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  1. Polaris

    Futuristic The Liberation of Zeus.

    Joey's rather rude gesture of retreat made her scoff. "Nice doing business, I guess." She mumbled as she looked at the bag in her hand. She turned back to the cubicle she once occupied and rummaged in the bag for the drug. "..." She hesitated for a moment but in the end, she ingested the drug...
  2. Polaris

    Futuristic The Liberation of Zeus.

    "Tch," Elena clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "I thought you'd be satisfied with just that." She said. A brief pause followed as she pondered on whether she should tell him a detailed version of the information she gave. But this guy is a trader. He sells something for something...
  3. Polaris

    Futuristic The Liberation of Zeus.

    Elena almost snorted at Joey's question. "Not really, except that we've got someone somewhere and that someone's in big trouble, maybe. He probably is in big trouble, especially if he's still alive when I meet him." She said. She took the bag from Joey and contemplated on having some right this...
  4. Polaris

    Futuristic The Liberation of Zeus.

    Elena's anticipation of seeing the addictive concoction faltered slightly when Joey requested for higher compensation. "Ugh," She rolled her eyes, digging out extra money. Well, this was going to hurt her pockets a little but she supposed that it could not be helped since there was more to lose...
  5. Polaris

    The Liberation of Zeus.

    That was an unexpected turn of events in a conversation that made me laugh very much. Thanks.
  6. Polaris

    The Liberation of Zeus.

    @Beowulf Considering how the frequent posters are you (of course, as mod), @LadyMatsudai and myself, I'm sort of wondering what is happening with the rest? I completely understand that real life takes precedence. I'm just not used to playing in a thread that passes from page after page with...
  7. Polaris

    Futuristic The Liberation of Zeus.

    Upon hearing the distinct whistles that signals the drug seller Joey, Elena pushed the door open quite abruptly while looking very dreadful and certain that she wanted nobody to talk to her. She swiftly made her way towards Joey. "One." She told the man. Realizing that she may have come off as...
  8. Polaris

    Futuristic The Liberation of Zeus.

    Elena was silent the entire time Stone was angry. She could not blame him when what mattered was minimal casualty and a successful mission. Iris did all the talking, which Elena was quite thankful about since she was not in the mood to speak. Elena was a little contemplative though on her...
  9. Polaris

    Futuristic The Liberation of Zeus.

    Well, a quick clean-up sounds wonderful, Elena thought. "Yes, sir..." She mumbled as she turned to head towards her little home. Although she was part of a family of five, they lived in a home that seemed somewhat portable. It was a combination of a tent and a tiny walled house. Looking at the...
  10. Polaris

    Futuristic The Liberation of Zeus.

    The familiar view of the Arcology and the people of the Free Arcs entered Elena's sight and immediately she felt at ease. The Free Arcs were not people to be messed with, just like any other group. They were not afraid to fight for their rights and it was clear from the number of people walking...
  11. Polaris

    Futuristic The Liberation of Zeus.

    If Elena had the strength to sulk and walk away from JJ, she would. Instead she glared at JJ. "Save the medic," She stressed. "And you can save many more." She said. It has been a while since she received any aid from others, frankly, but it was obvious that having someone provide aid was better...
  12. Polaris

    Futuristic The Liberation of Zeus.

    Their team members were jumping into the van one by one...or were they flying? Elena's fatigue was not letting her see too clearly what was happening with the rest. A second later she felt as if everyone had magically appeared in the van. The van shook roughly as each person entered, and the...
  13. Polaris

    Futuristic The Liberation of Zeus.

    When Elena almost felt completely helpless from the situation, she heard Iris speak before she felt herself being lifted up and being held over Iris' shoulders. Elena's eyes widened in shock. "WHA--" She gasped out as Iris ran towards the van, with Elena facing the scene at the back...
  14. Polaris

    Futuristic The Liberation of Zeus.

    Elena felt a seeping pain from a new wound in her gut just as she jumped to grab Iris and pulled her along to hide behind a wall that was not too far from where the van should arrive. 'Shit. Shit. Great,' She thought as she clenched her fists and gritted her teeth in pain. "I am such a fool."...
  15. Polaris

    Futuristic The Liberation of Zeus.

    Chaotic, Elena thought as she darted her eyes at the scene. Char and Arcer were ahead and berserk, Iris had just dashed to save a child and enemies were everywhere, shooting at them relentlessly. She shot enemies which appeared in her line of sight but she also gained some light wounds from...
  16. Polaris

    Futuristic The Liberation of Zeus.

    Elena nodded at Stone's repeat of what each group had to do. While she was a little disappointed that she would be causing the distraction, she supposed it would not be too bad if all she had to do was go wild. "Not a problem." She said as the van came to a halt and Arcer was one of the few to...
  17. Polaris

    Strings Attached

    Name: Ophelia Lint Age: 7 Personality: Ophelia is naïve to a fault, believing and trusting people easily. She is a vulnerable coward and has a kind heart, making her an easy prey for people with ill intentions. She feels lonely very easily and always does what pleases others. Appearance...
  18. Polaris

    Futuristic The Liberation of Zeus.

    Elena was part of the few who sat in the van silently, placing her hands on her guns as she held back from grimacing at the objective of this mission. Money was not her motivation but it had to be done to bring Xander Tuet down...she hoped. She spotted Char downing what was obviously the Loco...
  19. Polaris

    The Liberation of Zeus.

    Same. :/ How strange. I would have posted earlier if I had any notification. Also, correct me if I am wrong, but we can all be in the van? (I don't know, it seems illogical to all be in the van though, we're a huge lot.)
  20. Polaris

    Mail Men

    Not a problem (: