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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

"Boring," hapswell cut her off playing with an origami frog that looked like it was Nats resume. The frog jumped when you pushed his butt! That was exciting. "I stopped listening on the word with....you have the boring teacher droll down. I get detectives and hacks here all the time with 'qualified' credentials. Doesnt do me any good."

The old man looked up at her eyeing her up and down. "Elastic, darke....whatsyourface....a reunion would make money. Not a lot, you three are old for super standards when you have heroes like this." He tossed a rush comic at her. There was a soft plushie of rush sitting on his desk as well. "That makes money. But....you're good looking...or decent enough. So something seriously must be wrong with you if there's no ring and you're not in the kitchen making sandwiches....already have the kid and that alone makes you uglier. But....love triangle sparking the antagonism with darke and elastic....that would definitely make some money. I see you being a floozy. Solid 7 out of 10....eh 5 you have a kid. But thst can be glossed over."

Hapswell pondered on his own thoughts about it. "I mean that was the sole reason I hired darke so those two could kill eachother and up the ante on heroes trained and villains trained....but shit happened there....boring. two broken pouty emotional men....but hey sex changes that. And I do have dead teachers. Already asked Death if he could bring them back so I wouldn't have to pay the family life insurance and all he did was laugh at me. Don't hire Death as your janitor, he can be a real asshole.....what were we talking about?"
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"Ok so we've got...whatever Ray chooses, WHICH SHE STILL NEEDS TO HURRY UP AND DO" she said glaring at Rachel with obvious mock annoyance, "and then we'll throw on Pulp Fiction. I fully expect people to get bored with movies it's more for something in the background. Once people get tired of watching, we can play some games or something. I've got a few board games around, and I have this really fun one we can play called "Paranoia". It's not a board game, but it's still a lot of fun assuming people want to play once they know the rules. For now though, help yourself to the snacks and stuff until people get here. There's Smartfood, Sour Cream and Onion chips, couple twelve backs of soda, some frozen apps if we want something more substantial, that kind of stuff. And then later if we really want to.....I may have asked James to get us some beer and show up with it later....don't know if he will, although he had no problem taking my money for it. But if not, oh well." Looking at the clock she realized that it was about the time for everyone else to show up. The question is....would they? ((COUGH COUGH YOU BASTARDS))

@The Suspicious Eye @Homage @SirDerpingtonIV @My Pet Poro @CosmicChangeling
Kane smiled as he felt her move around and nuzzle into his chest. He didn't even mind that she seemed to be slowly crushing him. He wasn't a very strong man outside his druid form, however, he would withstand anything for the love of his life. Cradling her head gently he kept scratching with one hand. While with the other, he rubbed her belly happily. He couldn't help but smile as she purred against him. Any moment with her, large or small would be the greatest of his life.


Ren would smile at Candice as she mentioned something worthy of her. He could have showered them with gold and riches, or junk food and video games. However, he slid the wand he stole from Mr. Elastic's office and handed it to the girl. "How about I start off by giving you this?" He said with a wink. Using Min's memories he knew that the wand belonged to her, no harm in returning some possessions to their rightful owners, right? Man I must be like robin hood or something, but way more charming. Is there a character that's both charming and a thief...Flynn Rider, but let's be honest here I look better than him.

Turning his head to Sarah he couldn't help but smile wider. He loved girls with a mischievous side. One of his favorite saying was, history is made by those who break the rules. Although in his case, he loves to test their elasticity. "Explore the city? Sarah, we can explore the whole world, even the whole galaxy, if you'd like. Distance is meaningless when you're with me." He turned back to Candice, "so my dear, what do you say about going out into the world? Wherever you desire, just simply ask, it would be my pleasure to take you there."

@SassyWobuffet @CosmicChangeling
(Gonna let Sassy do her thing before I post as Sarah...note that I am extremely tired like oh god I can barely think straight right now)


Animal euphoria. Clara went to sleep sad and hugging her toy like she had screwed up everything to having a beautiful dream of Oisin and her sitting in the forest with sprites and fairies all around, her with her sketch pad as Oisin rubbed her belly. The panther shifted shape to a tiny little black kitten, still belly wide for his rubbing. This probably went on for hours.


A black shadow rose in the middle of Hare's room. James appeared with bags of snacks, red solo cups and well......some very very hard alcohol. "Movies and board games are for nerds. I'm going to teach you little kiddies how to play adult games, like Kings." He grinned his aviator shades still on like he was some sort of legend.

In some ways he was. Hare wanted beer. Fuck beer, beer was for pansies. Hard liquor or go home.
The hell wouldn't end. She was supposed to be out of the woods and now she wasn't. Tim had sent Nat a text and left a voicemail during the time she was waiting for Hapswell and Nia was out cold. Nia needed someone here to be with her, Nat would come....he wasn't going to leave his daughter with that thing of a nurse.

Who was currently eating cool ranch Doritos as Nia was having a coughing fit. She tossed a bag of cough drops at him, the top not sealed, they went everywhere. "Best you can do right now, she's on so much antibiotics and fluids I'm not giving her cold medicine. It's not going to fix whatever the hell is going on with her."

"What is going on with her?"

