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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

A large stack of comix books fell as she entered. Elastic bit every nerve he had to scream at her for fucking touching his shit.


Shit to the average person.

"Fifteen years, give or take, i can give you the exact fucking number if you like." He snapped. He wasnt happy either.

Finding out through fucking Hapswell of all fucking people. He grabbed a box of cigarettes from his desk, lighting one. "I want to know how long you knew it was me and why the fuck am i hearing about this through HR and my boss. This should have come from you. You ROBBED me of any chance i had at....."

He trailed noticing the frame of a blonde woman smiling holding a bundle in pink swaddle cloth. He threw the picture across the room, the frame smashed.

He went quiet for a good minute dragging in as much nicotine as he could. "I guess i get it....when i was working the streets. I cant be pissed at that....its dangerous." And he had tried having it all once before.

Went swimmingly. Juuuust swimmingly.

"But when i moved here, when i first starting teaching here....You should have told me. I need to know why the fuck you didnt."

Another drag. "Ive kept my mouth shut....like you actually deserve that amount of respect."
Nia looked aggrivated. Lexi unstrapped her helmet, her hair still tightly braided, she could pull off being a slender man in a eay. Great disguise if everyome thought you were a boy but really you had boobs.

She couldnt judge, she was a grumpy bear constantly to these two, but just a week ago she told nia everything about what happened and there was a level of closeness and trust when it comes to that.

There was a flicker boxes then appeared on the desk one labeled nia and min. She hung out with them enough she knew what they liked. Ten empty food boxes were stacked next to her.

"Whatever happens today, i think we should have eachothers back. I want you two to know....if this gets out of hand your safety comea before a stupid tournament." She put her hand out so they could each put their hand in, a pact.

Louise had murder in her eyes on her way to nia just weeka ago, that wasnt going to happen to her or min, she would make sure of it.
Natalie's left eye twitched as Elastic vented, but she held her tongue until he finished speaking. Once he had finished, however, it was fair game. She didn't hesitate to call the man out on his hypocrisy. "I'm sorry, but what the hell are you talking about? You walked out on me! Do you know how hard that was? Do you have any idea how long I searched for you? You heard from someone on the squad and left the city, and you didn't even care! I didn't even get the chance to tell you my side of the story."

She rolled her eyes as she continued, getting more and more frustrated. "When I heard you started teaching here, I did everything in my power to avoid having to put Nia through this place. How could i trust you to treat her right, when you didn't even offer her four seconds of your time? I could understand wanting to flake, maybe you had a family and I was just a fling, but you never even said anything. You were just gone." In response to Elastic's cigarette, she took out one of her own and held it out to him. "Light me." She wasn't asking.


Nialla took a moment to react to Min, too lost in thought, but when she finished speaking she just nodded. "I'm worried. I have a bad feeling in my gut. I think... I think Vi's going to be there." She said, not bothering to explain for Lexi. Min knew, as her roommate, to look out for the psychopath who killed dozens of people, who had an extremely unhealthy obsession with Nia, her former best friend. She hadn't told anyone but Min yet, she didn't want anyone else to be worried.

After Lexi finished speaking, Nialla nodded her head and offered an only mostly forced smile. "Right. You two are way more important than anything else." She offered her own hand on the hand pile, reminded of her days as a kid soccer player years and years ago.
There was a huff, but he lit her cigarette, already finishing his first, he lit another. Left her? Was she kidding. "I don't know who you think you are rewriting history but that's not how it fucking went down, sweetheart. Grandos filled me in on everything. You were tired of the fucking hero life so you left. Fine. Whatever. Louis Lane has a fucking right to leave Superman....but you were fucking pregnant. I get you wanted nothing to do with the life but I had a right to know I had a kid."

And she was smart too. But she barely had enough juice to keep herself safe around here, there were FUCKING LUNATICS that came here. Dwayne the Rock was a fucking bully. NOt to mention at least third of the student body here got their jollies by tormenting others and flexing their powers.

He dug through his draw and threw an envelope at her, "i'm not a fucking deadbeat either. I had Arnold do the math, that should cover all the way until eighteen. For your information, my family came AFTER you. I was a manwhore but I fucking own up to my responsibilities."

Tim Sheppherd took another drag. "She's here fucking now. And as much as I want to fucking punch you....we need to talk about how I fit in her life now." If he even could. It was fourteen years....jesus fuck. Did he even have any rights now at this point. The kid was going to hate him and it was all this bitch's fault. Did he even WANT to go through something like this. He already burried one kid. But deep down deep deep deep down in Tim's frozen heart he knew....hell or high water....he still wanted to be a dad.
Bran was already out the door as he was starving for breakfast. In his death costume, he slid past the other students with ease. Everyone seemed to be roaming the halls with their parents. It was beginning to be a nuisance. He knew on some deeper level he was just jealous of the other kids. They had their parents and Bran, he was a orphan twice over. He gave a sigh, he had his brother, that's more than others. Feeling his phone vibrate in his cloak pocket he pulled it out. The grumbled and uttered a soft "Tch... this girl."

