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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

Lexi Clark had been too distracted by the parade of questions and earnest sincere apologies from Aidan's family she had not noticed that one handshake felt like a sharp prick in her palm. From being picked up, asked about children and all sorts of questions that had her social anxiety on the rise, her mind was pulled in a million directions.

She had not noticed the prick was not a prick at all, her body healing so fast there was no evidence left to show she had been touched. Annalise was a southern bell....hundreds of people were attending this wake purely because they knew the family.

That same man had taken a digital picture of Ms. Clark before he made his way out of the church, walking away with DNA proof and an image that Ms. Alexandra Clark was still very much alive.

The proof was in the blood after all.
"You gonna be okay there Ryan?" Harriet asked.

"Yeah, I think I'm just gonna take the day or so off from things. As determined for her goal as she is to be a reporter, it's 50/50 whether or not Sarah will be at the meeting. And right now, I don't think I want to see her again today. I gotta call my uncle, going to ask him for advice. I think I'll just spend the rest of the day in the dark room working on my pictures and making sure everyone from the dance gets theirs."

"Cool. Well if you'd like, after the meeting I'm gonna stay up all night watching movies and skip my morning classes. You're welcome to join, I'll probably invite a few other people too. Bring a sleeping bag or something."

"Thanks, I'll think about it."

"I should probably let Rachel know...."

The two split off as they heard the bell, signaling the start of the last class period. Ryan pulled out his phone and spoke to his uncle and asked him if Graves could possibly call in two days instead. After being assured it wouldn't be an issue Ryan sighed and hung upp before his uncle could ask any more questions.


Moe read over the sheets that Miss Turner had given him. Memorizing the information they contained, he placed them back on her desk. Brushing by Miss Turner and Professor Kane as he walked past he said "good catch professor" while she was distracted with some letter before hurrying on his way to his last class with Darke. It was probably his favorite class...unless lunch counted. Then Darke's was his second favorite.

Sarah was not the greatest at making hot chocolate. Her attempts at creating her own concoction was a complete disaster as powder was all over her clothes and face. She had actually gotten very curious hearing Candy talk about her scientific experiments in the form of delicious cocoa that she had insisted on trying a version of her own.

Resulting with Sarah admitting defeat and telling Candy that she was the expert and this should be left to her.

The video games was a different ball game. James stole every console he could get his hands on x box one, wii u, PlayStation four and unheard ones from different countries. It was wrong, she however couldn't stop her brother and would often find herself playing games in his room with him from time to time.

So her skills in a shooter game were a good compliment to Candy's as they played.

(To help @The Suspicious Eye jump in)
Hare had everything set. Netflix was at the ready, whatever physical copies she had were next to the dvd player, she even remembered to get snacks and some two liters of soda. "So Ray-Ray, for being so cool with this I think you should pick the first movie that we all watch once everyone gets here." Looking at the clock she realized that there was still fifteen minutes until she told anyone to arrive. Hearing a knock she opened the door and smiled wide at who their visitor was. Stepping aside she let them in saying "Glad you decided to join us! We haven't even started yet. Ray was just about to pick the first movie. (Whoever wants to be the first to arrive go for it)

@My Pet Poro @SirDerpingtonIV @Homage @The Suspicious Eye
Hours had passed since Nialla had passed out and began the slow road to recovery, thanks in no small part to Oisin Kane. The pain didn't plague her sleep as much as it had when she first fell unconscious, but still she was in a wretched state. Her body looked like it was falling apart, like she was likely to fall over and die at any moment. Nialla was, of course, mostly alive, but any normal human body should have died far sooner.

After several hours she woke up, still in the Nurse's office, with sweat covering her body. She felt thirsty beyond any sort of quenchable relief, and barely managed to utter under her breath, "Water." Her throat screamed in agony even as Nialla managed those words, and she didn't have the energy to even say it again, let alone trying to make louder noises.