"I don't know," She said flipping the page in her magazine. "My brother might now, illnesses are his specialty, but I should know it myself. The worldly expert Druid freak with a squirrel for a pet didn't know....and he should have known. Whatever it is, it ain't natural in several realms....so...pretty much pray to whatever God you believe in and hope for the best. That's all you can do."

If Nia wasn't in the room, he'd create his fist into a mallet and beat the shit out of this woman...but he couldn't. Instead he took his kid's hand and squeezed. "You're a fighter, you're going to get through whatever this is." Not please get through this, I'm here with you you're not alone....just...you can do this and you will...because you're my kid and you're strong.

As Tim held out a few cough drops for her to grab, if she was too weak he would be unwrapping the packaging and doing it for her, the janitor strolled in and began collecting the trash.He grabbed the nurse's waste bin and walked over to where Nia's cot was. The basket was placed right infront of Nia as he bent down to pick up the waste basket by her bedside.

The entire basket was filled with post it's written by Lexi to Nia to get better, and she was sorry.
"You couldn't have waited a couple hours James? I don't even know who else is coming...or if anyone else here besides me is open to drinking tonight." Hare sighed. "Oh, I invited Ryan. Be nice to him. Even if it's just for tonight? Please James? You can go back to tormenting him tomorrow. Tonight is going to be a night of relaxation and fun, for everyone not just you before you try and get smart with me." she continued, giving him a look. @CosmicChangeling
Candice paused to think for a moment, considering where in the universe she'd like to go. "The moon does sound nice... I've always wanted to visit the rabbits up there. But we'd have to stop off at NASA first, and I don't believe we should use their gear without proper training."

She pouted as her own whimsical ideas fell apart around her. "I guess... Just going somewhere exciting would be fun? We could paint the town white! Is that the expression? My powers are all really easy to dispel, so no one really minds if I liven up the place with my artistic talents." She giggled.

"You know... I just had a wonderful idea!" Suddenly a wicked grin came over her face. "You know what the one place in the world that never rains is? The north pole! We could totally go up there and create Santa's workshop, out of gingerbread, and confuse the fuck out of so many people!" She giggled, eyes glittering as she grabbed for the alcohol. "Assuming he's not already up there..."
"I enjoy drinking, so even if it's just the two of us, we'll have a grand ole' time." He winked at her, popping off the cap from his own personal flask and drinking his whiskey. "Just because you are babies, doesn't mean you have to actually be good babies. Freshmen....you're special with super powers, drinking a few shots isn't going to be the worst thing you're going to do in your lives. "

Hare asked him to be nice to Ryan, he stretched himself, plopping on the bed next to Hare's roommate. Who wasn't that bad looking herself. "My sister isn't here, he's got nothing to worry from me unless it's alcohol poisoning."


His power was uncapped. She smiled, the glint getting worse as her mind began to turn like gears. She had the girl who could help bribe Hapswell with her ability to make skittles....and she had just found her transportation to Vintage, to the prison, to Agent Thompson, to Lisa Turner.

Maybe she did have a little bit of luck on her side.

Candy brought up building a gingerbread man, she wanted to test the scope of her new teleporter's powers, and that of her delicious friend as well. "I think that's a wonderful idea, but afterwards I would like to visit my mother, Mr. Ren," She grabbed the bottle of vodka from Candy taking another swig, handing it back to her beautiful companion. "Do you need an address to find someone like my mother? I am afraid I don't have one. She travels quite often throug Europe. But she makes the most excellent good luck charms."

If he could teleport just by thinking of something and not need it to be precise....she would not have to know the exact locations of her targets....just think of them. That would make everything easier. She was hoping....and betting...he really was that powerful.

Into the Garden

Sitting in class Min thought about all the events that occurred today. Her brother and the pirates, mistaking Jean for Leon. She couldn't believe how similar the two look it was astonishing.Although he is right, the glasses do make it easier to distinguish between them. She hoped she'd never make that mistake with Leon. For some odd reason she noticed that the two of them did not seem to get along.I wonder if it has anything to with the dark past Jean mentioned.Min had no right to pry or judge, but she couldn't help bring curious. As class finished Min met Jean outside her classroom. She gave a bright smile and spoke in a soft voice, "so where shall we go?"

Jean got to class late but no one noticedthank god, everything went exactly as expected for oncehe didn't even pay attention in class today as Darke spoke he just thought about everything that's happenedit's been crazy recently, I always thought I would be able to sit in the background and make it out of here, whenheshowed up everything changed I guess. Typical.When class ended Jean made his way back to Min's classroom as quickly as he could he beamed when he saw Min and waves from afar "I’m not quite sure actually, where should we go?" he wasn't sure if he was ready to talk or what he could talk about but for now he was just happy to have someone who cared

Min thought about it, raising her finger to her cheek in thought. "Well I've always enjoyed the gardens here. I simply adore nature, especially flowers and the sky. The garden has a great view of both. Plus it's a nice quiet place to talk." She smiled, looking over to him "do you know how to get there?" Seeing the bashful look on her face, she assumed he didn't, and gave a soft look. "Don't worry," she took his hand and began to lead him down the hall. "I'll show you the way. The gardens are quite lovely, I'm sure you'll enjoy them." Leading him down the winding halls they made their way to the garden entrance.

