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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

Elastic and the nurse both smashed into the wall, their backs indenting into the plastered wall cracking. Tim was knocked out immediately as the blonde crazy demon laughed like a loon. "IF YOU WANTED TO PLAY ROUGH YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID SO," her teeth sharpening as she pulled herself out from the wall, her eyes red.

The office was destroyed, desk...everything...but the cot. Red sparks of energy were erupting from her fingertips as she walked over. She extended her hands out ready to fucking make her--

THe nurse pulled Nia's hair back with one hand holding the waste basket with the other so Nia could atleast not puke everywhere since the bitch ruined everything else. "I'm making your father repay and replace all my shit, I hope you know this." She barked letting Nia collapse in the bed. The red disappeared as she walked over ripping the rubbery man out of the wall so she could heal him as well.

"Two things. What the fuck steroids are you taking I want them...and you now have grey eyes. Congratulations."


"Oh...I was? Yes. Room 105 next to Ms. Turner's. That teacher's dead. Teach whatever you want. I don't give a shit. BUT you better be boning the brains out of Darke and elastic so I can sell their ignited rivalry again...I'll put it in your contract!"

That will never be put in your contract. Thank you for being very composed, Ms. Blake. I will handle the paperwork. But I do suggest you leave before he changes his mind or does something more....unsuitable just to get a rise out of you. Nat would hear Loretta in her head calmly talk.
Min rosy cheeks reddened as she looked at James. She wasn't expecting to fall into the floor and have him kiss her hand. Heart fluttering she was still surprised by the fall. She wasn't used to having the ground pulled out from under her. The last time that happened, the darkness taking hold. Needless to say she was more shocked than flattered. However she smiled and gave her hand. "Min, Min Johannas. It's a pleasure." She didn't want to meet his eyes, in fear of looking too infatuated with him. She had a boyfriend whom she cared for deeply.

Taking a sigh of relief as he moved she followed behind and blended with the crowd. She wasn't one for large get togethers. She realized she wasn't made for parties. taking a deep breath she tried her best to stay pleasant. Noticing from the corner of her eye Rachel she decided to stay away from that girl. The last thing Min needed was to pass out again. She didn't know what was up with that girl but she was strange.

Waving to the two most energetic of the group minus James and his alcohol she decided to move towards them and sit beside them. James was spending his time with Hare, so she had nothing to worry about. Walking over she folded her skirt and sat beside the two. Whispering softly to Erin and Salve. "Do you mind if I sit with you. I've never seen this movie before." Min growing up in a home without television included films. On the other hand she could knit, sew and macrame like a pro.

@Homage @My Pet Poro @Brinni @SirDerpingtonIV


Raising a eyebrow at the extremely cocky girl for calling him sir. Ren couldn't help but have some respect for her. She was bold and fascinating someone fun to be around. Ren laughed as the snowball went right through him. "Hey that's just foul play!! Come back here!!" Using his abilities he teleported small circles of the snow right above Sarah's and Candice's heads. He shouted out to the two. "Next time it's going to be yellow snow!!"

@SassyWobuffet @CosmicChangeling

Ember Brook

Ember returned to her room after a long practice, feeling thoroughly exhausted. She was still upset from earlier in the nurse's office, but she knew she would do whatever it took to make it up to Nialla... And the nurse. She hated being wrong, or making a mistake, but this time she could not bare to let herself be selfish. Nialla's life depended on it. Even if it did not, and Nialla would live, she may live as a cripple. If Nialla ended up crippled, or even if she didn't, Ember knew that she would have to try and help the girl out in any way she could, to make up for the fact that she had been the one to cause the injury.

She sat down on her bed with a loud sigh, holding her head in her hands for a few moments, feeling a heavy frown set across her face. She did not see where Allysia was, and was too exhausted to particularly care. For a moment she considered trying to stay awake and studying more, before she felt her eyes slowly begin to flutter, and she at last gave in to the temptations of sleep, heading over to her bed and simply plopping herself down upon it. She began curling up slightly as she pulled her sheets up over her body, closing her eyes as she entered a dream.

Dark. It was very dark in... Wherever Ember was. Cold too, and damp, as if she was inside of a cave. She could feel the wind, howling from the outside, pushing against her back, pushing her farther into the dark. She could not react, or move, or anything other than simply watch. After a few minutes, she began to feel lonely and very afraid, wrapping her arms tightly around herself as if to ward off whatever was lurking hungrily in the dark. However, up ahead she could see something... A light. However, it seemed to be much closer than she had though, as the light appeared only to be the shine of a tiny, white flame, dancing in the air. It hovered above two ancient, withered hands, pale and wrinkly from time. The hands seemed to cup the flame, as if it was water, or a loved one. For a few moments, she could not tear her gaze from the flame and the hands holding it, feeling almost drawn in by the gentle warmth of the flame. She found herself astounded by the feeling of it. Something about that warmth made her feel a strange excitement. A sudden urge took hold of her, leading her to reach out with her arm, grasping with the flame, before both suddenly disappeared, and a confused Ember would rejoin the Awakened World.
Jean entered the room with Min "of course, I didn't have any plans outside of being with you anyway" he said smiling to Min before they headed over to Harriet and James "Hey Harriet, it's good to see you again" as he was over there he saw a girl wave over to their general area, politely Jean waved back. Jean wasn't listening as Hare mentioned what happened with Sarah "uh, yeah. okay" Jean said quickly as he watched the other guy. He didn't seem too happy for some reason I wonder why Jean thought to himself and noticed as he introduced himself as James Lane SHIT. That means Hare must have said something about Sarah. I guess now is a good time to play it off cool. He laughed when James was finished and stuck out his hand. "The name is Jean. It's a pleasure to meet you, pretty flashy way to introduce yourself don't you think" he laughed to himself looking at James I hope he is okay, I don't think he could do that much to me anyway. Let's just hope I don't lose control of my powers again

