had stopped working. All her body hurt from the bloodloss, and her vision began to blur. Because of the blur, she wasn't sure she was really seeing what happened next. A massive, shadowy form rose out of the ground, growing arms and legs, terrifying claws and razor sharp teeth. She looked away as it cut her parents to ribbons with those claws in nothing more than a single swipe, blood splattering all over the walls, although none stained the beast's fur or feathers as it approached her. Her grey eyes made contact with its deathly, glowing white ones, all three, and she was paralyzed, unable to look away as it loomed over her, raising its claws. It had not made a single sound, not even breathed before it It stabbed one clawed hand into her heart, also silently, and the other scythed through her face. She tried to scream, but all that came out was a gurgle and the taste of her own blood pouring out between her lips, still staring into those white, empty eyes, as all her world faded away.
Aidan staggered forward not realizing that there were tears streaming down his face living that memory and that he had tried to let out an audible scream in those moments that wouldn't come out. Spinning around to see who caused it, it wasn't their fault. They didn't know. "oh...oh thanks. I umm...have a long way to go before I reach any of the people here." he paused. "I'm sorry, I don't want to be rude. I've had enough memories for the day....week...definitely the week. It was nice meeting you!"

He walked past them trying not to run, pulling the collar of his shirt. Oh god, what did that kid go through?! He stopped. turned back around. "I'm not being rude...i swear...just touching, I see memories and I'm really sorry you went through that."

Tugging at his collar again he walked out. Nurse first, then the walking cane. Somehow keep himself together from Min's kidnapping, a girl's torture, his mother's newly discovered abuse....and how he was going to talk to Lexi again. Right now, it was all very overwhelming.


Her shoulders relaxed incredibly as Louise held out her hand. Lexi didn't think twice. She gave a small smile and took it. "No...you didn't deserve it. Fresh start. I like that." She rubbed the makeup off her face with her sleeve.

Aidan would go further. He would make a friend. That kid didn't have a mean bone in his body....and maybe it was about time she started following his example instead of trying to protect him. That was going to start now. "I do like the costume and I think its really cool that Darke was getting you infront of tv producers. Who would you want to play you if you got a tv deal?"

Unknowingly to Lexi, that same TV producer that had been eyeing Louise was going over footage of the two of them during their obstacle course pointing out the antagonist...Louise...but the real star...the spitfire jackass super Rush. Everyone loves a fucking jackass.

Rachel Miller

Rachel's eye widened with worry as the boy staggered forward and began to cry, eyes wide as he just.... Sat there. "Holy shit! Are you alright?" She asked, stepping back, not wanting to touch him again just in case she accidentally did... Whatever she did to him again. He turned to her, saying something meaningless, before he walked away, saying he had too many "bad memories" for the week, which only confused her more. "Anything I can do to help?" She asked, nervously.

He just continued to walk away, before he turned, and said.
"I'm not being rude...i swear...just touching, I see memories and I'm really sorry you went through that." She sat, confused for a moment as he continued to walk. As he left the room, it hit her. He had seen her memories. What had he seen? What did he know? What would he tell everyone else? She clenched her fists, gritting her teeth, and she ran forward, entering the hallway. She caught up to him easily, grabbing him by the collar and slamming his back into the locker. "What. Did. You. See." She whispered in a deathly quiet voice, her tone seething with rage, but her hands shook with terror, and he could feel her heart beating far faster than it should be considering how close they were. Her one, grey eye was wide, locked on his. "WHAT DID YOU SEE!? WHAT MEMORY!?" She bellowed, pulling him towards her before slamming him back into the locker again, her teeth gritted, breathing heavy.
A blind kid walks down a hall and slams into a locker. That's the joke.


The next batch of memories were scrambled and cloudy, blurred red with Rachel's incredible anger. The jumble of memories played along like a broken movie, flickering between scenes, some barely making sense.

He could see.. Through one young eye, hidden under a playground, as other children, supers of course, danced around, chanting something inaudible. Rachel's hands clamped up against her ears, shaking her head to block it out, face dripping with tears. "They know, they know, they know, they know, they know," she whispered to herself hysterically, on and on as the children's chanting became audible. "Mutt girl! Mutt girl! Mutt girl!"

Suddenly it was different, the eyes of the Allens, minor heroes who were Rachel's adopted parents looking down upon her with a mix of concern and poorly disguised disgust as she writhed on the ground, overwhelmed with white-hot pain, warring against the beast that had set itself inside her soul, took her very body prisoner.

The prolonged contact with Rachel only allowed more of the memories to flow into him, chaotic and distorted.

Rachel stood before the mirror, staring at her own reflection. She was older now, as this had only been two years before the present. She wore all black like her hair, which was long and unkempt. Her single grey eye stared into the depths of the mirror from her ruined face. She was trying to cover the long, terrible scar with her hands, her other eye dripping with tears which trickled down her face. She shakily sobbed, unable to understand why she had to be so incredibly ugly.

He could see the mirror again, Rachel's face, this time in the present, changing between her face and the beasts, her scared wide eyes and the beast's wide, blank white ones. The rapid changes played along, given voice by Rachel's bloodcurdling screams.

The other memories were too short, distorted or blurry to be understood. Aiden could see flashes of tears, frowning faces, blood, and always, always, that dark feeling lurking underneath her skin, always trying to break free, the beast taking its claws against her insides, slowly destroying her.


"Rachel stop!" Aidan shouted, a ring of authority in his voice he only used once in his life...twice if you count this moment. He felt the fear, the anger...the thing, whatever it was...but the fear was overwhelming. He picked up the name during the blurrs. "If you don't want me to see anything you need to stop touching me. Touching me is only going to make it worse and I can't control it. I'm sorry."