It was past seven. Natalie Blake still, after over an hour and a half of waiting, sat patiently in the hallway outside of Hapswell's office. Loretta had told Natalie it would only be a minute or two when Natalie had given the woman her application. It seemed that Loretta had been incorrect in her assumption that Hapswell would be willing to even answer her. After all, this was the same man who, according to reports, only saved the lives of most of his students because he was forced to do so by Lexi Clark.


Erin knocked on Hare's door with a hint of reluctance, the events earlier in the day still fresh in her mind. She had watched as her friends broke apart like glass on a rock. Even her attempts at fixing things between everyone went without much notice. She couldn't focus too much on it, not enough to repair things, since she had been busy helping out Salve repair her camera enough to recover what little leftover footage they had. Erin knew she was little more than a pack mule to her sister, useful for finding the right tools and talking to people, but she enjoyed being helpful.

When Hare answered the door, Erin gave Hare a wide smile, and stepped inside. "Thanks! Sorry I'm early, Salvey's still fixing her camera but I got really bored. It okay that I'm here so soon?" Erin figured it was, otherwise she would have waited for Salve, but her mom had always taught her it was good to clear those things up with friends first.



"Ms. Blake," Loretta had walked to the doorway standing there looking down at Natalie. "Principal Hapswell will see you now."

She gently grabbed the woman's shoulder. "Be mindful that Hapswell is a...unique...principal. I advice you to not do any aggressive behavior....no matter what happens in there."

Hapswell was reading the very first edition of RUSH. The cover art showed an adult version of the hero sucker punching Brick, a more adult version in the face. It was quite entertaining actually. The speedster was such a fire cracker and wise guy that kids were going to love her, girls were going to want to be her.

He was going to make a shit ton of money off of it.

"So. You want to teach here. You were part of Elastic's crew? I thought they all died. Are you the wife that ran away and has come to return? That would explain the kid actually." He turned the page and didn't even look at her. He was enjoying the cover art. Brick was so cartoonishly evil in this it was down right HILARIOUS.


Tim had been sitting by Nia's side rotating ice, changing fluid bags and doing everything he could. The nurse was reading her magazine about the Kardashians when Nia spoke. The hellish woman put the magazine down, but saw that dear old Daddy had already screwed the cap off the water.

"Do you need me to pour it down your-"

"Don't be a fucking pansy, she can barely fucking move. Pour it down her throat for fuck's sake."

Tim gave the woman a sharp look but began to lightly pour the water down her open mouth, just enough so he wasn't doing too much where she would gag and choke on it.


She didn't feel like using her powers and blipping to the hotel. The two were walking down the streets when a comic store was on the side of the sidewalk. She walked past the glass windows seeing a new hero being featured with issues and stopped cold when it registered.


She walked a few steps back and pressed her hands on the glass. "No." She let out.

She saw an older version of herself, in her grandfather's uniform sucker punching Louise, an older version of her in the face right on the cover art. "No....no no no no no no no no." She whined pressing her head on the glass as she let out an anxiety filled whimper.

"Leon this isn't real. Please tell me this isn't real..."
"Of course it is!" Hare exclaimed. "Find a seat wherever you'd like. Is Salve coming too Eri? Let's see, who else did I invite...you two, Jean, Rachel's boyfriend Bran-" she immediately got hit in the head with a pillow "ok fine, her friend Bran and....oh yeah, Rye Bread. I figured with everything that went on today Sari may need some time to cool off from us, so I didn't invite her. And I invited him because I thought he could use some fun with friends right about now. I did agree with you though, it shouldn't just be her call who stays and who goes. I would have said something, but I was more worried about him at the time. You know he was so upset he punched a locker and broke his knuckle? Our small little Rye Bread got upset enough to hit a locker. Anyways. RAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" she whined at her roommate "what are we watching first? And if I can convince Sari, you want in on uncovering a major conspiracy? We could be famous!" @Homage @SirDerpingtonIV


