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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

Bran Knight has had an eventful week and it wasn't going to change this week as well. He had training with Aidan, in which he worked the poor boy to the bone. It was harder this time due to the fact that he missed a few days of training. He'd have to keep up the schedule if Aidan would build up any muscle mass. The upperclassman had asked to be treated like any student he'd train and that's exactly what he was doing. His handicap was nothing more than a unique perspective that bran could use to his advantage. On the plus side Aidan was getting better. Slowly but surely the blind kid will be able to fight well enough. However, after training today Bran paid he principal a friendly visit. From the recordings of the previous week Bran knew what Sarah had done to get the Vintage trip. So he did the same, although his bribe was something a bit more profitable than skittles.

Bran standing in the news room looking at the newspaper staff, more lovingly called the Scooby Gang. As the principal left the room, Bran took a step forward. He walked over to Sarah's fallen hat and picked it up, smiled at Sarah he raised an eyebrow. He spoke low enough for only her to hear, "bribing with candy? Smart Ms. Lane, but you may need to up your bribery to more profitable avenues. That is if you want to stop writing for kids." With a smirk he gave her the hat and walked past her to see the room.

He looked around at the news room inspecting the pages and photographs all around the room. In all honesty he thought the school news paper was a great source of information. He himself read it just to know what was going on in school, although he knew enough by tapping into the school's servers and computers. It was nice to sit down and read a real newspaper. He gave a kind not to the other giving each proper silent hello.

@CosmicChangeling @Brinni @Homage
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Rachel Miller

Rachel had been a little more antisocial at the party than she had planned to be. After all, she was more than happy to be the weird kid in the corner as Hare put it. She also didn't forget to stick out her tongue and flip her roommate off when she said the words "not-boyfriend". She wasn't interested in Bran, no putting it otherwise. She just didn't want to lose him as a friend to any of that drama, to add onto the fact she just simply wasn't attracted to him anyways. Once James pulled out the alcohol, she refused to touch any of the alcohol being passed around. She had bad experience with its effects in her childhood, and hated the thought of even looking at it herself. So for the most part, she simply pulled back from the others, and dozed off, until she eventually just walked over to her bed and actually fell asleep.

The next day was plain and simple, and entirely boring as she headed out into the school's hallways. She was humming gently to herself, not particularly paying attention as she walked around, until all of a sudden, someone ran straight into her. Rachel grunted, stepping back from the person, pulling her fist back, one eye narrowing, until she saw it was Lexi, and saw the tears pouring down the girl's face. She paused, the corners of her gnarled, crooked lips pulling down into a frown. "'Ey, what's wrong?" she asked, having for the most part stopped caring too much about what Lexi had done after what had happened after, with the invasion of the anti-power fuckers. "No need to apologize, really," she admitted with a slight shrug, attempting to comfort the girl, although she continued to frown, fists slightly clenched. "I understood your motives really, an' to be honest, neither of us were exactly all together. I'm not sure what I was feeling about Aiden, but i can tell you now, that it wasn't really true. I think i was just a little.. overly grateful for what he had done." She shrugged again, continuing to frown. "An' I know all too well about not being able to control your powers. I didn't have powers at birth either, to be honest with you. All this.... with the Beast and all that, started ten years ago," she admitted. "So you don't have to worry, I understand fully. I mean, fucking hell, I still can't control myself sometimes."

She let a wolfish grin cross her face as Lexi offered a free punch. "Well, I may forgive you, but I'm still a petty bitch an' I've wanted to hit something good for far too long," she chuckled, pulling her fist back. "Sorry about this," she sighed, before swinging her fist forward with all her strength, straight into the other girl's gut. She couldn't restrain the dark, savage thrill she felt as her knuckles made contact, but she put a hand on the girl's shoulder, grinning. "I forgive ya, Lexi. Takes guts to apologize like that. Now, you gonna be alright or should I carry you to your next period?"
Aidan looked lost and confused as he was trying to mentally picture ideas bouncing and what that could possibly look like when leon mentioned something about something, hurt?

"Oh....the bruises. I'm ok. I want to do this," he smiled very innocently. "I'm more tired yeah...but I'm getting better. And soon maybe I can actually fight my own battles...that's what its for. It hurts now, but it'll be work it in the long run. Its uh...Bran said something about building that muscle mass. And its not like I had much to really work with when I started this. Umm....as for the ideas bouncing....and however else you put it....whatever ideas you want to talk about, I can help you figure it out. What's on your mind?"

"Well it's about what to do with Jean. Either he's wrong and someone else killed our mother and got him to believe it was me. Maybe they rewrote his memories too, I don't know. The alternative....well the alternative is that he's telling the truth and I did do it. And then someone changed my memories after the fact. There's only one person I can think of that could help me out with this, my father. But he can't come here. He's busy with work. I was trying to figure out if inviting Jean to join us would be a stupid idea. Either the three of us could figure out what's going on, nothing will change, or I'm giving him the opportunity he needs to ruin everything. I don't know."

"If you invite Jean, is it even a good idea to have us along as well? Him coming this makes your trip back home a very personal and family matter. I think you need to ask yourself what you want your next visit with your father to be to answer that one....if I was you, I would want to confront my Dad alone. But that's just me."

"No no. For Thanksgiving. Not for the winter break. Sorry I guess I should have been more clear about all that. I've no reason or desire to invite him to Paris with us right now. Although I'd much rather have this whole thing settled by the time that comes if I can." He said.

"Oh...I forgot about Thanksgiving." He tried to keep up his smile but it as the first holiday without Mom around. Winter break was easier to think about seeing his father again than a holiday at the moment. "Uh....what do you think would happen if Jean came? I think it's a good idea, try to get it resolved soon. thanksgiving is only a few weeks away."

"I'm not sure. I thought maybe, first off, he can confirm whether Jean is my twin by birth of if we're cousins or something that look similar and grew up together. It's not that I don't believe you Aidan, it's more that I have trouble with the idea that I could have had a twin that I forgot about. I'm also hoping we can get this whole "killed our mother thing" cleared up. The only real issue with inviting him was I was thinking of inviting Min and Ren if they didn't already have plans seeing as how I'm sure their mother would be too busy with her research or whatever. Given what happened last week though, I don't know if that's such a good idea."

Not filled in on everything that happened Aidan looked more confused than before. "I mean....I don't think we are really going to get over the shooting attack Leon...but I'm sure Min would love the invite. Inviting her brother is important, he's her family and family always comes first."

As he thought about it, he knew home would be hard for him to go to. Lexi didn't have a home either now. This was going to be her first holiday away from her family dealing and grappling with her own death in the public's eyes. "I should invite Lexi to home...I think she needs to get away around that time too. And I get it...I think. My powers have been....weird lately, so maybe they aren't reliable. But whatever you want me to do to help...I'm here for you."

He'd even check his father and his brother/cousin again. He wasn't sure what he'd find or the consequences of it, but if his powers could actually be useful...he'd take it.

"What? No I meant the fact she was in Hare's gossip column. I guess her and Jean went to a party together that Hare threw while we were in South Carolina. Do you think she knows that Hare was gossiping about her? I appreciate your support, but for now I just need an ear. I might just sit down with my father by myself after dinner and talk with him about it and not invite Jean. For all I know he was removed from my father's memories as well. I should find out if Ren and Min had plans or not already first before I ask them."

"There's no braille version of the newspaper. Sorry. Lexis also not a huge fan of it right now so I don't really bring it up."

He understood why she wasn't, but also wanted her to see the good in it as well.