@CosmicChangeling @The Suspicious Eye @Homage
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Ryan looked at the time. It was about twenty minutes after Hare said her movie night was starting. I guess it beats sitting around doing nothing. Besides it's just some movies with friends, it'll be fun. Ryan showered and put on a t-shirt, some sweats and a sweatshirt two sizes too large. If he passed out there he'd be comfy at least. He walked to her room and knocked on the door. He heard a "Come in" and walked through. He stopped as he saw Jean and James. Rather than ask why they were there he waved and moved over to the couch and sat on the arm of next to the twins. "He Erin, Salve. Miss.What are we watching?"
James' ice blue eyes glared down at Jean. He told Hare he would be on his best behavior for the party's sake but he had killed men before and if he found out the reason hare was mentioning some sort of apology meant this boy put his sister in danger he was willing to get expelled for it. "Min sounds like a name for a girl that knows how too get herself in trouble," he said with a clear flirtation in his voice.

But he let the girl go too her friends for now. He would have fun as the night went on. He didn't take Jean's hand, instead he stepped on the boy's shadow, placing his hands on his hips as Jean would do the exact same thing with no control. "I have more creative entrances," It was a warning as well as being playful. He unstepped. Alright, Jane let's get this party started. I'm looking on my phone to see if they have Princess Bride drinking games."


She went from feeling miserable and violated (It was hard to feel human when someone tried to take sexual advantage of you and you were told that you were the wrong one...that the monster had more power and rights than the victim...all because the victim was super...it was hard for Lexi to try and shake it off) to petrified. Leon and Aidan had to try and coax her out of the vehicle at the airport, her hands denting the car door as she clung to it screaming at the two of them they could not making her go on that fucking plane. She would just meet them at the school.

Lexi still wasn't sure how she made it out of the car and was now sitting between the two of them, her ticket in her hand as they were about to board the plane. She didn't remember security.....or anything else. She just stared, her grey eyes the size of goose eggs as people were lining up. "No. Nope. Shut it down. Going to school with my feet....on the ground...where it's NATURAL....it's not fucking natural to fly in the air."


(I'll do Sarah after @SassyWobuffet )
He was a little showy with his powers for that to be it. I should still be cautious but let's see what I can get out of him "What an interesting power you have there" Jean said, hands still on his hips "it must be way more useful than mine" or not, who knows. Mine killed four people on its own but I still can't control it fully "did I hear you right, drinking games? I should have brought what I have. I got it in by pulling the international card on the school. I have quite a lot, even some pretty expensive wines" Jean looked at Hare "you might like those ones" looking back at James he kept talking what felt like utter nonsense at him while he tried to get a read why can't I figure anything out? It's like he is hiding in some sort of shadow bingo Idiot. that has to be it, looks like check mate my friend I have found you out the truth was Jean was just caught up in his own head, he had no idea what this boy was capable of and now he was being dangerously cocky


Natalie took the comment from Loretta to heart, and left the room after offering her thanks and a goodbye. She gave Loretta an appreciative nod as well, but didn't stick around to chat. She could discuss the specifics of what she would teach later, but the voicemail was a little more urgent. She pulled out her phone and listened to the voicemail from the hallway, and let out an involuntary gasp at whose voice she heard. It had been years since she last spoke to John. His number in her phone was entirely outdated, and their last text was from 2007, when she got her first iPhone. When she learned what he wanted, Natalie called him back almost immediately.

Natalie didn't know what to say to him, but anxiousness filled her. He wanted to talk to her about Lexi, a girl who obviously either didn't want or wasn't allowed to be found. It would burn her up inside to lie about Lexi, but she had no choice without betraying the girl's trust.


"Grey... What? You're confusing me. My eyes are green, always have been." Nialla didn't address what happened with her powers, in no small part because she had no idea. What happened just happened, and Nialla had no idea why or how it did. It was terrifying to her, far moreso than the Nurse ever could be.



Salve didn't answer Min, she'd never felt comfortable enough to open her mouth around the girl. She gave off a creepy vibe, one Salve wasn't a fan of experiencing firsthand. Instead, she took her chances with Ryan, who was much less likely to pull an Isabel. "Princess Bride, best movie ever if you haven't seen it." Salve told him, with a rare bright smile on her face. Not even James or some creepy kid could ruin her favorite movie.

"Sure, go ahead!" Erin offered to Min with a smile. Forgetting for a moment that her sister could hear basically anything she wanted, Erin leaned in to whisper "It's not the best movie but it's Salvey's favorite, so try not to diss it too hard." Erin practically felt the pouty face her sister showed as soon as she finished whispering, and remembered her sister's powers. "Crap, I forgot you could hear me." Erin said with a laugh.


@The Suspicious Eye
John read the comic cover to cover God only knows how many times. This was his father's uniform. These were his father's powers. That was his child sporting the name Riley Burton in print.

In August she had snuck out of their hometown go see some stupid concert or something and they had lost her. They buried the ash that was left after the explosion. Their two children were too young to understand death and constantly had to sit them down and explain and their big sister was in heaven looking down at them.

But she wasnt. It took everything he had not to leave the hotel now and demand answers. Instead he was pacing as Dad was calming down his wife as his cell phone began to ring.

"Nat." Giving her no time to talk. "I don't know if you checked my voicemail. I don't know if you even still do detective work....but whatever the fee is... whatever I got to do to get you to help me find my kid....I'll pay it."

Natalie froze up, despite knowing full well what John would be asking of her. It would be simple: Say what she needed to say to keep him off the scent for a few weeks, just until Lexi was able to give an answer for herself. That was all she needed to do. "I just retired." Natalie told him, dodging the subject as naturally as she could. She was trying to stay calm, but her nervousness would have been obvious to anyone who had known her over the past ten years. John, luckily, had not. "Got shot in the chest. Nialla- My daughter, she... She'll never walk again. I have to stay with her." Maybe he'd understand that. From one parent to another.

