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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

"Y-Yes. I understand." Nickolaus said, slightly disappointing, but tried his best to hide it. Perhaps he would learn enough English, eventually, to be like that. Or maybe he could do one better and still remember his native language. Bah, whatever. What about these costumes? He should make one if he's supposed to be there. Perhaps he should ask before he wastes hours creating one only to be useless. He stepped up to Harriet and tapped her shoulder to get her attention, "A-Am I supposed to be at this event?" He asked.
"I know you know what you're doing, dammit! The problem is that everyone goes too far at least once, everyone makes mistakes." Damn him. He was still too stubborn, too latched onto the past. Darke hadn't let go either, but he wasn't utterly controlled by it. "The day you make yours... You're a good man, Tim, you wouldn't be able to live with yourself." With that, Darke teleported back into his classroom, feeling defeated. "Any questions?" He asked, sounding distant.


Vi raised an eyebrow when she heard the overdramatic Lexi's full first name. Alexandra... Vi would have to know her last name as well, and check the school's records to make sure there was only one of them, but...

Had Vi gotten lucky? More than lucky, winning the 1.2 billion dollar powerball lucky. She wouldn't report what she learned immediately, of course, but knowing who Alexandra Clark was would make the next few months of Vi's freedom exceptionally easy.

After a moment, Vi raised her hand. "All our families, miss? Even the ones who don't know about the school?" The answer was obviously no, but Vi's intent wasn't hearing Captain Bird's answer, it was getting Lexi's attention. Vi had to know her name.


"Then we'll make her our family." Nia said, inferring what Aiden meant by his comment. She hoped she wasn't wrong and assuming Lexi had no family for no reason. "And dances? I wonder if they'll teach us in that any before the big day." Part of her was urged to ask Lexi, but the rest of her figured she knew what the girl's answer would be. At best, it'd be 'Oh yeah, neither of us have a date right? Let's go'. At worst, it'd probably be closer to 'The hell? Get away from me.'

The logical part of Nialla's head told her those thoughts were stupid. The rest of her shut that part of her head up.
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"Don't have one? Or don't have one yet? Cuz you two had a bit of a moment in that science class." Hare said, enjoying how red Aiden got.

I don't have time to keep messing with him. I need to finish this paper so I can start working on my costume....but what should I do?

Her work was interrupted by a tapping on her shoulder.

"A-Am I supposed to be at this event?" the new kid asked

"Yup! Everyone is going to be a part of it. It's meant to build connections to make allies...or something. I don't know, I wasn't actually paying attention when they explained the why." She shrugged. "Although I have to admit, I don't particularly care for the dance. Not really my style. Plus I think that it's more like...club dancing. I'd love for someone to take my hand and waltz me across the floor...even if I don't actually know how to dance." She laughed and then sighed dreamily as she played it out in her head. Shaking her head she said to Nickolaus "If you'd like I'd be happy to answer any other questions or talk costumes with you, just give me ten minutes to finish up this paper."

She smiled then turned back to her paper and and wrote furiously trying to finish it as possible. She barely noticed when the teacher came back into the room.


Léon watched the group as they talked. When families were mentioned Léon cast his eyes down. He was conflicted about the whole thing. He still was angry at his father for uprooting his life so suddenly. He did want to introduce his new friends Vi and Min to him, to show that he was trying to make the best of it so he could ease his dad's guilt over springing it on him out of nowhere. When the teacher came back he raised his hand.

"I've got a few. See, I'm new and Mr. Elastic's class was the first I've heard of all of this so I'm still a little lost. Am I expected to participate too? What are the specifics of this tournament? What other festivities are there? What kind of dance is it? Do we need to go with someone?"

He waited for the teacher to respond to each question before asking the next. Satisfied he thanked the teacher, pulled out a notebook and started sketching out what he was thinking for a costume. He zoned out not paying much attention until somebody got his attention.

This would be easier if I could actually draw he chuckled to himself


Moe sighed while he sat in Turner's class.

I don't understand how she can make such an interesting subject and make it seem like such a chore. What a drag.

The surprise of the intelligent bird had long since wore off. He watched the interaction between Isabel and the teacher with a bit of interest.

Now that's a stupid question. Obviously those that don't know about the school wouldn't come. What's the point of even asking something like that?

He began thinking about the tournament.

I probably won't make it very far in the tournament section if I get that far. I'm not much of an offensive person. Or help Harriet. We'll see though. Maybe I can take some by surprise. What to do for a costume though? Heh...I know just what to do. I'm gonna be Donatello from the ninja turtles. Hare at least will get a kick out of it.

@CosmicChangeling @Coriandr @Homage
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Min nodded in agreement as Nia said that they would be Lexi's family. Min wasn't sure that Lexi still had family. Thinking of her own mother she sighed. Maybe, being orphaned is better. Min watched the look on Nialla's and Aidan's faces. Min tilted her head trying her best to sort them out. She still didn't fully understand most of what they're feeling at times. Giving a smile she spoke up, "Nia, if they don't teach us I'd be happy to show you the basics. My mother nearly drilled them into me and my siblings when we were kids." @Homage

Looking over to Leon she smiled at him kindly. "Leon... do you know how to dance as well? If not I'd be happy to teach you as well." She thought about asking him to the dance, but thought it was too forward. I doubt he'd want to go to a dance with me. Besides, I'm not sure if I'm the safest choice.

I hope they aren't including me in that. I don't think I could call myself family to people I've just met....as for the offer...

"I can't dance" Leon said shaking his head slowly as he looked at his feet to hide the fact that he was lying "but I would love to learn. I'm afraid I pursued other physical activities like swimming and fencing. So if you're willing to teach I'd be more than happy to be your student."

Add it to the list of things to do after classes I guess. So for today that makes going to the nurse for my nose, getting my room key and schedule, finding where all of my classes are, seeing about the rest of my clothing, and going for a swim for today. Then tomorrow I need to get to a store out of town. Who knows if Lexi will help me though. I'll just have to try and remember that I'm not supposed to be able to dance. I can put picking up the steps and forms quickly on the fencing and swimming, so it should be okay.

@The Suspicious Eye
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Min was surprised that he didn't know how to dance. However, she wasn't one to judge there was more to her than met the eye. Her ears picked up on the fencing and grew even more intrigued. Hermother forced her to learn swordsmanship, fencing was a large part of her life. Leaning in closer to him she gave a soft smile. Placing a gentle hand on his shoulder to get his attention she spoke. "Well I'd be happy to teach you. In exchange maybe we could spar together. My fencing skills are quite lacking." She blushed and looked down at her hand resting on his shoulder. Pulling it away softly "sorry..." She blushed, she hardly ever touched others. She liked her personal space, and tried her best to respect those of others. The further away the more she cared about a person. However, this was the first time she reached for someone who wasn't her brother. This was new.

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Let's just say.....the janitor would have a miserable time cleaning the gym tonight. Elastic let out some....steam.....when Darke left. The gym doors were closed and the chaos had students power walk far far far away from the doors.


Isabell's question was like salt in the wound. Lexi sank further in her seat as all of this was being talked out. Ms. Turner frowned, shaking her head. "No...unfortunately we can't do that. The location of this-"

"What's to stop us if we do want to bring people that don't know?" Lexi interrupted.

"Alexandra, you know-"

"Know what? i could have reporters fucking here before you could blink. What's to stop someone like me from bringing family that doesn't know."

Clara paused. She got off the desk and walked over to Lexi's placing her hand on the speedster's. "I can't imagine what you're going through, Alexandra....and I'm here if you ever need to talk, but it's just something we can't do."

She withdrew her hand. "I need to go for a walk." She said. Getting up, slipping her hands in her sweatshirt pockets and leaving before she did something stupid. Clara turned to the rest of the class. "Ms. Clark is just getting some air. Do any of you have any more questions?"

Lexi, meanwhile, walked until she heard the ruckass of the gym. She wanted to clear her head, and more than anything she wanted to stop thinking about her mom, dad, brother, sister....today was her grandpa's birthday and their tradition of him hussling her with cards would be happening right now. She didn't make it that far, back sliding against the lockers until she hit the ground, curling her knees to her chest, she let it all out, hugging herself and...fuck it...it was ok for her to cry once and awhile.


Aidan was more than red in the face. A bashful smile spread across his lips. "She was just....and I mean....I don't think she'd....how do you even really talk to someone about....Nia, yes. Mr. Elastic is supposed to go over some dancing lessons in the gym the week before. It's mostly he plays a boom box and you figure it out. That's the way it's been my few years here anyways."

He was just glad to answer another question instead of floundering on what Hare brought up.
He looked at her, letting the smile stay. "I can't imagine what you're apologizing for Min. Regardless, I'd be happy to spar with you. I won't go easy on you though."


Moe saw the exchange between Lexi and Ms Turner

Hare will definitely want to know about this

He pulled his phone out under his desk, and texted her.

“Speedy just got in an argument with Trelawney over inviting people to homecoming, and walked out of class. Thought you’d like to know.”


Harriet had just dropped her paper into the box when her phone buzzed.

“Speedy just got in an argument with Trelawney over inviting people to homecoming, and walked out of class. Thought you’d like to know.”

Oh this is so good….but should I tell Aiden? No it’s not my place.

She walked back to her seat and looked at Nick. “So? What do you want to know?” She pulled out a notebook and wrote down ideas for costumes while she talked with him.

@The Suspicious Eye @Coriandr
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Nickolaus thought for a moment. What did he want to know? Well, quite a lot but, lowered to the essentials... "Vhere can I find a sowing machine?" He asked, thoughts forming in his head already. "Uhh... and paper and pencils?" Perhaps his swirl idea... or maybe a puzzle around him? Or better... oh, yes. He liked his next idea, an indescribable look in his eye as he cocked his eyebrow and grinned.

Min smiled "I wouldn't have it any other way." She was happy to have someone to spar with. Although her mother forced Min into swordsmanship over time she enjoyed it. Maybe a little too much, she remembered surpassing her first teacher. She would have nearly sliced him to ribbons if her mother hadn't stopped her. Of course she had gained more control over the years, but could never compete with anyone. Sequestered in her home for nearly nine years of her life.

Realizing that nothing more was going to be taught today, Min slid the rest of her stuff back into her bag. Nothing to do now but wait for class to end now. She would have to send a message to her mother when she got home. Asking for her sword and foil to be delivered. Hopefully they will come in time, and maybe mother will come as well. The small ebb of hope was useless, Min knew that. Her mother was hardly around for the past year. She see Min off when she left home, she wouldn't come to a school event.

A colder feeling wafted over Min, she was growing bored, and a idle Min was not a happy Min. Distracting herself with someone else's problems she focused on Aidan and his weird bashful nature. A smile slowly grew across her face in amusement. He was so adorable stammering around, she remembered his actions to emulate later. Smiling between the Nia and Aidan she spoke up. "Well then that's perfect I'll teach everyone then." I'll have to look up what a boom box is, but it shouldn't be a problem. Glancing over to the german boy she felt a bit guilty. Tearing out a piece of paper she wrote something on in and held onto it. She would give it to him when class ended.

Looking back to Leon she asked, "so Leon who are you planning to go wit...I mean who are you planning to go as for the dance? Do you have a favorite character or hero you want to be?"

@CosmicChangeling @Homage @Coriandr @Brinni
I'll have to remember to call Papa tonight and have him send my fencing things now.

He heard the slip of the tongue but marked it down to hearing what he wanted to hear.

As if she'd actually ask me after only a day of knowing me.

He sighed. "I haven't really figured it out yet. Right now I'm thinking of going as Static from the Teen Titans, but I haven't really settled on the idea. He's probably my favourite character, it just feels a bit corny going as him. It's off to the nurse after this right?"


