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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

He charged up, not realizing that he had turned the metal at his side into a super-magnet. He sent a blast at the group coming down the hall.The three in the back went down spasming as the electricity coursed through their muscles. The fourth wasn't ever going to get back up. He hadn't meant to strike that hard and wondered if it was just his powers gaining more strength. "Just look out for those here. I'll try and keep as many off here as possible. He made his way down the hall, keeping his blasts as low as he could while still taking out soldiers. He heard screaming from a classroom and tried to make his way in but it was blocked.


Worming their way through the vents was tough. It was harder for Ryan given he had to do it looking down. If he looked up, he could see up Sarah's skirt. When he first realized this he thanked his lucky stars that she couldn't turn around and see how red his face was. He'd give a cooked lobster a run for its money in the color department. "S-so Sarah...w-where exactly are we g-going?"

Lux Allen

Lux could see the dragon raging in the forest, and was filled with fear, only to remember... The attackers were men with guns. When the dragon seemed to topple over, he knew he had to help.. Whoever it was. He jumped to his fleet, flying up into the air. The smoke obscured his movements, and he ignored the terrifying monster tearing soldiers apart to the best of his ability. He saw the broken windows and flew through one, trying to avoid the shattered glass still clinging to the edges. He flew through, making his way over the forest, trying to find wherever the dragon had fallen. He dove down into a clearing, finding a teacher who he barely recognized leaning against a tree, bleeding rather badly. He winced, walking over, leaning down a little, holding out his hand. He decided to simply scoop her up instead, going a little pale at the sight of all the blood. "Come on... I'm bringing you to the nurse." He murmured, rising up into the air. He looked down for a moment, to see blood on the ground. Confused,he looked down, beginning to feel pain, as his adrenaline was fading. With a bit of shock, he realized he was bleeding. A lot. He remembered the glass in the window, and screwed his face up in pain. "I'm very sorry Ms. turner," he gasped in pain, gliding down towards the ground. He set Clara down in a clearing, sliding his back down along a tree, only to see the large, bloody glass shard sticking out of his stomach. "Oh..." He murmured, as the pain began to kick in. "I can't get you to the nurse's office I am afraid..." He admitted with a pained sigh. "Very sorry... Anything I can do though, once I pull out this shard?" He asked, wrapping his hands around it, only to wince in pain and pull back as he realized his hands were bleeding and he had cut himself quite badly. "Oh my..." He whispered. "I didn't help you much, did I?"

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Violet victorian laced underwear. Sarah kept her left arm close to her chest as they moved, blood driping onto the vent and on her clothes. "I'm not sure, I just know I need to calm down. Lord knows what is going on out there and it's all my fault." And it would be. Whatever happened, whatever chaos that was causing this, if she didn't remain calm and in control their teachers and the rest of the student body would not be able to function and lives would escalate a lot more quickly than the natural event of things.

She stopped walking when she saw Ms. Turner in a private classroom on her phone. She turned her head and placed her finger on her mouth to Ryan, not noticing his lobster like expression, to signal him to be quiet. Their T Rex of a teacher didn't look like herself, wearing a sports jacket, a badge that said she was a recruiter...Ms. Turner had a sister. She crouched down and tried to listen to the phone conversation.

All she could pick up on was 'Louis Briggs'...who sounded like the big tycoon in the genetics and pharmaceutical field. Misfortune had turned off as our plucky reporter was focused on a story rather than her lack of control.


Clara knew all of her students. Every single one of them. She was one of the few faculty that would take the time to try to get to know you. Many students just knew her as a ditz and a loser. She saw Lux fly over to her, both hands were pressing her wound as she looked white as a sheet, her lips turning purple. "L-Lux," She let out and cried out in pain as he tried picking her up. She feared the nurse, and her job was not yet done.

He crashed into a clearing, her vision was getting spotty as she looked up and saw a glass shard in him. "Bottles...healing potions," She croaked out, still pressing on her wound. "Fi-find them, pl-please....it will fix bo-both of us."

Rustling in the bushes, Clara cried out once again struggling to her feet. She got to her knees morphing into a brown bear. Two gunman had raced out for her to slash out at their guts with one big swipe. Organs entrailing on the ground, the bear toppled over roaring in agonizing pain.
As the barrier fell Min smiled and hugged Nia. "Thank you! Find yourselves a safe place I need to find Leon!" She shouted as she made her way over towards the school. Her eyes glowed a shimmering red, flecked with unusual black spots. Using her powers she jumped up onto the roof. Landing softly, a pool of red blood appeared below her and hands sprung out of it. They grabbed at Mins ankles dragging her down into the red blood. Looking down with worried eyes she screamed loudly as she was dragged into the pool.

She felt herself drowning in the blood, until she lost consciousness. Min appeared behind Nick a bound book in her head. She grabbed his throat and slit it slowly his blood splatted over her face. His blood dripping on the old book. It shimmered and a low growl could be heard as it's lock opened. Min smiled as the pages ruffled. Looking into his eyes she smiled and leaned in to kiss him softly. Pulling back it was apparent her eyes were unfocused. "You're right. I do want you. You look so delicious. I want you all to yourself." A large bony hand appeared out of the book and grabbed Nicks throat pulling him into the book. With that the book closed and min smiled kissing it softly as he barrie expanded one more foot. "There, there. It's time we had some more to eat. We need to have all the fun we can before that girl takes over again."