"Actually" Jean started "I do know where they are. I like that no one is ever there so I usually go there to study or think" he realized that she was still holding his hand as he caught up and tried to ignore it so his face didn't turn red "I almost went there instead of the dance" Jean laughedI don't think I saw her during my time at the dance. I wonder what she was doingJean smiled "I'm glad I could find someone who likes the gardens as much as I do"

Min lead him into the garden, still holding his hand, she turned to look at him and smiled. "Really? If you'd had, you would have met Leon and I. We were at the gardens for Leon's birthday.... Oh which I assume was also your birthday." Giving a soft look she smiled, "happy belated birthday. I hope you had someone to spend it with." She held his hand in both of hers feeling empathetic. She knew all to well, how it felt for someone to have their birthday forgotten. Although, her mother made sure that no one was there to celebrate her's. Every November eleventh she was completely alone in her castle, no staff, no friends or family, just alone with the darkness. It's never fun to be alone on your birthday.

Jean continued following Min to the garden talking about his favorite flowers and how growing plants is very different in France because everything was so different. Jean loved planting flowers, it was the last thing he got to do with his grandfather before he died. "Thank you" Jean frowned "but I don't really celebrate my birthday. Leon usually got to instead I was always left alone" Jean realized quickly how depressing that sounded and tried to cover himself "not that being alone is bad, I mean, I often got to read a good book. Once I read an entire encyclopedia and finished learning the nuances of the English language all in one day" Gah. That's not exciting either, I shouldn't have said anything"Sorry. I don't mean for it to sound like that I just, have always celebrated my birthday alone. I never really minded, honestly" he was rambling and for some reason he couldn't get himself to stop "I mean, what even is a birthday after all, plus there are probably five hundred-thousand people that celebrate the same birthday as me anyway I'm sure one of them has to be having enough fun for the both of us"ABORT. ABORT. FIND A WAY TO STOP THISNOW.YOU ARE ONLY GOING TO MAKE THIS SOUND WORSE THAN YOU ALREADY HAVE"Sorry. I just shouldn't talk about it" Jean looked at his feet "I am just making it sound worse than it actually is"

Min stopped and listened to him as he spoke. She was surprised that he seemed to understand what it was like to be left alone. It sounded exactly like her own birthdays, without the unwelcome visit of the darkness. Every birthday, every year, even after she became numb to the empty house the darkness came. It always took on the dark form of something that resembled her mother, whispering in her ear unspeakable horrors. It pained her to think that someone else went through a life like that. She wondered why his birthday was so overshadowed by Leon's, but knew that right now he needs someone to listen to him, not ask questions.

Min stepped forward and wrapped a arm around Jean hugging him in a friendly embrace. "You don't need to apologize. I know all too well what you must have felt." Pulling away she smiled at him, "It's odd how much we have in common. I love plants and I learned the English language from reading too." Turning around she made her way over to one of her favorite trees in the garden a large willow tree. There were none where she grew up in and loved how they encased her in flora. Looking back at him she spoke softly, "Jean you were telling me about some of the plants you grew in France. I myself have never gotten the chance to do so. Tell me more about what it's like in France. It's so beautiful, I'd love to know more about you and your home."

Jean wrapped his arms around Min enjoying the embrace for as long as he couldwarm. Everything is so warmI don't think I have ever felt like this before."I'm sorry you had to experience anything like that. Someone like you deserves the best" He whispered in her ear as he began to pull away and smiled at her

"France is like mixed feelings" he began "It's beautiful, but dangerous. Everyone there is sneaky in some way" he laughed about it "when Leon and I were little we mastered pick pocketing, he was always a little bit more obvious about it so he gave up on it after learning it"I mean, he got caught trying to pick pocket dad but my parents always forgave himJean looked Min in the eye "Listen. It's really hard for me to explain it from memory, you should just come with me some time"

Min watched as Jean face lit up a bit as he talked about his time with Leon. She couldn't help but give a warm laugh at the thought. A young Jean and Leon pick pocketing in the city. Two tiny twins running around the city trying to find out who stole the best stuff.They must have been so cute when they were younger.Min deeply wished that she could have seen them as kids.Maybe one day, hopefully, I will.Smiling she nodded, "I would love to visit sometime, I'm sure the three of us would have lots of fun. Leon and I have talked about going. We should all go together."

Folding her dress underneath her she sat under the willow tree and looked up at Jean. Seeing the odd look on his face. "Jean I know I'm in no position to ask but why doesn't your brother remember you?"

Jean's face went cold when she talked about the three of them going to his homeland together and grew even colder when she asked about his brother's memory. "Um.. Well. I guess" he started "When we were little we had some good memories, but we get our name and most of our prestige from our mother. She was from a well-known family and a noble in the French Court in charge of superhuman people. It was a family tradition that the first born had the stronger powers, but in my case it seems like it is not so. You see ever since he was a little boy Leon has been a bit... sparky. He used to use his powers all the time to impress my parents and make them happy, but all I can do is this" Jean frowned lifting the chain of the necklace "My mother hated me for being first, and my father used to try and keep a level head about it, but he had no control over her. He used to protect me but eventually his time had ran out." Jean sat down next to Min keeping as thorough eye contact as possible "My mother was cheating on my Father with another man and one day he showed up at our doorstep and she dragged me with him. I think my step father did some sort of hypnosis thing on him. I don't really know how his powers work, but he is a world class magician because of them. Then again it could be about that night, I don't remember much about that and it's probably best you don't know anyway." Jean tried to smile to lighten the mood "I mean it's not all bad, I got to go here in the end, but let's just say that Leon and I have a "sibling rivalry" of sorts" Jean laughed knowing that he meant that one day he would probably end up in a real fight with his brother, and that is the day he truly fears for his life.