"I think talking to your dad first alone is the best idea....the more people you try to throw into this the harder it's going to be to get the truth right away. Plus you love and respect your dad, he deserves a safe environment to say his side of the story. People get hostile when outsiders are thrown in...and I'm even talking family. My aunts sometimes are close to killing each other when it would be easier if they just had one on one confrontations to air their laundry instead of them feeding off each other. But....I mean I don't know what you're going through so at the end of the day it's what you feel is best"

"Thanks Aidan. I think you're right. I should have it be just the two of us when I talk to him. I should get going. I think I’ll join everyone for gym during my free period today." Had Leon not talked it out with his friend, he probably would have invited Jean to come back with him.
Min woke up early that Monday morning. Sitting up she looked over at the sun rising above the forest tree line and stretched. If they were on a farm the sounds of a rooster's caw would just now be heard. No matter what timezone or the world, she always woke with the sun. Thinking to herself she wondered if she rose with the sun to take in every second of the day. For the night is dark and full of terrors.

Feeling a arm draped around her torso she looked down to see her twin brother still asleep. His short white locks soft and silky like her own. She smiled and moved part of his hair, which instantly falls over his right eye, out of his face. Gently caressing his cheek she smiled, glad to finally feel whole again after so many years. It was cruel of her parents to separate them after what they'd gone through. Four years of torture only to go through their own personal hell again.

"I missed you so much..." Min whispered to Ren. Kissing his head she slid out of bed and into the bathroom. One of the greatest perks of waking up so early was she could be first to take a shower. Sneaking past Nia who she was so glad was feeling better she slipped into the bathroom. Feeling a bit guilty that she didn't visit Nia, however, she had good reason to stay away. The darkness inside her always has cruel intentions, sneaking a bit of itself into those Min cares about when they are ill or weak. The last thing Min wanted was for Nia to turn into what Min's mother has become.

Setting her clothes out for the day she realized that thanksgiving was close approaching. Min felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She didn't want to spend any time in that cold castle. Her mother would send away the servants to their own families, taking the only warmth out of the house. Leaving just her alone while her mother was off working, only to have unhappy precooked meals. No, she would not plan to return home any time soon. Even with Ren here, he doesn't know how much of a monster I've turned my mother into. It's best to not go, not like I'm invited anyway and as long as mother doesn't know about Ren being here she won't invite him either. Turning on the shower she took a deep breath, stepped in and got ready.

Ren hated to sleep alone. More than anything else feeling nothing beside him was a torture. Groggily he slid out of bed, and found the next warm body available. In only his boxers he made his way across the room, still half asleep and shivering from the sudden coolness. He slid into Nia's bed and wrapped his arms around her and snuggled in close.

Louise's day had not started off great. DuValt had been admitted to an emergency ward at a nearby hospital (Or the closest thing to it) due to complications involving an infection in his leg. They wanted to go to the Nurse, but whenever Nialla was around she took the school healer's only time and energy. It wasn't a bad reason, and Louise didn't hate Nialla for it - she had let herself nearly die for, among others, Louise herself. It still made things incredibly inconvenient, and forced DuValt to seek help from normal humans.

Things didn't get much better when she ran into the tournament winner, Moe, with a suspiciously familiar sketch in hand. Her eyes widened when Louise pieced together how similar it looked to DuValt's own design, and she very nearly slammed him into the wall at full speed. "Where the hell did you get this?" Louise shouted, picking up the notebook and opening it to the drawing, not bothering to look at the rest of it to confirm that it was DuValt's.


Erin and Salve hadn't been paying too much attention to the meeting. Salve had joined just because Erin wanted her to, and the only thing she cared to learn about was what camera or cameras she needed to bring. The new camera their film team had been given had arrived, and it was beyond beautiful. Not only was it at the exact high quality of their last camera, it was also much smaller with two mini microphones connected, for excellent audio during interviews. With time, one could even make a live broadcast from outside of the studio, though that likely would affect nothing in Salve's future. The school didn't do live broadcasts, it left too much in the hands of a couple kids. All in all, the camera had to be thousands of dollars, and Salve intended to get every last penny out of it.

Erin, on the other hand, was just bored. She had agreed to the trip because she thought it'd be a fun experience and that other people would do the boring planning for her. Instead, she was sitting in a cramped room with over half a dozen people inside, talking about the stuff she barely cared about. Erin was half tempted to edit some of the footage they got when first testing Salve's new camera, even though all said footage would be deleted when the day ended. She barely noticed the conversation going on around her, nor did she much care. Even Hapswell's appearance seemed to just brush by her.


Vi was walking down the hallway outside the gym, somewhat tired out from a day of running. The new gym assistant coach had been working them half to death, worse even than Elastic. With Elastic there was a break, or you could just avoid him by using your powers. With Blake it was worse. She didn't want her students to be overly reliant on their powers, so she forced them to build up endurance. Her idea was to make them run. A lot.

Her exhaustion was somewhat evened out by the fact that Ms. Blake barely even offered Vi a sideways glance. The green contacts, more tanned skin, dyed red hair, and freshly made scar on her face made her look almost nothing like the Vi who Natalie Blake had arrested. All of those rapid changes were thanks in no small part to Briggs. He'd made everything go smoothly for her, so long as she was able to give him what he wanted.

The tradeoff seemed less and less worthwhile by the day. She had to get Lexi to Briggs, and there were only two ways of doing that: Slitting her throat while she slept and hoping the girl's powers didn't give her the ability to break through the binds tied to her after she recovered, or leading her into an inescapable trap. The latter was much more likely to work, but it involved putting a family of powered individuals at risk, which ran contrary to Vi's only real ideals.

She told herself it was for the greater good, but more and more Vi felt that what she was doing wouldn't lead to the future she envisioned for powered kind. Still, she was in it for the long haul, Vi would do her duty. Speaking of, her phone vibrated in her pocket, and Vi got a message from the latest agent of Briggs'

The uncle you asked about? We made sure to send him on a vacation for you. You were right, it seemed the stress really was getting to him. I'm worried he might not want to come home at all lol.
Thanks! Sorry to be such a bother, but he was really worrying me.
It's no problem, but this will be the last time we can help you out like this. It's getting expensive.

They remained vague for the rest of the conversation, but Vi got the information she needed. She wasted the last of Briggs' goodwill with her request, so she had no choice but to deliver Lexi to him sooner rather than later. There was no more delaying the inevitable, she had to prepare her trap.

While standing outside of her next class, Vi scrolled through plane tickets to Vintage, looking for one that would get her there on the thirtieth of November. Thanksgiving break would give her a little extra time to work with, so long as the Clarks didn't take a random vacation. And if so, it would be no big deal. All Vi would need to do is wait for them to return home.


It was practically instinct for Nialla, after over a week of sitting in a bed and being randomly touched by her parents or the Nurse as they checked on her, Nialla didn't throw the stranger off. When the groginess began to wear off, and Nialla realized that neither of her parents were in her dorm room and Min had already gone to class, Nialla's eyes glowed and she threw the stranger, along with her pillows, covers, and the notebooks spread out on the leg of her bed. onto the floor.

Nialla forced herself out of bed and tried standing up, before her leg collapsed under her and Nialla fell to the ground, crying out in surprise and pain. "Who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing in my room?" Nialla asked, prepared to throw up a barrier around herself and the stranger.


Natalie had anticipated something to come from John in Vintage again, asking about when she'd get there so they could prepare the house for her arrival. Natalie called first, and told him she'd need more time, citing Nialla's injuries as her excuse for the second time. In truth, it gave time to plan what she could do, and how to broach the subject with Alexandra.

The wait for Alexandra Clark to get to her gym class was murder, but Natalie worked through it by, well, working. She planned further gym lessons to counter Tim's own plans, allowing them to split the class up into two groups, which let both of them handle each student more carefully, especially with what Tim had in mind. And when she wasn't making sure nobody was using their powers to get across the track course more quickly, Natalie was making plans for when her own class opened during the second semester of the school year.