Bursting into the room, two soldiers shot at her. The bullets dissolved as the entered Min's barrier. "Ah, ask and you shall receive." With a dark smile Min made her way towards the soldiers, happy to finally have some fun.


Bran wanted to break something. Someone was influencing his movements, there's no way he could be messing up this badly. Helping the student he had landed on, Bran looked for the source of all this misfortune. It dawned on him who it could be. Sarah Lane, the resident bad luck bringer. He didn't want to interact with her any more than he did, but he decided to fight luck with skill. He pulled out his phone and tracked the bug he had put on her. The bug blinked three times before dying. Luckily he remembered the position before the bug died.

Making his way down the halls he saw the other soldiers literally brimming through the halls. They all turned and pointed their guns at him. Bran sighed and groaned under his breath, "seriously?" The men cocked their guns and shot at Bran. Dodging the best he could he ran across the walls and kicked one of the soldiers in the face. Turning his head he charged towards the others. Ready to fight them off.

A few minutes later Bran stood surrounded by a pile of nearly twenty soldiers. Panting he wiped the sweat form his brow, dropping the last soldier. He looked around and made his way towards the last location Sarah was in. However, he didn't expect to see the other Ms. Turner walk into a private room. Following quietly he made his way over to the door and listened in. Louis Briggs? Why does that sound familiar?


Oisin Kane snapped awake as he seemed to sense Clara get harmed. Pushing the rubble off his body he growled and looked at some of the guards who were making their way out of the school towards the grounds. His brow furrowed and the earth shook creating a stone cage wound them and crushed them. Turing his head he looked away towards the direction of Clara. Whispering under his breath, "Clara.." Oisin knew he had to go to her. Roots formed underneath him as he sped toward her direction. His mind focused on being by her side.

He made his way over to her and looked at her the bear rolled over in pain. Breathing quickly he began to panic, looking at her injury. "Clara... Oh...Gods." He used his magic to pull up some roots and mashed them to make a slave. Using all of his magical energy he focused on the salve healing her. Placing it against her side he felt the blood seeping from her wounds. Praying to nature, he felt the warm glow of the salve slowly stop the bleeding and ease the pain. The wound didn't close completely, but it was the best he could do. He hated how his power was used for offense rather than defense. Druids had to learn how to heal and help others on their own. He looked at her worriedly, "Please be alright Clara. Please."
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Unable to look where he was going Ryan bumped into something soft. He moved his head up and smelled....lavender? It was then, with much shame and horror he realized what had happened.

"Ohnygoshsarahi'msosorryiwasn'tlookingwhereiwasgoingcuz-" his reasoning was cut off as the vent creaked and collapsed, dumping the pair of then into the room with Lisa. His finger hit the picture burst button on his camera as he grabbed it to try and protect it. The fall stopped, with him on top of Sarah

Man, talk about bad luck. She's definitely going to hate me now. I knew I should have stayed in bed today... @CosmicChangeling (and possibly @The Suspicious Eye if Bran sees this)
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Lux Allen

Lux gave a weak nod in response, lifting himself off the ground. He would have asked her where she had last seen it, but he was losing a lot of blood and he couldn't get the words out of his throat. He hovered through the forest, drifting between trees, his eyesight beginning to blur. He moved from clearing to clearing, realizing he was lost.

However, he soon came across one particular clearing that had two large footprints in it. He guessed they belonged to the dragon, and he began to investigate the clearing, trying to find the healing potions that Clara had spoke of. He spent several precious minutes looking, until suddenly, his bad luck cleared and he found the bag on the ground, in the imprint of the dragon's footprint. He leaned down, scooping it up. He hovered out of the clearing, worryingly able to follow the drips of his own blood. He made his way back to Clara, dropping the bag to her left, before he crashed into the ground, letting out a few wheezing breaths. "Th-there," he hissed, seizing up in pain.
Nialla hadn't gone far. Once Min and Lexi had passed her, Nialla ran forward as fast as she could, looking for her mother. She ran into Henry Savolt and hundreds of parents who seemed unnaturally calm, but whenever she asked for her mom Savolt wouldn't answer. Without any hint of where to go, Nialla headed further into the school, stopping at the infirmary. Ember was bleeding, with a bullet hole in her shoulder. Louise and DuValt were both unconscious on their beds, and the Nurse looked beyond ragged.

"Have any of you seen my mother this way? Last I checked she was wearing a purple and blue costume with a W on the top of the mask." There was guilt and worry on her face as she asked Ember and the Nurse, hoping to have some sign of her mom.


Natalie Blake's injury was meant to be lethal, but five minutes with Arnold the Phoenix turned it into a scar. It still hurt like hell, but she was no longer at risk. "Thanks, Arnold." Nat said before getting up, Ump in hand.