Min sat there patiently listening to him. She greatly appreciated him even opening up to him. It was hard on him, she knew it was hard to talk about painful memories. She noticed he never broke eye contact, it was nice, but a bit uncomfortable. As he finished she looked down at her hands taking in everything he said to her. It hit her hard, she knew how it felt to be separated with your sibling by others.

She didn't want to pry any more than she was. Looking back at Jean she placed her hand atop of his and gave a soft smile. "I'm so sorry to hear that, Jean. Honestly I know how it feels to be pulled away from a sibling. I have a brother, a twin brother in fact, whom I've lost countless times only to find him again. I know that you think you two can't get to a good place, but maybe you can find each other again."

She looked into his eyes, and gave a soft smile. "Also, your powers are beautiful. I love the necklace you made for me. Just because your power isn't offensive doesn't mean that it's useless." Holding his hand a little tighter she could relate so deeply to him. Thinking to herself she smiled as she looked back up at him, "I know, when Leon gets back we should have a brunch the three of us. I think sitting down and talking may be the best way for you two to find each other again."

Before she could continue she felt a soft vibration in her sweater's pocket. Her phone buzzed as she received a invitation to see the movies with Harriet. She smiled and looked over at him. "Jean would you like to accompany to a movie viewing?"

Jean smiled "Brunch might be a good idea, it would be nice to have a mediator. Especially someone as close to him as you are, though it seems that he has made a lot of close friends being out of state with Rush and all. She seems to care about him a whole lot. As for the movie, it would be my honor I can't remember if I have ever seen a movie since I was separated from Leon"Well... I know I haven't seen a movie since then, she doesn’t quite have to knowthat.Jean stood up "Shall we?"I don't know if I am actually invited to this, if only I didn't leave my phone in my room during classes. Well, we can always hope
Ren smiled at the two excitable girls they had quite the imagination. Of course if they truly wanted to go to the moon he could make that happen. His world developed pills that allow people to breathe in outer space. Looking at Candice he had to admit she looked quite nice. He couldn't help, but laugh at creating Santa's workshop, and she's a peach. Recollecting his cool he shrugged, "why, not? The cold never bothered me anyway." He snapped his fingers and two heavy yet fashionable winter coats and boots appeared for the girls. He handed each to them taking the bottle. "Besides I always enjoyed playing a little prank on the masses." Giving Candice a sly wink before turning his head to Sarah as she spoke.

"No problem I can teleport to anything with mass. So as long as your mom isn't a ghost, I can find her. Family is easy. If she's anything as beautiful as you, she must stand out in a crowd." He couldn't help but give a seductive smile as he twisted the bottle cap on the drink tightly. Stepping back as the girls got ready he smiled "there's no need for the Mr. Stuff. You can just call me Ren. I'm only fifteen after all." Holding the bottle close he waited for them to get dressed. Once they were ge snapped his fingers and they were quite literally on top of the world. Standing in snow at the north pole. Ren was intangible, but still visibly solid. "Welcome to the north pole."


Min walked into Hare's room accompanied with Jean. The two had made their way from the garden to the dorms. Min hoped that Jean may be able to make more friends if he socialized more. A movie with friends was a good start. She wanted to see him happy, he deserved that. More friend, a happier attitude, and then maybe reconciliation with his brother. "Thank you again for coming with me," she smiled at him as she walked in, she waved to Hare as they arrived. Honestly Min was surprised Hare had invited her, she wasn't very close to the other students here. Nia and Lexi were her closest friends, and yet... she hasn't seen much of them. She would have gone to visit Nia, but with her brother appearing she hardly left her room. Then Lexi, God only knows what she's going through right now. Min wished she could be there for her friends, but in both situations she felt it wasn't her place. At least I can try to do something good for Jean.

Making her way over to her and James she spoke softly, "hello Hare. I received your text, I apologize for not arriving sooner. I hope we haven't missed anything yet." She looked between the two, and wondered if she had interrupted something. "I'm sorry, was I interrupting your conversation. Wasn't I?" She glanced over at James and her cheeks grew rosy as she pulled a strand of hair behind her ear and looked back over to Jean. "Jean You've met Harriet. But um, I don't know if you've met...." Realizing that she didn't know who he was she looked back at James. "I'm sorry, I don't belive I know your name either."

@CosmicChangeling @SassyWobuffet @Brinni @My Pet Poro
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"Huh. Did I text you? I meant to text Jean. Not that I mind having you here of course, the more the merrier! Plus you brought him with you, so I can't be upset." Hare gasped. "But wait Jean, what were you doing with Min? Are you trying to take advantage of the fact your brother is away for a wake to seduce his girl from him? Scandalous. Underhanded. Bit of a low blow. I love it." She grinned. It'll make for some great gossip for Wednesday's paper. I can see it now. "Ridgeview Beauty Bounces Between Brothers" she thought to herself. She loved the alliteration too. She had decided it was going in, it wasn't like people legitimately paid attention to her gossip column....except Louise apparently. Hare continued "And no you haven't missed much of anything. That's James by the way, Sarah's brother. Hey uh...might be a bit before I can talk to Sarah about you Jean, things kind of got a little heated today so she needs to calm down without thinking of anything that upset her. But I promise, I will get to her about you." Harriet looked around the room. "So let's see... we're missing.... Salve and Bran now I think. Though who knows if he'll show up. And Ryan too, but I'm sure he won't be here until later." She looked at the bottle James was holding. "Do you think that's enough for..." she counted out on her fingers the number of people. "Possibly nine people James?"

