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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

He had been afraid of this, but knew it was unavoidable. There would have been no way to help learn how to control and improve his powers without some kind of showing her how it was done. And yet it still took him aback.

"Must I?" he asked. He was met with only a stare. He began ramping up the electricity in his body and moved it towards his hand. "Fine. How much do you want?" He stopped where it was, the equivalent shock of a cattle prod. He could get higher, last measured he could get up to 500,000 Joules with enough ramp time, that's roughly half the amount present in a bolt of lightning. She was still somebody who he may have to fight in the tournament though. The most he was willing to go to was 150,000. A bit more than what a phone battery produces to operate.

Play your cards close to your chest. Besides, in a fight my opponent won't give me enough ramp time to get that high.
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Lexi gave a sigh of relief as Min and Nia began to leave. Her grey eyes lingered on the freshman as they walked down the hall.

If nia had not done what she had done....Lexi was positive that Louise would have murdered her. Her ribs had punctured her lungs and she was bleeding out when louisr broke her other ankle.

Broke....shattered....she was in the void gor what felt like eight weeks before she returned to normal speed. She had eight weeks of agonizing recovering pain before this fight continued and louise was swept off her feet in one kick.

Hands in her pockets she looked at the four teachers and back at louise. Shebdidnt care about being punished. They could do whatever they wanted to her and her record it was irrelevant.

"You take muscle head, i will take speedy. The gym needs to be cleaned first off." Eladric gritted his teeth trying to be cooporative with darke.

"Boys i really think-"

"Why dont you be useful and inform fucking hapswell, clara." He barked. The woman took a step back into Kane at the short mans temper.

Before lexi took a step towarde Elastic she looked at louise. "You wont win this tournament. I promise you, youre going to fail on Halloween....and the rest of the student body wont cheer for you to win."

She didnt want to win, didnt expect to, but she was going to make damn sure this hully didnt.
Min glared at Mr. Elastic, the new nickname he had chosen for her was not the most endearing. It pushed her close to the edge, she was growing more furious by the moment. This is not fair. There's no reason to punish Min and Lexi for Louise's aggression. And I don't know it, but I'm sure her little boy toy DuValt had something to do with this fight too. Those two just seems to make everything worse. Min glared at the two seniors, they were officially on her kill list.

She crossed her arms and turned her head to Mr. Drake as he spoke. Her temper was flaring with anger. Does he really think threatening me will work?! By the time I reach maturity I'll own this world. Everything in it will be mine, in my reality. A marr on a record? "I could care less about my stupi-" She was cut off by Nialla as she spoke. Min looked at her surprised, she gave a soft whisper. "Nia... but..." she deflated a bit her temper simmering down to a more manageable level. She let out a sigh, and gave a unhappy grumble. Looking back at her teachers she spoke in a cold angry voice. "Fine, but Lexi protected Nia from Louise. That's what I saw. If we should be punished for protecting people. I don't see a reason to try to protect others." With that she glared at the teachers spun around and stormed off down the hall. She didn't care of Nia followed behind or not, she needed to head to the gardens to blow off some steam.


Dr. Kane frowned a torn between doing the right thing and the proper thing. He agreed with both sides since all the students saw some form of punishment must be given. But the students have been going through some troubles lately. He believe that there is a happy medium in which they all could agree on. The brownies on his shoulder were going restless they began to climb and tug on Dr. Kane's already messy hair. Wincing a little at the pain he still gave a warm grin. Taking a step forward he spoke to the other students. "Well either way I think we can find a more lenient punishment, given the girls circumstances. Perhaps half the required punishment?"

@Homage @CosmicChangeling
Nickolaus turned around as she stormed off, and then looked back at "Lexi" and "Louise" he assumed their names were - by the context he'd understood - and then turned back and ran after Min and the other girl. "Warte ab! Wait!"("Wait! Wait!"), he yelled to them and put a hand on Min's shoulder as he caught up. "Wissen Sie, wo die sowing machine is?"("Do you know where the sowing machine is?"[Roughly])
"The most you can immediately hit me with. If you need time to prepare an attack, you will lose before you can even begin to defend yourself." Vi was still passionless, and offered no fear. She was confident Leon wouldn't be able to bring himself to use too much power, either willingly or because of some psychological block. If she was wrong, no harm done. She'd be hurt, not dead.


Nialla turned one last time to Lexi and the others, feeling a twinge of regret for her decision. She only turned and continued walking because she knew Min wanted to stay just as much as Nia did, and she didn't deserve to take even part of the blame.

She finally stopped and turned back when Nickolaus caught up to them, but Nialla didn't understand a word he was saying. She shrugged, and waited for Min's answer.


"Uh... Doc, I think those brownies of yours are, uh, moving." Darke thought he was used to weirdness, but Dr. Kane and Clara Turner together had more weird than the rest of the school combined. "And no, we can't afford to be lenient. The tournament is rapidly approaching, and students are going to start getting stir crazy until it begins. If we let them off with just half assed punishment then other kids won't take us as seriously. We crack down now or we crack down hard later." It was an unfortunate reality, but one Darke was well accustomed to.

Turning to Kane, he grabbed Louise's shoulder, ignoring Lexi's comment. "Kane, can you take Ambrose? I'd rather not let these two share a room, and Clark shouldn't be within chocking distance of them, either." After making the request he and Louise were gone, teleporting back in his room.

"Kid, you have no idea how lucky you are. If it'd been anyone else you fought, you'd be on your way to prison. If you had broken through Clark and hit Nialla, you wouldn't be alive." He left out who and why she'd be dead, but his warning was made. "You won't be interning with any heroes until the tournament ends, and you'll be spending every Thursday and Friday afternoon in this room. You will write 'I'm a peaceful student.' Every time you are here, one thousand times a visit. That won't fix the problems you have, but it might teach you not to fight other students until after you're graduated and out of our hair."

