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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

(@Brinni I screwed up I though lux just watched people take duvalt away but I was informed he did take him to the nurse.)

Lexi withdrew her hand from aidans at the first sign of blood. She turned and could see that his now constant glowing eyes looked distant, caught in a nightmare.

What he did not need was to accidently see this fight....more like a one-sided massacre of a beatdown that made aidans look like a kindergarten skirmish split up after the first swing was a hit and a miss...through her eyes. What she neglected to think about was he could still see the auras, she was only sparing him the blood.

Each scream she cringed uncomfortably in her seat. Duvalt had done nothing, much like Aidan. They were both innocent tools of manipulation to dig into the kids with the giant egos who didn't care who they crushed.

With every person who likes you, you gain two or more that want to kill you.

It applied to everyone, even Louise. As aidan was twitching and fervently trying to appear normal....he was the lucky one out of what happened today.

If Louise had...

She swallowed, her throat dry as the Nile.


He understood Lexi was protecting him from the visuals and the brutality of it all....but he had still seen it. All of it through the vibrant colors of energy and souls.

It was too soon. He was wrong. He couldn't do this. He thought he could be like Lexi, bounce back through anything and have the determination and fire to show people nothing could break his spirit.

But it was broken, it was horribly mangled and left there, trying to fool everyone that it wasnt.

He stood up and felt her place her hand back on his. "I uh....I need to walk."

"Let's go together."

"No, i....I need to....five minutes to calm down and then we can walk together. You probably will only last three." He tried making a joke but it sounded flat even for him.

He didn't see the girl who meant everything frown she was struggling what to do. "Three minutes." She said. The effort to change and trust him more, he noticed it. Appreciated it....but it didn't change how he felt right now about everything.

Aidan walkedoes down the steps, the corner of his eye he saw lexis energy flickering as if she was about to back out and be there next to him right now.

But she didnt. And that brought a sigh of relief. He walked towards the doors feeling louise punch him over and over again while hearing duvalts animalistic cries of terror along side it.

He needed to get past this. He needed to hold it together. He made it to the hallways before crumbling to the floor, his back against the lockers as he pulled at his tie, it felt like it was choking him.

It didn't help he was hyperventilating.


Maybe he was delirious from blood loss and pain. When your body is in shock it can see just about anything. But as the nurse approached him taking the tootsie pop out of her mouth she gave a toothy smile, each tooth with a razor sharp point. Glowing golden eyes.

"It looks like you've been through hell and back," She eyed him almost salivating on what she saw. Pressing her hands on his chest the smile seemed to only grow unnaturally human. "Don't worry," her voice cracking with laces of something monstrous. "This is a lover's touch compared to hell."

Unfortunately for Duvalt....the access amount of healing abuse and the copious amounts of sugar to stay awake was failing Nurse..... for one solid minute he would feel agonizing pain far beyond anything comprehensible....until the warm fuzzy glow of healing took place. He'd live....she couldn't regenerate limbs though.

The nurse would walk back to her desk popping in four more caffeine tablets, her teeth and eyes completely normal looking as lovely as ever.
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Hapswell was busy trying to be the Pokémon master on his classic 90s Gameboy to even care what was going on. This was heavily more important. Matter of life or death.
Not even the sweet sympathetic smile of a very rich philanthropist would calm the rage of annalise turner. Her kind smile evaporated as she glared st through boy.

"He is not training with anyone but going home. Aidan does not need to learn to defend himself when he will no longer be fighting." It was a controlled his but bran could see the crazy in her eye, she was.fighting the urge to bit hard slap a child.

There was next to nothing Robert would fight his wife on, her heel digging into his boot proved that, but he pushed her off.

"I think that's great. Don't go easy on him. He needs to be roughed up a little, to help him in the long run. And he's gullible as possible so just be patient with it. But I suggest if you want him to read that note come back when the two of us are gone she will rip it up."

He howled as she stomped on his foot again.
"Well, even if I wasn't sure it's a little late now isn't it? Unless you meant asking you, in which case I'm definitely sure. Look, watching what Louise did to Aidan, it kind of killed any desire I had to fight or participate any more in this. It's not even for freshman like me. It's geared more towards seniors anyways" Harriet responded. "Besides, there's always next year to go on and win the tournament. It's not like we'll have Louise to deal with, and obviously she's the only upperclassman that was a serious threat."

That was when she heard the screaming from DuValt. She could only imagine what could be happening to produce such sounds of pain, given that she knew nothing about his opponent outside of her name. "What is happening out there" she said, the horror evident in her voice as she turned towards the door.



Leon rested his head against Min's, giving her hand a squeeze he moving his thumb along hers. He simply smiled, glancing at her from the corner of his eye. As Isabel stepped into the arena he turned his attention towards her. I really hope she doesn't go too far.

He watched as Isabel mangled DuValt. It was probably worse knowing that she could hurt him even more than she was. He was probably the only one in the audience that understood how she was doing what she was, and even then he only had a broad grasp on it because she herself had told him. He was also aware that she could be doing much more damage to her opponent than she was. He felt Min wrap herself around him and put his arm around her. He pulled her in closer rubbing her back in an attempt to comfort her, but he never took his eyes off the fight.

Why? Why is she going this far? This is excessive and unnecessary. Leon felt disgust, not at the brutality so much, although there was that, but more so at Isabel for playing with Duvalt. If she wanted to destroy him she should just get it over with, not turn it into a show. DuValt may have been allies with Louise, a girl that Leon harbored intense anger towards for what she did to Aidan, but he was still a student and an opponent. He deserved more respect than what he was being given.

He looked towards Aidan as he walked away. He whispered to Min. "It's over. Someone took DuValt to the nurse and his opponent walked away. It's over" He kept her in close to his heart until she pulled away.

@CosmicChangeling @The Suspicious Eye
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Nialla nodded, understanding Hare's logic. She intended to utter a response, but the screaming cut her off long before she had the chance. "Oh my god..." Nialla felt like she did as the Aiden fight went on, but unlike with Aiden she didn't make a move to help. DuValt screamed out a surrender before she could move, leaving Nialla with a look of horror almost entirely matching Hare's. DuValt was with Louise, but he didn't deserve whatever was happening to him.



Vi didn't bother visiting the nurse's office for an energy boost; she didn't need it. The fight with DuValt barely lasted three minutes, it wasn't like she was going out of her way to make his suffering last. It would have been an inefficient waste of everyone's time if she had kept the fight going, and it would have increased the risk of DuValt dying due to the blood loss. As far as she was concerned, it was mercy compared to what she could have done to him.

With the 'fight' over with, Vi made her way to the cafeteria and ordered her late lunch, while waiting for the round two fighters to be announced. If she was lucky, she'd be able to face Louise in round two and finish the tournament without having to unnecessarily harm students who were just trying to make it to the finals.


Was that how it felt for Lexi during the beatdown Aiden got? Louise was dwelling on the sick feeling in her stomach as Isabel left the mangled form of DuValt on the arena floor. She'd wanted desperately to help him, but she felt the pull of her thoughts from her mother and didn't move. That woman would have sent massive migraines to stop Louise before she could get far enough, and then she'd be both unable to help him and writhing in pain.

Disgusted with herself and Isabel, she sat beside a familiar looking boy in the hallway who seemed somewhat stressed. "Hey, kid, you okay?" She asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. She realized only a second that it was Aiden whose shoulder she was touching, and Louise immediately recoiled.

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He was going to choke to death on his own tie, hyperventilating until he managed to throw it on the floor. His screaming, that kid's screaming was long over and he could still hear it as if it was happening now. Looking up at the blackness of the empty hall he was relieved no one was here, no colors, no shaping shifting orbs of energy, nothing dark and smiling at him in the distance.

His body was producing sweat from stress. From this writer's personal experience your body can make you relive a moment's trauma as if it had never actually left you, not a fleeting memory but something physically happening at that moment. Closing his eyes, he pulled at the collar of his shirt taking deep breaths to slow his breathing.

Something touched his shoulder and he saw someone that looked like Duvalt, but younger, on the street and felt the impact of a car hitting against his body, but no pain, just the realization that he was strong. But he knew the memory and instantly jerked back at the touch, his back pinned against the lockers as his color instantly drained.

"I-I...I'm no-not afraid." he stammered wincing his body shut so he didn't have to see her aura or whatever it was he would loop up at. "If...if this is going to en-end this wa-way....I'm no-not going to beg.....I'm not afraid." He was clearly afraid, his body tightening as if that would protect him from the monster punches ready to wail on his body.
Jean looked around for his seat still sick to his stomach after the fight between Crush and Pockets.

Maybe it's not so bad that I didn't make it through the obstacle course this year.
Lost in thought he only seemed to get more lost in the stands "How did I end up on this end of the arena?" he said aloud surprising himself with the words that were supposed to be a thought coming out.

He looked around the stands to find where he actually was but there was only one thing that caught his eye, a blond haired boy of about average height sitting with a silver haired girl right next to him. Him again. He had thought about approaching his brother many times before now but usually the sick feeling in his stomach overcame him and he would walk away. It couldn't be any worse than I feel now, could it? he started moving towards Léon.

Slowly but confidently, at least on the outside, he walked up to his brother he hadn't seen in 9 years "Léon? Léon Bellamy? Mon frère! Ça va? C'est des ans Million! Mon dieu, where are my manners, Je m'excuse. Hello miss I am Jean Heureuse it's very nice to meet you." ((Translation: My brother! How are you? It's been forever! My badness ~~ Excuse me )) He vaguely recognized Min from all of the time he had spent watching his brother, but he didn't want the two of them knowing. He took Min's hand and gave it a quick kiss "and what is your name Ma beau princesse?" ((T:~~ my beautiful princess))

@Brinni @The Suspicious Eye
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"We are going to need a fifteen minutes intermission to clean the ring from that....well....it was interesting," the announcer let out uncomfortably.

He then announced who would go next for round 2 and what to expect once all the blood was cleaned up. Rachel had a chance to prove herself and moe needed to run.


Lexi hado zero idea on how to help him. She still dreamed about the explosion, her body being propelled in the air and smashing the concrete wall. She remembered feeling weightless the world moving in slow motion through the air while having no ability to move. She remembered three loud cracks at once a pain so sharp it was blinding.

But it had gone black. She woke up puking her guts out and for the next 12 hours she felt like her body was on fire and she was dying. There was withering and screaming....she was begging to die at the back of the fbi vehicle as they drove her to their base.

That's what she remembered....and it didn't touch close to what Aidan was currently going through. As she watched him leave she took the helmet off, her hair messy and half of it was still in the french Braid the rest of her dark red locks were loose and wild.

She couldn't baby him. But it was hard. She barely noticed a kid walking right in front of her to talk to leon, until his body blocked the doorway.

If it hadn't she would have seen Louise go out those same doors and well....she might be expelled for murder. But she handle as the boy stood there.

Gritting her teeth she side stepped to the left to avoid pushing through leon and min to keep an eye on the door.


Elastic never wore a super suit and got along fine with his powers why did he need one now? That's a very important question, guppies. And I'll get to that you fucking little shits.

He stretched, changed his mass and quite frankly was very durable. Example when he was 12 years old running around as the sidekick "the rubber band" He would often expand himself from one building to the next as his team mates would throw cars at him so it would slingshot to the enemy.

Not one car. Cars. Plural. He could hold his form and sling it back with speed. Durable as fuck. He survived the terrorist attack as the building collapsed on itself killing everyone in it because his body was just that durable.

The amount of strength you would need to rip this man in half was definitely much more than Louise could dream to get to. But he was human. You freeze him, you burn him....throw acid at him....it's fucking going to hurt dipshits.

Ben a long time ago designed a fabric that would have a resistance to that sort of shit. That's why you put on the miserable fucking super suit.

He looked fifteen years younger in it honestly. Or maybe it was because he didn't have the scowl of murder on his face.

Now seeing Nat getting in her gear....maybe that's when nostalgia seemed to kick in for Tim.

Rachel Miller

After an entirely unwelcome episode with The Beast, Rachel was in absolutely no fucking mood for this tournament. After watching the massacre of DuVault, she was in no mood to receive one herself. She knew that if this Moe kid tried, the Beast would come out and with Aiden no where in sight, it would not end prettily. She sighed as her name was called by the announcer. She grumbled to her parents, "I'm forfeiting," before making her way down to the arena. Rachel made her way in, taking a stand, arms crossed as she waited for Moe to show up.

Once he did, Rachel grunted as the fight began. She stepped forward, chuckling. "Congratulations on the victory, Moe," she said with a simple nod, before turning around and leaving the arena. She went back to the stands, taking her seat, waiting for the next round whilst ignoring the disapproving looks and probing questions of her parents.



Louise shook her head at Aiden. "No. I beat the shit out of you already, it wouldn't be fun or worthwhile to do it again." She didn't apologize, of course. That wasn't in Louise's nature. "So..." She began, after several seconds of awkward silence. "Which memories did you see? During the fight, or just now, whichever you want to share." Her mother's presence was gone, and good. Louise couldn't see her Duvvy, but she was going to rebel as best she could when she could.

