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Futuristic The Liberation of Zeus.

"Caution is the name of the game. Now get going." Stone said, answering the question and at the same time not answering it.

"You rich, over privaledged bastards." Char raved, spit flying from his lips as he toted his massive gun. "You have all the money anyone can ask for. Well, we's going to take some of it. Now, if any of you want to be a hero, step forward now or forever hold your peace." Periodically through his speach, and after in fact, he would fire bursts towards the cieling. These rounds punched through at least the second floor, and left rather large holes behind. "And here's the real kicker. I'm going to take your money, and not even step througb those vault doors." And on he went. Saying this like how he's going to perform a magic trick to painting the wall a new color.

Meanwhile, Troy was coming up against something rather top notch. A very dangerous fire wall and counter viruses, poised to cause as much damage as is done to the mother system. And to top it all off, there were several programs meant for tracking. All in all, it was a tangle of programming to the untrained eye. Hopefully Bartholemew and the other Friends members were good teachers.
Removing her hand from her comm to her commander's answer, Iris followed Char's lead, recognizing that familiar drugged glint in his eye while he kept sending out bullets into the ceiling, her eyes following one of the sporadic rapid fires. Definitely wise of Stone to mention to JJ not to be anywhere above Char for this... A sigh escaped her lips to Char mentioning the plan, shaking her head a little to herself as she glanced around to the 'hostages' within the bank, eyes carefully watching for any sudden movement of the bystanders. She could only hope that Troy would live up to his name and get the security system down quickly.
Marco heard the gunshots from the fourth floor and was thankful that the bullets wouldn't reach him up there.He wandered around the floor for a while,trying to find the spot above the vault while sneaking around guards.Once he found the spot in a room,he started setting charges.Marco backed up against the wall beside the door in case anyone came in and then turned off the lights.He contacted Troy."I made it above the vault.Once you shut down the security system,I'm setting off these charges and I'm gonna start packing bags." At that exact moment,Marco hears officers moving around the halls and heading downstairs.He noticed some of them stayed and began checking rooms.He was surrounded but there was no reason to panic.Marco stayed calm and waited.The door knob begins to turn...
Elena nodded at Stone's repeat of what each group had to do. While she was a little disappointed that she would be causing the distraction, she supposed it would not be too bad if all she had to do was go wild. "Not a problem." She said as the van came to a halt and Arcer was one of the few to make a scene. She nearly scoffed had she not noticed Iris' brows creasing in what seems to be worry.

She pointed her guns upwards and shot twice as a sign that there were more of them in this raid. "My personality prevents me from acting the way they do," Elena said to Iris as she referred to Char and Arcer, "so while being wild is not a problem, I'd also like to take caution." She finished, implying that she'd be close by Iris' side as a sign of teamwork. At the very least, they were the only members of the Free Arcs in here and it would be good if actions were performed in tandem.

Elena inaudibly sighed. "How...effective..." She mumbled as Char blasted through the ceilings. Of course, things just began and it seemed too easy. It was obvious that they should not take things lightly or else it'll get the best of them.
It seemed Troy was having some difficulties with the security shstem, for it was Bartholomew himself that whispered into Marco's ear. "It is done." said the clearly disguised voice. The guards that walked in did nit hear this. There were three of them, all with pists out and stun batons humming at their side. They were on full alert, and searching for anything out if place.

The guards coming down the stairs were more heavily armed. They carried assault rifles and were wearing kevlar vests with metal plates. However, that mattered little when it came to anything larger then an assault rifle. For when Char turned the barrel in their direction and pulled the trigger, several of the guards were not fast enough to dive for cover, and where riddled with bullets. Their bodies stayed standing, twitching as each bullet ripped through them, until no more were fired. Then they dropped. The survivors, and those just arriving, were now returning fire from cover. Some even pushing up into the room to let others follow behind.

The civilians were, obviously by now, in a full panic. One, a to thin man, got up and made a dash for the door, but was caught in the cross fire. "Keep those civilians down." Stone barked in the Free Arcer's ears. "We may be rebels, but we aren't muderers." 'Most of us, anyway.' he added mentaly to himself, referring to the raving mad man now saying what pretty color the blood is.
The worry still heavy on her brow, Iris grimaced to her Free Arc companion firing her weapon into the air as well. At least she wasn't like Char and Arcer, she thought to herself as she smiled to Elena's offer of reassuring words to calm her mind. Her smile turned into a frown at the site of the guards marching towards them before Char destroyed their front flanks with a myriad of bullets. Upon the first shots being fired at them, Iris dashed for a pillar to take cover, bringing out her small pistol and cocked it ready, hearing Stone yell out to them to keep civilian casualties low.

Trying her best to observe the lay out from the pillar, Iris felt her eyes widen to seeing a small child stand not too far from the gunfight, wailing in fear to the loud noises. Without even thinking, Iris focused her eyes on the small blue souled child and dashed right for him. Her feet carried her effortlessly across the tile floor before skidding to catch the small boy, firing her pistol as the bullet landed between the eyes of two guards, making her way towards cover again.
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Arcer smiled as he jumped on the counter, hitting one head after the other, he soon emptyed his first two magazines. The armored soldier then flinched as he got hit in his right side, however the suit could stop most of the impact, he was still bleeding slightly, Arcer growled as he charged toward the guard who shot him, grabbing his head and. Slamming it againts the wall, blood gushing everywhere, he then turned around, reloaded his pistols by throwing them into the air and started shooting again.

This reminded him of the massacre he and Char commited back at Improvement's testing facility, altough the mess there was much greater, ironic isn't it? They created the monsters who were mowing their people down now.
Marco activated the charges and he managed to blow up an unlucky officer that was standing right in the blast radius.The other two were stunned but not completely useless.One of them turned on the lights and Marco drew his pistols and started shooting.He shot the officer closest to him down but unfortunately the officer behind him was smart enough to get behind his now fallen comrade.His partner's corpse protected him from bullets and he started shooting back.Marco performed a roll into the hole he had just blown through the floor .The officer,still behind his partner's corpse,managed to hit Marco in his shoulder.It messed up his roll and made him land on his side.Now lying down from the fall,he quickly rolled out of view.The officer got up,seemingly knowing where Marco rolled to.He jumped down into the vault,aiming at him while screaming.Marco tackled him out of the air and into the ground,which made the officer drop his gun.They began brawling with their fists,dodging and parrying each other until Marco landed a good punch to the officer's jaw,knocking him out.He fell over on his back,out of breath and filled with adrenaline.Marco quickly got up and started packing his bags,which came folded in one of his pouches.He had four bags he could fill up.But would he be able to get them out?
Iris kept the kid close as she dove for cover from an overturned table, hugging the kid close as he cried out in fear. "Hostage! They have a hostage!" cried out one guard, several others turning their attention from Char and Arcer to Iris. Her eyes glanced around quickly to see where the child would be safe, panting quickly before noticing a woman frantically reaching for the boy and calling his name.

Careful of the timing, Iris's ears perked to the sound of guns reloading, picking up the boy and dashed towards the mother's general direction, grunting as she tossed the boy towards her. Catching him effortlessly before a few men rushed them out of harm's way, Iris kept running before gasping to the sudden feeling of something metal and hot gorging through her stomach, making her stumble and duck for cover behind more overturned tables, wheezing to the feeling of air escaping her lungs, hand covering her wound as blood slowly seeped through her fingers.
"It's open." Bartholomew whislered once more in Marco's ear. And if he went and pushed on the vault door, he would indeed find it rather easy to open. Bartholomew had indeed been busy.

"Not Stomach Pump! Don't hurt Stomach Pump!" Char yelled, the mix of adrenaline and Juice visibly taking affect (effect?). Bullets whizzed around him, some hitting him, but luckily it wasn't anything important. And those that did, he was to high to notice, or even register, the pain. And as he turned to confront the offendors, trigger held down. Luckily, the civilians kept their heads down.

"Marco has the money. Get your asses back to the van and get the hell across the Free Arc Line. We'll handle them from their." Stone commanded. Shit hits the fan real quick when the medic goes down. Best to cut the losses and salvage what he could of the situation. "Leave her if she isn't going to make it." he added. Though it tore his heart to say it, it was better to sacrifice the one then lose the many.
Iris kept wheezing heavily, grimacing to the feeling of shock overwhelming her body to the trauma, her limbs growing numb as her heart started to slow down to try and conserve all of the important organs from failing. She could hear the yell of Char before the onslaught of more gunfire whizzing through the air past and right through the guards attempting to stop the group from robbing the bank. Hearing Stone make the call to leave her if she could not make it, Iris gave a weak smile as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Stone cold as ever, hey boss?" she wheezed into her comlink, fingers and toes feeling cold, her breathing hitched before diving her hand into her pocket, rummaging for something that would help her at least get to the van. That was the goal for right now...just to get to the van. Picking up a small push-pin adrenaline supplement, Iris sighed with relief to finding what she was looking for, pressing more against her wound to try to stop the bleeding.
((Sorry. I often don't get notifications if i'm not tagged. I'll put it in my organizer to check this RP frequently. Sorry for being so troubling.))