It wasn't much of a punishment, but he couldn't cut her out of the tournament. That was a required grade for all students. Unfortunately for the staff, Louise seemed to enjoy the one thing nobody could take from her.
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Elastic grabbed Lexi by the collar of her ripped tang top, pulling her along. Her glare at Louise was evident. This wasn't over. Lexi was one of the few students at this school who openly stated she hated her powers and did very little to actually participate in the school. Who would have thought it would take someone like Louise to have her embrace her talents.

Even for a small window.

She let the rubbery man drag her to the gym doors. He swung them open to see two students. Pikachu and that weird one that was always quiet. "You two. Out the door or out the fucking window. Ten seconds to decide." He barked.

He actually gave them thirty seconds. He was in a generous mood.

The floor boards to the gym were cracked, broken and damaged. The bleachers needed to be replaced and the entire facility looked like a junk yard from all the broken debri. He stayed where he stood, his hand shooting like a rubber band to the cleaning closet and tossing a broom and trash bags. He didn't say a word as his hand grew the size of a seven foot thick mallot, moving debri to one corner.

"Sir...are you helping me?"

"Shut up and sweep, Speedy. Just shut up and sweep."

Lexi wasn't sure what to do. She looked at the bags and the broom and back at the man who had never done a nice thing for anyone. Did he...did he pick her to give her a lighter punishment than she was supposed to get. She slipped into the void and began working on the bleachers. This was going to take her a few days in hyperspeed time to get maybe a quarter of this place fixed.


Clara frowned slightly as everything happened so fast. She knew no one took her seriously. She was weird...special...but she wasn't a full blown idiot. Louise had personal issues, so do Clark. Punishing them wasn't going to fix any of it. And even though she only knew the ginger for a month or so...Lexi didn't seem like the type to start a fight, she was the defender in scenerios, defending others usually.

She looked at Kane, seeing him wince slightly with his hair just moving in the breeze, hearing Darke say they were brownies. "Brownies. How did you manage to befriend brownies? I met a fairy once.....she liked to turn the world into musicals. Green fairy dust everywhere." She peaked at the side of his head to see if she could see if there really were brownies there.

That would make this day just slightly better.

"Doctor Kane...would you like to go to Hapswell's office with me? If I have to report it, it would be nice to have a fellow teacher that agrees that whatever went down....it should be a lighter punishment."
"The most immediately huh? Okay."

Isabel seemed like she could take it, at least he hoped she could. He pushed it up to the 150,000 Joules walked over to her and grabbed her wrist.

A soft spot, somewhere I can push the most of the volts in without much resistance. The back of the neck would have been better, or perhaps the calf, but this is training. Not a real fight. Her muscles in that hand will lock up, up to her elbow. At least they should if the science is right. If I could make my own sparks I could get even more power into it. There's only so much I can do internally.

He pushed his thumb into the soft spot of her wrist, just below the heel of her palm. "I hope you're ready for this. It's gonna hurt."

Just before he let the electricity go, her hair was already standing on end from the charge, the door opened.

"You two. Out the door or out the fucking window. Ten seconds to decide." Elastic barked.

"Guess we'll have to do this another time. Or we go somewhere else for now. Up to you." He started moving towards the door, no desire to be thrown out a window. "Hey Lexi. You think when you get the chance you can help me with something? I can see you're busy now. Find me later?" he asked but she vanished before he got a response.

@Homage @CosmicChangeling
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Leon woke up on the morning of the tournament and grimaced. There was a knot in his stomach. Both because of the excitement of the tournament and the nerves for what he had to do before hand. Seeing that Aiden forgot to set his alarm last night Leon sighed.

I guess I'll have to get him up.

He poked the blind boys foot and sent a small shock through him, just enough to jump his system.

"C'mon get up. Things to do today remember? I'm, gonna go take a shower."

The door shut. Ten minutes later there was a knock at the door.

When Leon came back he opened the door to see Aiden chatting with...

"DAD? What are you doing here?"

"You didn't think I'd miss this did you? My son's first Super tournament? Come on now, give me a hug. Then I've got to give you your birthday gift.

"I umm... didn't want people to know about it. Aiden keep it a secret will you?" he looked to his roommate, who nodded. "So what is it?"

His father pulled out a piece of metal from his back pocket and handed it to his son. "Thought you might like to finish up that costume of yours as realistically as you could. Go ahead, run a charge through it."

Leon was over the moon. His dad had gotten him a disc similar to Static's in the comics. He didn't even care how he had pulled it off. "Thank you!"

Wanting to let Aiden in on it, Leon grabbed his hand and thought of this gift so that Aiden could see it too.

When it was done, he turned to him and said "Now come on, you have to go ask your date to the dance. Don't forget what I told you. I've got the bag right here. He passed it to Aiden making sure he had a firm grip. He wouldn't want him to drop the bag yet.
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Two weeks and the tournament was already here. Dr. Corvi had proven to be one of Aidan's favorite teachers, helping him with lifes important questions through chemistry.

How to ask a girl out. Though he wasnt sure Lexi would like the alcohol suggestion.

How to make icecream! Which, when he gave it to the group after school, there wasnt any complaints (but honestly lets be real here. Aidan was so innocent like a child if he cooked you something and it was shit you were going to lie to him and tell him it was great)

But in these two weeks, the two boys bonded over comic book characters and well....their smitten feelings for Min and Lexi.

Rhe past two weeks, lexi was barely around than usual. She was serving detention with elastic until the late hours into the night. So opportunities to pull her aside and ask her to the dance were barely there.

Deep in sleep, aidan jolted when a small shock went up his body. "I didn't feed the tiger the apple pie, he was already eating it when i walked in here!" He groggilly let out taking a moment or two to register what was going on.

"The tournament! Its today!"

When the door was knocked aidan fell on his face trying to get our od the bed but eventually made it to the door.