What he saw, it was too emotionally real for him to be angry what she did.

From all the slamming, pushing, gritting, screaming, Aidan was still trying to appease to her and not jump down her throat for fucking messing with someone who was too blind and stupid to make it to the nurse's on his own. "Please. You're scared....you have every right to be...but you need to let me go."

His body stung with pain, bruises on bruises. He was not going to make it to the nurse's before the next rounds, but that wasn't top of mind. "I saw you die," He said finally when he could hear her breath calm down. He wasn't sure what exactly he saw the first one...but he saw her parents die...if they deserved to be called that. He didn't understand he saw a mutation occur. How could he? he was only seeing glimpses of her life. "I don't think you're a monster. I know monsters. I've seen many monsters. Whatever that is...in there, that's not the person I felt." Hi hands were above his head to show no harm, no malice. "look....I can't control what I see...I see what is really bothering someone because its the stuff that imprints more. You should have been warned and you weren't and I'm sorry."
Léon tapped his foot a couple times and took a breath to steady himself. "I just wanted to make sure you still wanted to go with me to the dance tonight. I don't know what Nick pulled you aside for, I just assume it was to ask you to the dance because I had heard he wanted to. But I don't want that. I want something more. I want you to be with me. I guess what I am trying to say is Min, will you do more than just go to the dance with me? Will you go out with me? I get that this is kind of a lot right now, so you don't need to answer me right away." he said, the words spilling out.

@The Suspicious Eye
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CosmicChangeling said:
A blind kid walks down a hall and slams into a locker. That's the joke.

The next batch of memories were scrambled and cloudy, blurred red with Rachel's incredible anger. The jumble of memories played along like a broken movie, flickering between scenes, some barely making sense.

He could see.. Through one young eye, hidden under a playground, as other children, supers of course, danced around, chanting something inaudible. Rachel's hands clamped up against her ears, shaking her head to block it out, face dripping with tears. "They know, they know, they know, they know, they know," she whispered to herself hysterically, on and on as the children's chanting became audible. "Mutt girl! Mutt girl! Mutt girl!"

Suddenly it was different, the eyes of the Allens, minor heroes who were Rachel's adopted parents looking down upon her with a mix of concern and poorly disguised disgust as she writhed on the ground, overwhelmed with white-hot pain, warring against the beast that had set itself inside her soul, took her very body prisoner.

The prolonged contact with Rachel only allowed more of the memories to flow into him, chaotic and distorted.

Rachel stood before the mirror, staring at her own reflection. She was older now, as this had only been two years before the present. She wore all black like her hair, which was long and unkempt. Her single grey eye stared into the depths of the mirror from her ruined face. She was trying to cover the long, terrible scar with her hands, her other eye dripping with tears which trickled down her face. She shakily sobbed, unable to understand why she had to be so incredibly ugly.

He could see the mirror again, Rachel's face, this time in the present, changing between her face and the beasts, her scared wide eyes and the beast's wide, blank white ones. The rapid changes played along, given voice by Rachel's bloodcurdling screams.

The other memories were too short, distorted or blurry to be understood. Aiden could see flashes of tears, frowning faces, blood, and always, always, that dark feeling lurking underneath her skin, always trying to break free, the beast taking its claws against her insides, slowly destroying her.


"Rachel stop!" Aidan shouted, a ring of authority in his voice he only used once in his life...twice if you count this moment. He felt the fear, the anger...the thing, whatever it was...but the fear was overwhelming. He picked up the name during the blurrs. "If you don't want me to see anything you need to stop touching me. Touching me is only going to make it worse and I can't control it. I'm sorry."

What he saw, it was too emotionally real for him to be angry what she did.

From all the slamming, pushing, gritting, screaming, Aidan was still trying to appease to her and not jump down her throat for fucking messing with someone who was too blind and stupid to make it to the nurse's on his own. "Please. You're scared....you have every right to be...but you need to let me go."

His body stung with pain, bruises on bruises. He was not going to make it to the nurse's before the next rounds, but that wasn't top of mind. "I saw you die," He said finally when he could hear her breath calm down. He wasn't sure what exactly he saw the first one...but he saw her parents die...if they deserved to be called that. He didn't understand he saw a mutation occur. How could he? he was only seeing glimpses of her life. "I don't think you're a monster. I know monsters. I've seen many monsters. Whatever that is...in there, that's not the person I felt." Hi hands were above his head to show no harm, no malice. "look....I can't control what I see...I see what is really bothering someone because its the stuff that imprints more. You should have been warned and you weren't and I'm sorry."
As he shouted, she let go of him, stepping back, her eye wide, tears already beginning to form in it. She hasn't expected him to suddenly shout at her, or use her name either. He continued to speak, and she realized he was right. She stepped back, shaking her head, rubbing her eye to try and hold back the tears. "I'm... I'm sorry..." she murmured, continuing to shake her head, not angry now, just scared and confused. She was unable to fathom how he could have possibly seen some of her darkest memories just by touch, and if anything, that scared her any more. She took another step back at him, truly looking at him for a moment, realizing that she had slammed him into the locker using her unnatural strength, and he had already been hurt. She winced in sympathetic pain, turning away for a moment, trying to calm herself down.