Leon laughed. "It's absolutely real Lexi. That was really fast, it's only been three days." He walked into the store while she looked at the magazine and bought five copies and some sleeves for them. "Maybe these will be worth money some day. I got one for all of our little crew. Oooh maybe I'll get to make an appearance. I can see it now. The evil Brick has come up with some nefarious plot overseas. Following her dastardly nemesis she teams up with Paris' own "Foudre", that particular comic book world's version of Static Shock. Granted that's not how the Leagues work at all from what I hear, but you know. It's a comic book, it doesn't need to mirror the real world directly." @CosmicChangeling
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No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

The whimpering didn't stop as Leon laughed, she watched through the window as he went to the register as she almost internally screamed. "Louise went after Nia...and nearly killed Aidan...because some stupid reporter at our school paper kept writing about me...a school paper. Aidan BARELY patched things Leon....barely....we have to burn all the copies. All of them...."

Lexi began pacing. "If...if I slip into the void I can grab all of them...but who bought them? How many copies were sold? Oh god...what if she's already reading a copy?!" She squeezed his shoulders nearly shaking them. "She is reading a copy right now isn't she? Oh god....god...I don't want to go through this again....I became an asshole...I handled it all wrong....what if Aidan doesn't make it this time....what if she finishes me off...I only fucking survived because Nia through up a barrier and I didn't protect Nia enough so she's still recovering...."

She bit her lip letting Leon go as she was flipping through the comic. There was a panel where Rush leap frogged Brick...but Brick was made to look like a total tool. A complete fool. She felt fear rising at every bubble caption she was reading....Aidan was a cop in this, just on the force with aspirations to being a detective. He was being saved constantly and his normal dorkable self. "Why is this happening? I didn't...I didn't even agree to this....Riley Burton is such a stupid name..."

Rachel Miller

Rachel found herself sprawled loosely across the couch, an arm hanging over the floor. She wore a simple grey tank top and sweat pants, her designated "casual" attire. As Hare asked her what movie she wanted she gave a loose shrug, eyeing a spider on the ceiling quite intently. She finally leaned over, looking up at the Netflix selection of movies. She groaned with her own laziness, grabbing a remote and beginning to look through them. She heard someone arrive and Hare begin talking to them. She wasn't particularly paying attention until she heard something about Bran being her boyfriend. She grabbed a pillow and threw it into the back of Hare's head, chuckling. She turned back to the movie selection, mumbling about how little there was to pick.

As Hare whined at her Rachel let out a groan, turning to face her roommate. "Gimme a moment!" She whined back, a grin on her face. However, when Hare made her second offer Rachel raised an eyebrow. "I really don't want to draw any more attention to myself here, y'know?" She admitted, frowning slightly. She wasn't smart enough to figure out mysteries anyways. She knew in her heart that she or the Beast would muck everything up somehow.
"You're right. Really stupid. That's an unlucky break for you. But I don't know if she's reading it. I can always try to talk her on your behalf. She's got nothing against me as far as I can tell. I think they nailed Aidan to a T....minus the whole sight thing. This is really good though." he said, leafing through the story.


"Well, offers open if you change your mind. Could be fun." She said with a shrug. I wonder who's coming next. "So Eri, what do you like to watch? Romance? Comedy? Action? Cheap horror movies with grotesque amounts of nudity?" @Homage @SirDerpingtonIV
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Dr. Kane's hands trembled worriedly as she took his letter. What if she doesn't like it, what if she wishes it was longer. Oh I wish it was better, she deserves so much more. He could feel his entire body heat up with a mixture of embarrassment, worry and hope. He wasn't a man who took things, not anymore. He wanted only one thing, to see her smile. His heart raced as she took one letter, away. He couldn't say anything as she spoke, so he nodded slowly, the sound of his heart pundits faster and faster in his ears.

