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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

@My Pet Poro

Weird. Lexi looked at Leon curiously, the two of them were roommates he would know exactly where....Aidan...was...


Why did it have to be identical twins? This friend thing already sucked even more, first she hurt Leon more by just blipping him everywhere, invasion of privacy...now she accidently told his brother/arch nemesis what they were doing. Great. Perfect friend right here.

"That's actually why I came looking for you. He's your roommate, I thought he wrote the address down for you back in the room." she said. She was not as smooth as Sarah Lane was at giving a lie and selling it like it was the truth. Lane could do it like she was a professional actor, Lexi on the other hand was crossing her arms as her grey eyes focused on him narrowing.

Everything about her body language screamed 'caught you, you dirty lying weasle'. Lexi's body language, well....she was easy to read like an open book.

Not the best quality for a budding hero to have.
Jean laughed "You know, you're not the best liar and neither am I. So let's both quit while we're behind, shall we?" Jean noticed the girl was getting blurrier the more he looked at her Oh right, my glasses! Jean pulled his glasses out of his pocket and put them on "You can usually tell the difference by these" Jean said while tapping the black frames of his Armani glasses ((OOC: I actually have these, feel free to dislike me for that)) "Now, would you mind telling me your real name? I know you only by Rush, and by the fairly amazing things that you have done." Jean knew he was stroking her ego, he just hoped that it worked. She seemed like a girl that liked to hear things like this "and tell me, you know my brother well?" Jean smiled as he attempted everything he could to get information out of her. His arsenal wasn't even close to empty, he just hoped what he was doing now was enough.

@My Pet Poro

Jean was talking to a girl who had been deprived of a basic human compliment by her peers her entire social life. To say she saw what he was doing and let it roll off her was a gross over exageration.

"I mean...I haven't really done much, I'm only doing what anyone else would...hey. No. No we aren't doing that." Her nose scrunching as her cheeks went a few shades red.

"We're friends. And I've heard about you." She pressed her finger on his chest. "I protect my friends, and I don't like funny business or games. We on the same page here?"
With all of his pictures dried he decided itI was time to find Sarah and give her all of her pictures. He's have to remember to tell her not to look at the last one in public... She was probably skipping class right about now. "Ugh. Why don't you have a phone Sarah? I wonder if maybe Erin has an idea where she is." He pulled out his phone and sent a text asking if she'd seen Sarah at all recently. (On phone can't do code) @Homage
Brinni said:
As he went to sit back down, Moe realized that Lux had slept through everything that the subsitute had said. Tapping his shoulder to wake him up, Moe mentioned that he had to go let her know who he was so that he wouldn't be marked absent. "When you come back, I'm curious as to how your star reading went for Miss Turner. I admit this sort of thing isn't really my forte." @SirDerpingtonIV

Lux Allen

Lux blinked his eyes, filled with exhaustion, He looked up at Moe, shaking his head to clear his blurry vision, giving a shakey nod in response. He sat up, before rising to his feet, hovering in front of Moe. "I'm... -yawn- sorry," he murmurred, raising his hands to rub at his eyes. "I just.. didn't get that much sleep," he admitted, before hovering over to the substitute, whom he vaguely recognized as the woman from the Nurse's office who had been talking to Elastic in the doorway of the gym. "Hello," he yawned, rubbing the back of his head. "I'm Lux Allen, and I'm in this class," he introduced rather plainly, before turning, continuing to hover, back over to where Moe stood. "I've got my star reading sheet in my backpack," he answered the boy's question, hovering over to his backpack and grasping it by the strap, lifting it up with a grunt. He idily undid the zipper to look inside, scavenging around for a few moments before he pulled out a lemon-colored folder, and out of it a paper, on which he had drawn the star reading he had done in class. He handed it over to Moe with a nod, rubbing his nostrils before he turned to his side and sneezed. He muttered about autumn allergies for a moment, before turning back to Moe and asking, "Need anything else? I'm not all that good with star reading, but I think that should be correct..."
SirDerpingtonIV said:

Lux Allen

Lux blinked his eyes, filled with exhaustion, He looked up at Moe, shaking his head to clear his blurry vision, giving a shakey nod in response. He sat up, before rising to his feet, hovering in front of Moe. "I'm... -yawn- sorry," he murmurred, raising his hands to rub at his eyes. "I just.. didn't get that much sleep," he admitted, before hovering over to the substitute, whom he vaguely recognized as the woman from the Nurse's office who had been talking to Elastic in the doorway of the gym. "Hello," he yawned, rubbing the back of his head. "I'm Lux Allen, and I'm in this class," he introduced rather plainly, before turning, continuing to hover, back over to where Moe stood. "I've got my star reading sheet in my backpack," he answered the boy's question, hovering over to his backpack and grasping it by the strap, lifting it up with a grunt. He idily undid the zipper to look inside, scavenging around for a few moments before he pulled out a lemon-colored folder, and out of it a paper, on which he had drawn the star reading he had done in class. He handed it over to Moe with a nod, rubbing his nostrils before he turned to his side and sneezed. He muttered about autumn allergies for a moment, before turning back to Moe and asking, "Need anything else? I'm not all that good with star reading, but I think that should be correct..."
Moe compared the two sheets. He gave a weighty sigh, his looked almost nothing like Lux's. He was terrible at this. He chuckled sadly. "Man, you'd think somebody who's power is setting how slow something moves would have the kind of patience to do this right. I'm not too worried about it. Miss Turner's a bit of a pushover as a teacher, she'll give you credit just for "trying". She's a delight as a person and I can't imagine where we'd be if she wasn't part of the protection staff on Friday though. I like her, I've even thought about asking if she'd be my mentor, assuming she's around when it comes time to choose. Have you given any thought to that by the way? I doubt most of the students have except for Lexi. Although I'm not sure if that counts when you're hand picked by a teacher."
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Jean noticed the girl blush immediately good it's working he thought as she changed her emotions suddenly "I don't know what you mean, there is no funny business here. I only was complimenting you on what I saw, which was in fact, a pretty amazing display of your powers to protect your friends" Jean smiled, but this was to himself he was proud of what he was doing. The girl would never know that, though. "I don't know what you've heard about me, but I am sure you and I aren't on the same page for that. If you want to know anything about me please we can talk about it" He gestured for them to go sit down by the bleachers. "I don't want you getting the wrong idea about me, I will be nothing but honest with you" This of course, was a lie but he had told it so many times that even someone who was a master at reading people wouldn't be able to tell, he wasn't even sure a lie detector could tell the difference at this point "I swear it on a French Noble's honor" Jean bowed to the girl and started walking over to the bleachers. This has got to work, I can't have someone like her on the wrong side. At least not for now.

