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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

Moe looked at Duvalt as he made his offer.

Not just a mindless toadie after all. Good. Maybe we can use him in the future. I don't know for what yet, but we'll see.

"I appreciate that DuValt, and I'll certainly keep it in mind. Thanks. And don't worry, I wouldn't dream of having you turn on your friend, even if she does deserve it. Good luck with the rest of the tournament" he said while smiling.

After he left he turned to Hare. "Know the right kind of pressure to apply and you can make anyone do anything."

Hare was just stunned that Moe had not only gotten DuValt to help him in the obstacle course, but to offer help outside of it too.
Aidan pushed himself through the crowds of people at the gymnasium until he made it past the doors into the empty hallway. He saw memories of kids experiencing their powers the first time, lost spouses. Every touch was an insight to someone else's life...their very soul....and usually Aidan appreciated that. He got to see the world, and feel what people felt. Over the years it made him humble, empathetic and kind. You don't understand people unless you walk a mile in their shoes...which was a gift he was given.

But today was different. He didn't want to see into anyone's memories, he just wanted to be himself. Aidan Turner. As he walked down the halls wanting fresh air he thought about Lexi and what he felt when he held her hand. It wasn't just her. Yes....he was angry. Pissed even....but if he was being honest with himself, it wasn't just her.

Right before the race started, he had seen himself on the fat screen televisions kissing Lexi...and he had felt what his mother felt about it. The hatred and fear spiked radically. Now....you might say Aidan was 100% clueless who his parents were. That would be a lie. His mother had spent most of his life holding him and protecting him from the outside world that over time he saw every memory she ever possessed.

Every. Single. One.

From the romance and courtship, how she actually treated his father, what she said to people and about people. Just like his father...though he still didn't like seeing those memories. But...those were his parents. And he knew they loved him unconditionally despite their flaws...so he never held it against them.

Like true Aidan fashion, the moment he opened the doors to the outside world, he tripped on a crack on the pavement and faceplanted into the cement. He let out a frustrated yell, chucking a rock at....he was fucking blind he just chucked it....What if he could never live on his own? What if he was stuck with his parents forever?

Or worse....Lexi became his mother over years of constant worry and attempts at trying to keep him safe...

Frustrated, he chucked another rock before getting to his feet. With his luck he would hit someone and he was supposed to be alone outside.
Min looked at Vi as she laughed, it certainly shocked her. Lowering her hands she looked at the girl surprised. Min didn't say anything as the girl spoke, just listened. Her intensity was intimidating, Min shrunk in the overwhelming strength of the girl. She seemed to have gone through something that seriously changed her. Min could tell by how emotional the girl got as she lectured. It was strange to have someone talk to her like that. She didn't know how she felt.

As she stood there thinking it through the girl left. I shouldn't give up. Even if the darkness is so close, I should keep fighting. It's painful, but I'll just have to fight for control. Looking up she turned her head left and right for the girl. "wait..." She was no where to be seen. Where did she go? Oh no she won't tell Leon that I was kissed by someone else!! She went down to the hallway and headed towards the gym.

As she made to her gym she looked around at the large crowd of students. She couldn't find the girl she had talked to or Leon. Taking shallow breaths she worried that Leon might be off with her now. She began to feel grow nervous and worried. Turning around she was about to go back into the halls until she heard her supposedly super name being called for the run. "Red Hurricane." Min froze in place, maybe I should just leave. Tapping her foot she sighed and went up to the stage. As she walked to the starting line she stretched out her muscles. Not the best thing to do in such a small outfit, but Min didn't think about it. With every step she chanted quietly to herself. Stay in control, stay in control, stay in control. She leaned down into a runners starter position. Her cape covered around her as she focused her eyes on the obstacles ahead. The shone a glowing crimson. In the air around her four crimson blades formed around her. Underneath her feet she felt the pressure of her power grow as she built up speed. Her cape glowed as it fell under her complete control.

Taking a deep inhale there was a loud, BANG! Min's cape swirled around her and she shot off through the course like a red bullet. The blades spun aorund her destroying and deflecting any traps that came near her radius. Her body sped through the course increasing her speed at every second. Passing through the first three stages without a problem she moved rapidly through the snow. It split like the parting sea as her range powered though the snow. Stopping instantly as she passed the line. the swords stabbed into the ground and Min smiled as her chest heaved. She hadn't used her power that much since...well ever. I never felt so much power. I feel so strong. She raised her hand up and looked at it. She saw a soft mist of black dance across her fingertips. Interesting. Min flipped her hair and walked off the course. The swords vanished as they left her rage not even a mark was left in the ground.

