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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

A woman who looked identical to Ms. Clara Turner, but wearing more modern an appropriaye clothes for her age....like jeans, a white blouse and a business blazer, tapped the shoulder of the person in the splinter cell suit.

"Nice costume," she said. Vi would turn around to see rhe woman holding out a business card. "I will be watching you at the tournament. Never too early to look at the leagues out there."

Lisa Turner walked away back into the crowd. The back of the business card read:

Vi. Meet me at the pool after your run.

Not isabel. Not any other name. But Vi.
Vi took note of the 4/4 time the stage would have before continuing forward, and waited beside the other challengers for a moment before being stopped. At first glance, the woman who stopped her looked exactly like Clara Turner, to a T. Of course, once she gave her business card out it was obvious who she was. She didn't say anything as this other woman walked away, but she realized quickly just who she was dealing with. Only one person knew both where Vi was, and what her real name was.

She tore the card into pieces and stuffed them in a trash can before moving back to the group of five, now about to begin. Taking a breath, Vi walked outside to the obstacle course, taking the lead. With the knowledge of the 4/4 time in her mind, Vi rapidly began moving towards them, counting in her head the beat of each trap. It was true, the traps were in perfect four/four time, going faster than anyone could move without help. She chuckled for a moment. Aiden was fucked. Too bad, he was sweet. Didn't deserve to get the tar beat out of him.

Oh well. Without looking back to the others, Vi threw one of her coins behind her, and Pushed against it as it hit the wall, allowing her to fly through several early traps in the milliseconds each trap wasn't attacking.


"I..." DuValt looked back to Louise, who was busy talking to Robert de Hiro, the director DuValt wanted the autograph of. She was distracted. He wanted more than anything to say yes, mostly because he had no chance otherwise. DuValt couldn't increase his own speed, and he didn't know what the course would be like. He would have run out of strength slowing down traps long before the end. "If you don't tell Louise, yes." He said, before watching Isabel not even bother taking a second of time, and flying through the first several traps, dodging a swinging wire that seemed to shoot off electricity.



Nialla didn't say anything when Elastic showed up and helped her. His actions were more than a little confusing, but she didn't bother trying to understand the why. Maybe he was telling everyone, or maybe the Splinter Cell girl was a favorite of his, and Nialla only heard what he said by being in close proximity. It didn't matter.

She was about to leave and take a nap in her room when a familiar girl walked up. Nialla thought the girl resembled Hare, but she was just dressed as... Someone. Wait, was she dressed as Riven?!? "No way, you play League too? I prefer Tristana if I'm honest, but I wasn't about to dress up as a Yordle." Her sullen look was gone, she almost felt excited. It all turned to blush whenever Hare, and from the voice, it had to be Hare, mentioned her smile. "I... Thank you." She had no experience getting compliments from people, and Hare was probably just being sweet. There was no use getting her hopes up.


"Nat." Darke said, after almost a minute of awkward silence.

"Don't." She didn't offer more than that. After taking a breath, she finally said more. "Morgan did it, didn't he? He was always jealous of Tim."

"No, I did it." The lie came easily, it was one he had been living for the better part of a decade. It was one Tim ate up unquestionably.

She only laughed. "You were always a shit liar. Though why you're lying to Tim... I won't tell him, but you should eventually."

"Eventually." Darke said. It wasn't a promise, it wasn't a confirmation. It was as half assed a promise as anything. He had no intention of telling Elastic the truth. It would kill him.
"Glad we could come to an understanding. If it helps you can tell her I traded you information for your help and you're free to tell her it. The traps are set to a metronome, common time. Now you have something to tell her if she asks why you agreed to help me. Now, let's go." Working side by side with Duvalt they would alternate slowing down any traps they came across so that the other could get through. Any time there was an open and safe stretch of the course Duvalt would speed the pair of them up.

I'm going to have some explaining to do once Harriet sees me working with this guy. But it's a necessity if I want to save my trump card. Plus once I get the book it'll be all good. I'll share it with Harriet....maybe with Lexi and company. They're decent enough people. Plus they want to take down Louise, always a good cause.

After he crossed the finish line he made a beeline for the library looking for the book of riddles that Miss Turner had mentioned. Once he found it he checked it out and waited for Hare to finish her run, not that it would take her very long.


"You could have been a Yordle, though I'm thinking more of a Lulu than Trist for you. But yes, I play. Not something I generally broadcast, but I don't hide it either. We've got a ways to go before our time. So, what had you down Nialla?" Hare said, brushing back a strand of hair and smiling at her. She leaned her back against the wall and slid down, laying her sword over her lap. She patted the ground next to her. "Come, sit. My family isn't here yet so I've got some free time, and what better way to use it then helping someone that's down?"


Leon looked at his father. "papa, auriez-vous l'aider moi de faire une entrée quand je montre sur scène?" (dad, would you mind helping me make an entrance when I show up on stage?)

Baylee smiled at his son."Je dois juste la chose à l'esprit." he said (I have just the thing in mind.)

Nickolaus made it out to the course, not-so-ready for whatever could be coming his way, but forcing his way forward to do it anyway. As his eyes adjusted to the brighter outside light, they widened, surprised and scared and excited for what was next. Crazy contraptions and death-traps- were they trying to kill him?! Suddenly he felt woozy, and that not-so-ready feeling strengthened. There were also what looked like cannons on the sides of the field... oh lord in heaven. He started to take a step back, but then decided against it- he had always liked challenges... perhaps this would be fun? Then again, perhaps he might be ripped to shreds. Of course, they wouldn't kill a student... they couldn't... Right?

He turned his back-step into a forward. Just get it over, right?

He took his time, though couldn't help but get pelted with who-knows-how-many balls and rocks and almost caught on fire. Was it random? Perhaps... or maybe... maybe he should pay more attention. He paused in a safer area, and watched as they all flew by. Nothing of note... though it did seem like they only shot on a timer. Three... no, four seconds. Five? No, it was four. Crap, now he's behind. Still, that won't help him getting pelted. It should deter it, however...

He continued on, and watched the others running through the course. It seemed they might know what's going on, too, and it seemed far too obvious two of them were working together. He wasn't quite sure what was happening but it seemed the two just sped through quickly at the same time. Maybe they were just using the same strategy with the same abilities? No, they were way too in-sync. He wasn't sure what was happening with the girl, it seemed she just shot forward every once in awhile. Strange. Bah, he needs to stop focusing on them. He forced himself to look forward and pay attention to his own strategy and movements.

By the time he was over, he had bruises, burns, cuts... Diese Schule ist Nüsse ... (This school is nuts...) He thought, Ich sollte auf die Krankenschwester gehen . (I should go to the nurse.) And so he did. He made his way down the hall, holding a cut on his arm to hopefully stop the bleeding- or maybe it would worsen it. Whatever, it wasn't too bad, just a small skin-deep incision.
Min nodded as she watched her friends go. She turned back inside the dorm and locked the large trunk she had pulled out go under her bed. Pushing it back was a trial in heels, but she got it done. Locking the door behind her, her phone buzzed as she was getting a Skype call. Pulling out some headphones she looked at the caller ID, it was one of her mother's labs. There was a slight glimmer of hope that it was her mother, but as she accepted the call she saw the lab staff waving to her. Her heart sank a little when it wasn't her mom, but she put on a warm smile that someone cared. Waving back she smiled, "hey everyone! What's up?"

Hayley, her mother's top assistant, spoke up. "We saw on the calendar that today was the big day for your tournament so we thought we'd wish you luck!" Everyone waved and cheered for her. "We know you can do it Min!" Min was touched she was glad someone at least cared. Hayley added, "did your swords arrive yet? We had to get them out of storage and mail them individually."

Min shook her head, "no not yet, but it's fine. I've been working on making my own. I've gotten really good using my power."

Hailey smiled. "Well if they don't come in soon we'll contact the mailing agency. We want you to feel like you have everything you need over there Min."

Min nodded, "I do, thank you everyone."

One of the other assistants noticed the red hood Min was wearing. "You look beautiful, Min. Are you supposed to be Little Red Ridinghood?"

Min nodded, "yes it is my favorite story."

Hailey looked over, out of the screens view, but Min could hear voices in the background. "Ah, Ms. Astra your daughter is on the phone. Would you like to talk to her?"

A stern female voice replied "no I don't have time. Neither should any of you. We need to take more geo samples today."

Hailey frowned, "aw, at least tell her she looks amazing in her red hood."

"What? Give me the phone."

Everyone chimed in their good lucks as Haley handed the phone to her mother. Part of Min wanted to hang up, but she stood there looking back at her mother. "What do you think you are wearing young lady?! Did you take your grandmother's trunk to America with you?! Do you not know how grossly irresponsible that is!?" Min flinched as her mother scolded her, even across the ocean she was still intimidating.

Min spoke softly, "grandmother left it to me. I wanted to have something of her's close to-"

Min's mother cut her off, "was it you Min? Are you sure about that?" She gave a long sigh and looked back at her daughter, "I don't understand why you want to be so reckless. You know we left our home to protect you and your brother from the darkness. Then you go off and make rash decisions, do you want to end up like your grandmother? Spending all of her time writing those cursed books until she was consumed by them, bringing evil into our world?"

Min looked down at her shoes, and sighed. "No mother." She hated this. All her mother did was scold her for not having control, not being strong enough, too reckless or dangerous. To think I actually missed her voice. She remembered back on her old world when her mother was so kind and caring. How she always held both of her kids tightly as if they were going to vanish if she let go. Min missed those days, they were happy then. Ever since she came to this world her mother made her train to be stronger than the darkness inside her. But as time passed they seemed to grow even more distant. Her mother growing even more afraid that she'd loose her daughter. In the background of her thoughts she heard her mother call out her name.

"Min!" Her mother said for the fourth time.

"Y-yes?" Min stammered, she wasn't sure what her mother had said.

With another sigh Min's mother spoke. "I hear you are participating in a tournament today. Don't try to win. Competition brings out the worst in you."

"Mother! I can't just give up so easily. I know how to control my powers, I've learned a lot. I can do this."

Her mother didn't say anything for a moment. "Just promise me you'll hold back. Tapping into power you're not ready to reach is dangerous."

Min gave a slow nod, saddened that her mother didn't trust her to even try to fight. She knew better than to show that her mother's distrust in her hurts Min deeply. "I promise."

"Good. Then we have nothing more to discuss. Do not loose yourself Min."

"I won't mother. Goodbye." With that she hung up. Biting her lip she held back her tears. She knew that her mother was afraid of loosing her, but it still hurt. Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself. Putting on a brave face she made her way to the gym alone. At times like this she wished her family wasn't broken, she missed her father, brother and older sister. All of them gone and it is her fault. She pulled her cloak to her face, smelling the scent of old books and rose perfume. It smelled just like her grandmother, it gave her confidence. She made her way into the gym and looked around for any of the others. She needed a friend right now.


