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Futuristic The Liberation of Zeus.

Soviet Panda

Red Panda Commanda.
Roleplay Type(s)
Zeus, the last great city since the incident. The only city with soaring arcologies, buildings able to support thousands of people and their buisnesses easily. Zeus, the supposed shinning beacon of humanity and the gem of the waste land that Earth had become. Yet it was only a gilded surface with a currupt and rotten core. The mayor has no power, it is in the hands of buisnesses. They decide who gets to live comfortable lives, and who get to work for bread crusts. These buisnesses are lead by one man imparticular, Xander Tuet, CEO of Improvement. Improvement sells itself off as something trying to help humanity, selling cheap implants that improve overall statistics in a chosen field, body or mind. But they are tyrants, who rule with an iron fist. The people can't take it anymore, and rebel groups have formed and forged an uneasy alliance. The Free Arcs, who fought for the freedom of their arcology and are currently defending it tooth and nail. The Locos, former prisoners, gang bangers, and all sorts of undesirables with one goal, blow the biggest hole they can in Xander's buisness and his head. Moon Walkers, former theives who follow in the steps of a master cat burglar, and now the masters of the shadow. And Friends, a hacker organization that leak funds from the corporations banks into their pockets. Seperate, they are little more then thorns in the side of Improvement. But together, they might just achieve their goals.
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The van trundled down the road towards the bank. It was a nondescript one, large and white, nothing special. But inside was a different matter. The inside was lined with metal plates, and the current occupants were currently geared up with guns, masks, and the general bank heist gear. Their orders were "We need money. Go get some. Limit casualties." and then they were sent on their way. A Friend member was assigned to hack into the security system and at least disable the security system. The vault itself was more old school, and needed to either be drilled into or opened using the combination code.
Sitting in the rear of the armored van, Iris Pentacost glanced around the recruited hires for this mission, her eyes monitoring their heart levels intently, the Free Arcs doctor crossing her arms intently to show she too, while not one to take up arms, meant business. Her brown hair fell a little over her deep green eyes, glancing towards the Friend member of the small party who was intently working to hack into the security system. Iris did not personally volunteer for the position but she knew something like this could become very bad very quickly...she had to make sure they could get everyone home safely, regardless of which band of rebels they sided with.
"Hello ladies and gentlemen, we will beginning our heist in a few minutes. I know you have many choices for your bank robberies and I appreciate that you chose me." Troy piped from a laptop displaying his progress in the van. He enjoyed being cinematic in his deals. After his message, Troy began typing as to disable system security at the bank.
Arcer looked around, he wasn't too fond of this mission, but he figured it would be best to go along anyway, they needed the backup of the locos, and for this mission he was perfect.
DramonFire said:
Arcer looked around, he wasn't too fond of this mission, but he figured it would be best to go along anyway, they needed the backup of the locos, and for this mission he was perfect.
((Try to put more into it please. Three lines at least.))
"As long as you can get the people in and out without any surprises, Troy, that is the only thing to focus on. Nothing to let you show off...that is how people get killed," warned Iris seriously to the hacker, her back still to the wall of the armored car. She had only heard stories about the infamous hacker and how he seemed to have a big head to go along with his massive skill set in computer hacking and system corruption. Of course, she was by no means in charge of the operation...but every once in a while, her strict nature as a doctor shined through.
Arcer recognised the hacker, Troy, a showoff, however with enough data to back his bragging up, Arcer just hoped he wouldn't forget that he's not out there on the battlefield. Then there was the Free Arc's doctor, Iris, he hoped her nickname as the Miracle Worker wasn't for show, as this mission could end up very bad very quickly. Arcer sighed as he checked his pistols' magazines, he had about 6 spares on hand alongside two filled pistols, one of the six was imprinted with a symbol that resembled a blue lightning bolt with a red 'x' through it. These were special EMP bullets, and their tips had a blinking red light. These were fabricated especially for shutting down robotic enemies/systems, they were very expensive to make so he had faith that the hacker would be skilled enough to shut those down himself.

[[ @Beowulf I was in a hurry, most of my posts will contain more text, like this one ^^ ]]
"Hey? You all hear me?" the unmistakably gruff voice of Stone said in their ears. He was never good with technology, and he showed it now. "It's workin' good. Alright. You all know the plan. Get in, get the money, and get out. Limit the casualties. All we need is enough money to pay the boys and girls on the frontline. Oh, and meep Char in check. He can have his fun if Peace Keepers show up."