He opened one glowing golden eye and looked at her cautiously. He let out a visible huff from his nose trying to slow down his racing heart. Taking a gulp he tried to straighten his back against the lockers so he didn't look like he was cowering. He probably pissed himself a little.

He had definitely pissed himself a little when it all dawned on him it was Louise.

"I uh...I saw you saving Duvalt, learning you had super strength for the first time. That was...that was very brave of you." Her voice was calmer, sadder, and didn't have the same toneality of the Louise memory of his own in his head beating the living snot out of him. "At the ring...rage. I mostly felt rage...but how hard you've worked to get here....and Duvalt...."

He opened his mouth for the next part, no audible words came out. Aidan coughed. "I'm sorry what happened...I can't imagine what you're going through." If it had been anyone but Aidan there would have been no sincerity in that statement. It would have been laced with sarcasm with an added 'you get what you dish out' but there was honest earnest sympathy and truth in what he said. If he had seen Lexi go through that...he probably wouldn't be functional right now.

"Huh, that's an odd one to see. Guess I must have been dwelling on it, since I couldn't save him a third time." She didn't bother offering much to the conversation. Louise didn't even know why Aiden was willing to speak with her, it wasn't like she deserved conversation with him. She'd nearly killed him, and Louise was well aware that her attack wasn't entirely her mother's influence. There was genuine rage in that fight, and she took in all out on Aiden, who never for a moment deserved it.

"I'll live, as long as he does." Louise's thoughts on the matter were simple. If DuValt lived, she'd get over it or her mother would force her to. If he died, Vi would suffer, even if Louise had to die to much sure she did.

"Yeah, I tend to see the ones impacted people the most," He said.

Aidan saw Louise's energy of a hand slam it's entire force into his chest. He felt the wind knocked out of him, body smashing through the lockers. He died choking on his own blood.

"He'll live," he said realizing that his ribs were fine, and his spine didn't snap from the metal breaking it just a moment ago. He let out a heavy breath trying to focus. "I want to call truce." He let out, turning to look at her. "What she did at the obstacle course was wrong. And I'm....I'm apologizing for her, because I lo-love her. I don't want her to g-go after yo-you" and kill my lexi..."Truce, no more escalating this before both of you lose yourselves and become people you don't want to be."

Aidan winced waiting for her to snap his neck for speaking like this.

Louise offered her hand to him, before remembering he was completely, one hundred percent blind and pulled her hand away. "It's a deal. I'm tired, now, anyway. I think I'm done being the school shithead. But two things: I'm not always in control, and that isn't a copout, someone else influences my thoughts sometimes. So if I break it, it may not be me."

She took a breath before making her second offer. "And that girl Isabel, for what she did to Duvvy, I'm going to fuck her up. I don't care if she's one of yours, she deserves pain for what she did to him."

What surprised Louise was when she held it out and began to withdraw, the blind boy had snatched it, was looking at her arm when he grabbed her hand and looked back at her. Just like that. She wasn't in control? But holding her hand he seemed to zone out, he withdrew his hand realizing what he was doing.

"Your mom." He said. "I found out today my mom was awful for a long time...i can understand" But it was the next part that took his breath away another gut punch. The screaming from the fight earlier, the memory of seeing lexi get severly broken. "I can't stop them from retaliating back." he said. "And it won't stop until they think you suffer, so you'll try to survive...until eventually someone dies. Y-you can't uncross th-that line...." He stopped himself before he said 'i don't think duvy would', he couldn't insinuate he even knew her loved one or he would die...here...in this hallway. "I don't believe you deserve to have that on your soul."

This would end with Lexi's death. Every scenerio he thought of, it was her death.

"Thanks for your faith, but I don't deserve it. Shit, I'm too weak to stand up to a fifty year old woman with an obsession with living life vicariously through me." It was a shitty joke, but it was the best Louise had. She didn't say anything when he grabbed her hand, maybe he could actually see? It didn't matter to her. "Anyway, I'm going to try sneaking off to visit him. Can you tell your girlfriend that our spat is over for me? I doubt she'll believe it, but whatever."

After that, Louise walked away from Aiden in the hallway, away from the awed crowds. She didn't stop walking until she found herself outside of the nurse's office, staring at the bloody mess that was DuValt and his bed. It was her fault, but she'd fix it. She'd do anything to fix it.

Aidan stared off as she walked down the hall. The drums of war were play...and with them always came death.
  • FBI agent referred Lexi Clark as 'our girl' to Hapswell
  • Agent Thompson
  • Gossip for Hare....Elastic has a child.
  • Gossip for Hare....aidan saves one eyed girl trouble in lexan paradise
  • school brutality, does school need to change its policies?
  • Ms. T-Rexer?
  • Who is CRUSH

Sarah closed her notebook, the mechanical pencil clicked along the spiralled cord. After Mr. Darke had shot her with nerf darts or water balloons, she was startled, the entire obstacle course had collapsed in on itself. Darke teleported her out of there. Failing meant she could spend more time listening for stories and writing down what was happening today.

A pink knitted hat she wore on a regular basis, soft sweater and jeans, Sara was a whopping 4'11 and 90 pounds. She watched the fight with terror, but with fascination as well. That was power. And it made you question the moralities of it all. If we are given this much power how many of us curve to the darkest temptations of our own sins. It was great reading material at the very least.

She walked by Lexi, Jean, Leon and Min on her way down. She was quiet and was generally unseen. It wasn't her super power to be invisible just her as a person could fade into the background without anyone ever catching on. Being practically invisible made it incredibly easy for you to walk close, listen, and then leave without anyone knowing you were there and you had the scoop of a lifetime.

The story that she wanted to write THE MOST was the FBI Agent and Lexi Clark. Lexi was her hero....and any chance she could prove it on paper she would. It smelled of intrigue, passion and the essense of a true cracker-jack superhero you read in the comics. But this was real. She left the gym, past Louise and Aidan looking for Hare to hand her the small folder she had of quips and quotes for gossip she picked up on along the week. She was going to have to do some of her own digging But it could a treasure. IT was one. She knew it.
Moe didn't bother looking to see who he was up against. It was almost a sure fire thing he was going to lose. In fact he was going to forfeit to save himself any pain. As much as he knew it'd be fun to win this, him someone with next to zero offensive capabilities, the odds were astronomically against him. As he heard the bell he took a breath to announce his forfeit only to see his opponent step forward and say "Congratulations on the victory, Moe," and walk out of the arena. Moe could hardly believe it.

