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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

Sheepish smile. "Thanks...there's a tray on the desk by the bed labeled keys. just in that tray." It was hard to miss. It was duct taped to the table and looked like it had been super glued together at least three times.

Sitting himself up, he managed to get on his two feet despite the dead hands he would have for a few more hours. "Yeah....you know how they say when you lose one sense, your others heighten? I don't really have the super hearing or smell...or anything like that." The struggle of standing, and then getting onto his bed was real. He almost fell on his ass twice, but managed to catch his balance. "But it's ok, I'm used to the clumsiness. It keeps the day very interesting."

"So. You and Min sounded like you were getting along pretty well." He said. "She's a sweet kid. I've only known her since this September but her, Lexi and Nia....they look out for others around here. They are a good crew to be with." Well...Lexi in particular...she was like their unspoken leader. And yes, she was grumpy all the time, but there was a heartbreaking sadness to her. She went through something that generally warps someone and makes them a villain...this was making her the opposite...a hero. The three of them were a good team, yes...but Lexi was the one catching his fumbled and crushing affections.
He hadn't even realized that everything was labelled until Aiden pointed it out. He put the keys in the tray and sat down on the edge of his bed.

"Well I mean, she's the only one that would really talk to me after the incident in the cafeteria. Except that one girl....Harriet I think. She seems nice. Definitely cute.The others didn't seem particularly fond of me nor did they seem to want much to do with me. Except maybe Lexi? I haven't seen much of her so I don't know. Not that I blame them. So yeah I guess Min and I were getting along okay."
Louise was furious. It wasn't the nurse, being her bitchy (Usual) self. It wasn't DuValt, who pissed himself in because of a fucking fourteen year old. It wasn't even Dr. Natureandbirdsandshit, who usually ended up being the reason Louise was angry. No, it was the dumbass fucking Speedster. That shithead Lexi, who managed to turn a shitty day worse. Someone in the news crew decided 'Hey, why the fuck not?' and gave Lexi rep as someone who would beat Louise in the tournament. She took Louise's thunder, took all the hard earned credit and popularity she'd spent years building up.

But Louise wasn't going to take that sitting down. She had a plan, and DuValt was going to help her make sure Lexi wouldn't be able to use her legs ever again. How fast could the little shit move without working legs? Lexi was going to learn, regardless.


Nialla gave her goodbyes to the group as she headed out of class, looking for Lexi. She wanted to compare costume ideas, and thank her for what happened in the gym. Because of her, she was able to get some much needed rest, and escape Elastic's wrath. Lexi was a hero, and Nia figured, from the way Aiden talked about her, that too few people gave her any real appreciation for it.

Nia would be the one to fix that. From today on, Lexi was going to know that someone, even if it was just one person, appreciated her for who she was, and what she did for the school.


Vi rolled her eyes as Pajaro de la senora (Lady Bird) made her final announcement and placed the homework on Lexi's desk. Did she really think the girl'd be back in class to pick it up? When you let yourself be walked all over, you were unlikely to see anything in the way of respect from your students.

As she left, Vi looked up from her phone to see Louise and her piss-pants'd lackey walked down the hall. Louise looked angry, though that wasn't unusual, but instead of walking towards Vi as anticipated, she just walked on by. Was she blind, or did someone else do something to piss her off? Vi also had to give the nurse credit, somehow despite having several cracked ribs and an arm pulled out of place only an hour ago, Louise looked to be in perfect health.

She shrugged once the girl was gone, and finished sending her message to Leon.

It's Isabel. Meet me in the gym in two hours if you can. If you can't be there in two, I'll be there until curfew happens.

The message was blunt, but Vi didn't very much care. If Leon was serious about training, he'd show up for at least a few minutes before curfew.


Louise found her target on the ground in the hall, and she motioned for DuValt to start slowing Lexi down. Louise didn't bother hiding it, she wanted everyone to see what she was capable of doing to those who messed with her. Even Isabel would get hers eventually.

Once DuValt nodded his head, Louise threw a kick for Lexi's left ankle, knowing that with DuValt slowing her she'd never be able to move in time to dodge it. Once she was immobile it wouldn't matter what Lexi did, she wouldn't be able to escape. She'd be at Louise's mercy.
"Lexi's not mad at you," he said, almost immediately...jumping to defend a person that wasn't here. "She was more mad at me actually. I need to remember to be more careful around strangers. No, she wanted you to know she gets it, that you didn't mean it and it wouldn't happen again."

Leon would notice that whoever too this much time to put everything together....was definitely not Aidan. Probably a friend or a parent...a neurotic one at that.

"But Nia's great too, and I don't think she's avoiding you or anything. She has a lot on her plate too. But Min is very quiet, I think this is the most I've heard her talk, and I think you helped with that." He only had Darke's class as a comparison, but Min was usually just very quiet, he never questioned it.


With a heavy sigh, Lexi was looking at her trembling hand, noticing that it returned to normal. The constant vibration and mental control she needed to maintain her normal speed just seemed to vanish....almost as if she was just a human kid again. Before the bomb. She looked up and saw Louise storming her way.

Now, she had never said boo or a word to the girl, but Lexi heard the stories of what she was capable of. There were a few occassions she had roamed around the school in the void and saw her in mid punch. She would pick up said student and walk them to the other side of the school (Louise would just see her target vanish)

But no, the two had never spoken. The girl swung a kick at her ankle, lexi closed her eyes and let go, until she would hear silence and conveniently just dissapear as well.

But the silence never happened. The world didn't stop. Like a rod of pain up her brain, Lexi felt the impact of a woman of super strength kicking her ankle felt like.

The bone immediately broke, Lexi hitting the ground and skidding on the floor a good two feet. Lexi pushed herself up to her feet, letting out a yelp of pain when any weight at all tried going down on her left foot. Her body wasn't healing right now, the pain wasn't slowly going away. Shit.
The two continued chatting for a little while when Leon's phone chirped, signalling a text message. He didn't recognize the number, but looked at the message anyways. He replied, changed into something that would grant him more movement than a suit, and then excused himself from Aiden's company.

It's Isabel. Meet me in the gym in two hours if you can. If you can't be there in two, I'll be there until curfew happens.
BRT, just gonna finish unpacking

He made his way to the gym, wondering what Isabel had in store for him.
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"Aww, are you okay, Princess? Here, let me give you a hand." Louise was grinning. She felt powerful again, felt like she was in command. She pulled the slow Lexi with her hand, keeping a stronger grip on the girl's shirt because she felt her own hand slow. Then, with wide, terrible eyes she punched Lexi in the gut.

"Not so fast without legs, are ya?" She asked, before looked around the hall to the gathering crowd. No teachers yet, but they would arrive eventually. Louise would have to finish the girl fast, but part of her wanted to stay. To take her time.


Nialla continued walking from the basement to the girl's dorms, hoping to run into Lexi on her way, that way she wouldn't have to wait for her to get to the rooms themselves. Of course, with Lexi she could be in and out of her dorm in seconds, so it was ultimately a question of 'is Lexi going to be in the area within the next five minutes?' Before she got there, however, Nialla noticed a crowd growing in the hall outside of Turner and Dr. Kane's hall.

Curious, she tapped the shoulder of a senior or junior near the back of the crowd. "Hey, what's with the crowd?" Unfortunately due to her height and position she couldn't get a good look at what was going on.

"Oh, them? Apparently some dumbass picked a fight with Louise." Noticing Nia's surprise, he nodded. "Yup, that one. She seems familiar, but it won't matter much. After Louise is done with her that girl won't be recognizable to anyone."

Nialla glared at the boy, but thanked him for the information. I have to get up there. She thought, before trying to move through the tightly held together crowd. How did kids even get into fights at a superhero school? One would think the Super kids would try protecting the weaker students from bullies.
Not so fast without your legs, are yah?

The wind was knocked straight ouf of her as Louise's slow punched powerful blow impacted her gut. Four ribs cracked immediately, blood spitting out as it happened. Her ankle was still not healing, Lexi darted to see what was happeneing and noticed a boy staring at her concentrating. That would be her problem.

Louise then, with firey rage went to mock her for her speed. Lexi just stared at her blankly....and then just cracked. She laughed so hard she was coughing up blood in the process. "You do realize...." her voice raspy. "You need someone else right now to actually fight this fight for you." She spit out the blood. Her body screaming with pain but she smirked at her.

Oh she hated bullies, this almost reminded her of home. "What are you trying to prove right now?" she asked as the audience formed "That you're so big and tough and we all should be scared of you? No. All these kids are just going to see a bratty kid throwing a tantrum in a school hall and needs back-up because some puny little girl takes away your human punching bags. They'll just make fun of you. Hare will have a great time in the gossip column writing you can't fight your battles by yourself."

She thought this had to do with her just blipping kids out of harms way when she just so happened to see it.
Nickolaus found his way to the stage in no time, but even after half an hour of searching in every nook and cranny, he couldn't find a sowing machine. Hmm. Perhaps if he tried to ask another student? Then again, they might not know what he's talking about. He did know how to say "sowing machine" and they might just need that. He went around asking for awhile, but it seemed everybody just shrugged. He'd even seen Harriett and asked her if she had any other ideas; none. Ich brauche einen zu finden. Hmm ... Vielleicht ist die Haupt wissen ... Ehh .(I need to find one. Hmm... Perhaps the principal will know... Ehh.) The concept of seeing that crazy man wasn't appealing... Warten Sie, was ist los? (Wait, what's going on?) He thought, seeing a large crowd gathering.

"Was going on?" He asked someone, but it seemed they didn't turn. He asked another, and they just pounded their fists in the air. Another, shorter person, trying to look over the crowd. She shrugged, "I don't know either. I'm trying to see." She said. So how to get around the crowd... hmmm... Perhaps if he just...

He closed his eyes, concentrating and imagined a large creature coming up from the floor. It was a bit blurred and looked more like a blob with handless blubbery limbs, but, it worked nonetheless. Students scattered as the 'monster' waved its arms back and forth, as if to hit them. He opened his eyes after a second and sure enough, the crowd was cleared. He stepped closer to see what they were surrounding. A fight? Between someone she had seen in the class before and... he wasn't sure about the other. She was coughing up blood, too. There was also someone standing near them, what was he doing? Perhaps he should help? No, no, it wasn't his place... Then again, he was here to learn about being a hero... or at least, using his powers. That was a bit of a side effect however...

Yes. He shall. He closed his eyes again, and focused in on the attacking girl. Her mind was strong. How should he approach this? Making her dizzy would be easy enough... yes, that is a good idea. He focused on blurring her vision and dizzying her.
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Louise only grinned at Lexi, as she said those words. "You know, you're right. You know what? Maybe I shouldn't have DuValt slow you down for me. Maybe he stops, and then you try running. How far will you get with no legs?" In two motions, Louise slammed her right foot into Lexi's other ankle, and held the girl higher, this time by the throat. "And don't worry about the gossip. After you, little miss bunny will join you in the nurse's office. Nobody tries undermining my rep, nobody."

She kept her grip in the girl until she felt woozy out of nowhere, as if she'd used too much energy or spun in a circle. She tried shaking it off, but if anything it only seemed to intensify. She wobbled to the side for a moment, before using her strength to stabilize herself. In response, she tightened her grip on Lexi's throat and looked to DuValt. "Duvvy, someone in the crowd thinks it's funny to fuck with me. Do me a solid and find them for me. They'll be next." Her vision was blurry, and she still felt like she couldn't keep standing forever, but she didn't need to last forever, she just needed to last longer than the boy hid.


Nia finally found an opening after a bunch of kids moved out of the way, and dashed through, wondering why they all looked so terrified. Beside her was Nickolaus from Darke's class, and in front was a surprise to her: DuValt, Louise's known lackey, Louise, and in her grip... Lexi. She wasn't fighting back, wasn't running, but she had a look of triumph that Nialla could only both admire and judge. She would always love Nialla's ability to stand up to those stronger than her, but looking defiant while being strangled seemed like a stupid idea.

Regardless, someone had to stop Louise, and it looked like Nickolaus was doing his best to try. With a single motion, Nialla threw a blue, spherical barrier up around DuValt, cutting him and his powers off from everything else. It wouldn't last long, and it wasn't even assured that his powers would be cut off, but it was her only hope. She couldn't throw barriers around Louise or Lexi without trapping them together.
Nickolaus muttered a German curse. This wasn't good- he had no idea who Du-Whatever was or what he could do. He let go of his mental grip and opened his eyes for a second, but found that the boy had been surrounded in some semi-transparent sphere, and looked around. To the left- no one. To the right- yes, it was another from the class earlier. He pressed his eyes shut again and concentrated back on the girl. Maybe he should try something else... He attempted to make the bloody girl's face freaky and scary. No, he could feel his muscles tensing at the start- there was no way he'd get past this girl's defenses. Perhaps he should simply keep to dizzying- it seemed that was all he could do for now, and the other girl could take care of the physical aspect.
Lexi was gasping, struggling to breath, but the defiant look in her eyes never flickered at Louise. Not once did it show a paniched realization she could die. It was just a look of 'you don't scare me, and you never will'. But the lack of oxygen was getting to her, fingers grasping trying to let go. The pain of both her ankles breaking was unbareable....the glare stood but tears were rolling down her red face turning purple.

Then by some miracle of miracles the silence came. People were in mid chant and mid motion, stuck in time like a picture on a camera. Lexi then began prying Louise's frozen fingers off her. She dropped to the ground releaseing the pinkie, screaming in pain. "FUUUUUUUUCK MEEEEEEEEEE!" She cried out in pain.

It felt like ten minutes as the world was frozen in time, but she army crawled her way to the boy, the one helping her. An orb around him that meant Nia was here. Nia saved her life. Lexi waled through, tripping the boy to the ground and used her arm to drag him by the ankle. She moved like a snail, screaming and crying and cursing herself to keep it together until she deposited this guy far far away.

It felt like hours or days to slowly crawl him to the dorms outside. But her body was healing. It didn't hurt as much to breathe, her ribs piecing themselves back together. She stood on her legs now, dragging herself back to the big bad wolf bully.


Louise would stagger, gain her footing and Duvolt would be JUST cast in his bubble when Lexi would blip out of site, Duvolt blipping out of sight as well. One second, or just a small little beep, Louise would feel someone tapping her shoulder. She would turn around and see Lexi, standing on two healthy non-broken bones and giving her a devilish gotcha yah now bitch look. "Hello, beautiful," She swung her leg in rapid speed, they would just see a blur as Louise was thrown off her feet, crashing to the ground.

The girl then flickered out of site and blipped into view right infront of her, cracking her knuckles. "Here's the thing Louise. I think Miss Bunny could kick your ass too. She might even enjoy it. "If you want to show you're the shit here...well you got me ready fair and square."

But Louise was going to lose...Or lexi was going to give her a real good run for her money.
Louise didn't say much after DuValt was locked inside Nialla's barrier. She didn't even have time to think, as mere seconds after DuValt's power was cut off, Speedy was gone and Louise was on the ground. She looked up, shocked, and looked to DuValt in the barrier. He was trapped, the dumbass, but at least she had an answer as to who trapped him. She locked eyes with a shocked Nialla, and grinned, ignoring Lexi.

Instead of taking Speedy down again one on one, Louise pushed herself up and rushed Nia, hoping to beat her unconscious before Lexi could get an upper hand.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Lexi flickered from site and appeared right into Louise, her hands pressed hard into Louise' chest, feet digging into the ground. From the bully's force, against' Lexi's...it was clear who was stronger as the floor cracked under lexi's feet. Her wrists breaking, repairing and breaking again just against her chest trying to hold her steady. If anything all she was doing was slowing down the inevitable. Like watching a little rock break in the way of a boulder moving, the boulder will still move just slower.

But Lexi pushed, even if she was losing traction and being pushed back. "THIS IS WITH ME. YOU LEAVE HER OUT OF IT!" Lexi yelled, her voice booming with sharp pain and authority. The world had gone silent. Movement had slowly went to a crawl. But it didn't fully stop. Lexi pulled back her briken wrists and watched. Was Duvolt getting through the barrier? She wasn't sure, but she was still fast.

She pulled down Louise's pants to trip her and managed to get her hands back to the woman's chest to push her away from Nia when everything sped to normal time.
Min looked at Leon a little sad as he reassured her that he would be alright at the nurses office. She worried if he was mad at her. Did I do something wrong? Or maybe he's just bored of me. Putting on her best smile she nodded, "alright Leon, I'll see you tonight then." With that she gave a soft wave and walked off. She could hear the cracking of his nose again and flinched a little as her eyes slowly returned to their "normal" color. She missed her blue eyes, but after so many years of practicing her powers, her eye color seemed to stay red. As if she was always using her powers without her knowing.

She walked down the halls and gave a heavy sigh. Not really sure what to do till seven she guessed she'll head to the garden and practice. As the shuffle of students passed her, Min maneuvered through them quietly. Not one to really interact with other she slid passed unnoticed. On her way to the garden she saw a crowd of students gathering down at the middle of the hall. Of course they have to be in my way. Unlike some of the other students Min could care less if a fight was breaking out. She looked out the window at the garden area. I could make it if I just. Stepping closer she put her hand against the wall. It began to shimmer and fade away around her hand revealing the other side of the wall.

Two students passed by, and Min quickly stopped. She watched them run towards the fight and sighed. The last thing she wanted to do was be caught dissolving school property. Unhappily the girl headed towards the crowd of students. Hoping to just pass by them, she was met by a immovable barrier of students. I do not have time for this. She tried her best to maneuver through the students, but was squished between two juniors and a locker. Trying her best to tell them to move, she was pressed firmly against the locker door. This is ridiculous. Her eyes glowed a shining red and every student in her radius became intangible.

Pushing off of the locker Min began to walk through the students with ease till she made her way to the front of the fight. There she saw Louise go after Nia. Min's rage grew, not just that this stupidity was stopping her from heading to the garden, but also that her friend was in danger. This fool will die for my inconvenience. A feeling wafted over her as it tempted her to tear out the girls heart while it still beat. Just one life, won't be so bad. It's not like I haven't done it countless times before. Taking a step forward she focused her energy on Louise's heart ready to tear it out of her chest. Her hand steady she was just about to do so when Lexi's voice snapped her out of it.


Min turned to her, and lowered her hand. Min caught Nia as she saw Lexi appear behind Louise. Blinking dumbly, her eyes returned to normal. She looked down at Nia, "Hey Nialla, are you alright?"

@CosmicChangeling @Homage
Ashamed, Louise sent a murderous glare to Lexi, and pulled up her pants. Her striped underwear being shown to everyone. "I'll kill you for this!" She bellowed, throwing one more punch for Nia's head, knowing that Lexi would block it with her own. It was dirty, clever, and brutal - Louise's specialty. And she would have done it, she would have at least knocked Lexi out of the way long enough to throw a second punch to Nialla, if...



Mr. Darke was there, with a tight grip on Louise's arm. His eyes gave her a look of pure rage, and he was shaking, as if he was holding himself back from something worse. On his arm was some sort of odd metal contraption, that seemed to strain as Darke's solid grip held.

"If this continues, expulsion will be the least of your worries." Darke said, watching Min help Nialla. Turning to the gathered crowd, he bellowed. "EVERYONE NOT INVOLVED IN THE FIGHT, LEAVE."

Looking back to Min, Nialla, and Nickolaus, he sighed. "Powers off, all of you. Clark, Ambrose, you too." He said after Nialla's barriers died. With that done, he threw Louise back with a force that seemed to overwhelm even her own. "Explanation, now."