JJ stepped out of the Van, grinned as she leaned her head back and grinning at the building height. "Fourth floor it is boss." She mumbled, pulling on her magnetic gloves. She bent over and touched her toes real quick, stretching and watching as Marco was already halfway up the building. The girl shook her pink hair away from her face and pulled up her hood, making her way up the building. While passing the third floor, the window suddenly shattered, a bullet flying passed her face. She stood frozen for a second, but recovered when she felt another bullet graze her arm. "Really?!" She called up, climbing up a little farther and swinging into the window. She was now hidden by a beam on the ceiling, watching the lone guard shot randomly at the ceiling. Once the man was right above her , JJ wrapped her legs around a beam and then let herself fall down, swinging upside down in front of him. "Hello~" She cooed, watching his face twist with confusion. JJ then then swiftly punched the man in the face, watching him stumble back and fall to the ground knocked out. "Never shoot at me." She spat, releasing her legs from around the beam and falling to the floor, somehow landing perfectly on her feet. She lifted her hand to touch her slightly bleeding arm, letting a strand of curse words out of her mouth.

JJ was quickly to leave the third floor, climbing the short distance to the fourth floor. She swung herself into the already broken window and wondered around, hoping to find the vault soon. Once she found the room she noticed the guards on the floor and Marco with four bags of cash. JJ grinned, tilting her head slightly. "Nice work." She chuckled, moving over to the vault and shoving cash into two of the bags she had. She wasn't sure exactly how much they wanted, she was just taking whatever she could fix. Once she was finished filled the bag she turned on her heels to face Marco again. "I'd watch out. It seemed pretty wild down there, and anyone of Char's bullets could reach up to this floor easily." She spoke, giving a little laugh.
Marco didn't respond.He only looked at JJ through his pitch black helmet and nodded.He felt a sort of trust,knowing that she was a fellow Moon Walker but he had his doubts.After stuffing as much money as he could,he picked up all four bags with his immense strength.With all four bags hanging on his back,he slowly went to the vault door and opened it.Marco glanced at JJ and made a gesture,telling her to follow.He passed the third floor easily but in the second floor,more guards waited.
Chaotic, Elena thought as she darted her eyes at the scene. Char and Arcer were ahead and berserk, Iris had just dashed to save a child and enemies were everywhere, shooting at them relentlessly. She shot enemies which appeared in her line of sight but she also gained some light wounds from narrowly missing shots from the enemies.

Stone's words of keeping the civilians out of harm resounded in her head but she could see that these civilians had a 50/50 chance of harm from either sides once they're caught between this fight. Just as she dodged a bullet from an officer, she spotted a civilian yell in pain after getting shot in the arm by accident.

"What the hell are you doing there?! Damn it!" An officer yelled but his life was cut short when Elena took the chance to shoot him while he spoke.

Turning to safety, she caught Iris' wounded figure in her sight. Before she could make a decision on her own to either aid or forget Iris, Stone made the unanimous decision to leave her to die if she was completely helpless. A second's hesitance made her gain another bullet pierced into her right thigh. She took a deep breath. Maybe it was the sense of solidarity she had with a Free Arc member that made her turn to Iris. "Sir," She spoke to Stone over the noise. "She will make it if we get her." She said and before he could speak, she gritted her teeth in an attempt to forget the pain in her thigh as she ran painfully towards Iris to grab her.
The guards on the second floor were much better equiped then the previous ones. It made sense, they were going into a heavy gun fight. But there was one thin in the Moon Walker's advantage, they were all looking in one direction. And as an added bonus, there was a rather important looking man in the middle of it all giving orders. If they could take him out, the guards would be less organized. But that would give the Moon Walkers away immediately.

((@Halcyon @Pwninator ))

"The Peace Keepers are on their way!" shouted a guard, securely hunkered down behind a pillar. Popping around, he fires a couple of shots at the Loco with pistols. It was easy to see it was a Loco. The one with that roatary cannon was a bigger threat, but he'd be as good as dead if he tried to shokt at him. Why Was this happening to him? He picked up a security job here because he thought he wouldn't have to loft a finger. Fat lot of good that was now. "Connor!" Another guard shouted. Looking over, Connor sees the man waving frantically, obviously wantin him to make a mad dash across. But as he prepared himself, bullets chipped off chunks of the pillar, and Char's voice could be heard. "Come on out little rabbit! Come out of your hole!" Well shit jus went from bad to worse. "F**k it." Connor said before launching himself out of cover. Two steps later and he was on the floor, legs bloody and refusing to move. It was then that he realized how close he had been to the robbers. No wonder he had managed to land those two shots on the two women, a gut shot and a shot to the hip.