Isn't it supposed to be rabbit's feet that are lucky? he thought to himself, then chuckled at his own joke. I'll need to tell Hare about that later.
((Collab parts 1 & 2 by @Me and @CosmicChangeling ))

With her fifteen minute break done, Nialla looked to her parents, now costumed and still together, her steel expression now softened due in no small part to her infatuation with Harriet. "Mom. Elastic." She said as she walked to them, not even asking why they were in costume. She didn't care enough to ask about as much as they cared to tell her the truth.

"Office," his voice sharp as he pointed at the two, but much softer than Nia had ever heard before. But hearing concern out of Elastic's mouth, most people would have believed they would die before hearing that. He led the two girls through the sea of people, who still wouldn't leave despite their efforts. No one was flung. No one was bitched at. He opened the door and let them in while silently shutting the door behind him. Silently. He got to his desk, looking directly at each Blake woman.

"Yelling isn't working. Screaming and threatening isn't working. And because of how serious I am in this moment about not wanting to see the two of you hurt," THe struggle on his face was real as he tried to stay composed and 'reasonable' during this. "I think the three of us need to hash out....this fucknest...language...quickly so I can get the two of you to safety before whatever it is that's coming kills Clara and is pretty much stepping on our throats....Fair?" He twitched a little at the end.

This was a man so desperate to keep these two out of this he was changing his very own behavior and it was excruciating.

Mialla noticed Elastic's softer voice (relatively speaking. Compared to, say, Clara he was still as soft as concrete) but didn't react to it much. So he was trying to make up for his abandonment of her. Whoopty do. She didn't care, nothing he said would make her listen. "I get it, Elastic. You don't want me getting too far and embarrassing you. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you helped make me." She refused to even imply he was her father. He wasn't anything close.

"Nia, that isn't what-"

"Mom, you lied to me for my entire life, I only trust him to be honest with me right now." Harsh, too too harsh, but true. Nialla had a burning rage inside of her, one that their conversation only seemed to further enflame.

His nostrils were flaring nose twitching several times. Standing up it was odd to see a man try to contain so much rage placing hands on the table and focusing on his breathing as he grew taller. "There are raiders coming to this school." Every word was emphasized. I lost one daughter to a terrorist attack." nine feet and gritting. "I could not do nothing. I refuse to lose another one over a FUCKING family fued. Nia, sit down. Listen to your mother."

Nialla didn't sit down, and took one step back, closer to the door. "You won't intimidate me. You think I can't handle it? I won't let you ignore my existence for my entire goddamned life only to come back one day and order me around! You didn't want to protect me or call me your daughter last month, so what the hell changed?!?" Nialla rarely swore. Her mother taught her that it was often just in poor taste. But in that moment, Nialla didn't care, it just felt good to unleash.

Natalie was going to offer some sort of response, but when Tim mentioned that he lost a daughter... That shock hit her hard. She didn't know what she could do or say.

"I didn't know you existed, I would have been there, " Tim deflated like a balloon sagging. He was so frustrated he wanted to cry. It was happening all over again and this time he was just watching it spiral like a fucking dumbass. "I didn't say anything because if Nat hadn't have told me the only reason would have been what happened to Izzy and Bell....so I owed Nat that much...to find out why she didn't tell me...because of the past the two of us had."

The frame was still broken but he stretched his arm until he grabbed it. Tim took a long look at it before stretching it to Nia. "I thought Nat wanted to keep you safe from what happened to them. That you deserved a better life than that. And I don't blame her."

He was still fucking pissed as shit about it, but he didn't blame her.

Nialla's anger rapidly vanished as Elastic calmed down, but she still felt a sense of fury. "So you kept it secret, even though you knew I didn't have a dad because school records show it, because you thought my mom, who you didn't talk to, would want that?" It didn't make sense, why would depriving the girl he saw as his daughter from a dad be something her mom would want? The lack of logic just made Nialla more upset.

Natalie, after recovering from her shock, chose to open her mouth. "Nialla, it wasn't his secret to give, it was mine."

Mistake. "Sorry, didn't he impregnate you? It's as much his secret as yours. You both knew and you both didn't tell me." The fury was coming back, despite Elastic's lack of anger.

"My family was killed because organizations and groups wanted me dead that badly they targeted what I cared about." He slammed his fist on the table as mother and daughter bickered. "In your mom's shoes, if I had you...a baby...knowing the actual price there is being associated with a hero....i'd NEVER tell me...I'd rather you hate my fucking guts and be breathing than any other choice. And I'm fucking pissed I didn't know. I WANTED to talk to you. But if your mother did this to keep you safe I fucking couldn't hate her for it."

The photo was snapped back on the desk, He wiped his face trying to breathe, to get through to her. He didn't have kids, he didn't know how to parent. Now the fucking school might blow up and he'd never fucking figure it out.

"I don't know your experiences but the price having powers and the overwhelming pressure to protect strangers is not what it's cracked up to be. You will watch your friends die. You will have to kill your very own best friends. The people in this school who you think you know so well and have your back will be the very vain of your existence. That world out there is cruel and it's a body count people don't realize they are signing up for. Your mom knew this life. We are the only two left out of anyone we cared about. It was a shitty decision I wanted to hear it from your mom."

The anger was completely back as Elastic seemed to try to patronize her. Glaring at him, Nialla took too more steps back, with the door just behind her. "Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot. I know what I'm getting into. I can take care of myself, and I can take care of my friends too. Just because your life sucked doesn't mean mine will."

Before either of them could respond, Nialla stormed out of the room, far more upset than she was when she entered.


Elastic slumps in his seat, staring off at a Pokemon Pikachu alarm clock, the fingers broken. He shrugged his shoulders. "It's like....like trying to argue with you...two of you..." He looked at the picture again, flipping it off his desk. There was only so much he could handle right now.

"I don't blame you," He said honestly. "And how I broke the news caused this so I'm sorry. Don't take that sorry as if I'm still not fucking pissed as shit at what happened....but..."He gritted his teeth hating to say this.

If his kid wasn't going to listen to him fine. "Get Darke in here. We're getting the old group together for one last mission."

He was so fucking desperate.... He was willing to look the man in the eye and tolerate his existence the one who killed his wife and kid...that one. That was the worst kind of desperate you could get.

Nat nodded her head and pulled out her phone to text Darke, still feeling the effects of her daughter's anger. "I'm sorry I never made an effort to contact you, Tim. I lied to both of you., and that was a mistake I'll never let myself live down."

Darke arrived a moment after receiving the text, already in his (older, not as dramatic) costume. He tossed Nat her old dart gun, made to fire any three types of preloaded darts at any time. His favorite were armor piercers, which were tipped with a drill capable of cutting through thin steel.

"Well, all of the teachers except Kane are now aware, and I've called in a few local heroes and villains to be on lookout. We won't be caught off guard." Darke ignored the emotions evident on their faces. They had a talk, it wasn't his place to ask about it.