As Darke arrived, Nialla gave Min a look of gratitude. "You have... Really really odd timing, you know. I'm... I'm alright. I think." She was beyond tired, after using a massive barrier on DuValt in the hopes that it blocked his powers. She was only conscious because of the Nurse's energy added to her earlier.
Elastic just so happened to be walking down the hall, the opposite end of Darke. The amazing thing about his small demeaner, it didn't matter what size he truly was or his appearance. His presence as an intimidating asshole was just enough that people side stepped out of the way if he was in their eye sight. He had let loose all his steam at the gym, only to come out and see a crowd of students forming. He didn't have to weave through to see what was going on, students moving out of his way with each step he took in his red converse shoes.

Dwayne the Johnson Rock and Speedy were going at it. But Rock's death glare was on Nia. In seconds his hand stretched to the sixe of a seven foot hand thick as a mallet. He smacked the group of kids, pushing them out of the way with his wall like hand. Darke appeared stepping in the way. Elastic's nose flared but he looked at the crowd.


They scattered all right.

Lexi caught her breathe, her wrists healing for the umpteenth time in the span of a minute. Rubbing her wrists she looked up at Professor Darke...who was wearing red stilletos. "Nia, Min, that kid Ambrose...they had nothing to do with this Professor," Lexi said. "This was a fight between Louise and me, if you're giving out detention those three weren't involved they're not getting punished."

Elastic eyed the speedster before glaring at Darke. "Three of you get the fuck out of here," Looking at Min, Nia and this new kid.
A black panther sprinted down the hall in full speed, skidding foward between Louise, Lexi, Darke, the whole scene. The animal looked confused pacing around as if looking for people or what was going on. Slowly, the panther stood on two hind legs and morphed into the hippie Ms. Turner. "I missed the conflict didn't I?....Are we talking and hugging this out? I think there needs to be some talks and good deep hugs right now."
Stumbling into the hall from the west exit Dr. Kane looked at the scene blankly. Pushing up his glasses, a few leaves fell from his hair and onto the ground. "Uhh..." He had no idea what was going on here. Dr. Kane had classes first and second period with his latest being in third, which was his advanced mathematics class for seniors. With his free time he thought it would be a good idea to head out into the forest to gather some plant samples for his natural science class. He also found some very interesting brownies (the fae, not the ones you eat) and invited them for some tea. Stumbling onto the scene where Mr. Drake and Mr. Elastic scolding a group of student was surprising to say the least. He always assumed the man was of the low key, smooth variety. But! We shouldn't make guesses now should we?! Walking in with two brownies sitting in the nest he called his hair he headed towards the others. Tripping over a student's foot and stumbling in front of the group. He gave a sweet smile and looked up at the others, "Ah, yes. Peaceful confrontation is the best way to go." He added agreeing to Ms. Turner's statement.


Min gave a bashful smile to Nia and shrugged. "At least it's better than no timing, right?" Helping Nia to her feet Min looked at the others as the teachers took control of the situation. She looked from Mr. Elastic to Lexi, back to Mr. Elastic. "Mr. Elastic, Lexi was protecting Nia. Please don't give her detention. She shouldn't get punished for that."

@CosmicChangeling @Homage
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Nialla shook her head at Elastic as he gave the order, giving a confused look to Ms. Turner and Dr. Kane, both of which seemed to oddly lower the intensity of the situation just by showing up and being their fun, ditsy selves. "I'm sorry, but I can't leave. School rules state that those involved in a fight must share punishment if both defending and attacking parties receive punishment. Min and Nickolaus weren't involved, but I used my barriers, therefore I am an accomplice." She knew the rules front and back, and she would try her best to get Nickolaus out of trouble even if he used his powers. He was a new kid, he didn't need to get himself seen as a troublemaker.