The rest is history. It was leona birthday! Shit....he didnt get him anything. But he wanted it to be a secret, so he would have to honor that.

When aidans zonked look faded, the glow in his eyes dying down he grinned at leon. "You need to test it out and use it as your entrance today. People are going to love it. You might even win best costume."

Rhe bag was heavy but aidan looked unsure as he held it. "And it will work? Do you have a bag to help you with min?"

(Writing lexi and others when im at a computer)
The next day, Nickolaus installed a voice recognition app on his phone for the classes. It translated it to German and he put in earbuds so the English wouldn't drown it out, and others wouldn't be annoyed. It took a bit of arguing with several of the teachers for them to finally understood what he meant, but he got through and has been using it ever since. He's been taking more English classes, and though he prefers German, through the classes and hearing others speak, as well as chatting with Min sometimes, he can speak much more fluently and doesn't need the phone app. However he still confuses German and English words sometimes. He'd learned several names around school and memorized who they were, such as Lexi, Harriett, Min obviously, the names of the teachers, Aidan, the blind kid, and Leon, his roommate.

He'd went to the principle and asked about a sowing machine that first day, and he took him to the storage closet where it and fibers and other such things were. He also asked if there was leather, glass, perhaps paints or dyes- there was the paints and dyes but no leather or glass. A few days later he asked Min about it, and she said to ask Lexi. He did, and she agreed to go and get them and Nickolaus finally got started on his costume besides all the drafts and drawings of it trying to improvise or make it better. He showed no one, however- he wanted to make an entrance with it. Perhaps nobody would know who he was with it, but they would know soon enough. He spent the most part of his days when classes were over working on it, and finished it in four days. He spent the rest of his time trying to perfect English or talking with Min and whoever she was talking to, sometimes doing puzzles he'd brought with him and trying to get his roommate to do quizzes.

Now the tournament was here. He wasn't quite sure everything he was supposed to do, though he assumed he was also supposed to be in it- if he wasn't, he'd misunderstood some things. Perhaps he should ask before he embarrasses himself. He texted Min on the phone, still sitting up in his bed with a half-done puzzle beside it.

Do you no if I am in thee tournoment ?

(Edited because apparently Lexi is our new FexEx.)

(Edited again because Suspicious's post)
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Eyeliner was painted around her eyes, the lid and everything around it, creating two black orbs. She placed a black mask on her face, grey eyes looking back in the mirror. Somewhere Grandpa Clark would be complaining to his son that his uniform had gone missing. This argument about a red headed thief coming into the middle of the night and taking it would last for years.

But for now, Lexi looked back at the mirror, adjusting the soldier helmet. Her hair was braided tightly back, that not a strand was shown, strapping the helmet, she pushed any wrinkle out of the world war two uniform she was wearing. The name tag on the said read 'RUSH'. Looking back looked like a teenage boy soldier and not Lexi Clark. Tilting her head, she looked like her grandfather, but with a more feminine facial structure.

Her punishment for getting in a fight with Louise was to spend every day after school with Mr. Elastic. Many people would hate this. The man was abusive, aggressive and down right nasty. But, that day he had said nothing to her and helped her clean. Told her she was a great hero whether she wanted to see it or not and to get the fuck out of his sight. The next day it wasn't cleaning. He flung her across the gym and told her to fight back. But instead of getting aggressive, when she failed, he would tell her why she failed, tell her to repeat it.

He was more of a teacher to her these two weeks than any day he knew her. Now in gym class he still threw her around and treated her like every student....but she didn't mind. She had a strong resolve set. She would not win this tournament....but she would do everything in her power to guarantee that Louise DID NOT win. Two weeks of course didn't seem like a long training period, but you forget Lexi could live days and weeks inside a single second. (To put into perspective, her broken bones repaired in a second, the average healing time is around six to eight weeks for basic fractures. This should give you a frame of concept of how fast the girl would be going if to her conscience mind it felt like weeks)

Leaving her dorm, Lexi walked down the hall and knocked on the door that had a decorative MIN AND NIA on it.


Clara was greating parents into the gymnasium, her face beaming as she shared stories of their kids. Many fathers would glance at young Clara longer than they should have, getting looks from their wives. There really seemed to be a compensation for her stupidity, she had the face many men would fall in love with. And lucky for Clara, it matched her personality to a T.

Not so much her powers. Her powers were incredibly deadly.

The obstacle course was set up around the school. It was a 3.1 mile run, a 5k race, with traps boobies and all sorts of deadly goodies for the kids to run through. Groups of five would be released every 30 minutes and if you didn't complete the course in two hours, you were automatically disqualified for the rest of the competition. Clara's 'animal' friends were patrolling the obstacle course to help anyone that needed medical attention. One year a kid pissed himself as a bear dragged him to the nurse. That's what happens when you break bones.

But for now, Elastic had a sour expression on his face, a red bowtie with pokeballs on it, piano suspenders with orange converse shoes. Every tournament someone decided to be a little shit head. He was hoping it was early on so he could atleast relax for part of the day.
"Of course it will work! It'll work because it's you asking her. As for me well...I'm going to try something else. Something a bit more...me." he said, pulling out his phone to shoot off a quick text. "I'll find out where she is and we'll go to her"

Min, Nia
Anybody know where Lexi is? Aiden has something very important to ask her. You two may want to be there for it. Trust me.

He turned to his dad and let him know that Aiden wanted to ask a friend to the dance and Leon was being his wingman.... sort of.

To his father he said "Je suis aussi une blague sur lui" (I'm also playing a joke on him) and to Aiden, in English, he said "now remember don't say anything about what I'm doing to the girls. I want it to be a secret that I'm even going to ask Min.