Shit. John was silent on the other end as he sat on the end of the hotel bed covering his mouth with his hand as it sunk in. Nialla must have been around the same age as Lexi now. "I'm sorry, Nat....I didn't know."

He was silent for another forty seconds. "I wouldn't ask you to do this if....there's a comic book printed about my daughter. Those only spell trouble. You know these only exist if the leagues are involved....I had to bury my...." He let out a breath. "I think...if she's alive...she's in trouble. I don't know who else to turn...if....if...I understand you need to be there for Nia....be there for your kid....but what do I do?" His voice cracking.

If this was a cover up by the super organizations, digging into this through the wrong avenues...people would die. Elastic, Nat...Darke...they all gave a middle finger to the leagues years ago talking to Nat was safe...talking to Nat he knew it wouldn't be passed to a higher up or someone else putting his kid who might be alive in danger.

"I..." Nat wanted to break, at that moment. She wanted to give up and let him know everything, that Lexi was alive, that she was a friend of Nialla's, that she was a good person with friends, someone who was almost solely responsible for saving the lives of everyone in the school, herself included. "Give me your address. Nialla's father can take care of her while I'm gone. I'll fly or drive wherever you are in two weeks." She couldn't tell him the truth, but neither could she just abandon her friend to the same agony she felt every time she looked at her daughter.

Nialla's dad?...No....it wasn't his business. "I'll pay for the plane ticket whatever you need. Travel. Expenses....and text you the address." His tone visibibly more relieved. He held the comic just staring at the cover. "Liz and I....we were relieved she never had powers like us. She was born normal, ten years old...still an average kid. We thought we were keeping her safe from this bullshit."

Retirement, it was the best option at the time and even though he was a cocky son of a bitch back in the day he would never go back to that life. "If you look up her name, Louis Briggs or Vintage together...you'll get details on what happened...what we were told. Some stupid shit, you know there's atleast one every few years or so...tried recreating the DNA we have...I don't know how far the rabbit hole this goes."

No one ever succeeded, it was a stupid fucking thing to try and recreate. It was probably why Liz and he had never stopped to dig further and just accepted what was told. "Thanks Nat...whatever you need....I owe you."

(@Homage for being a badass and doing this with me <3)
CosmicChangeling said:
James' ice blue eyes glared down at Jean. He told Hare he would be on his best behavior for the party's sake but he had killed men before and if he found out the reason hare was mentioning some sort of apology meant this boy put his sister in danger he was willing to get expelled for it. "Min sounds like a name for a girl that knows how too get herself in trouble," he said with a clear flirtation in his voice.
But he let the girl go too her friends for now. He would have fun as the night went on. He didn't take Jean's hand, instead he stepped on the boy's shadow, placing his hands on his hips as Jean would do the exact same thing with no control. "I have more creative entrances," It was a warning as well as being playful. He unstepped. Alright, Jane let's get this party started. I'm looking on my phone to see if they have Princess Bride drinking games."


She went from feeling miserable and violated (It was hard to feel human when someone tried to take sexual advantage of you and you were told that you were the wrong one...that the monster had more power and rights than the victim...all because the victim was super...it was hard for Lexi to try and shake it off) to petrified. Leon and Aidan had to try and coax her out of the vehicle at the airport, her hands denting the car door as she clung to it screaming at the two of them they could not making her go on that fucking plane. She would just meet them at the school.

Lexi still wasn't sure how she made it out of the car and was now sitting between the two of them, her ticket in her hand as they were about to board the plane. She didn't remember security.....or anything else. She just stared, her grey eyes the size of goose eggs as people were lining up. "No. Nope. Shut it down. Going to school with my feet....on the ground...where it's NATURAL....it's not fucking natural to fly in the air."


(I'll do Sarah after @SassyWobuffet )
Leon whistled. "Wow, the mighty Rush quakes at the thought of flying. Come on Lex, don't be so scared. You're more likely to get in a ar crash than a plane crash after all. Besides, you can't always run everywhere. I was thinking about inviting you all to see my home, or maybe one of the islands my family has a place on, over winter break but you'd have to fly there. I haven't really decided. And where the city would be easy to run to you'd have a hard time running to the island without coordinates and I don't think a GPS exists that could keep up with you." Leon led the two of them off towards the area for private flights. Not that he cared whether if he flew with other people or not but if he has a private plane, why not use it. Right? "And besides all that....you can go or I can get Aidan hooked on a new superhero comic series. You know, the one we found on our way to the hotel? And if he's anything like I am with comics, that'll be all he talks about for a couple days after each new issue. Your choice." Sure it may have been underhanded, particularly since he knew full well that he'd get Aidan on the Rush comics anyways and he was sure she knew too, but at least this way she could delay the embarrassment for a little longer. He flipped through the comic again waiting for her response as their luggage was loaded on.


He ignored me! Which means he didn't deny it! Oooooh I love a good story! Now the only question is whether it's her trying to decide which one of the Frenchmen she likes more, whether she's trying to hook up with them both or he's trying to stop their newfound relationship while his brother is away and take her for himself.Either way this is too juicy not to put in the morning paper. I'll email the advisor with the gossip column as soon as I can.