Rachel knew he was sensitive about his height. She always towered over her with her extra four feet and enjoyed rubbing how short he was in his face. She was cool though, a bit ruff around the edges (puns, quibs, jokes!!). Lux was kinda awkward, but deep down he had a good heart. Overall Bran thought they were pretty cool upperclassmen. He hardly knew many students around here, since he was a freshman who took a few Junior classes he hardly spends time with students his own age. Bran decided to take the high road and ignore the short comment. Texting them both back quickly as he made his way to the cafeteria.

Lux, Rachel
Hey guys, do you want to meet up before the tournament starts?
Yeah, sure. Where do you want to meet?
if u wanna short stuff
where r we going
Let's meet at the terrace outside the cafeteria. I want to grab some breakfast before the tournament.

As he typed he bumped into the German transfer Student Nickolaus. Like clockwork all the boy's stats ran through Bran's head. Nickolaus "Nick" Doph Meier, Freshman, Hero Support, Illusion. He seems to use only basic brain manipulations unsteadying and confusing his opponent. Counter attacks, keep a focused mind and use non lethal distractions, leading to a knockout. He turned to Nick and put a hand up, "Entschuldigen Sie! (Excuse me!)" He pushed send and slid the skull mask back over his face as he began to jog down the halls.

@SirDerpingtonIV @Coriandr
Natalie was incredulous. "I'm sorry, how am I the one rewriting history here? Morgan told me what went down. You wanted nothing to do with me, especially after you found out." How could he pretend he didn't know? Why was he acting so ignorant?

When she saw the envelope on the table, Natalie shook her head. "You think I want your money? I would have swallowed my fury long enough to take you to court for that. I lasted this long after you abandoned us, what makes you think I need your help now?" Part of her wanted to take the money, for Nialla more than anything. There was no money saved up for her college, and that was approaching more rapidly than Natalie was comfortable with. But Natalie wasn't about to take his money, that would imply some level of forgiveness.
That was an awful short dress she was wearing Leon thought to himself as he made his way to the gym, his face gaining a little color at the memory. To be honest I thought for sure Aiden was going to choke at the last second and not ask her. Man, now I have to go through with the deal we made to ask our respective crushes out. It's terrifying. But more importantly....how am I gonna do this? UGH


Moe woke up and shivered. I've got a bad feeling about today. Probably just nerves. I never did like fighting solo....assuming I get that far. He read a text from Harriet that simply asked if he wanted to grab lunch after she got through the course. He shrugged into his costume, sent a reply back saying "sure" and made his way down. As he did he saw a couple ravens flying around outside and then a picture of the course last year fell from the wall near him.

Today... he thought.... is not going to be a good day.
He held the cigarette in her hand. "Morgan told you what?" He asked. Elastic leaned forward, smooshing the cigarette into the table. Cogs and wheels were slowly grinding in his head. None of this made any sense. She was acting like he knew the entire time.

That ended when she turned down the envelope. Any moment of clarity ended there as he saw red. Growing longer in his seat, no longer the midgit man that he was. "That money isn't for you. That's for Nia. For shoes I never got to buy her, or clothes. Kids love that first day of school crap. For birthday cake or presents. Her first bicycle that I never fucking got the chance to teach her how to ride. Piano lessons or whatever....I played soccer....that money could have gotten her fucking cleats and on a travel team I would have driven to see." He was well over ten feet now looming over the desk.



"Aidan, let me fix that tie for you," Annalise fussed with her son. Blue tie, navy blue suit and a ragged old trench coat. "Robert, tell him that sky blue doesn't go with navy blue. Honey, we labelled your ties for you."

"....Sky blue doesn't go with navy blue..." Robert sighed flipping his newspaper.

"Who picked this outfit for you anyway? Robert, you agree this just makes our son look homeless."

"Yes, dear."

"And we can't have that."

"No, dear."

"AIDAN. Are you listening to me?"

He pulled himself from his thoughts. "Oh, sorry. I picked this out. And I like it, Mom. Super name is Recall....because I recall memories."

"Robert, tell him that's a stupid name."

"....That's a stupid name, son." He flipped the page.

Aidan didn't really notice his parents going back and forth for another two minutes. More like his mother was talking and his father gave hollow responses, all until he heard her snapping near his face. "Where is your head at, honey?"

He grinned. "I asked a girl to the dance tonight. Or....she asked me, then I asked her."

Annalise Turner stepped back, her face twitching as she looked horrified at her son. Mr. Turner looked up from his paper and grinned. "ATTAH BOY!" He laughed slapping his kid on the back. *Aidan saw his father fucking multiple asains in a room that wasn't home and he had the same horrified twitch his mother was sporting right now*

The twitch still there. "How....lovely.....when do i get to meet her?" If words could break spines.....

Clara Turner had put on a big smile ready to great Aidan's family when she saw them in the gym. THat was until she saw the mother's face. The meek teacher seemed to shrink, a small little black kitten then began darting between legs of other students and parents. Back away from the crazies, that was a good motto Clara had.
Min nodded understanding the whole Vi for Vendetta situation. It surprised her when Nia told her about it. She couldn't believe the trauma that Nia had gone through because of that girl. It meant a lot to Min that she was open to telling her, her secret. It made Min wish she could tell her friends about her twin brother, her family, the kidnapping, the parallel world she came fromthe monster she lives with. However, she couldn't say anything. She swore to her mother that she wouldn't say a word about any of it. Living with all these secrets, it's hard when there are people you want to share the truth with. "Don't worry If she appears we'll take her out. I've been working on manipulating gravity myself." She smiled at her, knowing that it was dangerous to make promises.

Min turned to Lexi as she gave a motivating speech. Nodding she put her hand atop the others and looked at them. "We won't let anything get between us. No matter what it is." She smiled looking at them. They were her rock. Lexi and Nia, they were what kept her, herself. She didn't want to loose them not now not ever.

@CosmicChangeling @Homage
Natalie waited for Tim to calm down, but he only seemed to get more infuriated. She didn't know what to think, something felt off. Why was he blaming her, when it was his fault? Morgan told her that Tim wanted nothing to do with Nia, so why was he acting like he suddenly wanted to be a dad? She didn't even try thinking about what happened to Tim's family until those pieces fit together.

"Tim, stop!" Natalie was in investigative mode, and her emotional reactions were gone. Something was wrong, she had to figure it out. "You said Morgan told you I wanted nothing to do with you, right? Well he told me the same thing about you. What happened to him? Where is he now?" Natalie didn't know, wouldn't know what happened to the old crew. Even learning about his family was a shock.


Vi watched the awkward situations of parent and child meetup with grim curiosity. Most of the parents were beyond awkward with their children's power use, and seeing that was as much a confirmation of her beliefs as anything. It was a sign of the future to come, the day where those same parents would scream that power users should be imprisoned, kept away from society forever.

Louise and DuValt were obviously heightening the relationship angle in front of their parents, though for what reason Vi wasn't sure. Maybe their parents were more likely to approve of them having a relationship than DuValt being Louise's tool? It didn't much matter, but it was odd, seeing how excellently Louise translated into that mask.


Nialla smiled at Min's assurance, not positive whether to trust her or not. Min was obviously powerful, but Vi was... Something else. Min had a conscience, she was normal. Vi was without morals, or mercy. She'd kill without hesitation or remorse, and use anything to her advantage. Once their (admittedly corney) hand-thing was done, Nia smiled to the duo. "We'll handle whatever problems that come our way together. No doubt about it."

Her feelings didn't leave, or even hide. She was terrified, of Louise, of Vi, of just... Something. The dread she felt wasn't going away, but Nia was going to put on a brave face.

For them.
@SirDerpingtonIV[/URL] @Coriandr
Rachel Miller

Rachel entered the school building, ignoring everyone and their parents, knowing that her adopted parents would be with Lux, their real child, it her. They had always been nice people and all, but no one would've been fond of being forced to raise the child of two psychotic villains. They had always left her alone, and admittedly, she was fine with it. It left her room to blossom into the person she was now. At that thought she let out a loud snort, deeming it rediculous. She felt a buzz in her pocket, and pulled out her phone.

Lux, Bran
Hey guys, do you want to meet up before the tournament starts?
Yeah, sure. Where do you want to meet?
if u wanna short stuff
where r we going
Let's meet at the terrace outside the cafeteria. I want to grab some breakfast before the tournament.

She saw that Bran had taken the high ground and ignored her comment, and that only made her even more determined to annoy him. She decided to make another remark, as the high ground was practically non-existent to her. She grinned as she began to type her response.

Lux, Bran
Hey guys, do you want to meet up before the tournament starts?
Yeah, sure. Where do you want to meet?
if u wanna short stuff
where r we going
Let's meet at the terrace outside the cafeteria. I want to grab some breakfast before the tournament.
u sure? i thought u were a little short on time

She grinned to herself with evil delight, before making her way to the terrace, taking a seat at one of its tables
(i'm in the office today, can't really make long posts)

Elastic shrunk, making a sound similar to a rubber band as he slumped in his seat. He slumped in his chair, pulling at his desk draw, tossing Nat a bag of gummies that smelled all too special. Medical purposes, you tend to get massive arthritis and physical pain stretching the way he did. Hard on the bones you see. And being in his thirties...he wasn't as young and elastic as he used to be.

It also helped the nightmares.

He popped two little bears in his mouth now. "He's dead. They're all dead." He said quietly. "You remember Invisible Gal? Ah well...she reigned me in. Fell in love. A mission went sideways and they all died." including his kid. "I moved here right afterwards. Hung up the tights."

He eyed her suspiciously but then sighed. "Nat...if I had known I would have been there. I wouldn't have left you alone in this." The envelope had fallen to the ground, his arm stretched he picked it up again and placed it on her lap. "I want to get to know our daughter. Whatever i need to do with you to make it happen...the ball's in your court with this one."