Thoughts of her being disgusted by the letter, swirled through his head. Hoping to calm his own nerves he read her letter. His heart nearly stopped as he read the letter over and over again holding each word into his heart. He didn't think, he couldn't think his emotion were overwhelming him. As he finally knew her feelings it was quite surprising. To think someone like Clara could ever think of him like that made him feel weak at that knees.

Hesitantly he looked over at Clara and saw the tears slowly form in her eyes. He was worried that he'd offended her and wanted to make it up to her in any way possible. Jolting as she dismissed the class he hadn't even realized that the students were still here. When they were together it is as if they are the only two people in the world. As the other children filed out of the classroom, he was drawn into the beautiful blue of her eyes. Pulling him closer to her as if they were tethered together by a intangible force.

As she grabbed his collar he followed her inside the room. Without a second's notice she began to kiss him passionately. Oisin body moved on it's own as he wrapped his hands around her and pulled her close to him. Sliding his hand up her back he intertwined his fingers in her hair. Kissing her back with the same passion as he held her close. His body strengthening against her. Felling his lips, tongue and mouth against his own, he never wanted this moment to end.

Arnold had learned a valuable lesson today. There was such a thing as too much mangos. He had greedily ate a mango, a full mango, per letter. Not realizing that his Clara and the Mango Man would not stop. The human mating dance was odd to him, he thought it would be more of a physical show.

A sort of dance. Song. Something.

Letter writing was boring and trivial. Humans had the potential to do so much, but they always picked odd and trivial things with their unlimited potential it was...disappointing and boring. Needless to say when he started puking out mangos, he was done.

They could do their mating dance on their own. He would just have to be patient. His Clara took care of his eggs every year. He really wanted to take care of the Clara egg. Keep it warm, tend to it...shop around for the proper pet owner like she had done for him time and time again....but at this rate he'd never get to see a Clara egg. Damn the mango man...damn him.

The bird perked as the class was dismissed. He let out a coo and flew to the radio. One click of the talon romantic music was playing to heighten the mood.


She gave herself to him completely. The classroom was gone, everything was gone but the feel of his lips on hers, his tongue with her tongue and the feel of his skin against hers. His hold was commanding and safe.

Clara came up for air, her heart accelerating. "I'm yours completely," She said breathlessly. "Oisin I..." She couldn't say it, her throat drying. Her forehead resting on his. Instead, she succumbed to the pull of the universe instead of saying she loved him, unbuttoning his blouse as her hands lightly trembled. "Take me."
Brinni said:
"You're right. Really stupid. That's an unlucky break for you. But I don't know if she's reading it. I can always try to talk her on your behalf. She's got nothing against me as far as I can tell. I think they nailed Aidan to a T....minus the whole sight thing. This is really good though." hhe said, leafing through the story.

"Well, offers open if you change your mind." She said with a shrug.
Lexi finished it. Origin story and all. She hated to admit it but if this wasn't her....she would read this on her own and enjoy it. Considering how much she was bullied she would laugh at how stupid brick was and want to see how rush constantly took her down.

But she was rush. She knew brick personally. This was all real. She slipped the comic back in its sleeve.

"No....I need to talk to her. It's my mess...I just hope she listens to me when I tell her I had no idea. I don't know how the super world works....but wasn't the tournament for the seniors. The teachers were talking to recruiters about seniors. Shouldn't I have been contacted....or at least been like 'hey we are doing this?'....I'm registered as citizens class. Sure...I did stuff at the tournament but I was told we all had to participate... "

Citizens class was such a load of bullshit for lexi. Everyone and their mother could tell five seconds knowing her that she was going to be a hero or villain....citizens class for her right now....was just her being afraid of accepting what she was and what she wanted.

As leon mentioned that it was good her nose scrunched. "You're not going to be looking for other issues are you?"

She saw a small child walk out with a plushie rush doll and actually twitched. To be fair merchandising before a product was super common. "Ok that couldn't have been made in three days what is going on here?"