She had nowhere to go, so Natalie walked to the gym, in the hopes of finding and helping Tim. There had been some sort of weird power outage, and her own radio was out of commission, likely destroyed by a stray bullet. What luck.
Harriet decided to go with Nialla. It's not like any of my family is here she thought a little bitterly. When her question was met with shakes of the head she put her hand on Nia's shoulder. "We'll find her. Don't worry. Have you tried calling her yet? Maybe she was helping with evacuation and got it safe already." @Homage


Moe had lost sight of then when the dragon appeared and the ground shook with explosions. He began running back towards the building. He was sure that Harriet had gone there, though he couldn't say why. He ran into a blond man carrying a gun. He looks like Leon. His dad probably. "Sir, I think your son is in the nurse's office, watching over his friend. Come on, I'll lead the way. As the pair made their way through the school they ran into a group of soldiers blocking their way. "Close your eyes" Baylee said, he blinded the soldiers and opened fire. None were left standing. He grabbed another gun then tossed one to Moe. "Lead the way"
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Leon heard a scream. That was Min. She sounds like she's been hurt. I've got to find her. He made a dash for the gym and the door that led outside. There he saw a woman with some sort of bird on her lap. I think that bird belongs to Ms Turner. Which means she's an ally. "Miss are you okay? Do you need any help?" @Homage
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Lexi groaned getting to her feet as her ribs were healing along with her broken arm from breaking through a door and toppling to the inside of the building. She had never run like that before, like she had little to no control of what speed she was going or when to stop. She decided not to dwell on it, her helmet on as she ran.


Darke would feel his forehead get cut, a flicker of Rush appeared, she dropped a bullet from her hand onto the floor. "Caught it!" and she would flicker out. It seemed the super caught the bullet just as it was about to go in Darke's head and end it right then and there.


Tim was swearing uncontrollably in his head as he looked at the mangled knot that was his limbs. How the bloody fucking hell was he-

He was standing up straight, only to wobble and begin vomiting.

"Jeeze, Elastic. That might have been the worst knot I've worked on. Ever."

"Speedy. What the bloody fuck took you so long? Need a bloody invitation when school goes to shit to show up?"

"Citizens class not a hero. And...i'm sorry....next time I'll just stop everything before it happens. Your welcome."

"Fuck you. Get your ass in gear, I need you to..."He stopped himself as he noticed a pile of forty men tied up and thrown on the ring, looking at Rush who seemed to flicker out of frame as he talked. "Show off."

"Gymnasium clear, thank you." But there was no sign of Aidan. Lexi was trying not to internally scream as she had run this gym three or four times in hyperspeed...the bright side she didn't see his body either.

"Where's Nia?"

"She's safe, we were just outside with Kane."

"Ok," he needed to see where Nat was. "Keep clearing the rest of the school, kid." Elastic hugged himself, jumping up, bringing his knees in as his body became more of a rubber ball than human, bouncing out of the way.

Lexi was going to keep her priority Aidan....once she found him she would do what elastic wanted and help clear out the school. The seniors that had been helping this entire time had noticed the gym had atleast been taken back and began making their way to clear the rest of the school. Lexi was on her way to be one of them. A kid opened the door of the gymnasium, just ten feet infront of her as a bright light filled the room.

Lexi barely had time to catch up in thought as she was once again in another explosion. The force throwing her back, she saw herself in the prudential building it was happening all over again. Debris and shrapnil were everywhere. Lexi did not hit the wall this time, just the ground, but a pipe rod from the building had found itself inside her, like a javelin being thrown. She was impaled and stuck to the ground like a piece of paper and a tack.


"What are you..." she turned her head and whatever control she managed to grab was now gone. Misfortune cast high and rampade as she just stared at Ryan realizing his face had been inbetween her butt cheeks. Her underwear. Her dignity as a reporter was now in question!

The vent broke and the two toppled inside. Sarah let out a scream of sharp uncontrolled pain as she had landed on her shoulder with the gun wound. Lisa shut her phone. "Please, with a school full of murderers right now....please continue screaming so they all know where to find us." She sarcastically remarked.

Tears were in Sarah's face as the pain in her shoulder was blinding, she lied on the ground looking up they were all going to die because she couldn't keep herself controlled. Her thoughts scattered she couldn't think of more than three words before the hot iron would press on the shoulder reminding her she had been shot and needed medical attention. Now.


The nurse looked up, her brown eyes looked more golden than brown now. As two gunman entered her infirmary....HERS...she placed both one hand on each chest letting out a cackle of maddened laughter as they began screaming. Bones were heard crunching as blood shot out of their mouths and eyes. They screamed for two minutes before there was nothing left to scream. The human husks dropping. "My office. My space. YOU FUCKERS HAVE COME TO PLAY HAVENT YOU?!?"

A girl had caught her off guard, she turned, blowing the hair out of her face. "I don't think it's a good idea if ANYONE sees me right now girly....if you love your mother you should wait until I have a nap...right?" It didn't sound human, the voice that came out of her mouth. "right...good girl." She patted her head laughing like a loon to try to get back to her desk. "TODAY IS A GREAT DAY TO DESTROY LIVES....save lives.....SAVE LIVES!"


The pheonix cooed rubbing himself against Nat's neck.

"Nat!" Tim's ball had shifted back, the rubbery man of a solid five feet stood over her hand extended to help her up. "You alright?"


The salve was cold and stung, the bear screamed thrashing or attempting to, it was just moving slowly unable to really fight back. But whatever was placed on, she could feel the wound not burning as much, it was closing. Clara changed back to her human form, still white as a sheet and sweating from the amount of blood loss. She hugged the trunks of the druid. "You came back," She felt like crying.

Lux had arrived, she got to her feet, staggering a moment or two before she walked over and took one of the bottles. She poured the liquid on the boy, it wouldn't heal as fast as the nurse...it could take an hour or two but he could feel the immediate affects, the wound was slowly closing. "Good boy." she took the others from him. "You and Doctor Kane saved my life....but you need to go with the professor and stay safe...your job is to stay alive. Mine is to give you your best shot at it."

She turned and looked at the druid wolf, a small smile appearing. He had just given her...her best shot of living. She ruffled lux's hair and morphed into a panther, sprinting off to continue the bloody massacre in the woods.
Min staggered out her body completely covered in blood. Luckily the cloak and her shoes kept most of her hair clean. Trembling she looked at the blood on her hands. Wh..w...what has happened? W-w-why am I covered in blood? She looked back at the trial of red her cloak was leaving behind her. She covered her mouth everything smelling of iron. She felt the blood against her skin and closed her eyes. She didn't know, she didn't remember anything. The last thing I remember I was on the roof. Now I'm in the hallway covered in blood. This was starting to scare her.

Holding back the tears she gripped her locket with her bloodstained hands. The locket the only thing keeping her from freaking out. I need to keep a level head. She felt so weak, but her power felt stronger. The weight of the darkness in her body slowly crushing her. She couldn't help but wonder how dissapointed her mother would be in her. She'd call me weak. That I'm not strong enough to be on my own. The thoughts seemed to motivate her. Her eyes glowed as she raised a hand. The blood on her body and clothes rose up off her and formed into a large ball. Min created a fist and the red mass condensed into a hard solid rock. Letting it fall to the ground Min sighed.

Min saw the large mass of hardened blood. It was the size of a soccer ball. "That is a lot of blood." Min felt that she did something she'd regret. I need... I need to find someone...Leon...Lexi...Nia...Aidan...someone... she thought tugging at her necklace. Min needed a distraction, something to focus on other than herself. Making her way down the hall she floated above the blood, weapons and bodies to stay clean. Still holding onto her locket tightly her knuckles nearly white. She could feel herself quietly sinking into a place she didn't want to be. Pulling her knees to her chest she closed her eyes as she floated down the hall. Doing her best not to cry, praying she'd find a friend.


Bran watched surprised as the Sarah and Ryan fell from the air vent. He didn't know if it was unlucky or lucky that she had fallen right there in the room. Thinking fast Bran knew he had to do something. If his eidetic memory was right, which it always was, that woman was working with the evil government. Sarah was in trouble and he had to help. Getting up Bran ruffled his hair making it look messy and then began to pant heavily. He ran in looking like he'd been running for a while. "Hey I heard someone scream." He looked to Lisa. Finally getting a good look at her he noticed the recruiter tag. She must be Ms. Turner's sister. "Ma'm are you alright?" He turned and pretend to notice Sarah for the first time. "Oh no." Rushing over to her and Ryan he looked between the two. Stating loudly as he looked at Sarah. "You're badly injured. Don't worry I'll take you to the nurse's office."

With that he picked her up, princess style, and turned back to the woman. "Ma'm be careful here the roof is beginning to collapse in this area, students and soldiers have been falling everywhere." He turned to Ryan. "Can you walk?" Bran didn't wait for much of a response Sarah needed medical attention now. With that he walked past Ms. Turner's sister and headed down the hall, hopefully with Ryan behind them. Walking down the hallway he looked at Sarah, holding her tightly. "Hey I need you to hang in there and keep pressure on your wound. Tell me did the bullet go through or is it still in there?"

@Brinni @CosmicChangeling


Oisin Kane felt a such pain knowing that the salve was hurting her. He knew it meant it was working, but still seeing her in pain killed him. However as she eased back into her human form he gave a soft sigh of relief. He looked back at her even in his gruff wolf form his eyes were soft every time he looked at her. He placed a hand against her cheek and nodded. "Of course I did," he whispered softly as he looked into her blue eyes the pools, she looks so pale.

Oisin was not one in a position to disagree. He wanted more than anything to keep Clara close to him, keep her safe. However, as teachers they had their duty to their students safety first. He watched her leave giving a quiet sigh as she ran off. Taking a deep breath he turned to Lux. "Alright Mr. Allen let's get you somewhere safe." placing a hand on Lux's shoulder he lead him back inside. Oisin knew that the safest place would be in the Nurse's office. That woman is terrifying.

The Nurse was insane. Nialla's eyes widened with the realization, and she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Nurse, after all the stress of what happened throughout the date, had lost her mind. Nialla had every intention of throwing a barrier over her until she calmed down, but she soon found any such plans were not needed.

With nothing more than her raw strength and a first aid kit, Louise Rendt knocked the Nurse unconscious with a quick bash to the back of her head. "Sorry if you needed her, but she needed a nap." Nialla knelt down to check her pulse, and sighed with relief as she found that the woman was alive. Louise seemed to know her strength, even with her left hand. "Flame girl, your shoulder okay?" Louise asked Ember, seeming to show some sort of concern. Maybe she felt sympathetic about injuries to right arms.

Still, even one handed and minus a tone of blood, Louise was an impressive sight. She still carried herself with an individual strength that could only be admired. If Nialla wasn't one of the three people Louise seemed to actively want lying in a broken heap, she could have found herself liking the girl. Nialla heard footsteps running through the halls, and threw up a two, feeling her arms shake as she did so. Her energy stores were running low. "Hare, if I'm hearing right we may be stuck in here. You have any ideas?" Her mother took a backseat to survival.




"I'm fine, now. You hurt? This Phoenix works wonders." Natalie said to the boy, still trying to think of a plan. The boy was a distraction, but he could be much needed. "I need to get into the gy-" Suddenly a blur flew past her, the gym doors slammed open, and not even thirty seconds later Tim Sheppard was out of the gymnasium, safe and sound.