Unlike the other teacher Dr. Kane would not be attending the tournament. Dr. Kane was deep in the forest as today was a important holiday for his people. Samhain, the last day of harvest. The time in which the past, present and future all came together. His body creaked as he sat in front of a altar. It had been a long time since he's been in his druid form. He closed his eyes and his snout twitched as he took in the scents of pumpkin, cider and wine. Setting up the altar he placed the skulls of departed creatures, a cornucopia full of fresh fruits, and dried leaves inside the old altar.

Animals began to gather around the druid as he focused his energy. He felt the veil between every world begin to thin as Dr. Kaine decided to honor the animals first. He pulled out a hot pot from his satchel and placed it in the center of the altar. "Samhain has come, and it is the end of the Harvest. The crops are in from the fields, and the animals are preparing for the coming winter. Tonight, we honor the animals in our lives. Some have died that we may eat. Some have provided us with love. Some have protected us from that which would do us harm. Tonight, we thank them all." He gave some the food to each of the animals and creatures who sat around him. Smiling he spoke softly, "Blessed are the animals, those who die that we may eat. Blessed are the animals, those we love and who love us in return. As the Wheel of the Year continues to turn, the harvest has ended, and the grain has been threshed. The animals sleep for the winter. We thank them for their gifts." Continuing the ceremony he closed his eyes and concentrated on the rituals.


Corbin smiled, "ever the wild card aren't you Rachel?" He sat down next to his little brother and smirked. "So is that your way of telling me you're still single? I don't usually date students, but I'd make an exception for you." He gave her a wink and smiled. Leaning back he looked over at all the other students and parents, he sighed looking at them. It reminded him of his time at the tournament, but no one came. Bran was too little and his oldest brother and guardian were already gone. Corbin didn't want Bran to be alone on such a big day.

Bran rolled his eyes at the two of them, "yeah, well if you two are done flirting. We have a tournament to attend." He finished eating and got up. Turning to Rachel he spoke up, "good luck Rachel." He looked to his brother. "I'll see you inside." Corbin smiled and ruffled his brother's hair, "you bet you will." Bran frowned and fixed his hair again.

Elastic, tim, father, whoever he was these days looked up at the sea of parents and students. One of the worst days ever for him. He created the tournament, made it what it was today but what started as a way to have an excuse to cause more havoc than usual turned into a giant reminder what he had lost.

The boy in the world War two uniform caught his attention. Flickering here or there, kids were asking the stranger many questions. And the attention, well....eating it right out of his hands.

Except it wasn't a he. But a she. Who every fucking day since he knew her would gripe and moan that oh no she wasn't a hero, just a citizen.

Yeah fucking right. He stood still, one hand pulling at his face in frustration, stretching it long, snapping back when he let go, the other plucked fucking Mulan out of the crowd. He dangled her in front of him.

"Get over yourself." He snapped.

Cocky ass raised her brow,he wanted to slap that look right off. "I'm doing what everyone here wanted me to do. What's the problem?"

"I trained you to get a fucking job done not blow up your ego. Trust me, guppy....it all comes back to bite you."

With a flicker just out of frame, Rush was on the ground wiping the dust off like it was a cake walk. He slapped her hard onto the ground.

"It. All. Comes. Back. To. Bite. You." He growled.

"Geeze louise....I just wanted to relax...for a day. Get it. It's funny because Louise....totally going to wipe the floor with her."

"I fucking liked you better when you were Eeyore. Every person you have praising your existence there are two or more just waiting to knock you off the pedestal. Keep it together or I swear to fucking God-"

Lexi took off the helmet. "Look...sorry....I know. This is for Nia, I know. I'm not letting that punk go near her....I promise. I can do this."

It was like looking at his fifteen year old self. God what a fucking nightmare.
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(SECOND ROUND PEOPLE @Brinni I need you to post before me for us to do our thing)

You had a super name during the tournament. It seemed silly of course, but there was a bigger reason for it than just living the hero or villain hype. Recruiters were here, and there was an unspoken truce between these groups where secret identities were top priority. Your classmates and teachers knew who you were, but the outside world...they would not.

So when the next rounds were being called, Aidan wiggled his way out of his parents' reach when he heard 'RUSH'. He wished he had sight right now, just so he could see the screens and see how Lexi did on her first big tournament.

"Aidan where are you going?" his mother asked she reached for his hand but Aidan unknowingly already walked out of her grasp, or he would have been stuck just blankly recalling his mother's memories for however long she held him.

"The finish line. That girl, she's going now. I want to support her.

The smile twitched on his mother's face as she squeezed her husband's hand. His deadpan expression instantly curled in pain as he tried to pull away form her. "The muscular one or the other one?" She asked.

Two girls on stage....a boy in a uniform, another as static shock and a little one. Out of those two, she was trying to figure out which one she needed to get rid of.

"Lexi's the soldier. She really looks like a hero. I'm glad she's embracing it."

Aidan had already tripped once or twice. His mother glared. "Honey....our son is dating a man! A MAN! WE ARE A CHRISTIAN FAMILY! Where did we go wrong?"

"I'm pretty sure it's a girl dressed as a man. She's got boobs." he was still trying to pull his hand free from her. Maybe if he knawed it like an animal.

"So some freak who just treats gender like clothing, putting on whatever it feels like it should put on. Our son will have nothing to do with that sinful life!"

"I don't think you're understanding the concept of-"

"Robert, I swear to Christ you will support me on this. Or so help me!"

".....whatever you say...."

Rachel Miller

Rachel chuckled, raising her middle finger. "Go fuck yourself." She rolled her eye at Corbin's antics. "I knew you were an egotistical piece of shit, but a pedophile too? What has gotten into you?" she asked, tauntingly, a grin etched across her face. As Corbin turned to look at the crowd she did too, looking for Lux's parents, but unable to find them. She felt a little confused as to where Lux had gone off to, but decided he was probably preparing for rthe tournament.

