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Futuristic The Liberation of Zeus.

((Char, Arcer, and a security guard I think I may have a plan for. I'll have a post to move things forward tomorrow morning. Track meet took everything out of me.))
((Multiple guards, of course. I just mentioned the one because I might want to do something with him. That said, let me get something posted.))

Char spotted a Moon Walker carryin what could only be bags full of money. "Get to the van." He shouted, taking slow steps backwards, all the while keeping his gun pointed in the direction of the guards.

'They're leaving.' Connor thought, grateful for it to finally be (almost) over. He had been lying there for minutes, his blood slowly makig a pool around his legs. He was tired, so tired. But he couldn't sleep, certainly not on the cold, bard ground of the bank.

"What the f**k." the driver said, looking behind him and seeing for the first time the two bloodied women who had returned. And the only thing he could say was "Sh*t." If two of the six members that went in were bloodied and in piss poor condition, who knew what was waiting for them. "Then he saw Char slowly back his way out the door, gun barking out a report. "Get the hell in here!" the now panicing driver yelled ou the window.

The guards were rather distracted by the carnage Char was creating. If they were careful, the Moon Walkers could probably just sneak around and out without taking a single bullet.
Arcer slided across Char and jumped up next to him, shooting one guard after the other "Just like good old times eh?" a smile formed beneath his visor.

As the driver shouted Arcer turned toward Char "Get to the van, I'll make sure to hold them up" he took an explosive grenade out in one hand and waited for the rest of the group to get out of the building, firing his gun at the guards in the meantime.
((@Halcyon @Pwninator I am going to give you one more day since you both are possibly the two most important characters at the moment. Once that day is up, I will move on. But for now, poor Connor is going to have to be abducted.))

Char looked at Arcer, a mad glint in his eye. "They are just like old times." he said. Then he spotted something, the involuntary twitch of a downed officors fingers. "Take that one. He will be fun to play with." he said, nodding his head in the direction of the downed guard before returning his attention to the front. This time, as he laid into them, he began to laugh histerically, even going as far as trying to mimic the sound his gun made before falling into another fit of giggles.
((Replying to other RPs at the moment and then ill get to this. I've been busy the past two days due to a family reunion and then a photo shoot. Thank you for being so patient))

JJ stood frozen as she watched the gun fire go off between the men and guards. Bullets were being sprayed so spuractically, there was no way she could help out without getting shot. Besides, JJ only killed if she had too. She refused to even touch guns. JJ then noticed as Char backed up some, creating an area with no gun fire and with the perfect route to the door. Char may be a Loco, but he had a good head on his shoulders. "Let's go hush." She spoke, pulling up her hood once again. She quickly secured the moneys bag before running into the line of fire, dropping to the floor. The leather on her suit allowed her to slide across the ground, completely missing any shots that could pass through Char and Arcer. When she ran out of momentum she quickly stood up again, running the rest of the way in a crouched position. She had made it to the door. She looked back, adrenaline pumping through her. She felt useless at this point, but she wasn't about to play hero and risk her life. That wouldn't be playing hero at all. It would be just selfish if she didn't listen to Char's orders. "Be careful!" She called out, ducking as a bullet bounced of the door frame next to her. JJ then ran, making her way to the van. She pulled open the van door and threw the money bags she had in, pulling her self through the door. Once inside she noticed the two women on the floor, blood all over them. "Shit." She mumbled. "Is... is there anything i can do to help?" She was hesitant with her words at first, but decided it was no time to be question what happened and time to help.

@Pwninator @Polaris @LadyMatsudai
Arcer laughed, he knew his master through and through, he guessed Char wanted another torture doll. Arcer quickly ran across the room, Char's covering fire providing a lot of openings, even though when he picked up the near-dead guard he got shot in the arm, he was lucky this time as uit was merely a flesh wound, he was more concerned with repairing his suit after he took a shot or two. "Got him!"Arcer shouted, the guard laying on his shoulder like a bag of sand, he ran toward the entrance, and as expected almost none of the guards tried shooting him because of the hostage he was carrying.
Marco crouched down and sprinted behind Char and Arcer.He took cover as many times as he could along the way,firing a few shots from cover to cover.It took him a while but he eventually made it to the door with the four bags of money.Marco ran to the van and threw the money in the back with a painful grunt.He bent over and supported himself on his knees,catching his breath.He moved both shoulders around and tried to get rid of some soreness.Every part of Marco's body was sore from all the weight.He jumped in the back of the van and sat down to lay back against the wall.
Iris managed to drag herself to prop up against the opposite wall of the doors to the van, blood smearing the floor and the wall as she closed her eyes to relax as much as she could. Her breathing was starting to turn to wheezing again, opening her eyes weakly to see JJ pass through the doors, trying to figure out what to do next. The bleeding doctor pointed a finger towards Elena on the other side of the van, not too long after Marco bust through the doors.