Corny and silly...but the three were best. Lexi placed the helmet back on and grinned at them. "Alright. Let's get rolling. I'll see you guys down there."
Nickolaus looked backward at the guy speaking German. He was about to turn back and call to him, but remembered the gym- his father could be waiting. He ran to the doors and stepped into the gym, tons of people he'd seen around the halls every day with their families, parents and younger children alike, older siblings already in adulthood, all around the gym. Finding his dad would be fun- assuming he even came, which he may very well have not at the price it would take for a plane ticket. He searched around for the better part of ten minutes, but didn't find him at all. Perhaps he was late. Either way he'd understand- plane tickets from Germany to America aren't exactly cheap.

Maybe he could call him on the phone- yes, he would do that. He took his phone out and started ringing, moving toward the gym doors. As he was about to leave to hear his father better, he heard the familiar jingle- his father's ringtone. So he was here! Even though it was quite hard to hear, to his trained ear it was easily spotted in the crowd of chatter. He ran toward it, and found him in the line of people coming into the school, phone to his ear with a puzzled look on his face. Oh- the call! He'd forgotten.

"Papa!" He yelled, and his father looked up. "Papa!" He rose his hand and phone near his head, to show it was him who called, and he ended the call and put it in his pocket. "Nick!" He yelled back, and hurriedly walked through the crowd to get there. As soon as he was there, they embraced eachother for a second. It had only been a month or so but still, it would be a long time before he saw him again, best to make the most of it.

"Also sagen Sie mir , wie geht es dir ?"(So tell me, how have you been?) His father asked. "Gut. Ich habe schon ein paar Freunde und ein paar von ihnen sprechen Deutsch gemacht ! Ich habe auch gelernt, viel mehr Englisch , während ich hier bin ." (Good. I've already made a few friends and a couple of them speak German! I've also learned a lot more English while I've been here.) He responded, "Und was ist mit dir?" (And what about you?) He asked, "Nicht ausflippen , aber ... Ich habe jemanden nach Hause traf !" (Don't freak out, but... I've met someone back home.) "Was?!!" (What?!!) He exclaimed, "Wie ein Mädchen?" (Like, a girl?) "Ja, ein schönste Mädchen , und sie ist so verstehen , auch wenn ich über deine Mutter emotional . Ich glaube, Sie würden sie gerne !" (Yes, a most beautiful girl, and she's so understanding even when I get emotional about your mother. I think you would like her!) He affirmed, a wide grin across his face, with a hint of questioning, wondering if Nickolaus would approve. "Nun, gut für dich Papa! Sie werden halten müssen, um mich auf dem Laufenden ." (Well, good for you papa! You'll have to keep me updated.) He responded.

"Nun was ist mit dir , Nickolaus ?" (Well what about you, Nickolaus?) His father asked, "Nicht viel. Aus ein paar Freunde , spricht man Deutsch , und ich hörte nur jemand in den zu Hallen. Vielleicht werde ich herausfinden , wer es ist , etwas später. Ich habe besser auf Englisch bekommen , auch!" (Nothing much. Made a few friends, one speaks German and I just heard someone in the halls too. Perhaps I'll figure out who it is, later. I've gotten better at English, too!) He replied. They continued chatting for the most part, waiting for the tournament or whatever came next to start- he wasn't entirely sure what was next, so he figured he'd see.
The black kitten bounced too and fro. She had talked to the Turners in the past (no relation). The mother lectured her relentlessly about the structure of the achool for her baby. Disability protocol what not. (Hapswell believed having super powers negated disabilities so there was no need to have rampa or any of that sort of stuff. Too much paper work.)

The first year that father of his had grabbed her wrist mouthing 'save yourself'. This was the man that was supposed to love this woman unconditionally.

(Romance for clara was an entirely different story. Elastic had tried courting her until he began yelling what a moron she was. He was rubbery but a black bear got a good whack or two into enough to send him to the nurse. There was Savolt as well....he just slept. Professor March only asked her out to avoid savolt courting hi. It was a fiasco you get the idea.)

The cat eventually stopped, rubbing her body against Nikolas's legs.

Clara popped up, human form, clasping her hands together, her pleasant smile warm and inviting. "Nikolas' father, i assume. Nice to meet you, " she coughed a hairball out of her mouth. "My name is Ms. Turner. Your son has been a delight so far. His phone app to better understand english was a very clever idea. This is Ridgeview. I wanted to greet the parents, answer any questions you might have and see if we can get you settled before the tournament."

Lets face it. Turner and Darke were probably the only teachers here who could put ease on parents' mind how the school operated.


Louise was busy showboating her relationship with duvalt and of course, there was one special speedster who decided to ruin the fun.

There was a flicker and Rush the soldier appeares sitting on the bleachers just right infront of her. "Took a peak at the line ups. You and I are going to be running a 5k together it seems. I say running generously. But hey. Ill be fair. I'll give you a huuuuuuuge head start. Call it my gift to you before i ruin your day today."