She did do a good job at controlling her powers for her friends. Hell, even grumpy old Elastic saw it and was training her like a star pupil. She may have hated her powers but hell, she knew how to use th-


Her nose was still scrunched, as he motioned to the bench, looking more and more Irish with the button nose and face matching her hair. "We are not on the same page, and we won't be on the same page." She took in a breathe letting the heat in her cheeks die down. "I'm not from France that's going to mean nothing to me. What about your mother's grave?"

It was cruel, the minute it came out of her mouth she knew it and her confident bravado flickered off her face. She had meant to just show him she knew, he could pretend all he wanted but she knew. "That was...uh...I'm sorry..."
Jean made the expression on his face look hurt I don't remember much about her but we'll play along for now "That was pretty low, but fine we'll play your game. I swear on my mother's grave" of course he was still lying but he was good at this game "Sorry, that just hurt a bit, I didn't mean it like that. It's been a long past couple days" Jean sighed which was surprisingly real to him as he remembered everything that happened with Sarah. "We could be on the right page, why not give it a shot?" Jean patted the ground next to him as an offering for a seat this will hopefully give me everything I need to know, if not I don't know how much longer I can keep this up

"Well you're the first to care enough to show up, so thanks, I guess." Nialla said the words with a hint of regret and defeat. How was Elastic, the abusive man she'd only known as a teacher for a few months, the only person to go to her bedside? Sure, he was the man who was responsible for her coming into existence, but she'd known that for a few days, and he'd only known that a few months. Her friends, or hell, her own damn mom should have been the ones standing beside her, not her teacher.

She wasn't ungrateful for his company, it just felt to her like nobody else wanted to waste even a second of their time (Less, in Lexi's case) just to say hello.


"This is all kind of confusing. I-" Erin's thoughts were interrupted the ding of a text on her phone. Erin checked for a moment, and smiled at the convenience of the timing.

Hey, have you seen Sarah today?

Erin looked up to Sarah, then looked back down to her phone. "That's funny. Rye Bread is looking for you." Erin told her, before texting him back.

Hey, have you seen Sarah today?
Yee. We're in the Broadcast room. better hurry, she's maaaaaaaad.

Erin sent the last part of the text just to mess with Ryan because she thought it'd be fun. It wasn't like Sarah was actually mad. She actually seemed really intense and fun, but far from mad.


Natalie wrote down name after name to mark those who were in class, only stopping when Harriet Collins spoke to her. She didn't say anything to the girl except for some bullshit utterance of thanks. That was one of Nia's friends? She seemed nice, talkative, and entirely out of what Natalie thought Nialla's friends were like. Had her daughter developed a wider range of friendships after escaping from Natalie's shadow?


Shit, she was an asshole. Shit. Fucking shit. First it was Louise, driving her off the edge...Aidan...AIDAN of all people forgave her and saw the good in her. Then it was Rachel, who let's face it Lexi still wanted to punch square in the jaw, but clearly had emotional problems and Lexi just egged her on broke a shoulder until an actual beast had come out. Blipping Leon around when he had damaged ribs ruining his privacy. Nia...everytime she showed up Nia had been sleeping....she was a shitty friend. Now throwing a dead parent in someone's face and she was going to the wake of Aidan's mother.

Classy, Lexi. Real fucking classy.

He sat down padding the seat for her to sit, she didn't She took a step closer to him but she stayed standing. "I'm sorry. That was very insensitive of me, Jean." Yes she knew his name. "I...uhh...I'm not the best when it comes to talking to people. And...I tend to say things I shouldn't. No one deserves to lose their mom. My mom thinks I'm dead....and it's not the same but...I'd probably would have gone ape shit on someone if they said what I said..." Why hadn't he? Why was he being nice about it? he was sad yes, depressed....

No, don't humanize him. Don't do it.

"But what you're doing, you're trying to ruin my friend's life...and I won't let you. If you really are out to get Leon, you confront him face to face and do the honorable thing. If not, you're going to be dealing with me alot. And I'm everywhere." The anger she wanted wasn't there, she couldn't muster it up after what she had said.


Nat was here, he opened his mouth nearly vocalizing that thought but stopped. IF on the off chance Nia was wrong, he'd be throwing Nat under the bus when right now the two of them were going through hell trying to figure out what to do or how to help. "I forced your mom to watch the class, I stopped her from coming here first." He lied and it was easy to believe, he was a fucking jackass and could do something like this.

"Well...you're at 106, somehow you're awake and your organs aren't shutting down. Your blood is pumping at an unsual rate. None of this is normal." The nurse looked down at the girl who was nothing but ice bags and ice. "Watch the kid, I'm going to find Dr. Kane. Maybe I'm dealing with some weird fae shit. Fairies...fucking fairies. Whatever it is, it aint normal and I don't like it."

