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Futuristic The Liberation of Zeus.

Arcer raised his brow "guests, master?" he had no idea what Char meant, but he guessed it would be best to indeed clean him, or, at least let him clean himself "Right away, Char" he took up the prisoner and went to the shower complex, he firstly made sure enough guards were around so there wouldn't be any escaping chance, clean clothes were lying just outside the shower, and Arcer would be waiting at the exit of the showering complex to accompagny him tback to that room. He put him down and sighed "You have 10 minutes, Char doesn't want to wait."

Marco walked to his room in the Moon Walkers HQ.He lied down on his bed for a while,trying to relax for a bit.After a few minutes,he got back up to take off his armor.He took off the vest first,setting it aside to throw away later because the shotgun blast had caused some damage to it.Marco took everything off before the helmet.He set it down in front of him,on top of his dresser and he looked at his face in the mirror.His face was hardened but also tired.He thought about everything that lead to now and he thought,"I did good today.This life is tough,but I'm tougher." Marco reached for his bottle of beer and started drinking.He paced around his room,continuing to drink while thinking about how lonely he was.He had no one.It was just him,his weapons,and a bottle of beer.He guessed that he had no choice.He thought that his destiny was to inevitably be alone.He couldn't change his fate.Marco's head was flooded with these thoughts and he went to open another bottle of beer to get through it all.He sat down at the edge of his bed,continuing to drink while waiting for another mission.It was all rather monotonous.Do a mission,go home,drink your sorrows away,do another mission,come home,drink some more.He felt like he was slowly dying and his chest felt heavy.He was tired of his life but he kept going.A lone soldier to the end,fighting to bring down Improvement,alone and unnoticed.This is inevitably how it goes,he thought to himself as he drank some more.
Connor just nodded his head dumbly, and began to clean himself as best he could. Oh god, that was Char. He was Char's play thing. He would be tortured and then put on display with his mad ramblings written on a sign hanging around his feet like the last person. He should try to make an escape right now, being killed now would be much simpler then dying and becoming something hardly recognizable. But he never worked up the courage, some part of him always said that there was still hope. So he finished in silence, and put his clothes on silently.

(@DramonFire )

There was no rest for the wicked, and Marco's predictions came true. Albeit it was a bit sooner then expected. A woman nocked on his door, didn't wait for permission, and stuck her head in. Hair highlighted with streaks of bright and often clashing colors, she was obviously a new blood, freshly joining the ranks. "Rabbit want tah see ya. Says him and someone else will be waiting." And with that, she left before anything could be thrown at her. She still had one more person to inform anyway.

(@Halcyon @theunderwolf @Pwninator )

Nathan quickly scurried over to Iris' side. He was always one to scramble, kind of like a mouse really. "Oh, almost forgot about that. Come on, I can't get a good look at out here." As he spoke, he guided her down the hall and into a room. The room already had two other patients, an ornery looking old man and a much brighter and overall cheerful girl. Odd how two polar opposites were put in the same room. "Alright, now let me get a look at those." he said once he more or less got her to sit down, and indicating towards where she was injured. "Gut wounds are a very dangerous thing, especially if it punctured anything important, get a nasty infection that way." he rambled to himself, a tick of his as much as the stethoscope around his neck, which was now firmly in his ears in case he needed to listen to her heart beat for some unforeseeable reason.

(@LadyMatsudai )
Iris whimpered to the horrible pull along her side, laying her arm around Nathan's shoulders as she followed his lead down the hall to one of the few rooms left in the medbay, glancing along the hall to check in on the patients with their room doors partially or fully ajar. She paid no mind to the older man and younger firl in the room, slowly setting herself down with Nathan's help before straightening her back to try and relieve some of the pain on her gun wounds, breathing in shakily to the stethoscope examining her chest. "Infections are...always fun, Nathan, it's how you get rid of them is the hard part," she jested faintly.

Marco reacted fast and got up,cocking his head towards the door.He was going to say something but it wasn't necessary.When he was called,he couldn't argue especially if it was Rabbit but also because the girl talked too fast for Marco to respond.He was slightly angry that he was disturbed in his time of relaxation but he was irritated mostly because of the alcohol.Slightly intoxicated,he slowly walked towards his dresser and got some clothes to change into before leaving.He chose a simple pair of jeans,sport shoes, and a hoodie.He also picked up his special blade that he carried everywhere and put it in his pocket.The bottle that Marco currently had in his hand was still full so he took it with him on his way to Rabbit.He found his office,sipping his beer and sitting down at the nearest chair.He then remembered that the unknown girl from earlier said that someone else would be here.Who?,he wondered.
Upon hearing the distinct whistles that signals the drug seller Joey, Elena pushed the door open quite abruptly while looking very dreadful and certain that she wanted nobody to talk to her. She swiftly made her way towards Joey.

"One." She told the man. Realizing that she may have come off as a bit too rude in her request, she added a soft "Please" after a pause. She knew she was only making things worse for her if she continues this drug, but it worked and worked well. She was not about to let go of it yet. Then again, she probably would come to a point where she can no longer let go of it whether she wants to or not.

Oh well. She'll think about that when the time comes.

What is important now is for Xander Tuet to be gone.

Joel quickly moved the vent aside. He had apparently expected this, and so had unscrewed what mattered enough for it to not fall off completely yet still be able to quickly pull it off when the coast was clear. Joel was perhaps the best for drug runs, simply because he refused to be caught. And from the black and silver opening that was the air ducts, dropped a small packet of silver powder. Shortly after, a long arm with hands like a spider stuck through the opening. "I'll be needin some extra then usual." a higher pitched rumbled, like a trumpet compared to a tuba. "Boss says wes need the extra."


"Infections are always a pain in the ass." Nathan said, happy that her heart was beating right and her breathing relatively normal, given the circumstances and her condition. "But it's best to avoid them." He went to move her shirt aside to see the poorly stitched wound when the old man spoke up. "Look at that. Barely even got scraped and she's already here. Back in my day, when we were fightin' off Tuet here, you weren't sent to anything unless your fingers were hanging off and you were out of bullets."

"Stop giving her a hard time, Herald." said the younger girl.

"Thank you Alice." said Nathan as he saw the stitches. With an annoyed "tsk" he prepared to cut the seam and do a much more proffesional job.

((@LadyMatsudai ))
"I could not really avoid these bullets, Nathan..." breathed Iris deeply, sighing to the relief of sitting down after so long, grimacing to the sickening feeling in her gut to him started to tear apart the bad seam of the stories, her hand shaking and clinging to Nathan's for something to hold on to.

"This never gets easier with each time I get shot..." she hissed to herself, shaking a little as she closed her eyes.

"Then stop standing out in the open. Didn't they tell you that in basic training." Nathan said, leaving Herald open mouthed and feeling rather stupid. But, he had to say something. "No, they teach you how to make friends now a days. Biggest load of..." "Herald, if I wasn't stuck in this bed you would have a very large bruise right about now." Alice interrupted with the sweetest smile on her face.

Once the seam was cut and the old thread removed, Nathan prepared to do a more expert job. "I have to ask, but do you want the scar as is or as small as possible? Most people say as small as possible, but I still have to ask."

((@LadyMatsudai ))
"If you must really know, I got this from trying to save a kid from the gunfire from the guards," corrected Iris with a deep sigh as she shook her head to herself. Smiling a little to the interaction of the other two stuck in the room, Iris clung to Nathan's arm for support and to keep her stomach from flipping too much and sighed. "Whatever you think is best," she groaned, her face growing pale again.

Elena's anticipation of seeing the addictive concoction faltered slightly when Joey requested for higher compensation. "Ugh," She rolled her eyes, digging out extra money. Well, this was going to hurt her pockets a little but she supposed that it could not be helped since there was more to lose than to gain from taking this drug, right from the very beginning. She went down this path and so she had to stick to it. "Will this do." She said rather than asked as she held out an additional amount of money in her right hand, sounding as if she was not even interested in the answer when she believed she gave enough as extra. She did not sound like she was going to take no for an answer. Her left hand beckoned for the drug expectantly.

That silenced Nathan. He hadn't known the full details of her injury, just what it was. But that certainly didn't stop the bitter old man that was Herald. "Privalaged brat probably won't forget that anytime soon. Back in my day, we didn't even have to steal from banks. We all pulled our own weight and refused a paycheck if we had to to keep our bellies full. Now all most of them can think about is their next paycheck. If I was a few years younger, I'd show all of you what for."

"You'd show them how to drink a full bottle of scotch then every swear word and lewd songs you knew. I think it's best you stay here dear." Alice rebuked, like always.

Meanwhile, Nathan had decided to make the scar smaller, almost invisible really. His neat stitching quickly closed up the wound, and he dabbed the area to clean up the blood that leaked out. "You're good to go. I'll send my report to Stone. You can't do heavy lifting, but you can do almost anything else."

((@LadyMatsudai ))

Joel's hand darted out and grabbed the offered credits. The sound of him counting them out was audible from the vent. After a short period of time, Joel stuck his other hand out, holding the bag of Cat Eye. "I got one more thing to ask. Got any news I should hear?" Joel, drug dealer extrordinare, and nutirious gossip.
((I'm so sorry. I have a plot for you and will have something posted soon, I promise.))

Rabbit burst into the room, a sour look on his scarred (spell check please) face. "She isn't coming. That'll just make it you and me." he said, a low growl from the back of his throat. Going around the desk, he doesn't hother to sit and instead just leans on his hands. "We have a job to do. Stone isn't going to hear about it. Bartholomew has offered his services for the job." Bartholomew? A Friend helping in Moon Walker buisness. "We're going to the Improvement HQ. Suit up and meet me on the roof in..." Here, he looked at his watch. Debatin with himself, he finally says "30 minutes. That should be plenty of time for you to get everything you need. We're being quiet about this, minimize casualties. We were never there."
Elena almost snorted at Joey's question. "Not really, except that we've got someone somewhere and that someone's in big trouble, maybe. He probably is in big trouble, especially if he's still alive when I meet him." She said. She took the bag from Joey and contemplated on having some right this instant but decided against it since she would prefer privacy.