Lexi wasnt cocky, she was quiet and grumpy....Rush on the other hand....there was a flicker again but rush was now reading a newspaper a picture of the favorites to win. "Youre not even number 2 anymore." Rush fake pouted. "There are three others they say are going to beat you. Do they give you honorable mention ribbons? Would look GREAT with your costume."

It felt liberating. Free. She had watched this girl torment others for two months. No one stood up to her. The silent approach of just blipping people out of danger didnt seem to work.

No....some people needed to be humiliated. Some people needed to be knocked off the pedastal they didnt deserve. This was for the people she tormented. This was for the littlw guy to afraid to speak up.

For the first time since she broke into the Prudential Center....she felt her inner fire again.

Maybe....just maybe....she was feeling just a smidge too much of it.
His father looked at Nickolaus questioningly, "Eh... he doesn't understand any English." He explained to Clara, then turned to his father. "Sie sagte, es war schön, Sie kennen zu lernen , und sie begrüßt alle Eltern . Sie fragte auch , ob es alles, was Sie fragen wollen ." (She said it was nice to meet you, and she's greeting all the parents. She also asked if there's anything you want to ask.) He said, translating for them. And to think just a month ago Min was translating for him. "Ja , wie hat er für die erste Woche hier zu sein verstehen?" (Yes, how did he understand for the first week being here?) He asked, and Nickolaus simply responded without translating. "Oh , habe ich eine Anwendung auf meinem Handy. Er übersetzt Englisch Deutsch." (Oh, I used an application on my phone. It translates English to German.) He turned to Clara, "He was asking how I understood anyone for the first couple weeks; I hadn't translated that part." He explained.
Today was the big day. For him, anyways. Big day for Hapswell. Scouts and recruiters from many villain organizations and hero organizations attended this tournament once a year. When Elastic pitched it to him the first year he was a teacher, Hapswell laughed. It seemed stupid, but who would have thought that a silly little volunteer tournament would bring in SO. MUCH. MONEY.

People liked seeing the future fight. People liked recruiting the top talent. And people sure as hell loved giving donors to guarantee they had top picks of the best of the best here. So a volunteer event became mandatory and every year it got bigger, grander and that much more ridiculous. Next year they may do four trials before the brackets and make it a weekend fun rump. Who knew. You rake in well over 45 million doing these things, you can get crazy.

The gym was for the audiences, tvs around so parents could watch their kiddies perform and what not. Looking at his watch, Elastic had not yet taken the stand. There was shouting in his man cave child's best room ever office. Great. That would mean he would have to do it. Hapswell had to do EVERYTHING around here. Aggravated, he walked to the podium.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the 10th annual Super Tournament. It is with great pleasure and pride that I have the privileged to work along side these gifted young men and women." Did he even know their names? Susan...there had to be a Susan that was a student here right? Loretta needed to do a better job at keeping him ramped up on this shit. "Every student here will have a chance to compete in the obstacle course...."

He gave the basic rules. Five at a time, two hours to finish. They would be facing many elemental challenges and a few teachers may challenge them. Few being he gave Professor Darke a bag of costumes and told him to have at it. Be creative. There were traps along the way. If anyone was too injured to continue they would be taken to the nurse tents and tended for. After that, the mental challenges would begin.

"Remember, above all else. You are all here because you are special. These gifts you possess will change the world, for better or for worse. These are the days where you discover who you are and just how you will make those changes. Good luck. And may the best super win!"


Clara didn't understand a lick of German. Raccoon yes. She understood that. Giraffe, hippo, mouse. Very simple. German not so much. She gave a hesitant awkward smile as they talked back and forth to eachother, not following a single word.

"Oh yes, I mentioned that, that you were clever coming up with that."

She paused when the principal gave his speech. When it was over. "You're one of the first ones to go, Nikolas, you have any questions for me before you enter the course." Clara smiled. "And don't worry, it's not scary. I won the tournament twice when I went to school here. And if someone like me can do it, just about anyone can. It's actually quite fun.
Nickolaus just looked at her and grinned, a maniacal glint in his eye. "So, do I have to get my costume on now, or is that later?" He inquired, and translated to his father, turning to look at him. "Sie sagte ja, sie hatte erwähnt, dass , und ich fragte, ob ich brauchte jetzt auf meinen Anzug zu setzen." (She said yes, she had mentioned that, and I asked if I needed to put on my suit now.), He explained, then turned back to Clara. He looked down at himself, imagining himself in his newly-created and eh... 'top-secret' suit. He was a bit scared it might be too quirky, but he liked it.
Clara grinned, pushing some of her dirty blonde strands from her eyes. "There is ALWAYS the best time to put on your super suit." Every moment was always the best moment to put on your super suit. She tilted her head towards the gymnasium doors. "Go change, you know where the bathrooms are. I'll lead your father to the bleachers.

