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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

"RUSH IS DISQUALIFIED. BRICK WINS." The announcer yelled. The murmurs from parents, students, kids grew with uncomfortableness. They all just witnessed a kid be murdered (If he lived it was a miracle) infront of their eyes that for the announcer to yell that was ill-timing and ill-fitting. Louise's challenge to the rest of the school was met by a giant liger taking a seat on her.

In this moment, Clara Turner hated her job. She had wanted to stop the fight at the first touch and hapswell probably saw her shifting shapes, so a loud high curtling pitch would enter her brain at every moment she tried. When Rush had broken the rules and Aidan was off the stage the pitch stopped and she had a choice again. Her choice....to turn into one of the most massively heavy animals that was not terrifying to children and sit on Louise. The fight was over. Done. If she had her way this girl would not fight another student today.

She could try lifting Clara off, but if she did, and Clara realized she underestimated the girl's strength....well....it had been a long time since she morphed into T Rex....not a friendly site but the weight would be there.


Robert and Annalise Turner had watched horrified. For the father, his son was an idiot. There was nothing noble about talking to someone beating the shit out of you. He should have jumped off the stage first blow, when that punch alone altered his face, it was probably more than just his nose that was broken. But no....he continued and it was a horror show.

For Annalise...there was a point where all she heard was white noise and her vision became spotty. When he dissapeared off the stage the father ran out to the nurse's office, the mother beelined for the principal. "You."

He looked up, seeing a mouse of a woman, Hapswell was probably the only one here where he didn't look bothered by this. "Me."

THe response did nothing to calm the woman's nerves. "You. You monster. Not one of you did a single thing to help him. You all watched. You and your powers your stupid fucking powers. I will BURY you and this place. This institution will BURN."

Raising a brow he just looked at her. "You done?"

"I'm sueing you." She yelled.

"You're not the first mother, not going to be the last. In the mean time, you really look like a shrew right now, I'd get that fixed."

There was untangeable screaming on her end but the words were there inbreds and that people with powers deserved to be treated like the animals they were and she would see to it with what happened to her son. Savolt stretched from his nap and looked up confused at what was going on, but he heard the genocidal beginnings of a madwoman and stood up.

with a yawn, he placed his hand on her shoulder. "Time to walk outside before you continue saying supers are bad.....in a school for supers."


She couldn't move. Hare was supposed to be a speedster. What the fuck was this. She had never felt this much weight crushing ontop of her chest before. The only reason it probably didn't cave in was her body was massively repairng and healing as Hare held her down. Hare would feel the vibrating of Lexi resisting for quite some time until eventually she broke down in intangible sobs. She tried saying 'ok....ok...please get off me' but it didn't come out in english, and all she could muster was closing her eyes and nodding her head that she agreed....she needed to see him.

Lexi flickerd out of the gym the very millisecond the weight was off her.


He was flatlining.

Lexi flickered into sight, her eyes looking hollow, helmet clattering on the ground as she saw it. The nurse was swearing 'do not fucking die on me' but everything seemed to move and sound like she was underwater. This was not her powers. This was trauma.

The nurse snapped her head towards Leon. "You. You have electricity, I need you to restart his heart while I'm working on the bleeding." no, can you do this? not encouraging pep talk. "NOW!"

She was powerless here, all lexi could do....was grab his hand and squeeze.
Min looked at Aidan worriedly as she felt Aidan's heart stop. She flinched as the nurse shouted at Leon to help him. Min looked at Leon and nodded. "Go help him, I'm fine." She slowly slid out of his arms and to her legs. Min wasn't strong enough to stand yet so she leaned against a cabinet. She coughed into her hand as she looked at Leon go to Aidan. In her palm was red blood, from her internal bleeding. She ignored it and looked to Aidan worriedly. You're going to die, but his death may help you. Min quickly shook her head, thoughts like that wouldn't help Aidan. I'm not going to kill him, he's my friend. He'll make it through this. There was silence in her mind before a small giggle erupted and echoed through her mind. She couldn't block it out, the voice was overwhelming. She was too weak to help herself or Aidan. Her power was weak, it was starting to pull from her body. Any more may tear her to shreds.

She averted her gaze from Aidan and looked at Lexi. She couldn't imagine what she was feeling. Min wished she could do something, anything. The dark giggle quieted as something growled deep inside her mind. Give us your smile and we will give you the strength. Min closed her eyes and winced at the pain. You gave us how you cry, give us how you smile. She shook her head and staggered over to Lexi and hugged her. The voices quieted as she hugged Lexi tightly. She looked from Lexi to Aidan and prayed he'd make it through.
She needs to be ok, please let her be ok. The thought played over and over in his mind as he made his way to the nurses office. He felt her snuggle closer to him and his heart slowed slightly. He wasn't sure what had happened, but at least he knew that the first friend, not to mention that she was his girlfriend now, he had made in this strange country wasn't dead. When the nurse said she had fainted from blood loss he was relieved. He didn't question that there was no injury, had she not fixed his nose the way she did he may have. Instead he sat in a chair and stroked her hair. Waiting for her to wake up he watched Louise and Aiden's fight. Seeing what she did, he grew furious.

I'm going to cook her from the inside out for that.

No sooner had he had the thought than Aiden was in the bed next to him. That was when she woke up.

she said.

"Hey yourself" he replied, visibly relaxing. "You fainted outside the gym"

He watched as Min and the nurse worked in tandem to try and save Aiden.

"Thank you for carrying me here, but I'm fine."
Her red eyes were glowing brightly. "I just fainted from seeing that monster try to tear through that girl. She is alright?"

"I don't understand what you mean Min. I wasn't with you after the riddles."