@The Suspicious Eye

Kissing the blonde tenderly, he pressed his soft tongue into her mouth. Pulling the last one's top off and let her guide himself in. The pinked haired girl held him tight, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck. Feeling the three of them up some moaned. "Oh fuck!" The pinked haired one exclaimed.

"Babe, that feels so good." The brunette mewed.

Giving a dreary yet heart stopping smile Ren dreamed of a lovely weekend he had not too long ago. Holding tightly to the warmth beside him he was suddenly shocked to feel a force throw him off the bed. Falling to the ground he landed on a pillow and stretched. Not too worried about a girl freaking out about him being in her bed he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes to find out who's bed he had been sleeping in. Opening one eye he watched as Nia toppled to the ground and crying out in pain. He hated seeing girls in pain, but kept his distance. Sharing a link with his sister's memories Ren knew what she was capable of and it was too early to test if his intangibility worked against her shield.

He yawned and leaned back, his weight rested against his palms as he looked at the girl on the floor. His white hair covering his right eye, eyes of such a familiar crimson. "Oh, come now I'm hurt. Kicking your new roommate out of the bed like that. It's certainly not a good first impression, Nia" he said with a smile.

Min who had spent quite a while in the bathroom, ran out as she heard the screams. "What's going on? What's wrong?" Her voice frantic as she looked around to try to find the danger. Her hair half straightened while the other half curly she wielded a her rounded brush like a weapon.

Taking in the scene, Ren on the floor, Nia on the floor, bed sheets, pillows and notebooks everywhere she figured out what had happen. Glaring at her twin brother she moved over to Nia to help her up. "Seriously Ren? Why do you have to always crawl into someone else's bed?!" Looking to Nia she gently helped her to her feet...uh foot, as she was trying her best to keep off it. "I'm sorry about this Nia." She helped move her back onto the bed and gave a soft smile.

"Hey! As a man, I prefer the warm feeling of a woman in my sleep. You left, so my body instinctively went to the next source of heat. It's natural instinct." Ren stated, knowing that it would rile up his twin.

Min turned and glared at him, "natural instinct? Ha! What a farce. No wonder your soul card is the Fool. Just say it as it is. You are a horny teen boy and you wanted to feel up my roommate."

"Our roommate dear starling sister. That is unless you want to leave me homeless." He said with a smile, knowing that she wouldn't but still it was fun to tease her.

"Belive me I am considering doing just that." Min said as she crossed her arms in a weak attempt to show dominance. Knowing that the stance wasn't getting her anywhere she dropped her arms and sighed. "Well it's not up to me, I share this room with Nia. She has to agree as well and I don't think you've made such a good first impression, Ren."

Ren pouted and looked from his sister to Nia. Scanning Min's memories he smiled and got up. Brushing some dirt off his boxers he picked up the pillow he landed on and went to hand it to Nia. "I'm sorry if I startled you Nia. My body does what it pleases when I'm asleep. My name is Ren Johannas, I'm Min's older twin brother." Min rolled her eyes at the older part, sure they were a hour or two apart around midnight, still they were the same age. Ren glanced at his sister before returning to Nia. "I know how tiring it is to just heal from some serious wounds. The last thing you want is to be freaked out by a stranger in your bed." Giving her a dashingly seductive smile he leaned in closer. Taking her hand gently. "If there's anything I can do to make you feel better just say the word."

Min smacked Ren's head, "she's not interested in boys, Ren. Honestly, you just skipped over that part didn't you?" Min always felt when he went through their memories.

Ren rubbed his head and looked at his sister with a grin. Shrugging he said, "I skimmed, you think a lot and most of it's about plants and songs. Not the most interesting stuff in there."

Blushing Min smacked him repeatedly out of frustration.

"OW!! Hey!! Stop it!!" Ren said raising his hands up during the angry onslaught of his sister's weaker slaps.

The sound of ribs breaking and being crushed was heard as Rachel's fist impacted Lexi's gut. The wind was knocked out of her and her grey eyes looked dull and dead for a moment. Rachel could hear the bones repairing themselves as she retracted her hand back.

She seemed back to normal as Rachel asked if she was fine looking a little dazed. "What? Yeah, no we're good. That....that fucking hurt, but hey....that's what having super healing is for right?" Jesus that would have actually killed someone, they would have bled out from internal bleeding, lung punctured before they could get to the nurse. Fucking shit.

But the world of supers was different than the world she grew up in, she had to keep telling herself. Punches that should kill you don't, your viewed as an animal and the people responsible for hurting you and taking everything from you get off Scott free while you suffer.


"We both have gym class right now. We can go together if you want." As the two walked down the hall together she was absorbing what Rachel had said. Both Leon and Aidan had said it was rare to run into someone not born of powers too. She was still a kid but maybe she understood? "I found out the person responsible for sending me here is released from prison exonerated from all charges...." She said quietly as they walked. "I'm taking a leap here and assuming the beast isn't a natural power and someone gave that to you....what did you ever do to that person?"

She wanted to kill that rich billionaire with her bare hands. But right now as she opened the gym doors to see both Elastic and Blake....she was going to have to work out her anger through positive means.

@SirDerpingtonIV @Homage


Sarah tried to keep her composure, the lights flickering in the room, one breaking as Bran called her paper the kid paper again with his smug winning expression taking a seat down next to everyone. "Becoming a sponsor does not mean you dictate what happens, Knight. This is our story and I refuse to allow you to do what you please with us and it solely on the fact you can buy your way into anything you choose." Her eyes narrowing."

She tried to focus on what Ryan had said. If all of this hadn't just happened her attention would solely be on that. "He's being exonerated of all charges today, will be released from prison the next few days or even hours. Your uncle and you will be conducting that interview on his home turf and with his rules. It's very important you stay safe." She began to think. "I might have a list of questions we can use with him that will lull him in a false sense of security before the heavier ones come out tripping him up and getting what we need to know. Erin, Salve. I pitched this to Hapswell as a video coverage piece with the leagues. You will be meeting with Lisa Turner. Film it and conduct it like you would any feature piece of your choosing of the leagues, but it's imperative while you do so you get certain information of of that recruiter."

She wanted to punch Bran in his smug little face and was doing her best to keep the meeting to the matters at hand. "Hare, you'll be tagging along with Erin and Salve. You'll be able to be a televised personality to really sell the feature but I trust you to dive deep in very interrogative questions with Turner."

That left Sarah alone to sneak into the Corps facility but she left that part out.

@Brinni @Homage @The Suspicious Eye


The Clark family would return home next week but John was giving Nat everything and anything she asked for at this point.

The first issue of the Rush Comics ended up being featured on several news media channels as a record breaking sell for an indie comic. Scott Taper, unknown writer, had a hit on his hands. Issue 2 had just come out even better than the first.

Nia's flu and sickness was now completely and utterly gone leaving the nurse in her office reading medical journals that were covered in dust to try and figure out what the actual fuck had happened.
Moe flinched. "Get it? What are you talking about? This is my notebook. My name is on the inside cover." Moe was thoroughly confused as to how Louise could think it belonged to anyone else.


Leon went through his morning classes without any issues. He really liked Professor Kane. He was always so friendly and understanding of things...unlike Elastic. It was a bit early to think about it he knew, but he was considering asking him to be his mentor. As he walked in to the gym for the second time today he nodded at Miss Blake. "Afternoon Miss Blake. I hope you don't mind, but I thought I'd use my free period to come here and kill some time. Is that okay?" He had intentionally not told Min about his coming today, he wanted to surprise her by seeing her a period early. Plus he wanted to invite her and Ren to thanksgiving in person And in front of Jean he thought to himself. Just to make sure he sent a text to Min saying he had something important to ask her when he saw her next.