Char, the man in question, was sitting in the front seat, hand resting fondly on his triple barreled rotary cannon, abke to fire out ridiculously sized bullets at a reasonabke rate with an ok amount of ammo being consumed. "Oh, why you take away all of the fun? I only want to show them what their innards look like. Theirs no harm in that? But ok, I'll play by your rules." As he finished, he took out a canteen and took a rather long gulp from it. The stuff in it was no dount Loco Juice.
Touching the intercom in her ear, Iris cleared her throat a little before she spoke. "Understood, sir. We will make sure to get in and out with no trouble," she confirmed, glancing up towards Char as she sighed to the recognizable blue coloring of the Loco Juice in his canteen. "Char...do you really think right now is the time for you to be drinking that stuff? This is a simple job where we don't go guns blazing inside. I don't want to have to pump your stomach again," she warned the Locos boss, arms still crossed in front of her chest.
"But now is a wonderful time for it. Later might be a terrible time." he explained. He was a real nut case, or a faithful addict. It was rather hard to tell. "And a stomach pumping is rather good for the system. Clears out all of the bad stuff. We could do it right now if you would prefer." he said, a giggle escaping his lips as he thinks about what he had just said. "Do it. Ha. That could mean many things."
Iris sighed to Char insisting he would be better to take the Juice now rather than later, rolling her eyes to the idea not making any sense either way before the innuendo was mentioned. Raising an eyebrow to the childish and teenage boy filled thoughts roaming around in Char's head, Iris shook her head to herself before looking right at Char. "Get your ass out of the van and get the job done before I will give you more to worry about than a stomach pumping," she warned.
Arcer wasn't too sure if this group was the right one for the job, he would follow his master's command above all the rest, and if Char wanted a massacre, Arcer was sure to join him in the bloodshed. "You'll have to go through me, 'Miracle Worker'." his voice was rather intimidating, deep and rough, "Don't forget your place in this alliance, Master Char is one of the four leaders" his glowing red eyes were like bullets, Arcer knew his master had a reputation as a madman, but that wasn't any of the Free Arcs doctor's business, especially since she's in no place to talk to his Master like that.
Iris simply grunted to Arcer's loyal puppy gimmick towards Char and shook her head. "With how you two are ready to go in guns blazing, I might just have to walk right through you to get to your boss to make sure he doesn't croak," she retorted bluntly, her arms still crossed in front of her chest, not impressed in the slightest with Arcer. "Last I checked, kid, I am the only thing in this little mission of ours to make sure your head gets sewed on straight after it gets blown off so if you would like to make me more ticked off...go ahead...just wait and see if I will even bother to patch you up after," she answered bluntly.
"If you want to fight me, do that after the mission, we have no time for those things right now" he then looked in the doctor's eyes as his visor opened, his face was the only spared body part, besides the scar under his left eye "In case you forget, without us there would be much more work for you, maybe you would even have to work on yourself." his voice was less metallic now, he closed his eyes and sighed "How far is it untill we arrive?"
Marco remained silent,as always,and was looking at everyone through his black helmet.He checked all of his weapons and holstered them again.He hoped that this would be an easy mission and that he wouldn't have to fight any of the other members.He basically represented the Moon Walkers but he also didn't want to fight in the middle of a mission.
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Everyone sat in the back oh the van, a few of them bickering. JJ, however, was sitting on the floor stretching herself out. You see, unlike everyone else who was wearing thick armor and such, JJ was wearing a simple leather jumpsuit that had her membrane contacted at her wrist and ankles. On her feet were her magnetic boots. She had yet to put on her gloves however. This outfit allowed JJ to have her full range of motion.

For this mission, she's be the one crawling into tight spaces and bending herself to get inside the building. Her part was to simply cause commotion away from the group. As a moon walker, she planned on climbing up a company building, bust in and cause a ruckus. Once the Peace Keepers came to the company building she would then make her escape, jumping from one building to the next leading them away from the bank.

"Where am i supposed to meet up with you guys again?" She asked, running a hand through her currently pink hair. It would suck if she ended up at one spot, only for the group to be at another. She also didn't want to get jipped out of money when she was probably the one putting her life on the line the most.
Andrea sat quietly watching everyone around her from under the red hood she wore on every mission. She was a little annoyed she was sent on it. She was going under a pseudonym of course. She was Alexis if anyone asked, but she was still very worried. A bank robbery was fine. But she would prefer working alone or with a small group of moon walkers of her choosing. She had almost choked on her lunch when she found out locos would be among them. What was Char thinking. Not to mention working directly with the free arcs Stone didn't know she was alive and she preferred to keep it that way. Thankfully JJ was there, she would have been on the team anyway if it was up to Adrea.