The blonde bombshell of crazy walked out to do just that.


Maybe they could get the whole band together now. Sarah perked. "Can you text him to find hare and Salve. Maybe we can have this meeting now."

Her excitement died when she heard clapping in the background. Turning around there was her older brother, leaning against the broadcast equipment shelves. "Getting the scooby gang back together, I see. Ryan's clearly Scooby. Can't decide if your Velma or Freddy Sarah. You call the shots but you also think you have all the answers."

"What are you doing here James?"

"Can't I just stop by and watch my baby sister go to work?"

Brinni said:
Moe compared the two sheets. He gave a weighty sigh, his looked almost nothing like Lux's. He was terrible at this. He chuckled sadly. "Man, you'd think somebody who's power is setting how slow something moves would have the kind of patience to do this right. I'm not too worried about it. Miss Turner's a bit of a pushover as a teacher, she'll give you credit just for "trying". She's a delight as a person and I can't imagine where we'd be if she wasn't part of the protection staff on Friday though. I like her, I've even thought about asking if she'd be my mentor, assuming she's around when it comes time to choose. Have you given any thought to that by the way? I doubt most of the students have except for Lexi. Although I'm not sure if that counts when you're hand picked by a teacher."

Lux Allen

Lux blinked, giving a slight, pitying smile towards Moe. "Well.. If you want I can help you out with this sort of thing," he offered. "Because this.." He said, gesturing to Moe's chart, "Is bad enough to kill whatever participation grade she was giving." He paused slightly, raising an eyebrow. "She is a great person and a great teacher. Maybe she acts like a pushover with the students, but she put her life on the line to save everyone she could. Including me, who ran into part of a window like a dumbass," he chuckles sadly. He greatly admired Clara, more than he did before because of what he had seen that night. Later in life he wished he would become as much of a hero as Clara Turner was. "And I haven't thought much about mentoring yet. I probably should since I am a junior but I feel like it is just... Too early... You know? Only the big, major hero kids really need a mentor,"
Homage said:
"Well you're the first to care enough to show up, so thanks, I guess." Nialla said the words with a hint of regret and defeat. How was Elastic, the abusive man she'd only known as a teacher for a few months, the only person to go to her bedside? Sure, he was the man who was responsible for her coming into existence, but she'd known that for a few days, and he'd only known that a few months. Her friends, or hell, her own damn mom should have been the ones standing beside her, not her teacher.
She wasn't ungrateful for his company, it just felt to her like nobody else wanted to waste even a second of their time (Less, in Lexi's case) just to say hello.


"This is all kind of confusing. I-" Erin's thoughts were interrupted the ding of a text on her phone. Erin checked for a moment, and smiled at the convenience of the timing.

Hey, have you seen Sarah today?

Erin looked up to Sarah, then looked back down to her phone. "That's funny. Rye Bread is looking for you." Erin told her, before texting him back.

Hey, have you seen Sarah today?
Yee. We're in the Broadcast room. better hurry, she's maaaaaaaad.

Erin sent the last part of the text just to mess with Ryan because she thought it'd be fun. It wasn't like Sarah was actually mad. She actually seemed really intense and fun, but far from mad.


Natalie wrote down name after name to mark those who were in class, only stopping when Harriet Collins spoke to her. She didn't say anything to the girl except for some bullshit utterance of thanks. That was one of Nia's friends? She seemed nice, talkative, and entirely out of what Natalie thought Nialla's friends were like. Had her daughter developed a wider range of friendships after escaping from Natalie's shadow?


Ryan's phone pinged back quickly.

Hey, have you seen Sarah today?
Yee. We're in the Broadcast room. better hurry, she's maaaaaaaad.

Oh no. Did she find out about the picture somehow? I guess I couldn't blame her...no wait. I just developed it, so that couldn't be it right? Maybe John did something else to piss her off...Or Erin did. I should ask.

Hey, have you seen Sarah today?
Yee. We're in the Broadcast room. better hurry, she's maaaaaaaad.
Did John do something again? Or was it you this time?

While he waited he organized the photos into the proper folders, locked them in the cabinet in his drawer, and picked up the folder for Sarah. He wasn't keen on the idea of diving, it was always weird, especially if he had been there because if he looked around he'd see himself. A real out of body experience he thought to himself wryly. He had to admit though, it was a bit of a rush being able to hear a person's innermost thoughts at a particular moment. Were he a worse person he'd probably abuse that. He left the dark room, remembering to lock up this time, and started making his way to the broadcast room.

SirDerpingtonIV said:

Lux Allen

Lux blinked, giving a slight, pitying smile towards Moe. "Well.. If you want I can help you out with this sort of thing," he offered. "Because this.." He said, gesturing to Moe's chart, "Is bad enough to kill whatever participation grade she was giving." He paused slightly, raising an eyebrow. "She is a great person and a great teacher. Maybe she acts like a pushover with the students, but she put her life on the line to save everyone she could. Including me, who ran into part of a window like a dumbass," he chuckles sadly. He greatly admired Clara, more than he did before because of what he had seen that night. Later in life he wished he would become as much of a hero as Clara Turner was. "And I haven't thought much about mentoring yet. I probably should since I am a junior but I feel like it is just... Too early... You know? Only the big, major hero kids really need a mentor,"
"Really? Is it that bad? Any help would be much appreciated. I just don't get how charting the stars could help someone like me, interpreting them is even harder. You aren't gonna be a hero? You can fly! That's like...the original super power or something! How can you not want to be a major hero? I would if my power wasn't so useless. I mean hell, had I a useful power I may have even deserved winning the tournament Friday."
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Homage said:
"Well you're the first to care enough to show up, so thanks, I guess." Nialla said the words with a hint of regret and defeat. How was Elastic, the abusive man she'd only known as a teacher for a few months, the only person to go to her bedside? Sure, he was the man who was responsible for her coming into existence, but she'd known that for a few days, and he'd only known that a few months. Her friends, or hell, her own damn mom should have been the ones standing beside her, not her teacher.
She wasn't ungrateful for his company, it just felt to her like nobody else wanted to waste even a second of their time (Less, in Lexi's case) just to say hello.