She wasn't sure how to say 'follow me' in German, so she just made a motion with her hands that was a universal gesture (Unless there were different universes and realms of course) to go where she was going. When the father was taken care of, she began helping others to their seats.

"Clara Turner, as I live and breathe. Still doing the teacher route I see." a woman's voice patted her from behind. Clara closed her eyes, knowing exactly who it was. She tried to plaster her winning smile turning around, but it faltered.

"Hey, sis...."

"That all you have to say? It's like we only see each other once a year...on Halloween. No other holiday. Whatsoever." It was like looking at a reflection, the two identical down to the last strand of DNA.

Except one was born gifted, the other....not so much.

"You're very busy, you're looking for the best heroes for the Union of Justice."

Forced smile. "Every year, they still ask about you. What a shock. Every year, I have to offer it to you anyways while I look at the rest of the kids here."

"....I have to go, Lisa...my job. We'll catch up later." She held her sister's shoulder for a brief moment, lightly patting it before power walking away as fast as she could.
Nickolaus waved to them, and told him "Folge ihr." (Follow her.). He made his way to the men's bathroom, dragging his suitcase along, and rolled it into a stall. Changing into his costume, he very dramatically put on his helmet/mask slowly. It was a bit harder to see out of but perhaps he could fix that in time. For now it was fine, not too heavy even with its larger size. He made his way to the stage, trying to keep out of sight of anyone wandering through the halls for what he hoped would be a dramatic entrance with his costume.
Bran went to the cafeteria and sighed at the long line of students. It was much more colorful than usually, everyone was costumed. It was weird to see everyone dressed like that, it hit home that in the end everyone here has the potential to be a hero or villain. His brows furrowed, as his determination to become a hero set in. His brothers succeed and just like them, he will succeed as well. He quickly grabbed four plates of breakfast food. He made sure to get everything and extra food for Rachel, since she ate nearly everything. Balancing the plates on his forearms he felt his phone buzz once again. Making his way to the terrace he pulled out his phone and looked at it. "Who are you calling short!?!"

His voice could be heard all the way to the terrace. He found Rachel by a table and placed the food on the table. "Why must you torment me, Rachel?" He sighed smiling, he still thought she was great. "Although you're not wrong, I have to head to the tournament pretty soon." He sat down and smiled and looked at her kindly. He stabbed some food and popped it into his mouth. Although, he hated being called short, he did like having company when he ate. Usually it was just him alone in the mansion, his older brother already gone. In a way this is nice.

There was a whirring of blades as near them a helicopter landed. Bran looked over and the slight smile he had, faded back into a grimace. "Well just great...." part of him wished his older brother hadn't come. The last thing Bran wanted was for his embarrassing older brother distracting him. Corbin was just...so eccentric when it came to his brother. Somehow he thought that Bran needed constant support. When Bran entered into the school his brother came with him and introduced him to all of the faculty, calling him special and advanced. He hate big showboatted around like some rare person. Bran wanted to 0rove that even if you don't have powers you can be just as powerful as a super. The last thing he needed was his brother to try to make him different.

Watching Corbin hop out of the plane he looked around for Bran until he spotted him. Waving excitedly he made his way over to them. "Bran!! There you are, see I landed just in time. I guess that tracker I installed in the suit works." Looking up at his brother, surprised and angry he nearly shouted. "Wait you chipped the suit?!"

"Well yeah, how else am i going to find my LITTLE brother? You just seem to drink from sight in a crowd." Ruffling Bran's hair as he spoke. Corbin just loved to mess with his baby brother. Bran shook the hand off and did his best to fix his hair and mask. "Please stop, I get enough of that from Rachel." Corbin gave a smirk and looked over to Rachel, "Rachel hmm?" He remembered her when he was a senior last year. The Werewolf girl? Well Bran sure knows how to pick em, good for him. Extending his hand to her he smiled, "well Rachel it's nice to meet you. Bran didn't tell me he had such a hot girlfriend."

Bran's face turned tomato red as he spoke, "Wait what?! No! We're just friends!" He looked at Rachel hoping for some confirmation.


(Min post tomorrow, Night guys!!)
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Natalie stilled as Elastic made the announcement about their friends' fates. She grew up with some of them, worked with all of them. Bartholomew and Lilly were friends from fifth grade. She had assumed they simply followed Tim's orders and cut contact all those years ago, but this...

Natalie had years of built up frustration with them, had planned exactly what to say when she finally saw them all again. All of that faded in an instant, replaced with grief. Those were her closest friends. And they were dead, all of them. Taking a long drag of her own cigarette, Nialla didn't say anything. She was fighting back tears, fighting back worry, fighting back some level of relief that made her sick to her stomach. What would have happened if Tim hadn't left her behind? She and Nia would be dead. Some disgusting part of her was actually glad that he left her when he did, and Nat hated herself for that.

"All of them..?" She managed, shaking. She heard the announcement over the intercom, and new the obstacle course would be starting soon. Nia's turn wasn't for over an hour, so she didn't have to worry about missing it, but Nat still wanted to talk to her daughter, to tell her-

To give her her glasses, yes. That was something she could bear to do. Telling the truth? Not so much.