As Bran adressed her, she rolled her eye again. "Flirting? I'd be caught dead before I flirted with this sack of shit," she said, jerking her thumb towards Corbin as she stood up. "Don't fuck up, shorty," she chuckled, beginning to make her way towards the gym.

Nialla hesitated for a moment, before finally deciding to open her damn mouth. "I... I'm worried. First, I haven't seen my mom yet, and she promised she'd be here. And then, I dunno, I just have this feeling something's going to go wrong today. I don't know what it is." She sat down beside Hare, wondering what about the girl was getting her to talk so much. Nia always had a hard time opening up to people, especially after middle school, but Hare seemed alright in the two months they knew each other. It was worth it.

"Thank you for listening to me." She said after finishing, anxious to change the subject. "So, what's your main? Do you do comp? Maybe we can team up once the tourney is over. I miss being able to kick butt as the Walking Turret." It was a poor attempt to change the subject, but it was something.


Vi sat on the side of the pool, waiting for the fake Turner to arrive. She had finished her course in only a few minutes, thanks to the fact that she just had to Pull herself to the other side of the course and pull behind herself every time the traps moved. She didn't get a scratch on herself, and finished as quick as most speedsters.

DuValt and Moe came in well behind her, almost fifteen minutes after she'd finished. It was fun to watch those two work together, she had to admit. Hard to imagine Louise's boy toy would be so willing to join up with someone else, but he was probably just looking out for himself. It wouldn't look good for a senior to be knocked out on round one.

Once everything had finished, Vi brushed off the reporter wanting an interview, and sat by the silent pool. There was no one in the room, everyone was crowding the gymnasium. It was peaceful. Serene, even. If only she hadn't been forced away from the peace by her boss.
Louise was having a shit day. She tried showboating and making sure everyone knew who she was, and Darke was making an effort to get organization leaders invested in her, but Louise wasn't feeling it. She knew why, of course:

Lexi Clark, or Rush, if one wanted to call the egotistical piece of shit anything. That was her codename for the day, and that girl was making sure everyone from China to New York knew it. She stole Louise's 'favored to win' spotlight, she stole her dignity in the hallway, and she finally took Louise's 'best relationship' dynamic. She had taken everything from her, and Louise had every intention of making her pay.

One of her plans was already in play, a way to make sure Louise got to beat the shit out of Lexi in front of everyone, but that wasn't the only thing she wanted to do. Louise had no idea what she wanted to do to ruin Lexi's day, but she was going to do something.

And when that girl showed up beside her on the beginning line of the obstacle course, convinced she was going to win no contest, Louise began uttering a stream of curses. She was imagining a billion brutal ways to beat her down, to end the 'great' Rush. All she needed was a minute, one surprise attack, and she wouldn't let up until Rush was begging for mercy.

Elastic had told her she was showboating. THE INFAMOUS MR. ELASTIC was saying she was showboating? Lexi found it more than ironic he believed that, when the man was an egotistical asshole who just enjoyed the misery of others.

And first off, Lexi was NOTHING like that.

At the start as they revved themselves ready to go, Lexi looked up at Louise, giving her a wink "Don't look too long at my ass. It'll be hard, I know." If anything Louise deserved to be knocked off a few pegs. Mission was to make sure she didn't hurt her friends....but no, she was going to make Louise squirm and suffer for the hell she put people through.

She was going to leave her with nothing, and the bully deserved it.

The fake pistol went off, Lexi stopped and took in a big yawning stretch. Louise would find Lexi flickering into view leaning against a tree looking bored every 20 seconds. Every minute objectiles and traps would lose frame for just a flicker changing directions of their attacks....directly at Louise.

Lexi stopped, tapping a fake watch at the beginning of the tundra environment looking impatient and bored. "It's like you're not even trying Louise. I thought this mattered to you. By the way I dropped off a whole entire group to the finish line. Legit...they all just beat you. LET'S GO"

She jogged backwards. Like an asshole.

That bitch. Louise was trying to keep herself calm, if only because the rules forbade directly attacking other players during the first two rounds of the tournament, but Lexi was really making it difficult for her. Louise was forcing herself to not strangle Lexi every moment she got closer.

"My name is Brick." Louise managed, keeping her fury down. It wasn't an original name, but it worked for her. It was short and to the point. Like Rush, except without sounding like a conceited bitch. When Lexi kept throwing traps at her, Louise responded by dodging (thanks in no small part to her super strength enhancing her reflexes.) each and every one, and withstanding the few she couldn't dodge.

Already feeling pain only 1/4 the way through the track, Louise silently gave Lexi the finger. It was less than she deserved.

"Was that based off your mental capacity or the muscles. They are just too similar." She shrugged. The cameras were loving it. In the gymnasium kids were laughing at this coyotee vs. roadrunner going on. A television producer just so happened to see what was going on as well. An idea he would write down later.

She had practiced hard to slow down enough where she was running at fast speeds. The mental concentration to try and control how slow before you reached normal was draining, easier to relax and slip into hyperspeed fuck around with her than now.

"I have an idea. Bored. Like so incredibly bored with this Brick....so....I want us to have a snowball fight! Reminds me of New England." Exhausted, she flickered out of focus the world becoming soundless and empty. Rest the legs, she could do this.

Snowballs would be flung, hundreds upon hundreds in the span of minutes, along with Elastic's traps.