@CosmicChangeling @Brinni @Homage.


Bran broke out of his brother's bear hug and landed on the ground quietly. Looking up at his older brother he frowned. "Stop being so weird, Corbin." He slid up the ask and looked at him with an unamused look. "Of course I beat your record. I've always been faster than you." Hi solder brother looked down at Bran with a huge gin on his face. "Yeah, but that means you beat every non super user in speed. That's pretty impressive." He went down to ruffle his brother's hair. He knew that his brother could easily doge them, but he never does. Corbin knows, that deep down, Bran wants to be patted, to be loved. He felt his hand contact with his baby brother's black hair and ruffled it hard. He smiled and looked down at his brother, "you did amazing."

Bran let his brother ruffle his hair a little longer before taking a step back. He frowned and fixed his hair again. "Stop that. I'm not a kid anymore. Now I have some work to do." With that he walked off in search for someone who was filming the races. He wanted to see when Rush was up, who was keeping a very close eye on her. If Lexi is this important there are people here today who know what's going on. He stopped at a parent with a video camera and walked over to her. "Excuse me ma'm." After a short awkward discussion the woman let him review the video she had been recording. He scanned the crowd in the video to check for any unfamiliarities. Not sure what he found he saw on the video was either a suspicious character or a scouter. He asked the woman if she could send him the footage and gave her a email account to send it to. With that he looked around for the principal, and spotted him in the crowd with a unusually government looking man.

Well if the principals is here, then this is a great time to go check out his office. Unlike many of the students at the school, the principal wasn't a threat to him. He could control power's and Bran didn't have any. Making his way outside he decided he would get to the office by the roof. That way no one can see him. As he made it out he sensed something coming towards him. He caught the rock and looked in the direction it came. He saw Aidan and walked over to him. "Hey. It's not safe to throw rocks." He looked at the kids gold eyes. Unfocused. This must be the blind kid, he's a junior I think? Didn't he start dating Lexi. Interesting.
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Great. He did hit someone. He frowned, his gaze looked towards Bran's shoulder, but for Aidan it was the direction the voice was. He slipped his hands into the pockets of his trench coat. "Sorry. I needed fresh air and tripped."

His suit pants were stained from the constant falling, the knee on the left leg ripped. "If I hit you, I'm sorry. I was just frustrated and needed some air. I'll get out of your hair."

Three steps in, his shoe got stuck in a crack and he face planted again. He didn't want this stranger touching him or trying to help him, nothing. He could do this on his own. He didn't even give the kid a chance to see if he would help him, aidan pushed his hand out the universal 'stop' sign. "I'm ok. I can pick myself up...."

Did he actually make his mother that angry and insane just by her supporting him all these years? He REALLY needed to pick up his act....
Leon was walking back to the gym after dropping of the wine in his room. Looking out the window he saw his room mate trip and fall.

Odd, usually Lexi saves him. He looks annoyed. Maybe I can help. Somehow. I wonder what's bothering him.

He made his way down by hopping out a window with his disc, coming down just in time to catch Aiden's last sentence to...whoever he was talking to.

He was in my group. He's definitely fast, but I don't think that's his power. I don't know what it is. He's strong judging by the muscle tone I can see in his suit, unless it's designed to look like that.

"Everything good here Aiden?"

@The Suspicious Eye @CosmicChangeling
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Bran looked at him, and smiled, twirling the rock on his finger. Bran was reading his face, there were so many conflicted queues. However the most obvious ones were aggravation, and loathing. Not really pity, he wants to get better. Bran raised an eyebrow at Aidan as he put the hand up. He crossed his arms and looked down at the kid. He must fall a lot, given the scraped hands and frayed pants. That and the idea that I'd help him means that he's taken it or had it given for a long time. He smirked a little, and he seems tired of it. Judging by the slight hint of aggravation. Tilting his head he looked at the kid. His power is getting information via touch.

"I'm ok. I can pick myself up...."

Bran's response was simple

"Of course you can."

Bran turned to the new voice and saw Leon. Leon Bellamy, electric user, currently smitten with Min. Counter attack insulated suits, rubber and grounding equipment. Bran gave a calm wave. He spoke in a calm monotone voice. "Everything's fine. You should go congratulate your girlfriend. I heard she just finished the course."