Sheppherd looked at Darke uncomfortably before going to his desk and slamming out the map of the school and the obstacle course. "Lady Luck demolished this entire obstacle course with her misfortune at the end of the obstacles. That means, we can only funnel parents and kids through one exit to the parking lot. It will be a nightmare. We will need to have Savolt do his creepy hypnotic shit to calm the stampede to a walk. We need protectors and offenders. Clara's been sent out to sniff out any unusual movement or activity. Nat, you're going to be helping protecting the civilians with Savolt. That leaves Darke and I to lead whatever attack we come up with."

He hadn't realized how quickly he'd slip back into his leadership rule. "Questions?"

"Several. Will we be using any seniors for assistance during the evacuation? There are hundreds of parents here, we'll need the extra help. Speaking of, we'll need Loretta to mind wipe them upon exit, they can't remember anything that happened here." Darke talked about wiping memories so casually, as of it wasn't a massive invasion of privacy. Nat questioned it, but said nothing.

"You ask her, I'm going to fucking punch the next Hapswell I see in the fucking face, and that probably won't set her in the right mood to want to help us out." Loretta was more reasonable than her father, but that bitch was quiet and cold, like a jaguar was underneath ready to rip your face off just because you looked at it funny.

"Nuse," One of his bookshelves fell down, "Is all we got for medical. But Turner makes remedies. It won't do much for serious injuries but it can bandaid the bumps and bruises the civvies are going to whine about. Nat, that's in her room 205. She's got a phoenix, tears can heal you, it's just not as quick as the nurse's....take the bird with you. Got it?"

Ask him how to get the bird to fucking go with her...how the fuck would he know. Fucking Clara could do it that meant anyone can.

"We need to have some seniors focus on getting the kids that have really fuck shitty powers out of the way. People will die today and if we can lower the casualties the better." The shitfucks needed to hide. Like Mr. Blind Dumbass who would be the first one killed in a battle. They could hide those types of kids now.

"Alright, I'll go talk to Loretta, be right back." Before either of them could argue, Darke left the tense room and entered the secretary's office, just outside of Hapswell's own. "Loretta, you know about the possible attack? Can you help us evacuate the parents when everything goes haywire?" There was no time for pleasantries or to explain, they had to hurry.

"I'll get the phoenix as soon as we're done here." Nat said, rapidly taking notes. She also made a mental note to ask the Nurse to help them with the evacuation of the parents, just in case of injuries. "Can you get any trustworthy seniors prepared?" If anyone could intimidate the upperclassmen into assisting in evacuation, it was Elastic.

"It won't be that fucking hard," He grumbled. "Fucking guppies have nothing better to do." He also did have someone in mind that could do this. "I also can get Speedy here to either help you evacuate or be on the offensive with us."

Getting the raised brow on who the fuck was speedy he dismissed her with his hand. "Just a fucking student that I may or may not be training purely on the fact she saved our kid....and she makes a good bodyguard for future problems. She's the soldier one. Your pick you want that to help you evacuate or for our offense?"

The nurse was going to be incredibly salty. The bird scared the shit out of him so he was glad to be out of that mess.

"I'll start recruiting seniors, Nat." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Be fucking careful."


Loretta looked up, taking a casual sip of coffee. "What exactly would you need me to do, Benjamin?" She asked.

Hearing what his answer was, it didn't really matter, darke could feel the presence of someone searching his mind, imaginary fingers massaging his minds and thoughts as she pulled it out. Some people found it to be a very pleasure able experience after they stopped freaking out about it.

"Hmm, I see. It looks like 2014 all over again. Never thought I would see the two of you working together though. Yes, I will help you. Only because you asked so kindly."

It would have fallen on her anyways but she appreciated the jesters of someone telling her she had choices.
"Dude yuuu do thisss like, like every year the week up till York bir-bur-birthday. I come out here and get hammered, you stand there trying to tear ooen our rwality. It never works. You spend all day trying to get to another planet buuut don't ever get anywhere. Just give up, man it's been like nine years. Your gonna kill yourself if you keep this up." His friend feeling his enhaced liver sobering him up he used one if the tentacles on his back to pull another keg of beer out from the truck. Opening it with a looud click, he began to chug the entire keg by himself.

"I'm not going to let her sit in her room and cry like every other birthday." He leaned in forward trying to find the fabric of the universe. His body trembled as he seemingly began flashing like a camera shutter. The pain of telrporting past through a world was overwhelming. Every particle of him felt like it was being stabbed with a serrated knife. He fought through the pain shousing angrily as he forced his wsy through. Ren's friend spoke up, "why are you so determined this time? Didn't you say she's in a school with other kids? She probably has friends and a boyfriend already. Your sister is pretty hot if you go for the slutty doll type. I'd go for her." Through clenched teeth Ren growled as he forced himself closer towards the barrier. "Yeah well she has better taste in guys." He hated that Min's life was changing without him, she was moving further out of his reach. No, not this time. I'm not letting anyone take her! Especially him!! Reaching his hand out he felt a crackle of energy around him. There was a dangerous boom of sound as the barrier between world's wad torn apart for just a moment. Black electricity crackled around him as he tore it a bit. Catching a small glimpse of Min before the tear suddenly closed and shot Ren back into the pile of empty keggs.

Slowly his friend looked up and registered Ren's injury. "Duuuuuudddeeee you got your ass handed to you by a intangible barrier." Shuffling over to him he offer a tentacle th o help him to his feet. Ren took the tentacle and got to his feet. "I'm not giving up. I saw her Ted. I know I saw her. I'm gettinger closer." Looking at his scarred hands he sighed. "We'll comes back tomorrow, I need to study my dad's notes. I was close but the dark matter keeps rejecting me. Next time I'll reach her." Looking at the invisible line between reality Ren clenched his fist and glared. "Just wait a bit longer Min."

Min felt comforted as Leon put his arm around her. She didn't want to see the blood. It disgusted her, the smell of iron and sticky feeling. Just thinking about it bought up bad memories from her past. Holding on to Leon tightly as she prayed quietly for it to end. Hearing the murmurs of the crowd she looked up at Leon as he whispered to her. "It's over. Someone took DuValt to the nurse and his opponent walked away. It's over" Min stayed in his arms fro a minute before pulling away and looking at him. Giving a soft smile she whispered back. "Thank you."

Moving a strand of hair behind her ear she didn't match his gaze. Feeling a little embarrassed at what had happened. "Um.." However, before she could speak a boy walked up to them. He spoke in french, sadly Min didn't understand much. She looked between the two noticing that they looked nearly identical. A different hair style and the glasses, but... they look nearly identical. She looked at the new boy completely stunned as if she never saw a twin before.