Leon's head snapped to the side as he heard the monitor for Aiden flat line.

If he dies, so will Louise. And I will make her feel pain the thought didn't even bother him that he was willing to kill Louise for hurting somebody he only knew for two weeks.

The nurse yelled at him to restart his heart

I don't know if I can he thought to himself, the fear visible on his face. Too much and I could fry his heart. I can't-

"Go help him, I'm fine."

I can't sit by and do nothing.

He walked over to Aiden and placed his hands on either side of his friends heart. He had no idea how much electricity to use. He settled on 200 Joules, thinking of the one time he had watched a medical drama.

Please let this work "Step back"

He pushed the electricity into his friend and roommate. He couldn't help but realize that his condition was partly his fault. He could still see some of the bruises he had left.

Maybe he'd be in better condition if it weren't for me

The realization crushed him.

*beep* *beep*

He felt relief as he heard the monitor beep as Aiden's heart started beating again. His body shook with silent crying. Relief, shame, and guilt were the causes.


Harriet got up once she was sure Lexi had gotten the message and wasn't going to try anything with Louise. Lexi disappeared. She cracked her neck and turned to Louise. Hearing Nia's voice she smiled.

"Thanks, but I don't want you getting hurt. You should go be with Aiden and the rest of your friends they need you." She walked forwards towards Louise, as she tossed the liger into the crowd.

"HEY BRICK. Interesting name choice. Are you broadcasting your intelligence, just so recruiters don't mistake you for a strategist or leader? If so, perfect choice. Come on, I'm on your shit list too right? Show me what you got"

@Homage @CosmicChangeling @The Suspicious Eye
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As the ligers was flung in mid air a jurassic roar bellowed as Clara changed shape to a large t-rex. There was a bellow and children looked in awe as parents gasped in horror, her head cracking the ceiling debris dropping.

The tail body slammed louise into the ground, the wooden floors breaking.

Clara had been a two time champion for this tournament. The only one to date. If she decided this fight was over....it was over.


"Why did you make me come out here anyway?" She asked. The two of them sat on a fieldaily outside, the sun was setting, rays of light through the leaves above then.

"I like looking at the sunset."

"Aidan...you can't even see it."

"No....but you can. And you've been miserable all week. So I thought you needed it more." He shrugged. "Besides I'll probably get to see it tomorrow if you keep catching me before I fall so I still get to see it."

Lexi looked at him her hand reaching for his but she pulled it back. "You're such a goofball."

"I'm going to get you to smile one day, Lexi Clark, and you'll want to be happy again."

She did, for the first time since she died, she smiled....but she would never tell him.

The nurse visibly relaxed when his heart started again, his lungs and spleen healed she placed both hands on his head doing her work. She glanced at the other girl knowing full well she wouldn't have time to finish fully healing the accident prone turner. But she did enough that he would be stable. The bones and bruising she could do later.

"You off my arch nemesis, in a bed. Your internally bleeding and I need to fix you,"she waved her finger towards to the cart.

Lexi looked out of it, she didn't see leon or min or even Rachel. If she did, it wasn't what she focused on. She got on her knees, cupping his hand with both of hers and stared at him looking like she had died all over again.

The tears streamed down her face, his face wasn't recognizable....and it was all her fault. She got involved in matters she shouldn't have. She picked a fight with someone she should have never talked to in the first place.

Elastic had told her it all came back to bite....and bite it did. As he was flattening her face contorted. "You did make me smile," She sobbed. "You made me want to be happy again....but that's with you. I can't do this without you....you can't just leave like this," her voice cracking.

The beating returned, due to leon but all Lexi could manage to do was rest her forehead on his hand and cry.

He squeezed back.
Louise took a tail whip to the chest like a champ. She was, of course, fucked up beyond reason, but her injuries could be healed at a moment's notice. Without saying anything, she gave Turner, Hare, and Nia the finger, then left.


"That was... Only kinda scary." Nia said after a moment, taking time to gather her thoughts. Clara Turner could be truly a sight to see when she wanted to. It was odd that she played the part of ditsy teacher so often and well.

She looked to Hare for a moment, and had to bite her tongue to keep herself from asking the girl to the dance. She wanted more than anything to ask, but fear of the unknown kept her afraid, and silent.


Nat had spent the entirety of that first fight getting as many parents as she could to leave the building. Unfortunately, even after the apparent bloodbath of a fight, only a dozen parents were willing to leave.

She sighed, and looked for Tim and Ben. They needed a better plan.
Clara morphed back to her ditzy blonde self and began smiling and reassuring parents everything was going to be ok. In the back of her mind she wanted to have a firm talking to with Hapswell about how far he allowed tournaments to go. Using Loretta's power on her just to prevent her from stepping in was a low blow, and a student may have lost their life for it.

Despite what MANY students thought....Clara Turner was one of the few teachers you ever wanted on her shit list. As Louise gave her the middle finger the woman made note of it. If this student progressed with aggressions like this, well...there was something she could do about it.

Hapswell placed a hand on both the shoulder of Nia and Hare smiling as he watched the T Rex do her job. "Did you really believe I hired that woman for her teaching ability? That's adorable." Patting them quickly he left to go talk to the villain organizations. That was probably worth a few million right there.


Tim grabbed Nat's arm when he found her. "They are not bombs, Nat. I'm calling off the tournament. Take Nia and leave. Now." his eye twitched as he struggled on the words next. He moved his lips at first and nothing came out....he tried again. "If....you. need. tooo i will aask," each word was physical pain. "Darke to teleport you out." Knives literally stabbing his insides.