@CosmicChangeling @Brinni
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Of course you can.

He'd be lying if hearing that didn't bring a small smile on his lips. Yes. Yes he could get himself up, and he did just that. He brushed the dirt off his pants looking up the complete opposite direction Leon's voice came from, but he knew it was his friend. "No." he sucked at lying. Everything wasn't alright. "But it's my problem and I can fix it."

The tone in his voice wasn't snapping at Leon, quite from it, there was twinges of desperation in it....because that was part of the problem. He wasn't able to do very much of anything on his own. Five seconds in and he should have been out of the race. His mother held him in memory limbo to harrass his friends and he was just utterly useless for that. But whatever the answer was...it had to be him figuring it out or it was going around in a loop of aggrivation.

His eyes widened when he heard bran say girlfriend. All the anger, self-putting down dropped. He grinned turning literally facing 180 degrees opposite of Leon. "You asked her out? Leon! That's great!" He held out his hand for a high five. "Wait...no, don't want to do that. Air high five."

He slapped the air just clueless as ever that Leon was behind him.
Nat dropped her hand when the woman refused to shake it, and sighed. She waited for the two of them to finish their argument, and rolled her eyes when the father was brought up. Nat had lived in a small town for the first few years of Nialla's life, she was used to people like that.

Didn't make them any less annoying, though. "The father? Oh, he's somewhere here, I'm sure. I don't need to constantly shadow him to make sure he's behaving." The snark was obvious, and Nat really didn't care for the woman's reaction. She also conveniently left out the fact that she wasn't married, but this woman didn't seem intelligent enough to notice that.


Nialla was frozen solid at Lexi's question, with no idea what to say. She'd never seen this side of her friend and former crush before, it was almost unsettling. But still, she was struggling, and Nia had to be there for her.

Using the best (only) idea that popped in her head, Nialla plopped down beside Lexi and laid her head on the girl's shoulder (totally platonically.). "You're more controlling than my mom was when I was little. You get kinda arrogant sometimes. And you can be kinda dumb. But those flaws are what make you you. You'll always be a good person Lex, and for what it's worth, you've been my hero since day one." Nia continued laying her head on the girl's shoulder, not saying a word.
Maybe someone should shadow the father to make sure he was behaving. He was just about to fling people out of his way who didn't know that standing in front of his doors was total utter bullshit when a black panther mauled him to the ground, growling that today was not the day to hurl parents. There was never a correct day to throw parents.

Annalise was not bright enough to catch that she neglected marriage. She just stared surprised that she had been wrong about this woman. "I'm sorry I just assu..."She trailed off noticing the woman's hands.

No ring.

The arrogant resting bitch face of superiority returned. "i'm sure there are probably more than one probably father here running around. Is that how it works with places like this."

Robert rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Annalise...our son finished the race, maybe we should-"

"Not now, Robert. Adults are talking. Mother to mother, I don't approve of how you raised your kid but I hope if you had any decency of a parent, you'll respect how I want to raise mine, he doesn't need that influence in his life."


Lexi looked down as Nia rested her shoulder on hers. Don't cry. Deep breath in and let it out, easy. No crying. "i'm very arrogant...and mean...." the taunting and laughing, she referred Louise as being dumb as bricks all for entertainment. She tried to take in a deep breath but the exhale was gurgled sobs. "I don't ask any of you for help. I just assume shit and run with it....when elastic didn't end up punishing me for the fight and help me...i was so angry and i just wanted to..."

Ruin someone's life. Plain and simple.

She rested her head on Nia's, taking her hand the way a sister does for support. "Thanks Nia....i uh...first day of school when we met...i don't know...I'm trying really hard to earn the way you look up to me...and I'm sorry I'm not getting it right." She saw it that first day, it was how her siblings looked up at her when she did an 'impossible' thing. Everything was impossible for a five year old....let's be serious.

"I need to apologize to Louise, don't I...." The very idea of it brought rocks to the pit of her stomach.
Had he not been worried about Aiden, the comment about Min being his girlfriend would have made him blush. He was a bit distracted though with his roommate.

"Okay first off, I'm behind you. Second, she's not my girlfriend. I didn't ask her out. All I've done is ask her to the dance...I think I did anyways. Woke up a little out of it and may have made it up. But I haven't seen her to check. Third, don't deflect. What had you riled up?"