"A sewing machine? Hmm, I think you could probably find one near the theater wing of the school, you know costumes and all, otherwise you'd have to check with other students. I know I don't have one." was Harriet's response. "So what are you thinking of doing?"

@Coriandr @The Suspicious Eye
Nickolaus thought about it for a moment. Soll ich ihr sagen? Mmm ... Nein, ich werde es geheim halten. Aber ...(Should I tell her? Hmm... No. I shall keep it a secret. However...) Now, how best to put this in English... "I... am darkness. A creature of despair and disrepair- when people think my name, they shiver and quake. I follow death like a lion stalks his prey, like a vulture circles his meal while their live kind graze. I am the plague that follows in sickness' wake and its cure." He riddled her. Not his best, but then again he didn't have much time to think of it. He backed up with a glint in his eye, and leaned against the wall, waiting for the school bell.
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Nialla shook her head as Min made her offer, feeling more nervous than ever. "I, uh... I'm not sure I'd be the best dance student, sorry. Leon'd be way better to teach. My situation's kinda hopeless in that regard." Nialla didn't want to embarrass herself over and over again, especially not in front of someone like Min, who she'd only just started getting to know. No, better to know nothing and not dance than be consistently embarrassing in front of someone you wanted to befriend.


Vi raised an eyebrow at Lexi's departure, and let out a sigh. The most interesting, and most important, person in the room was gone, and with her went Vi's interest in class. Of course, only a moment after giving up on learning anything else interesting, Lady Birdheaded the First decided to give Vi the best gift of the day. All it happened to be was one word, one five letter word. To anyone else, the word would have been useless, nothing to her. But that word was quite possibly the best thing Vi'd heard since the deal she was given so many months ago:


Alexandra Clark.
"Oh come on Nia, don't leave me with her by myself!" Léon said with a tone of obviously mock horror. "It'll be fun. We can look like fools together." Turning towards Min he said "So, Miss Johannes when do our lessons begin?"

I'm already diving head first in to so much and I haven't even started my own classes. Somehow I'll need to balance out school lessons, dance "lessons" with Min, my lessons with Isabel, finding time to swim since I doubt that it's on my class schedule, and make time to make a costume.

He took a breath to relax himself. One step at a time. I'll need to get my nose fixed and move in before anything else.

@Homage @The Suspicious Eye


I hate riddles. Especially the ones like this that make so little sense Harriet thought to herself

"I have no idea what you're talking about, but if you don't want to tell me that's fine." Harriet packed up everything but a single pencil and a notebook. She continued to try and think up ideas.

Not that I actually use a weapon but dressing as Battle Bunny Riven could be fun. Especially since my power extends to the things I touch as well. It could make for some powerful swings. But do I want to risk people knowing that I play League? Eh screw it. Everyone has their guilty pleasures, that game just happens to be mine. Now that I've got that settle I just need to figure out how I'm going to make it. It shouldn't be too difficult, I really just need to make the sword and the belt. The gloves and ears may be the biggest problem since I don't think that I could actually have them delivered here if I bought them online....that blows. I'll make do without them I suppose, the gloves at the very least. Kind of need the ears. Maybe I can find some among old costume stuff in the theater area....
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Min smiled at him, but had a confused look in her eyes. She didn't know who they were. One of the many things her world didn't have compared to this one. She was relived that he asked a different question, one she could answer. "Yes, after this class we'll take you to the nurse and then go get your schedule. Probably by the time we get there, we'll know your dorm assignment as well." She paused thinking about what to say. "As for your costume choice, there's nothing to worry about. I'm sure you'd look handsome in anything." She gave him a bashful smile and slid a strand of hair behind her ear.

She looked up at Nia with a softly saddened. Nia was so kind and sweet, but to see her so timid was somewhat sad. Min may have only gotten to know her recently, but she already thought Nia was a great person. As Leon spoke up Min nodded in agreement. "Nia, if you want to learn you shouldn't let anything stop you. Nothing in this world or the next is hopeless." She looked into Nialla's eyes for a moment, before turning back to Leon and continuing. "I'm in the west gardens around seven (pm) nearly every day. So I guess if you're free we can meet there. Just come by and we'll practice." She said looking between the two of them.