@Homage @The Suspicious Eye
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"Who the hell even are you?" Nialla asked the stranger who looked oddly like Min. It took her a moment to realize who it was, and she kept her barrier up until Min showed up.

"Hey, stop!" Nialla told the duo, out of a mix of annoyance and anger. When did this guy, Ren, show up? He was Min's brother, which would have been obvious even if they didn't look so similar. Still, what he did, and without either of them asking for her opinion... Nialla felt more hurt, but anger was at the forefront of her emotions. With Min's help, Nialla sat herself back on her bed, and gave both of them a glare that could burn through a glacier.

"My parents lie to me enough, why did you not even bother to ask how I felt about this? I've been awake and able to speak for days, but you never once asked how I felt." Nialla wasn't angry at either of them, or not entirely. She was more frustrated with how helpless she felt, a feeling intensified by the fact that she couldn't even get up by herself. The realization that she would likely need help to even walk for the rest of her life was a bitter pill to swallow.


"Tim, when the class starts I need to speak with Ms. Clark. Take your pick of the students after you're done explaining what's happening, but I'd like to have her first." Natalie wasn't asking. She had to talk to Alexandra sooner rather than later, and it was best if she had the girl during the first half just to get the discussion over with.

When Leon walked up to her, Natalie responded first with the nod of her head. "Sure. Though if you stick around I'm somewhat required to make sure you're doing something, so you have any homework or anything you can pretend to do?" Natalie didn't much care what he did, but she couldn't have the kid do nothing at all. That would make her look bad at the job she'd only just begun.


"Hmm?" Erin asked, looking up from playing with a piece of string on her side of the table. "Oh, yeah, sure." Erin, once again, was barely paying attention, and the urge to go to the computer was only getting louder.


"I- What?" Louise asked, before looking back inside of the journal and recognizing Moe's name. "Shit." She muttered, feeling more and more like she'd overreacted to nothing. Louise turned around, embarrassed, before turning back around after a moment of silent deliberation.

"I'm sorry about that. I-uh- got kind of carried away there. Your drawings look just so similar to Du-" Louise froze up for a moment, wondering if it was okay to reveal their secret so soon, before realizing that she had already given Moe enough clues to piece it together. "To DuValt's. He's been working on something like that, after..." She trailed off. Moe knew what happened. She didn't need to relive it in her memories to explain things to him.



@The Suspicious Eye
"You got it! I'll be the best faux personality you ever saw! Erin, Salve and I will be the best team ever!" Hare said with a salute. She was excited, she got to be a focus of attention. She loved being the center of attention. It probably came form having 4 brothers and two sisters so she generally had to fight for it at home. Here though it was really easy. She started thinking about what she would wear for her trip. If I'm conducting it like a real interview it should be semi-formal at least. So definitely a nice dress. I think I'll go with my nice blue one. "Just curious, what sorts of questions should I be asking? And Eri, you wanna see if you can find a good spot in town for us to actually conduct the interview?"


"I can't guarantee that I will be able to ask any questions during the interview Sarah. I'm going along to observe and maybe take some pictures. I'll see what I can do." He thought for a few seconds. "That leaves a few things open though. What are you, Bran, and whoever our chaperone is going to do?"


"Really? I didn't know that. "Great minds" I suppose. I assume it's for you? If he's around I'd be interested in discussing it with him. I showed it to one of the teachers that knows this kind of thing and he says it could work but it's missing something. Maybe the three of us could figure out what it is. Best case scenario we could revolutionize the world of prosthetics, or even for just one person in particular. The biggest issue would be making it."


"Yeah no problem. I'll probably try to work on the assignment that Mr Elastic gave my class or my homework for Professor Darke." Leon said with a grin. "Thanks Miss Blake." He made his way to the bleachers and sat down, pulling out his homework for Darke and finishing it up while he waited on his friends.

@CosmicChangeling @The Suspicious Eye @Homage
Min paused for a moment, was she lying? She didn't even think about this. Pausing she seemed to freeze not sure how to react to this. She hadn't ever had any friends, or roommates. She didn't know what to do or how to react when you hurt someone else. She knew she should apologize, and she would, but...how? I don't understand what I did wrong...I don't get it. I'll never understand... She felt a deep unease in the pit of her stomach and a scratching in the back of her head, the darkness scratching at the trembling walls of her sanity.

Ren noticed it, he felt her unease and spoke up. "It's recent Nia. I came in around halloween and have been crashing at one of my girl's places in the city near here. Buuuutttt she got back with her ex-boyfriend, rightly so they were made for each other. And know they are engaged and I had to move out. I'm happy for then, but also out of a place to crash so my dear sister let me spend the night, last night." He was honest. It was the easiest thing to do if he couldn't charm her. Unlike his sister he knew a lot about social interaction and was a great mediator in all aspects. "I just slept over for the few days you were gone and then last night, but that's it."

Ren looked at Min and then back to Nia. "I'm sorry about all this but we thought it best to ask in the morning since you needed your rest." Using what little mental energy they had together, he snapped her out of her frozen state.

Min nodded, as she snapped out of her dark spiral. She looked between the two of them and then spoke to Nia. "I am sorry Nia. I didn't mean to lie to you. I just thought that since it was so late I should ask you in the morning when you woke up. My mother...she...." Min paused and changed her mind. There was no way to tell her the whole truth without revealing that they were from another world.

"Ren has no money or home. He's planning on attending school so he won't stay with us for long. Just until he gets his roommate assigned to him." Clasping her hands she looked at Nia pleadingly. "I know it's odd and that I'm asking a lot, but he's my brother... and I would owe you immensely if you did this favor for me."

@Homage @Brinni (Min will find her phone...eventually...)


@CosmicChangeling @Brinni @Homage

Bran noticed the flickering of lights, but kept a clam smile on his face. Not saying anything he let her say her peace, everyone always said their mind. He knew he was fortunate to be adopted into money, but was it really good fortune? He lost his parents, his home, everything about his past. He doesn't even know what his parents look like, he only can imagine from his brothers' descriptions. No he wasn't fortunate. As much as he loved his adopted father, Bran knew that he'd lost a piece of himself that may never be found.

Giving Sarah a calm look to retort her glare he nodded. "Very well Ms. Lane your story is your own. I have no interest in your writings and don't intend to bother any of you." He said with a charmingly polite smile. Bran looked Sarah up and down her body language screamed annoyed. He couldn't help but enjoy it a little. Ms. Lane and the others students have no luck trying to hide things from him. Especially with all the spyware and surveillance he had hidden everywhere. He'd never use it for anything other than security purposes of course, but the small bots, unseen by the naked eye would be near everywhere in school. He made good work skipping movie night at Hare's.

"As for you Ryan" he said turing to Ryan. "I completely understand, but feel free to ask me if you require any transportation while in your hometown. I'd be happy to lend you a company car or you can join us in the plane."

Listening to Sarah dividing out responsibilities, he couldn't help but think how official she sounded. Seeing her in her element was quite different form the girl he met at the dance. She was simply growing more intriguing. As she spouted off commands he couldn't help but smile knowing exactly why she left herself out of the equation. She was planning to sneak into the Corps facility. Little did she know that Bran was already five steps ahead of her.


Oisin stretched his arms out and took a deep inhale of the lush green forest around them. He couldn't help but feel good with all this nature around him. Everything in his life was quite wonderful. He had a great job, good health and the affection of the lovely Clara. If he died today he would die a happy man. Watching as the dismissed students made it back to the school safely he leaned against a tree, feeling it's pulse as strands of his hair began to float on it's own.