After a few moments, she did successfully, her breathing and heartbeat returning to something a bit closer to normal. He began to speak, and she shook her head. "I didn't d-die," she murmured. "Sometimes I wish I had, but I didn't. The Beast kept me alive. Who else would it wear as its jacket?" she asked cynically, continuing to sob. She simply shook her head in confusion as he continued to speak, this time about monsters. "Don't be sorry," she muttered as he began to apologize. "Just shut up," she murmurred, before throwing her arms around him in a hug, nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck, continuing to sob. After a few moments, she whispered into his ear "Thank you," before stepping back, suddenly getting rather awkward. "I... uh... sorry..." she murmured. "Do you... uh... need help getting to the nurse?"
Bruises on bruises, he was going to need more than just a quick tune up from the nurse. Something he realized as he stretched his backs and heard the cracks. His legs quivered with pain trying to keep himself up. He succeeded, just a second or two where it was unsure whether or not he could. In a way, he welcomed them. They were his bruises and no one had to save him from them.

And with Rachel not pummeling him half to death....he was useful. Even for a short brief moment. "I have a friend, it's not like yours...but she lost who she was and is grappling with the new her. I don't know you that well, but...you're here at this school...and if the entire faculty really believed you were a danger to everyone, that you weren't strong enough to handle that...you wouldn't be here. So that lets me know you are. Maybe the two of you should-oh....ok"

His eyes glowing gold, the pupils remained intact this time as Rachel nuzzled her neck into him. He wasn't sure how to respond. For a solid three seconds he had no clue what to do with his arms. Did he hug bag? Did he just stay there? Did he try to skirt away....in the end he knew. She was scared, and in some ways, he accidentally violated her. So he returned the hug, rubbing her back platonicly.

The next memory was also confusing, but it atleast seemed happier, although it was short. It was the face of a boy around their age, sitting with Rachel, the both of them laughing. The boy's features were a little blurry, but he wore a yellow costume that looked a bit like a onesie. "That's your fuckin' costume, Lux?" Rachel asked teasingly, punching him on the shoulder, continuing to laugh. The boy's face turned red, and muttered something about not having enough time to make anything better.

When she jumped back, he cracked his back again wincing. "I'm ok. I'm not going to have time for it.....I still need to grab my walking stick, that's going to be a terrible mistake if I somehow make it to the bracketts and don't have that." No muscle, no real offensive power, no weapon.

That's exactly what he needed. "Look if you still need someone to talk to, I do need to grab my stick I wouldn't mind the company."
(Sorry I'm making a frittata)

Min looked at Leon as he tried to steady himself. She looked at him with rose-colored glasses. She bit her lip worried that he would call off the date they had. She told him, she must have. Listening to him as she spoke her heart went through an emotional rollercoaster of emotions. She felt relief, worry, fear, and shock, before finally settling on joy. He wants to go out with me? Wait... he wants to go out with me?!

She smiled brightly and nearly squealed with joy. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Smiling she pulled back and looked at him, her cheeks crimson. "I don't need any time to think. Of course I'll go out with you." Looking at him, all the doubt and worry she had washed away leaving only happiness. She stroked his jaw and smiled at him, "I heard it was your birthday today. I wished you'd have told me. I would have gotten you a present. Although I guess there's still time. What do you want for your birthday Leon?"

CosmicChangeling said:
Bruises on bruises, he was going to need more than just a quick tune up from the nurse. Something he realized as he stretched his backs and heard the cracks. His legs quivered with pain trying to keep himself up. He succeeded, just a second or two where it was unsure whether or not he could. In a way, he welcomed them. They were his bruises and no one had to save him from them.
And with Rachel not pummeling him half to death....he was useful. Even for a short brief moment. "I have a friend, it's not like yours...but she lost who she was and is grappling with the new her. I don't know you that well, but...you're here at this school...and if the entire faculty really believed you were a danger to everyone, that you weren't strong enough to handle that...you wouldn't be here. So that lets me know you are. Maybe the two of you should-oh....ok"

His eyes glowing gold, the pupils remained intact this time as Rachel nuzzled her neck into him. He wasn't sure how to respond. For a solid three seconds he had no clue what to do with his arms. Did he hug bag? Did he just stay there? Did he try to skirt away....in the end he knew. She was scared, and in some ways, he accidentally violated her. So he returned the hug, rubbing her back platonicly.

The next memory was also confusing, but it atleast seemed happier, although it was short. It was the face of a boy around their age, sitting with Rachel, the both of them laughing. The boy's features were a little blurry, but he wore a yellow costume that looked a bit like a onesie. "That's your fuckin' costume, Lux?" Rachel asked teasingly, punching him on the shoulder, continuing to laugh. The boy's face turned red, and muttered something about not having enough time to make anything better.

When she jumped back, he cracked his back again wincing. "I'm ok. I'm not going to have time for it.....I still need to grab my walking stick, that's going to be a terrible mistake if I somehow make it to the bracketts and don't have that." No muscle, no real offensive power, no weapon.

That's exactly what he needed. "Look if you still need someone to talk to, I do need to grab my stick I wouldn't mind the company."

Rachel Miller

Rachel thought over his words for a moment, thinking about his friend. She simply shrugged. "Suppose you're right, but sometimes I feel like this is a fight I cannot win... you know?" she asked, before frowning. "Oh. You already know that. Probably.." she sighed, shaking her head. She had realized that the hug was awkward for him, as he took a few seconds to return it, very platonicly rubbing her back. "Alright, no worries. I'll help you go get the stick," she said, attempting a smile.

As the two began to lock, she turned to him. "Why do you need a walking stick anyways? Also.. what's your name?" she asked, grinning slightly. "You already know more about me than anyone else, and I don't even know your fuckin' name," she chuckled.