"I wouldn't know what I'd like Jean. I've never drank before. But I figure where this week will be totally boring since almost everyone is cutting students slack, I may as well try something to spice it up." Hare said. Then addressing James, she said "I'll join you in just a second. I totally forgot to submit my gossip column for tomorrow's paper. If you'd like I can put you in there. "Edgy Playboy Slums It With Underclassmen: Softer Side Revealed As He Watches "The Princess Bride"." I'll say that I saw a single tear rolling down your cheek as you think that Westley dies." She wiggled her eyebrows at him laughing. She jumped onto her bed, pulled her laptop on to her lap. Her fingers flew over her keys and she sent off the email. Could she be wrong? Absolutely, but it's a gossip column. It's not meant to necessarily be true. Would it start drama if either found out? Absolutely. She was hoping it would. "Alright. That's done. Let's get this party started!"


"I don't know about ever" Ryan replied. "I'm a pretty big fan of Murder, My Sweet and Casablanca. But it is a great movie, I'll give you that."

@Homage @The Suspicious Eye @CosmicChangeling
James look uninterested as the blonde little Frenchman mentioned how clever he was pulling the international card with his wines. "One...I'm from England," he had a very American accent for a Brit, his sister did not assimilate. "So the international card really isn't that impressive. Two. The only real rule Hapswell actually cares about is the 'do not kill'. My friend snorts cocaine on a regular basis and does deals in the woods. Smuggling wine doesn't make you that impressive." Underclassmen...Jesus help him.

But he shrugged. "But booze is booze, if you want to run over and bring it when we run out, all the power to you."

Hare then distracted him with mentioning putting James in her column, he gave her a playful wink. "Go for it, I do enjoy beating the crap out of anyone dumb enough to come at me with a snicker for that. Great stress relief."

He popped the movie in pouring himself a solo cup of whiskey and coke, placing it in Ryan's hand. "You look like you need it. Little puffy around the eyes there," not calling him out for being a cry baby but letting Ryan know...he could...and was being nice. (There was about four shots of whiskey in that cup)

"I actually love this movie, anyone shits on it and I'll deck you hard in the face. It's a classic."


"Not anymore. And you nearly killed your dad. LIke fuck...if he didn't have rubber powers every bone in his body would have been demolished Probably bleed to death before I pried him off the wall...." The nurse herself had broken bones one arm bent not in a natural shape but it began healing itself snapping normal as she pressed both hands on Timothy Shepherd. "I'm already in a dead body so....you're lucky on that one. But I like this body so....next time be fucking careful."

Elastic shot up in a panic when the nurse finished. "What just-Nia is she-"

"Your kid is on steroids...whatever she's on I want it. No...actually I don't. Seriously Gimpy you look like you're still dying."


Her nose wrinkled but she did not give an amused look to Leon. She was anything but amused or calm. "I can survive a plane crash. Hell I can fucking survive bombs. I can survive pipes being rammed in through my fucking organs. I CANNOT SURVIVE A PLANE CRASH. It's a big fucking metal death trap in the sky. You're playing dirty Sparky and I don't like it."

Aidan took her hand. He wasn't sure what Leon was talking about with comics. "Lexi likes comics too, Leon...but...you're going to be fine. We wouldn't let anything happen to you on the plane Lexi."

"You can't fucking control that! What if-"

"Well...if there's an malfunction error...wouldn't that run on electricity...Leon could use his powers to keep the plane in the air." He had zero idea how accurate that was but he was hoping Leon would back him up even if he was completely wrong.
"Totally. If it's an electrical failure I can handle it. Worst case scenario we jump out with parachutes and when we land you run us back to the school. And I know she is but she didn't care much for it. I can't imagine why. Maybe she's not really a superhero comic person. Maybe she prefers something like western comics. I won't judge. But yeah, you'll be fine. And I'm absolutely playing dirty. If we weren't friends I wouldn't even consider it."
Holding her hand he could feel her heart rate spiking faster than its normal vibration. The anxiety of being in a small confined area up in the air with zero to little control of what would happen to you overwhelmed him, he felt his own palms sweating.

"That doesn't even sound logical. How can you even do that with your powers?" But her voice wasn't that convincing...could he? Could he control.a plane if it was falling? Maybe......Lexi was tapping her foot people were boarding. She gulped. "I only agreed to this because you didn't want to go alone...you have Aidan, keep the bromance alive...and fuck you being dirty. It's a comic based on me Aidan called Rush and I'll rip apart any copy you read if you bring it up infront of me. There. NO POWER NOW SPARKS!" She recoiled at her own lunacy. "I...I'm sorry I'm scared...I don't want to do this. Don't make me do this." She pleaded with the two of them.

"Would it make you feel better if I took a sleeping pill, you'd fall asleep if I held you like last time."

"You would do that....Aidan I can't ask you to do that."

"I'm going to hold your hand to help calm you down either way and I'm about to run away from the plane from your emotions so....I'm probably going to need one."

She looked at the two of them letting out a breath. "Ok....fine...I'll go on the stupid plane..." Her voice meek.
"Sweet. If you two are going to sleep the whole way that means I get to pick the movie." Leon led the three of them up the stairs to his plane. It was just the three of them, plus the crew. "Nicole, darling. Always a pleasure. Do we have Singing in the Rain on board today?" He said to the red haired stewardess.

"Of course we do Master Bell- Leon. Right, sorry. Old habits. It's good to see you too." She said catching herself. Leon had always insisted that they call him by his first name. He wasn't one for formality. Especially when it was just him and his friends on board.

"Wonderful! My friends here plan to be boring and sleep the whole way."
Ryan looked from the cup to James and back to the cup. Why is he suddenly being so nice? Did he laceit with something? Sniffing Ryan could only smell the booze. "Thanks I guess" he said warily. Oh fuck it. If he wanted to kill me I doubt he'd do it so publicly. And he's right. I could use it. Ryan took a breath and began downing the entire cup. Maybe I can gain some standing in his eyes by doing this. He's still my best friend's brother, I should at least try to do something to get along with him, right? Once he swallowed the last of it he coughed at the feeling in his throat. "Hmm. That wasn't half bad. A little strong maybe?" he said, wiping the corner of his mouth.