"Goddamn, kid, are you dull? Elastic's giving you an out here." Darke raised his eyebrow at Nialla. She wasn't unintelligent, but god, that girl was as 'lawful good' as it got. It was absurd that she would throw away Elastic's offer.
Nickolaus opened his straining eyes, and looked around. A vain bulging on his forehead slowly began to smooth down, only a blue line across his head. He looked around, and listened as the authority spoke. He didn't understand all of it, but enough to know to get out. He took a few steps backward, then turned, his head still around looking at the two girls, and then turned the other way to look at Min. "Was war that?"("What was that?") He asked, mixing what English he knew and German to make it more distinguishable to Min, who seemed to not remember German as fluently, and anyone else listening. "I kam hier in and saw wie sie kämpfe- ahh... ffffightinnng."("I came in and saw them fighting."[loosely... I don't know all of German so that's probably very wrong]).
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Min looked at Nia shocked that she was taking blame as well. "What? No! Nia...." She looked up at the teachers, "please neither of them did anything wrong. If anyone's to blame it's Louise. As a senior she shouldn't be attacking underclassmen. She intentionally went for Nia and Lexi protected her." Turning to the german student she spoke quite rapidly in german. "Sie sind versuchen, stellen meine Freunde in Haft (They are trying to put my friends in detention/prison)." She looked back to the teachers, "please don't punish them for something that they couldn't control. Louise should be the one in detention, not Lexi and Nia they were the heroes here." Min looked up at her teachers with a pleading look in her eyes, "please."

@CosmicChangeling @Homage
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Rachel Miller

Rachel awoke with a groan, running a clenched fist over her one, stark grey eye as she rolled onto her back, letting out a series of irritated groans and mutters. "For fuck's sakes I slept in a-fucking-gain!" She bellowed, slamming a fist down on the bed beside her. She looked around, spotting the empty bed of her roommate Hare, which only caused her to roll her eye, before rolling over onto the floor with a thump, where she began to pull on her clothes, choosing whatever was closest to her on the floor. Today it was a black hoodie and jeans, both of which showing signs of ware and heavy use, aswell as an assorted collection of wrinkled. Thrilling, truly. She headed into the dorm's cabinet, pulling out her breakfast, shoveling some bland cereal into her mouth, before running out into the morning's light, muttering about how Hare was a lazy arse for forgetting to wake her.

She barged into the school building, only to be met by a tide of students leaving the building. She was then hit by the realization that she had managed to sleep through the entire school day, which only irritated her further.

Upset by this, she simply turned around, deciding to head back to her dorm instead of bothering to talk to anyone.

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(Derp, school day is over, it's after school hours right now)

Hug it out? HUG IT OUT? Elastic glared at Ms. Turner, a slight vein throbbing on his head. The woman was beautiful, but she was ditzy as it got. God, the universe, or whatever was out there probably made her pretty to compensate for the lack of actual thinking compacity she actually possessed. His hand shrunk back to normal size, rubbing the bridge of his nose to CALM THE FUCK DOWN when Nia decided to stay.

For once in his fucking life....he was on the same page as Darke and he wanted to guzzle fucking hot tar in his mouth just at the fucking idea that they were on the same fucking page.

The dirty blonde with the robin blue egg eyes put an arm around Ms. Clark. She smiled at Doctor Kane, who was on her side. She knew many considered her to be a joke and stupid....but Doctor Kane never seemed to look at her that way. "I think we can resolve this without getting any student thrown in detention. It's very admirable that the three of you are looking out for each other. Ridgeview shouldn't discourage that sort of loyalty among friends." Looking at Nia, Min and Lexi. "Ms. Clark's day has been rough, finding out about family rules and the upcoming Halloween event. Being an orphan is a very emotional experience. "

Lexi went from irritated to mortified in two seconds flat as Clark was just airing out her dirty laundry for everyone. Her body stiffened as the teacher still had her arm around her.

