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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

He was about to reach for a skittle, but pulled his hand back quickly at his addition. "Eh... I-I'm nooott quite sure... where my... case is. Heeelllp?" He said, trying to remember the English words best he could. Perhaps she knew how to speak German. "Ich habe für meine Schranknummer kommen . Sprichst du Deutsch?" ("I've come for my locker number. Do you speak German?") He asked, hoping she did. He twiddled his fingers together awkwardly, putting them together in different forms, and turned his eyes to the glass collection of lions and something else. Interesting. Ich fühle mich wie seine in der falschen Reihenfolge , obwohl ... Vielleicht , wenn ich nur ... (I feel like its in the wrong order, though... Perhaps if I just...) He inched his fingers forward, about to move some.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!? YOU ARE RUINING THE WATERING HOLE!" He slapprd the child's hand away. "Are you a safari expert? No. No you dont even have your highschool diploma." The old man snapped.

He let out a breath, leaned back in his chair. Count to five. Loretta made it a point to state he needed to work on his anger issues.

People should just know not to touch his things.

"Another kid from another country. Lion beckkett was from france. Do the germans and french get along now after world war two? Interesting acenerio. You dont have classes today. You transferred. You start tomorrow. What i suggest find some random student tell them Hapswell said you were to shadow them today. They can answer whatever you need to ask. Loretta will have your dorm information and what not."

He went in his desk and took out a chinese finger trap, playing with it. "Any more questions lad? Im an impoetant man, i have......meetings or well....something relevant and time consuming i need to get back to."
"Evil Studies? Could be interesting. I never thought about which side I would end on. I figured everything would just sort of...work out the way it should. Odd though, thinking about how for example you could end up on one side and me on the other. As of right now I don't know if I could fight you, or any of your group really. But I suppose we'll see how the rest of the time here goes. One never knows what will happen in the next couple years. New friends, hookups and breakups, drifting apart from differing class schedules." he said aloud.

He took his seat and looked around at those that had filtered in before and after him. He saw Nia and waved.

Wouldn't be surprised if she didn't wave back. I did hurt her friend after all.


"I know what you do, im still here," "You ready to go to the next class?"

Harriet watched the scene unfold then moved away before she was spotted

I knew it! They are a thing! This is so going in my gossip column!

She was glad that she had a free period right now. She wandered around, a notebook and pencil in hand, looking for anything worthy of her column for the school paper. She walked by the principal's office.

Let's see if there's anything interesting here. He's always up to something odd.

She saw a boy there that she didn't recognize leaving the office.

That's not another transfer is it? I would think we met our quota for today. But at least it's interesting.

Their eyes met.

Nickolaus walked out of the office, still disturbed by the order of the figurines. He looked around, and met eyes with a girl, to which she responded. "Hello." He said plainly, and walked closer. "Err... Prinzip Hapswell ordered me to 'shadow someone'." He told her, "Do you know what he means? My English vocabulary is not that large and I'm new to the terms." He explained, and then thought differently, "Wait, nevermind. I will figure this out myself." He said, and started thinking, hand on his chin. "A shadow is the dark thing from... liiightt... correct?" He asked, his tongue pushing at the inside of his cheek.
"Well...yes" was her response, "but that's not what he meant. He meant follow someone, and learn the layout of the school, see what classes are like, et cetera. Most people are in class now do I guess I can show you around. Do you have your schedule yet? We can start with where your classes are. Harriet, by the way. What's your name and what do you do?"

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Loretta the secretary had walked back to her desk from the bathroom to hear Principal Hapswell berate and belittle a new student. "Oh my....I hope he doesn't get angry enough to the point where he uses the poor boy's own powers on him."

Thankfully it didn't. There was nothing short of pure power cancellation that could stop the Principal and his abilities. In a school where kids with raging emotions and conflicting views were in the same building, he was the perfect candidate....when he wasn't angry....in other times....it made him the biggest schoolyard bully you could find.

Before the boy left, she handed him a welcome folder, keys to his dorm room and the schedule for class that he had. There was nothing she could really do but give a meek apology. She was sitting in her seat about to log into the accounting software when Hapswell was walking out.

"Hold my appointments, Loretta. I need to see a doctor about cannibas!"

"Right away sir...."


"I actually have no idea if you're holding my hand right now, I can't feel anything there." Aidan let out embarrassed.

Lexi just smiled, shaking her head. "Alright, you goof." Standing up, she pulled him to his feet. The boy staggered just a little but he caught his footing before ruining the moment and tripping forward. Lexi gave a look towards the teacher, her eyes narrowing. You hurt him, you'll be sorry. Was the shortest sentence you could get from that look.

He might not have felt her hand, but she felt his, warm to the touch, her palms lightly sweating. She hadn't realized until she was halfway down the hall that everyone around her, including him was frozen in time. "Great...." she let out seeing Harriot frozen as well. Partially frozen. She looked like someone in slowmotion, stuck in clay, still trying to move. Walking over, she glanced at her notebook and saw what the gossiper wrote. Grabbing the page, she almost tore it off, tearing it halfway and stopped.

No. It wasn't right to do that. Hare could write whatever she wanted. "You're lucky I have morals." She grumbled pulling Aidan along.


Aidan found himself sitting in a desk, his stomach nauseous. "Lexi, you still there?" He asked. No answer. She probably dropped him off at Mr. Darke's class.


Clara Turner was nothing short than a free spirit. She wore a flowing skirt, tang top and probably too much beaded jewelry. Sitting indian style on her desk, she smiled a wide smile as Lexi flickered in. "Ahh, Ms. Clark. Sit. I have very exciting things to go over with all of you today!"


"Any one of you say how thankful you are that Lexi Clark saved you from Elastic, GET OUT OF MY NURSING WING!" the nurse shouted pissed. "I don't care if you had a sink thrown at you or you got too many booboos. You need to learn how to fight and not come to me for little dings like papercuts."

"But...but I broke my arm."

"SHUT UP TERRANCE! Everyone breaks bones here. YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL!"
He raised his folder he had gotten from... well, whoever that was. He was pretty sure the folder said "schedule," though the 'H' threw him off. Guess it was. "What I... do? I do puzzles and quiz, but you mean- ehh, probably mean my... gifts? Hmm... skills? Abilities? Ehh... I... do illusion." He said, stuttering over his words as he had trouble trying to find them. He closed his eyes, tensing them together, attempted making his ears larger as an example, but he wasn't quite sure how well it would go through. "Did it vvv-... w-wuh... wwwork?" He asked, stumbling over the 'W' sound.
"I suppose that your ears look a little bigger" she said, although she couldn't be quite certain about that. "But anyways, that's really cool. It would certainly make got a fun party trick. So let's see what you've got." Scribbling a couple things in her messy short hand she closed the notebook, looked at his schedule and room key, and proceeded with a tour

"If you ever get confused, just ask someone. Most of the students here are friendly and allies never hurt, no matter whether you end up as a hero our a villain" while walking beside the new kid. She fielded his questions as best as she could. The tour lasted the rest of the period.

"Let's see, your last class of the day is Mr. Darke's. I have him next. His class is in the basement. Come on, I'll show you, then you can sit in and see what it's like."

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Nickolaus remained silent for the most part of the 'tour'(mostly waiting through classes that she was in, but still), but most of the time seemed extremely disturbed. Mostly by chalk not in the middle of the board ledge, or the scratching of chalk to the chalkboard. That always made him rub his teeth together. He tried to memorize as much of the map as possible and fix what mistakes he'd already had in his mind. Unfortunately a lot of the classes he couldn't understand half of what they were saying. Maybe he could get something to help him understand for the next day- perhaps a basic script of what the teacher is saying in German? Or maybe he could use a phone to translate it into German. He cringed at the thought of meeting with the principle again.

"Ahh- Yes. I will do that." He followed her to the basement, keeping his eyes on the ground where the floor was in either some intricate pattern, or it was completely random. It was probably a stone material so it was probably random. Perhaps he could color over it someday to make it corresponding.
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Brinni said:
"Evil Studies? Could be interesting. I never thought about which side I would end on. I figured everything would just sort of...work out the way it should. Odd though, thinking about how for example you could end up on one side and me on the other. As of right now I don't know if I could fight you, or any of your group really. But I suppose we'll see how the rest of the time here goes. One never knows what will happen in the next couple years. New friends, hookups and breakups, drifting apart from differing class schedules." he said aloud.
Min smiled at him warmly as she took her seat beside him. "Yeah, I think in the end we all kinda fall into our what we will become. Although, my mother would never allow me to become a villain." She gave a embarrassed laugh that ended in a sigh from sad truth. She noticed Nia and gave her a warm wave, giving her a warm smile. Min knew her glowing eyes were sometimes unsettling so she tries her best to be cheerful when she is using her power. One of the few thins she can't do is change her eyes when she's using her ability. It was one of the few things in the world she wished for, but couldn't have.