@Homage @My Pet Poro @The Suspicious Eye @CosmicChangeling
What did Hare mean about this Jean and his sister? What exactly did this fucking little pretentious asshole do to his sister that she needed to 'calm' down. Oh....this fucker was going to get hell tonight. Fucking hell. And he was going to start with ruining his date, then make him squirm.

He shrugged at Hare's response. "You act like I can't just get more. How adorable, little rabbit."

Min would feel the ground beneath her feet vanish underneath her, falling completely into darkness.

Her shape and form rising infront of James, her took her hand as she was fully there, "Lane, James Lane." He said giving her a wink and a kiss on the hand. Having a bit of fun never hurt anyone. She was a young kid herself, but this one was going to be a dangerous woman, if looks could kill.

He let Min go and popped off the cap of his Malibu Rum. "Alright, who's ready to get started then?"


Sarah smirked. Perfect. She was too wrapped up in her thoughts about the places she could go she didn't throw a fit when the jackets that she could never afford were thrown on her. (Note to self, return the jacket as soon as possible, if he begins to tell her to keep it he insists avoid asking favors that will be a rabbit hole not to fall into)

"A gentleman can be any age, sir," She added the sir on purpose being playful with their new guest. No sooner they were at the North Pole. As the two looked at the sight before them, absorbing the scenery, Sarah bent down and created two snow balls throwing it at each of them before running off.
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(The funeral happens the next day but we are doing it now at the same time as the party so we can jump forward and continue when Homage gets back from Disney and what not so....don't be like...why did we jump time....the party is Monday night the funeral is Tuesday afternoonish....we are just killing two birds with one stone)

The funeral was lovely, over 400 people attended. Aidan's father did not come up on the stage to say final goodbyes about his wife, it was his son, Aidan that was given, or stuck with, the honor of doing it. (Depending how you knew Annalise)

"Annalise Turner was not just my mom. She was a daughter, a friend, a wife, and to some people someone's worst nightmare. I was fortunate to not only see the mother she was, but every aspect and shade that made up who she was through the eyes of all of you. One relationship does not define who a person is, but the collective impact that person had on others does. All of you here today, you knew my mother's faults...but she had a fiery spirit that captivated all of you in some way. She was a warrior, a fighter for what she believed was right and she loved very deeply."

Aidan paused wiping his own eyes. He wasn't reading the brail index cards infront of him, deciding just to wing it. He began sharing stories of when she was a child, through the perspectives of his relatives who shared these stories with him last night. He shared the kind ones, the funny ones...the terrible ones....and at the end...he shared his own personal ones. It was a beautiful eulogy. But it was getting harder and harder for him to stay composed. "I love you, Mom," he looked at the casket. "And I'll see you again when it's my time. We all will. This isn't the end, this is just the next step to something bigger....and Mom would...is...pioneering it first to make sure it's safe and warm for everyone she loves and cares about."

Leon and Lexi were at the back of the church, only family up front. It was massively crowded that the two were nearly sitting on eachother with people. She was actually crying in the middle of Aidan's speech trying to wipe her face with tissues so no one would notice. "There is an afterlife you know...not sure if it's heaven or...you know...whatever...but it's there."

Leon sat and listened to his friend's speech, a little envious. He didn't know his mother, apparently she was dead, and he had no memories of her. He never spoke about her with his father. He had always been told that one day she just up and left them, never came back, and never wrote or anything. When he was younger he used to ask about her, but a look of such pain and sadness came over his father's face every time he did that Leon eventually stopped asking. His father did keep the first picture of the two of them when they had finally gotten together in his nightstand, but it was the only one in the house. He had found it when he was about twelve. It's the only reason he had any idea what his mother looked like. He didn't know what made her leave or why he didn't have memories of her, or his brother for that matter, but he was sure of one thing. A mother that was capable of just up and leaving her child's life, even if she took one with her, was somebody he was a little glad not to know. He heard Lexi speak and responded. "I know there is. Everybody gets to go to the afterlife. What awaits is entirely unique and utterly dependent on the person and the life they lived. A woman like Annalise...I think God most likely let her in to Heaven. She wasn't a cruel person. A tad misguided in some ways maybe, but not cruel. Even in her actions on Friday, she was scared and wanted the best for her son. He was lucky to have a mother that cared so much." A twinge of bitterness and envy crept into Leon's voice with the last sentence.


"I never said you couldn't deary. I just didn't know if we had enough is all" Hare responded. She rolled her eyes at his theatrics with Min. And then realized she had accidently thrown Jean under the bus about Sarah with James right there. Oops. Oh well. She could probably explain it to him....but considering Jean's story it might make it worse. I really need to figure out how to make my brain move faster than my mouth.