"Help...her..." she ordered, grimacing to her own injuries, reaching for another adrenaline pen to inject herself, sighing to the confession she would need to make to Char once he gets back. "He's gonna kill me for it..." she breathed to herself, waiting to inject herself until the others came back...waiting for that last minute to start up her heart to give her a fighting chance when they reach the Free Arcs compound.

@Halcyon @Polaris
Their team members were jumping into the van one by one...or were they flying? Elena's fatigue was not letting her see too clearly what was happening with the rest. A second later she felt as if everyone had magically appeared in the van. The van shook roughly as each person entered, and the movement only made Elena's wounds sting more. She nearly let out a groan had it not been for her pride refusing her to make a sound of weakness.

Elena was sure she could drift off to sleep halfway through the journey back to safety from the fatigue that her body was experiencing, since she was having a significant amount of blood loss from her wounds. But her drifting consciousness still enabled her to hear JJ asking what she could do to help. 'Leave me alone, leave me alone,' she repeated in her mind when she heard Iris' weak order to JJ to help her. She mustered up her strength to look at JJ. "Nonsense..." She scoffed weakly. "Save the medic..." She said her words with heavy breath. "...And then you can help everyone else."
Arcer growled as he ran back to the van, throwing the almost lifeless guard into the back, he made sure he had no weapons on him anymore "Look after this guy, and don't let him escape, he could give us some intell on Improvement" he then ran back toward the entrance "Char, our mission is done, get back to the van" he threw the grenade into the bank, he hurried back to the van, it exploded shortly thereafter, making entry or exit from the entrance impossible.

Back in the van his visor opened, his face was really sweaty, as he sighed at his arm and leg, they were hurting like hell, but he wasn't going to show it here.
JJ stood still. Frozen. Unsure who to listen to. She would think the doctor knew exactly what to do. And if Iris said save Elena then she was. JJ took a deep breath and kneeled on the ground, shuffling her way over to Elena. "She a medic. She knows what she's taking about. Now shut up and let me help you." She spat. She reached over and grabbed the first aid kit. She pulled out disinfecting spray and some gauze. "Knife. Knife. Knife." She mumbled to herself. She reached behind her and grabbed his small dagger, taking it and cutting off a part of the blondes pants. She decided to work on her thigh wound first, not knowing to much about wounds. She looked at the bullet hole, looking for an exit hole. "Oh good, its out." She spoke mainly to herself. She took a guaze and mopped up as much blood as possible. JJ then took some more of the cotton material and wrapped it tightly around Elena thigh. JJ stared at her work before turning over her shoulder. "Where the hell are the others?! If we dont get back to the compounds these two are dead" She growled, standing up slightly pissed. Needless to say the crapped van filled with blood and sweat was making her slightly pissed.
Shortly after the last person got into the van, Char himself got in. But he left the door open, and was still firing out the back as he shouted random words. The driver took that as the sign of 'Time to get the f**k out of here.' and floored it. With the screeching of tires, and the van waggeling it's back end for some reason, they were off. Thanks to the grenade that Arcer had thrown, the bank guards were rather done. And as luck would have it no civilians were harmed. But that didn't mean that the Peace Keepers weren't on their way. With their armored and heavily tuned cars, the van could not hope to out run them. But, their lighter armor made them vulnerable to most guns above pistol and smg.

((@Halcyon @Pwninator @DramonFire @LadyMatsudai. @theunderwolf so sorry for not being able to get you involved sooner. Perhaps you can, say, jump in as they get closer to the Archology and mess up the following Peace Keepers.))
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Iris opened her eyes weakly to see Char and Arcer managing to get back into the van before grimacing to the driver starting the engine and flooring the gas petal, the entire van shaking to the sudden start as they began to race away from the bank. Iris push herself upright against the wall and coughed a little, blood dripping from the corner of her mouth as she glanced towards Char's blurred outline. "Char...I...I need your help..." she wheezed, hoping the maniac leader of the Locos would find it in his heart to help her a little bit, just enough to give her a chance to make it to the Free Arc compound in time.

It is a wonder of wonders that Char managed to hear Iris at all over the noise of his gun and shouting. But he did, and turning to see what was so important that it needed his attention to be pulled away from shooting these people. And there he saw Stomach Pump. "Stomach Pump." he said, loudly for most people bu rather quiet for him at the moment. Firing off a few more seconds of rounds, he turns to Arcer and says "Shoot them." before making his shaky way, the kind that moving vehicles tend to cause, over to Iris.
Iris couldn't help but smile a little to the nickname Char gave her from their argument before the start of the operation and held up a shaking hand with the adrenaline pen in her bloodied fingers. "Char...listen...I need you...to stick me with this...it's adrenaline...with some Loco Juice I took from your flask...when you weren't looking on a past mission..." confessed Iris, coughing up a little more blood. "I then...need you to pick the bullet from my side...it didn't go through all the way...and stitch me up...can you do that?"