He grabbed both of her shoulders, she was still taller than him. But he wanted her to know how serious this was. "It's tracking devices. I need to find Hapwsell and we need to start evacuating the shit out of this place....but you can't help me, you need to take care of Nia and only her."

He wasn't dealing with this shit twice. He'd literally murder everyone on this planet if he had to go through the same exact thing twice.
Min was relieved, when she heard the steady beeping of the machine as Aidan's heart. She looked at Lexi and smiled as the girl rested her head against Aidan's hand. Patting Lexi's head she looked down at her. She needs to be with him. Lexi should be the first thing Aidan sees. I know who'd I'd want to wake up to.

Letting go of Lexi she got up and went to Leon. Sliding her arms around his chest she held him close. Resting her head against his chest she whispered softly. "Thank you. You saved his life." She looked up at him with tender love in her eyes. "You were amazing Leon." She gave him a soft smile, her lips regaining their color and sheen. Looking into his eyes she seemed to recover quickly. The nurse would have mentioned the internal wounds in her body if they weren't healing on their own. Min pulled herself close to Leon just happy to feel his warmth.


Rachel Miller

In the nurse's office, Rachel lie unconscious while the Nurse worked desperately on Aiden. She awoke, far paler than she should have been, clothes still stained with her own blood, as she looked up, groaning and rubbing a hand across her forehead. She sat up with a pained grunt, peering around the room. Lexi, blonde kid, white-hair girl from earlier who she refused to look at, nurse, and.. Aiden. Oh. Her grey eye widened in fear as she simply stared at his body, hearing the noise of the deadline, the solid, mechanical beep, which caused her eye to fill with tears. Why? He had been so nice in the short time they had known one another. He tried to help me and now.. he's dead... how? Who? What if... what if I had done it? The claw that..... did it kill him? she thought, shaking her head in sorrow and grief, not wanting to look up at Lexi, in case it had been her fault. She heard the Nurse bellow for someone to restart Aiden's heart with electricity, and she looked up, watching as another boy shot volts of electricity into Aiden's chest with his hands. She continued to watch, as the process was repeated a few times, before the beep could be heard, of Aiden's heart coming back.

She let out a heavy breath, wiping a few tears off her cheek, grateful that he wasn't dead, although it might have been her fault if he had. What happened to him though? Had she hurt him? Why? Why couldn't she have been strong enough to hold The Beast back? Why did it have to be him? She clamped her hands on her temples, continuing to shake her head, trying to convince herself it wasn't true but it felt so real.

Lexi simply cried, resting her head in Aiden's hand, as Min turned to hug Leon, and she simply sat in her bed, staring at Aiden, so terribly confused and feeling terribly alone. The only other person she was close to was Lux, and they weren't that close, plus he wasn't here right now. Aiden had learned her darkest secrets, and he might have paid terribly for it, although not by her hand.
The nurse tapped her foot impatiently as Min clung to Leon on the bed cart and kissed him. Teenagers with super powers all believed their lices were the big movies on screen and it was just totally fine to make out while the nurse tried healing you. She let out a heavy groan placing her hand on min's back, turning away as they did what kids do. Atleast she could heal the immediate damage.

When she was finished with Min she looked over at the other on. "Sit down." she pointed at her strentching. She was sweating and looked exhausted but she walked over to her, pressed two hands on her chest. "Stay still"

Rachel would begin to feel a warm glow her wounds and aches would soon fade away
She only thanking me because she doesn't know. I could have killed him with my electricity, I beat him up before his fight, i didn't make sure he went straight to the nurse's instead of confronting his mother.

He looked at her, at the love in her eyes...and looked away.

"I don't deserve the way you're looking at me Min. And I definitely don't deserve your thanks. I could have killed him trying to start his heart. But worst of all, he'd be in better condition if it wasn't for me. The bruises he had before the fight came from me. I caused them. If not for me his body would be in much better condition. Worst of all, even after I gave him all those bruises I didn't make sure he came straight here. I understand if you want to hurt me Lexi, I know I would. Same for you Min. If you want to stop whatever this is we have, I'd understand.

@CosmicChangeling @The Suspicious Eye
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Lexi looked up, lip trembling, he was squeezing back, she used her back leg to pull the chair behind her closer so she could sit, not once letting go. Leon's words came in jumbled, like radio noise, she caught 'i wouldn't blame you for how you felt' eveything else didn't matter at that point as she turned to look at him. Her body tensed as she tried not to grip the hand, gaze never leaving leon or min. "I. Want. To. Know. Why. Nia. Stopped. Me.," she gritted through her teeth, a tear rolling down her blood raged eyes.

There was no ill-anger on Leon on the events that led to Aidan's demise. She blamed herself for that role, but there was definitely ill-rage in someone.
Min looked at him worriedly as he turned away. She shook her head as he spoke, she didn't want him to think that way. It wasn't true, Min knew it wasn't true. It hurt her to think he thought that way. I need to tell him. She raised a hand to his cheek and gently moved his head to look at her. Looking up into Leon's eyes she spoke truly. "Leon you saved Aidan's life. You could have killed him, but you didn't you saved his life. He is alive because you saved him. Nothing else matters. You did something heroic." She smiled at him, hoping her words meant something to him. "In my eyes, you are the man who saved my dying friend. I would never want to hurt you and the last thing I'd ever want to do is stop what we have." She leaned upward and kissed him softly on the lips. "Besides we've just gotten stared."

She felt the cuts on her back begin to slowly heal from the nurse's hand. It would take time for her heart to pump enough blood for her to fight. Truthfully she was just blessed that it wasn't an attack. Her mother's monthly testing and treatments seem to have helped her greatly. She'd have to stay in the nurses office until she regained a proper heart beat. Otherwise she might go into cardiac arrest or form blood clots into her body leading to tumors.