The answer.....hapswell had been waiting for awhile to market this shit.....you have a soothsayer you see glimpses of the future don't care about most of that bullshit but when you saw money and lots of it you stopped. No manufacturing the toys had been in the line up since thompson first dropted her off here.

It was the success of her debut at the tournament that he let all the shipments go and get placedone in bookstores across the globe.
"I am definitely going to be looking out for other issues. Mostly because I want to see if the rest of our friends make an appearance. It'll be fun. Will Rush and the cop end up having feelings for each other like their real life counterparts? Will they dance around the whole thing leaving everything undefined or will they step past what you and Aidan are and actually define what they are together? Or will the author go a different way and give Rush some other love interest? I love comics Speedy because you can never be sure exactly what's going to happen with them, especially brand new ones. These might not even take off. As for how this all came about..... maybe the author has prophetic visions as a super power that manifest themselves as comic book scenes? I know my cousin Tara has visions of the future...but I don't think hers manifest like that."
Lexi went red in the face as he was teasing her. "His mom just died....I'm not....that's something you....and what if he....oh shut up Sparky. I never had anyone like me before or me like them. I don't know what I'm doing . Get off my case." She barked her cheeks rosy red as she had gotten very flustered.

Her comic book counterpart was smoother with people interactions. "Not everyone has it as great as you and Min. Min is pretty...one of the prettiest girls in school. She's poised and sweet and everyone falls in love with her when meeting her. And you're from frikken France the country of love or romance or whatever....and a fucking blonde. That stuff comes easy to you. Half the time I get mistaken for a boy. I piss off more people than I mean to...and 85% of the time I do the wrong thing first."

They were walking their way to the hotel as she talked. "Look....I really don't want to ruin this thing we have...I cant. I really....fuck....I'm trying to just let it happen on its own because I will fuck it up leon. I fuck up everything."
"I was talking about the comic Lexi. I don't know why you're so defensive. And sure Min is pretty, but looks aren't all that matters. It's who you are that matters to me. And the way Aidan is I doubt you could ruin....Whatever you two are....If you tried. So just, breathe."
Great. She was already over reacting and jumping to conclusions. She missed the days when everyone hated her and she could just go home read books tub around th3 block and only focus on what made her happy.

Now she was biting her friends head off over something innocent. Exasperated she was just relieved they had made it to the hotel. "Sorry....it's just been...a long day. I know you're just poking fun at me. Friend thing. Learning curve. I'll get there. I swear. Can you come with me to talk to Hapswell about this? Aidan won't understand....and if I go alone I might actually strangle the principal....and I doubt that will go over well. I hope whoever this author is pisses you off when you show up though."

She did pause after a moment fangirling. "You think the real flash somewhere is reading this and going 'I'm better than this knockoff' somewhere? I'd fucking love it if I actually got to race the real flash."


Somewhere on a plane to a grand vacation destination an old man had a comic rolled up in his hand as he whacked the back of his sons head. He was sitting with two five year old tots who were passed out as his son was playing candy crush on his tablet, his redheaded wife sleeping on his shoulder.

"Hey, ow....Pa...what the-"

"I found my uniform you lost. Next time you go around claiming I might have Alzheimer's check yourself." He whacked him again but extended the comic out.

John looked at the cover art, a woman's body in his father's signature uniform. When he flipped the pages he saw his wife...but himself. His heart sank in the bottom of his chest.

This was his kid....what sort of cruel joke was this?
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"You never know Lexi. Maybe. But yeah, I'll go with you to talk to Hapswell about it no problem." He walked in and got the keys to their room. He gave one to Lexi and they took the elevator up to the 14th floor. He opened the door and looked at the room. "Uh-oh"
"I could totally kick his ass....I really want to challenge him. How do you do that? Is that even appropriate?"

But as they opened the door to the room and lexi only saw one bed she didn't freak out like she maybe should have. With aidan....she would have gone bright red in the face and began figuring out what exactly she needed to do to....not be awkward do you cuddle do you not?