Blushing she looked at the table, her eyes were still glowing, they would be until Leon was truly healed. Listening her heart raced and slowed as he spoke. Not sur how she felt more embarrassed than anything else. Smiling she She looked back at him and spoke softly. "Don't worry about fighting. Everyone here is very kind. I'm certain that you'll make good friends in time." She blushed, "just so you know you have one in me. A friend." Taking a shallow breath she tried to cool the heat emanating from her cheeks. She didn't know why she was was so embarrassed. However she hoped that the teacher would come in soon. She pulled out her book and a note book and twirled a pencil in her fingers.

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I wonder why that makes her sad?

He watched her feeling his heart pick up speed slightly as she talked. He was sure it skipped a beat when she said that he had made a friend out of her. As it is making friends wasn't easy for him. But on top of everything else, he was the new kid, at a school in another country, that had transferred in partway through the semester. All of that added up for a difficult if not nearly impossible time trying to make friends with any sort of ease.

"You have no idea how glad it makes me to hear that Min. So about this tournament." Whatever he was going to ask was cut off by the teacher showing up
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Suddenly the lights in the basement room faded, and an instant later an average, almost pathetically normal figure teleported into the center of the room. It was far more dramatic than Darke liked, but the entirety of Halloween was drama. He was dressed in costume, of course. It would be expected for him to make an example for his students to follow in the next few weeks.

"Hello, class. For the sake of those new to this school, my name is Mr. Darke, and this class is Villain studies for Underclassmen. For the rest of you, I expect your essays on the morality of torture for the sake of public safety on my desk by the time the dismissal bell rings." He rubbed his head after speaking, still more than annoyed by his conversation with Elastic during the seven minutes between both men dismissing their classes. Darke had a full report of dozens, dozens of students reporting to the infirmary following Elastic's dodgeball torture. That man was out of control, no amount of personal trauma was an excuse for giving your students broken bones.

But Darke couldn't bring himself to be responsible for Elastic losing his job. He was a villain, but he wasn't heartless.

"Now then, it's time to call roll. Arvin. Bellamy. Blake. Collins. Dope Mare..." He called the names with an even, emotionless tone, and expected no responses from his students. He said their names only to get their attention, and help himself remember their faces. Within a minute he was finished, with four of his missing students reported as in the infirmary. He had to give the other survivors of Elastic's class credit: if they were injured, they didn't show it.

"With that finished..." Darke teleported on top of his desk and clapped, watching as the lights turned back on. With perfect lighting, his black and red uniform was easily visible to the other students, from the red 'X' in the center of his chest to his stiletto heels. It was embarrassing to wear, but Darke had unfortunately drawn the short straw and was forced to pull his costume back out from its dusty pedestal. "Your costume doesn't have to be as flamboyant or as dramatic as mine, but you will have an idea for what you will wear by the time class meets again tomorrow. Today you're lucky. Those of you who slacked off and didn't finish the essay get a class period to finish it. Those of you who did finish the essay have free reign to design costumes along with your classmates. Questions? No? Good. I've got to keep yelling at your damn gym teacher, so I'll be back periodically." With that, he teleported out of the room for a moment, before immediately returning.

"Oh, and if anyone attempts to help someone with their essay, or leave the class, you will be given a failing grade for the essay and lose cheating privileges. Villains don't help each other, they take what they want. See you in a few." With all that said, he teleported outside of Elastic's office, sighed, and knocked on the man's door.


Nialla didn't react to Darke's more than frequent teleporting, used to it after over a month and a half of the man using his powers more often than Lexi ate. She turned her essay into the locked container, knowing that no student would be stupid enough to try and break the lock to access the essays. With that finished, she moved to Min's desk and leaned on it, remembering her wave earlier. "Hey, wanna talk costumes or do you need to finish the essay?"


@The Suspicious Eye


If the principal was a child, Mr. Elastic's office would be the wonderful toy store he pestered Loretta to let him go to. Marbles, yoyos, boxes upon boxes of board games. Action figures....collectibles....Mr. Elastic was mostly likely a hoarder from the looks of cluster everywhere.

