The Liberation of Zeus.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-18_11-43-12.jpeg.e05091dac627a2527aced7f6d8ad1703.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49601" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-18_11-43-12.jpeg.e05091dac627a2527aced7f6d8ad1703.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Bartholomew

Age: Unknown, but it's safe to say he is at least in his 20

Gender: Presumably male.

Faction: Friends (leader)

Bio: No one has ever met him in person before. And he doesn't give people the opportunity try and pry.

Personality: He seems cold and calculating in all his meetings, not in person of course. It is hard to get an accurate read on him.

Other: He is by far the most mysterious of the faction leaders. Few trust him, yet what he has advised has come to a great success.

It has begun.



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I left it vague for a reason.

You can all be in the van, just you lot. I can add a few npc if I feel like it.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/016_by_showmeyourmoves-d7sql8w.jpg.3c872ae2ec3e964ff44ceebdeabf61ab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49472" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/016_by_showmeyourmoves-d7sql8w.jpg.3c872ae2ec3e964ff44ceebdeabf61ab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Adrea Foley

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Faction: Moon Walker (Former free Arc)

Bio: The Foleys hated Improvement with a passion and as a family, were among the first members of the rebellion when the free arcs were just a sparkle in Stone's eye. To that end they trained Adrea from birth to be a human weapon for the cause. She accepted it and was taught to excel without any kind of improvement, physically, mentally and creatively. And excel she did. She entered as what amounted to a front line soldier in the free arcs, and many a skirmish was won directly by her. But after that, things went bad. Improvement found out her family's support of the rebels and arrested her parents. Then blackmailed by the company Adrea was forced to surrender herself to Improvement. To no avail of course, her parents were casually killed in front of her. It was horrible. For them. with no reason to submit further, she slaughtered the Improvement force single handily. A week later she faked her death, wanting to leave Zeus city forever. A week after that she was recruited by the Moon walkers when she was stealing supplies from a corrupt vice president, and from there she has become one of the walkers most reliable thief and assassin.


Adrea is rather quiet and she more often thinks rather then she speaks. Brevity is the soul of wit after all, and while she says little, she speaks volumes. She is cool but trusting with other, friendly but not familiar. Diplomatic may be the best word as she tries to endear herself to people without bonding with them herself. In battle however, her personality takes a complete 180 in danger or combat. She becomes boisterous and a bit of a showboat, cackling madly as she decimates her foes then vanishes into the night with apparent ease.

Other: SHe prefers to use knives pistols and SMGs​



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Appearance:He is very big,tall,and muscular but very agile and light on his feet.Six foot eleven with black hair and has a tattoo on his right hand saying "HUSH" with a letter in each finger.He uses a suit for his missions that protects him very well while giving him full mobility and holding all of his weapons.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_mc3b2aTL0r1qdlvw8o1_1280.jpg.205aa74491898b534c1dfdf3de0f4fb7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49690" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_mc3b2aTL0r1qdlvw8o1_1280.jpg.205aa74491898b534c1dfdf3de0f4fb7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(forget about the jelly beans spilling out of his pouch LOL)

Name:Marco Mendoza,nicknamed "Hush"



Faction:Moon Walkers (formerly Locos)

Bio:Marco was born in the lowest part of society,with his parents working hard to earn some money.As he grew up,he began trying to support his family as well while noticing how chaotic his part of society was.Factions everywhere wanted to fight the mighty Improvement corporation.He never cared much about that.He only wanted to earn money to support himself and his family.Marco inevitably started joining factions,mostly because of his parents who wanted to fight back against Improvement also but were too old at the time.First,he joined the Locos,wanting to use full force to mow down Improvement.Then he realized it was not his thing.He quit the Locos and joined the Moon Walkers.Marco became a highly ranked member and greatly influenced others,also gaining the nickname "Hush".With his training in the Locos faction,he was big and muscular,but he was agile and stealthy.When needed,Marco could use big guns and power through enemies while in other situations,he could take a more stealthy approach,assassinating enemies in his path.

Personality:Marco is aggressive at times but knows how to stay calm and keep his cool.He remains focused and determined in most situations.He cares for people and hopes that he can have a few allies by his side.It's pretty rare for Marco to gain your trust but when he does,he is a great friend.When he feels threatened or offended,he will lash out and become defensive.He was never a popular person and he remains lonely most of the time so he feels that he should remain secluded and distant.Marco is also a quiet person and doesn't feel the need to talk in a lot of situations.

Other:Marco may go a little crazy sometimes but he gets the job done.His loneliness and his rage might interfere with his thoughts.