Leon....eh....one second she was in her dress the next she was in a captain America onesies, hood and all. "Right side. I'm a kicker don't be afraid to punt me off if I end up jabbing you in the middle of the night."

(I'll do the funeral when I'm home.....I'm shuttling cats....I shit you not....I'm shuttling cats for the next hour....)
CosmicChangeling said:
Arnold had learned a valuable lesson today. There was such a thing as too much mangos. He had greedily ate a mango, a full mango, per letter. Not realizing that his Clara and the Mango Man would not stop. The human mating dance was odd to him, he thought it would be more of a physical show.
A sort of dance. Song. Something.

Letter writing was boring and trivial. Humans had the potential to do so much, but they always picked odd and trivial things with their unlimited potential it was...disappointing and boring. Needless to say when he started puking out mangos, he was done.

They could do their mating dance on their own. He would just have to be patient. His Clara took care of his eggs every year. He really wanted to take care of the Clara egg. Keep it warm, tend to it...shop around for the proper pet owner like she had done for him time and time again....but at this rate he'd never get to see a Clara egg. Damn the mango man...damn him.

The bird perked as the class was dismissed. He let out a coo and flew to the radio. One click of the talon romantic music was playing to heighten the mood.


She gave herself to him completely. The classroom was gone, everything was gone but the feel of his lips on hers, his tongue with her tongue and the feel of his skin against hers. His hold was commanding and safe.

Clara came up for air, her heart accelerating. "I'm yours completely," She said breathlessly. "Oisin I..." She couldn't say it, her throat drying. Her forehead resting on his. Instead, she succumbed to the pull of the universe instead of saying she loved him, unbuttoning his blouse as her hands lightly trembled. "Take me."
Dr. Kane's hear beast faster and faster with every moment he was with Clara. Feeling her energy, her passion, her lips against his own was like a electricity sparking between them. He wouldn't trade this moment for any other in his life. To him Clara was his everything and to finally be with her, it was a dream come true. Feeling her hair through his fingers and tracing her body with his other hand he held her close. Never wanting to let go of her again.

All the passion and adrenaline between them excited him. He couldn't handle much more. Then as she breathlessly spoke. He waited for the words he longed to hear, the soft whisper of 'I love you.' For he loved her too, more than anything else. Instead she began un button his shirt and his face grew a glowing crimson. He...he didn't expect. Hearing her utter the soft words take me, Kane's body radiated heat. Steam rose from his cheeks and his body began to grow weak.

He pulled back and looked at so nervously. "W...w...w.what? I...I...." He saw the earnest look in her eyes, there was so much love. He couldn't even bring himself to even think about doing that, here. The surrounding grew blurry and he tried his best to speak. "I...I...I d-d-on't..ahhh" With that everything turned black and he fell to the floor unconscious.

CosmicChangeling said:
Sarah was not the greatest at making hot chocolate. Her attempts at creating her own concoction was a complete disaster as powder was all over her clothes and face. She had actually gotten very curious hearing Candy talk about her scientific experiments in the form of delicious cocoa that she had insisted on trying a version of her own.

Resulting with Sarah admitting defeat and telling Candy that she was the expert and this should be left to her.

The video games was a different ball game. James stole every console he could get his hands on x box one, wii u, PlayStation four and unheard ones from different countries. It was wrong, she however couldn't stop her brother and would often find herself playing games in his room with him from time to time.

So her skills in a shooter game were a good compliment to Candy's as they played.

(To help @The Suspicious Eye jump in)
Ren was bored and decided that he'd have some fun and raid some of the contraband that he knew was somewhere in school. Popping in and out of the school he found some pretty interesting things. Some where hidden in quite the fascinating place. Shifting through dream journals, little black books, voodoo dolls, totems. Someone her even has quite the brony complex.