He was at his desk tinkering with a robotic Pikachu (which fun fact pokemon did not exist in this world) when the door knocked.

Dropping his scree driver he looked up knowing who it was.

"I suggest you get your prissy ass out of my line of site before i find a way to break Principal Hapswell one important rule." And kill you, but he didnt need to finish that sentence. The two had a history, so it was well implied.


The dark and dramatic effects had no impression on someone who only saw darkness. Needless to say, Aidans clueless meter was at a very usual high.

Going through his napsack he pulled out his essay about the morality of torturing people. Aidan's stance?

There was no morality to torturing people. It was wrong and never a cotrect option. But, the point in his paper was morality was subjective. People from different upbringings, backgrounds and cultures had different views so his sense of morality and the sense of another would be opposing, where there are some that do believe torture is right and would stand by it.

(I know....sounds too soohisticated for Aidan but it was in brail....and he did write it.)

He heard Nia behind him turning around. "Do you guys alreafy have ideas on what you want your super costume to look like?"


Lexi was sitting next to isabel, not intentionally, but it just so happened to be that way.

Ms. Turner took out a binder. Party planning. "Before we begin, lets go over last night's homework. Isabel, what did you discover about your future based on the alignment of stars?"
"Super costumes? Wait, they weren't talking about Halloween costumes? Oh man...now I have no ideas of what to do." Leon said, disappointed.

Although I'm not sure if I should go with Static Shock or Edison for my Halloween costume...Hmm depends on how I think they'd react to me being a comic book nerd...among a couple other things that clash with this person I've been showing them. Although I don't know if costumes should really be on my priority list right now, I've got other things to do. I need to get my class schedule, room key, find out where all my classes are, and then I need to get my stuff and bring it to my room. I'd like to go for a swim before the night ends too.I wonder what my roommate will be like.

"Making a costume won't be a problem, it wouldn't be my first time making something like that" he muttered to himself, "I just need to think of something first." He shook his head trying to clear out the clutter of thoughts.

"So what's everyone else thinking of?" he said louder, addressing the three of them.

@CosmicChangeling @Homage @The Suspicious Eye
Nickolaus was... disturbed, to say the least. The class was very strange even for a super school, not to mention the fact they're trying to put "morality" and "torture" together. Odd. He wondered what he should make for his costume. Perhaps a black-and-white swirl? Maybe he wouldn't need to make one, having not been here before and new to the whole "superhero school" idea. However the idea of actually hypnotizing people with his very body did sound nice- and definitely not something he would say out loud.

"Vhy are ve making costumes?" He asked, "Is it for vhen vwe... gggrrr-...-graduuaate? Or vill ve be using it before?... Now? Mmm..."
Min looked up as Leon spoke up. Blushing a deeper crimson she could feel her pulse quicken as he spoke to her. Luckily the teacher came in quite a dramatic entrance. She was very grateful for the entrance. Not that she didn't enjoy Leon's voice, but because if she got any more exited she might accidentally set both of them on fire. Min could survive, but she was worried about Leon. The last thing I'd want to do is hurt him.

Min looked to Mr. Drake as he talked about the paper on the morality of torture. She had already done it the day of, truthfully the topic fascinated her. Although she did not find much in the morality in the practice, she found a lot in the means. Her paper turned into more like a book spanning over 40 pages. Feeling a bit guilty she wondered if she should turn in the paper. I guess it's better to turn it in than not. She listed about the costume choice for the tournament. She wasn't one to dress quite eccentrically as Mr. Drake, but she did have something in mind.

As Drake left she looked up at Nia warmly. "We can talk about costumes. As for the paper well..." Giving and embarrassed smile she pulled out her forty page paper paper from her bag. "I kinda went overboard on the paper." She looked between Nia and Leon and blushed even deeper. I should have stopped at page fifteen.

Leon's question snapped her out of her embarrassment. She thought about what she would be. To be honest she didn't really worry about it, with her ability she could wear anything she wished. "I'm not sure about what to go with. I had an idea, but I think it might be ridiculous." She smiled and tugged her hair.