Min looked to Lexi as she turned to them. She could tell that she was angry, but this rage at Nia was misdirected. Min didn't know why she was mad, but she knew that Nia would never do anything to hurt Lexi. The three of them were best friends. "Lexi, try to calm down." She slowly let go of Leon and raised her hands up taking a step closer to Lexi. "I don't know what you're talking about. Nia would never do anything to hurt you or Aidan. If you need to talk to her, you need to talk with a level head. Right now you're feel like you need to do something, to hurt something, because Aidan nearly died. But he's alive, Lexi. He's alive and healing. Be happy about that. Then blow off some steam. After you've done all that. We'll all sit down. You, me and Nia and talk together. With a level head."

@Brinni @CosmicChangeling
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Vi had left the stadium as soon as Professor Pigeon took control of the Louise situation (She could turn into a dinosaur?!?), knowing Nialla was at least mostly safe and sound. If Louise touched Nia Vi would just fuck up her boyfriend in response, then force herself to make it to the final match and bring Louise to near death. Louise lost in her first fight against Vi, Vi had little doubt she'd be able to toss Louise across the stadium without even moving if need be.

What she saw when she left, was a furious rat faced witch muttering 'lawsuit' and 'my baby' over and over again. It took a moment, but Vi recognized the solid red woman as Aiden's mom. She noted the woman was likely moving to the infirmary, where she would probably abuse Aiden more. It disgusted Vi to no end, but she couldn't attack the woman in the school, not with so many cameras and witnesses. Instead, she moved to the infirmary first, in an attempt to clear out Aiden's friends so the woman wouldn't have more reason to pull Aiden out of the school.

She ran, getting a look from the woman but not much else, and managed to make it to the infirmary long before she did. Noting Leon, who was up next in the tournament, and Lexi, standing over their respective friends, she pointed out the door and spoke. "Both of you, out. Aiden's mom is on her way here and she looks furious. Let's not give her any more reason to want to take Aiden from here."

@Brinni @CosmicChangeling


When Tim made his request, Nat only shook her head. "I can't do that. The parents won't leave without damn good reason, and I'm not leaving innocents behind to die while I run away. If Nia ever forgave me for hiding you from her, she wouldn't bring herself to consider me her own mother for forcing her to abandon her new home out of fear." She smiled, in a cocky sort of way she hadn't done since her days assisting heroes, years ago. "And besides, which of us was the best at handling out of control situations?" A potential attack of the school was grim, but Nat couldn't help but feel excited. Finally, after over a decade of doing nothing but hunting down small time criminals, she could do something.


Benjamin Kader Daniels was smoking a cigarette in his office while he grabbed what gear he had, thanks to help from DuValt, his makeshift assistant. The kid was good, if only he hadn't messed up by joining up with Louise. He would have been one hell of an inventor. Hell, maybe over the course of the next few months he could end up becoming more independent, maybe making choices about his future for himself.

After several minutes of prepwork, more than a little teleporting, and at one point breaking into a museum and stealing his old gear, Darke felt ready. He had enough ammo and enough makeshift weapons that whoever attacked the school would suffer severely. He even had Nat's old costume and tools, if Tim hadn't made her leave...

Darke had a chuckle at that. Tim couldn't control Nat no matter how hard he tried. She was a wildfire. She would probably end up leading the evacuation, once shit went down.
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No, Nia didn't hurt her. Nia threw up a barrier preventing Lexi from jumping in sooner. For whatever FUCK reason she couldn't possibly grasp. It had been up until Aidan couldn't move, not down after the first punch or even second. Lexi blamed herself, not Leon or anyone else, for any bruise that he had. If she wasn't arrogant enough to just complete the obstacle course for him, he wouldn't have wanted to prove to everyone he was capable of standing on his own and wouldn't have picked fights with anyone. If she wasn't using her super powers and humiliating Louise, she never would have went after him. Every bruise, cut....that was on her.

But taking away her ability to save him sooner. That wasn't. The anger bubbling. A stranger in a spinter cell outfit had come in at the door before Lexi could snap at Min telling them to leave. She looked back down, his hand still holding hers, she shook her head. She wasn't leaving not now.

Robert had the head start over his wife, skidding to the door of the nurse and almost tripping and faceplanting into the family. The graceful elegance of balance was clearly a family tradition passed down from father to son.

"Miss uhh....my son he has a trench coat on, gold eyes, was beaten to a-"

"My name is..." the students couldn't hear her as she said it the loud commotion outside sounded like two students were fighting about a relationship issue slamming their locker too hard the moment she had said it. "Your son is over by that cot, I stopped all the fatal injuries and will proceed to finish once i get rid of the more aggressive and immediate ones of these students."

He nodded his thank you and turned his head left to see him there. He was black and blue, hints of brown all over, his face had been healed while the nurse was stopping the annorism that you could see it was him, just swollen and a little puffy vs unrecognizable. Rob wiped his face as he made his way over, pulling a chair next to lexi and placed a hand on his son's knee.

"Thank you, you got him out of there, I don't know what would have happened to him if you didn't get him out there and punch that girl into the wall."

She just looked at him unable to talk, opening her mouth then closing it to just look back at his hand holding hers.

Annalise had fire in her eyes, and someone was going to feel the wrath of it. She made her way to the nurse stepping inside the door frame. She brushed by the clowns in their costumes and wanted to strangle all of them. Every single one of them. Her son was not one of these freaks, and him pretending to be one nearly got him killed. She looked at Robert who was sitting next to the transgendered hebeast thanking it for saving their son, when it was just the opposite effect.