Mind racing, he comes to the conclusion that he had a better chance of staying alive if he faked death. So he just laid there, bullets flying overhead and him dangerously close to the enemy.
Arcer got hit in the leg, his suit would be able to keep him from limping, but the damage, and the pain, were still done, his leg bleeded badly, it had probably hit a bone, as well as the nerve along that. He flinched in pain, it still hurted, but he had endured far worse than this. The back of his suit opened as excess heat was being dragged out, the suit was ready for some upgrades as it wasn't the top tech anymore, it then closed again. Arcer then sighed, as he switched to his special rounds, obviously wanting to test it out on humans, these should shock the guards to death before the bleeding would, he took aim, and shot a guard in the gut.
Elena felt a seeping pain from a new wound in her gut just as she jumped to grab Iris and pulled her along to hide behind a wall that was not too far from where the van should arrive. 'Shit. Shit. Great,' She thought as she clenched her fists and gritted her teeth in pain. "I am such a fool." She said as she looked at Iris, who received a shot in her hip. She also felt ridiculous for telling Stone that saving Iris was worth an option. Oh Gods, I feel like killing someone right now, She thought in anger as bullets narrowly missed them.

She held her gun in her hands shakily and hoped that she would get out alive. She refused to end here, when she just started her rebellion against Xander Tuet. She moved ever so slightly to see an officer reloading and taking that chance, she pulled the trigger. The bullet went to his chest, easily killing him. She hid back behind cover to breathe heavily since the wounds made it harder for her to move the way she wanted to. "We. Need. To. Get. Out." She said through gritted teeth.
Iris breathed heavily as she watched Elena grab her and start to pull both of them to better cover, grimacing to her side hurting so much. She gasped for air when they finally came to rest, hearing more bullets flying through the room and winced to some bullets flying off of the walls beside them. Gripping the pen a little more, Iris took in a deep breath and quickly nodded. "Let's go then," she wheezed, slamming the pen of adrenaline into her thigh and gasped to the sudden rush, her heart pounding furiously in her chest.

Wanting to lose no time, Iris stood up and lifted Elena over her shoulders, carrying her fireman style through the doors to get back to the van, bullets missing them just barely before diving through the doors, waiting for the others.

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"Master, make sure they can get to the van!" Arcer shouted, busting all nearby electronic locks with the EMP bullets, so no door could be locked by the gaurds from outside, Arcer sighed as he switched magazines, throwing the precious EMP one away, as it was out of bullets, he then took aim at another guard, while speaking in his communicator to the hacker "Troy, can't you stop these guards from coming at us, maybe lock them in somehow!?"

(I was hoping for Halcyon to do something and help me out but whatever)