This continued. Relentlessly. THe angrier Louise got, seemed to just egg Le-Rush a little bit more.

At the very end, Rush flickered above louise in a split, her hands pressed on the girl's shoulders. "LEAP FROG!"

Over the finish line, Rush slapped her ass telling Brick to kiss it.

Louise took the torment left and right. Rudeness, she accepted. Lexi being an all around bitch was normal to her. But gods, it did not make things easy. Louise had to verbally remind herself not to swing at Lexi, she had to constantly tell herself to calm down and shut up.

When Lexi started throwing snowballs, Louise didn't even dodge. She took them, she let the traps hit her. She let Dark pelt her with darts.

She took all of this and kept walking forward, only finally stopping when Lexi decided to be a complete bitch and leapfrog off of her just before the finish line. For a moment, her vision went blood red, and Louise was gnashing her teeth (Which, like her muscles, were super strong) to stop herself from punching Lexi in the face. It took all of her willpower, but instead, Louise did the next best thing:

She decided to be a good sport. Louise offered a handshake to Lexi. No crushing weight, no trapping to punch her, genuine good cheer. She even smiled, difficult as it was.

Take that, bitch.

It felt GLORIOUS. The pictures. The cheers. She didn't come in first out of the group, but for the cameras and Hapswell....ALL OF IT WAS FILMED. Kids were cheering "RUSH RUSH RUSH RUSH"

Quite honestly....it was a rush....oh that pun! Her grin and wide smile faultered when Louise held out her hand. No. That's not what she wanted. This wasn't someone broken.

She gave a cheeky smile in return, placing her hand in Louise, "You did your best, that's all that counts."

"Rush waaiiiow," Aidan tried taking a step out and tripped on himself, sliding in the dirt. If louise planned to crush her hand in the grasp, Lexi already flickered, her back turning towards Brick looking at Aidan.

She gave a lopsided smile walking over and picked up the trench coat until he was on his knees. "You're never going to walk with your walking stick are you?"

"No," he smiled. "But that's not why I'm here. You finished your first race!" He placed his hands on hers, trying to find it. OVerwhelmed at the first touch he could see color again aidan was struggling, keep focused. you can do this. focus.

He managed to. THe first time since birth, he was seeing memories while still being in control of what was present infront of me. Lexi looked started to see he was moving his hand enough to get a firm grip....he was conscience. How was he-

"I want to do this...while I think I can do it...and that I like you."

"What are you-"

He leaned in, kissing her nose at first, but found her mouth. Her heart jumped in her chest, she felt lighthead. For Aidan it was harder, his heart pounded rapidly and he could feel Lexi's as well in that moment which increased the intensity.

Lexi felt herself phasing into hyperspeed. The sounds fading away. No. She didn't want the world to freeze around her, not in this moment, not now. Her entire body vibrated as she mentally tried to linger this speed. Until Aidan cusped her cheeks in both hands holding her. Time slowed down, back to normal time.

In that moment, each had grounded the other from being lost in their abilities. Lexi pulled away. "You uh..." She laughed blushing "Uhh...you haven't gone through yet you should..." She couldnt' look at him a stupid grin on her face. " You should go get ready then."

That bitch didn't even react! Louise's fury was reaching insane heights. How in the fuck did Lexi not even act surprised? She just took it like a champ, and that was completely infuriating.

She forced herself to leave, watching as the group before theirs, the one Lexi pushed to the finish line. None of their group was with them, not that Louise would have remembered any of them by name. They were beneath her. And they would all realize, very soon, what that truly meant.

With that thought in her mind comforting her, Louise left the field and entered the gym, hesitant to do anything that would further deteriorate her reputation.
The gymnasium doors to the pool opened *Pool is its own gym people do not go thinking you can crash into a wall from the gym and land in the pool. you cant.* "I haven't been in this room in about five years," She mused, Lisa's voice echoing. It sounded like the teacher's just more cut throat and brunt. "Place still looks like a dump.

She walked over to where the woman in the Splinter cell outfit was, hands going into her back pocket she pulled a envelope stuffed with bills. "He thought you might have depleted the funds he gave you to get started and wanted to make sure you were all set. But, first. What have you found out so far about Alexandra Clark?"
"Ouch. Such a harsh hello. I'm just trying to be friendly Rachel." Corbin smirked at the ever feisty Rachel as she promptly rejected him. Raising an eyebrow at her all too transparent badass attitude. He knew that she was all talk, but wasn't one to call her out. He laughed as she walked off and looked over at Bran. "That girl... I don't think anyone can put a leash on that temper. Let's hope you don't face off with her Bran. You might be in some trouble." He looked over at him, and gave a cocky smile.

Bran rolled his eyes and sighed, "I'm sure that I can handle myself." He fixed his hair again still irked at all short puns being thrown around. I'm not short I just haven't grown into my height. He pouted and watched Rachel head to the gym. Giving a small sigh he hated to admit it, but he was starting to like her. Although he'd never admit it out loud. His older brother gave him a inquisitive look as he smirked, "you know.... you look kinda..." Bran blushed and pulled the mask over his face. "I'm heading to the gym!! I'll see you inside!!" With that he quickly made his way into the gym.

As he was making his way in with a crowd. There in the gym he saw most of the teachers and other student chatting around. Making sure his mask was firmly in place he began identifying and summarizing each student. He saw Ms. Turner chatting in a corner, she won the tournament when she was in school here. I wonder if she would have any advice. Before he could say anything, from the corner of his eye he saw a student leave the gym and head in the opposite direction. Why would a student be leaving the gym just as the tournament starts? His curiosity was peaked but it wasn't until he saw what seemed to be Ms. Turner follow behind her. Didn't I just see her? Bran hiding his presence, like his guardian taught him.