"This is all kind of confusing. I-" Erin's thoughts were interrupted the ding of a text on her phone. Erin checked for a moment, and smiled at the convenience of the timing.

Hey, have you seen Sarah today?

Erin looked up to Sarah, then looked back down to her phone. "That's funny. Rye Bread is looking for you." Erin told her, before texting him back.

Hey, have you seen Sarah today?
Yee. We're in the Broadcast room. better hurry, she's maaaaaaaad.

Erin sent the last part of the text just to mess with Ryan because she thought it'd be fun. It wasn't like Sarah was actually mad. She actually seemed really intense and fun, but far from mad.


Natalie wrote down name after name to mark those who were in class, only stopping when Harriet Collins spoke to her. She didn't say anything to the girl except for some bullshit utterance of thanks. That was one of Nia's friends? She seemed nice, talkative, and entirely out of what Natalie thought Nialla's friends were like. Had her daughter developed a wider range of friendships after escaping from Natalie's shadow?



Ember Brook

Ember had spent her weekend training, working with her fire outside, where she could use it the best. She felt like she had grown better, but she wasn't really sure how she had, or when. She was trying anything to keep her mind off what had happened, but now she felt she had to do something about it. She made her way to school, energetic and ready for the day, dressed in plain attire with a simple, orange t-shirt and jeans. She never really could get more fashionable clothing, and didn't care for it either.

She had heard, by word of mouth, that Nialla, after being shot, was still kept in the Nurse's office, unable o leave due to her injuries. Ember didn't know if her opponent in that tournament round would want to see her, but she was going to meet with the girl anyways, because that is what she felt like was right. She knew she would be missing part of her first class but that didn't mean much to her. She would just ask later on to make up whatever she had missed. She soon entered the Nurse's office, passing the nurse as she walked out, giving a polite greeting as the flame-powered hero stepped into the room.

"Hello Nialla," she greeted, making her way over to the girl's bedside, standing beside her. She offered a comforting smile, although her face was creased with worry as she looked over all the ice packs the girl had been practically buried in. She greeted Elastic as well, although she didn't know why he was here. "How have you been feeling?" She asked Nialla, turning her gaze back to the girl's face again.

Brinni said:
Ryan's phone pinged back quickly.
Hey, have you seen Sarah today?
Yee. We're in the Broadcast room. better hurry, she's maaaaaaaad.

Oh no. Did she find out about the picture somehow? I guess I couldn't blame her...no wait. I just developed it, so that couldn't be it right? Maybe John did something else to piss her off...Or Erin did. I should ask.

Hey, have you seen Sarah today?
Yee. We're in the Broadcast room. better hurry, she's maaaaaaaad.
Did John do something again? Or was it you this time?

While he waited he organized the photos into the proper folders, locked them in the cabinet in his drawer, and picked up the folder for Sarah. He wasn't keen on the idea of
diving, it was always weird, especially if he had been there because if he looked around he'd see himself. A real out of body experience he thought to himself wryly. He had to admit though, it was a bit of a rush being able to hear a person's innermost thoughts at a particular moment. Were he a worse person he'd probably abuse that. He left the dark room, remembering to lock up this time, and started making his way to the broadcast room.

"Really? Is it that bad? Any help would be much appreciated. I just don't get how charting the stars could help someone like me, interpreting them is even harder. You aren't gonna be a hero? You can fly! That's like...the original super power or something! How can you not want to be a major hero? I would if my power wasn't so useless. I mean hell, had I a useful power I may have even deserved winning the tournament Friday."

Lux Allen

"Yeah... No offense and all, but it is that bad " he answered with a sympathetic frown. "Charting and interpreting the stars is believed to have something to do with fortune telling," he suggested with a shrug. "Otherwise it isn't really helpful. It is meant, I suppose, as a class to give the less "powerful" students something to do good in, as they get their asses handed to them by majors in any class actually involving powers." At Moe's word, Lux laughed, shaking his head. "I do want to be a major hero, don't get me wrong, but flight isn't all that big. Any of those major heroes would kick my ass. I mean, you saw how Ember beat me in the tournaments," he explained, frowning slightly in his own embarrassment. "I may be able to fly everywhere and fight normal crime, but I cannot fight people with powers, since mine does not let me fight much."
Candice stifled a yawn as she paced through the halls of the school, conjured dark sunglasses hiding the obvious bags under her eyes. She was supposed to be in class at the moment, though off the top of her head she couldn't remember which one, but no one would begrudge her for taking some 'personal time' this week.

Of course, her teachers might throw her out of a window if they realized what she considered 'personal time' was staying up all night to play video games. It was a legitimate coping skill, as far as she was concerned.

Regardless, she focused her attention downwards at the handheld game she clutched gently, barely paying attention as she stepped around corners and narrowly avoided bumping into people, her feet taking her about on autopilot. It had been a truly odd weekend, to be certain. She barely remembered any of the dance, save for a vaguely trippy version of some kind of Wizard of Oz production, and a simple dance with some cute girl that may or may not exist.

After that?