@Brinni @Homage @CosmicChangeling
Darke felt his hand twitch, and for a moment he was tempted to grab a cigarette from his pants pockets, but the temptation rapidly vanished. Instead, he spoke to his fellow teacher. It was just as likely to end in Darke's death, but he figured a quick death by Elastic was better than slow death by cancer. "Tim, I'm not here to antagonize you, I'm here to warn you. Those kids are coming to my class with broken bones. They have fresh bruises, are out of breath, and half of them come to class later because they end up with the nurse. Hell, your-" Darke stopped himself there, not about to touch on the subject of Elastic's family. He was risking enough even speaking to the man.


Vi rolled her eyes internally when Turner called on her. The woman was obsessed with the false sciences, like Astrology and Tea Reading. Vi humored her for the sake of her grade, but she had no other reason to care about her. "My future was weird. If the stars are right, I was supposed to fight a bull and win without throwing a punch." That was at least what Vi assumed it meant. She had been guessing when she 'read' the stars the night before.


Before answering Aiden or Leon, Nialla turned to the new kid. Two in one day, and both foreign? "Right, you weren't in Elastic's class. There's an annual Halloween tournament. For it, you have to make a costume. I guess Darke's in charge of getting us to make our costumes." After explaining, she turned to the others, first Aiden, then Leon-

Of course, she didn't expect Min's novel of a paper. She tried holding it in, but Nialla couldn't help laughing at the size of it. She thought she was working hard to make her paper five pages long, and there was Min with a paper longer than senior final papers were expected to be. "Min... That's amazing. Seriously."

After Nialla calmed her breathing, she turned to everyone, now in a sort of circle around Min's desk. "My idea for a costume? Well, there's no originality expected of us yet, so I think I'll be cosplaying as Leona from League of Legends." She didn't want to explain who that was, so she immediately turned to the others. "Min, your idea can't be bad, just tell us. I promise I won't judge."

@The Suspicious Eye



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He. Had. No. Right. To. Use. His. Real. Name.

The door flung open, a long taffy strenched arm snapped out, the fist enlarged like a three foot mallet shot at Darke's chest. Or attempted to. If the fucker teleported out of the way, it was just going to stretch until it slammed into the bleachers....the very very damanged bleachers.

Elastic stepped out, his door locking. No one looked inside his office. No one stepped in his office BUT him. "THAT is none of your business." he snapped.

"As for the other shit. This is my class. I teach it how I fucking see fit. I'm teaching these kids that the real world doesn't give you kiddie gloves. Real life heroing you break bones, you almost bleed out. If you aren't near death then you aren't fucking trying. And, all they have to do is all gang up on me. Only three of them were defending other students. One physically confronted me for it. A hero is forged with steel...and I'm sorry if you think that's too fucking 'aggressive' for you. No. I'm not sorry. Unless you bring Hapswell here and he fucking tells me I need to lay off you really have no fucking business here."


"Well you were probably looking at Taurus, do you mind if I look at your star patterns you drew?" Ms. Turner smiled, probably clueless as ever. A red bird, with firey colored wings sat on Isabell's desk, taking the assignment from her and dropping it on the teacher's lap.

A python, pheonix, and all sorts of exotic animals were in this classroom. Arnold was probably the most intelligent of them. How the bird even knew what assignment was which was another question.

"Oh I see. It says here you're struggling with some sort of identity crisis I think. Good fortunes will be in your future but a cost will be paid for it to happen." She put the paper on her desk. "But great first attempt Isabell, we'll have you reading this with your eyes closed at the end of the semester. Now...for the fun part. I get to share with you all what will be going on for the Homecoming festivities.


"They have us do the costumes to get us prepared for our senior year, when we intern in the real world. Plus when you get to see the whole school in their super attires, it's excited. Or...well I assume it's exciting. I've never actually seen the whole school in their outfits." Aidan said.

"I'm dressing as a detective with a mask. I want to solve cold cases when I get out of here. Help families that didn't get answers to when their loved ones passed. That's something I know I can actually do right."
Hare piped up while doing the work on her essay. "So Aiden, are you and your girlfriend going to have matching costumes? It'd be super cute if you did. How about you handsome?" Directing that towards Léon, she continued. "Figured out what you're doing yet?"

"Not yet. A couple ideas, but nothing big yet" he responded. "So Min what are you doing for yours?"