((Sorry for short post))
"No....I don't know how that feels. I know what it feels like to be helpless and to feel you have no control, but no...I don't think I understand what you're going through. Oh, sorry. I'm blind." He shrugged. "Lex is always after me to make sure I bring the walking stick but I don't need it....today I do though. And Aidan. If it makes you feel better...most of my friendships usually start with me knowing very deep personal things I shouldn't know about. It's like skipping A straight to R."

He grinned at his own joke. It was funny because R for Rachel, names introductions. It was so funny, he thought, that he tripped on his own feet, staggering just slightly. But he didn't fall. So bonus.

(We can just cut to riddles too)

The riddles were the worst section for Mr. Elastic. He never really tried the mental challenges over the years because quite honestly he just liked tormenting students. Trying to come up with a mental challenge actually really challenging was just ridiculous. But, like every year before this one, more than half the obstacle winners would flunk out.

Because they couldn't answer a stupid riddle. He didn't want to say he was a little proud seeing Nia finish the race and with a decent time to boot....but he was very confident she'd pass this one. Right now, he looked down at Speedy, aggrivated. "You here to make a wise crack at the cameras and just eat up the attention?" He asked dryly.

Rush/Lexi frowned. "I deserve that. I'm working on it. Took what you said to heart."

"Clearly, speedy, because immediately afterwards you had the run of your life with frikken recruiters everywhere still playing the fucking footage." He rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"A lady named 'himanshi' was found shot and they already had a list of suspects - Ankit , Tarun, Harish, Manoj and Manish.

Killer is a fan of sherlock and chalenge him by leaving notes ad various places.

* The first was found in a toilet room.

* The second was found in an art room.

* The third was in a restroom.

* the fourth in an underwater room.

* The fifth at the no smoking room.

All of the notes read the same thing, 'The clues are where you find the notes.' Yet, nothing was found at anyplace the notes were.

Sherlock the genius , immediately solved the case.

Who was the killer ?"




"Great...you pass. Claim your fucking reward."

"There's a-"

"No. Fuck. Just get out of here! Jesus!"


"What the fuck happened to you?"

"I got in a fight."

Elastic raised his brow and stared at Perfect Vision, aka the blind idiot for a solid minute before he laughed, clutching his gut. "Oh god. That's almost as good as telling you to eat some fucking carrots to see better. You ready?"

"I think so I me-"

"Find the next number in the sequence 23 21 24 19 26 15 28 11 30 7 36 ?"

"Do you know the answer?"

"Of course I know the-LET GO OF ME!"

Aidan's eyes widened horrified as his eyes glowed, pupils dissapearing. Skin growing pale he reached and grabbed Elastic's other arm.

"Mrs. Blake?!?!"

Elastic twitched, his face growing hot with rage. "That....better...be...your...answer."

"No...the answer's five. You need to tell her!"

Because of the sheer number of contestants who made it beyond round one (Thanks in no small part to Lexi pulling seven people across the finish line), Darke was recruited to assist Elastic in giving the riddles. His first student was one of the oddballs: Isabel Mentiroso. As if reading from a script (Which he was), Darke gave Vi her question:

"Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?"

"That's it? Incorrectly. Can I have another?" That wasn't challenging in the slightest. Was this really a question used to weed out other students? Vi was disappointed.

"Yes. Bye." Darke had a dozen other kids to get through. He didn't have time for her if they wanted to have the one on one battles the same day as the rest of the tournament.


"If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven't got me. What am I?"

Nialla had to ponder the question for a moment. She wasn't exactly the best at riddles, but she still managed to get through it after a minute. "A secret."

"Good. Leave."


Louise was more than confident in her answers, they always used the same book of riddles every year. She was expecting to get a repeat, by this point. "What's my riddle?"

"What invention lets you look right through a wall?"

"Oh, a repeat, really? A window. That was easy three years ago. Still easy now." Louise didn't hide her confidence in her answer, she knew it was the truth.

"Congrats, have fun winning." Darke had his bets on Louise, no matter how good Lexi was he knew she had little chance of beating that brute.


"DuValt, congrats on making it this far. First time, right?"

"Let's not dwell on that."

"You're right, Louise might punch you if you get caught not spending every waking moment with her. What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, yet never in a thousand years?"

"Uh... M?"

"Yes. Good luck."
Leon kissed Min on her forehead and smiled. "I already got what I wanted" he noticed that his cheeks felt hot and he knew that he had turned completely red. "I'm so happy you said yes, come on" he took Min's hand "We still have the rest of the tournament to get through before our dance."

@The Suspicious Eye


Mr. Elastic hated his job. He just watched a student fail the easiest of riddles. What gets wetter as it dries. TOWEL YOU FUCKING MORON. He looked down at Ms. Gossip herself. "Babs bunny, made it through. Great. Ready to get this fucking over with?"

Harriet waved him on. "Cmon stretch, let's get this over with. I've got things to do before the brackets"

"Original." he rolled his eyes. "Decode The Message carrot fiasco nephew spring rabbit sonata tailor bureau legacy corona travel bikini object happen soften picnic option waited effigy adverb report accuse animal shriek esteem oyster "

She was glad she had looked at the book. She doubted that she would have figured it out otherwise. "I mean, I got it, but it's not really a riddle. Its "congratulations codebreaker""

"What a fucking genius, get out before I fling you." he rubbed the bridge of his nose.


Mr. Elastic looked at the last kid on his list. "Franklin the turtle right? Right. Let's get this fucking over with."

Moe looked at him, tired of the attitude. "You're Gumby, the washed out dickhead right? I couldn't agree more."

"I turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown and make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I'll pop. If you look at me, you'll pop. Can you guess the riddle?"

What the hell is this? This wasn't in the book. I can't even think of anything that could be the answer...unless...