"Tim, thank god you're okay." Nat said, and pulled him into a hug. She'd never been more happy to see that angry almost-dwarf in her entire life. "Can you get to the other parents? When I got shot I left Loretta and Henry alone with all those parents and seniors. They might need backup." There was no need to worry him over Nialla. The girl was tough as nails, she could take care of herself.

"Kid, you need to go somewhere? If it's close, I'll stick with you." She made that offer more out of some hope of finding Nialla or one of her friends, like Nat knew who they were.



Darke watched his life flash before his eyes, and was almost completely frozen in shock when Lexi pulled the bullet out of midair. "How...?" He asked air, she was gone less than a moment after her quip. He teleported into this office and broke open his glass case containing the rarest cigars known to man. He didn't go back into the fight until he finished smoking, still dwelling on how close he was to death.
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She hadn't changed her perfume in over fifteen years. Why hadn't he not noticed until the direct moment she hugged him, her size making him look like a small child in comparison. "Alright, I'll follow up with Savolt, make sure they get to the parking lot. You keep that fucking bird with you at all times, you understand." He let her go, but held both her arms to make sure she was looking at him (Too short to reach her shoulders).

Arnold was finishing the rest of his mango watching the three of them intently.

"Sparky, go help speedy with round up on the rest of these-" Elastic was cut off from the explosion in the gymnasium. "Scratch that, sparky go make sure Speedy is alright."

Before Nat could protest, he stretched himself kissing her cheek before bouncing off. "Don't get yourself killed." If today was going to be the day he was going to die....well....no fucking regrets.


Lexi lied on the floor, soaked in a puddle of her own blood. She wasn't dead, so that meant that the long rusted pipe impaling her to the gymnasium floor had not gone through anything vital. Her lucky day. Unlucky day. She placed both trembling hands onto the pipe and struggled to pull it out, screaming in pain.

"FUUUUUCK," she stopped, panting as she looked up at the ceiling. "I can do this...I can do this....breathe Lexi...breathe....you can pull this out...you'll heal....you'll find Aidan...everything will be ok..." she tried coaxing herself but broke down in tears. Placing her hands back on the rod she tried again only to scream as it refused to budge.


(Going to save Sarah and Lisa for when Brinni responds)

The nurse most defnintely needed a nap. She was in mid cackle, red and golden sparks coming out of her hands when Louise had knocked her right on her ass. She fell to the ground and passed out cold. If anything, anyone that came to her for healing would not be healed and realize that their final moments had been a big and utter mistake by going to see this woman.

For now...napping was the best option.
"First thing's first. Need to help Lexi. She's probably in the gym, right in the middle of the action. Then we'll make our way back to the Nurse's office. It's probably the safest point in the school and that's where I'd head if I was looking for someone. I still need to find my dad and the rest of my friends." He started walking past Elastic. He had just made it into the gym when he heard Lexi screaming. She had been impaled and right now, the iron rod was moving of its own accord. It started bending...towards him. He was too shocked to do much but stare as slowly the rod pulled itself out of Lexi while moving towards him, no doubt causing some serious internal injuries. With a sickening squish he pulled itself free and Lexi passed out. The rod flew at him and he didn't know what to do. Some loose coins and expended bullets clincked into his side and he realized what what happening. Fuck, when did I magnetize that? With a quick movement he pulled the disc off his side and tossed it, watching as the rod shifted direction. The rod flew through small piece of metal, but at least it hadn't gone through his leg. He ran over to Lexi, sliding in her blood, and knelt beside her, not caring that he got her blood on him. He watched in amazement as her injuries began to heal themselves.


"Y-yeah, I can walk. I don't think the bullet went straight through her though" Ryan said following behind Bran. Let's just hope that the nurse can help her. We should try to calm her down though. It'll help all of us in the long run."


"You stay here, you're exhausted. I'm gonna go see if I can find anyone else. I'll be alright, I promise." Harriet said, back stepping out of the room. She darted around the halls looking for Moe, Leon, anybody that might need some help. She took a corner too fast and slid on some blood, running right into a girl with white hair floating off the ground. "Oh Min, it's you. Are you OK? I hope you aren't seriously hurt, the nurse is knocked out... but anyways Nialla is over in the nurses office if you want to head there. I'm going out to see if I can find anybody else. If you see Moe let him know I'm ok. I'm sure he's worried about me. "


At that moment Moe and Baylee had just walked into the nurses office. With a quick glance Baylee could see his son wasn't there...either of them.

"Oh Nia, have you seen Harriet? Is she ok?" Moe asked, genuine concern in his voice.

@Homage @The Suspicious Eye @CosmicChangeling
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The rod started to move on her second attempt, but the pain was unbearable. Her arms twitched as her body was shivering in shock. She let go but it was still moving up and out. Calm down. Calm down. Calm down. But she didn't, she screamed until the pain went white and the world went black.

As Leon took out the rod, Lexi had passed out cold, but he could see the gaping hole in her stomach began repairing itself. In just a second or two the wound was gone, soft pink peachy flesh was shown and there was not even a fragment of a scar. Her grey eyes shot open, she was gasping looking around until she saw him. Lying next to her. She reached out and placed her hand on his, squeezing it. "Leon you just saved my life." She sounded as if she had just slept ten hours straight which seemed impossible. "I think...I think a bomb went off at the door and...why do i keep ending up in explosions?"

She went to pick herself up, to lift him up as well, but she tripped on her own blood landing face first in it. "Fucking christ....it's like there's fucking bad luck everywhere."