@The Suspicious Eye @Homage @CosmicChangeling
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Min stopped and turned around looking at the German student, she didn't have the patience for this. Giving another sigh she let all her anger slide deep within her for later. Looking back at him she gave a kind smile, and spoke softly trying her best to remember the words. "Es ist im Theater. Am Ende der Halle links. Dann wieder links. Vorbei an der Büro. Die Tür sollte auf der rechten Seite. (It is in the theater. At the end of the hall go left. Then left again. The door should be on the right side.)" She smiled at him, "Sie können uns folgen , werden wir in diese Richtung gehen (You can follow us, we will go in that direction)."

Looking at Nia she felt something she couldn't really feel. Min was a bit mad at her for giving up so easily, but could see the guilt and sorrow on her face. She gave a sad smile, "Nia. Don't look so down. Lexi's tough, we all know that, I'm sure she'll be fine." Placing a hand on her roommates shoulder she looked at her, "Lexi's a kind person I know she isn't mad at us, it was Louise's fault. You did the right thing Nia, we both did. Lexi knows that." Giving an awkward pat on her shoulder, Min turned around and started walking down the halls. She needed to vent and the Garden was the perfect place to do just that.


Dr. Kane looked at the young girl in front of him. Oh dear, how am I supposed to punish her? I'm not as good at punishment as I was in my previous life. "Ohhh....hmmmmmm," he fidgeted trying to think of the proper punishment for the young girl. The brownies grew irritable and began to jump and stamp on Dr. Kane's head. He gave a nervous chuckle and looked down at Louise. "Well my dear, I cannot quite think of a proper punishment at the moment. However, you can come into my class room for now and have tea. If I don't prepare some soon these brownies are going to be quite troublesome." Motioning to his door he opened it for Louise as she walked in.

Closing the door he turned around and tripped over a pile of paperwork he had near him. In fact the room was quite a mess. There was paper, beakers and junk everywhere. The entire classroom was filled with stuff ranging from stacks of research material to odd stone statues. Getting up Dr. Cane gave an embarrassed grin. "I guess you can see why I have my classes outdoors. I would clean up, but my research always seems to take my mind off the chore." Suddenly an idea popped into his head. "Oh, I think I've thought of something! How about as a punishment, you help me clean up this place for a hour a day after school until the tournament? Does that sound fair?" The brownies that sat on his head nodded and gave inaudible words of approval. Clapping his hand loudly, he beamed. "Well then it's settled. You start cleaning while I locate the Teapot and some silverware." He began rummaging through the piles of research before shouting out, "Oh and watch out for any abnormally large Badgers! They seem to have taken a liking to this space and have a home somewhere."

@Homage @Coriandr


There was a soft hum from her phone as her alarm set off. Sitting up Min stretched and yawned. Lately Min hasn't been getting much sleep over the past two weeks. Every time she tried to sleep she felt something urge her to write. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes she placed her hand over the stack of locked diary books she had filled. Beside them were the shattered remnants of the diary keys. Every time she finished a book she locked it and destroyed the key. Not wanting anyone to know the secrets she had in her waking dreams. The creatures she brought to life on the page. In the end there will only be one key to the most powerful diary she owned. And no one on this world has the key.

The past two weeks were pretty average. She helped out when she could, trying her best to be quiet and calm. Min spent most of her time studying for her classes and testing out her power on living things. In the evenings she practiced dancing with Leon, Aidan and Nia. Some were hiding their potential other severely lacked much of it. She gave away a few pieces of her childhood to Aidan trying to teach him. All in all, she had fun with all of them. When she was alone Min spent her time working on how her power affected things outside her range. She learned that if she killed something using a weapon she makes or ability inside her barrier then one the corpse leaves it, they will be revived and healed completely. Which means even her most lethal attacks will not have an effect after it leaves her range. Organs return, limbs reappear, even if she disassembles them into microscopic particles they'll reappear. She enjoyed watching a humming bird pass by her and she'd stow it down, strip it to the bone and then watch as it flew out the other end completely fine. One thing she did learn was to enhance or diminish pain. She could take away or give pain to anything in her range...except for herself. She still felt every agonizing moment of even a simple paper cut.

Glancing over at Nia's bed Min wondered if she was still asleep. She sat up in her bed and peeked over at her. When she was sure, she got up and snuck into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror she frowned. "Hmmm, should I straighten my hair?" She turned on the shower and washed up. Stepping out she slipped into her short white dress. Although it was a bit revealing she wanted to create a feign of innocence and distract her opponents. The slits seemed to rise up to her belly button, it was supposed to be a small, but why are the slits so high up? If I twirl in it I can see my underwear. Well I can't change now this is the only one outfitted with nylon cloth. Slipping into her comfortable red heels she walked over to the large chest underneath her bed. Pulling it out she opened it and there on top of her possession was her grandmother's beautiful hand made red cloak. It was simple, but had an elegant pattern sewn in. Brushing her hand over the patten she smiled. "Spider Lilies, my favorite flower." She looked at the black forest stitching that trailed the bottom of the cloak. Pulling it out of the chest she slid it over her shoulders and tied it gently over her chest.

She smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror. It had been a long time since she wore the cloak. How old was I when grandmother gave it to me? Four, Five? It was after the kidnapping so around five. It was so long back then. Mother always complained about me getting it dirty. Looking down at her red bow heels, the cloak nearly touched the floor. Truthfully I don't want to get it dirty myself. It's so gorgeous. Tugging at her hair she thought it was best to leave it down. Today she didn't feel like being herself, today she would honor her grandmother. Holding her palms out, her eyes glowed red, and a red spider lily formed in her hand. She closed her palms crushing the flower, focusing again she tried to create a white dove. The bird cooed in her hands. However, as she opened it she saw a black monstrous bird with holes of red power glowing from within. The creature gave sharp coo, revealing rows of sharp teeth. Min crushed the bird in her hands out of shock. Turning to check if Nia heard, smiling she quickly lied "it's a flower, don't worry I was just testing it out." She quickly moved to the window and dropped the bird out of it. Five feet down the creature's corpse vanished into nothing. She turned back worried that Nia saw the bird's corpse.