"Everyone out that is not my husband," She hissed, her voice filled with venom.

The nurse let out an audible laugh wiping the sweat off her forehead when she finished both Min and Rachel. Her body felt exhausted...today had been a rough day and she was only filled with so much given energy. "You have zero authority in this room, yet you're speaking to me as if you own the facility. I have a job to do. I'm sorry," she looked around husband....ah, the older guy asking for Aidan. She made the connection "I'm sorry what happened to your son. I took care of the immediate injuries, it was touch and go for a minute but he's stable and I will finish when I regain my-"

"Regain your what? Or....or maybe do your job and take care of my son. Does that look like ok to you?! What sort of person of medicine are you?! He's HURT and your just fooling around-"

"Ok. One more negative sentence flung in my direction or questioning of my ability and I am throwing YOU out." She yelled back. "Your son is over there, I will attend to him immediately after I have enough energy to do so. If I do it now I will pass out and "Well....her natural talent was actually INFLICTING wounds and not healing them....so passing out while no longer concentrating and holding a student....there was no need to bring that up or put anyone through that.

Her days of war and high casualties were behind her anyways, thanks to her no good fucking brothers.

"I am getting a coffee," She finished, looking at her clothes. She needed to change, she looked like she had ran a marathon from all the energy she drained herself during the day. The nurse left the lot in her office taking her leave. Annalise twitched, instead of going to hold her son's hand she walked over, standing on the opposite side of the bed Rob and Lexi were at. "Tell the filthy whore to leave our son right now, Robert." She seethed.
Tim rubbed the bridge of his nose. "This isn't about taking a stand or worried about what she thinks of us." He tried to be calm. "This is about our kid and keeping her alive so she can hate us." If he had a choice in Nia's life, one would be to make sure she was never enrolled here or introduced to this sort of life. She would have been safer than being at a place where kids and people were playing with Death like he was their SnapChat follower or something.

When she asked who was the best at handling these situations he recalled the good old days, his lip twitching up until he shook his head and his permanent frown returned. "Those days died a long time ago. I'm going to Hapswell, but for the Love of Christ fucking listen to me for once."

As he left and began his verbal showdown with a crazy old man, he already knew the answer. She was fucking stubborn as shit.

Clara was walking past Nat as Elastic left her.
CosmicChangeling said:
No, Nia didn't hurt her. Nia threw up a barrier preventing Lexi from jumping in sooner. For whatever FUCK reason she couldn't possibly grasp. It had been up until Aidan couldn't move, not down after the first punch or even second. Lexi blamed herself, not Leon or anyone else, for any bruise that he had. If she wasn't arrogant enough to just complete the obstacle course for him, he wouldn't have wanted to prove to everyone he was capable of standing on his own and wouldn't have picked fights with anyone. If she wasn't using her super powers and humiliating Louise, she never would have went after him. Every bruise, cut....that was on her.
But taking away her ability to save him sooner. That wasn't. The anger bubbling. A stranger in a spinter cell outfit had come in at the door before Lexi could snap at Min telling them to leave. She looked back down, his hand still holding hers, she shook her head. She wasn't leaving not now.

Robert had the head start over his wife, skidding to the door of the nurse and almost tripping and faceplanting into the family. The graceful elegance of balance was clearly a family tradition passed down from father to son.

"Miss uhh....my son he has a trench coat on, gold eyes, was beaten to a-"

"My name is..." the students couldn't hear her as she said it the loud commotion outside sounded like two students were fighting about a relationship issue slamming their locker too hard the moment she had said it. "Your son is over by that cot, I stopped all the fatal injuries and will proceed to finish once i get rid of the more aggressive and immediate ones of these students."

He nodded his thank you and turned his head left to see him there. He was black and blue, hints of brown all over, his face had been healed while the nurse was stopping the annorism that you could see it was him, just swollen and a little puffy vs unrecognizable. Rob wiped his face as he made his way over, pulling a chair next to lexi and placed a hand on his son's knee.

"Thank you, you got him out of there, I don't know what would have happened to him if you didn't get him out there and punch that girl into the wall."

She just looked at him unable to talk, opening her mouth then closing it to just look back at his hand holding hers.

Annalise had fire in her eyes, and someone was going to feel the wrath of it. She made her way to the nurse stepping inside the door frame. She brushed by the clowns in their costumes and wanted to strangle all of them. Every single one of them. Her son was not one of these freaks, and him pretending to be one nearly got him killed. She looked at Robert who was sitting next to the transgendered hebeast thanking it for saving their son, when it was just the opposite effect.

"Everyone out that is not my husband," She hissed, her voice filled with venom.

The nurse let out an audible laugh wiping the sweat off her forehead when she finished both Min and Rachel. Her body felt exhausted...today had been a rough day and she was only filled with so much given energy. "You have zero authority in this room, yet you're speaking to me as if you own the facility. I have a job to do. I'm sorry," she looked around husband....ah, the older guy asking for Aidan. She made the connection "I'm sorry what happened to your son. I took care of the immediate injuries, it was touch and go for a minute but he's stable and I will finish when I regain my-"

"Regain your what? Or....or maybe do your job and take care of my son. Does that look like ok to you?! What sort of person of medicine are you?! He's HURT and your just fooling around-"

"Ok. One more negative sentence flung in my direction or questioning of my ability and I am throwing YOU out." She yelled back. "Your son is over there, I will attend to him immediately after I have enough energy to do so. If I do it now I will pass out and "Well....her natural talent was actually INFLICTING wounds and not healing them....so passing out while no longer concentrating and holding a student....there was no need to bring that up or put anyone through that.