Lisa watched the three of them carefully, she was sitting on the teacher's desk, her legs crossed. Her underwear was left in her sister's office probably on the desk or something, but she was wearing jeans so it didn't quite matter did it. Just a nice...surprise...for the legendary Clara Turner. She watched the three children leave making a mental note of their faces. If it turned out they heard more than they should have...three dead kids wasn't going to lead to the end of the world.

Sarah was staring off at the ceiling, her breath hitching in pain. The bullet was still lodged in her shoulder and the drop of ten feet did wonders of reminding her how awful the injury was. She would be lucky if she didn't break her shoulder or any bone for that matter from that fall. (She didn't. Lucky her.) Bran had picked her up and her expression was still calm and controlled but tears were falling down her face.

All of this was her fault. All of it. "These are people without powers," She said hollowly as they were in the hall. "If...If I knew what I was doing....this would have been handled in under ten minutes. All of this I'm causing." The voice was calm but inside she was near hysterical. That was it. Ryan's shoelace had managed to untie itself from the classroom to the hallway, kids were heard down the hallway panicking that their powers were all screwey. This was all her fault...and thinking this way, was only making it worse.
"Sarah, it's not all your fault. The attack happened long before you lost control, and that power of yours saved us in the classroom remember? If those guns hadn't malfunctioned we'd be dead. I'd rather be alive and unlucky than dead any day of the week. Plus the bit in the vent probably didn't help very much. The point is, you shouldn't put everything on you. It's just not reasonable, and unreasonable isn't really in your vocabulary is it?" This probably would have been perfect to get Sarah under control if at that very moment he didn't step on his shoelace and fall into Bran causing him to stumble and jostle Sarah's wound.
Whatever group that had come, there would be no other waves coming into the school. Whoever was there, that was it. Many men had met their demise in that forest. By the end of it, Clara Turner began walking back, pressing her hand on each tree for support. Her flowing skirt and white tang top were drenched in blood. Most of it not her own. Purple lips, white snow skin and the look of steel in her blue eyes, she was walking back a soldier. She was a one woman army. She had made a promise to herself long ago that anyone that had wanted her or others like her gone just by what they were...would not live to continue whatever they planned to do about it.

She didn't have much to live for. She was not respected. She was not generally liked. If we were being frank, Clara was considered a joke. Her self worth had been chipped away since she could learn how to read. But the one thing they would never take, and she would REFUSE until her dying breath for anyone else to have this taken away from them, was the right to live.

Everyone at this school had the right to live. The right to be a human being and not some sort of animal.

(Clara won't be done until the actual fighting is done and over with, I'm just writing this now)


Jonathon Hapswell was playing with his gameboy on the bleachers. It was time to face his arch nemesis...Senior Shitface....the cousin that was one step ahead of him during this whole Pokemon journey (pokemon doesn't exist in this world) as a stack of armed men were tied and put on the ring. He didn't seem to even pay much attention to anyone, even Lexi's screams of pain as Leon had come in to save her.

He was on his way to be the next Pokemon Master.

The Beast shook its head to clear the new, annoying memories as they emerged. It peered around the room, savoring the scent of the blood and death, before it spotted a convenient, writhing pile of powerless fleshbags stacked up on the ground. Convenient. It sprinted forward, stopping right before the pile. It reached out, as the men began to scream. Their souls came to it easily, and one by one they all stopped their pitiful moving, going silent for all of time. The beast twitched, as it grew larger. The souls made it stronger. And it was not quite done feasting yet. It saw a red-headed super impaled on a large rod, and it leapt forward, delighting in its soon-to-come kill. It tore the head clean off an insurgent that tried to shoot at it, the soul of the man seeping into it as it continued its movement. It sprinted towards the girl, only to see the rod tear itself out of her. Its three eyes followed the erratic movement of the rod, only for a small metal disk to hit it in the stomach. It paused, looking down with confusion, only for the rod to fly through its stomach a second later. It let out a shrill, ear-shredding scream, before it let itself back out through its mortal weakling host, only to realize that the rod was jammed in her now. Worried for its own safety, it reached out with an arm, tearing out of the girl's head, taking a grip on the rod. It tore it out of her, looking around for a target, before hurling the rod through the guts of a stray insurgent, flinging the man against the opposite wall, pinning him up there like some gruesome decoration. The arm receeded, and the Beast let Rachel lie, shaking in pain as she lost conciousness.


Lux Allen

Lux let out another pained wheezing breath, once again grabbing the glass shard. With another wheeze, he tore it out, although from the pain he felt on his hands, he didn't want to know how badly he had cut up his fingers and palms. He groaned as the healing liquid was poised onto his wound, and he could feel it begin to close up. He was too exhausted to thank Clara, so he resolved to giving a simple nod instead. He didn't take notice of the teacher ruffling his hair; too focused on his own growing pain. After a minute more of just lying there, he stood up, letting himself be walked inside by Oisin.


Ember Brook

Ember simply nodded at Vi as she blasted her way out into the hallway. She decided that she could save her moral questionings for later. Now they had to fight. She heard the sounds of Vi fighting outside, before she watched Leon step out aswell. She lowered her fire barrier for the two of them, as to avoid burning them alive as they stepped through the door. She couldn't stop them from leaving the Nurse's office, but she hoped they realized that it wasn't too safe out there.