"Um? No? I don't think this one has an answer. Does it?"

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"Winner winner chicken dinner, get the fuck out of here." Elastic snapped. This went on for another hour or two until they were all done (OOC: You can still post you doing riddles but Leon's the last to answer to finish for story purposes) More than half got out for simple riddles, and quite honestly...he didn't believe they were that hard. He hated to admit it, but Darke helped him...looking over he saw Ms. Turner still sitting with one student, the only student she had gotten all day when she was supposed to be useful.


Ms. Turner had agreed to help Darke help Elastic with the tournament. There was an unusual amount of students that passed the obstacle. So she grabbed her clip board of riddles, took her seat across from Leon, the new transfer student from France. "Well this is exciting. You're already making a huge impact on the school. Let me know when you're ready ok?"

"I don't see how. I've barely done anything in these past two weeks. But I'm ready if you are"

"Making it past the obstacle course is an accomplishment, don't sell yourself short." Clara opened the riddle book. "You're at a school where people will do whatever it takes to tear you down, you shouldn't be helping with that cause. Celebrate the small victories, they lead to the bigger ones." She cleared her throat and began.

"Allan, Bertrand, and Cecil were caught stealing so the king sent them to the dungeon. But the king decided to give them a chance. He mad them stand in a line and put hats on their heads. He told them that if they answer a riddle, they could go free. Here is the riddle: "Each of you has a hat on your head. You do not know the color of the hat on your own head. If one of you can guess the color of the hat on your head, I will let you free. But before you answer you must keep staning in this line. You cannot turn around. Here are my only hints: there are only black and white hats. At least one hat is black. At least one hat is white." Allan couldn't see any hats. Bertrand could see Allan's hat but not his own. Cecil could see Bertrand's hat and Allan's hat, but not his own. After a minute nobody had solved the riddle. But then a short while later, one of them solved the riddle. Who was is and how did he know?"


Elastic walked over to Clara flipping the clipboard out of her hands. "How many kids did you go through?"

The woman barely flinched. "He's still thinking, give him space."

"Oh yes. clearly. Sparky here needs to be saved at the obstacle course and gets the wimpiest sucker to waste the ENTIRE FUCKING TIME so you can just drop out now. You better answer right now or I'll wail on you so hard whatever audible sound that comes out of your fucking mouth is the answer. You understand me?"

"He won't touch you." "The hell I will!" Clara kept her calm smile. "I'm not going to let him, I think you know the answer. Prove him wrong."

Lux Allen

Lux had been busy speaking with his parents instead of getting ready. He had realized too late that he was running late, so he quickly hovered down to the track, beginning the Race although everyone else had finished. He flew down the obstacle course at high speed, feeling the urge to vomit pressing upon him, before he entered the trap area. He dodged a few arrows, felt proud of himself, before a gigantic cannonball crashed into his chest as sent him flying into a tree.

Rachel Miller

(Cutting to riddled)

Rachel sat down before Elastic, a slight grin still upon her face from earlier conversation with Aiden. He had been as friendly and kind to her as he could manage, considering she had accidently showed him all her deepest emotions and secrets and slammed him up against a locker. She couldn't possibly understand how he had been so nice to her when she had treated him like shit so much. She felt disgusted with herself, although only for a moment. He was funny too, even if his A to R joke almost made her punch him.

Elastic gave her a look that said many things and none, but most of all that she would like to punch him. "What is yours but other people use it more than you?" He asked, voice strained by the annoyances of the other students. Rachel frowned, thinking, trying to figure out what the answer could be, but after a few minutes of wait, she grew impatient, annoyed with the idea of assigning riddles anyways. "Name me a single fuckin-"

"Name is the answer, get the fuck out of my face." Elastic grumbled.

With that, Rachel just stood up and walked past him, beginning to laugh at her luck. She had always been bad at riddles, and was just happy enough that she had coincidentally said the answer, although she admittedly wasn't clever enough to see how easy the riddle had been. Proud of herself, she moved around trying to spot Aiden until she saw him, wandering around seemingly aimlessly. She ran over, throwing her arms around him in an excited hug, before lifting him up into the air, still hugging him, and spinning the both of them around. "I passed!" She cried out merrily. "The riddle wa-" she paused, grinning, "Oh wait, you see that already, don't you?" She asked, chuckling, gently setting him down.
Lexi Clark's apology tour, brought to you by Staples. That was easy.

It seemed to be all over. Lexi in her uniform gave Brick a thumbs up before she went to darke and clapped with the crowd when she made it through. She still needed to find aidan and apologize to him as well...the thought of doing that brought knots.to her stomach twisting to.the point of nausea.

She thought louise was hard....no, this was harder. If it had went south and louise told her to screw at the end of the day lexi could still look herself in the mirror and be ok....but with him no. That wasn't the case. She wanted...no...needed aidan to still be part of her life.

The first day of school he had fallen right into her, the two of them tumbling down the stairs together. He was her first friend here and....

Deep breath. She could do this.

She found him being picked up by a girl hugging him and spinning him in the air. The clapping the cheering and the general movement of the world stopped as lexi presses her hands into the bench. The wood cracking slightly under the pressure.

Who was she? What was she doesn't? Why hadn't lexi seen her before? Why did he look battered and bruised. Were they fucking smiling?!?!


He was never going to feel clean again. Aidan felt like running himself in cold water for days....knowing that wouldn't be enough. Nia didn't know. She didn't know her father taught here.

This was a plot line from one of the soaps his mother enjoyed. All my supers instead of children. He needed to tell her. No....no he shouldnt. But it was her father. The father should tell her. What would she think if she knew he knew?!?!