@Homage @Coriandr @Brinni
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Aidan probably wasn't the best person to cheer someone up. Hell, most things just went over his comprehension of understanding. Nia was talking about not feeling comfortable to dance, both Leon and Min stood up for her defense. "If it makes you feel better, Nia. I generally step on people's toes, then I see memories, so I'm not really a great dancer either. Last year, I tripped on a kid, who fell on the table with the punch bowl. It spilled everywhere and got on Mr. Elastic's shoes as he was trying to dance with Ms. Turner. The dance soon became gym class after that."

The bell rang. Aidan's ears perked. He tried putting his books back in his back, but his hands were still so numb, they fell and dropped to the floor.


Eventually, the bell had rung, but Lexi was still sitting on the floor hugging her knees. The tears had stopped, but her face was red, stains on her cheeks as her grey eyes just stared off into the distance. Every day she had thought that maybe just maybe all of this was a nightmare. She would wake up in her room. Michael would come in, bouncing on her bed telling her Spongebob was on. All she had to worry about was school and the drama llama bitches that ran highschool.

The hardest thing in her life was getting into AP classes, so she could get into the best colleges down the road. Be a reporter one day, touring overseas deep undercover...yeah, the hardest parts of her life right now. Instead of using every ounce of concentration to slow her body down just enough to be a normal person.

She lifted her hand up and noticed it vibrating and tremoring. Her body was trying to phase back to hyperspeed. Sometimes she wondered what would happen if she just let it, just gave up. Would she be a human being anymore? Or just a force of energy cursed with conscience thoughts.


The bell had rung, students were getting up and leaving. Clara noticed Lexi left her homework assignment on the desk. She was a good kid...and her circumstances were very unusual. It's not every day, the FBI and a 'off the books' organization pull you and every teacher in the school and tell you about a student and why she's coming here.

Most kids were born special, Lexi was...in some way...cooked up in a lab. Clara picked up the assignment and looked at the patterns. It screamed danger, death and misery. Her face paled just slightly but she took in a breath and gave her ditzy everyone is special smile. "I want you to check chapter five on tea leaves. Tomorrow we will be trying them out for the first time."

The hard part about the assignment, Clara couldn't tell if this was something that would happen around Ms. Clark....or something Ms. Clark would unleash onto others.
As the bell rung Min was ready to leave she got up and rested her bag on her shoulder. Looking over at the german Min felt a little guilty, she should try to make friends when she could. Otherwise all I'll have is him. Min stood up and tapped his shoulder to get the german's attention. "Umm, hey. I'm sorry I'm not the best at German, but... well... it would be nice to practice with someone again. So if you every want to talk about home or need any help translating anything, feel free to ask me. Mein Name ist Min Johannas. Freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen. (My name is Min Johannas. I'm pleased to meet you).” Giving a embarrassed smile gave him the small piece of paper she had written on earlier. “Da its meine Telefonnummer, ruf mich an jederzeit (This is my telephone number, call me anytime)." With that she waved and went back to Leon and the others. @Coriander

Standing next to leon she smiled and readjusted her shoulder strap. Her eyes still glowing red with the use of her power. Keeping time still on a person's injury was nothing compared to creating something, she still had her problems making certain things. "So are you ready to visit the nurse? Don't worry it's not as bad as people think." She smiled at Aidan, "Aidan, if you want some lessons as well, the offer extends to you too. It would help to have more guys." Turning to Nia, Min gave her a warm smile. "I'll see you later, right?"

@CosmicChangeling @Homage @Brinni
Nickolaus looked up, and stayed silent, half-listening and half-thinking to himself as he didn't understand some of the English, though he understood enough. Then he listened in more intently as she started to speak in his native tongue- though it was a bit odd, she must have forgotten how to say it. He smiled slightly as she gave him her number- perhaps he won't feel left out too much here. The bell rang and he pulled himself off of the wall, and ran down to the door and out. Time to head to the stage and get started on his costume- if he can.
Harriet tried to call after the German as he ran out "Hey! Classes aren't-" but she was too slow. He was gone. "Whatever, not my problem. I've got stuff to do anyways, I'm sure he'll find his way around."


He may not have understood the language that Min and the other kid were speaking but he guess that by the way "Telefonnummer" sounded, plus the slip of paper meant that she had just given him her phone number. He couldn't be sure, in fact he had no idea at all if he was right or not but with his luck today, he convinced himself of the worst possible case. He deflated a bit.

I should have known better than to think she was in to me. She was probably just being friendly. Not that I can blame her, he's got a connection with her that I don't, with them both being from Germany. No surprise that he would get her number before me.

Léon shook his head and placed a smile on his face

Plenty of people here in the school. And plenty of time to meet them.... but.... he glanced at Min from the corner of his eye none as delightful that I've spent time with yet.

He barely noticed when they arrived at the nurses office. Assuring Min that he would be fine, he insisted that she should finish her classes.

"I'll meet you tonight for the dance lessons so I'll see you then. Besides there are things I still need to do before then and I wouldn't dream of having you wait on me."

As Min left and his nose re-broke he only let out a hiss between the pain of that and of it resetting, though he did make sure to keep the blood of of his dress shirt and suit coat by taking them off before the nurse fixed him up. He had the passing thought of wearing more casual clothes since he assumed this would happen more often and added that to the list of things to have his father send him. The rest of the day passed in a blur for him. Once he was fixed up he made his way towards the office of the secretary. He got his schedule, suitcases and key and thanked her with a bow. He made his way to his room

I wonder what my roommate will be like? he thought briefly as unlocked the door to see...nothing. His roommate wasn't in, no surpise since there was probably still a class or two left in the day. Léon did notice that his roommate was a neat person. There was a bit of a mess, but it seemed like organized chaos.

Léon started unpacking his belongings. He filled the dresser provided with his clothes, neatly organized. He put some of the comics he had brought in a bin underneath his bed, sealed to protect them against dust and such. He plugged in his laptop to charge then pulled out his phone and called his father.

"Bonjour Papa, il est moi. Non, je vais bien , juste le check-in. Les choses sont un peu de noix ici. Eh bien, je l'ai déjà eu mon nez cassé , mais ne vous inquiétez pas, je l'ai fixé vers le haut. Pourriez-vous me faire parvenir un peu plus de mes vêtements décontractés et mon équipement d'escrime? Ouais tous les trois , j'ai rencontré quelqu'un que je souhaite est décent à elle , mais nous verrons. Il y a apparemment un événement de retour à la maison que les parents sont invités à. Y allez-vous? Non, c'est normal que vous n'êtes pas sûr. Je comprends, la tâche est encore nouveau donc il n'y a aucune garantie que vous seriez en mesure de voler ici. (Hey Papa, it's me. No I'm fine, just checking in. Things are a little nuts here. Well, I've already had my nose broken but don't worry I got it fixed up. Could you send me some more of my casual clothes and my fencing gear? Yeah all three, I've met somebody that I hope is decent at it, but we'll see. There's apparently some homecoming event that the parents are invited to. Are you going? No that's okay that you aren't sure. I understand, the job is still new so there's no guarantee that you would be able to fly out here.)

The two conversed a little longer until Léon heard the doorknob rattle and hurried to end his call.

"Ecoute, je dois y aller. Je pense que je suis sur le point de rencontrer enfin mon colocataire. A bientôt. Je t'aime papa." (Listen, I've got to go. I think I'm about to finally meet my roommate. Talk to you soon. Love you dad.)

The door opened and Léon gaped.

Oh you've got to be kidding me. He's my roommate?

Standing in the doorway, was Aiden.
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Organized chaos was correct. There wasn't a speck of dust. Everything was labeled on what was what with a label maker. Brail written underneath. It would take someone with methodical organization skills to put all this together. But a mess in the fact it seemed someone kept tripping and knocking over things like a clutz. His walking stick was underneath his bed.