Her days of war and high casualties were behind her anyways, thanks to her no good fucking brothers.

"I am getting a coffee," She finished, looking at her clothes. She needed to change, she looked like she had ran a marathon from all the energy she drained herself during the day. The nurse left the lot in her office taking her leave. Annalise twitched, instead of going to hold her son's hand she walked over, standing on the opposite side of the bed Rob and Lexi were at. "Tell the filthy whore to leave our son right now, Robert." She seethed.

Rachel Miller

Rachel wasn't paying attention to anyone other than the woman who had come in, who was seemingly Aiden's mother. She couldn't help but chuckle at the woman's attitude, and as she called Lexi a filthy whore. Rachel burst into laughter, as she stood up, her one eye focussed on the woman, full of something that looked quite like malevolence. She walked over, grinning. "Alright, let's go," she said pleasantly, before she simply grabbed the woman by the waist, and lifted her up effortlessly over her shoulder. "Say goodbye to everyone," she called out, laughing, tears still dripping down her face as she gave them all a wave, although her eye was locked on Aiden. She opened the door, stepped outside, and set Aiden's mother down. "Alright now," she growled, closing the door behind her. "You are going to stay out here, and you are going to shut the fuck up. Got that?" She asked, glaring down at the woman, although she wasn't much taller. "That "whore" is a very close friend of your son, and she cares alot for him, you ungrateful bastard." She didn't like the words or believe them herself, but she knew they had to be said. "And the nurse doesn't deserve your shit either. No normal hospital could have saved his life but she just did. You are going to be respectful. What would your son think, to find out his weasel-faced little shit of a mother treated the one who saved his life in such a way?" She growled, hoping that blunt little message was enough to hammer through her thick skull. "Don't make me talk to you again." She stepped back inside, and closed the door behind her, moving over to Aiden's bedside, staring down at him and his wounds, eyes full of worry. "I'm sorry..." She whimpered, voice soaked with guilt. "I didn't mean to make this happen. I didn't want to hurt you."
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Lexi looked up at Rachel confused. Any and all jealousy she had on the girl was gone. There was no need for it anymore. She was wrapped in her own guilt blanket still holding him.

"Rachel....this wasn't your fault. Aidan calmed you down.....whatever it was that happened with you." She wiped her face with one hand and went back to holding his hand. "This is on me....mr. turner, the girl who did this....she only did this because she wanted to hurt me after i humiliated her. All of this ia my fault you shouldnt be thanking me....and rachel you shouldnt be blaming yourself. Neither should you leon..."

Rob looked her down then the other girl who carried his wife away which would obly lead to bad things. He rubbed lexis back. "You didnt do this."

(Phone it's not going to be as epic as I wanted it to be)

Needless to say, Annalise was shocked and enraged. Her shrew face turning three or four shades of purple at what just happened here and the odacity this cyclops had at speaking to her this way.

She stormed back into the room and the first thing she did was slap Rachel hard across the face, her own hand stinging with pain. "IF IT HADN'T BEEN FOR YOU POWERED FREAKS HE NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN PUT IN THIS POSITION. I AM HIS MOTHER. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY YOU CONNIVING LITTLE BITCH."
Min turned her head to the man who came into the room. From his familiar clumsiness she realized that he must be Aidan's father. I guess Aidan get's his moves from his father. She looked at him worriedly as he saw his son badly injured. Part of her wondered what her father was doing. Would he be just as worried? Even more...less? How is he doing with Ren? Does he miss me as much as I've missed him all these years? Does he even remember me? Wiping away a tear she looked at him thanking Lexi. Min gave a soft smile, this was a good moment for Lexi.

And then Aidan's mother came in.

Min looked at her surprised. She'd never seen someone so over-protectively loud before. Min was dumbfounded, by her overbearing mother bear demeanor. She was rude, loud and pompous, but Min knew that she was passionate about her child. Compared to Min's own cold mother, Aidan's mother seemed caring. She looked at Leon, wondering if they should leave. Min was feeling better, the nurse healed her fully and her heart was beating steadily. Besides, I don't want to intrude. Before she could mention that maybe they should leave Rachel got up and carried the mother out of the room.

This is just so strange. Are all families and friends like this when someone's hurt? She watched as Rachel came back in, back to Aidan. The beast girl from earlier. Is...is she blaming herself? Min looked around at everyone in the room. They all felt guilty about Aidan's injuries, Min was the only one who didn't, more like couldn't, feel responsible. She could have pulled him back from death using the darkness. She'd done it before, but gave away an emotion. Letting the darkness take root in her body. Besides, reviving the dead using the darkness stains the soul. Giving them life and power, but at the cost of the darkness encompassing them. She didn't want that for Aidan. I wouldn't want that for anyone. Min reached for Leon's hand and held it tightly.

SLAP!! "IF IT HADN'T BEEN FOR YOU POWERED FREAKS HE NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN PUT IN THIS POSITION. I AM HIS MOTHER. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY YOU CONNIVING LITTLE BITCH." Min, a mere spectator in all this, stared stunned as Aidan's mother slapped Rachel across the face and yell at her. Afraid that the beast would erupt rom the girl Min spoke up. "Ummm, ma'm. Maybe you shouldn't yell. Your son is still healing. If you go to him, instead of shouting at his friends, maybe he'll wake up. It's said a mother's calm voice can awaken a child from anything." She looked to Lexi and Aidan's father, "or the voice of a loved one." Holding Leon's hand tighter she gave them all a sad smile before stepping back beside him.
Leon looked at Min as she spoke to him. "Besides we've just gotten stared."