Well after that she woke up in a stranger's room, spooning with a gummy bear the size of an actual bear, with candy faeries decorating every available surface. The guy had been... Nice? She supposed. Maybe he'd be her type if she stuck around to actually talk but... As it was, she was already certain to be the focus of quite a few rumors that she was certainly not looking forward to.

A familiar song snapped her from her musings, and she glanced down in horror to find the familiar 'game over' screen playing out its familiar little movie.

Her heart plummeted along with her body, as she dropped to her knees oblivious to her surroundings. How long had it been since she saved? Surely, throughout her entire night-long binge, she'd- Eight hours! She'd lost eight hours of progress.

A part of her wanted to curse to the heavens, but instead she simply sat on her knees, dejected.

What a rotten day.
CosmicChangeling said:
The mango man giveth, the mango man taketh away.
Arnold was happilly eating the mango as Oisin read the letter and began crafting his own. Pieces of mango fell from his beak and into the man's hair, but Arnold would pick up the bigger chunks and eat them anyway. One does not simply waste a good mango.

The bird seemed to chuckle, the vocals similar to a parrot where they mimicked sounds and emotional cues from their owner. When Clara had him as an infant all those years ago she had tried teaching him to laugh and say basic words. Arnold was more like a Conure (sp) in that sense where it was just mimicking sounds and not words. He jumped on Mango's shoulder rubbing his neck against Oisin's before taking the letter and walking off.

For a bird, he liked to walk like a person.

The door opened again fifteen minutes later, Arnold waddled in flying onto the desk. He dropped the letter letting out another coo. He nestled on the desk this time seeing there were still small bits of mango on the perch's head after the first meal.

Dear Oisin,

Your note was lovely. Thank you, but you do not need to thank me. Your company and your stories were exactly what I needed and you gave me more from this weekend than anyone ever has. Do you happen to have a recipe for figgy pudding? I want to make sure I make it correctly for you. Would you want to walk together to my home after classes today?


- Clara

P.S My sister may try to contact you. You are a free man, and I trust your judgements. But, my sister and I have a fued that has gone on for many years and I do not want to have someone as kind as you be dragged into it.

P.P.S That was very rude, I shouldn't tell you who you can or cannot speak with. I'm so sorry. I'm just very scared she will hurt you because of what you mean to me.

P.P.P.S Forget the first two P.S's Can we talk about your research papers tonight?

P.P.P.P.S You've always been beautiful.
Kane was surprised by the quick return of the pheonix. He didn't think she would have time to respond so quickly. Feeling Arnold peck at the mango bits in his hair he winced every time the pheonix missed and pecked his head. Growing another mango, he handed it to Arnold. Hoping beyond hope that he'd eat the mango instead of stabbing at his scalp.

Reading her letter aloud he went to look for the recipe. Not being able to find it in the mess he call his office, he sighed and tried his best to write down what he memorized onto a sheet of paper. Finishing the recipe he returned to the letter and began to write a response.

Dear Clara,

Thank you for responding to my thank you letter so quickly. I am always so grateful that you find the time to talk to me. Included in this letter is the recipe, or at least all I could remember. Please don't worry about cooking for me. I don't want you to put any unnecessary strain on your body. Besides any meal with you is a blessing in it's own.



P.S It would be my greatest honor to walk you home this evening Clara

P.P.S Do not worry about your sister trying to contact me I only care for you.

P.P.P.S I am terribly sorry for that previous line. I do hope it isn't too brash.

P.P.P.P.S I would love to talk to you about my research tonight.

P.P.P.P.P.S You mean so much to me Clara, every day you make my world better by just existing in it.

Oisin blushed as he read his letter back. Maybe it was how she wrote, maybe it was the lovingly at the end, maybe he couldn't keep his feelings for her in any longer. Whatever reason it was Kane could feel himself opening up to her on the written page. He wasn't as afraid to tell her his secret whispers he said every day to himself. It was nice. Heart beating rapidly he folded both paper's into an envelope and after writing her name with the utmost care he handed it to Arnold again.
Ren was bored.

The phone he stole off of someone on this planet wasn't enough to entertain him. After having at least a dozen conversations with strangers he texted (most conversations starting with "I hid the body, now what?" or "I'm pregnant!"), Ren was bored. Hugging a pillow he looked over at the bathroom door and began to shout. "Minnnnnn. What is taking so long? I'm booooorrrred."

Min who was in the shower abruptly ignored him. Until he teleported into the bathroom. She jolted and looked at him "Ahhhh! What?!"

Ren looked at his sister and gave his best pouting child face. "I'm bored. Let's go do something fun." He said sitting on the toilet his arms crossed and leg tapping with impatience.

Min rolled her eyes reaching for a towel she spoke. "From my experience your meaning of something fun involves strip clubs and lots of sex. Both which it is way too early for."

Raising an eyebborw Ren lead back and smiled. "Aww come on Min it's always dark in space. Let's go!"

Min shook her head "You need a cold shower. Good for you I used up all of the hot water. Hopefully the cool water will return the blood to your brain." She said wrapping the town over herself.

Ren smirked, "and maybe you need to dry off in a desert." He waved as he sent his sister off.

With that Min was teleported to the Sahara Desert. She looked around surprised for a moment before getting really pissed. "Ren you jerk!! Send me back now!!!" After a minute of no response Min growled and used her powers to create some clothes before floating up and shooting back towards school. Grumbling under her breath "if I get in trouble I will murder him." Hoping that she had enough energy and control to make it back to school.
SirDerpingtonIV said:

Ember Brook

Ember had spent her weekend training, working with her fire outside, where she could use it the best. She felt like she had grown better, but she wasn't really sure how she had, or when. She was trying anything to keep her mind off what had happened, but now she felt she had to do something about it. She made her way to school, energetic and ready for the day, dressed in plain attire with a simple, orange t-shirt and jeans. She never really could get more fashionable clothing, and didn't care for it either.