Through the veil Oisin could see the small sprites tugging at his hair, trying to pull it out for their winter nests. With the passing of Samhain the creatures of the veil were making their final preparations for winter. Reaching up he cut a few hairs handing it to the small sprites. "There, now stay warm during the winter and please be safe." The sprites smiled and kissed his cheeks before flying off.
This was what Sarah Lane was born to do. She listened carefully to the questions fielded her way and took a seat pausing in thought. Chaperone and Bran. "To make this more official with the leagues and to not raise any suspicious flags, our chaperone will have to go with Erin, Salve and Hare. After all, Hapswell said we are representing the school. It would look suspicious if we showed up, a bunch of kids and started filming and asking questions. As to what you should cover. Erin. Salve. Media studies is your expertise. Treat this as if it actually is a feature for the Ridgeview Report, because it will be. Whatever you want to learn about the leagues that you believe the student body would care about it. I trust you. But...remember, the main objective is to uncover whether or not Lisa Turner is connected to Briggs and just how. We don't need to get a straight out confession. We need a few threads to go on that we can research on our own later. Pinning her down will be further conversations when we are armored to the teeth with evidence and backup. Hare is excellent at gathering information without her prospect knowing what she is really gathering. Why her gossip column is one of the most read." She turned to her bunny best friend. "You just need to put that skill in an investigative perspective and not a gossip one. But I'm sure you can do it."

Ryan's question was the one she wanted to avoid but knew she would have to answer it. "Unfortunately, my role in this trip is not as glamorous as seeing Briggs in person himself or confront Turner. I'll be going to City Hall and getting hard copy evidence for us about every company that Briggs Corp funds and is apart of. We can use google, I have...but we need the official documents Federal and State to support us the further we go down. I know the correct documentation we need and have no patience in trying to explain it or the steps we need to go through to obtain them. So that is my job."

What she would not tell Ryan was she had already done this. Ren had wanted to go on a date and let her choose. She chose going to Vintage and gathering all that detailed nuance shit....and blueprints to the pharmaceutical tech company responsible for creating the hypothetical syrum. She was five steps ahead of her friends but as she looked at Bran carefully.

She had not expected this to happen. Keep your friends close, your arch nemesis closer. "Bran will accompany me, I'm sure we can leverage his family's connections to streamline the process of getting the documents we need."

(Waiting on @SirDerpingtonIV before I do Lexi and the gym, get that going)

@Homage @Brinni @The Suspicious Eye
Every day, Clara Turner had made up some obscure excuse....becoming more obscure by the day....to keep Oisin Kane over her house. Last night, she had told him that she was too short to change a lightbulb in her room and needed his help.

She had broken the lighbulb herself before he entered in. When he fixed it she told him that doing such a task was tiring and he should rest here, as her thank you to him. She insisted. Exasperated, she wondered how long she could keep this going before he figured out she was just making up reasons to spend time with him.

For now, she would enjoy this, being by his side and getting to really know him before he caught on and tossed her aside. Someone as special, kind, brave, strong, attractive, powerful, oh she could go on...deserved better...but today and until he called her out on it...she would be selfish.

As Oisin leaned against the tree, yellow eyes peered at him through the bush. The black panther was hidden, watching her prey as she crawled just a little closer.

Pouncing in the air, she tackled Kane too the ground. Her paws pressed into his shoulders, forming into hands as her human form leaned over him. She felt warm in the naughty place to feel warm and wanted to take him then and there, but instead her knees were by his hips, she pulled a thank you letter from her bra, wearing a flower summer dress with cosmic patterns on it. She placed the card on his chest. "I wanted to make sure you were delivered this in person before I had to teach...but I do have a free period. If you have one, would you like to go on a walk with me? If....if I'm not asking too much. I understand if you can't...."
CosmicChangeling said:
The sound of ribs breaking and being crushed was heard as Rachel's fist impacted Lexi's gut. The wind was knocked out of her and her grey eyes looked dull and dead for a moment. Rachel could hear the bones repairing themselves as she retracted her hand back.
She seemed back to normal as Rachel asked if she was fine looking a little dazed. "What? Yeah, no we're good. That....that fucking hurt, but hey....that's what having super healing is for right?" Jesus that would have actually killed someone, they would have bled out from internal bleeding, lung punctured before they could get to the nurse. Fucking shit.

But the world of supers was different than the world she grew up in, she had to keep telling herself. Punches that should kill you don't, your viewed as an animal and the people responsible for hurting you and taking everything from you get off Scott free while you suffer.


"We both have gym class right now. We can go together if you want." As the two walked down the hall together she was absorbing what Rachel had said. Both Leon and Aidan had said it was rare to run into someone not born of powers too. She was still a kid but maybe she understood? "I found out the person responsible for sending me here is released from prison exonerated from all charges...." She said quietly as they walked. "I'm taking a leap here and assuming the beast isn't a natural power and someone gave that to you....what did you ever do to that person?"

She wanted to kill that rich billionaire with her bare hands. But right now as she opened the gym doors to see both Elastic and Blake....she was going to have to work out her anger through positive means.

@SirDerpingtonIV @Homage


Sarah tried to keep her composure, the lights flickering in the room, one breaking as Bran called her paper the kid paper again with his smug winning expression taking a seat down next to everyone. "Becoming a sponsor does not mean you dictate what happens, Knight. This is our story and I refuse to allow you to do what you please with us and it solely on the fact you can buy your way into anything you choose." Her eyes narrowing."

She tried to focus on what Ryan had said. If all of this hadn't just happened her attention would solely be on that. "He's being exonerated of all charges today, will be released from prison the next few days or even hours. Your uncle and you will be conducting that interview on his home turf and with his rules. It's very important you stay safe." She began to think. "I might have a list of questions we can use with him that will lull him in a false sense of security before the heavier ones come out tripping him up and getting what we need to know. Erin, Salve. I pitched this to Hapswell as a video coverage piece with the leagues. You will be meeting with Lisa Turner. Film it and conduct it like you would any feature piece of your choosing of the leagues, but it's imperative while you do so you get certain information of of that recruiter."

She wanted to punch Bran in his smug little face and was doing her best to keep the meeting to the matters at hand. "Hare, you'll be tagging along with Erin and Salve. You'll be able to be a televised personality to really sell the feature but I trust you to dive deep in very interrogative questions with Turner."

That left Sarah alone to sneak into the Corps facility but she left that part out.

@Brinni @Homage @The Suspicious Eye


The Clark family would return home next week but John was giving Nat everything and anything she asked for at this point.

The first issue of the Rush Comics ended up being featured on several news media channels as a record breaking sell for an indie comic. Scott Taper, unknown writer, had a hit on his hands. Issue 2 had just come out even better than the first.

Nia's flu and sickness was now completely and utterly gone leaving the nurse in her office reading medical journals that were covered in dust to try and figure out what the actual fuck had happened.

Rachel Miller

Rachel winced slightly, hearing the crackling sounds of the girl's bones pulling themselves back together. "Y'know, I guess that is what it's for," she pointed out with a shrug. "Holy shit though, you heal fast," she admitted, rather stunned by how quickly Lexi had gone from half-dead looking to back as normal. For a moment she had been actually rather afraid she had brought serious harm to the girl, but it would seem that the little redhead was more resilient than she had first thought.