Following behind the two he found himself at the pool's entrance. Keeping his breathing quiet he listened in on the conversation between the two. Not sure what he'd find out.

@Homage @CosmicChangeling


Min looked at all the students with their parents. Parents who supported their kids enough to cheer for them. She wondered what her father and brother were doing in their world. I bet they have a happier life than I do. I hope so. She didn't even know what happened to her sister. When they left she was only sixteen at the time, now she'd be in her mid twenties. I wonder what became of her? I doubt she even remember's me now. Rubbing her arm, she looked around looking for her friends.

Before she could locate anyone she heard Lexi's code name be called called out for the competition. Wanting to see Lexi wipe the floor with Louise she made her way to the obstacle course. She watched in awe and excitement as Lexi didn't just beat Louise, she decimated her. Min was overly excited. Especially to see the look on Louise's face as she tried her best not to snap in front of the crowd. Min found herself cheering along with the rest of the crowd as Lexi finished the race in remarkable skill and time.

Making her way down to the finish line, Min wanted to congratulate her friend in he flawless victory. Pushing against the large crowd she made it to the front just in time to see Aidan kiss Lexi full on in front of everyone. Min covered her mouth in excitement as she tried her best not to squeal too loudly. She jumped up and down excitedly as the two finally kissed. She was so happy for them! Awww! They are so adorable!!! Look at Lexi's grin!! Oh I wish I had something like that. She sighed thinking about Leon for a moment. She thought he would ask her to the dance, but she guessed he didn't like her like that.

Watching as Louise left she crossed her arms and turned to her as she passed. "Don't seem so discouraged Louise, we can't win them all. Guess you're not as good as you thought after all." She gave a snarky smirk and tossed her hair at the girl as she walked past Louise, toward her friends. Min walked over to the unlikely couple and smiled. "Guys!! That was adorable!! Oh, you two look so cute together!!"

Upon his son taking the stage for introductions, he identified himself as "Bolt", Baylee manipulated the lights in the gym. At first he threw the gym in to darkness, then he focused the lights around his son, keeping the other competitors in shadow. He played with the colors just for a bit of fun. Afterwards he let the lights return to normal so that everyone in the group was seen.


That's dad alright. Leon thought to himself

He took his place on the starting lane, but stayed still at the starting pistol. He let the other competitors get ahead of him, so that they couldn't mess with him. Then, he pulled out the sliver of metal his father had given him and ran a charge through it. This allowed it to become a metal disc. He tossed it on the ground and started to fly on it. He wove between the upper branches is the first forest area, getting used to the weight of the disc since he had only practiced with trashcan lids before. He made sure to stay concealed within the leaves so that the cameras couldn't see.

What my competitors don't know can give me an advantage later. Unless I get put against Isabel, she knows about this. I'm not too worried about Aiden since I'm sure I can fight him no problem.

Reaching the end of the forest area, he put the disc away back into his pocket. He made his way through the traps and the next two areas, he even dared to use a hanging live wire as a rope swing. He didn't feel anything because as far as he knew his powers made him immune to electricity. ((He's not immune to electricity produced by Supers' powers.)) He did get hit by a couple shots from the side cannons and had a close call with spinning blade that came out of the ground, he lost some of his hair there.

Upon reaching the last forest area he pulled out his disc. As he flew he started thinking about how to ask Min to the dance. He played through different scenarios in his head,dismissing each one. What he didn't realize was as he was lost in thought he was picking up speed. His disc caught a branch and he went tumbling. Slamming into branches and tree trunks as he fell. His right arm broke and his left shoulder got dislocated in the fall. He thought he heard someone calling his name, but everything went black before he could see who it was. Next thing he knew he woke up in the nurses office.


Hare thought before answering. "It's no problem. My main? Probably Thresh. His utility is fantastic. Despite the outfit I'm actually a support main. But I figured if everyone's gonna refer to me as "Hare" I might as well dress like a rabbit right? As for comps I try, but it's really hard if you aren't running with five. I'm a fan of zone control comps. I'm always looking for new people to play with so I'd be more than happy to play with you." Hearing the announcement for the next group Harriet nudged Nia. "Your friends are up this time right? Want to go watch? Your mom could always text you when she's here right?."

@Homage @CosmicChangeling
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(THis was planned prior)

During all the heckling, Lexi had noticed Leon tank it. So, for a short reprieve, Louise was free of a menancing speedster for a minute or two. She called out his name, bending over when she flickered infront of him.

"Yeah, that looks bad, buddy." She said, not really noticing the cameras were filming this moment. "Don't worry. I gotcha, you're going to finish this race today." The audience then just saw the two flicker out. When really, Lexi let the world slip into quietness, or hyperspeed. picking Leon up and carrying him to the finish line. She didn't cross herself, just placed him there.

She then immediately returned to showboating and being an asshole. But Leon was at the finish line and was given immediate medical attention.


It was something. He felt her emotions while they were happening, saw her past, felt his own. Aidan could barely keep himself calm or reign himself back in after that. Both looked liked elementary school kids sneaking a kiss on the cheek before they took off running and giggling about cuties. Her face was still very bright red when Min walked up and talked about it.

"Don't uh...."Stop grinning. Calm down. She stood tall trying to look angry and grumpy. "Don't encourage him. He's just going to do more of these things." The grump face cracked. She looked back at the goof, how had he managed to reign her in before just slipping into hyperspeed. Heart pounding at the thought.