Before she spoke up phone buzzed on top of her desk. She picked it up and smiled seeing that it was Léon. Reading his message she thought about it for a moment. I wonder what's going on? What is Aidan going to ask her? It couldn't, be... could it? She started to text back when she heard a knock on the door. She looked up and made her way over to the door. Opening it she smiled and looked at Lexi. "Lexi?! You look so cool! Please come in." She texed Leon a quick response and smiled looking back at Lexi.

Anybody know where Lexi is? Aiden has something very important to ask her. You two may want to be there for it. Trust me.
She's at our dorm I'll see you two soon :)

@Homage @CosmicChangeling @Brinni
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Nia did not have the best two weeks. Unlike Leon or Lexi, who had been working their asses off for the tourney, or Lexi and Min, who were obviously enjoying the blooming potential romances, Nialla was getting nowhere. Her skills had hit a bit of a wall in terms of gains, and the only real free time she had was spent either learning to dance with Min, doing the homework she struggled with, or finishing her costume. She had optimistically hoped to have a Leona costume, but even with Lexi's somehow getting the supplies from out of the school, Nialla barely had the resources or time to get the color scheme right. The design was flawed, but on the bright side it was a lot less constricting than the end version would have been.

Her own alarm was off for the day; Nialla's body woke up before nine regardless, and she didn't have her turn on the field until after ten, if she remembered right. Unfortunately for her, some door knocker was already up and at'em. Out of everyone, Nialla only knew of two people who would know where she lived, and would be awake at seven-thirty on a sleep-in day. One of them wasn't allowed in the girl's dorms before nine, and the other seemed to only sleep for a few minutes, if ever.

"One minute, Lex!" Nialla called out, groggy. She'd stayed up late into the night, feeling like crap. She only managed to get to sleep at around twelve at night, which was two hours later than normal. Even Min's early morning shenanigans were pretty easy to ignore, due to how exhausted she felt. She still felt like crap, but she didn't have much in the way of choices. It was the day of the tournament. Nialla knew she wouldn't last long, she was unlikely to even make it beyond the physical trials. Even if she did make it, her opponents in the combat rounds would be experienced tourney vets, juniors and seniors. She wasn't going last. All of that worry compounded on top of a horrible feeling of dread, making Nialla feel even less willing to get out of bed.

But get up she did. In her blue Easter Bunny PJ's, she watched Min open the door, and greeted Lexi with a yawn, not even remotely off put by her costume. It wasn't like she could see much of the detail, her mom still hadn't sent the glasses in the mail. Nialla deduced that her mom'd show up at some point before the tournament to give her the glasses so she wasn't blind on the most important day since arriving at the school.

Nialla heard her phone vibrate on her nightstand, but ignored it. It probably wasn't too important, and if it was they'd just eventually call. "Hey, Lex. I think you look good, or at least the color does. What's up?" As she talked, Nialla took several slow, clumsy steps to the bathroom, and pulled a towel out from under the bathroom sink. As much as she hated staying awake, she still had to get ready.


@The Suspicious Eye


Natalie Blake wasn't having a much better day than her daughter. Traffic was strangely awful for a private, secret school, and more than a few of the parents were rude to staff and other parents. She had to hold herself back from outright screaming at a parent for moronically thinking they could cheat and bribe their kid passed the preliminaries. Idiots like them didn't deserve the right to watch their kid in the fight.

It only took her a moment of searching the gym to find Clara Turner, the kind teacher who first introduced Natalie and Nialla to the school. "Ms. Turner! Hi, It's Natalie, Nialla Blake's mother." She said, giving her introduction to the teacher.

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"996...997...998" He said giving a tired grunt. His body rippled as he pushed upward moving the bar he was on up and down each peg. His workout's were intense and loud, but luckily his roommate was hardly ever here. "999..." He said making another full set of rogue pull ups. Pushing upwards he continued until he reached the top. "1000" Pulling himself over the bar he flipped down and stuck the landing. Stretching he grabbed a fresh towel off the equipment rack and grabbed a bottle of water. Wiping himself down, he walked into the bathroom, drinking the bottle of water. Turning on the shower he got ready for the day.

Today, was just like any other day for Bran. Get up, fight like hell, be a badass and get shit done. Although recently, there had been less fighting and more studying for simple school assignments, but today was a bit different. Today was all about fighting and that's exactly why Bran came to this school. He was determined to show all those super powered kids what humans are made of. He gave a few jabs in the shower while he was getting ready. He had a lot of energy and was ready to kick some ass. Getting out of the shower he was about to go get his school clothes when he noticed the box on top of his dresser. Grabbing a towel he got out of the bathroom and inspected the box. Lifting the lid up, a grin grew across his face.

A few minutes later, Bran was fitted in his costume. A dark black suit made of insulated (electric resistant) kevlar thread and carbon nanotube fibers. Flexing in the suit, he could feel his muscles expand and contract. It felt amazing almost like a second skin. He moved around doing a few flips and jumps to see how maneuverable the suit was. There was almost a hint of a smile on his face as he stopped and just admired the suit. This is perfect. He went to his closet and rummaged through it find what he wanted. He pulled out a long hooded black coat and skull mask. Planning a head of time, he told everyone that he was going as the grim reaper. This way his super suit would be hidden until it was the right time to reveal it. Slipping the black hood on Bran herd the soft ping as a new text message arrived on his phone. Reaching back into the bathroom he pulled out his phone and groaned as he looked at the new message in disgust.