"Alright, I'll go to gym with you," she said with a nod, beginning to walk, until she heard Lexi's next words, bringing her to a stop. "That's real shit, ya'know. Sorry to hear. Scumshits like that get what they're going to get coming eventually, I promise ya," she swore, her lips twisted into a sort of scowl. "And the Beast?" she asked, lightly chuckling, although her fists were clenched. "The beast's the most unnatural thing there can be, Lexi." As the girl asked what happened to the person who gave her the beast, Rachel frowned. "You wanna know? Alright then. Story time," she sighed, shaking her head. "Well, first off, got a question. You ever hear of Shadow Man and the Witch?" she asked, examining Lexi's face for a reaction. "Two villains, both taught here. Their powers were only minor, but they made the non-powered news pretty often, for one crime or another. They hated normal people with a passion, an'
committed murder and other sick shit everywhere they went. That massacre a dozen years ago when a swarm of monsters attacked that shopping mall in California? That was one of their biggest ones," she explained, her fists tightening. "The Witch could summon monsters and do all sorts of dark magic, while Shadow Man could manipulate shadows and make them his weapons. They were both monsters in human skin, and they were both my parents. Alcoholics, abusers, just the worst of people," she admitted, frowning, turning to look down at the ground. "And they were the ones who gave me the Beast. They had meant to summon a demon of some sort to protect them from a few heroes who were hunting them down, but they summoned that thing instead. I was aged seven, and they were set on sacrificing me to it to buy their own safety. Well, that plan fucked up a bit. The thing they summoned wasn't a demon. It was worse. The Beast killed the both of them, before digging its way inside of my soul or whatever the fuck. Tore my face up just for shits and giggles too, I guess."

She sighed, pausing to awkwardly rub the back of her head, frowning as ever. "I know how much it sucks ass to get thrown into this powered world, Lexi. I really fuckin' do. But at least your powers don't come with the side effect of being possessed, or havin' the Beast claw its way out of you whenever it felt like it to go on a rampage. For the longest time I could never control that, so I kept isolated to keep others safe. The reason I... over-reacted so badly when I meant Aiden, was because he could calm me down," she admitted, spreading her hands and shrugging. "And cuz he saw everything, thanks to his power," she added. "I didn't want to fuck up your relationship or anything, really, I was just desperate for something that could give my life just the tiniest bit of normality. An' I'm sorry for acting as selfish as I did," she apologized, frowning, looking back up to the other girl's eyes. For a moment, she just stood there, before she grinned and began to laugh. "Wow, you ask a simple fuckin' question and I tell my life story. I'm sorry," she chuckled, shaking her head. "We might end up late for Gym, but I'm not quite sure I ever gave a shit anyways."
Ryan gave Sarah a look. He didn't believe her, at least not entirely. Ryan was sure that she was going to do exactly what she said, but Sarah wasn't the type to sit back and let everyone else do the fun stuff. He expected her to at least ask if it were possible for her to join his uncle and him when they interviewed Briggs. She probably had something else planned, but Ryan decided to trust that his friend knew what she was doing and that she'd stay safe doing it. "Alright then. Is there anything you want me to try and get Briggs to say or even think? Just keep in mind that the angle the paper my uncle works for wants the piece to talk about the man himself, not what he did a few months back. We're getting his side of everything."


Shifting gears would be no problem for Hare. The only difference is she'd need facts instead of conjecture. She had this.

Lexi just stared at Rachel at the gym entrance as the girl poured her heart and soul out to her. She blinked and it was a good two minutes of not saying anything before she did the most reckless thing in her life. She wrapped her arms around Rachel and gave her a tight hug.

Her super strength (Not nearly as strong as anyone with actual super strength) might have made the hug tighter than it should have been. Letting go she didn't care if it wasn't the socially normal thing to do. Hugs were hugs, and Rachel needed one. She didn't need a 'I'm so sorry' pity party which would make it awkward or more awkward...just a hug. "He's like that," she gave as a smile not realizing she looked lost in a daydream thinking about him for a moment. "He sees the best in people...despite everything. The way his powers work...he sees what's imprinted on you the most and for most people it's bad memories. God knows how many times he saw me die in a bomb explosion. Over. And over. And over. You get the idea. He sees all these horrible things and just....despite all of it he just sees you as you, not the circumstances that made you you. I get it. Honestly, I don't understand how he doesn't have a flock of girls fawning over him because of it but...I still shouldn't have....you know. Friends?" She extended her hand out to shake it. Retracted it and went for a fist pump instead.

She saw Elastic talking with Ms. Blake, "I gotta run. I wanna ask the parents of my best friend how she's holding up. She got released from the nurse's last night!"

Before Rachel could protest or really react to...just Lexi in general the redhead blipped infront of Natalie. "Ms. Blake. How's Nia doing? Can I do anything? Do you need medical equipment I can get that. Or just...you know...or maybe you don't. I don't know. Did Nia get all my post it notes?"

@SirDerpingtonIV @Homage
Natalie nodded her head and smiled as Leon took his place at the bleachers, wondering why he seemed so willing to do homework. She didn't have time to dwell on those thoughts, however, as Lexi popped in front of her a moment later. "One sec." Natalie told the girl, before turning to the kids being assigned to her part of the class for the first half.

"Hey! You're all running 2 miles. No powers. Anyone uses powers and I find out, that's an immediate 'F' for today. Have fun!" Once that short speech was done, Natalie turned back to Lexi, internally struggling with what she could do.

"Nialla is doing much better, thank you for asking. She should be asleep in her dorm right now, unless Min took her out to celebrate being able to leave the Nurse's office. Anyway, that's not why I called you over here." Natalie, standing barely above Lexi, didn't need to bend down or anything to look the girl in the eyes as began telling the girl the truth, her own voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know how to ask this, so I just will: Do you want to go to Vintage?"


Nialla took a breath, trying to choose between sharing a room with a boy who already seemed to not understand personal space, and letting him stay with nowhere to go. Eventually, she made her decision, sounding more annoyed than sympathetic. "If he tries sleeping in the same bed as me again, he's gone. But sure, he can stay." Nialla didn't want to say yes, not after what he did, but she wasn't about to leave Min's brother to suffer all alone.


Salve hadn't been paying much attention, but when Hare asked about scouting out the town, Salve gave her classmate a confused look. "I thought we were going to Vintage for it? I don't think we can afford the plane tickets before we go there." She didn't say much else after that, but when they were volunteered to babysit the chaperone, Salve rolled her eyes. "How are we going to act coy and try filling an agenda while also pretending to the teacher or adult that we're doing it for just school?" It wasn't bad, it just seemed like they were being volunteered to do extra work for no real reason.


Louise shook her head when Moe asked if it was for her. "It's for Duvvy. We talked about me getting a new arm, but my strength would shatter it if I ever used it in a fight." Once Moe asked if they could work together, Louise nodded her head, kind of excited for DuValt. "Sure. When class ends, meet us at Darke's room. Duvalt has set up a workshop of sorts down there."


@The Suspicious Eye

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"I don't know. Maybe you just need the right materials. Of course the stronger the materials the less mobility you may have with it. You we'll worry about later. First though we'll take care of DuValt. I'll see you then." Moe walked off towards his next class. Everything turned out for the best. He could actually put one of his ideas to use. But the best part of all was he walked away with everything intact.


"No silly! I mean do something like google scenic locations or something. If we're making an official video for the school we should have a nice backdrop or something right? As for the chaperone....what if we make the information we want our secondary goal? That way it will come off as genuine. If we can't find a way to get the info from Turner, no harm done."

Lexi's face visibly dropped as Mrs. Blake asked her if she wanted to go to Vintage. She hadn't realized it in that moment, but she looked like she physically recoiled as her bottom lip quivered. "W-why do you want m-me to go to V-Vintage?" she asked.

She took in a deep breath, let it out, took in another one. Lexi needed to calm her nerves. "I...I can't go to Vintage Ms. Blake....I uh....I'm at this school under witness protection and...and i can't go there." But did it matter? Lexi thought back to Agent Thompson telling her that Louis Briggs was being released for what he had done to her...and the government was just letting it happen saying their hands were tied. Could she even trust that Thompson would keep his word that her family would be safe from him or whatever consequence backlash he would create for her being the reason he was thrown in jail.