"Damn Ryan. Who knew you could drink like that!" Hare said clapping. She grabbed the bottle from James. "I can't very well let that shrimp show me up at my own party now can I?" And with that she took four big gulps straight from the bottle, only to cough some of it out. "Ok. That was a bad idea. That shit burns."

@ Party People
Two sleeping pills a glass of water....fifteen minutes Aidan was out like a light. Lexi curled herself into him as he put his arm around her before he took the pills. She fell to sleep passed out the same time. Aidan loved Lexi's tenacity and how strong she was...but he had to admit seeing her this vulnerable and scared leaning on him to keep her safe....was adorable. And he would. Whenever he could...he'd do anything to keep her safe.


"That's because you need a chaser,lil' rabbit," He handed her one of his energy drinks from the party supplies he dropped off, taking the whiskey from her and poured himself what he gave Ryan, drank it and filled Ryan's cup again. Kid wanted to be a big shot he was going to watch to see how far the little munchkin would attempt to go.

He poured malibu rum in an orange soda, getting up and taking one of Min's hands pulling her close. "One of my favorite drinks, just needs fruit punch at the top," handing it to her. He was carefully watching the body language of the other boy still testing him in some ways. He would find out what exactly he did to his sister but tonight he promised a little bunny he would attempt to be on his best behavior.
"Yeah" she coughed out. "You're probably right." She walked over to Jean. "Personally, I don't care for the movie. I don't think it's that great. It's ok, good at best, but I just don't get the hype around it. Anyways, what's it like having a twin? Do you two finish each others sentences? My youngest siblings are twins, but they can't talk yet so they can't do that. I bet you guys had to go on double dates back home....come to think of it...you were here from the beginning of the semester. How come you came here before your brother? Did he take more convincing or something? Or did you come here first because your powers came first Like he was a late bloomer or something? Of course that doesn't explain why you didn't go to a school closer to home. I don't think I've ever seen you together which seems weird for twins. I mean I almost never see Erin without Salve, or the other way round. It just seems wrong for some reason.....I fully believe they're gonna have a double wedding so that they don't split up that much. RAE! STOP BEING THAT WEIRD KID IN THE CORNER. TALK TO PEOPLE. BE SOCIAL. Or at least get your "not boyfriend" here so you two can go flirt awkwardly in the corner together or something. Sheesh." She called out at the end. Turning back to Jean she said "I swear, it's so hard making her do...well anything. Like...talking to people besides Bran. But, she's a good person. I'd rather have her at my back than against me."

@My Pet Poro @Homage @The Suspicious Eye @CosmicChangeling

Looks Like I'm Not The Only One With A Drinking Problem

(At least I can handle my alcohol)
Hah, gottem

Ryan took the cup and thought a few minutes. "Thanks. For the drink and not making any comments. Truth be told, not that you care" he felt the alcohol loosening his tongue "I was upset because I'm pretty sure I torpedoed my friendship with your sister. I thought she cared more about a good story than her friends lives. It's certainly how she was acting. Nobody else looked like they were going to call her out on it, so I did. Led to a huge fight." He drained his cup. "Is she really that callous? Why am I asking you? You hate me for no good reason so you're probably stoked that she wants as little to do with me as possible. Forget it I guess. Someone like you" he refilled his cup and drank half of it, not thinking. Someone should probably stop him. "Someone like you" he restarted "Someone like you probably doesn't make attachments that matter this much. Your sister excluded obviously." He finished his third cup and considered a fourth.


Unlike Hare, James was drinking straight from the bottle and not coughing a lung from the burn. He looked at the shrimp. "Are you bloody daft?" His British accent coming out just a little. He smacked him upside the head. "You told my sister, who's TERRIFIED of killing people she's callous and doesn't care about lives? To a person who whenever gets scared has actually killed people. Are you a bloody moron?"

He took a swig. "It took forever to get her to find something that replaced her fear of living life...forever. I'm talking fucking specialists, power users to suppress her powers everything.....the one thing that worked, that made her actually want to be a human being was writing stories and you decided to take that away from her? Bloody Americans. The lot of you, just stupid. You never watched someone die due to your own hands, see what it does to you. She was seven years old, seven when a kid yanked her ponytail and all of a sudden bad allergy reaction to something he was never even allergic to and dead. My sister can't afford to get emotional. Why the bloody fuck you think I work so hard to keep her away from stupid twits like you who think they know how to handle her or talk to her."

Another swig of the whiskey.

"I never called her callous to her face. It was a thought I just had" he said defensively, rubbing the back of his head. He got up and walked around the couch to face James. "How could I possibly know why she's so scared of her powers? We never talked about it. It seemed like a sensitive subject so I never asked." He took the bottle from James and took a swig himself, refusing to cough at the burn out of stubbornness. He was getting annoyed, but that could have been James or the alcohol. He wasn't sure which. "People are beyond my understanding. I didn't ask about something just in case it might be uncomfortable to talk about. Pretend for one fucking second you have a heart and care about someone besides yourself and your sister. Imagine you've got a friend you trust more than anybody. Indulge me. Now imagine you're like me and don't actually fucking understand people's little nuances. Now stop and think how you'd feel if that friend said they didn't care if, while pursuing their dream, something happened and you died for it. That your death wouldn't stop them from continuing. Are you seriously telling me that wouldn't upset you? Or maybe you're suicidal so your own death doesn't bother you. But pretend you aren't in this scenario if you actually are."

"You must be blind then because a shit ton of people died infront off you while you were with her at the tournament." He huffed.

"If you want me to actually listen to you, you need to stop calling me heartless and a prick," he yanked the bottle. "Jesus you have shit tact when talking to people. So you're whining...because you want the whole world to stop what they are doing when you die? I do have friends I care about Shitlock, and I'm not even that selfish...I die...I want them to continue their passions not stop doing it. You need to keep living life, that's just what people fucking do. Widows get remarried. The dead are dead you keep moving forward."