Teleporting into Mr. Elastics room he hit the jackpot. He shook his head laughing to himself. Teachers they always seem to think that students are afraid of them. Ren rifled through the contraband and couldn't help but take the good stuff. Honestly who was gonna miss it. Picking up a wand he twirled it around and put it behind his ear. Magic wands go for quite the pretty penny on the black market. He then used his amazing intuition and located a vast amount of booze in the office (contraband or not). Clearing it out he was sure he was going to have quite a lot of fun tonight. Maybe even tempt Min into a few.

Hearing someone coming he made a quick teleport, not sure where he's going. He teleported right in front of the two girls with a bottle of vodka in his hands. Looking around he spoke, "well this isn't the Kappa Nu, sorority party." Looking around he looked at the two very cute girls he'd seem to intrude on. "Well maybe I found something a bit better. Two pretty girls all alone, my favorite thing to fall in on." Smiling he gave them a polite bow. "Hello ladies and how are you this fine day?"

@SassyWobuffet @CosmicChangeling
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Clara could barely breathe as he went many shades of red, radiating heat. She screwed up. Her blue eyes widening as they teared up. She read it all wrong, she put herself out there and she ruined it, like a delicate flower that she set on fire. "Oisin I'm...I'm sorry I..." He fell forward, her body shifting and morphing to a black panther, he fell on her instead of the floor. Whining softly, her tail skirting under her butt, she grabbed the collar of his shirt and dragged him to under her desk.

He would probably wake up and tell her she had been too forward, that she misread everything and he would need space...but for now, she would hug him possessively like any animal, grooming his hair with her tongue, eventually she fell asleep nuzzling into him.


They had cleared another level, Sarah half distracted as she thought about the events of the day and what she would need to do. She might have been rash, she could have clarified that she would do everything in her power to make sure that their lives would be protected. They would not make rash decisions.....but in the end if one of them died she would still continue the story.

Maybe she had come off that way, that she hadn't cared. But then there was the looming thought that maybe even asking them was a horrible decision. She was putting them all at risk because she was scared. Reporters handled their stories alone....reaching out to her friends had resulted to them turning on her and if she was going to do this....to be made to feel that way at every turn, her very powers would kill them all.

She wasn't sure what to do. Or how to proceed. Maybe she was foolish in the idea that she was emotionally capable of having friends if one argument resulted them to fall apart that fast. Life was simpler when she just kept it between her brother and herself.

Sarah looked up at the strange white haired boy, very well built and he looked like someone that had come straight out of a modeling magazine. She didn't swoon or show any signs of blushing, but she did smile. "It is polite to share what you bring with you to a party," She said looking at the vodka bottle. "My name is Sarah, and you are?"
Kane was out for a long time, when he woke it was late. Still unable to believe He stirred awake feeling the warmth and pressure of a panther laying atop of him. Not the strongest man there wasn't much he could do to get out from under her so he just seemed to wait for her to begin to stir.

Sitting there he felt the warmth of her body. He couldn't help but feel happy as he felt her rest against him in whatever form she was in. As long as it was Clara she was perfect in every way. He stroked her fur. Moving his hand from behind her ear down to the base of her neck. He looked over at her, she was so beautiful. He rested his head against her body, wishing he'd learned to master shapeshifting. Maybe in the next life. He laid there stroking her fur listening her her heart's steady beating. A steady reassurance that she's there, alive, with him. As long as he knew that he could go on living himself.


Ren smiled very much enjoying the welcoming girls. Two girls alone in their room on such a beautiful day. Ren couldn't have that. It was his obligation, no his duty to show these girls a good time. He couldn't count the times he'd appeared in a girls room, but he could count the times he was ever thrown out.


Ren looked at the vodka and extended the bottle to Sarah. "by all means, it's only right I share." Thanks to his psychic connection to Min he knew everything about everyone, well at least what she knows. Sarah Lane, reporter and powerful misfortune user. Although she lack a bit control. Still she does seem like a lot of fun, and besides I wouldn't mind having fun with Miss Fortune. He looked both Sarah and Candy up and down both were quite a fine ladies indeed. Sliding his hands into his pockets and leaning back he smiled as he gave his name. "Ren, a pleasure to meet you." He looked around, "so you said this was a party. How about we have some fun?" He cocked his head the wand still behind his ear swayed at the motion.