"Thanks," She paused, narrowing her eyes at him. "Perfect timing, too. I wonder how you guys manage to appear at the right time. As if it was fate--if I believed in that. Mind telling me how you appear instantaneously whenever there are business opportunities?" She asked.
"Ah ah, information for information." Joel said, revealing his face for the first time. It was long and narrow, as if he had been put through a taffy puller. "I know some things, and people tell me things. I'll tell you my ways, slowly but surely, if you tell me things." ((Super short, sorry. It's killing me a ljttle inside.))
Arcer looked at the guy emerging from the showers "Follow me" he said as he turned around "I should mention that if you try anything foolish, Char's action's will only be more brutal, so try to behave" he started walking forward, the two guards pushing the prisoner along toward the room where they were in earlier
Not knowing anything else to do, Connor makes his shaky way after his captor. Then he saw his chance. A guard dozing by a door. Perhaps he could make a dash through the door. But what then? He would be unarmed and have possibly the deadliest hunter after him. Screw it, death would be better then the hell he was going to go through. Suddenly, he charged the dozing guard, knocking him over. Managing to fumble the guards pistol out and quickly grabbing the rifle, he made it to, and through, the door. Now, to get the hell out of there.
Iris remained silent to hearing Herald complain more about the grand differences between the old days of the Free Arcs and the way they were handling the situation now. Smiling a little to Alice's remark towards the old man, Iris sighed to feeling Nathan finishing up the last of her stitches to seal up her wound and grimaced to him dabbing the skin to wipe away any of the blood. "Thank you...I will...I will make sure to keep it steady," she promised, standing up on shaky feet before staggering back towards the door, hands clinging tightly to the mobile IV stand as she began to make her way towards the door.

(( @Beowulf ))
"Welcome." Nathan said, packing up all of the stuff. "This is a free day for you. Enjoy it. Stone will probably be pushing it with what you do tomorrow." he practically yelled after her. Then he turned to Alice, he gently nodded her head in the direction Alice went with a look that said, 'You two catch up. I got this.' With a look of gratitude to Alice, Nathan hurries out after Iris. "Hey, I have about another hour before my shift is up. You want to grab something to eat and catch up? Maybe tell me why you decided getting shot at was better than working here."
Iris did not pay much attention to Nathan shouting after her, simply waving her hand to acknowledge she partially heard him before sighing to the man catching up to her from behind. "Perhaps...for right now, I just want to focus on getting back to my room to sleep for a while," explained the doctor, grimacing to more pain as she thought back to Char.

Marco nodded at Rabbit's orders and went back to his room immediately.He put on his armor piece by piece until only his helmet remained.He took his signature silenced pistols with the word "HUSH" engraved on them.He then took his SMG and filled up his belt with magazines,grenades,and knives.Of course,Marco also took his lucky knife.Finally,he put on his helmet,turning it on and switching his mind to "Moon Walker Mode".He looked at himself in the mirror through the pitch black glass of the helmet and got his mind ready.He didn't like that he'd be working alone but orders were orders and whatever was thrown at him,he would be the best to get it done.Marco slowly walked up to the roof to meet Rabbit.He reminisced throughout his walk to the roof about how he became what he is now.He remembered the fact that he had just gotten back from a mission,gotten drunk,and now he was on another mission.The inevitable cycle of his life.When he reached the roof,Marco stood at the edge,watching the world in all its glory and waiting for Rabbit.
"Tch," Elena clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "I thought you'd be satisfied with just that." She said. A brief pause followed as she pondered on whether she should tell him a detailed version of the information she gave. But this guy is a trader. He sells something for something and he has customers, regardless of who they are and where they are. If he ever sells out the information she gives (heck, she isn't even sure if the information she has is enough to be sold or as important as she feels it is) then they could be in a chaotic situation.

She decided to believe that the information was too vague to be sold. She shrugged. "Well we've got some officer from the raid we went to earlier. I bet he's the guy that shot me..." She clenched her fist. "Anyway, I don't know his name. I just know he's with Char, no doubt, undergoing torture or whatever sadistic play that that freak Char has in mind." She said. "But yeah, that's all I've got for information, really. Too bad that's not enough for you." She said.

"Well then, I guess I'll go pay him a visit." Joel said, already disappearing into the vents. "Ah yes, the thing you were buying. Well, let's say I have a couple birdies just about everywhere." Then the vent cover was firmly set into place. That felt very akin to a door being slammed shut, rather rudely, in her face. "I'll see you." he said, voice receding down the maze of ducts.

"Oh, ok. Well.... I'll.... See you around, I guess." Nathan said, somewhat cret fallen but taking it in rather good grace. Turning around, he marches back to his room, and his patients.

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