Color and seeing mr. Elastic looking annoyed as he felt someone picking him up. An audible noise came out of his mouth, the bruising starting to throb a little harder as time went by.

"You did! That's great!" He was just excited that she wasn't feeling scared right now, totally oblivious as to why she might not.


Rush flickered in front of them. Her mouth twitched as she tried to keep a steady composure, her hands behind her back. "Aid...recall, good job with the riddle."

The tension between the the two WITHOUT Rachel you could cut with a knife...with her it was fucking cement.

The silence was killing her. "I just...umm....you were right. I'm working on it. I apologized to Brick and I want to make things right with you."
More than the usual amount of people passed the obstacle course. Elastic was not the only one helping. Clara sat down and gave a warm smile to Leon. "Well this is exciting. You're already making a huge impact on the school. Let me know when you're ready ok?

"I don't see how. I've barely done anything in these past two weeks. But I'm ready if you are" he responded. He was ready as he could be.

"Making it past the obstacle course is an accomplishment, don't sell yourself short." Clara opened the riddle book. "You're at a school where people will do whatever it takes to tear you down; you shouldn't be helping with that cause. Celebrate the small victories; they lead to the bigger ones. Allan, Bertrand, and Cecil were caught stealing so the king sent them to the dungeon. But the king decided to give them a chance. He made them stand in a line and put hats on their heads. He told them that if they answer a riddle, they could go free. Here is the riddle: "Each of you has a hat on your head. You do not know the color of the hat on your own head. If one of you can guess the color of the hat on your head, I will let you free. But before you answer you must keep standing in this line. You cannot turn around. Here are my only hints: there are only black and white hats. At least one hat is black. At least one hat is white." Allan couldn't see any hats. Bertrand could see Allan's hat but not his own. Cecil could see Bertrand's hat and Allan's hat, but not his own. After a minute nobody had solved the riddle. But then a short while later, one of them solved the riddle. Who was it and how did he know?"

Leon thought for a long time. He wasn’t great at riddles, sometimes they required a lateral thinking that he didn’t possess. He sat there for about 30 minutes trying to figure it out. He barely noticed when Elastic walked up.

First I barely make it through, had I not been called I never would have known I passed. I’m still not sure how, maybe I tumbled over the line when I hit the tree. And then taking so long on the riddle when everyone else is in and out? Maybe I’m not cut out for this hero thing. I should start thinking about what I want to do.

After some time he finally figured out the answer. “Bertrand knew the answer because Cecil didn't say anything after one minute. If Bertrand and Allan’s hats were both the same color, then Cecil would know what color his hat was. But Cecil didn't know. So Bertrand knew that Allan’s hat was a different color than his. Since Allan's hat was black, Bertrand knew his hat was white. Right?" he answered hesitantly

Rachel Miller

Rachel set Aiden down, continuing to smile, although she knew he couldn't see it. "Thanks! And yeah! I only got the riddle right out of complete fuckin' coincidence," she chuckled. "Guess I'm not bright enough to get it right normally. Riddles are kinda stupid anyways. I mean, what kind of villain or whatever would ask us a riddle?" (The Riddler *Cough*)

"So, what're you do-" she stopped as another girl, this one with red hair, seemed to appear out of nowhere. The girl looked quite pissed, and brought a sudden layer of tension to the air Rachel didn't appreciate. She waited for the girl to stop speaking before deciding to introduce herself. She stuck out her hand towards Lexi, with a simple "Ey, I'm Rachel." She tried not to look too intimidating, although that was admittedly hard.
Pissed. Jealous. Same thing. She didn't notice her french braid was bad enough that some of her red strands were falling out and visible even with the helmet. Rush looked her up and down, her grey eyes focused like a person sizing up their competition and already deciding they were better. Arrogance. Something Lexi REALLY needed to work on. But in the end she held out her hand and gripped it.

Those awkward handshakes between people where one person is trying to show their own strength in the grip was definitely happening her. It was strong, surprisingly strong with the girl's frame (she should talk she was puny and looked nothing like an actual fighter) "Lexi. Codename for the competition Rush," She said.

Her gaze went back to Aidan, he gave a soft smile she returned it. "Aidan...I'm really sorry what happened. Can we talk...can I take you to the nurse...please?"

He was angry, but more at himself than at her. He could hear the strain in her voice. He reached out for her hand but grabbed the arm of her sleeve. "I'm ok. Besides...might be the first time in my life I look kind of rugged."

The awkward smile became a real one. "Did you win?"

"No...definitely not, but I'm up and walking. Look....I was upset but there are other things going on Lexi. It wasn't just you pulling me over the finish line. I need to start standing on my own two feet and taking care of myself. I don't want you thinking you need to take care of me all the time. Rachel, this is Lexi, I think the two of you would actually be good friends."


"Great. Fucking wonderful, you passed. Now just get out of here." Elastic stretched his face in aggrivation, his jaw went down to his chest, then snapped back to its spot. He turned to Clara. "You're soft. You need to start being tougher on them. No one at this school respects you."

"You're just upset I was right, Tim." Clara smiled, before turning into a black kitten and sprinting off.

It was bad enough the blind kid who couldn't keep a secret to save his life now knew about his shit. He looked around and spotted Nat in the crowd making his way there. "You and I need to talk again." he said his voice harsh...he was ATTEMPTING to be calm but failing.