If originality isn't actually an issue, then I should be all set with making a costume. Now the only question is which version should I do? Actually the biggest question is how am I going to get the materials....I could ask Lexi for help. She could get me into a fabric shop in town.
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Blushing deeply at Nia's compliment she twisted her hair and smiled. "I...It was a really interesting subject... I just feel kind of bad for Mr. Drake having to read it all." She let go of her hair and began nervously tapping the pencil against the paper. As the conversation continued Min looked at all the people who were too close in her range. All the students were gathering around Nia's magnetic personality. Min envied that quality of her, unlike herself who tried to keep her distance. Taking slow breaths she tried her best to focusing on her breathing. Don't do anything drastic Min. No need for a disembodiment or anything like that. Just try to stay normal. It was harder for Min to keep control of her powers when activated. A simple thought or whim would shift into exactly what she wanted. Powerful, yet frightening when she's surrounded by people she wants to keep safe. Especially since she knows she is not alone. With a slow movement she stopped tapping her pencil and looked to the others.

She gave a nervous smile and spoke up. "Well, when I was a kid I always loved the story of Red Riding Hood. The story of a girl staying from the path, lured by mystery, a beast stalking behind her waiting to devour her, the brave huntsman who saved her. The story had such great impact on me, like a sway of sorts. I already have the hood. It was a gift from my grandmother before we left my wor... uh... Germany." Almost slipped up there. There are very few people who know where she is really from. Her mother made it quite clear not to let the people of this world know where she is from. It's the reason her mother made sure that their doubles here left their country and changed their names. Thinking of her grandmother she gave a warm smile. "She knew I always loved the color red." She blushed embarrassed about being caught up in the past. "So I thought I would go as her." She gave a embarrassed shrug. "I know it must be cliche to dress as a fairy tale character... so maybe I won't do it."

@Brinni @Coriandr @Homage @CosmicChangeling
His face brightened. Aidan went to play with his fingers as a distraction, but couldn't feel them. Couldn't even tell if they were moving, they still felt tingly from learning about the scientific method. "I uh...I don't have a girlfriend, Harriett."

Plus, Lexi wouldn't want to dress as a detective. "And...I don't think talking about costumes or anything is something Lexi wants to do. She's been through a lot, and she doesn't feel like she is worth even being a super hero." He had been in her head more than he cared to actually admit (It felt wrong really to some degree) The over racking guilt for being alive. What happened to her, nearly fifty men were killed and she was the lucky one. She thought about her siblings, who were just toddlers and would grow up thinking their big sister died in an explosion.

No, talking about matching costumes or the joys of being a hero would probably be one of the worst ideas he could do. But, that did bring another idea in his head.

"Min, the whole point of these Homecoming events are for you to be creative and do what you want to do." Aidan said. "Be Red Riding hood, I think it will look great."
Nickolaus perked up- another German! Good, he won't be alone in this world of strange accents and stranger language. He turned to the girl she said and stepped up to her. "D-Du sprichst Deutsch?"("Y-You speak German?") He asked her, eyes directly to hers, slightly excited in the fact he'd already found another German- perhaps there were more! He held his hands behind him, twiddling his thumbs in anticipation of her answer, even if it would only take a second. He couldn't help but let a grin cross his face, but he kept it down so as to not look like a buffoon. That would be embarrassing, to freak out the first possible person he could understand, not just language but the idea of living with foreign people in a foreign world- plus it seemed she spoke fluent English, so she could be a good translator.

@The Suspicious Eye
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Darke rubbed his head after teleporting out of the way of Elastic's attack, more out of frustration than anything. "Don't get dramatic with me. Have you seen what I'm wearing? I've had enough drama for one lifetime." Darke kept his cool, and managed to keep his tone emotionless as he joked. The goal wasn't to cost Elastic his job, it was just to make him understand that he was assaulting children.

"But maybe, just maybe, you need a reminder that this isn't the real world. There's a bit of difference between preparing kids for that world and killing them before they even step outside." After looking around at the damaged room, Darke noticed the window, and sighed. "Not every student is able to brush off your attacks like Clark or Rendt. You're going to actually kill someone, and then what will you do? You may still despise me, and feel free to, but I'm trying to help you before you do something you'll never forgive yourself for." Darke knew how that felt, he didn't want his former enemy to reach that point. Even if the bastard fucking deserved it.


Vi no longer reacted to the bird taking assignments. Her personal theory was that it at some point switched brains with Turner, and they never switched back. It'd explain why the bird seemed smarter than her. "What festivities?" She was mildly confused, to her knowledge there had been no scheduled celebration for Homecoming. The only thing of importance nearby was the tournament, but that was weeks away.