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Lexi placed her hand on his hearing the bitterness in his voice. Leon was going through a roller coaster of emotions himself. He moved so far from home (which takes more than two weeks to adjust to life changes believe me), found out he had a brother who wanted to ruin his life but also found out his mother was dead.

She couldn't imagine what he was going through. Was this what her parents were going to feel like if she ever decided fuck the government and see them anyways? The feeling of betrayal that their loved one wasn't really dead after all. In this story, she was very much like Leon's mother here...or Mr. Elastic not sharing the fact he was Nia's father. Lexi was the dark secret hurting people and she was seeing how it was affecting her friends.

*currently John Clark was making many phone calls at their resort, yelling and demanding to get answers. Natalie Blake would be getting a voicemail of Clark offering top dollar to find out what happened to his daughter. She was the best detective he had ever known and he was hoping he could count on a friend....she was alive...and if she was involved in comics then something larger was going on and this was his kid.*

"Hey...listen," She squeezed lightly to show her support. "Your memories were altered. We don't know by how much or...or really anything. I promise...I'll help you find the truth about what happened with your mom. You don't know...she most likely didn't have a choice in any of what happened....sometimes people are forced into corners they can't get out and do what they believe at the time is the best decision....we're going to find out what happened...because you deserve to know.

"Thanks Speedy. It's good to know that I've got at least one person on my side. But I think it's about time I had a conversation with my father. About my mother, Jean, the whole memory thing....maybe he's got some insight into the whole thing. That's assuming his memories haven't been altered too. And if they have, we've got some digging to do. Know anybody that can help us with that? Actually...we'll talk about this later. Today is for Aidan, not me." @CosmicChangeling
"Leon, you got Min and Aidan too. We're a team. Nia too. Nia has to recover...and we need to be there however she needs us because...that's what friends do. We're like a family...but that family is there for you too Leon."

Just like they were here right now for Aidan. She let go of Leon's hand and patted it before returning it to her own lap.


The service afterwards was quick, a big feast was held at Aidan's plantation house about 300 people were there. All of them white. Very religious. His father's side of the family stood out more, the men especially. They seemed off....selfish, rude.

Robert's brother was wearing jeans high as shit snorting coke in the bathroom a few times as he was flirting with some of the women there. Which, they seemed alright with because despite his appearance of a drug addict shitlord, he owned race tracks and was loaded. He wasn't just a gambler...he was a fucking drug pin big boss of illegal activity gambling and more.

Sporting the same golden eyes as his nephew, but not in a constant glow as Aidan's since Louise beat the living shit out of him. He found Ms. Clark a hand on her shoulder coming up from behind it slid down. "You must be the ginger my nephew talked about all night. Saw you with the family by his side last night."

Lexi blipped, flickering out of sight and appearing infront of him but facing him this time. The man began laughing. He had the same messy locks as both Turner men that she had met. "Oh, quick too. Probably feisty, emotionally detached." His eyes began to glow as he looked her up and down. "Very emotionally broken. Oh sweetheart, you're like a ticking time bomb of feelings. It's all just adorable. Do any of your friends know how suicidal you actually are? You're not really playing hero you just don't care about death anymore."

"You have powers too." She said taking a step back.

"I'm doing you a favor and giving you a little lesson on Turner men...someone as innocent as you should get a fair warning."


Aidan and Leon were sitting together outside, Lexi alone inside with his uncle. It was silent for a long time but he appreciated it. No talking, no I'm sorries, no showing him memories of his mother to help him feel better...just silence with his friend.

And Aidan may have been clueless about a lot of things, but he still remembered Jean's memory and that night. "How are you holding up?" He finally asked.
"I'm alright, just a bit overwhelmed I suppose." Leon said after a bit. "You look like you're making a little progress with Bran. If you want, I can help out too. I'm not as skilled as he is by far, and I don't know what his power is, but I can help you learn to fight people with ranged powers if you'd like. Lexi wants to help but I told her she couldn't. She just doesn't have it in her and all she'd do is try to protect you from harm. One never knows what He has in store so it'd be best for you to learn to defend yourself and not rely on someone else" Leon said, looking up and keeping the topic away from unpleasant thoughts.
Lexi felt uncomfortable. The man's eyes were blood shot, he was thin as a rail and looked like the abuse of his drugs was beginning to take a toll on his body. She took a step back and tensed immediately as his hand went to her side pulling her in close. Her eyes darted as people were talking to eachother back and forth, laughing or crying...generally having a good time. She was surrounded by people.

But she felt alone and scared. "You need to leave me alone, Mr. Turner. I'm warning you right now, let me go and walk away."

He grinned at her, his smile similar to a fox playing with a rabbit. "Turner men are cursed, Ms. Clark. We have the ability to see the world the way it is. How ugly and wretched it all is...deep into someone's soul." He pulled her in and Lexi squeaked. Not a single person seemed to stop or notice as he leaned in,whispering in her ear. "The people you trust will turn on you, you are going to be nothing but a prize or object that the world will destroy itself to obtain. You should have stayed dead."

He squeezed her ass and bit her neck. Lexi's gray eyes enlarged, she didn't think. The smart thing to do would be to slip into the void and get out of there. Instead she slammed her hands into his chest to push him off her as hard as she could. Aidan's uncle slammed into the wall pictures falling as the plaster cracked. He dropped like a sack of potatoes and the whole floor went silent.