Heyyyy little bro. It's your big day the first tournament in your new school. Don't feel too bad if you get your ass kicked you're new. Just know that I'll be there filming the whole thing. Heh. So how do you like the new digs you ordered? Pretty badass if I do say so myself, that man Mr. Q may be a killer but he knows how to make a great super suit. Just so you know the suit isn't completely fire resistant. So hope you don't get paired with a fire super. Anyway good luck little bro! I'll see you when I figure out how to land this helicopter.

Why was his older brother Corbin always babying him? Just because he's my legal guardian ever since our last one left, doesn't mean he's my father. And what the hell does he mean by LITTLE bro?! His knows that Bran hates to be called little bro, he was already sensitive about his height as it is. Standing at only 5'2" Bran Knight was the smallest member of the Knight family, including the dog. His brothers relentlessly teased him about his height and picked on him whenever the could. Over the years, the teasing stuck and it still rubs him wrong.

Giving an angry "tsk" he looked in the mirror and slid back his jet black hair. With his hair like that he looked a lot like his guardian, his real guardian. I wonder if he's still out searching for Ingram. The thoughts of his missing eldest brother took hold of him for a moment. Will we ever really be a family again? He stood there for a moment before shaking his head, his hair falling back into place smoothly. "I don't have time to be thinking about stuff like that. I have a tournament to fight in." With that he grabbed his phone and sent out two messages.

The first was to respond to his stupid older brother.

Heyyyy little bro. It's your big day the first tournament in your new school. Don't feel too bad if you get your ass kicked you're new. Just know that I'll be there filming the whole thing. Heh. So how do you like the new digs you ordered? Pretty badass if I do say so myself, that man Mr. Q may be a killer but he knows how to make a great super suit. Just so you know the suit isn't completely fire resistant. So hope you don't get paired with a fire super. Anyway good luck little bro! I'll see you when I figure out how to land this helicopter.
Don't text and fly moron.

The second text was to his comrades who he'd just gotten to know. Over the past two weeks.

Lux, Rachel
Hey guys, do you want to meet up before the tournament starts?

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Her big military boots made a sound for each step she took. All things considering, her outfit was not the most conducive to her super power at all. In fact, it probably hindered it. But, the sophomore didn't care. A man she loved very much had saved countless lives in this outfit, earning a purple heart.

She could wear it to take down a bully at a school tournament.

As Min opened the door and Lexi stepped in, her hands were folded behind her back, she stood straight as if she was slipping into character. A smirk at Min when she said the outfit looked cool. (Since when did this girl smirk?) "I wanted to see if you two wanted to grab breakfast together." She said. "I felt like i haven't eaten in days." Lexi ALWAYS felt like she hadn't


Aidan still wasn't sure the bag would work. Or what he needed to say would work. This was his own fault. He procrastinated until the day of and both Leon and Aidan made a pact they would atleast ask. You can't break pacts. It's not honourable to break pacts. What type of friend would he be if he broke a pact?

But, as he walked down the hall he felt his heart beat faster and rapidly against his chest. Maybe Lexi was busy. Maybe she already had a date, let alone a boyfriend. After all....this was Lexi. Cute little redhead with amazing talents, there's no way someone didn't ask her already. She was a hero, the school was already looking at her like she was a somebody. There was a senior our there that already snatched her up. This was going to be a nightmare.

He began to turn around to walk away when he felt someone grab his tie and yank him along. "I can't do this Leon. It's going to end our friendship and I'd rather be her friend than nothing!"

There was protesting outside the boys dorm, to the girl's until he felt the tie stop. He was pale as a sheet, sweating and not planned, he actually did accidently drop the sack of limes from his hand, they scattered across the entrance of Min's room and the floor.


"We should probably find Leon and Aidan too, it'll be a...."Lexi trailed off as a lime rolled and hit her boot. Turning her head she saw Aidan, his hair the messy bed messy as it always was, he was twitching a smile on his face but he looked pale as a sheet, his hands sweating. She looked at Leon as well who was behind him.

As if he forgot a line in a play Aidan seemed to have a panicked look on his face as he bent down and began picking up limes and clumsilly dropping them. This continued for five minutes before Lexi bent down and started helping him. "Aidan....what are you doing with these?"

"I uh....uh...sorry I'm bad at pick up limes?" His head turned in the direction at Leon struggling. He couldn't see his friend but he was hoping he said the damn magical words right.

Lexi covered her mouth, her cheeks bright red as she tried not to laugh. Looking up at Leon she gave him a 'You didn't' look but then returned it to Aidan, a soft smile appearing. She placed her hand on his gently, his eyes began glowing and mouth hung open....all the limes once again fell from his hands. "What are you doing with the limes, Aidan?"

Gulping as it all returned the speed of his heart felt like it was never going to slow down again, if it did it just gave out and died. "Well I just....you're so pretty in that....what i mean is.....your grandpa would be proud." Seeing the memory of Lexi getting ready this morning.

He was drowning here, Lexi saw it, she gripped his hand again and he zonked once more. Honestly, it was kind of fun how easy it was to do that. Even if it was slightly invading. "Aidan....if no girl has already snatched you up tonight, would you like to go to the dance with me?"

"WOULD YOU GO TO THE DANCE WITH ME?" He forced out as soon as the memory faded. Realizing a second later Lexi had beat him to the punch. "Oh....yes...I'd be very honored to go to the dance with you Lexi...."

She looked up at Leon then. "You knew how gullible he'd be and took full advantage." She grinned, she didn't want to but it really was kind of just adorable.


She never forgot a face, she never forgot a student. If she was brighter in the sense of not being a fucking weirdo, Clara Turner might be a great teacher one day. Might being the key word. As Natalie Blake came up to her, she beemed a smile hugging the woman tightly. "Natalie! So nice to see you again. Nia is doing great. Not a single teacher has a problem with her. Which, this isn't like usual schools, we have very unorthodox teachers here, so that in of itself is a wonder. But you should be so proud. She's going to be a great hero. Just two weeks ago, when a fight broke out in school, your daughter saved a life and defended a friend. You must be a proud mama bear."