"And poor Louise. The paper keeps posting stories claiming Ms. Clark will take the tournament this year and that girl has been working hard for four yeas to win it. That has to be very emotional for her as well. I don't see we can't all talk this through."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Elastic twitched. "So what? Speedy's a lab experiment orphan. Boo hoo. Dwayne the Rock is peaking at highschool and graduating here a fucking thug who will end up in maximum security prison before you can fucking read your stupid tea leaves. WHO THE FUCK CARES. Last warning, you and demon eyes get out now." he looked directly at Nia and Min. One last out.
Leon walked down the stairs and entered the gym through the side door that was there. As he heard the door open he heard Mr Elastic shout "WHO THE FUCK CARES". He wasn't sure about the context but decided it had nothing to do with him. He entered the gym to see Isabel waiting on him.

"Let's get started then shall we? I think winning the tournament would be a great thing for me to do in my first month here. So let's see if we can make that happen" he said,a half smile coming across his face in anticipation. @Homage


Harriet was wandering the halls when she heard a commotion. As she approached the gym, she saw Lexi and Louise fighting. Louise said something about getting the bunny girl and knew it was her she was talking about. Her stomach sank.

I didn't think people actually read my sections. Plus I only just put it out, someone must have read it and told her that I said Lexi would be a contender. It's the only way she knew so quickly.

The fight came to a pause as Louise's pants came down. Pulling out her phone she snapped a picture while she had the chance.

A bit of blackmail may save me yet. Just need to find the right person so send it to in case she tries something. Can't be Moe, that's too obvious. Maybe I'll give it to Rachel. I think I could trust her to bring it to the school paper if Louise seriously hurts me. If nothing else she'll try at the tournament. Lucky for me everyone but the teachers think I've got speed for my power. It'll make for a nice ace in the hole during the combat stage.

As the teachers started coming, she quickly made her way around the gym and into the stairwell. She saw Leon go into the gym through a side door and peeked in through the window.

What's Isabel doing there? Could they be meeting for an after class tryst? The boy moves fast with women. Almost as fast with them as I do, or any of my relationships for that matter. Maybe I'll find someone to hold my attention for longer than a couple weeks during my time here. If not, whatever. That's not the reason I'm here. I'm going to do something great in this world....now I just need to learn what side it will be for.
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Vi had been sitting cross legged on the ground, resting her eyes. Her roommate rarely shut up, so the gym was the closest thing to 'quiet' Vi had, unless she wanted to break into a room. She hadn't expected to see Leon for two hours, so when he arrived with a joke, Vi gave a forced smile, and took a breath. "If you manage to beat Louise after only a month of practice, she'll probably try murdering you." Vi left out the part where Louise tried beating the crap out of her only hours before, and that Louise was too dumb to know when to quit. If Leon fought that bull, he'd have to get incredibly lucky. Or she'd be visiting him in the hospital.

"Now then, first things first. Shock me." Vi said, with an impassioned expression on her face. She didn't smile, or try holding back a laugh, she was completely serious. She needed to know how strong Leon was firsthand before moving on to training him in how to use his powers.


"I must concur with Mr. Elastic on this one, Ms. Turner. This was a fight in public, and many students witnessed it. If the fight had occurred privately I would agree with you, but this one was very open. We must crack down on this unless we want to see more out of gym class fights. We don't have much of a choice here." Darke watched Nia and Min with anticipation, wondering if they'd be smart enough to take Elastic's offer. He rarely gave second chances to students unless he at least tolerated them, but by dismissing his offer they were just throwing away nothing for what, friendship?

"Blake, Johannas, let me add to this: If you don't leave now, this will marr your records - from teacher interactions to getting into colleges or working as interns - permanently. By showing yourselves as troublemakers, you hurt yourselves in the long run. Rendt is already interning, she won't care. Clark is going to try civilian life, so it won't affect her much either. At the very least, do it for your teachers. If you stay, we fill out twice as much paperwork." That last part was a complete fabrication, but with luck the two of them would be gone before any of the other teachers could correct him.


Reluctantly, Nialla nodded her head at Darke and Elastic as they made their offers. "Just... Lexi's a good person, she was probably involved for a good reason." Nialla said, weakly, before pulling on Min's shirt. "Come on, we've got to go." It was half assed, weak, like Nialla didn't want to move from her spot, but Darke's argument was a good one.

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