Rachel Miller

Rachel said nothing as the girl introduced herself to her. She hadn't heard anything about a Rush, and had to admit it sounded rather stupid. But then again, it was probably her quickly forming dislike for the girl speaking. She listened idily as the two began to speak to one another about something that had presumably happened, although she was quickly beginning to form a mental picture. She realized this was the lex mentioned earlier, although she felt disappointed, having perhaps expected more. She nodded to Aiden as he introduced the two of them, and she simply nodded, although she didn't believe what he said about them being friends. She put her hands into the pockets of her sweater, unsure what to do now.
She wasn't leaving, just standing there. This was already awkward as it was. Lexit felt uncomfortable opening up and exposing herself....here she was doing it withas a stranger as the audience.

Someone she already wanted to punch in the face and tell her to back off. Maybe drop her off in a different state and be right backind before the brackets.

No, that wasn't right. She shoved he'd hands in her back pockets looking at her again. What was she even doing here anyways? Stupid sweater....stupid sweater face swinging....breathe.

"Well it's uh....nice to meet you." She forced out.

Back to aidan. Bite the bullet and just do it. "I understand if you don't want to go to the dance after what happened-"

"Lexi," He grinned. "One stupid little fight doesn't mean I don't like you anymore." His arm slid down the sleeve nearly losing his balance but he grabbed the hand from the back pocket.

He saw her breaking down in front of Nia and grimaced outwardly for a moment. "I'm taking you to the dance. And you're going to meet my parents before they leave today. I'm sorry I made you cry I didn't know."

She looked at him trying to calm the tightness in her chest and then back at Rachel. She was worried about nothing. "So uh....what's your super power? Am I going to see you in the brackets?"
Min smiled at him as he kissed her. Looking at his face she smiled as she saw how red he was. She held his hand tightly as they made their way through the competition. She watches Leon go first, wishing him luck. Even though he said he was happy. I'll have to get him something. Maybe do something nice for him. Thinking about what she could do for him, she clapped as he passed. She waited for her turn to come and walked up to Mr. Elastic. "We if it isn't demon eyes? Alright let's get this over with."

"What falls but never breaks, and breaks but never falls?"

Min paused for a moment and thought about it. What fall's but never breaks? And breaks but never falls? Min thoughts trailed from the riddle as she thought about her grandmother's lullabies. She sometimes sang them to her when Min tried to sleep. They always had to do with warring entities, the Moon and the Sun, light and darkness, day and night. She realized the answer and smiled, silently thanking her grandmother. Min looked at Mr. Elastic and spoke softly. "The day breaks but never falls and the night falls but never breaks."

"Congratu-fucking-lations get off the stage." Min happily walked off the stage. As she saw Leon she felt her phone buzz with a text. She pulled out her phone and looked at the text. Her heart nearly stopped when she saw who it was. Why is he texting me? Reading the message quickly she quickly responded and shoved the phone back into her cape pocket. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. It's fine he won't see me anyway. He just got back into Germany. Sliding her hair behind her ear, she looked around for Leon.

Looking around she didn't even pay attention to where she was going. She bumped into an athletic girl with messy black hair. Stumbling back she fell down, accidentally giving a panty shot to anyone looking. "Ah!" Quickly sitting on her knees she looked at the girl. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." She stopped for a moment looking into her eyes, well eye.



Bran scanned the area before jumping down from the trees and into the school building. He checked his phone as the cameras settled into place. Closing his phone he took a deep breath and pulled down his mask. He looked throughthe small divide as he entered the gym. He was just in time for the riddles. Bran made his way to Mr. Elastic. He knew that he didn't really like Bran. Probably because his brother used to tease Mr. Elastic when he was in school.

"Alone I am 24th, with a friend I am 20. Another friend and I am unclean.What am I?"

Bran crossed his arms and sighed, "The letter x. Are you sure this riddle is appropriate for the school setting?" I swear do they even rate pornography anymore? Giving Mr. Elastic a quick pat on the back he smirked. "Don't worry I doubt anyone else would figure it our." Releasing his hand he looked at Mr. Elastic who he knew was doing his best not to curse him out on stage. Giving him a dangerous glare as Bran made his way off the stage. Corbin was standing there grinning. "Way to go short stuff. Stretch Armstrong's got nothing on you." He raised his hand up high above Bran for a high five. Bran rolled his eyes under the mask. "It was easy."

While Bran was on stage he thought about doing a deeper inspection on the teachers. He put a nano mic on elastic's back. Investigation is nothing without the proper tools. Pulling out his phone and some headphones he turned on the listener app. Corbin leaned over his brother and looked at the app, "Ah, I see. Well don't forget to nod your head baby bro." Bran rolled his eyes and nodded his head moving towards him.

Corbin smirked and decided to go check on some of teachers he had. Ms. Turner was pretty hot, maybe I should test those waters out.

CosmicChangeling said:
She wasn't leaving, just standing there. This was already awkward as it was. Lexit felt uncomfortable opening up and exposing herself....here she was doing it withas a stranger as the audience.
Someone she already wanted to punch in the face and tell her to back off. Maybe drop her off in a different state and be right backind before the brackets.

No, that wasn't right. She shoved he'd hands in her back pockets looking at her again. What was she even doing here anyways? Stupid sweater....stupid sweater face swinging....breathe.

"Well it's uh....nice to meet you." She forced out.

Back to aidan. Bite the bullet and just do it. "I understand if you don't want to go to the dance after what happened-"

"Lexi," He grinned. "One stupid little fight doesn't mean I don't like you anymore." His arm slid down the sleeve nearly losing his balance but he grabbed the hand from the back pocket.

He saw her breaking down in front of Nia and grimaced outwardly for a moment. "I'm taking you to the dance. And you're going to meet my parents before they leave today. I'm sorry I made you cry I didn't know."