He took a swig. "Look....I don't understand social insecurities or anxieties. Whatever. That's your cross to bare. Bare it with dignity. But if you talked like that with that tone at any human being, not just my sister they wouldn't want to talk or be around you. Obviously there's something decent....in that...angered little person...or else my sister wouldn't socialize with you. She does not make friends or keep friends....so...you did something right to still be around after two months or whatever. Don't fuck it up by being a fucking moron."

"Given the way you've treated me for simply being friends with your sister can you blame me for thinking that? I'm not foolish enough to think my life matters enough that people should stop their passions for me. Or at all for that matter. I'm just a stepping stone for people to use to get wherever they are going. I'm worth nothing more than a fly to people, I just like to think that the life of a friend is important enough to give them pause if what they are passionate about is dangerous sometimes. Not stop it."

He stopped at the psuedo compliment he thought James just gave him. He was about to ask about it when he suddenly felt very ill. He ran to the bathroom and immediately began throwing up.

"You really need therapy." He took a swig. "Or....someone to just give you hugs or something. That is depressingly pathetic. I think someone's proj-projecting their self hate on oth-others and lashing out. But I ain't a doctor."

He watched the kid run to the bathroom and started laughing at nothing, his bottle of whiskey gone. There were two Migits when he got back "We all got prob-problems kid. I got dad-Dady issues. Our father was a bloo-bloody serial kill-killer for the maf-mafia. You wanted bodies disposed...no trace...he was your man....we didn't find out till...fuck how old am I? I was eleven. Sarah seven...few months before she accidentally ganked her first life...found out our entire fortune was a bloody lie. Everything was taken from us, dad went to prison...." His accent at this point was now thicker than his sister's as he slurred. "We all have fucking problems don't be a wanker and bloody pick yourself up off your bootstraps and stop shitting on yourself. Plenty of people are gonna shit on you, why you have to do it to? Fuck I'll drop you off a roof if I hear you continue to talk like that to bloody teach you a lesson."

Ryan didn't hear a word past James calling him kid. He sat down in a corner and passed out. He awoke with a killer headache and major regret. [/spolier]
If any of you lovely people still care about the party: this happened.
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Homage said:
Sure, go ahead!" Erin offered to Min with a smile. Forgetting for a moment that her sister could hear basically anything she wanted, Erin leaned in to whisper "It's not the best movie but it's Salvey's favorite, so try not to diss it too hard." Erin practically felt the pouty face her sister showed as soon as she finished whispering, and remembered her sister's powers. "Crap, I forgot you could hear me." Erin said with a laugh.
Min smiled at Erin, she was nice. She liked twins, being around them made her feel a sense of comfort. Maybe because she had missed her own twin for so long that seeing two together in a sense made her feel right with the world. However, now that she was finally reunited with her own twin she felt whole once again. Even when he was far off in the north pole. Giving a light laugh she nodded to Erin, "I see, then I will try my best to not comment on it. Although it does seem to be well liked by most here."

Pulling her knees up to her chest she looked onward at the screen with her glowing red eyes. Entranced by the movie, of course after her fourteenth birthday her mother gifted her with a computer, she spent her time surfing through all the allowed sites that her mother programmed. Movies were a rare commodity and she was always enthralled by each and every one. She turned her head as Ryan sat near them and smiled. She hardly spent time with the boy but he seemed sweet. His power did intrigue her though, it was something she'd never heard of in her world.

Focusing back on the movie she did her best to simply enjoy it. A beautiful tale of love and adventure. Giving a soft sigh, she wished for a love like that. Something where someone was willing to give or do anything for her. Someone who loved her for the most extravagant and simplest reasons.

Her enamored thoughts drifted as those in the background were getting quite hammered. Min knew a bit too much about alcohol and what it did to her all too well. In a home where no one was hardly there and her mother hated her, a fully stocked wine cellar and bar became your dear friend. Not want ing to be that person any more, she decided that she would politely decline any advances to try the drink. Luckily for her it never came to that. Min did her best to ignore the others who were all too wasted returning her focus to the film.


Bran who had received the text from Hare decided quickly not to go. He saw an opportunity to play surveillance throughout the school and dorms while most of his classmates and teachers were off partying. Using a series of robots, Bran had covered the dorm and the school in near undetectable cameras and mics. The best way to understand a situation was to gather as much information as possible. That was all that bran was doing, he'd never use what he'd learned to hurt those around him, it was to protect them.

Finishing, Bran collected all the machinery and made his way back to his dorm room. Looking at the tracking account he was pleased to know that the Clark family had accepted his all expenses paid vacation. Noticing a few alerts he opened a secure browsing site and saw the new issue of Rush. Scanning through it he realized that this was naturally detailed. "I see I have another mystery on my plate." Typing the authors name into a search engine he began to trace back, to find out just who this man was and how much he truly knew about Lexi Clark's situation.

@CosmicChangeling @Brinni @Homage
Ginger Snaps and Twizzler Sticks

Sarah and Ren

The gingerbread house had been made, Sarah drinking hot cocoa as she sat on a gum drop shaped like a couch, leaning against Ren, Candy passed out on a marshmallow pillow.

She needed this. Oddly enough....a stranger had come out of nowhere and gave her exactly what she needed. Space and time to detach from what was going on. She barely knew anything about him but his power (limited knowledge he was much stronger than he let on) and his name....well she knew that he liked being clever and was charismatic and smart.

Her back on his chest, she looked up at him, drinking a sip from her candy caned straw. "Why haven't I seen you around school so far? You seem the type that wouldn't slip in the shadows or be taken invisible. You have a very magnetizing personality."