She turned, hearing the nurse speak up, and practically crumple two insurgents with her powers. Never mind about the safe bit. Ember's eyes were wide with the horror of it, and she began to speak up, only to see the nurse crumple to the ground as Louise hit her from behind. She didn't turn her head to answer Nia's question, already recognizing the voice. "I don't know your mother, and I haven't seen any parents in here. But you and I need to talk after all of this is done, Nialla," she explained, turning her sad gaze to the girl for a moment, once she was sure the insane Nurse was going to stay down. She didn't want to know why there were disturbing, red and gold sparks coming from the Nurse's ahanda, or what about the current situation was funny to her.

"My shoulder's shot up quite bad, and I..." She tried to curl her fingers, only to find she couldn't on her right hand atleast. "Can't do anything with this arm. Splendid," she sighed. "Thank you for your concern though, Louise," she answered, gritting her teeth. Her shoulder hurt quite a bit more than she would have liked, especially since the Nurse had just been knocked out.

When Moe and some blonde parent walked in, Ember realized she was too distracted by her pain to keep the barriers standing, quickly raising them back up once the two entered. She didn't know the answer to their question, so she didn't bother saying anything. Instead, she stepped out through her curtain of fire blocking the door, sending a torrent of flame roaring down the hall on both sides, roasting the insurgents gathered there, before she stepped back inside, looking quite exhausted. "You all alright?" She asked, voice filled with concern.
It wasn't every day James got permission from professors to kill actual people. It was the schools number one rule, don't kill. You could mangle them and bring them to deaths door, but as long as they didn't die you practically got away with murder here.

(Fights like bricks and crush's were brutal and cringing yes, but James had seen this before. How do you think arch nemesis origin stories start? High school and the crazy drama established here)

So, you knew shit was actually going down if the mean jumping bean Elastic was giving seniors and juniors permission to kill soldiers. And this meant that he had to enjoy every moment of it.

Helping Savolt, loretta and the hot piece of milf leading the charge James was ripping the shadows off the men that had guns and generally were too old to be a student here.

Instant death. Off to neverland you go, you little fuckers. It definitely brought some internal laughing as he did it.

Good stress relief.

As they walked James stopped when he heard the explosion on the gym. The dragon had seemed to have disappeared and guns and powers were malfunctioning.


He didn't ask permission, he jumped from shadow to shadow to find his sister.
Two guards appeared in front of Min from around the corner. Firing their guns the bullets turned to rose petals instantly as they touched her barrier. The petals spun around her as she opened her eyes and looked at them. One of the guards rushed her and went to grab her arm. Jerking her around her pulled the gun to her head and glared down at her. Scared and caught off guard Min couldn't do anything in her position. Closing her eyes Min waited for her life to end.


Min heard the gun go off. However she didn't feel her life slip away from her body. Opening her eyes she saw the gun beside her. The barrel pointed upwards above her head. Turning slightly Min saw the man who had grabbed her. The top half is his head was missing as if it had been sliced off. Min gave a silent screamed as she saw the man, too shocked for a sound to come out. She wrenched her arm out of the dead man's grip. The rose petals around her were stained with red blood. As Min's concentration slipped the petals retuned to bullets as she staggered forward.

Covering her mouth she tried her best not to vomit. All this death was frightening to her. She fell to her knees, out of shock and fear. The other solider raised his gun to Min and cocked it. Aiming right at her head. Min didn't even try to stop him she was tired of fighting. Tired of seeing people die, she closed her eyes and waited for the bullet to kill her. The bullets sounded and Min's shadow rose up and diced the bullets into pieces. Arms pull out of the shadow and dragged the solider into him. Each hand ripping and tearing at his flesh until the solider stood in front of min a bloody skeleton. His eyes rolled out of his skull and fell at her feet as the hands dropped him and fell back into Min's shadow. Floating high up she shuddered as her eyes glowed down at the bloody mess around her. She could feel the strength overwhelm her as her powers grew with every death.

Suddenly she sensed that someone was coming behind her quickly. Still floating she turned to see Harriet slide on a trail of blood and bump into her. Min shook her head when Hare asked if she was hurt. "I'm fine Hare. You said Nia is in the nurse's office? Do you know where Leon is?"



Bran groaned as he heard the bullet was still lodged in Sarah's arm. He knew that he would have to pull it out if they didn't reach the nurse in time. He looked down at her although he kept a calm face he was worried about her safety. He didn't talk as they made their way towards the nurse's office. Keeping quiet as she and Ryan were talking, he was listening for the soldiers. There were still some roaming around the school. He was fairly certain that Ryan couldn't hold his own against them and with Sarah's bad luck still running rampant it wasn't the best thing to run into the others.

He felt him be pushed as Bran stumbled. He looked at Sarah realizing that he bullet wound need to come out now. With a aggravated sigh he moved into a room and sat Sarah down in a chair. "Sarah. I need to get that bullet out of you now. I can pull it out, but it will hurt a lot. Do you want me to do it?"


(Kane post soonish)
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Unreasonable is not in your vocabulary.

The moving and strong thought was ruined as Sarah cried out in pain, Bran stumbling moving the bullet further in. Gunmen were onto their location, but they collided into eachother, the guns firing off in their legs as Bran made it to a classroom. Someone's misfortune was another person's good fortune, and in this case it was theirs.

She looked at both boys, straightened herself in her seat and crossed her legs like a dignified lady. Her bottom lip quivered for just a second. "I agree, it has to be done now and I need to keep my wits about me." She placed the stenopad in her mouth and clamped down on it ready when Knight was. Her good hand she reached for her friend, grabbing his hand.