@SassyWobuffet @CosmicChangeling
Candice yawned loudly, her stripe-sock-covered toes curling as she stretched out on the simple but comfy couch beneath her. She tended to get a bit... Carried away when playing games, especially the violent sort. It was unladylike, and quite a bit odd considering her usually demure demeanor, but such was life. People were full of quirks.

At the very least Candice hoped that she was doing something to distract her friend from her troubles. Hanging out and playing video games was hardly romantic, after all, but... "Movie!" She blurted, blushing softly a moment later. Certainly a movie would be more appropriate! "We should watch a movie..."

Her attempt at standing up to fetch one of the dozens of silly romantic comedies from her collection failed spectacularly as someone suddenly appeared in the room with them. The surprise was such that Candice fell backwards, landing with a thud on the couch and a muted huff. She did her best to not carry a sour expression at the intrusion, after all, the boy was a bit cute, and he was bringing alcohol...

"Something fun hmm..." She pursed her lips, licking them idly and noticing the familiar sour taste of her lip-gloss. Plans were never her forte anyways, best to just wing it. "I suppose you can stay, if you've brought something worthy of our royal tastes."
Clara was sound asleep but as oisin began scratching her neck and her body she stretched extending her back legs and front legs like a regular feline, purring at his touch.

She nuzzle her head into his chest yawning, sharp fangs exposed but she was nothing more than an oversized kitty one who loved belly rubs rolling on her back and being completely exposed.

Arnold watched not sure what sort of mating ritual this was.


Candy seemed on board, Sarah took the bottle and decided to toss regret outhat the window. She took a direct shot from the bottle itself extending it out to candy for her share in their new loot.

James was her brother, alcohol....unfortunately....was not news to her. But there was a glint in her eyes when she realized the obvious.

"You are a teleporter," She smiled. This meant several tantalizing things for her future needs. "I say the three of us break school rules and leave campus. Explore a city."

How far was his range? Could heasily bring people wi5h him. How exhausted did he get? Sarah had a story and it had many places she needed to be.

This Ren....well....he very well could be a gift horse out of a crummy day.
Erin chuckled at Hare getting hit with the pillow, and shrugged when Hare made her offer to let Erin choose the movie. "I 'unno. I kinda want to watch Pulp Fiction, I guess." Erin loved older movies, but she'd already watched most of them close to a dozen times on Netflix. Pulp fiction was the one she consistently got distracted and kept away from seeing.

Of course, it wasn't like they were going to be able to watch the movie without interruption. Erin figured it'd be maybe fourteen minutes from the video's start before somebody got bored, and wanted to do something more fun. It's how it worked half the time Erin watched movies with anyone, including Salve. Salve couldn't sit still and do nothing for more than half an hour. Once, she interrupted the Lion King to take apart a TV because of a dead pixel in the middle of it. They had to buy a new TV.


Natalie nodded her head at Loretta's advice, knowing full well what kind of person Hapswell could be when he was annoyed. She stood up and entered the room, not bothering to sit down in the chair in front of Hapswell. She needed her escape route unblocked in case things went south. "I was with Elastic's team, awhile back. Now then, to my qualifications. I'm a retired hero and well respected detective. I used to be considered unparalleled in my detective abilities, and am likely still considered the one of the best of my profession." She needed the conversation to be in her control, otherwise Hapswell would let the interview descend into chaos as he asked whatever crossed his mind.


Despite Elastic taking care to be slow, Nialla still began coughing after she choked on the water, but once that sensation passed she felt a sense of relief and her throat stopped burning. "Thank-" She barely managed before getting into another coughing fit. She barely moved when she wasn't coughing, it hurt too much.




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