"Leon took a big hit. He might be at the nurse's office. Want to go with me to see if he's ok?"

"That's the worst place to spend your birthday," Aidan slipped.

"His what?!"
Nickolaus looked away from his phone, where the tournament was on screen, as a minute after Leon took a dive he was carted into the nurse's office with him. Eek. He thought, Das muss weh tun. (That must hurt) he turned around to keep looking as he went to the other bed, and hissed as he accidentally ripped a scab open. A bit of blood oozed out but it was nothing major. He had bandages in a few places on him, band-aids and wraps alike, and everything had already been cleaned up. "Oi, Leon!" He called, though not too loudly, "Hey, you okay?" He might have been unconscious, but then again he might just have his eyes closed. The nurse shushed him.
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"A list of suspects. There are several people in the school with the names 'Alex', 'Alexandra', and 'Sandra'." The lie came naturally as Vi took the money. She didn't need it, she still had more than a little savings left over, with enough to last several months in emergency situations. Still, it could be useful. Money was never useless.

"I intended to get the student list from the administration systems during the individual battles of the tournament itself. If you'll be here for it, I'll get you that name and her matching face. That is, assuming she didn't change her name after moving here. I haven't accounted for that eventuality yet, but by the time December rolls around I should know for sure whether to learn more about Alexandra Clark or find her other name." Lies, all lies. Vi knew who Alexandra Clark was. She knew the girl was speeding through the obstacle course as they spoke. She knew 'Rush' would love the attention.

It wasn't time to reveal that information, not just yet. Vi needed her leverage, and Aiden...

Aiden deserved happiness, at least for a little while longer.


"Wait, you support main? Dude that's sweet! We'd make the best team, Tristana doing the damage, Thresh stealing the kills." She laughed at her own joke for a moment, before moving forward with Hare.

She watched Lexi taunt Louise left and right, from throwing snowballs at her to messing with the traps so Louise would falter. By the end of the aggravatingly long run, Nia almost felt bad for Louise. She was a bully, yes, but did she deserve that much? Nialla didn't have long to think about that, because just after Lexi leapfrogged over Louise to the finish line, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

Her eyes widened with relief as she saw her mother behind her, and immediately squeezed the woman in a hug. "Where were you, you almost missed our run! Oh, and this is Hare, she's super rad." Nia quickly introduced the two to each other, and didn't hesitate to take her glasses case from her mom's hand.

When she put them on, Nia felt like the piece she'd been missing had finally returned. "Woah! Hare, you're beautiful!" She said, before immediately trying to backtrack, her face turning red with blush. "It's beautiful, I mean. The gym, and the costumes, and..." She trailed off, feeling her face redden as her mom chuckled.

Holding out a hand, Natalie introduced herself, mostly to change the subject for her daughter. "Natalie Blake. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Min smiled at Lexi as she tried to brush it off. She knew the girl was even more happy than she was for the couple. Her face was glowing redder than her eyes. She raised an eyebrow at Lexi who was trying her best to not show how happy she was. It was adorable, first crushes always were. All Min could do was stifle a laugh, "Sure~eeeee Lexi." She glanced at Aidan and gave him a wink. Realizing that he wouldn't see it she laughed. She would have to tell him later that he did great with Lexi.

She looked back to Lexi as she spoke up about Leon. She covered her mouth totally forgetting Leon's race was next. "Oh no, is he alright?" Then the next news came out Aidan's mouth. "Wait, are you saying its his birthday today?" She didn't even realize it, he didn't tell me. Why didn't he tell me? She looked at Lexi and took a deep breath. She hated being moved at hyper speed, but she did want to see him. "Lexi take me to him." A moment later she was in the nurse's office.

@Brinni @CosmicChangeling (totally forgot today was not saturday xD )
Leon woke up, sore. His arm in a sling. He heard the nurse shushing somebody. Suddenly Min was standing over him.

"Min." he croaked

I'm sorry I got hurt. I was reckless. I got distracted thinking about how to do this. I wanted to find a way to do this in a clever wayI guess I'll have to settle for just asking straight out. Will you go to the dance with me?

At least that's what he thought he said. In reality all that came out was a bunch of incoherent jumbled up sounds, until the end when "dance with me?" came out clearly. He looked at her for a response. @The Suspicious Eye


Harriet's face colored at Nia's statement. Scratching the side of her face she let out a "I mean, you're not too shabby yourself". She took Nat's hand shaking it with a "Harriet Reynolds. The pleasure is mine. Oh no" she said, as she watched Leon take a fall on a screen. "That looks bad" she said, covering her mouth with her hand. "I hope he's gonna be ok." @Homage
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Nickolaus looked behind him, hissing again at the cut and turning his body with him. "Ehh... zat might be a bit of a problem." He said, raising an eyebrow. "Zat fall didn't look like it was holding back." He said, and his stomach started to churn. Strange. It didn't feel like he was hungry, more like he was sick. Perhaps he should ask the nurse about it too. He turned around, slower this time as to avoid cracking his scab further, and held his stomach lightly. "Eh, nurse...?" He started, trying to remember her name, though he didn't recall ever hearing it. "I feel sick."
Min scanned the nurse's office and found Leon. She went over to him, but the nurse was tending to him. Please be alright, please be alright, please be alright. Nearly chanting to herself. He was out of her range, she didn't want her powers to conflict with his healing. She waited till the nurse was done putting Leon's arm in a sling. Moving quickly she went over to Leon's side. She saw his arm in the sling and gave a worried look. Gently she put her hand to his cheek as she whispered softly. "Leon..."

Min smiled as he woke up. Scanning her face she looked for any hint of serious pain. As he spoke she was relived that he was alright. She couldn't understand most of what he was saying, until the end. Dance with me? She felt her heart begin to race, as she heard the words. It was surprising how much she wanted to hear him ask her. Blushing she gave a warm smile and leaned into him. Kissing him softly she pulled back as she spoke. "Of course I will."



Bran heard much of what the girl was saying. Alexandra Clark? The sophomore speedster? Bran made it his top priority before coming to school to know the name, power and possible counter for every super. Especially the students in school. Preparation is the first part of a successful strategy. He knew the girl was lying. She was in a few classes with Alexandra, and she's certainly made herself well known around school. Anyone who was looking for information on Lexi, as she prefers to be called, would find it easy.

What is her game? Maybe I should look more deeply into Alexandra Clark myself. He would wait for the woman respond, curious as to what her part is in all this. What importance is Lexi to Ms. Turner, she should know more about her than anyone else.

@CosmicChangeling @Homage
(I have to be super quick guys, and this weekend i won't really be around i'm sorry)

Lisa crossed her arms when Vi took the stash of cash. It was roughly 300k and that was lowballing the amount. Between checks from anomynous bank accounts and cold hard cash, she should be set. For a time. What the girl had for her wasn't good enough. "It's imperative for you to have proof the Feds can't cover up that this girl is alive and breathing, you understand this?"

After a moment, not realizing there was another listening. "The sooner you find out how she survived while every other experiment didn't, the sooner you get what you really want. She's the answer to all of it."


The blonde nurse rolled her eyes as another student tugged at her. She hated tournaments. It drained her of all her energy the first hour in. LET ALONE THE ACTUAL BRACKET FIGHTING.

She placed her hand on the boy, a golden glow coming out of her hands as his cuts and bruises began to disappear. He would feel energized and ready to go. "There. You're good. This place is going to fill up so unless you need to be here, get out."
Nickolaus was a bit disappointed, it seemed she hadn't helped his stomach at all. Whatever, that's life. He stood up, and turned to see Leon and Min... kissing? "Oh, shiet." He said, wide-eyed. His ache suddenly grew up into his chest and he felt his heart beating. He also didn't like seeing them kissing... was it just him being awkward?

Sollte ich nicht das Gefühl, glücklich über sie? (Shouldn't I feel happy about them?) He thought. Then the dance came to his mind- why was that?

Ich fühle mich wie werde ich kotzen ... (I feel like I'm going to throw up...) He thought. Clutching at his stomach tightly, he turned and stomped out. He was angry. About what? He wasn't sure... he wasn't sure, right? Kenne ich? (Do I know?) He leaned against the wall outside the nurse's office, and slid across the wall to the floor. Why was his vision blurring? He wiped his eyes dry. Should he do something about it? What was he supposed to do? What did he want to do? Maybe he should wait a little longer... catch her alone. Wouldn't that be selfish, though? Then again, to butt in as soon as he asked her out wasn't exactly nice, either... maybe if he talked to her. About what? Maybe for advice? Ask what's happening to him? Yes. He should do that. He picked himself off and wiped his face, eyes a little red around them but not too vibrant, and looked in the doorway. "M-Min? Can I speak to you?... Eh... alone?"
Leon's face went bright red. "If all it took was knocking myself out to get you to go with me I would have done it a week ago." He reached up with his free arm and pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear and smiled. Then he heard Nick speak.

"M-Min? Can I speak to you?... Eh... alone?"

Minutes ago, Leon would have been worried that she would, or was already planning to, go to the dance with him. Now, not so much. "Go ahead. I'm not going anywhere for a bit."
Bran's attention was caught as he heard the Feds were involved. He took a quick intake, but was quiet. However, he knew his position is compromised. The last the he needed was to get caught listening in on this wildly private conversation. He left, quickly and quietly. He knew what he had to do next. Well whoever this person is they aren't working for the government. If the government is the one who has all the information on Lexi then I have an easy way to get all the information I need about this. Curiouser and Curiouser as he made his way further down the rabbit hole. The whole situation seemed to revolve around Lexi surviving a series of experiments. He wondered, could Ingrim be..? No his research was for healing. He shook his head angrily and made his way into the gym. He would be called up soon and the last thing he needed was to be distracted by the past.

He made his way to the the gym and saw Ms. Turner still there. He raised an eyebrow, not one to count anyone out, he didn't think that the Ms. Turner he saw following the student and the one he saw one was now. That student she was with however, he had to keep a eye on her. Warning Lexi without evidence gets me nowhere, best to keep a look out with what's going on, for now. Bran adjusted his mask and made his way towards the obstacle course, waiting to be called.

@Homage @CosmicChangeling


Min smiled and leaned into his hand as he slid a loose strand over his ear. She was happy to know that he cared about her. She gave a warm laugh and looked down at him. "You don't need to get hurt to get my attention, Leon." As she looked a she heard someone call out her name. Looking up she saw Nick come over, looking a bit distraught. She smiled at him and nodded, "yeah of course Nick. I'd be happy to." She looked back at Léon and held his hand softly. "I'll be back soon." Holding it for a moment she got up she let go of his hand and walked over to Nick.

"Come on we'll go to a empty room." Min smiled at him softly, she didn't really know much about Nick. He didn't talk much, kinda kept to himself, but she understood that. He was a lot like her when she first came her. It wasn't until she met Lexi, Nia and Aidan, that Min really opened up around. She wanted to be like they were to her, hope. "So what did you need to talk to me about? Are you alright?"

@Coriandr (I'll probably edit this with more internal and scenery stuff but here's the meat.)

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