Blushing as Jean kissed her hand she stammered. "M-my name? I-it's Min, Min Johannas." Her cheeks brightened as he looked at her, she didn't know how to react to this. Looking to Leon she gave a confused look.

@My Pet Poro @Brinni

(Bran & Kane tomorrow)
((Collab part 3. I'm only posting this as myself because @SirDerpingtonIV didn't yet and I woke up at 3am for no reason.))

Nialla still had a built in anger from her conversation with her mom and Elastic, but added onto it was another feeling: Determination. She would prove herself capable of protecting herself and her friends in the best way possible: She would win the tournament. See what they thought of her then, the first freshman to win the tournament.

All she had to do was beat her competition, a girl she recognized from the hallways. Ember, a girl so far out of Nialla's power league that she had no chance.


Ember approached the arena, filled with nothing but revulsion. Her fellow students, with the notable exception of Leon, Bran, and Lux, had either surrendered or had treated their fights like they were members of a firing line. It was disgusting. They were all here to have fun with their powers, to impress those who might offer them positions later in life. This tournament meant so much and half didn't care and the other half was using it to exact their own petty revenge against those they held grudges against. It was shameful upon themselves and the reputation of the school. With this fight, she would show them what an aspiring hero or even villain strove for. She was Ember, Daughter of Flame, a hopeful hero in training, regarded and respected as such by her peers. This match would be fair for both parties, and a spectacle for the audience if she had anything to say about it. She smiled to herself, feeling her flames come to life, that familiar, beautiful warmth filling her heart, mind, and body. She hoped her opponent was ready to have just as much fun as she would.

She stepped out into the gym, making her way to the arena. As usual, she carried her hilt and lugged the cart of stones behind her. She set down the cart at the edge of the arena, waiting for the other girl to appear as she plunged her hilt into the stone, her hands glowing as she forged her blade. She let out a sigh, holding her blade at the ready. When the other girl eventually appeared, she called out cheerfully, "Good luck, Nialla! Because I'm going to absolutely fry you,"she teased, smiling at her own, friendly punning, preparing herself for the fight, as she summoned a fireball in her open left hand.

Nialla's confidence wavered slightly at Ember's sheer power, but she had to win. Nialla was going to prove herself to her mother and Elastic, and the best way to do that was by beating Ember in a fair fight. With Ember's kind of arrogant attitude before the battle even began, Nialla felt another flash of anger, this time directed at the girl.

"Prepare yourself, Ember! You'll need it." Overconfident as Ember's statement, but Nialla had every intention of proving herself. Still, she was worried about how she could beat this girl. Her powers were pure defensive, and Ember's were pure offensive. Nialla didn't have much of a chance in this scenario.

She threw up a double layer barrier around herself in preparation for the onslaught of flames.

Ember just smiled as the barrier formed, and she hurled her first fireball, simply to test the waters before the real boiling began. She couldn't help but laugh at her own mental pun, as she ran forward, blade raised, the entire length of it coated in flames, glowing brighter and brighter. She leaped into the air, her glowing orange eyes alight with joy as she swung the magma blade down, impacting against Nialla's barrier, the flames wrapped around the blade exploding outwards with enough force to hopefully break the girl's barriers. Ember figured that she had to break the girl's barriers fast and hard before there were too many to bring down, and that involved quick, devastating attacks, luckily her specialty.

She hopped back, already forming a few fireballs, letting them hover above her head in a half-circle.

Nialla's first barrier lasted approximately 3 seconds. Her eyes widened in panic as Ember tore them aside with seeming ease, and forced herself to throw up another two layer, just to hold back the heat and flames. She took several steps backwards in an attempt to form some sort of distance between herself and Ember, but it was just in vain. She'd run out of energy or barriers eventually, and Ember seemed to just spew flame.

Ember smiled. "Nialla, if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen!" she advised with a laugh, pointing her sword towards the girl as she threw up another two barriers. A blast of flame leapt from her blade, roaring towards the girl, taking the form of a tiger, sprinting towards her, before it pounced upon her barrier, bursting. At this point, Ember was showing off for the crowd, a little caught up in the fun she was having, although at any sign of Nialla being hurt, she'd pull back, offering surrender. She wasn't here to cause needless suffering, but she still had to win, and look good while doing it. That was the nature of competition, after all! The fireballs around Ember's head soared into the air, all five getting different angles, before converging upon Nia. Ember was going to play the fight form far away for now, figuring she didn't want to use her blade, as it would likely end the fight too quickly. After all, Nialla was the only student she could think of whom she could really use her power on without causing them harm, and she wanted to use this while it lasted.

Nialla rolled out of the way of the attack that broke through her barrier, but immediately had to stop and put out flames on her sleeves. As soon as five more balls of fire flew towards her, Nialla threw up a five barrier just until the flames subsided, immediately dropping it to a three after the flames dissipated. She didn't have the strength to hold a five barrier for more than a few seconds, but it was beyond strong when she needed it.

She looked around the arena, trying to find water, or anything that could help just slow down Ember's onslaught, but she had nothing. All Nialla could do was hope the girl would exhaust herself on her barriers.

Ember chuckled, her blade glowing, as she held it back over her right shoulder, before swinging horizontally, a line of fire racing towards Nia, before she followed up with a vertical, downwards swing, creating another line. Then, she began to summon more fireballs, but instead of keeping them separate, she began cobbling them together into one large one, the size of an exercise ball, which she hurled at Nialla's feet, hoping to blast her off her feet, and hopefully break her barriers in the process. Ember showed no signs of stopping anytime soon, the growing, excited grin on her face showing just how much fun she was having. "Are you ok over there?" she called out, beginning to grow worried as the girl just continued to stack barriers on. She hoped the poor girl wouldn't over-exhaust herself. Ember could see her opponent desperately looking around the arena, perhaps for something to use, and couldn't help but pity her.

While deflecting what attacks she could, an idea hit Nialla. It was desperate, kind of underhanded, and not very showy, but it was her only chance. Unfortunately she couldn't get a chance to implement it, as she was busy throwing up barriers left and right to block Ember's onslaught of attacks. Nialla felt her vision dim for a moment after throwing up her sixth barrier, and knew she was running out of time.

Nervously trying her best not to look like she was doing anything but preparing for another round of fire, Nialla began slowly forming a two layer barrier starting just around Ember's feet. As long as Ember didn't move the lower part of her body, in a matter of seconds the two layer would surround and contain her opponent long enough for Nialla to force a surrender.