Clara's enthusiasm was short lived as a long hand pushed her out of the way. Rubbery man stepping in. "You and I need to talk. Now." he snapped.

"Mr. Elastic, I was just-"

"Not now, Animal Farm. Do your hippie dippy act somewhere else. Blake and I have business." his angered eyes never leaving the woman's.

Lux Allen

Lux hadn't had the best past two weeks, due to the sickness that had kept him practically bed-ridden for the first half of it, and then the complete lack of social interaction he had, of course, with the exception of Bran, who was quick to become a close friend of his and Rachel's. As always, he didn't speak to Rachel much, but he supposed he didn't blame her much for it. She had always been like that. It took an extraordinary amount of effort to catch up in his studies, leaving little time for a costume, which turned out to look like a big yellow onesie that made him incredibly self-conscious to wear or even be around.

But none the less, he found himself pulling it on the day of the tournament, feeling particularly well rested for the day ahead. He figured his room mate was still asleep, or already gone, as he didn't see him around. He already felt nervous, unsettled about the tournament. He knew he was useless with his power, and that he would probably get laughed at because of it, but he supposed an effort had to be worth something in everyone's eyes...... Right?

As he opened the door to leave, he felt his phone buzz in his pocket, signaling a text message. He slipped out his phone, taking a look at it.

Bran, Rachel
Hey guys, do you want to meet up before the tournament starts?
Yeah, sure. Where do you want to meet?

Once he had typed out the message, he moved on, beginning his walk towards the school.

(Will write Rachel's later)
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Vi had already been awake and ready by the time her roommate, whoever she was, was out of the room. She'd never met the girl, and rarely saw anything but a red blur. She was obviously a speedster of some kind, but anytime they were in the room together Vi was asleep or busy, and the girl was out in seconds. This time, Vi got a good look at her costume before she left, and noticed the name: Rush. Her name was oddly similar to Vi's own, and the coincidence amused her. It fit for a girl who never seemed to be in one place for more than a moment.

Vi's outfit was a plain black suit, modeled after the outfits of Splinter Cell operatives. It even came with a mask that Vi was going to be using anytime in public; it wouldn't due to be noticed and outed if Nialla's mom or Nialla herself saw her face. Her name was equally neutral: Crush. It fit her powers, and would also be a fun surprise for anyone misjudging her by her small size. If she decided to stay in the tournament and fight Louise in the finals, it would be even more entertaining.

After some deliberation, Vi decided to go to the gym with the other preparing students and arriving parents, wanting to gauge who was an early riser and who wasn't used to being awake so early. She unfortunately couldn't go outside and examine the obstacle course. It wouldn't do well to give the early risers an unfair advantage, after all.


Natalie's pride in her daughter faded in a second, and was replaced by an emotion Natalie thought she'd left behind: Rage. As an adult woman, she forced herself to remain composed and not make a scene, and just looked to Elastic, forcing herself not to punch him, slap him, shoot him, or just scream at him. "Tim. Still your controlling self, I see." The venom in that remark was obvious; Natalie was not a fan of Elastic.

Rachel Miller

Rachel's past two weeks went by rather quickly, like a blur. She remembered very little of it, other than the fact that Elastic had been less than happy when she told him to fuck off when he demanded to know why she had been absent. She had slacked off on most of her school work, including the creation of a costume. She wasn't going to create a costume no matter what, because, to be honest, that was pretty fucking pointless. She and Lux had started to become friends with a short kid named Bran. Rachel talked to him more than she talked to Lux, but that was nothing she particularly cared about. Bran was a freshman, whose power seemed to be something to do with being smart. He came off as aggressive, goal-oriented, and a bit of an arrogant prick too. Rachel guessed he came from a nicer background than her and Lux, since he always carried around expensive equipment and shit like that. It made her despise him at first, considering he could come off as a pompous ass. But, eventually she saw that he had a seemingly unstoppable determination to succeed, something she admired, if not envied.

She rolled out of bed, grumbling. She called out a tired morning to Hare as she stood, beginning to get dressed from the loose piles of clothes she had scattered across the floor. She wore dark grey clothing, atleast to pretend she bothered with making a costume. She didn't bother with breakfast either, feeling particularly lazy, before she left the dorm. A few steps out however, her phone buzzed, and she groaned, wondering who was bothering her. She pulled out the phone to look at the message.

Bran, Lux
Hey guys, do you want to meet up before the tournament starts?
Yeah, sure. Where do you want to meet?

She sighed, muttering a few words about how this was "dumb" and "unnecessary", before she began to type up a lazy response.

Bran, Lux
Hey guys, do you want to meet up before the tournament starts?
Yeah, sure. Where do you want to meet?
if u wanna short stuff
where r we going

Once finished, she moved on, approaching the school building.

"I'm the controlling one?" He balked. The aggressive anger in his voice as he laughed was just as obvious as the venom in Natalie's voice. "I had a right to know, Natalie. I should have FUCKING been included!"

Parents stopped and looked over. Clenching his knuckles as they grew whiter. "My office. Now." He gritted his teeth. "And we can do this politely or with you kicking and screaming. Your choice."

To be fair, Elastic was a neurotic, aggressive controlling jerk. Natalie wasn't wrong in this. Basically threatening her that he would drag her ass to his office if she didn't comply didn't really help with his argument that SHE was the controlling one.
"Of course I did. I thought it would be funny, besides if I didn't do something like this there's no way he would have asked. I told him that if he could make you laugh it'd make it easier for both of you. So? Was I right? Was it a good call?" Leon asked, a smirk on his face. "I need to get going though, I'm in the first group. See you all later" he said with a wave.

Leon already knew his plan for the obstacle course. It didn't matter what lie in wait, he was going to fly by it anyways. It was asking Min to the dance where he didn't have any sort of idea of how to approach it. I wish I had better control over the sparks.