Needless to say...Aidan resorted to using both elbows to pick up his books and place them in his bag. It was a very awkward and long process...but eventually he succeeded and was able to leave Darke's classroom.

Maybe he could take Min up on dance lessons. As he walked down the hall, he imagined himself in tux and a scarlet red bowtie taking Lexi by the hand and waltzing on the gymnasium floor as soft music played. Not once did he step on her feet. He'd tell her that she didn't have to pretend to be strong for everyone right now, it was just the two of them....and if he did his job right, for the first time since he met her, she would smile.

Opening the door to his room, Aidan had no clue that Leon was watching him. His hands were still numb, that he was in fact on his knees, the key in his mouth as he FINALLY twisted it enough to open the door, using his elbows to turn the knobs. It took him about twenty minutes to to this, the tingling on his fingertips and palms making them all but useless.

His keys fell out of his mouth when the door swung open. "Ok....think, you can use your knees and push them in the room." He told himself. He moved one knee around on the wooden floor to do just that, lost his balance and fell on his face.
He watched him fall.

"Hello Aiden. Would you like some help?"

He wasn't sure what else he could say or do. It's not like Aiden could see him sitting on the bed.

"Did I leave my room unlocked again....I did..." he concluded. All but forgetting the door had been locked when he tried to get in...just shortly after. They had been in Darke's class together but the two hadn't really talked since Aidan accidentally saw his memories and blurted stupid things out of his mouth...getting electrocuted. The whole works. Aidan felt the keys on his stomach, rolling to his back he looked up at the darkness.

"If you broke into my room to finish what happened at the cafeteria...I get it. What I did was incredibly wrong. I asked a teacher for help to control my powers so....I know it doesn't mean much now since it happened but...I promise...I'm working on it to not happen again."

He didn't promise that it wouldn't. He wasn't that foolish. He probably would....with his luck immediately after the apology and Leon started to wail on him.
It was like a blow to the gut. He didn't mean to shock him.

"No I uhh....I didn't break in. I used my key. Looks like we're roommates."

He rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment

"I suppose first thing I should do is apologize. I didn't mean to attack you like that. It's been a real trying couple of weeks for me." he said. He recounted most of what he said to Isabel.

"I'm not sure what you saw. But to be honest, whatever it was doesn't warrant my reaction. I never should have snapped on you like that. If we're going to room together I'd like us to at least try to get along. I understand if you'd rather not for fear I'm going to attack you while you sleep or something. If that's the case let me know and I'll go to Principal Hapswell right now and see if there's somewhere else for me to room in.
He was afraid to move, not even an inch. It wasn't because of Leon. Well actually that could be incredibly dangerous too now that he thought about it...But, no, this was because if he moved he'd forget the keys to his room were there and in the morning he'd have to crawl around the floor to find it. That spelled so many disasters.

He had a perplexed confused look spread his features as he kept staring at the celing. "Ok....that makes more sense. You being a roommate instead of barging into my room and finishing the job definitely makes more sense."

Leon then apologized, and Aidan could hear the sincerity. "I invaded your personal space and you're apologizng?" He asked confused. But let Leon finish. "Oh, no you're good. Super good." Three people already went to Hapswell and requested OUT of the blind kid's room. He never had a lasting roommate. "Can we start over? Hi, I'm Aidan Turner, nice to meet you. And you are?"

He finally slid on his back, until his foot was equal to to where the key was, stepping on it, as he scooted on his back, he dragged the key with it keeping that foot down. His head banged the leg of the bed, Aidan let out a little yelp. He didn't think this through. The key needed to get on his desk somehow....was he supposed to pick it up with both feet? How would he be able to do that?
"Good. That would have made packing my stuff back up a little awkward. Here let me help you with that." He got up and crossed the room and grabbed the keys. "Where do you want them?"

He seems sincere enough. And it's not like he's a bad guy. He probably couldn't control it.

"Are you usually this clumsy?"

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