Her complexion seemed to pale four five times over as she was thinking these thoughts growing more and more figity and unease with every passing second.



Mr. Elastic was wearing one of his signature crazy bowties, but maybe for the first time in years he was not wearing crazy colored suspenders. His collared shirt was untucked and his posture was slightly more relaxed and less...hostile and angry than before. He watched as the students filed in. His half anyways as the other half was running for Nat.

Both halves would get the same assignment, he decided he was only going to say this once. He blew his whistle "LISTEN HERE GUPPIES OFF THE TRACKS, EVERYONE OVER HERE." He saw Speedy turn from Nat and about to blip but he pointed at her. "Not you, Speedy. You're with Blake today. We'll go over this after class with your detention."

Detention he had given her weeks ago, it was really just training her. Kid after all got in trouble protecting his daughter.

As the class filed over, some standing some sitting on the gym floor he looked at them all. "You, she-beast. What separates a hero from average to legendary? Go." he pointed at Rachel. Elastic was still harsh, mean, but just his vocal tone was...softer and more open to listen than before.

@Brinni @SirDerpingtonIV


Salve asked why they had to do this and Sarah contained her inward sigh perfectly. "Salve, the reason we have to do this is because the school already rejected this story. When I came to you all about helping me, you were told we did not have school approval for this. This is all done off the books." KNowing full well she had to now disclose this infront of Bran Knight was not what she intended. She would have to pull him aside and convince him not to squash this now because Salve forgot why they were doing this.

But the past was the past.

"Because we are doing this rogue, to get any support from the school, which we would need since we have no funding and do not want to get expelled for leaving school grounds, we have to tell the school we are doing a different story. To sell the fact we are doing a different story, we must commit to it and actually do another story. This does not mean we are not working on this one...we are using the story about the leagues as a cover for our true purpose. Investigative stories, done properly take several months and deep undercover personas. We are doing a very indeph investigative piece. Which means we have to proceed with caution and be very careful. If we are not, at any point this story at best case scenerio will be pulled away from us....worst case we are killed. It is critical we are all on the same page here. Ryan will be meeting with Briggs in person....something I am wary about because there are too many variables we can't control, but we won't get that chance again. Lisa Turner is a suspect and source we need to know better. But she works for the leagues, if she realizes too soon what we are really up to, we will be shut down or killed. You, Hare, and Erin need to sell the fact that you are truly doing a story on the leagues, that means because it's a school sanctioned story...you get the chaperone, the chaperone if he was with me would never let me pull the records I need to pull....the chaperone would see no point in following Ryan because he is with his uncle a family member on something Hapswell didn't approve. Hapswell approved the league story, that's why you get the chaperone."

She rubbed the bridge of her nose quickly but then looked at them all. "Any questions or concerns before we get to work on this?"

@Homage @Brinni @The Suspicious Eye
"Oh!" Salve realized once Hare began explaining things in depth. It made tons more sense with that explanation in her mind, though she had somewhat tried to tune Hare out once Sarah began speaking. Once they both finished their responses, Salve first turned to Hare. "The google thing makes way more sense, but with that we'd need to get Ms. Turner's permission to take or follow us there, so that's up to her. And we can't just add it behind you in post, as the green screen is here at the school."

After she'd finished speaking to Hare, Salve turned around to Sarah. "Alright, whatever." All Sarah had done was explain Hare's job, really, so it wasn't as interesting to Salve as it could have been. She and Erin both acknowledged that they had no questions, before turning back to their individual distractions.




Natalie noticed every little change in her daughter's friend's face, and could tell there was some sort of internal struggle going on. The girl seemed to desperately want to go home, yet she was being kept at the school against her will. Natalie didn't exactly want to go from well respected detective and police officer to a woman who broke several federal laws, but she couldn't leave Alexandra to suffer alone.

"You're here under witness protection, but your parents aren't? That doesn't make sense. Witness protection assists the witness and the direct family of said witness. They also should have made your parents sign a contract stating they were aware of what they were doing and why, since anything you sign can be voided since you're a minor." Natalie hadn't even realized she was getting so into the laws she was discussing, and after finishing she realized she'd probably overwhelmed the girl with information she'd never needed to know.

"Crap, sorry, got really into it there. Here's the deal, your dad asked me to find you for him because he doesn't believe that you died." Natalie dropped that bombshell on Lexi like it was some bit of useless knowledge. She didn't tell the girl so randomly out of malice, she just needed a way to tell Lexi the truth without collapsing on her own words before saying a thing. Blunt was the best way.

Ryan shook his head. He briefly considered pulling Sarah aside and asking what else she was going to to. If it was important she'd tell him.


Hare simply shook her head. "Nope. No questions"
(Gotta Read more for Bran)

CosmicChangeling said:
Every day, Clara Turner had made up some obscure excuse....becoming more obscure by the day....to keep Oisin Kane over her house. Last night, she had told him that she was too short to change a lightbulb in her room and needed his help.
She had broken the lighbulb herself before he entered in. When he fixed it she told him that doing such a task was tiring and he should rest here, as her thank you to him. She insisted. Exasperated, she wondered how long she could keep this going before he figured out she was just making up reasons to spend time with him.

For now, she would enjoy this, being by his side and getting to really know him before he caught on and tossed her aside. Someone as special, kind, brave, strong, attractive, powerful, oh she could go on...deserved better...but today and until he called her out on it...she would be selfish.

As Oisin leaned against the tree, yellow eyes peered at him through the bush. The black panther was hidden, watching her prey as she crawled just a little closer.

Pouncing in the air, she tackled Kane too the ground. Her paws pressed into his shoulders, forming into hands as her human form leaned over him. She felt warm in the naughty place to feel warm and wanted to take him then and there, but instead her knees were by his hips, she pulled a thank you letter from her bra, wearing a flower summer dress with cosmic patterns on it. She placed the card on his chest. "I wanted to make sure you were delivered this in person before I had to teach...but I do have a free period. If you have one, would you like to go on a walk with me? If....if I'm not asking too much. I understand if you can't...."
Oisin wa leaning against the tree when he suddenly lurched back. Seeing a yellowed eyed panther turn into the fair haired Clara, who he loved so dearly. Falling to the ground, he felt the strength and warmth of Clara's body against him as he quickly turned a brilliant crimson. Feeling her against him, it took all of his restraint to not take her then and there. He wanted their first time together to be special something that would be memorable to the both of them. Such a kind and beautiful woman like Clara deserved more than anything to be treated kindly.

He smiled as she placed the letter to his chest. Embarrassed that she must be able to feel the rapid beating of his heart against her. Placing his hand over her's he smiled holding both her hand and the letter over his heart. Closing his eyes he felt her life energy, so warm and vibrant like a sun radiating against him. Opening his emerald eyes he looked at her and sat up so that their noses were almost touching. Placing a gentle hand to her cheek he rested his forehead against hers and smiled. "You can never ask too much of me Clara. It means everything to me to just have a moment of time with you." He gave her a soft, loving kiss their lips softly caressing each other till he pulled away and whispered, "I would love to walk with you."

Homage said:
Nialla took a breath, trying to choose between sharing a room with a boy who already seemed to not understand personal space, and letting him stay with nowhere to go. Eventually, she made her decision, sounding more annoyed than sympathetic. "If he tries sleeping in the same bed as me again, he's gone. But sure, he can stay." Nialla didn't want to say yes, not after what he did, but she wasn't about to leave Min's brother to suffer all alone.
Min smiled and hugged her dear friend, "thank you! I'll make sure he doesn't." Holding her friend tightly she was relived that Nia wasn't mad at her. Min was always so afraid of being hated by the people here. This was her fresh start at a happy life, the last thing she wanted is to be hated before she can even get the change to be good. She looked over at her brother and gave a sigh in exasperation, "say thank you. This is really nice of Nia, Ren."