Leon gave a small smile, happy that he still had her. He gave her a hug back and whispered. "Thank you, I'm so happy you said that." He gave Min a quick and gentle kiss and turned his head only to watch a scene unfold between some girl and Ms Turner, then turned to Aiden's mother.

"We aren't all like Louise. You yourself thought I was good enough to be friends with your son. I'm his roommate. We're going to make sure that the person that is directly responsible for this pays for what she's done."

He looked at Isabel ((ooc: it doesnt say if shes still wearing her mask but I assume she is), whom he recognized by her voice.

"Thanks Iz for trying to warn us. I'm up next aren't I? I suppose I should get going then."

He gave Min's hand a squeeze and asked "Come with me? I want you to be there for this"
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CosmicChangeling said:
Lexi looked up at Rachel confused. Any and all jealousy she had on the girl was gone. There was no need for it anymore. She was wrapped in her own guilt blanket still holding him.
"Rachel....this wasn't your fault. Aidan calmed you down.....whatever it was that happened with you." She wiped her face with one hand and went back to holding his hand. "This is on me....mr. turner, the girl who did this....she only did this because she wanted to hurt me after i humiliated her. All of this ia my fault you shouldnt be thanking me....and rachel you shouldnt be blaming yourself. Neither should you leon..."

Rob looked her down then the other girl who carried his wife away which would obly lead to bad things. He rubbed lexis back. "You didnt do this."

(Phone it's not going to be as epic as I wanted it to be)

Needless to say, Annalise was shocked and enraged. Her shrew face turning three or four shades of purple at what just happened here and the odacity this cyclops had at speaking to her this way.

She stormed back into the room and the first thing she did was slap Rachel hard across the face, her own hand stinging with pain. "IF IT HADN'T BEEN FOR YOU POWERED FREAKS HE NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN PUT IN THIS POSITION. I AM HIS MOTHER. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY YOU CONNIVING LITTLE BITCH."

Rachel Miller

"The Beast," she murmured as Lexi spoke about whatever "it" was that Aiden calmed her down from. "You.... What?" She asked, confused for a moment. "You..." She sighed, rubbing her temples, completely redirected by the revaluation of Lexi's failures, tears still in her eye, "Do you even fuckin' know how cutthroat this school gets over shit like this tournament? You can't provoke people like that if they know there is someone you care about. For fuck's sakes, there are people here who leave and immediately go and start killing! And the only rule in that tournament was that no one fuckin' dies! You have to be more fuckin' careful!" She shouted, clearly quite upset. She gestured to Aiden with her right hand, "He can't protect himself! You know that!" She continued.

Only a few moments later, the door barged back open, and Annalise ran back in, looking a bit purple. She slapped Rachel across the face, which was not particularly wise once Rachel had already gotten angry. She winded at the sudden pain of the slap as the woman began to scream. Once she was done, Rachel lashed out, grabbing her wrist in an iron grip. "Hit me again and I will hit you right the fuck back," she growled. "Got that? And I have every right to speak to you however. The fuck. I want. Unless you want to stop me," She continued, putting emphasis in every individual word, not letting go of the woman's hand, feeling her gut churn with the Beast's restrained violence, the way it enjoyed the use of power to keep the other woman quiet. She hated the way she acted. She was treating this just like it would, if it knew anything beyond rabid killing. She risked a glance at Aiden, wondering what he would say about it right now. However, looking at him only made her tear up, and she looked back to Annalise.

She has paid no attention at all to Min or Leon right now, being too busy being angry.
It would be a lie to say Lexi wasn't trembling at Rachel's response, not blinking once as the tears welled in her eyes filled with guilt. It took a big person to step up and own their faults, but it left you completely vulnerable for someone to see you that exposed and take a screwdriver and ruin your organs. That's what Rachel had done at that moment.

Annalise was glaring at Rachel with a look that was deadly. Either from the seriousness of it or how contorted it looked now. Maybe both. "You are not family. You have no relation to the patient. You have no legal," She slammed her heel into Rachel's shoe as hard as she could puncturing the material "Rights with what goes on with my son you dimb witted little slut."

Rachel Miller

Rachel felt guilty about the absolutely devastated look on Lexi's face. She turned, frowning. She only wanted Lexi to be more careful. She didn't want to hurt her feelings "I'm sorry, that came out like shit. I didn't mean it t-" she paused, interrupted as Mrs. Turner dug her three-foot heel into her right foot. She grunted in pain, looking down to see blood coming out of the literal hole the woman had made. She bit back the pain, feeling the Beast continuing to churn in her gut. She stepped back, shaking her injured foot. "Well I warned, you, didn't I?" she growled, as she lunged forward, although she only grabbed the woman again. She knew her threat had been hollow, afraid that the violence might bring out the beast, or get her attention she didn't need. All this shit over a boy. She dragged Annalise out of the room, moving with a limp, setting her down outside. She didn't say anything, before she simply closed and locked the door, muttering obscenities to herself.
Rachel had only made it to the lunge when the nurse had stepped inside. "MS.MILLER YOU UNDHAND THAT PARENT IMMEDIATELY!" she shouted at the door frame seeing her scoop the schrew in her arms. The nurse was chewing caffeine tablets, bags of munchies and power energy snacks in her arms. "Need I remind you that even Brick is not brass enough to challenge and hurt a student's parent. A student who nearly died. You are going to the principal's office and if I have anything to say about it, you will be pulled out of the tournament if you are still in. Out of my office. You've been healed, get the fuck out."

She grabbed a few cheetoh puffs and put them in her mouth setting the snacks on the table. "And you." She pointed at Turner. "You're the mother, so you are getting the benefit of the doubt here, but I think you're a piece of shit. This is my facility in this room. I run the rules. You sit down and be quiet or I'll kick you out myself. Ms. Miller is not a teacher or a person of authority and has no right making those decisions...and she is well aware of this."