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If you don't already know, i has started. If you are accepted, you can post. And I'm sure I accepted everyone.

@Halcyon @Polaris @theunderwolf once at least two of you post, I will move on. And I understand some family emergancy is accuring for one of you, you know who you are. So post when you can.
It's fine.

I actually never got a notification from this RP since after i fixed my character sheet, even though im watching the thread. I didn't know we were starting, and if we did i would have joined sooner. Sorry for the trouble.
Halcyon said:
It's fine.
I actually never got a notification from this RP since after i fixed my character sheet, even though im watching the thread. I didn't know we were starting, and if we did i would have joined sooner. Sorry for the trouble.
Same. :/ How strange. I would have posted earlier if I had any notification.

Also, correct me if I am wrong, but we can all be in the van? (I don't know, it seems illogical to all be in the van though, we're a huge lot.)
It's ok. And logic has little meaning right now. Six people can fit in a van, and even more if you pack them in.

Oh, and I forgot to actually get it going. Someone, get the heist actually started in thejr next post. Van pulls over, etc.
I don't know if you're still accepting characters but...

Appearance: Caucasian with short-cut dark brown hair and eyes like disks of shined copper. He is slightly taller than average, and has very long legs. His body is evenly muscled, but not particularly burly. He wears an old grey peacoat on top of a t-shirt and a Kevlar vest along with baggy black cargo pants, to allow his legs to move freely. On his feet he solely wears climbing shoes to help him grip even the smallest of ledges.

Name: Alex Hatch, known only as "Jump" at this point however.

Age: 19


Faction: Free Arcs

Bio: Alex's life began as normally as anyone's: an upper middle class kid with a working father and a mother to go home to. He lived happily, as track star and a B plus student nothing seemed impossible for his future. As he grew older, however, his suspicions grew as to what his father truly did when he left their idealistic home. His father's supposed job as a "data analyst" seemed less and less realistic as Jump noticed the odd hours he worked, often without any forewarning. After his father got called away without warning one day when Alex was eighteen, Alex searched through the personal computer which had been left unlocked in his father's rush. The few files that he found exposed what his father truly was: his technical name was an extractor; a man working for the government to torture dissidents until they gave up information or died.

Horrified, Alex threw a few pairs of clothing on and a small amount of food into a tattered backpack before running away, wearing nothing but a pair of jeans and a black hoodie. As his food stocks dwindled, Alex was forced into worse parts of town; the true face of the city he thought he knew teaching him an important lesson: nothing and no one can be trusted. Eventually, just to be able to get something to eat Alex became a pick pocket. Each failed attempt, despite them becoming less common as time went on, taught Alex how run. Really, really well. Through necessity he became skilled in climbing the crumbling walls and rusted fire escapes that surrounded him, and navigating the rooftops of the decrepit homes. Eventually, these skills earned him the nickname Jump, which he had solely gone by since then.

After a purse grab gone wrong, Jump ran into a part of town that he had never been in before: the territory of the Free Arcs. After being caught by one of their patrols, he was given a choice: join their cause, or go back to scrounging for each meal, hoping against hope he wouldn't get shanked as he slept. Jump accepted their offer wholeheartedly, seeing it as a chance to get back at his parents and the monsters that played the city like a game of chess.

Jump was taught how to work with pistols and smaller rifles, and he gained some skills in working with computers and other subjects, but his main strength remained as a forward scout, his skills at parkour serving him well in infiltration. He could run away from just about anything, but the moment he got trapped into a drawn out conflict or an enclosed space his skills were severely limited, so he was constantly on edge, waiting for an enemy he couldn't run from to emerge from the shadows...

Personality: After the betrayal by his parents, Jump became very emotionally withdrawn, and un-trusting of anyone he didn't know well. After living on the streets for a long time, he also became accustomed to living what some may call a paranoid lifestyle, checking the exits of each room almost instinctively and nigh-never removing a Kevlar vest from his person. Despite his now-cold exterior, Jump was internally still in emotional turmoil over his parents' actions, leading to him to reacting extremely badly to traitors to the Free Arcs cause, going so far as hunting them down and killing them as they slept if he thought he could get away with it.

Other: While his skills might be suited to the Moon Walkers, he has a fierce conviction to freeing the people of Zeus, not gaining money.

On his semi-frequent night missions he uses Cat Eye, but he has yet to become addicted to it. He is also considering scraping together enough cash to get night vision goggles, because despite their drawbacks if being worn and lights come on, he is afraid of becoming addicted.
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