Marco slowly put down the bags of cash and hid behind a wall.He pulled out a flashbang and threw it at the soldiers.One of them yelled "Flashbang!" and they were suddenly blinded and deafened.They scrambled around looking for a target and shooting wildly down the halls.Marco took his dual pistols out and switched them to fully automatic.He thought to himself,"Guess I'm gonna have to do this Loco style". He ran down the hall,shooting at the man giving orders and instantly killing him by completely riddling his skull with bullets.The other men turned around,slightly dazed with their assault rifles aimed in his direction.They started firing and Marco holstered his guns.He then pulled out his sword,slid down the hall,and sliced off the legs of two officers with a spinning swing.They fell down in screaming agony and started bleeding out.He continued sliding a little farther,using the momentum of his slide to get back up and run up the wall.He ran up the wall and pushed himself off of it with his elbows sticking out to his sides to knock down the group.All of the officers were knocked down and Marco pulled out his knife,rolled over to one of the officers,and stabbed him right in the neck.The officer made some very nasty sounds as he began bleeding out.At that moment,one of the other fallen officers grabbed Marco and put him in a full nelson.The other officer got up and so did the one holding Marco.The other officer took out his shotgun to hit Marco with the stock and hopefully break his helmet as he was being held.He reacted fast and swung his leg back,kicking the officer holding him in the you-know-what.He then reached back,grabbed him,and swung him over his head to throw at the officer with the shotgun.The officer with the shotgun was knocked down but as he was being knocked down,his shotgun was aimed at Marco and he shot him in the chest.His armor blocked the blast from hitting flesh but the impact sent him flying back.He fell on his back but he quickly pulled out his pistols again and looked down to see the officer with the shotgun getting up from under the other officer which he threw.Marco sat up and started shooting at the two officers.They wiggled around from the bullets hitting them and soon they stopped moving and Marco stopped shooting.He sat there for a while,staring at the mess he made all over the hall.Then,as the adrenaline started dialing down and he caught his breath,he felt the pain of the impact from the shotgun.He held his chest and made a small grunt as he got up to get the bags.Marco pushed through the pain from his chest and picked up the four bags,continuing down to the first floor.
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JJ rolled her eyes slightly as her partner in crime seemed to just ignore her. These people were no fun. When Marco told her to follow him, she started following. However, she decided last minute not to. She spun on her heels taking a different direction and heading to the window she had broken to get in. She made her way down the side of the build with the magnets in her boots and gloves, the bags of money secured on her back. The height wasn't enough for her to catch good wind to make her way to the ground safely. She was almost to the first floor when she heard shooting on the second floor. JJ paused for a moment. She couldn't just ignore it. She groaned as she fiddled and opened another window on the second floor, making her way to the vent in the ceiling. She always found it safer to travel through vent instead of making herself know. She crawled through the small space, following the sound of gun shots. The pink haired girl stopped at another vent, seeing Marco sitting on the ground surrounds by the dead. She wanted to to see if he was alright, but by the time she had the vent opened, he was already down the hall. However. following behind Marco was another guard. He was trying to be slow and sneaky, not making too much noise. Sadly for him, JJ saw him. Right when the guard was under the vent JJ dropped down onto his shoulders. In one swift move she had her hands on either side of his face, turning his neck harshly in one direction, breaking it. The body fell limp to the ground as she fell forward as well, landing in a crouch. She got up and huffed as she pushed her hood off her head. "You should really watch your back Hush." She called out, not sure if her had noticed her or not. She looked back at the dead guard, shaking her head slightly. "Lets get to the first floor. I think they might need back up." She mumbled, hitching the bags of money up her shoulder. She started walking again, passing Marco only to notice the bullet hole in his suit. "You okay dude? You're not totally injured are you?" She asked, eyeing the hole with what seemed to be a bored look on her face.

((I hope that's okay. I made it so it didn't seem like she just sat there while Marco did all the work, but also so they can meet back up again.))

"Sure thing, I'll take care of it." Troy said as he made a pipe burst on the side of the building releasing a nauseous gas. Any nearby guards breathing that in would be vomiting their guts out. "Man, those guys could use some Tums".

((Sorry for post length, not really sure what to do.))
When Elena almost felt completely helpless from the situation, she heard Iris speak before she felt herself being lifted up and being held over Iris' shoulders. Elena's eyes widened in shock. "WHA--" She gasped out as Iris ran towards the van, with Elena facing the scene at the back.

Embarrassed at having to be picked up as she currently is in, she pointed her guns at the enemies and shot at them, managing to bring down a few before she was hurled into the van. Her back hit the wall of the van and she slumped, hiding her visibly red cheeks from embarrassment and being unable to look at anyone else. This wasn't the climax I had thought of, she thought in a scream. Even so, she was completely helpless now since she was drained of energy and pain was overwhelming her nerves.
Marco heard the sound of a neck snapping and he turned to see JJ over a dead officer.His trust grew stronger and knew his back was covered.He started walking down the stairs as JJ caught up with him.When he was asked about the shotgun blast to his chest,he only gave a thumbs up.That was partially a lie but luckily no ribs were broken so he considered himself to be okay despite the soreness from the shotgun blast,the fall on his side,and the gunshot to his shoulder that messed up his roll and made him fall in the first place.Reaching the first floor,Marco noticed some officers still shooting at the others.Lucky for him and JJ,they had the upper hand because they were right behind them and no officer was smart enough to turn around.But they also had a disadvantage because they had to figure out a way to make a run for the van without getting shot.The front entrance seemed to be the only way out right now and the officers were covering it.Marco also had the disadvantage of having four extremely heavy bags of money on his back so he would be slowed down and he couldn't risk having the money shot up.He was in quite the pickle but he had to think fast.Marco was already thinking about using his last flash bang to help him and JJ escape.He might take a completely different strategy and go upstairs,throw the money out the window towards the van,and then reach a high point on the building to glide down.Marco thought he should get input from JJ to figure out how they would get out.

(Who is left in the first floor?)

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