Nialla gave a slight 'aww' at Min's idea to be Red Riding Hood for Halloween, almost completely ignoring her slip up about Germany. She wanted to see the girl dress like Little Red, she was Nia's favorite fairy tale character growing up. When Min expressed discomfort with the idea, Nialla moved to support her. "No way! That's a beautiful idea, and an amazing way to honor your grandmother."

When the new kid began speaking German to Min, Nialla's eyes immediately widened and she backed up slightly, taken off guard by the sudden language shift. It sucked that he wasn't speaking Spanish, her years with Vi's family made her almost fluent in it. With a shrug, she turned Leon and Aiden, continuing where Aiden last spoke about Lexi. "Aiden, I think Lexi's more than worth it. In my opinion, she's a hero through and through. Heck, she's probably saved more lives in the gym with Elastic than anyone else in the school's history." Nialla left out the fact that her admiration was also partially a crush, feeling slightly regretful that her first emotion when Aiden announced that he didn't have a girlfriend was relief.

@The Suspicious Eye



Min smiled bashfully and looked to the both of them. "Thank you Aidan and Nia. I think I'll do so then. I'm sure my grandmother will appreciate it." Relived that everyone thought it was a good idea, min continued to contemplate maneuverability. She would need something to move in while fighting. I guess I could just use one of my dresses. Yes I think that will work. Simple yet functional. Pleased that everyone enjoyed the idea, she felt a bit more calm. That is until someone spoke up in german.

She looked at the new stranger she hadn't even noticed before. He was speaking german, it had been a while, since she spoke it. "Ja, e-ein bisschen. Meine Mutter ist Deutsch (yes, a-a little bit. My mother is German)." She was worried that she said something wrong. Her mother talked to her for seven years in german. However, ever since her mother started working on a vaccine for some disease she stopped talking to Min altogether. Sometimes she was glad to be relieved of all her extracurriculars that her mother forced onto her, like fencing, but in the end. In the end my house doesn't feel like a home, its cold and empty. It was one of the reason she was happy to be live on campus here.

She looked at the new kid, surprised that there was another german speaking student at this school. "I'm sorry I'm not the best at it. I haven't practiced in a few years." Giving a nervous smile she really didn't want to get this boys hopes up. She could understand it well enough, but her confidence in the language was always lacking. "You know what they say, wer rastet, der rostet (He who rests grows rusty)."

@Homage @Coriandr @CosmicChangeling @Brinni
"Oh no, silly. There is so much more." Clara beamed. "This is the one time in the year the school opens its doors to parents. This Homecoming is for the families as much as it is for you guys."

Lexi physically groaned when families were mentioned.

"Alexandra, whats wrong?"

"Oh nothing...."she snappes bitterly. "Maybe some of us dont have families. Some of us dont even want to compete in this stupid tournament. But no, rub salt in the wound why dont you? I will just bend over and take it."

No one responded. Lexi looked around and saw the world was nothing but statues again. Frustrated she slammed her fist into the table, a long crack was the response.

Clara asked Ms. Clark what eas wrong, and for a second she seemed out of frame, the desk now cracked, the girl was wearing a sweartshirt now, hoodie over ber face and arms crossed.

"Nothing, i am just tired..."


"We see her that way. No, the whole homecoming thing is going to be tough. Its the day all the families visit the school."

For all intent and purposes....lexi was an orphan. Sanctioned by the feds themselves.

"But we do have the dance to close the festivities. That will be fun."


Dramatic. He was beinf dramatic....elastic seemed to grow taller and taller as his face reddened. Not with blush or anything productive....just rage.

"Are you speaking from personal experience?" He snapped. "Despite what you think, i know what im doing. Eight years, not a single dead student." His arm snapped to the office door, opening it and retrieving a clipboard. "I know the powers of every frikken kid. I know who is more durable and who isnt. If youre going to continue to insinuate my incompetence you have fove more seconds before i beat the shit out of you."

Clark was easilly going to be one of the legends. That was obvious. She could handle being tossed out a window once and awhile.

There was a time when these two had been friends. They had gone to this school together and well....that was history. In school it was like a game of cheas your best bud was the antagonist hero or villain and you tried to outwit them.

Fun....until fucking bastards decide hey....i just want to dessimate your entire life then teach at the same fucking school as you so you constantly relive rhe worst day of your life.

But hey....the fucking man in stilletohs "cared".

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