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  1. kamikazeweaboo21

    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    "Thank you," Aaren said. Well, Hak is somewhat smiling, so I guess it was alright. She bent down and picked up the chameleon. It shifted in her arms so it was in a more comfortable position. I wish you won't have to disappear at dawn. She would like to have someone, or something, she could talk...
  2. kamikazeweaboo21

    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    Aaren nodded looked up at the sky, deciding to summon Chamaleon. It's small enough that I could summon it without passing out. She looked between the two wh she was moved. Is there something between them? She could almost swear there was. When Hak grabbed Adilia, she almost smiled. My suspicions...
  3. kamikazeweaboo21

    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    Aaren shook her head. "If I did have a name for it, I don't remember it." Small constellations... hm. She nodded, answering her second question. " Yeah. I'm able to summon smaller ones without much trouble."
  4. kamikazeweaboo21

    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    Aaren nodded. "Yes. I can also summon full constellations, but the bigger ones take a lot of work." Strange. I feel comfortable with these people, but my subconscious tells me not to trust them. Was it something in my past? My former self's personality? She cut off that train of thought. She...
  5. kamikazeweaboo21

    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    Aaren followed. When light was needed, she stopped. Now, Aaren. She began muttering an incantation. When it was finished, she stuck out her palm. A light fell from the sky at the speed of light. It landed in her palm. She continued walking, catching up to the others. ((Hey. Sorry for the...
  6. kamikazeweaboo21

    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    Aaren shakes her head to Adilia's question. "I don't mind." I should provide light for her, too. It's night. "Do you mind if I come along?" She looked at the sky, from what she could see, and picked a rather bright star to summon.
  7. kamikazeweaboo21

    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    Aaren smiled when she noticed the sun setting. My time is almost here. She loved night time, especially since she learned she could hold the constellations above her head in her hands. When Adilia said there was someone coming, she looked forward again, setting there was a boy. Her eyebrows shot...
  8. kamikazeweaboo21

    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    Aaren was a little surprised at the girl's transformation. So it's supernatural powers, then. She shrugged when the girl-turned-wolf asked what they should hunt. She let her thoughts wander. I don't think I'll be very useful, fighting-wise, until nightfall, when I can use my powers. But by then...
  9. kamikazeweaboo21

    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    Shot on sight? They must really hate us, then. Aaren still didn't understand fully, but was satisfied for now. Thinking was for later. Now they needed to find good and shelter. She thought of the clearing. It would probably support them all. "There's a clearing not too far from here that we...
  10. kamikazeweaboo21

    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    Aaren turned to Adilia again, still looking a little confused. "Deal with us? Does it happen to deal with supernatural powers?" The government... crap. She didn't want to think about it, but the government could easily influence the public. If we could somehow come back, they would probably shun...
  11. kamikazeweaboo21

    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    Aaren listened closely as Adilia spoke to her, but she was still a little confused. She returned the smile and said, "What do you mean by 'dropped off?'" She turned around to give Hak privacy when the time came. She didn't want to make the task awkward.
  12. kamikazeweaboo21

    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    Aaren looked up at the two in surprise, her foot pausing midway through a tap. "There are others here? It's not just us?" She asked Adilia. She also thought of Hak's offer. Not be alone, like you're used to? She thought. Well, it is a nice offer... after all, it's about time I start making...
  13. kamikazeweaboo21

    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    Aaren backed up a couple of steps, wondering if she should leave. Judging on the direction this is going, I am not needed here. But it still bothered her. They were the only people she had met here, and may be the only humanoid beings here. She tapped random words in Morse Code with her foot...
  14. kamikazeweaboo21

    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    Aaren nodded when Adilia addressed her. She kept staring at the ground, counting the pebbles she saw. Would they know why I'm here? Are they like me? What happened to Hak? About a thousand more questions ran through her head without any answers. "You might need to get your wound checked out...
  15. kamikazeweaboo21

    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    Aaren shrugged in response to the boy, glancing at the wound for a second. "I'm Aaren. It's nice to meet you two," she said, looking to the ground, clasping her hands behind her back. She felt extremely out of place here. I'll go back to the clearing later, after this conversation is over, she...
  16. kamikazeweaboo21

    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    Aaren frowned at the boy. He seems a little uncomfortable. She took a deep breath, but didn't say anything. All she wanted to do was to run back to where she came from. She cursed herself for not running when she had the chance. What am I doing? I don't even know these people! And what if...
  17. kamikazeweaboo21

    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    Aaren's heart sank when the girl seemed to spot her. I guess I'll have to talk now. Here goes nothing. She walked out into the open with her hands up as a gesture of peace, ignoring every instinct screaming at her to dart back into the trees and to the clearing she spotted earlier.
  18. kamikazeweaboo21

    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    Aaren eventually reached a waterfall, where she found the source of the voices. A boy and a girl. Aaren put on her goggles to get a closer look. The girl was pointing to a rock, it seemed. Aaren bit her lip, contemplating on whether to talk to them or not. She wasn't the most social person in...
  19. kamikazeweaboo21

    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    In about 20 minutes Aaren had entered the jungle and was looking for a place to camp, since she didn't see any signs of civilization. She had entered a clearing when she heard voices. She tensed and looked in the direction of it, unsure whether she wanted to find the source or not. What if...
  20. kamikazeweaboo21

    Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

    Aaren woke up on her back, wincing at the sudden brightness of the sun. Immediately closing her eyes, she stood up. Where am I? She thought, opening her eyes and frowning at the landscape. She started walking to what looked like a jungle.