She had heard, by word of mouth, that Nialla, after being shot, was still kept in the Nurse's office, unable o leave due to her injuries. Ember didn't know if her opponent in that tournament round would want to see her, but she was going to meet with the girl anyways, because that is what she felt like was right. She knew she would be missing part of her first class but that didn't mean much to her. She would just ask later on to make up whatever she had missed. She soon entered the Nurse's office, passing the nurse as she walked out, giving a polite greeting as the flame-powered hero stepped into the room.

"Hello Nialla," she greeted, making her way over to the girl's bedside, standing beside her. She offered a comforting smile, although her face was creased with worry as she looked over all the ice packs the girl had been practically buried in. She greeted Elastic as well, although she didn't know why he was here. "How have you been feeling?" She asked Nialla, turning her gaze back to the girl's face again.

Lux Allen

"Yeah... No offense and all, but it is that bad " he answered with a sympathetic frown. "Charting and interpreting the stars is believed to have something to do with fortune telling," he suggested with a shrug. "Otherwise it isn't really helpful. It is meant, I suppose, as a class to give the less "powerful" students something to do good in, as they get their asses handed to them by majors in any class actually involving powers." At Moe's word, Lux laughed, shaking his head. "I do want to be a major hero, don't get me wrong, but flight isn't all that big. Any of those major heroes would kick my ass. I mean, you saw how Ember beat me in the tournaments," he explained, frowning slightly in his own embarrassment. "I may be able to fly everywhere and fight normal crime, but I cannot fight people with powers, since mine does not let me fight much."
Moe shook his head. "I suppose you're right every group needs those easy pass classes. But, it's not about what you got, it's how you use it. For you, you just need to learn to read people. Anticipate what they're going to do. Then with your flight you can avoid whatever they try, then counter attack, followed up by dodging out of range. Your power at least can be used for offensive purposes. If you could control your speed when flying, you could have done what Nialla did and create a vacuum space. The benefit of yours is that you could have seen if she tried to surrender. It's all about how you use it.


Leon had some time to kill. There was still about twenty minutes until the next class. I should try to see if Min's around.I'll text Lexi to see if she went to class. If she's not in gym I'll go see her. First I'm going to swing by Darke's room and leave a note saying I won't be in class because I need to prepare to go to the wake, then get ready, then if Lexi's responded I'll go from there. Leon pulled out his phone and sent a message off to Lexi.

Hey, did Min ever show up to class? I know she wasn't at lunch so I'm just checking. Gonna swing by Professor D.'s class and leave a note saying I won't be in class bc I gotta get ready for the wake.

He went by the classroom and, seeing it empty walked in. He grabbed a sheet of paper and pen from his bag and left on the desk:

Dear Professor Darke, I will not be in class today. I have to prepare for a wake for my friend Aidan's mother who was a casualty in Friday's attack. When I return Wednesday I will be happy to get whatever work I may have missed. Thank you for your understanding, Leon Bellamy, 6th period.

He went back to his dorm and showered. As the hot water ran down his body he thought about how things had gone between him and Min. I haven't seen her since she left Friday...could she be avoiding me? Was inviting her to stay too far? I guess it could have been misconstrued...I just thought she'd like company given Nia's still in the Nurse's. He walked out of the bathroom, his towel hanging around his neck. He stretched, wincing slightly at the pain in his chest. I really should get these fixed. I wonder how we're getting down there...

"Don't lie to me." Nialla said to Elastic as he so confidently defended her mother. Did he think she was stupid? He knew her mom, why didn't he assume instinctively she was at least half as intelligent. "Those entering the building from the main entrance must go through the hallway of the Nurse's office to easily get to the gym. The only way around the hallway is to take the long route all the way around the school, or to open the emergency door in the gym." Nialla figured her mom was ignoring her, but going out of her way just to avoid a simple discussion? That seemed unlike her.

As Ember walked into the room, Nialla offered a silent prayer of thanks for other company to replace the Nurse. "Hey Ember. I've been better." The weirdness of the situation only seemed to intensify. Out of all people, the girl Nialla nearly killed was not someone she expected to visit. "Thanks for coming. Everything alright out there?" Outside. Out of bed. Not stuck with a broken leg and no hope of escape.


"Sure can!" Erin said with a wink and a smile.

Hey, have you seen Sarah today?
Yee. We're in the Broadcast room. better hurry, she's maaaaaaaad.
Did John do something again? Or was it you this time?
Oooh, who is John? And nah. She's yelling at James rn.

The timing just seemed to work out beautifully for Erin, James showed up just after she sent her joke about Sari being mad. It sucked seeing her friend angry, but there wasn't much Erin could do about it. She knew not to piss off James. He was a scary person to fight against. Instead, she sent messages to Hare and Salve asking them to get to the Broadcast room for a sort of meeting.


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Homage said:
"Don't lie to me." Nialla said to Elastic as he so confidently defended her mother. Did he think he was stupid? He knew her mom, why didn't he assume instinctively she was at least half as intelligent. "Those entering the building from the main entrance must go through the hallway of the Nurse's office to easily get to the gym. The only way around the hallway is to take the long route all the way around the school, or to open the emergency door in the gym." Nialla figured her mom was ignoring her, but going out of her way just to avoid a simple discussion? That seemed unlike her.
As Ember walked into the room, Nialla offered a silent prayer of thanks for other company to replace the Nurse. "Hey Ember. I've been better." The weirdness of the situation only seemed to intensify. Out of all people, the girl Nialla nearly killed was not someone she expected to visit. "Thanks for coming. Everything alright out there?" Outside. Out of bed. Not stuck with a broken leg and no hope of escape.