He crossed his arms and stared at his friend, even though he knew the look would be lost on him
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Air five. Which was then shortly ruined when Leon pointed out that Aidan was facing the wrong direction. In most circumstances, Aidan would smile bashfully embarrassed, shrug it off and continue on. The irritation on his face only seemed to increase realizing wow, this is a common thing, I can't even face my friend correctly.

He heard the tone and looked around. "i'm not deflecting, I don't want to talk about it in front of a stranger I threw rocks at, I already threw rocks at him. I don't think he wants to hear about my problems. And the Min thing is exciting. We both finished our pact. You did it without a bag of limes, too! I still don't understand how that worked..."
"I'm not sure how it worked either to be honest. The Min thing becomes dramatically less exciting if I simply imagined it. Now, come with me we'll find somewhere more private to talk." he said simply.

Turning to the stranger he said "Good run. See you around. Good luck in the next stage."

Leading Aiden to the garden area in the center of the school, with the passing thought that he should have grabbed the boy's cane from the room.

"So? Talk to me."

As Aiden talked Leon figured out what to do.

"Sounds like you need to get some aggression out." He got in close to Aiden. Standing right in front of him, to leave no room for error for the boy.

"Hit me. I won't dodge, I won't move from this spot unless you get turned around, I won't zap you."

At Aiden's protest, Leon let a hand fly punching Aiden lightly in the shoulder. The boy looked annoyed but didn't hit back.

"I said..." Leon hit the other shoulder, a little harder "hit me."
"Wait...if you aren't even sure it worked, why did you give me the bag of limes in the first place?" And now they were already leaving. Aidan turned to where the boy was *or thought, once again OPPOSITE direction* "Thanks for...letting me get up...whoever you are." He felt his tie being tugged at, which meant it was time to go.

Like a puppy on a leash. This never bothered him before, he never thought twice about it. But right now, it didn't help him try to calm down. They stopped, god knows if it was inside or outside and Leon asked him to talk. At first it was 'nothing, i'm ok. it's just stupid' and morphed into ranting about Lexi and she had no right to just assume he deserved to finish. He didn't deserve to finish any race because he couldn't walk more than two minutes without falling on his face. And feeling those thoughts towards Nia, her mom....what Mom thought about Lexi who didn't deserve to be talked to like that...none of them did. inbetween the rants was just a kid afraid he was a burden on everyone and that would never change.

"People get angry, it happens all the time. I'm not hitting you because I had one bad day."

An image of hitting a kid in white armor and a mask appeared in his mind, he was holding a very thin sword. "I'm not hitting you." He said again.

Another whack another image. Aidan took a step back. "Leon, stop. I don't want to hit you."

Pushed this time. Aidan gritted his teeth seeing an opponent fall to the matt. "I told you...I don't want to do this." he tried to keep calm.

Another jab. "Seriously, cut the shit, Leon."

Jab. "Stop!"

Jab jab jab.


The glowing in his eyes stopped, he heard his own anger, hand shaking as he felt the spit on his knuckles. "I...i'm sorry....I guess I am holding stuff in..."
Aiden's swing went wide, but clipped Leon in the shoulder. He's not as weak as I thought.

"Now we're getting somewhere. Anger is a dangerous thing to hold on to Aiden. It can poison you, change you. I have been listening to you. But I also know you're too nice to let this sort of thing out on people unprovoked. That's why I'm doing this. You don't have to talk about anything but can still deal with it. Do you want to keep going? If so, I'm going to swing back with more than just the taps I've been giving you. Your choice."
Leon was right, if aidan could look at his trembling hand and not pitch darkness he would know that his friend was right. Few light pushes and BAM, he started yelling as if something truly awful happened. He closed his eyes and focused, shaking his hand until the tremble stopped. How did they do it in the movies? Both arms up, bend the knees. He wasn't sure. "Ok. But don't hold back. I mean it." He trusted his friend to know don't hold back still meant no powers.

I mean, Aidan's wasn't really going to be much of an advantage in fights.

Swings, punches....the inevitable outcome of Aidan being bruised and on the ground was bound to happen. But, during their scrimmage, Aidan figured out through flashes of memory, that keeping your arms in tight could help better block. He blocked one blow successfully before getting clocked to the ground.