Nialla looked around the gym for her mother, but didn't notice her among the crowd. Aiden had his family with him, and Nickolaus found his just fine, but there were others, like the girl in the Splinter Cell outfit, Lexi, and herself who had absent parents. She felt a twinge of sadness at that. Did her mom not care about her enough to show up? Was she just late? Did she forget?

Nialla wanted to go by Lexi's side, to talk to her instead of stand by herself, but she seemed enamored with herself. Lexi was loving the attention, and was getting half the room talking about her. Nia didn't have that talent with a crowd, and her abilities weren't ones to show off. With no one to spend time with, Nialla walked beside the Splinter Cell leaning on the wall by herself, and gave her a weak wave. "Hey. Love the suit, by the way. Your family not show up either?"


Vi froze when Nialla walked to her, but when she asked the question, Vi only nodded her head. She couldn't open her mouth, that was tantamount to suicide. It sucked for Nialla, but wasn't Vi's problem. She'd speak to her former best friend on her own terms, later.

Though part of her wanted to say 'I'm up first' as she stopped leaning on the wall, and walked away from Nia, towards where DuValt and Mary, the Junior in their group, were gathering. That was her best friend, and she was obviously distraught, but Vi wasn't about to lose everything to make her friend feel better. Nia was a big girl, she could handle herself.


Darke knew where Tim and Nat were. He was busy greeting every parent and ensuring every villain organization rep that they would profit from the event, but he wasn't too busy to not notice the last two survivors of their old crew meet up in the office. It was about Nialla, it had to be. Elastic would be furious with her for cutting him out of his last daughter's life, and Nat would probably be apologizing for leaving him.

But when he saw Nialla, standing alone and rejected, Darke didn't have much of a choice. That girl didn't deserve to be ignored by both of her parents, even if she didn't know one of them existed. When he finished explaining that Louise would make a fantastic 'hero to villain' character to Robert de Hiro, tv show director, Darke teleported in front of Elastic's office door and knocked without saying anything. Better Elastic didn't blow up while Nat was in the room. She was a normal, she couldn't teleport out of the way of Elastic's attacks. At least this way she wouldn't be in the way.

... Unless Elastic stretched to open the door. Or Nat did it for him.

Darke didn't exactly think of that.
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With a heavy sigh, all he could do was nod. He had watched most of them die right in front of him during the raid. The ones he hadn't, the bodies he saw for himself. Those images were etched so far in his mind, that if there were such a thing as past lives, all his future ones would still remember those images with great detail.

They said he was lucky. His rubbery exterior had saved his life. Lucky would have been to be the first one dead. The silence between the two lasted about a minute. He stayed where he was, his hand stretching and opening the door. The blood didn't boil when he saw it was Darke. Popping in the last two weed gummies in the packet. "And there's the man who killed our friends. If you will excuse me I have a tournament to run."

As the door had shut behind him leaving both Darke and Nat in the same room together, realizing not once did he threaten to kick darke out....this was a man who was just DONE for the day. DONE. Stepping out of his office he saw Nia leaning off at something. Mr. Elastic walked over. "Foot Clan from the Ninja Turtles," He looked at the one in the splinter cell, then turned to her, Nia...his..., well that her. "You. The traps might be set on timers on a 4/4 metronome...maybe. Don't fuck up."

Tim walked away fighting the urge to fling the bleachers across the gymnasium floor. It wasn't cheating if it was family and fuck it, it was his fucking tournament to begin with he could do whatever he wanted.

(Min post tomorrow, Night guys!!)

Rachel Miller

Rachel snorted, rolling her one eye. "Who the fuck do you think I am calling short?" she asked with a smirk, eyeing him as he sat down across from her with his food. She picked up the tray he gave her with a "Thanks," before she proceeded to steal some food from Bran's tray anyways. "And I torment you because I am evil, obviously," she chuckled, taking a bite out of her food, chewing it loudly.

As the helicopter set down, a scowl set across Rachel's face. She always hated being reminded of the wealthy background Bran had come from. She felt disgusted with herself for thinking it, but at least he didn't have parents either; making them a little more equal. She sighed, shaking her head as Corbin approached. She zoned out as the two began to talk, until Bran realized his suit had been chipped, and Rachel started to bellow in laughter, snorting occasionally. "Your big brother is so sweet!" She said, voice full of a mocking tone, "Looking out for his little brother all the time."

She continued to laugh as Corbin addressed her. "Oh please, anything with a pulse is hot to you," she retorted, grinning. "And as much as Bran wishes it, I'm not his girlfriend." She addressed this to Bran with a haughty smirk.

Moe sat there listening to Hapswell's speech.