Harriet hit the snooze button for the fourth time. It didn't matter though, her roommates greeting woke her up.

"Ugh...it's to early to deal with the tournament.....THE TOURNAMENT IS TODAY!" She sat upright as the realization hit her. Looking at the clock she saw it was 8:30. Just enough time she thought. She showered, got dressed, and strapped the costume sword to her back. She made it to the gym with just enough time before her race. She wasn't worried about the obstacle course. She knew she'd breeze through it no problem. She wanted to be careful not to reveal that speed wasn't her power, so she decided to never increase her weight past normal unless the coast was clear.
She said yes! No...scratch that, she asked him! The rapid beats of his heart did not stop or slow down, but instead of fear and anxiety, it was replaced with relief and excitement.

Lexi rubbed the back of her neck as Leon explained why he did it, her blush betraying the calm composure she was trying to maintain. "It worked, but don't use your powers for evil with him. Or I will come after you," She winked, flickering out frame for just a millisecond, all the limes gone, she held the bag the top tied.

It seemed that wearing the uniform had made Lexi more relaxed in her own skin, smiling...laughing...instead of wearing her usual frown and grumpy exterior. How she carried herself was different. It was easier to be yourself with a mask on. It was also easier to not think about your actual world problems when you wore a costume. And not just any costume...one that smelled of home.

That was the most important part.

She took Aidan by the hand, pulling him up on his feet, knowing he was seeing God knows what of her past right now. "I stopped by to see if Min and Nia wanted breakfast. You want to join us, Aidan?" She asked.

"Love to. Can't. I need to get my costume on, see my folks at the gym. What's the super name you're going with?"

"Rush." Her grandpa's nickname in the service. Alex Clark had zipped in and out of mine fields pulling amputees and wounded out of danger. He was called crazy, just rushing in and out of any possible death trap. It seemed fitting for who she was now actually.

"Recall. I'll listen for your name on the big screens today. Good luck!"

On his way out, he tripped on his laces and faceplanted letting out a "I'm Ok! Promise!"

Turning to her friends, trying to make sure the blush was down. "You two ready? Or should we do delivery service because I can have food here in less than ten seconds."
No reply, for the next twenty or so minutes. Perhaps she was busy. Probably. Speaking of which, he'd never asked anyone to the dance- not that he had anyone in mind, unless it was Min, but they seemed pretty platonic for the moment it would be awkward for the both of them. He picked himself off the floor, puzzle now three fourths way through, and picked up his suit case he'd brought with him when he'd arrived- only now it had his suit.

He'd been thinking of what his name would be, he was told everyone would be given names, or he thought that's what he was told, anyway. He thought about a few names but they were all in German- perhaps he should look through the English dictionary for some thoughts on it. He pulled out his phone and looked through synonyms of words such as "Riddle" and "Quiz" and synonyms of those synonyms, and other such things. He focused on memorizing the words he didn't know as well- perhaps they would help in the future. He made his way out of his room and down the hallways, to the gym.
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Looking over to the crowd, Natalie sighed. "Fine." She had noticed the office in her peripheral vision when she initially entered the gym, but had ignored it, hoping Elastic wouldn't want to leave the room. Her hopes were, unfortunately, dashed.

When they were in his office and the door was shut, Natalie glared at Elastic, but refused to speak at anything but normal volume. She was going to be the adult here, even if Elastic was a piece of shit of the third degree. "I'd be surprised to see you if I didn't know you worked here. How long's it been, Tim?" She already knew the answer: Not long enough. A century and a half wouldn't have been long enough.


"Do what you want, I'm gonna get ready." Nialla said, rubbing her eyes. She turned on the shower and made an effort to be finished after only about six minutes. With that done, she quickly put on her crappy excuse for a costume, brushed her teeth, put her hair in a bun, and left the bathroom. Did she look terrible? Probably. Did she care? Not too much. It wasn't like any attempt to look nice would last long. She'd get ready again just before the Dances.

That was funny. For a second, Nialla almost thought she had a partner for it.
Min looked Lexi up and down, she really looked very cool. In fact if she were a boy I'd probably fall for her. Smiling she let her in, "breakfast? Sure I'm sure Nia will be ready soon. You can wait in here." She left the door open as she went to pull out a chair from her desk. "We don't have many chairs or anything, but..." Turning around she looked up to see Aidan in the door way and a bunch of limes everywhere. One rolled over to her and hit her shoe. Leaning down she picked up the lime and walked over to the door. I guess this is part of what Aidan wanted to ask Lexi. I don't want to miss this.

Covering her mouth at the cute pun, Aidan made. Awww, limes. I get it. She smiled as she saw Lexi begin to grow embarrassed. If only Aidan could see how red she was. This is too adorable. He's so embarrassed it's so adorable to watch him stumble around. Rolling the lime in her hand she watched Lexi take the lead and ask Aidan out, right before Aidan finally got up the courage to ask. She smiled at them as they finally solved the will they won't they go to the dance. They will. Smiling she raised the lime to her lips and held it there. Hearing Leon's voice she took a few steps toward the door and saw Leon outside.

Min slowly raised her hand and gave him a slow wave. Over the two weeks, she's really gotten to like him. Somehow she thought her seductive clothing attire was just to get his attention. She wanted him to ask her, but it was the day of and he still hadn't asked her. She looked down at her feet and glanced back at him, her cheeks a little flushed. She knew he had to go, so she just said, "I'll see you later Leon."

As he left she gave a soft sigh and looked over at Nia. She seemed sad or angry, a bit of both? Looking at curiously she put a hand on her shoulder, "Nia are you alright? You look a bit down. Are you nervous about the tournament? You know I'm here if you need anything." She gave her a worried smile as she spoke.

@CosmicChangeling @Brinni @Homage

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