Lying there, feeling the grass against himself he laughed. Making sure to put the 'stop' sign with his hand up. "im ok. I'll get myself up. That went on for awhile." He grinned ear to ear. Maybe there was hope for him yet. The smile faltered. "I need to tell my mother she can't speak that way about my friends or to them....I've never stood up to her before, never thought I needed to....I don't know where to begin..."

For a moment, Natalie ignored Annalise and turned to Robert, offering a genuine smile. "Rob, can I call you Rob? Go see your son. He'll want to hear his dad congratulate him on his success." With that done, Nat examined Annalise from top to bottom, noticing the woman's consistent religious iconography. A crucifix necklace, cross earrings, and a bracelet that looked like it was made by a little kid, which spelled 'U-E-S-J-S'. God, the woman really hit home the fact that she liked god.

"Aw, it's cute when you make assumptions. Here, let me make a few of my own. You love being in control, losing it is a major fear of yours. You hate Aiden's attendance of this school, but likely had no choice. You want him to stay with you and learn to be 'wholesome' 'gentle' and 'content'. You intend to look for any excuse possible to visit Aiden or pull him out of the school. Oh yeah, and you're arrogant enough to believe that you know everything about a woman you just met, but stupid enough that you don't bother thinking things through. What if my husband died at war? What if he was murdered? What if I adopted Nialla? What if my husband cheated on me and I divorced him only a few months ago? Did you bother thinking of any of that before you felt convinced that you had the moral high ground?" Natalie's training as a detective took over instinctively, she took every visual cue she had and ran with it. Was she just as arrogant as Annalise? Yes, but she wasn't an idiot.


"Yeah, you need to apologize." Nialla said, tempted to just drift off to sleep as Lexi spoke. She had this motion of hers, one that just felt so relaxing. Nialla wanted the moment to last for eternity, but she knew that wouldn't happen. Lexi would get up, she would say she was sorry to Louise, and Louise would do... Something. Maybe she'd be the bigger person for once, but Nialla doubted that.
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The motion was her body at a constant vibration. The only time it didn't hum was when she was in hyperspeed and everything was not so violently hard to just be where people talked to eachother...and lived. There was no living in hyperspeed...it was walking through still pictures. "Ok...I will..."she sighed. "But I need ten minutes to mentally prepare..."

So she just sat there, and drifted. To her it felt over an hour before she eventually moved. (lexi lasted approximately two minutes and seventeen seconds before she slipped into hyperspeed....two hours to pull back on second seventeen and a half...staying another three minutes) Wiggling her shoulders to gently let Nia off, Lexi then embraced her friend, hugging her tightly. "Thanks. But I'm gonna be honest...i think i'd probably behave the same way all over again if someone tries hurting you in the future. So thanks for being my anchor."

You can't change who you are, but maybe you can make small steps to improving yourself just enough...you can still be a decent person.

Wherever Louise was, she would see Lexi flickering infront of her, helmet and mask off, but the makeup was still around her eyes. She looked like a panda with a red wig on. "Brick...can we talk in private for a minute?" She asked.


Robert, you fucking child, if you leave me here right now, I'll make your life a living hell.

Motherfucker ran out of dodge the moment he got his jail out of free card.

Annalise was a mouse of a woman, maybe when she was younger, she might have been considered pretty, but her small frame, judgemental expressions, her features looked off, skewed and hard to look at. Especially when she grew angry, her nose scrunching further in as her face began to turn shades of purple. It was clearly a face a woman of...culture...should never make.

"If it had been any of those things, you would have spoken up." She snarled. "But do you know what I think? I think you're a filthy whore who was probably some super's groupy and was tossed aside like the trash she is. I'm not stupid. I know many kids develop their...mutations from someone like them. Inbreeding if you want the purebred ones, the ones with higher power. I find it absolutely REVOLTING my child has to be here with the likes of," She let out a laugh to stop herself from continuing. Robert was the one that pushed the school. Robert was the one that said Aidan needed to socialize...when he was perfectly content with being with his mother. "And I feel sorry for your girl. I will pray for her. She will never understand what a real rolemodel is and probably end up a prostitute...or worse...a f u c k i n g f a g g o t."

( i live with super religious people, it always no matter what the argument is about ends with whore and gays. and its sad)
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Louise was taking a nap. She was annoyed. She had bruises (Bruises! In the easiest part of the competition! That was disgraceful.)she was still out of breath, and she was beyond furious. Looking up, still drowsy, her face scrunched into a look of disgust. "I'm sure you and Rabbit Girl want to make me look like a national embarrassment again, but give me a rest. I'll fuck you up in the arena when we fight, but until then I don't want to look at your face."