He probably only knows a handful of students names at best. The useless crazy old man. This thing is such a pain. But it's a grade and Harriet would never let me hear the end of it if she makes it to the next round and I don't. SO I guess it's about time to actually get serious about this stuff. Who am I with? DuValt, I'm not worried about him. My power trumps his if he tries to use it. Who else? Nickolaus? His illusions don't scare me. As long as I keep my focus I should be fine. Just need to keep the will of iron my family is known for back home. Isabel? She could be trouble. I have no idea what she can do. I've heard she can fly and has telekinesis. Maybe I'll get lucky and she'll just leave me alone. And this Mary person I have no idea who she is or what she can do. She's the biggest wildcard here. Maybe I can make a temporary truce with DuValt, and the two of us could work together. He can speed us up and I'll leave my field at max range so as not to slow us down. It's worth a shot at the very least. Hopefully, I won't need to reveal the fact my powers have changed a bit. Not even Harriet knows that I've learned that I can move at half my normal speed when my radius is at 15+ meters. Considering that makes movement cap at around five feet per second, I'm not sure what I'd use it for since I'm still a defensive fighter. It'd make it easier to dodge some hits i suppose? Other than that....

He overheard Ms Turner talking to Nickolaus about how she'd won the tournament twice.

Or...I can see about getting some inside info, so if all else fails....

He approached the teacher once she looked free, he put on his best uncertain face.

She always struck me as the bleeding heart type. Plus the fact I don't speak much in her class lends itself to me being "timid" and "shy".

"Excuse me, Miss Turner? I couldn't help but overhear that you've won this tournament before? I was just wondering if you had any advice for me. I have to admit that being a freshman in this thing is a little intimidating. I'm actually a little scared. I'm not exactly the most physical person in this competition so anything you can give me to help would be much appreciated."

After their conversation, Moe went and sought out DuValt. He was, surprisingly enough, Louise-free.

"Excuse me, DuValt? I was just wondering if you had any desire to work together to get through this obstacle course. I stay with you and you speed us both up to get us to the end. I figured "Why shouldn't the two people in the school with speed control auras work together?" so here I am. You an accept or decline, but do so politely." Moe took on a serious look. "If you're an ass about it, you're gonna make me have to be an ass in return. Which means that at the start line I'll slow every single one of us down as much as I can. That means none of us will finish the course in time and we'll all be cut from proceeding to the next round." Moe went back to being cheerful and held out his hand.

"So? What do you say? Want to work with me?" @Homage @CosmicChangeling


Harriet Collins looked around, hoping against hope that her parents or anybody would show up.

I'm sure they're just caught in the greeting line. I'm not up for a couple hours yet so it's not really a big deal. I wonder how Moe is gonna do with this course. If it was just crossing the terrains he'd likely make it with a bit of time left over but with traps and the other contestants....who knows? I bet he'd have phenomenal odds to cross first...if I was a gambling girl that is. I could make some serious bank.

Harriet watched the splinter cell girl give the girl from Lexi's group the cold shoulder.

Nialla, that's her name Harriet thought to herself. It was then she noticed the girl's costume. I think that's supposed to be Leona? Man, she's super cute and maybe plays League? Woof. How much better can she get?. She watched Mister Elastic walk up to Nialla, say something and then walk away.

He...he didn't scream? Oh look at her...she seems so.... sad. Time to do what a Riven does best, dive straight into the middle of what most likely will end as a clusterfuck! She walked over, threading her way through the crush of people, trying not to damage any part of her costume.

"Personally I prefer the CC of Nautilus support to an all in champ like Leo. Although late game they're both monsters." She smiled. "So Nialla. I don't know what's got you down, but I'd be happy to try and fix it if I can. You've got a cute smile, I've seen it. I'd like to see it again." She leaned up against the wall next to her
The clear ring of white noise was present in Clara's mind as she pushed herself through the crowd. When she made it to they gymnasium walls, both hands were pressed against the painted concrete blocks. One. Two. There would be no scenes. Three. Four. Everything was going to be fine. Five. Six. Today was a happy day-

Clara turned to see Moe tapping on her shoulder to get her attention. She looked at him, then up at her hands realizing she looked like she was running and just trying to catch her breath. Or a crazy person. Either or. She pulled herself upright, fluffing the wrinkles from her skirt. "Oh. Yes. It's very intimidating, but it's not difficult I promise, Moe." Looking around, it was just a sea of people, and just one kid. A kid who genuinely asked her for help and not entertained her with her teachings.

She could fudge the rules. Just once.

"Alright, but if you spread this around, Mr. Elastic will change the rules. So keep it to yourself, maybe your friend Hare you two are very close. Elastic sets the traps on a metronome on 4/4 time. It's very rhythmic but it's always the same. Count the beats between the first trap and the second and you will be ready for every one that comes your way. For the mental, they are just riddles. There's a book in the library where all his riddles come from. no one's caught onto it yet."

She hugged the boy then tightly, her shoulders relaxing just slightly before she pulled him off, pressing her hands down on his. "Now. Don't talk to the me that isn't me. Only bad things can happen with that. Don't do it, don't think about it, you're good to go."

(I know brinni is gone to homage now dealing with Duvalt, buuuut had to post what she said to him)

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