"Sure can!" Erin said with a wink and a smile.

Hey, have you seen Sarah today?
Yee. We're in the Broadcast room. better hurry, she's maaaaaaaad.
Did John do something again? Or was it you this time?
Oooh, who is John? And nah. She's yelling at James rn.

The timing just seemed to work out beautifully for Erin, James showed up just after she sent her joke about Sari being mad. It sucked seeing her friend angry, but there wasn't much Erin could do about it. She knew not to piss off James. He was a scary person to fight against. Instead, she sent messages to Hare and Salve asking them to get to the Broadcast room for a sort of meeting.


Ryan's phone buzzed on the way to the broadcast room.

Hey, have you seen Sarah today?
Yee. We're in the Broadcast room. better hurry, she's maaaaaaaad.
Did John do something again? Or was it you this time?
Oooh, who is John? And nah. She's yelling at James rn.

Ryan stopped in his tracks as he read the message. James is there? Ohhhh he's gonna kill me if Sarah sees that picture while he's there. What do I do? Uhhhhhhh without thinking much more on it he pulled the picture out of her folder, put it in one of his notebooks and hastily put the notebook back in. That will solve it, for now anyways. He walked into the room and passed Erin the folder with pictures of her and her sister, ignoring James and Sarah arguing. "Here Eri, the photos from the dance of your sister and you. I hope you girls like how they came out." Considering they never actually paid for them, they better not complain. "So what are they fighting about this time?"


Hare felt her phone vibrate. Checking her texts she saw that Erin wanted to meet up. Grabbing her bag she went into the locker room, then went out the side door. Nobody will miss me anyways. She bounced her way down the hall humming to herself. As she went in to the broadcast room she gave a finger wave to James. "Heya cutie. What's up? Don't be too hard on Sari kay~?" She went over and draped herself over Erin. "Sooo? What'd ya call us all together for Erin? Are you finally ready to confess your love to Ryan and wanted witnesses?"

Even though he knew it was a joke, Ryan's cheeks still colored some. "C'mon Hare, that's not funny."

Harriet shrugged. "Your opinion. But seriously," she plopped herself in a chair and put her feet up on the table, "what's the deal here?"

@Homage @CosmicChangeling
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Lexi felt her phone vibrate in her bra, wearing a dress sucked because she had no damn pockets. The feeling was uncomfortable that she tensed only to see the world around her was frozen in place. Taking the cell phone out she contemplated tying Jean's shoes together.

Wow, you're a jackass. You just threw his dead mom in his face and you're thinking about tying his shoelaces together.

It wouldn't be that hard to do. And he was trying to ruin Leon's life.

You don't know that.

Aidan saw it, and Leon believed it. That's all she needed.

Did you seriously not learn anything from Louise? That whole fucking thing blew up because you wanted to teach the girl a lesson. Which you had no right teaching anyone a lesson.

Someone's gotta show the bullies they can't get away with shit.

Yeah? Who's going to show you?

Lexi shook her head looking at the text from Leon. No. She's not here. Heads up, i mistook Jean for you when I asked when you wanted to leave for the funeral. Sorry. Your twin's not fraternal, you're identical. She placed the phone back and tapped her foot impatiently for what felt like an hour before she slipped back into normal time. To Jean, she would just look out of frame, not even a second her body was positioned differently. Like looking at a flip book opening the pages one at a time and not in order.

She did not tie his shoelaces together.

@My Pet Poro @Brinni


He gave a wink to Hare while shifting his gaze towards the boy. Little midget that Sarah had neglected to tell him about. He stepped on his shadow, locking the brat in place. As James moved his arm, Ryan would move the same arm unable to stop it. Like a puppet on strings. It was harmless at first, giving himself a wet willy so Ryan would forcibly do the same to himself. It was removing the spit covered finger from his ear and curling it to a first where Sarah physically lept on her brother, knocking him prone, foot off Ryan's hold.

"You are not decking him in the face. You are not socializing with any of my friends. Get out."

"I can't have a little fun with my baby sister?"

"Get. Out."

One of the media racks fell forward camera and equipment breaking. James looked at it then back at her. Getting her worked up wasn't nearly as fun as fucking with the little midget in her life. "Stay calm, princess. Wouldn't want you getting your friends fired from the news crew or whatever you do by breaking all their toys." He ruffled her hair, falling into his own shadow and disappearing.

Sarah got to her feet and straightened herself. "Alright, now that he is gone. We just need to wait for Salve, then we can talk."

@Homage @Brinni


The thank you letters continued. Relentlessly. Clara had blushed, sighed, placed some of the thank yous to her chest feeling her heart rise and began to write more. Maybe it was how sweet he was, or how he treated her like she was something higher than dirt on the ground...or all the beautiful things he wrote about her, but she was giving in as well. Lovingly became Love on the fifth letter. Mentioning how strong and commanding he looked as a druid, to how she would lose all train of thought just looking in his eyes, to outright saying that he made her feel at home for the first time in her life.

As for Arnold....it had gotten to the point where the mangos were too much. He threw up all over Oisin's desk and bit him on the last letter, his stomach hurting from all the delicious mangos. He let out a sling of coos taking Oisin's last thank you note and it is far too inappropriate for the writer to write what was said. Birds, testy feisty little animals. Clara would no doubt make him apologize when he was feeling better.