She looked at him trying to calm the tightness in her chest and then back at Rachel. She was worried about nothing. "So uh....what's your super power? Am I going to see you in the brackets?"


Bran scanned the area before jumping down from the trees and into the school building. He checked his phone as the cameras settled into place. Closing his phone he took a deep breath and pulled down his mask. He looked throughthe small divide as he entered the gym. He was just in time for the riddles. Bran made his way to Mr. Elastic. He knew that he didn't really like Bran. Probably because his brother used to tease Mr. Elastic when he was in school.

"Alone I am 24th, with a friend I am 20. Another friend and I am unclean.What am I?"

Bran crossed his arms and sighed, "The letter x. Are you sure this riddle is appropriate for the school setting?" I swear do they even rate pornography anymore? Giving Mr. Elastic a quick pat on the back he smirked. "Don't worry I doubt anyone else would figure it our." Releasing his hand he looked at Mr. Elastic who he knew was doing his best not to curse him out on stage. Giving him a dangerous glare as Bran made his way off the stage. Corbin was standing there grinning. "Way to go short stuff. Stretch Armstrong's got nothing on you." He raised his hand up high above Bran for a high five. Bran rolled his eyes under the mask. "It was easy."

While Bran was on stage he thought about doing a deeper inspection on the teachers. He put a nano mic on elastic's back. Investigation is nothing without the proper tools. Pulling out his phone and some headphones he turned on the listener app. Corbin leaned over his brother and looked at the app, "Ah, I see. Well don't forget to nod your head baby bro." Bran rolled his eyes and nodded his head moving towards him.

Corbin smirked and decided to go check on some of teachers he had. Ms. Turner was pretty hot, maybe I should test those waters out.


Rachel Miller

Rachel recognized the awkward note the whole conversation took, caused only by her presence. However, she decided not to leave, perhaps sherry out of spite. She raised an eyebrow as the girl have her an incredibly awkward 'it's nice to meet you', although it almost seemed as if Lexi struggled to get it out of her mouth, which only made Rachel dislike her even more.

As the two of them began to talk about the dance.. And hold hands... Rachel couldn't help but frown, something inside her feeling put down about hearing those words, although she didn't know what or why. If those words made her uncomfortable, Lexi's next question hit her like a punch in the chest. She sat there for a few moments, eye widening reflexively in her anxiety, before she shook her head slightly. "Strength," she answered. "Just strength. Nothing like Louise, but it's still there," she said with a shrug. "And yeah, I'll be in the brackets," she answered, pausing to think. "How about you? Something speed rela-" she was rudely interrupted by someone bumping into her from behind.

She turned, looking down into the face, and not the panties, of a white-haired girl, whom struck her as odd for no apparent reason. An odd familiarity, although she had never met this person. She chuckled, although her fist was clenched with a sudden paranoia that had set upon her. "Nah, it's fine. Just look where yer goin' ok?" She asked, continuing to smile. However, she suddenly clamped a hand to her right temple, face screwed up in sudden pain. "Fuck!" She shouted, surprised by the sudden and familiar pain of the Beast trying to escape. She stumbled back from the girl, wondering what could have possibly aroused it's attention. For a moment, a tiny dot of black appeared in the depths of her scar, before disappearing, as her headache set away.
"Oh good, you needed to talk, too." Nat said as Tim arrived, after which she looked for her daughter, finding no sign of her. "We're in public, Tim, so make it quick." She wasn't embarrassed to know him or anything, Nat just didn't want Nia hearing their conversation.


Nialla was enjoying her lunch while they waited for the announcement of who made it to the quarterfinals. She was one for sure, Lexi was a shooin, and Louise had never lost before the finals. At least three of them, and if Min passed the first trial than she would definitely make it to the one on ones. She was too smart to lose to the riddles.

With the last bite of her chicken sandwich finished, Nia left the cafeteria and headed to the gym, hoping to find one of her friends in there to find their own positions.


With the riddles over, everyone was in or around the gym. That everyone, luckily, included the headmaster of the school and his secretary. Vi had already managed to get through the first of two locks standing between her and Lexi's files, and was in the process of opening the second. She stole the keyring off of the janitor's cart when he was cleaning the bathroom, and now was in the process of finding the one perfect key out of dozens.

With a click, one finally opened the second door, which Vi silently shut behind her. Once her break in was complete, Vi proceeded to search the filing cabinets for Alexandra Clark. If she was lucky she'd find what saved the girl's life. If she wasn't... Vi still had six months. Six months to find anything she could.
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(Holding off on Lex until Min and I'm at work so I can't go too indeph)

Make it quick. Like she was fucking in charge again. his fists expanded in and out as he tried not clenching them. THey looked like angered mallots increasing and decreasing. "One of the fucking kids touched me and he knows. Pals around with Nia. I don't want her finding out from some idiot and not her fucking parents."


2451 South St. Vintage 02110

Alexandra Clark.


The file went into detail about an FBI conversation between Agent Benjamin Thompson and Hapswell, with the understanding that when it was discovered what kept the girl alive, it would be handed over to the feds. $50 million to seal that deal. Other government projects were filed as well about attempts to make super soldiers for years. Professor Corvi was mentioned as well, a failed experiment that Hapswell took in instead of the agency trying to figure out how the fuck they were going to put the monstrocity down.

It cleary was a monstrocity, the death toll was incredibly high.

Family members

Alexander Clark

John Clark

Emily Clark

Michael Clark

Eleanor Clark (Elli for short)

The family classified her as dead, but as far as Lexi herself knew, this was a unique witness protection program and she had no idea she was sold as property to the feds in the end.

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