"What did you do that for?" one woman finally barked.

"I....I...didn't....he was just...I didn't want him touching me an-an-"

"She's one of those monsters....the whole reason Annalise is gone. He can't even defend himself you creeten."

A few people ran over and checked to see if he had a pulse, he did. An ambulance was being called. Lexi took a step back feeling pinned as all eyes were on her. The hate and animosity from their gazes made her feel small, drying her throat. Her body was visibly vibrating as she was trying to stay in this time frame and not slip into the void. "He was....he was sexually advancing and...and...I was just defending myself." she forced out.

A woman stepped forward and slapped her hard across the face. "Get out of my sister's home. You are not welcome here. Just because you have powers does not give you the right to murder people."


"Lexi can't help me train," he was firm on that. "You're right, I know she won't control herself. If I had her abilities and I saw her in any trouble at all I'd always race in.....the last thing I want is to see her hurt...but I don't have that kind of power...and I'm working on myself so I can defend her one day. Defend myself too....Lexi's going to do great things....she's going to be put in constant danger her entire life....if I can make myself one less thing she has to worry about...and maybe help her...that's something I want to do for her. Right now, she can't help me."

He nodded. "I'd like that. Maybe you can show me how to fight people with powers when you don't have physical powers of your own. That would help."

He turned his head noticing that inside the house had gotten eerilly quiet as there was a loud bang. His aunt was calling someone a creeton. "Lexi," he stumbled falling to the ground but quickly got to his feet to run back in the house to figure out what had happened.

Rachel Miller

Rachel let out a long, exaggerated groan. "Wait a miiimutteeeee," she whined, turning to the collection of movies. "I'll fuckin' choose one," she muttered, eyeing the selection of movies, and much to her dissapointment, seeing nothing particularly interesting or eye-catching. She placed her finger tips upon one, and closed her eye. "Eenie meenie minie mo..." She pulled out a movie, and turned her gaze downwards to look at it, curious as to what movie she had picked.

Princess Bride. "Oh for fuck's sakes," she grumbled, rolling her eye. "Well, I hope you're all ready for a thrilling cinematic experience," she chuckled, pulling the disk from its case to slide it into the television. She turned, moving to plop herself down on the couch with a noisy yawn. She ignored James entirely, being none-too-exited about the alchohol he had brought. Her real parents had always been excited about alchohol, and there was nothing that came from that excitement she remembered too fondly. "'Ey James," she greeted dully, refusing to even look in his direction.

Leon followed his friend into the home. He stopped as he heard what Lexi had said only to be slapped for it. He walked over and stood next to his friend. "Excuse me madame. I'll admit that I'm not from this country without a moments hesitation so you must excuse me for not knowing your country's customs. Am I to understand from your action that you believe it to be perfectly acceptable in this country for someone to display unprovoked violence shortly after a funeral? I know the rumors say you American's are violent but I thought they were surely that. Rumors. It saddens me that the stories of arrogance of people in this part of the country were true. After all who else but an arrogant fool would try to throw someone out of a house they do not own or live in. The only two people allowed to make that decision are my friend Aidan and his father. Annalise may have been extreme in her emotions from what I have learned about her, but at least she was not a fool and poor excuse for a human being." Leon turned to his friend Aidan. "Aidan I'm sorry, but I believe Lexi and I should be going now. We need to swing by the hotel to grab our stuff before we leave. If you are still going to come with us, we'll meet you at the airport." Putting his arm around Lexi's shoulders and aiming her towards the door he said in a lowered voice "We should get going before anything gets worse for Aidan then it already will." @CosmicChangeling
He was sexually advancing and I was just defending myself.

His aunt then slapped Lexi across the face.

He was sexually advancing and I was just defending myself.

He saw his uncle on the ground with people around with people surrounding him, making sure he was alright, the cracked plastered wall was there, an indent of a human body was present.

He was sexually advancing and I was just defending myself.

Lexi felt numb inside as all of this was going on. She wasn't sure how to react....this was Aidan's funeral for his mother...his family viewed her as a vile monster....one of them was trying to....she felt dirty and not human in that moment, not noticing that Leon had his arm around her already leading her out. She didn't fight it.....it was just another moment where she wished she had stayed dead....because reminders of how abnormal and unnatural she was just kept popping up like this.

Leon had warned him that it would escalate, that he should join them later, but no. What was happening was wrong and he wasn't going to skirt the issue....not when Lexi was close to getting hurt and they all treated her like the monster.

Aidan's hands curled into fists at his sides as he saw the silhouettes of color around him. "If you're throwing Lexi out I'm leaving." He said, his voice not shaking but angry. "You call her a freak, I am one too. Mom wasn't killed by someone like Lexi. Lexi saved hundreds of lives that day. She saved other moms. She saved dads. She saved daughters and sons. She saved brothers and sisters. You give someone like that respect. Mom died to people who share your view Aunt Trudy....all of you. She was in this house surrounded by all of you. what were you all doing when he was touching her?"

"Oh honey, you can't help what you were born with, your mother was trying to spare you from that part of your life and with enough prayer God would forgive-"

"This isn't a sin. My gift isn't a sin!" He barked that his family seemed to physically step back. "I'm not some demon spawn. I was given a gift. Leon, my best friend was given a gift. Lexi was given a gift. They are people. They deserve to be treated like people. If you don't then I refuse to let you assume I'm 'different' then them because I am them." He grabbed Lexi's hand before Leon got to far.