"Actually, I wouldn't have spoken up. I'm from the South, we don't interrupt people who are speaking, because we have these things called manners." Nat was laying on the snark while her brain simultaneously tore apart the woman's argument bit by bit. It was a fun pastime of hers. In another life, she would have been a lawyer or editor. In this life, however, arguing with morons was sadly just a hobby.

That didn't make it any less fun, though. "First off, let's lay off the insults. We're adults, two insults each is good enough. Second, you were right about who the father was. He was a powered user. My second attempt at giving Nialla a father figure ended in that man dying in a terrorist attack, defending people like you. Third, who uses terms like 'inbreeding'? They are people, just like you or I. They aren't animals or hillbillies living in the woods. And my daughter has a series of amazing role models. Heck, she takes after her police investigator of a mother pretty well, if I do say so myself." Nat felt a sense of pride at that last comment, her daughter was going to grow up to be a good person, no matter what women like Annalise thought.
"Arnold is one of Clara's pets...pheonix. They heal. All you have to do is give him a mango and you'll be good for the brackets." They hadn't even gotten to the riddle part, the last few stragglers finishing up their races. Lexi's attempt at small talk sucked, and as it came out of her mouth she knew it sucked. She heard Hare and winced slightly. "She's got nothing to do with any of this, Louise. This is all me. And that's fair. I get that. I was very mean to you during the obstacle course....and before it."

Her hands played with the rim of the helmet trying to talk. Her throat felt dried and hoarse. "I just wanted to come here and apologize. I was very angry with what happened two weeks ago...and instead of pulling you aside for us to duke it out and finish it fairly....I wanted to ruin the one thing you really wanted, and that wasn't right. It makes me a pretty shitty person...and you've been working towards this tournament for years, I had no right to do that to you. So...I wish you luck. If we aren't in the brackets together....and you still want to beat the tar out of me....we can settle it then on your terms and your turf. I'm sorry."

No one told you how hard it was to be the bigger person. SHe felt uneasy in her own skin but she was sincere, the uneasiness came from whatever reaction that could come with that.


She wasn't sure what to say, and that boiled the anger further. Who did this little I'm uncultured believe she was? Her daughter, her, the father....the lot of them were going to hell. Tainting American soldiers with her story. There was a point where Annalise didn't hear words but white noise blaring in her ears as Nat ripped her apart.

"Have your little bastard believe she can be whatever the fuck she wants. In the eyes of the Lord, you aren't fooling anyone." She hissed. "I do come here often. And I will file a restraining order if I see her or her little friends anywhere near my baby, do you comprehend-"

"Mom. Stop."

Annalise froze. She turned her head to see her baby boy, bruised, nose bleeding and his clothes just ruined. Grass stains. What had he gotten into?! "Aidan, sweetheart, what happened to-" he stepped away from her when she reached for him. Instead, he walked over and felt around until he grabbed Nat's shoulder...a sign of support.

"I saw what you thought about them." he frowned. "And you're wrong. About Nia, about Mrs. Blake. About Lexi Mom. They are people...with feelings, emotions...their own struggles they have to go through." his eyes glowing he tried letting the memories go in the background, eventually he had to let go before it all got too personal. He just wanted to show the woman he supported her. "Mrs. Blake had to find a way to raise a kid on her own. That's what bravery is. You can't lesson that because you don't understand it. You need to apologize."

"aidan, sweety you need to-"

"Fine, you won't apologize I will." he turned to face Nat but it was once again in the opposite direction. "i am truly sorry for what my mother has been saying. There is no excuse. Please understand that dealing with me has put a lot of strain on her over the years. Not an excuse, I just want you to understand. Nia is one of my best friends, you raised an excellent kid. Now...I'm going to the nurse."


"I don't want to talk to you right now. I am too disappointing in you." The exit would have been better if he didn't trip on his laces and fall fifteen feet after he left them.
Bran looked at Leon as he and Aidan talked. He wasn't one to interfere in their conversation. He leaned back and listened ever the observer. It was interesting to see them interact. However, witnesses for what he was about to do wasn't a good idea. As they thanked him, he gave them a respectful nod and seemingly vanished from sight.