The problem is that Nialla, with the fear, nervousness, and anger impacting her system, didn't control her powers completely. Normally a two layer was both see-through and thin enough to hear through. But Nialla didn't notice, she was creating a three layer, one that both obscured the vision of those looking from the outside, and was almost impossible to hear sounds through. Unbeknownst to Nialla, she was creating a coffin, one that could smother Ember's flames, with nobody able to hear any attempt at surrender.

Ember chuckled, raising her blade into the air, ready to preform another attack, only for another barrier to pop up but this time around.. her? She raised an eyebrow, unsure what Nialla's method of attack was, as she began to glow, flames surrounding her. She let the flames she had gathered explode out against the barrier, only to have.. no visible affect. Her eyes widened as she realized just how thick the barrier was, and she swung a flaming fist against the barrier, only to be bounced back. It felt as if the air was growing thin rather quickly, and Ember soon realized her own flames her rapidly consuming the limited oxygen inside the bubble Nialla had made. Growing desperate, she imbued her magma blade with more powerful flames, giving the barrier a few swings, but in the tight space, her blade was impossible to use. She resorted to blasting fireballs against the barrier, trying to weaken it, but only for Nialla to lay on more and more.

Ember's flames were incredibly destructive, but without oxygen they were nothing. SHE was nothing. It had been over a minute and she had not been able to escape, and she could feel the cold begin to come creeping in, her strength fading. Her eyes wide with fear, she began to hammer on the the barrier with her left fist as the fire left it, as her strength ebbed away. She stabbed her Magma Blade into the arena floor, trying to remain standing, her legs growing shaking as she rapidly used up the little oxygen that was left in the barrier.

She fell to her knees, right hand holding the blade, trying to focus as her fire left it as well, the blade crumbling back into the scattered rocks it had been before, useless in her hands. She was growing colder, wondering how Nialla couldn't see what was going on, wrapping her left hand around her waist, shivering. She let go of the missing blade to begin hammering with both fists on the barrier, her breaths becoming labored, darkness infringing on her vision. "Please! I... I surrender! Just... just let me out!" she cried out, although she didn't know that no one could hear her pleas. She raised one hand to her windpipe, feeling it begin to constrict, her lungs screaming in agony without oxygen, every inch of her beginning to echo her lungs' pain. She let out an agonized whimper, "Please..." feeling blood begin to drip from her nose, forming crimson snowflake-shaped splatters on the ground beneath her, the blood coming from her mouth too, even her eyes let loose the blood, red cascading down her cheeks, unable to comprehend why Nialla ignored her surrendering pleas. Her body was beginning to shut down, tear itself apart as its fire died. She gave the barrier one last, half-hearted hit, before she slumped down against it, shivering, her lungs seeming to almost burst in her chest. I'm going to die, she realized suddenly, with an unwelcome clarity. All these years I have trained, to become powerful enough to.. to stand... and I... die like this... she thought, grabbing her temples, consumed by the agonizing pain as her flames were extinguished, and Ember, Daughter of Fire, watched as her world turned dark.

Nialla waited for an attempt at surrender, because surely Ember would realize she wouldn't have the oxygen to outlast her opponent, right? But no, nothing. Nialla looked at the barrier, wondering when Ember would make some sort of move, but it was almost impossible to see. She looked smudged, and for a moment Nialla wondered if her glasses had been smudged up in the battle, but...

She collapsed. "No no no no no!" Nialla screamed as the realization hit her, and she immediately dropped her barrier. She felt what little energy it still had come back to her, and Nialla froze as she realized her mistake. "Nurse! Get the Nurse!" She screamed into the crowd, tears running down her eyes. Nialla didn't say anything, her eyes just widened as she looked at Ember's unmoving body, frozen with fear and shock. Ember looked like death.

And it was all Nialla's fault.

Ember wasn't conscious to see Nialla's tears or guilt, or to see Lux come soaring out of the crowd, himself crying as he beheld Ember, smeared with her own blood, her entire body colored an ashy grey. He had no words, as they all simply caught in his throat as he swooped down to scoop her up in his arms. He stared at Nialla, horrified. The other fights had been brutal, just straight violence.. but this? This was worse. Somehow just locking Ember in a "coffin" so she could suffocate on her own struck him as just so beyond inhumane, he was shocked beyond words. Although his wide-eyed, horrified look probably told Nialla enough. He looked down to see grey flakes falling from Ember's limp form, and he realized with an object terror that she was beginning to fall apart in his arms. "How could you?" he murmured to Nialla, before flying to the Nurse's office, the roar of wind that followed him blasting the lockers open as he flew through the halls, his newfound speed fueled by desperation.

When he arrived in the office, only a bit less than five seconds later, he lie her down gently, pullingaway. "P-please," he begged the Nurse, folding his hands together, face stained with tears, sobbing pathetically. "Please save her life." He turned to stare at Ember, wondering why she didn't surrender when she was dying in there, and why Nialla had just let it happen.
Where was a guidance councilor when he needed one? Aidan opened the doors to the gymnasium seeing a world of brightly light colors hovering in the darkness. Yet he knew no one, not a soul in this cluster of visuals.

But he needed to find Isabel, or someone, to stop what was about to go down....his stomach churning as he realized if he couldn't....what was going to pass would make Duvalts massacre look like child's play.


Elastic, nat and darke were too busy formulating a plan to evacuate the school to notice the nervous breakdown their daughter was going through.

The drums of war were playing, and with them comes death.


The janitor currently was mopping the floor by the nurse's hallway, cleaning the remnants of Rachel and the beast fiasco as Lux broke down begging the nurse to heal ember.

The blonde bombshell looked up, her body twitching as she drummed her foot on the ground. She ate enough caffeine for several heart attacks over.

"She won't like it if I try now," She smiled and lux might have seen sharp teeth, but if he focused enough they were normal average teeth.

"But fuck it, i dont care. You people like to kill ezvhother and you wont hire more of me. So fuck it." Getting up she walked over and plafed her hands on embers chest. Ember would feet the intense pain of her bones breaking with thousands of hairline fracures until the warm glow tooknow over revitalizing her energy and fixing her lungs.


She had watched the door until Nias fight started. Three minutes had well passed and lexi was going to sprint over and grab Aidan....drag him here if she needed to....until the fight started.

All the anger and pent up aggression she had towards her best friend evaporated when she saw Nia crumble to the ground on the verge of a breakdown. She flickered out of sight in front of jeans leon and Min.

Lux had said his how could you taking ember away as lexi sat next to her best friend, the cameras on as the mask and helmet off, her identity revealed to the masses of parents.

She held out her her hand in front of Nia, in the beginning of the day the promise the three of them made. No matter what happened....they would make it through this as friends.

She didn't say anything, you couldn't. Not with something like this. The best you could do was show that you were there so she didn't have to go through this alone.