"If we pull this off we'll need to get out quick, so you'll probably end up meeting us at a street corner and jumping on the van." She said in a low, quiet tone.
Elena was part of the few who sat in the van silently, placing her hands on her guns as she held back from grimacing at the objective of this mission. Money was not her motivation but it had to be done to bring Xander Tuet down...she hoped. She spotted Char downing what was obviously the Loco juice. She would have followed him, had she gotten her hands on the drug.

Hearing Iris Pentacost's remark of disapproval to Char, she turned her attention to the woman. Iris Pentacost was someone she had heard of before she knew of anyone in this team. That was obviously because Elena and Iris were from the Free Arcs, although Elena never really worked closely with Iris. Whenever Elena had any injuries, people around her recommended that she visit Iris but Elena never did when she believed that she could deal with her injuries herself.

She probably would not believe any differently if she gained any injuries from this mission. Pulling away from her thoughts, she nearly rolled her eyes exasperatedly at the banter exchanged between Iris and the two Locos. It was when JJ posed a question that she decided to speak as well.

"Following from JJ's question, perhaps we should go over our roles in this mission once again?" She queried. "I think," She said as she glanced at the Locos, "we might do well with recalling our plans..."

To be honest, she was not so sure that the Locos were a good addition to the team but she dismissed her opinion since she was not the one to make the final decisions.
"It'll be simple." Stone's voice said in their ears. "Free Arcs and Locos will go in on the ground floor. They'll cause a distraction, make a big show. Troy will be working the cameras, running a loop or whatever it is they do. And last but not least, the Moon Walkers. Their entry point is the fourth-ish floor. They will get into the vault through the cieling, hope you packed some charges. Once that's done, get out as you see fit." With that said, Stone once more fell silent.

Char laughed silently to himself, shoulders shaking and a wild smile on his face. "I'll create a show that they won't soon forget." "Oh, and one more thing." said Stone, "Don't be directly above Char Moon Walkers."
Arcer had a feint smile on his face, his pistols were locked and loaded, and he was ready to go headfirst into battle. This reminded him of the escape of the testing facility together with Char, man, what bloodshed they had commited back then.

The van pulled over, the doors at the back opened slowly, Arcer looked back, his helmet closed and the two red eyes lit up again "He wants a distraction? Then we'll give him one, let's roll!" He stepped out, cocked his pistols and walked though the main entrance. Some commotion started as people saw the group enter, Arcer's signature black armor was well known to the people, as were some other members of this heist, Arcer fired two shots in the air. "Let's get this party started!" his eyes lit up a yellow colour as he activated his thermal vision.
Marco exited the van and started sprinting towards the building.He ran up the wall and jumped to grab a ledge to start climbing to a floor above the vault.He avoided windows,going around them almost like a spider.
Pwninator said:
Marco exited the van and started sprinting towards the building.He ran up the wall and jumped to grab a ledge to start climbing to a floor above the vault.He avoided windows,going around them almost like a spider.
(Longer posts please.)
Scoffing faintly to the attempt to hurt her feelings, Iris rolled her eyes towards Arcer and leaned her back against the wall, glancing down to the pistol tucked in her boot and sighed to herself. As much as she would love to wait in the van for any of the morons to come out with gaping gun shot wounds and gashes, every man and woman was needed for this mission on the ground to get the mission going. But a hint of worry creased Iris's brow, a lingering fear of what might happen if she was out in the field and she had trouble with her eyes... She knew she was in the company of another Free Arc named Elena, knowing very little of the woman due to limited contact with her but she had at least the comfort of knowing she was in good hands among her own rebels.

"Understood, sir," chimed Iris to Stone after the plan was laid out, shaking her head to herself to Char getting pumped for creating a distraction. "Sir, does that go for the rest of us being around him too?" she asked simply, knowing the answer would probably be ignoring the question or to tell everyone to get moving. The sound of the first few shots firing made Iris frown, jumping out of the van as she began to follow Char and Arcer's leads, watching people scatter away from the mob of rebels entering the building. Her eyes scanned carefully around, noting people tucking away to corners in the hopes they would not be seen as their distinguished colored bodies flared hints of red and white...fear and nervousness...

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