Running across the roof he made his way into the schools ventilation shafts and made his way towards the principals office. He opened the vent slowly as not to disturb anything. Slipping into the room easily he looked at all the nicknacks that the principal had. Ever the impressive collector. Although it seems he's missing a giraffe. Making quick work he pulled out a small vial of tiny bugs. They were so small they seemed to look like specks of dirt. Bran pulled the lid off the vial and dropped them on the carpet. The tiny dots made quick work and ran through the office settling in various places. Bran pulled out his phone and saw the new camera angles of the principal office. He smiled, the video-mites are working perfectly. Bran didn't even worry about the computer. He had already put a virus in it that sends all the computer information over for every computer who ever opened one email by the school.

With the bug planted he jumped back into the air vents and made his way back to the roof. I'll have to tell Corbin that the video-mites work. Bran stood on the roof and looked out at the vast forest around the school. For a moment he took in the beauty of the school. He liked it here. Back to work. There's a student in trouble. He made his way to the garden and hopped down into a tree.


Sitting on a bench she looked at the vast crowd, bored. Tapping her fingers against the wood she felt fingers rise up against her own. She looked down and saw the fingers slowly form into a hand. Smiling she intertwined her fingers with the hand and held it tightly. "We are always here," she whispered to herself. Min's eyes finally dulled to their normal red, and she leaned a little. Looking around she seemed confused. What am I doing on a bench? She felt fingers intertwined with her own. Looking down she frantically pulled her hand away. Quickly she got up and ran away from the bench.

She hated those hands, always reaching out for her. Touching her, it reminded her of too many painful memories. The taste of bile filled her mouth and she could feel the queasiness take over her. Her mind went back to those stone walls and their hands, their voices. She closed her eyes and took slow breaths, I'm not there anymore. I am safe. My Ren flower made me safe. I don't have to be that person anymore. As she thought she held onto her locket tightly she wasn't going to loose control. We hate being safe. Min pushed the voice back to and put on a soft smile. She'd be alright, however she did feel unwell. Heading into the crowd she made her way towards the exit.

On her way there she saw Aidan making a equally cool exit. That is until he tripped and fell. "Oh Aidan!" Min went over to him as quickly as she could in heels. She went over to him and helped him up. "Aidan are you alright?" She put a hand to his cheek and looked at his face. "You fell pretty hard."

"Well first things first, let her know that you know what she's been thinking about your friends. After that...well that's up to you. One thing, when it comes to the brackets, assuming you pass the next part, take your cane. Not to help you get around, as a weapon. Anything you can use to your advantage since you aren't much of a fighter. I assume that by now everyone knows it's my birthday?"

At Aiden's embarrassed look, Leon waved him off, not even considering he wouldn't see it.

"I figured it would get out eventually, was kind of hoping for after the tournament was over. Ah well. Oddly enough nobody has asked me about it." he said. "But, let's get going."

Leon went with Aiden to try and find Min. He wanted to make sure that he didn't imagine asking her. Plus even if he did he could use it as a segue to actually asking her. So, win-win. When he finally found her amidst the crush of people in the gymnasium, she was helping Aiden up. He walked up to them, "accidentally" letting the back of his hand brush lightly against her free hand as he moved past her, and stood next to Aiden.

"When you've a free moment Min, I've something I'd like to ask you about." he said, not meeting her eyes. Turning to Aiden he said "So? How'd it go? What did your mum say?"

@CosmicChangeling @The Suspicious Eye
(i've decided that if i can't come up with an emotion for you Brinni...i'm just doing SHOCK cause...puns)

Go out with a bang. Aidan went out with a fall. He heard Min's voice as someone was picking up up before his eyes began to glow and he lost all control.

Teary eyes blurred the vision as he saw a small boy, no more than four years old, with silver hair standing in front of him. "Touch her again and I'll kill you." The boy is flung aside and hits the stone walls hard. "Ren!!"

A man approaches and grabs his/min's leg pulling her underneath him. A hand on her throat, struggling to break free. "I said no!"

Red spattered everywhere. The man fell beside Min and looked at her as blood shot out from the glass shard in his neck. Watching him until the man stopped struggling and stared back at her with lifeless eyes.

The boy covered in blood walks over to Min and hugs her tightly. The smell of fresh blood in the air. A soft whisper. "I won't let anything happen to you."

Poor Min. He wasn't sure when it happened but he had no idea. Leon came in and allowed the break of contact. "Not good. I said what I needed to say and I probably need some space from her. I'm ok Min. I fall all the time, super durable." He tried to make a joke, they both knew he was as durable as a wet piece of paper. "But I need to get these bruises and scrapes taken care of, grab my cane. Can I meet up with you guys later during the mental challenge?"
CosmicChangeling said:
(i've decided that if i can't come up with an emotion for you Brinni...i'm just doing SHOCK cause...puns)
Go out with a bang. Aidan went out with a fall. He heard Min's voice as someone was picking up up before his eyes began to glow and he lost all control.

Teary eyes blurred the vision as he saw a small boy, no more than four years old, with silver hair standing in front of him. "Touch her again and I'll kill you." The boy is flung aside and hits the stone walls hard. "Ren!!"

A man approaches and grabs his/min's leg pulling her underneath him. A hand on her throat, struggling to break free. "I said no!"

Red spattered everywhere. The man fell beside Min and looked at her as blood shot out from the glass shard in his neck. Watching him until the man stopped struggling and stared back at her with lifeless eyes.

The boy covered in blood walks over to Min and hugs her tightly. The smell of fresh blood in the air. A soft whisper. "I won't let anything happen to you."

Poor Min. He wasn't sure when it happened but he had no idea. Leon came in and allowed the break of contact. "Not good. I said what I needed to say and I probably need some space from her. I'm ok Min. I fall all the time, super durable." He tried to make a joke, they both knew he was as durable as a wet piece of paper. "But I need to get these bruises and scrapes taken care of, grab my cane. Can I meet up with you guys later during the mental challenge?"

Rachel Miller

Rachel awoke from her nap, only to see a confrontation going on between someone's parents, one of whom's face oddly reminded Rachel of a mole. She watched with idle interest, hearing insults being passed back and forth, before she saw some kid with a cane tell mole-face off, and even she had to admire it. She let out a chuckle, wondering how the kid was still walking considering he looked like he had gone through a meat grinder. She got to her feet, making her way over to him, before giving him a clap on the back, although soft, as to not knock him over. "It takes a lot of strength to keep walking when you got the shit beat out of you," she said, grinning. "Pretty fuckin' impressive, if I'd say so myself," the one-eyed girl said, examining him for a moment, wondering why he was so beat up.
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Nat watched in shock as Aiden told his mom off, not moving. She swelled with pride when Aiden called Nia a good person, sent a triumphant look to Annalise when Aiden called her out. "Trust your son, if nobody else. Now then, I have to go tell my daughter congratulations." With that said, Natalie walked off, more focused on her internal thoughts to notice Aiden being helped up by his friends.


Vi had already learned to hate Annalise. The woman was controlling, rude, and worst of all anti-power. She was everything Vi despised in normal humans, and she was disrespecting one of the only people Vi had some level of respect for. Vi watched the woman spout her bullshit, wondering how extreme she would act in a school filled with superheroes. She was brave, Vi had to admit. Stupid too, but brave.


Louise said nothing as Lexi spoke, looking at her with emotionless eyes as the girl said her peace. When she was finished, Louise's anger boiled for a moment, before she calmed herself outwardly. The best revenge was revenge the arrogant bitch couldn't see coming. "You're fine, Lexi. I deserved what I got." Louise offered a hand for a handshake. "New start?"

Take the hand. Believe me. Think I'm done with you. If Lexi didn't see the retribution coming, it would be that much more sweet.
Min looked at AdIan relieved he was alright. She was used to seeing him fall, but in the state she was in right now Min felt it was best to throw herself into anyone's problems but her own. The more focused she was, the less she thought about the time she lost. She had control, at least she thoight she did. While she inspected Aidan's scrspes Leon came up beside them. She felt some warmth in her cheeks as she remembered kissing him. However, he didn't meet her eye. She wonderred if he was mad at her. What if that girl told him that I got kissed by someone else and had, urges. She didnt want Leon to hate her, she'd have to explain. Min looked to Aidan and gave him a soft smile, "alright I'll see you then." Picking up the cane she handed it to him and let him go.

Turning to Leon she smiled, "well I have some free time now. What did you want to talk to me about?" She could feel the uncertainty waft over her as she looked at him. She really did like him, she didn't want to ruin what could be. I'll just have to take it, whatever comes.

@Brinni @CosmicChangeling

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