She squeezed back, "Aidan....this is your family we can....we can leave you don't have to do this..."

"Are you going to let your son address his family this way?" Annalise's father was a deep red in the face. "And side with these heathens?"

Robert smiled. "I am. I'm actually very proud of him right now. Might buy him a car or some grand obnoxious thing so we can remember today and laugh years down the road. Aidan, go with your friends to the airport I'll send your stuff tonight."

"Dad, they shouldn't-"

"No. They shouldn't. But really, you want to be around these loons? You're a good boy get out of here. I'm going to have a long talk with your uncle. Probably your grandpa too....and the rest of them here."


In the car to the hotel Lexi sat in between both boys, holding Aidan's hand...when they were away from it all...she broke down crying in the car.
Leon nodded at Aidan's words. That's right. The three were making their way to the car. He patted his friend's shoulder. "Good on you Aidan. I'm proud of you, standing up for your friends like that." As Lexi started crying, he took her other hand. "You're alright Lex. We're here for you. If someone tries something like that again, let me know. They'll need a coroner's van instead of an ambulance. Nobody does that to the people in my life that matter and gets away with it."
He didn't feel like he did good. The whole point of him wanting to train was to be there for her....and he wasn't. When she started crying in the car he wanted to pull her in a hug and tell her it was all going to bexpose alright, but leon grabbed her other hand and started speaking. Instead he rubbed his thumb back and forth with his hand as she squeezed it.

Lexi tried stopping, her soba becoming choked gurgles as leon threatened to put the next person to the coroners. "I ruined the funeral......I...I hit him too hard...I could have killed your uncle aidan....I was...I was just trying to get away.....it's Rachel's shoulder all over again....I keep hurting people."

"You didn't do anything wrong. Lexi you're allowed to defend yourself."

"Really? Really I'm allowed to defend myself and use my powers. I go around pulling people away from bullies and start a frikken thing with louise you and her boyfriend almost died. You two almost died because I can't stop using my powers. I break a kids shoulder because I'm jealous I throw a man against a wall nearly killing him because I'm scared ...I could have just slipped in the void and found one of you....but I didnt....I am a monster....."

"Lexi stop." He cupped her face with his free hand so she turned, he could feel her tears still hot and fresh. "You can't control everything that happens. You're not responsible for that. Someone tried hurting you....you reacted. That's all you did. What my uncle did was wrong....very very wrong and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry he did this....my family is the wrong ones here.

Lexi hiccuped trying to calm down squeezing both of their handsm
"You were deciding to hire me, I believe." Natalie said, trying to hide her annoyance. She doing about as well at hiding it as Hapswell was staying on topic. She felt her phone vibrate and felt the urge to take the call, but a new employment opportunity was better than a phone call from anyone but the president.

Natalie kept her expression neutral, even if her voice wasn't. Hapswell was trying to get a rise out of her by bringing up her friends, living and dead, as she had recently learned, but he would get nothing. She would remain professional, to show that she was more than capable, and that she was able to keep her cool in any situation. That last part was more important because of what happened during the tournament, and Natalie was trying to capitalize on that more than anything. If he only hired her to be a bodyguard, that'd be enough for her.


Nialla kept coughing, barely noticing the conversation between Elastic and the Nurse, or the wastebasket filled with... something. She though she saw her name, but before Nialla could investigate further her four second break from the torturous pain in her throat returned, and she collapsed back onto the bed. Her fits intensified over the next few seconds, and finally, Nialla's eyes turned from green to grey and a massive barrier, more than twice the strength of even her strongest previous creation, filled the room in just under a second, crushing medical equipment and people alike.

But just as quick as it arrived, the barrier vanished, Nialla's pain with it. She took a breath, for what felt like the first time in an eternity. She sat up (noting that she was still extremely weak), and looked around the room, trying to take in the atmosphere. It looked crushed, with new cracks in the walls, crushed medical gear, shattered windows, and a wastebasket that looked like a squished cup, spilling out yellow squares, the same ones she was looking at before whatever happened, happened. She sniffed the air and wanted to gag, it smelled like a toilet, before actually turning and vomiting up whatever was left in her stomach.

With that last bit of misery done, Nialla collapsed back onto the bed, recognizing just how beaten up her body seemed to be.



Erin kept her mouth shut when James entered the room, besides the generic 'hey' greeting when he first entered. When Min and the Jean (Whose name Erin learned when Min said it) entered, Erin offered a wave as well as a hello, before catching a little runt in the corner of her eye, walking down the hallway. "Salvey, walk faster, we're waiting on you!" Erin shouted, practically immune to the feelings of the other girls sleeping (or not) in the hall.

Looking mortified, Salve walked into the room, offered a meak "hi" to everyone, and sat next to Erin, her face still solid red. "That hurt, jerk." She said under her breath, so quietly only Erin beside her could hear it.

"Sorry, but you were being slow." Erin said, sticking her tongue out at her sis. "Besides, it's your favorite movie, how inconceivable is that?"

Salve's eyes seemed to light up at that, and she immediately wriggled into a position where she could see the screen, looking like a kid with a new puppy.

@The Suspicious Eye


@My Pet Poro


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