Letting the lovely lady lean against hem Ren was chewing on a twizzler knotting it in his mouth a couple times before taking a bite out of it. Ren smiled a dashing smile and leaned against her as if in thought. His chest pressing playfully against her delicate and slender frame as he looked into her eyes. "We'll you're not wrong. Let's just say I've been on a very intriguing walkabout over the past few years. Something out of this world." He knew that Min wouldn't like him telling people that they are from another world one seven years ahead of this one and full of supers.

Wrapping a arm around her he smiled, "but if you want to see more of me. I'm happy to oblige." He poked her nose with the twizzler and smiled. "I plan to enroll sometime pretty soon, so you'll be seeing me around." Pulling her closer he smiled, "I'd love to get to know you better." Sarah is quite the interesting girl, someone smart, feisty and sexy as hell. Exactly my type of girl.

Can you teleport to other worlds, I wonder....
Sarah mused in thought as he leaned in looking at her. He was definitely an incredibly attractive person, and with the confidence he displayed he knew that he was but he appreciated the beauty in things as well.

She could respect that. Poking her nose, pulling her in closer Sarah bit into the twizzler when he said he wanted to show her more and gave a smile through her teeth. "I believe that might be something I can help you with."

Ren smiled as she bit into it unafraid or embarrassed. She was quite the girl, definitely grow up into a heartbreaker. Ren was not one to play with girls, he was always the abrupt one. However, when it came to girls who he wanted to date he was always played the long game. For the first time in two years he's found someone who intrigued him enough to want to date. Finishing the twizzler he smiled and moved her even closer to him letting her feel his muscles against her back. "I'll take you up on that offer. How about we go to lunch tomorrow?"

He didn't push for a kiss, do something on a large scale that threw her off or made her lose control. Sarah felt she had a handle of her emotional state as he leaned in close, her feeling his muscles and taking in the natural scent that was him.

He was definitely a heart breaker back home. He mastered the skill of timing and pacing, letting the girl feel like she was still always in control the next moment.

On a selfish selfish level...Sarah wondered if she had found the perfect person to stay emotionally detached but still practice where her limits were and really prepare herself for an honest-to-goodness relationship (And it very well could be him) down in the near future.

The twizzler in her mouth was ripped allowing him to finish, but their lips almost touched. Swallowing her end she pulled out a pen from her stenopad and took his palm writing her room number and name. "Sounds like a date. I will see you at noon, I have a class with Professor Darke before lunch, but this is my room for....any future occasion."

Ren let her write on his hand, looking at it as she finished. Memorizing it instantly he took her hand and kissed it softly. "I'll keep that in mind." Giving her a dashing smile he leaned back, "we should head back. It would be a tragedy to the world if beauties like the two of you were lost to the world." Ever the gentleman, Ren didn't want the girls to get in trouble for being off campus. As much as he wanted to spend more time with Sarah, he would have to wait to tomorrow.

With that Candice was teleported to her room while Ren and Sarah were outside Sarah's room. Ren, holding Sarah like a princess, gently placed her down to her feet. "Well Ms.Lane here you are." He leaned closer to her, their noses almost touching, "Until tomorrow." then as quickly as he appeared he disappeared. teleporting off into his own world to get some things he wanted.

@CosmicChangeling @SassyWobuffet
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Monday, November 9th 2015

Lexi just stared blankly at Agent Thompson as the two sat privately in a private room by the principal's office. Hapswell reserved it for...students being expelled so there would not be violent acts made on his toys and candy. But today in this moment it was Lexi staring at her handler her jaw nearly dropping.

"This was always a possibility that we knew we would run into. Rest assured, my team and I are doing everything in their power to guarentee-"

"Briggs is exonerated of all charges?"

"Guarentee the safety of your family-"

"All of them?"

"Ms. Clark."

"All of them....he's out...he's being let out....and I have to stay here and continue playing dead for my family?"

"His litigation team wanted to keep his release as quiet as possible, in order to not have legal action put on them or even blast through the media you were alive....they agreed to keep it not public. Public records and all extents of purposes...Ms. Clark you are dead you cannot come back from the grave, it would cause too much-"

"This is fucking bullshit!" she yelled, feeling herself vibrating. "this is my life.....you're sitting here and telling me a fucking mass murderer gets to live life like nothing ever happened to me but I have to give up everything still. This is bullshit and you know it. He does anything at all....to my family just out of spite I don't fucking care about rules. I'll snap his neck and then snap yours. You're not interested in protecting me. You're interested in protecting your own asses."

The table cracked under the pressure of her hands on it, Clark blipped out of the room. Thompson took a breath and let it out to calm down. "Better than expected. But I might want to be.... a little more prepared around her."

Lexi flickered back in the hallway, wiping her face as tears were running down it. SHe was scared, pissed, angry, devastasted, lonely all rolled up into one ball. None of this should be happening. She was only ok with most of this shit because the guy responsible was rotting away in prison. She pulled her hoodie down trying to hide her blotchy teary face when she collided into someone.

Looking up lexi saw Rachel. It had been the first time she had seen her since the incident. Wiping her face with her sleeve. "Hey...sorry I wasn't really....but now that you're here I..." shifting uncomfortably in her shoes. "I wanted to say I'm sorry for breaking your shoulder Rachel. Its...its not an excuse but I only recently got my powers....i barely know how to control them at all...i fall asleep eight hours i wake up its only really been a second of time but....i was very jealous and insecure about seeing you with aidan and I couldn't control my anger, I never meant to do it. You want a free as hard as you can go punch? I heal pretty quickly so you really can give your best and hardest swing."

It would distract her from thinking about her Boogie Man up and loose in the world again.