Char looked between Iris and the pen. Back and forth, back and forth. Then he grabbed the pen, and jabbed her right in the arm with it. He's had to stictch himself up a couple of times. He hasn't had the luxury of adrenaline pens or sedatives. Hell, he hasn't had a proper needle or thread a couple of times. So, this wasn't a problem for him. And he wasn't super squeemish either. He wasn't squeemish at all. Meanwhile, they were nearing the Free Arc line. It was not a set line, but it was noticable. Faces slowly turned from fear and scorn, to encouragement and hatred for the persuing Peace Keepers. And as they got closer, a few of the braver souls began reaching into their coats, jackets, or pockets for sometbing hidden.
Iris kept holding the pen up in her quivering palm before groaning in pain to the sudden jab into her arm. Her eyes opened wide to the sudden rush of energy, her muscles tightening immediately while her pupils dilated from the Loco Juice. Pushing the first aid kit towards Char with a thread and needle inside, Iris bit down on a jacket hanging from one of the chairs, breathing heavily through her clenched teeth to wait for Char to get to work on her wound, hands gripping anything they could find for what little comfort they offered.

Char worked quickly. That hussle came at the price of him not doing a fantastic job. But at the very least she would survive. Then he remembered something. He had to still take the bullet out. "Oopsie, have to take out the metal thingie. One second." he said before cutting the stitching. And with that done, he didn't grab a pair of tweezers and dug his fingers into the wound, searching for the bullet. And he found it rather quickly, must have been from a pistol. "Metal thingie out." he said before starting all over again.
Iris hissed through the jacket arm in her mouth to the pain of Char sending a metal needle through her skin to patch it up, eyes shut tight to struggle to bare through the pain. She sighed a little in annoyance to Char forgetting to take out the bullet, grimacing to his fingers digging into the wound, her hand immediately grabbing his arm and clinging to his shirt. Her face looked deathly pale from her stomach flipping from the digging and kept her shaking hand on his arm, breathing heavily to his second attempt to patch her up. A horrible pained expression covered her face as she struggled to keep herself calm.

Marco sat in the van,away from everyone else and silent as ever.He had the bags of money around him and he looked at them all with a feeling of success.With his arms crossed,he watched as the others were suffering through their gunshot wounds.Marco imagined himself being hurt and he thanked God that he had his armor or else his chest would've been a giant,gaping hole.He rubbed his chest a little and looked down at all of the tiny holes from the shotgun blast.Some pieces of lead were still stuck in there and he busied himself with taking them all out.After that Marco stared at the guard that was taken from earlier and he pulled out a knife to keep him in check.
If Elena had the strength to sulk and walk away from JJ, she would. Instead she glared at JJ. "Save the medic," She stressed. "And you can save many more." She said. It has been a while since she received any aid from others, frankly, but it was obvious that having someone provide aid was better than her sloppy independent work of wrapping a bandage. She sighed softly as she leaned back on the wall of the van, breathing out the pain. She wished she could return to the Free Arcs' vicinity in this instant. "Thanks." She mumbled out to JJ. "Though I didn't ask for your help." She said a little childishly.
Char finished up the stitching rather quickly, a bullet wasn't that large and didn't require to much time. With that done, he gets back up, grabs his gun, and turns around to start firing once again. But the cops were gone. They had gotten close enough to the Archology that people were openly walking around aupporting faction shmbols and toting guns. With that number of people and fire power, it would be like kicking a hornets neat for thkse few peace keepers. "You're close enough now. You're safe. Find a place to pull over and we'll worry about the wounded. Free Arcers, I need a word."
Iris sighed heavily into the jacket once Char had finished the stitches, her head leaning back against the wall of the van, eyes fluttering open slowly. The lines of every person and living thing that passed the van was blurred but Iris could hear it: the sound of freedom. Soldiers and civilians walking around their compound with heavy artillery at their disposal. She could feel the van come to a halt before weakly pulling herself up, her legs shaking violently as she moved towards the door of the van, jumping down with a heavy grunt before weakly staggering towards the headquarters.
The familiar view of the Arcology and the people of the Free Arcs entered Elena's sight and immediately she felt at ease. The Free Arcs were not people to be messed with, just like any other group. They were not afraid to fight for their rights and it was clear from the number of people walking around with their weapons.

Elena would have loved to relax in the comfort of her room except Stone had requested that the two women, herself and Iris, were to have a talk with him. She mentally groaned. 'But we are part of the wounded,' She thought sarcastically when the van came to a halt and Iris was one of the first few to get off the van. Elena inaudibly sighed and heaved herself up, fumbling a little from the lack of balance she normally had due to her wounds as she limped out of the van and made her way towards headquarters as well.
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