Ren rolled his eyes at Min, but smiled and nodded to the Nia, "thank you. I promise it won't happen again (It'll happen again in about a week or so)." He looked at the girl up and down she seemed to be in some pain. Thinking back he remembered Min mentioning what happened to Nia. "Hey Min you might not want to squeeze so tightly given our roommates current injures," he remedied his sister with a smirk.

Realizing that Nia must still be injured she let go quickly. "Oh! Sorry your injuries!! I hope I didn't hurt you." Placing a soft hand on her shoulder Min looked at Nia full of worry. "Are you alright? Do you need me to get you anything??"

Ren put his hand to his chin and gave a seductive look at the two girls. "I think that what Nia needs is some good old fashioned heal all medicine. And I know the perfect person to grab it from."

Min realized what he meant and quickly stood up. "What? Ren. No1 We can't bring that technology here! Mother said..."

"Mother doesn't have to know." He gave his sister a sly wink and shook his head. "Since when did you grow up into such a worry wort? Relax I'll just swipe some from my wo-" He saw Min's death glare, her red eyes glowing. "I...mean, workshop? Yeah my workshop and give it to her. I mean what kind of person would deny their friend the chance to completely heal from their wounds to peak physical condition?"

Min turned red in shame, but looked to Nia. "It's your choice. My...family created a heal all medicine that heals any and all physical wounds. It's a simple spray that works instantly, but there might be side affects, we've only ever used it on...."people from my world...She wanted to say, but decidedly went with "family members."

The small silver spray bottle appeared in his hand. Twirling it around in his fingers he began to talk like a salesman pitching a product. "Come on sis live a little. It heals all wounds!! One spray and instantly heale. Plus it's completely free?! What a deal!!"
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CosmicChangeling said:
She had not expected this to happen. Keep your friends close, your arch nemesis closer. "Bran will accompany me, I'm sure we can leverage his family's connections to streamline the process of getting the documents we need."
Bran listened intently, knowing full well where she was planning to go instead of the library. Bran didn't mind the company, but it amused him that she still shirked from the truth. It was evident that she saw him as a enemy, which he fully wanted. Have the girl focus on him and only him, while he keeps the actual villains away. He foresaw her joining him, but in the end, this may prove more useful than Bran initially intended it to.

Listening to the other members it was fun to see such energy in a group, no matter how forgetful they were. Hearing Sarah explain that this outing was off the books meant one thing, Bran had the power. Needless to say he already knew that in the first place, which is why it was so easy for him to get the principal behind it when he offered to pay. Hearing her out the rest of the way he couldn't help, but think that it was him who would take this story away from them. The last thing he needed was that worst case scenario. There were dangerous people out there in the world who already had a target on the school and Sarah. The last thing Bran needed is for her, or any of the other students to wind up dead on his watch. He knew that Those with the chaperone would be safe, he was hesitant about Ryan but knew that the kid wouldn't do anything reckless. Unlike a certain girl who he's had to keep quite an eye on.

As Sarah finished Bran leaned on his knee and rested his chin against his fingers in a pensive pose. "No questions or concerns here." With a smirk on his face he added. "I think MY trip with you guys is going to be quite interesting indeed. Having YOU all as MY guests on this trip allows me to see investigative journalism at it's...early stages. I can't wait to see what happens on my Vintage trip."

Rachel Miller

Rachel let out a sigh, about to apogee for her outburst and all the unasked for information she had just spewed out when Lexi threw her arms around her in a hug that was a little tight. For a moment, she stood there, frozen with the surprised, wide-eyed look still on her face, before she hesitantly wrapped her arms around Lexi's back and returned the hug, unable to resist the smile that crept its way onto her lips. She pulled back as Lexi did, the two releasing one another. "Thanks," she mumbled, before shutting up to listen as Lexi began to speak about Aiden. After she was done, Rachel simply shook her head. "Damn. It's a real wonder he isn't a little more fucked in the head if he goes an' sees this shit all the time. Really shows how strong a person he is, cuz I sure as hell know that I couldn't hold myself together seeing shit like that everytime I touched someone," she admitted, honestly quite impressed. As Lexi awkwardly held out her hand for a hand shake, and then a fist bump, Rachel chuckled, meeting her halfway with a fist bump.

As Lexi turned to go speak to one of the teachers, a new one she didn't particularly recognize, Rachel simply called out a "See ya," before turning and making her way into the gym. Instead of walking over to the groups of friends forming across the room, she took a position against the wall, leaning up against it until a slightly less rediculously dressed than normal Mr. Elastic came out to begin the class. As he blew his obnoxious whistle and began to scream Rachel couldn't help but cringe, before making her way over to join everyone else. She was admittedly a bit confused as to why he wasn't beginning class by simply throwing shit at them, but welcomed the change none the less. What she didn't welcome as much was him calling her she-beast and then asking her some pointless question. "Fuck if I know," she grumbled, before saying, slightly louder, "The shit they do?"

She truly could not be bothered to give the question an accurate answer as she didn't particularly know or care.
"No." his arm twitched as if the short little man fought the urge to fling Rachel across the room for her stupid ass fucking response. He looked at the entire class, each student seemed confused and bewildered as if Elastic not throwing them across the room or chucking items at them had disrupted their sense of normalcy.

They could FUCKING get over it.

Rubbing the bridge of his nose. "It's the signature move." He heard snickers and laughter from the dumb little shits, he cracked his neck to stay calm and focus on the lesson. Pointing at Rachel. "Chance to redeem yourself and show you have an IQ higher than the dog you turn into. WHY is a super hero's signature move their most valuable asset?"


Lexi blinked looking at Ms. Blake a few minutes trying to register what she was saying. It was illegal to...Dad knew she was....

Tears welled in her eyes trying to process all of this. Her chest feeling like it was tightening as she was trying to bottle and control her emotions and failing desperately. "H-he knows?" She wanted to blip out right then and there and forget Ridgeview. Forget everything she was making here and just return home. It would be like the last few months had never happened.

But they had happened. "I lied to them. my whole family. They wouldn't...how would they....what if they don't accept what I am now? I don't come form a family of supers this was all..."she closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. Then nodded. "Ok, yeah. Let's go home. Can we go today? You might vomit though...the longer the distance i take people the more it messes up with the insides."


My trip. The pretentious snobbish little. Her mouth twitched slightly. "OUR trip," she corrected him. "YOU are the guest, not the other way around. Don't mistake your philanthropic curiosities as ownership or purchase for something you have no right or entitlement to."

The logical part of her told her to shut up, the trip was paid for. She was getting everything she wanted, but her pride spoke a different story. She did not accept hand outs and she deserved better respect than to have it rubbed in her nose what he was offering her. She was screwing over the trip based on poor man's pride's principal.

"For now I think we are all set. I think we should get together right before the trip to go over game plan for questions with the interview or general mechanics to make sure we are fine. Erin and Salve, if you can get as much information from Mrs. turner about Lisa and how she ticks, that will help you and Hare with your mission. Turner is very easy to get what you need from her."

Before Bran could say anything else to get her to lose control or for him to quip back that he was in full power and control (She knew....she damn well bloody knew but she didn't bloody like it) she began walking out as a que that the rest of them could go as well.


Clara's cheeks rose several shades of red as his lips touched hers. her entire body felt warm to the touch. He pulled away and looked into his eyes, all thoughts of what she was talking about gone. It took a second to register that he agreed to go for a walk, that she had moments ago asked him to go. She didn't answer him, instead she laced her fingers through his golden locks and kissed him harder leaning her body against his until his back laid on the grass.

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