"Mom...."the groan was soft and felt far away. He gripped harder on Lexi's hand as he struggled to sit up, crying out in pain as he did so. "These...are my friends....they stay..." his eyes were still closed, everything hurt to move. Moving an inch made every inch of his body felt like it was on fire again. This was still from all his broken bones and body in shock. But he was moving.

Mrs. Turner was wide eyed just staring at her son, tears in her eyes she reached for him as Rachel still held her.

Rachel Miller

Rachel simply sighed as the nurse arrived, at exactly the wrong moment. She was still full of adrenaline, and could feel the Beast inside, continuing to be excited by her violent urges. She tried to calm her emotions, her face stilling like one set in stone. She didn't need to hear what Brick would or would not have done, and didn't care either. She set Mrs. Turner down with a grunt, limping awkwardly out past the nurse. "Ask the kind woman to stab my foot again while you're at it, eh?" She grumbled, walking out. She didn't care about the tournament. Keeping her out of it would be better for everyone anyways. She paused at the door way, hearing Aiden speak. She clenched her fists and her teeth, feeling hot, wet tears begin dripping down her face again, her stone face crumbling. "I'm sorry," she murmured, turning to look back at him. She stood there for a moment, wondering if he could see her, standing there pathetically, crying again. She simply signed, turning to walk out. She began her walk to the principal's office, muttering about a certain "weasel-faced bitch."
Aww, did your girlfriend not tell you? That bitch Nia is the only reason your girl isn't in a hospital bed right now.

Aidan felt the dull continuous ache from his swollen face, broken ribs and bruises across his body. Pain like this almost felt like an entirely different living organism inside you. The throb felt like a heart beat, continuously reminding you that it was there slowing down time all around you as you perpetually lived around the beating of the pain. He pulled himself in a sitting position, his arms trembling as he tried to sit, and the escape of pain was not unheard of as he attempted any kind of movement. It felt like knives dipped in hot iron were stabbing him through with every movement he made, but he still tried.

He opened his eyes and his whole life in this moment had changed.

He saw the bright silver glow of a silhouette of a girl. The light was so bright it seemed to glow in the darkness, looking down she was holding a golden glowing hand, it took him a moment to register he was looking at his own body shape, his eyes were glowing to the rest of the public as he couldn't comprehend what was going on. He looked at the silver and gold energies linked together and looked at the face. "I can....see you...Lexi..."He smiled, his voice laced with pain under every syllable. He laughed even when it hurt. "We make ...jewelry together!"

"Aidan, don't talk," Lexi patted his hand, "Wait until the....you can what?"

"Colors," He wheezed out. The copper glow of an older man, but he knew it was his father from the hand on his knee. He didn't see that his father was crying, just the glowing figure. His mother was the same copper, they made pennies together. The yellow glow of a boy with blue electrical streaks. Leon, his powers. This was what his friend looked like. The joy ended when he saw Min, the Nurse and Rachel at the door.

Black hands were were grabbing at Min's red image a since he saw nothing but darkness he only saw the red eyes behind her, all staring at him. The girl at the door, a black feathery monstrosity was laced in her grey energy while the Nurse was not filled with color. There were golden orbs looking at him, a golden line to silhouette a human being but a black void of colorless nothing on the inside...like a black hole. He grew pale looking at them.

"Aidan are you ok?"


You're going to die here, and you're trying to talk me down? You know what would have stopped this? What would have stopped all of this is your girlfriend not being a showboating bitch.

Scrambling to his bed side Mrs. Turner wrapped her arms around her son, the yelp of pain didn't stop her from kissing his forehead repeatedly. "You're ok. Oh thank god you're alive baby."

"He can see Annalise."

"He's being pulled right out of this school. There is no way we are not taking him home with us today!"

"Annalise...he can see!"

"Alright," The nurse finished the puffs and put another caffeine tablet in her mouth. "Let's get him all healed and finished before round two of the tournament starts and I no longer have any energy left in the day." To say there wasn't a large amount of terrifying fear in Aidan's eyes as the nurse walked over and placed her hands on his chest was an understatement. No words or sound came out in the scream he attempted. The two had the same golden energy.


Loretta had sat down at her desk giving a heavy sigh of relief at her completion of the office before Hapswell returned. Everything was back in pecking order where it needed to be. She had not seen the cameras, or if she had, she had purposely not touched them. Right now, she poured herself a cup of coffee and brought the mug to her lips when Rachel walked in.

Placing the cup down, "Can I help you?"


"What do you mean you're not cancelling the tournament?!" ELastic snapped.

"We aren't cancelling the tournament," He shrugged.

"I didn't ask you to fucking repeat yourself. The whole school is in danger, and you want to fucking still-"

"Mr. Elastic...Timothy, I know you don't understand the importance of a dollar or how business works. So I'm going to put this to you as simply as I would a five year old, "Hapswell did not look up from his comic book he was reading. "We collected ten million alone from the Brick vs. Recall fight. Ten million. I don't care if this school is lit on fire, the tournament still stands. This is one of our most exciting to date. So I say this delicately for your fragile sensitive mind...you know...after getting dumped by your wife and coming here....shut the fuck up, do your job and get out of my site."

Elastic did speak, but it wasn't english. His hand grew the size of a mallet as he fought the urge to pummel the man now. "Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" was the only thing that was understood out of the rage ramble that came out. He stormed away and headed to his office. Parents and students were flung out of the way as he made it there, slamming the door.

He needed to find his fucking stupid super suit.

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