Not even ten minutes later, Oisin would hear chatter, and feel something crawl up his leg, up his shirt, little rodent paws as a squirrel with two letters sealed was in its mouth. She hopped on the desk, using her tail to cover her embarrassed face as she dropped off the apology and thank you letter. She was afraid to see Dr. kane's reaction and was about to leap off the desk when the nurse burst in his room. A squeak of terror, the little squirrel lept on Oisin's lap.

"YOU." She pointed. "WEIRD MAN WITH FAIRY BULLSHIT. You're coming with me to fix a student. Now." she demanded. "Off your ass, I'm not going to ask twice."

@The Suspicious Eye
As he finished getting dressed, his phone buzzed. It was Lexi. Guess I should swing by her room.He packed a pair of shorts and a pair of sweats to sleep in, a change of socks and underwear, and a t-shirt. He'd just wear the same suit again tomorrow. It wasn't like they'd be going out to eat or anything. He just planned to order room service. Making his way to the girls' dorm he wondered if this was even a good idea. Especially if I upset her in some way...then again, we're still friends. I'm just checking to make sure she's ok. He walked up to the door and knocked. "Umm Min? Are you okay? Nobody's seen you since Friday so I thought I'd check up on you...." There was no answer. He was about to start walking away when he heard the knob turn. @The Suspicious Eye


I really don't like this guy. He's such a jerk. I didn't even do anything to him. Or Sarah. Why is he picking on me? I guess...given that picture I probably deserve it Ryan thought disheartened.


Hare giggled as Ryan gave himself a wet willie. When the fist curled was when she got up, until Sarah jumped on her brother and took care of it for her. Shrugging she sat down and went back to her phone game. I'll get you this time you stupid pigs. I will knock down your towers of hatred

@Homage @CosmicChangeling
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In highschool, he would joke with Ben/Darke that the world would implode on itself if there was ever two Nats. As Nia bitched him out, her tone almost identical to her mother's, he realized in that moment that the day had come. There were two of them. He would never win another argument ever again in his life with either one of them. The world might as well have imploded. Nat threw away all his collectibles, he had maybe four hours of sleep in three days, and he was stuck in a position where he got caught red handed lying to a kid he was still trying to connect with. Who...for God only knows what reason was immune to the nurse's healing attempts. "Well, I'd rather you pissed at just one of us, might as well be me."

Then firestarter just watzed in. He took a seat and let the two of them talk. He wasn't quite sure what the fuck he could do right now anyways.


He smiled to himself thinking he got his point across to the dwarf little nobody pining for Sarah. He could show up, anytime, anyplace...and the twerp wouldn't be able to do shit to him or stop him for whatever little games James might want to play. His sister wouldn't always be around, and soon enough that kid would be so scared of the hell he would reign down on him, he would want nothing to do with Sarah.

Everyone wins.

He stepped out of a shadow infront of Glinda the Good Witch, mayor of Munchkin Land herself. Down trotted on her knees looking defeated and drunk with wearing shades inside a building. He had done that before, great way to avoid the hangover look, or wear it proudly. Definitely wear it proudly. He slipped his hands in his sweatshirt pockets.

"Who died and when's the funeral?"

He hadn't seen her since the night of the dance. She didn't sleep right away. The explosion of nerds...well...it was like glitter...he was never going to get rid of all of them, find more of them randomly for the rest of his life....nerds just everywhere. But she had hightailed it out of his room before he even woke up.

"Plenty of people..." Candice gave an empty laugh. Heck, you could probably walk in any given direction from the school and find a funeral...

Morbid thoughts.

"I just lost the game." She sighed, gesturing to the handheld game on the floor. "Eight hours. An entire all-nighter, gone. If it were an essay or a final project, some of the better students would be leaping off the roof right now... Not that it sounds like a bad idea." She smiled wryly, her head lifting up. "I mean, make a giant pool of jello first... Sell tickets..."

Shaking her head, she pulled herself up into a proper seated position. "Ah, Baron Samedi." She blinked, recognizing the young man before her. "Um... Sorry about filling your room with faeries," She mumbled, cheeks coloring. He really didn't seem the type to appreciate that. "Aaaaand you can keep the gummy bear, if you like. If not, it'll go away if you splash water on it."

She scrunched her eyes up as she forced a large grin onto her face, not that anyone could see her eyes. "But thanks again for taking care of me. I don't exactly remember what happened at the dance... There might... There will probably be rumors going around... You don't seem like the type to mind though. If they get really bad, I may embellish them a little. Nothing kills rumors like them getting super outlandish right?"

Glancing down at her game console again, she paled as the game over screen switched over to the title menu once more. 'Monster Maison' flashing over top of a variety of monster girls in scantily clad maid outfits. "Hehe..." Candice giggled nervously, scooping up the console.

He smirked. Funny. "I wouldn't make the jello. If you're giving them a show, it's got to be emotional. Though, I can fall into a shadow, you'd have to bribe a teleporter or someone to save you seconds before. That's where you're going to get the most bang for your buck. They might even encore it."

He pushed people off the roof before and would drop them in shadows the last second before splat. Good times. One kid pissed himself and took a shit just out of pure fear. Ryan and him were going to relive this game, it was going to be great. "Fairies, nerds...at least I'll always remember our night together everytime I enter the room. The bear's dead. I ate him Saturday. Survival took over. It was him or me, and well...i'm still here."

James held out his hand for the girl to hold onto, as she was shuffling her game boy, Daddy's little monsters who had a promising career at strip clubs showed up on the screen, but he didn't mind. To each their own. Taking her hand, he pulled her to her feet. "Besides dancing with my sister, you got out scott free of any sort of drama...besides turning my room into Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory. The name is James by the way. I feel we skipped steps one and two and went right to weak in the knees. I should atleast know a name to put to the pretty face."


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