He was going to be curtious enough to count first....she assumed. Now that she thought about it, she should tell him to count, on three...to give her mental preparation for it.
Hare shook her head. "No but I haven't looked everywhere yet. I'm on my way to the gym to see if there's any stragglers there. He could be there. I haven't seen a lot of people since this all started, come to think of it. Moe, Sarah, Ryan, Aiden, Leon, Nick, Lux, several of the teachers. It's no surprise given how hectic everything is, but I know Sarah is alive at least. I'll escort you back. If he's not there, I'll find Leon for you...whether he's alive or not, I'll bring him back to you." @The Suspicious Eye


"Pull it out? Right here?" Ryan squeaked. "I suppose I should stand watch then right?" he asked, peeking out the window. He watched as a soldier's gun misfired and shot his comrade in the foot. His idea was changed as he felt Sarah take his hand. His face went red. She's holding my hand? No. Wait. She just needs an anchor or something for the pain. That's all it is. It could have been anyone else here and she would have done the same. I'm not special. No sense getting flustered over it. He sighed, a little disheartened realizing the truth.@CosmicChangeling
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"Hare just left." Nialla said to Moe, somewhat distracted by the rapidly moving chain of events. "She was looking for someone who could help, actually. And we need it. The Nurse is out cold, DuValt hasn't woken up yet, Ember was shot, and Louise is... Ironically in the best condition out of any of us." She turned to Louise, and nodded her head. She let go of the breath she didn't realize she was holding when the girl nodded back.

"Yeah, Ember, as soon as this chaos ends, we'll talk. I need to apologize for what I did." Nialla didn't mean to say that last part, but out it went.


Natalie kept Arnold with her as Tim requested (She knew he ordered it, but Natalie pretended he wasn't stupid enough to try ordering her around again.), and forced herself to remain distant at the kiss. She could think about relationships later, after the school was clear and her daughter was safe. Tim would understand that.

She followed Leon into the gym, and any unprepared human would have vomited at the sight. Nat didn't think there were enough body parts left to give full body funerals for most of the people caught in the blast. It would be an on duty cop's nightmare and the school attorney's job for months. Nevermind the Janitor, who would likely never finish cleaning up the mess. At least there was one survivor: Rush, Nialla's friend. Nat knew the girl about as well as any other parent did.

She nodded at Lexi's clever guess. "You're probably right. I don't have access to the school's files, but it's possible for at least one student to have the ability to spread bad luck, right?" And to Leon, she took a moment thinking of the best path possible. "We shouldn't go to the Nurse's office. If the attackers know the location of it they will probably hit it hard. It's the location of at least three Supers who fought in the tournament. The best chance of finding anyone would be heading outside. The parents and any evacuated students will be there, defended by as many teachers and Supers as we can manage." While the Nurse's office was a fairly safe bet, it was also the likely target of any late-phase attack. When they knew their plan was a failure, those left attacking the school wold likely resort to killing as many as possible.




Nobody saw them. There were two attackers in the hall outside of the Nurse's office, who arrived too late to be incinerated by the flames, but early enough to watch their friends die. Blinded by fury, Naranna ran up close to the flames and fired an entire clip into the room through the flames, only stopping to reload her UMP.

With his partner deciding to attack instead of waiting for surprise, Garth pulled out his own gun and fired through the flames, hoping to get rid of as many of those failures of human evolution as soon as possible. They were unnatural abominations, they had to be removed.


Nialla heard the footsteps and reacted before she could even think about what she was doing. With the hardest shove she could manage, Nialla pushed the blonde adult into Moe and out of the way of the door, before throwing up the strongest barrier she could manage. It lasted for just over twenty bullets.

Nialla didn't even realize her barrier didn't block all of the bullets until she saw Louise's wide eyed look of shock. When she noticed that, Nialla realized she couldn't feel her legs, and that there was a feeling of something liquid moving down her stomach.

She collapsed not a second later, blood from eight bullet wounds from her stomach to her legs pooling under her body.
It's possible for one student to create bad luck, right?

She turned her head and noticed the Beast, or Rachel....was eating the men she had tied up and spared....eating and ripping them to shreds only to lunge at her, get impaled by a rod, pull the rod out and pass out as Rachel, or half awake in volatile pain Rachel. The sound in the gymnasium died, both the woman and Leon along with everything else was frozen still.

Lex bent over and vomited until she could not stop herself from dry heaving. Nat would still be in the middle of her sentence, a pile of vomit just appearing as Lexi had Rachel draped around her shoulder. You couldnt' even see her move, it seemed like a flicker in the frame. "Nurse's. Got it. Do we want to go your speed or can I just bring you there?" She asked.

"No fuck it, I need to see if Aidan's all right. You two most likely will puke. I'm sorry."

The four of them flickered out of the gym. Realistically Lexi picked one each at a time and walked back and forth in her trip to the void. There was a large fire out the door and two gunman firing. It didn't register to her who might behind the door. Or that there was anything seriously wrong. It was all just a frozen picture to her as she placed the frozen pheonix on Nat, who was next to leon, rachel on the ground up against the wall. It didn't take any effort at all to tie up two frozen gunman and break their guns.

The gang would flicker in the hallway outside the nurse's office, two soldiers tied up and gagged. "Not sure how to solve the burning fire, I'll look for a fire extinguisher," she was out of frame and just now holding three of them. "One could be empty, better safe than sorry."

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