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The scooby gang was back together, sitting in the media room where their first meeting torpedoed in all of their faces. But this time, Sara was smiling politely, but the glint in her eyes showed that she was grinning ear to ear. "We successfully got the ok from Hapswell to agree to our field trip to Vintage during Thanksgiving break. We need a Chaperone, but expenses will be-"

The door swung open and there was the old man, a fine tailored suit, bright orange sock and a not matching bright yellow sock for the other on his feet. "Ms. Lane! I see the Scoobies have gotten together to hear the good news about your field trip. He walked over. "I wanted to tell you all good luck on your trip, you will be representing the school so on your best behavior, in a city like that league members will spot you if you try to do anything...mischievous. But I also wanted to introduce to you your sponsor for the trip, Mr. Knight."

Sarah's face dropped as she stared at Bran Knight at the doorway looking up at Hapswell trying not to twitch. The old man had leaned forward, whispering in her ear. "The next time you believe bribing me with skittles, no matter how delicious they are, will get you whatever you want...I want you to remember this moment right now." He stood tall ruffling her hair, her knit hat falling off.

"Tata for now, Scoobies. I have important business to conduct.

@Brinni @Homage @The Suspicious Eye


(I want to see where Nia is and other characters before I begin with Aidan and well my long list of gaaaah)
Leon was laying on his bed tossing a tennis ball up in the air, catching it and tossing it again. He had been wrestling with what to do for about a week now. He had heard about his brother and Min at the party but never mentioned it. He may not necessarily trust Jean, but he did trust Min. He still wasn't sure how to tackle everything. The biggest problem is I don't know what to believe Leon thought to himself. Either he's wrong and someone else killed our mother and convince Jean that I did it or.... he didn't want to think about the alternative. I wish I could just find out the truth. If only there was... a thought struck him. He missed the catch and the ball hit him in the face. "Damn it." he said aloud. He sat up. "Aidan" before tossing the ball at his friend giving him almost no warning, watching as he caught it. Nice. Looks like he's making progress off the training field too. I'm impressed, he's only been able to see for a little over a week. "I need a springboard to tell me if my breakthrough is a bad idea."


"OOh! I know!" Hare exclaimed. "What if we got Miss Blake to chaperone? If my research is right she used to be a PI. Of course, it could have been a different Natalie Blake."

Ryan shot her a look. "You looked up a teacher why?"

"I like to know who is teaching me. Is that a problem? Besides that's literally what we're here for. Research into things right? It's been kind of slow lately." she said innoently

Ryan conceded the point. Hare was not always be the brightest bulb, she still never managed to connect the dots that the stuff that happened to Louise, Aidan and DuValt all started with her gossip post about Lexi being the new favorite. The things she was smart about like making notes about the people in charge of their education she was really smart about.

They paused as Hapswell spoke. After he left, Ryan raised his hand. He figured it was about time for his reveal. When he was allowed to speak he said "Well first and foremost, I won't need to be paid for since I live in Vintage. Second I do have something I've been sitting on for about a week until I learned if 1) I was still going to be a part of this and 2) if I was going to be the only one able to go to vintage. I'm going to be in the same room as Briggs. My uncle, who you guys may or may not know is Clark Olsen, was given an assignment a week or so ago to interview him. Find out "The Man Behind the Murders" or something like that. He said I could come along to see what it's like in the professional world and even take some pictures if I'd like. Soooooo there's that."


Moe was hard at work. Not for anything for school, but his own stuff. He ripped a page out of his "Invention Ideas" book, crumpled it up and tossed it at the barrel. He started over. He was currently working on something He had seen in a dream he had. It been a dream where Vi had shown up to the finals of the tournament and done to him what she had done to Louise. Then the dream fast forwarded and he saw something that gave him an idea. "It'd have to be light. And waterproof. But sturdy enough to handle rapid speed changes if I were to make it for myself." He finished sketching out what he had in his head. "I just don't know how to make it work right. Hmm...I got it! What if I connect it to the nerves themselves with micro-wire or something? Find a way to let the body itself power it. It could work. The only problem is...I can't afford to make it. And I can only assume that it'd be expensive to attach." He closed his notebook and made is way to the tech teacher. He showed the sketch to the teacher who said it was a great idea and that it might actually work. He was looking at his notebook when he bumped into someone. His notebook fell to the ground revealing an intricate drawing of a robotic arm.



"I'm sorry I didn't see where I was going. I-" he stopped as he realized he had ran into Louise. She still gave off an intimidating air, even with one of her arms gone.

@Homage @CosmicChangeling
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He could barely move. Every muscle in his body hurt. Bran was working him to death, but to his credit, Aidan didn't ask to slow down and only asked for more. Like a stubborn mule. All of last night he stayed in a tub filled with ice cubes to help make it easy for him to stop feeling his muscles screaming. He heard the whizz of something, catching it in the air, jolting to his feet. "Training doesn't start until after classes, we just had a suprise pop training yesterday...oh..."he gave a sheepish smile looking at the aura of his best friend. "Sorry." he tossed the ball back. "I thought Bran might have been in here or...you know he figured out a way to camouflage his aura after he figured out I could see him....kid is terrifying."

Sitting at the edge of the bed, he let out a small groan. Everything hurt, breathing hurt. But....he wanted to do this. Seeing Lexi the way she was after the funeral...he wanted to make sure that next time (there should never be one though, never) he could protect her better. In order to do that, he had to get strong.

He was still a very very soft and gooey marshmellow. "How did you get a springboard in the room? Wait...why didn't you ask me to help you get a spring board in the room...I could have helped....i should have been included in the decision process of getting a springboard in the room...because I'm blind Leon, I'm going to trip on it and i probably will break something."
"I...what? No, I need someone to listen to my ideas and bounce back ideas and opinions...you know, like a springboard?" Leon shook his head. "How have you never heard that before? You ok? You look like you might need a small break to rest up. Don't push yourself and ruin your muscles." The concern for his friend was obvious in his voice.

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