Lisa watched in the crowd as she saw the girl that had been plastered across the news in Vintage. Her face supported a high profile murder case that if you didn't recognize it....you lived under a rock last summer.

Lexi Clark was alive. She was this Rush. This bratty girl had exceeded any expectation Lisa was told the project would accomplish. As her smile grew she knew what she had wanted her entire life was now a possibility.

And the possibility of something was more powerful than you think.

Lux Allen

Lux paid no attention to the nurse or her physical appearance, continuing to stare at Ember. "If it hurts I don't think she's going to be feeling it right now," he murmured. However, as the nurse pressed her hands down onto Ember's chest, her body jerked once, before continuing to lie there, unresponsive, as color returned to Ember's prone figure, her stomach rising and falling again with her breaths. Lux stated for a few moments, tightening his grip on the sheets of the bed, before he stood, gave a "Thanks," to the nurse, and walked out. He didn't want to see what Ember would do if she found him just staring at her when she woke up. He walked into the halls, not wanting to ask what the janitor was cleaning up, as he made his way back to the gym.

Leon was excited at hearing the newcomer speak, someone from home! And from his city no less judging by the dialect. The part about where the stranger called him brother confused him. Must just be because we're both from Paris. As Jean kissed Min hand, Leon's own tightened slightly on her shoulder. "Ah another Parisian. I'm sorry Jean, I don't recognize you. It's been a while since I've seen anyone from home so you must excuse me." Before he could continue, the announcer called for the next fight. This one was Nia and Ember. "I do so hate to seem rude but our friend is up next. Unless you'd care to join us?" The stranger declined politely. "Suit yourself. It was a pleasure...re-meeting you I suppose." He turned back to the arena to watch Nia's fight. When it came to a close he would have stood and cheered had he not seen the look on Nia's face. Suddenly Lexi was next to her. Always there for the people she cares about. I admire that about her. It will make her a great hero one day.
Harriet was over the moon. Not only had her best friend, a freshman no less, actually made it to the finals. But so did the girl she was taking to the dance. Regardless of how Nia may have felt about what she did to Ember, Hare was proud. It was an ingenious use of her power.This had to be one of the most exciting things to happen at this tournament in a long time. Seeing Sarah she called over to her.

"HEY! MISS FORTUNE! OVER HERE! Isn't this exciting? There two freshman in the finals now. Crazy right?" @CosmicChangeling


Baylee felt a shiver go down his spine. He looked around. He saw Leon and Min talking with....

"No." he whispered, aghast. It's Jean. He's here? What is he doing here? He's going to ruin everything. I'd never have enrolled Leon here if I'd known. Damn that Heureuse....maybe I can find a way to get Leon out of here before everything starts to blow up in my face.
Sarah stopped in the hallway, her body language composed and controlled. She was English and if it was not for her brother's antics and shenanigans people would believe her prim and proper personality was just part of her nationality.

She turned around, a smile on her face as she saw one of her closest friends. "I like that," holding out the file for hare to grab filled with quotes and quips of gossip she had heard along the day today."I think for next year, I will use that codename I'd you are all right with it."

Sarah nodied. "It is exciting. I think it should be the story we try to push to get printed for Monday, but I think I stumbled on a much larger story." She opened her notebook. "There was an FBI agent with Hapswell talking about Lexi Clark and if he had figured out something important about her. But Hare, it was very romantic of you to forfeit, but I placed 50 pounds on you taking the cup home with you."
"Oh sweetie you shouldn't have. Wait a minute....only fifty? I'm hurt, I'm worth at least a hundred. First off, it got me a date so I'm not complaining. And to be perfectly frank I went into it blind, I had no idea if she actually went for women. Even if it doesn't pan out with her, now the school knows I go both ways so I can have my pick of the litter whenever I choose. (Not that I would she thought to herself. I'm not actually that person, but a little flirting never hurt anyone)" she said with a wink. "And second...." she said, grabbing the folder "some of this is good. I didn't know about Aidan. I already know who the kid is. The brutality one is great. I know who Crush is, at least their first name. The T-Rex thing was terrifying. I was right there when it happened. Great work though! I'll go see what I an dig up on the cyclops and the Agent. Thanks Sarah, you're a doll." @CosmicChangeling
"Harriet, fifty pounds is roughly one hundred American dollars."

"Your point?

Sara smiled at the response. Quite frankly, she set herself up for this one. "Point taken. And if you know Crush I will suggest to the paper we do a feature on Crush, Brick and Rush. Who they are, everything about them and let the audience decide whon was right and who was wrong. An unbiased feature. Hare, whatever you can find will greatly help me, but I want to be the one that pens the federal agent story. This one is big, I feel it."

Turner was frightening. She seemed....well, not all together there as a teacher, Sarah had not realized the clear strength that woman hid underneath her airy personality.
"He name is Isabel, other than that I don't have a whole lot. I'm not sure if we should write an expose on the three. You never know how Louise may react... why those three though? Wouldn't it make more sense to do Impede, Bloquear and whoever wins between Crush and Brick? instead? You know, the three finalists?" she asked, her finger on her chin in thought.
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"No. Those three," Sarah said with no room for question in her mind. "This isn't a feature about who won, but the events that can escalate to extreme violence and where the line is at our school. Hapswell says it's death, but maybe that needs to be amended. This started as a feud between Brick and Rush, two students were brutally tortured because of that feud, executed by the three of them. The articles will be about them." Sarah paused, and for the first time there was a sliver of emotion laced in her voice. "And maybe I started this with my predictions on who would win."

She wrote the articles. Lexi was known throughout the entire building for her acts of bravery. It was an easy piece to put together. Her money had been on Hare to win, but the story, the story called for the red headed girl of the people to win and that's what she wrote.


"Besides, the seniors at the paper will want to write the stories about the winner and the finalist battle. They will get first pick, no one will go for this angle. Which is why," She smiled. "Your column and my investigative pieces get the most attention, we think creatively and out of the box."

Isabel. She would remember the name. "i'm going to make my way to Hapswell's office while he's busy at the gym, see if I can find any files on this Isabel. I will see you at the dance later?" She asked as she began walking off. The principal was rarely out of his office, so taking the moments that he was to utlize for your needs. However, she stopped by the door noticing Darke and Loretta talking to each other. She couldn't make out much, but she wrote down what she could.

Mind wipe? What's going on?
"Just...be careful okay Sarah? I'd hate to have to try and find a replacement for you on the paper. Don't get yourself caught and expelled for breaking into Hapswell's office." she called as Sarah walked off.

I should go check on Nialla. Congratulate her on the win. I hope Ryan has gotten some good pictures for the paper.

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