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Futuristic The Liberation of Zeus.

"But get coeaned up first before coming to my office." Stone said in their ears. Char would frankly ignore that nagging voice in his head, and continue as he usually did after a mission. This usually involved a couple brave souls tending to his wounds, and those brave souls were more often then not fellow Locos. "Take that one and show him his room." Char said to Arcer, nodding towards the guard thay had kidnapped.

Rabbit stood looking out of one of the windows on the upper floor of the many different building that sere huddled in the shadow of the Arcology. His own did their job. And frankly they did it good. He had a few more names he wanted to go on that trip, but there wasn't enough room. At least the ones he did choose did their job right. The former loco he had to think about before sending him, but it had apparently paid off. That was all well and good. They could have a break, then he'd send them out on a run in the suits.

Bartholomew stared intently at his screen. Across it were little squares with different views on them. These were all cameras, and he wasn't blind where it counted the most. Improvement, he had a special spot on the hard drive for all the goodies hidden away on their data banks. Troy had done what he could, but he had to help in the end. A word with him would be nice. So, with a couple taps on his keyboard, a message was sent to him. "Get to a computer. Talk to me." read the message.

Xander stood in his office, synthetic wood panel walls and black synthetic leather seats givin the room an atmosphere that would fit many occasions. In his hand was a glass of burbon. And hovering behind him were several drones emitting holograms of varies heads of other companies. "We need to blockade them, starve them out." Xander said, perhaps the fourth time in six minutes. The reps looked at each other uneasily, it was showing itself again. Sometimes Xander wouldn't remember things he had said shortly before, but that wasn't as bad as what it could be. "Send patrols out to the Line. Enforce our rule. Find their safe houses, and confiscate anything to do with the rebelion." he continued. That was different, and several holograms bobbed their heads before winking out. Xander had not yet heard of the robbery, none of them had. But it was safe to assume that there would be hell to pay once they have.
"Yes sir..." wheezed Iris, looking up to the towering center headquarters of the Free Arcs and clung to a nearby wall, walking slowly towards the building as she felt the world grow fuzzy. She felt weak and drained, every fiber in her muscles screaming to stop and rest. By a miracle, she managed to make her way towards the front door and shuffled her way to her room, where she took a quick shower and bandaged herself up more.

She eventually found her way towards Stone's office, hands clinging to an IV stand that held two packets of blood taped to her arm. She looked like death, nearly tripping over her own foot as she walked towards Stone. "You...wanted to see me sir..." she spoke weakly.

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"Yes sir" Arcer nodded at Char and picked up the prisoner, he didn't look like he was mortally wounded, so did not take care of him either, not yet anyway. He took him where Char said he wanted him, it seemed like just a regular room, but the backstory behind it would tell otherwise, even though it was cleaned up nicely, he and Char had already tortured some people in here, and in Arcer's case, to test new weapons as well. He laid him on the ground "Can you speak?" he asked as his visor opened, his face not showing much emotion at the man who he considered as just another one of Char's future torture dolls.

Well, a quick clean-up sounds wonderful, Elena thought. "Yes, sir..." She mumbled as she turned to head towards her little home. Although she was part of a family of five, they lived in a home that seemed somewhat portable. It was a combination of a tent and a tiny walled house. Looking at the home, Elena thought it resembled their original nature as travelers. But things have changed and this home has become permanent. "I'm home..." She croaked out as she limped towards her room. No one was home, unsurprisingly. Her mother must be out providing aid to fighters and her dad must be working on some weaponry. Her two younger brothers must be training or fighting a battle themselves.

She sighed as she quickly undressed and cleaned herself with a quick wash, carefully cleaning especially where her wounds were. She dressed her wounds as well as into her usual combat attire and grabbed something small and easy to digest before leaving the house. "I'm off..." She spoke within the silence as she left again. Despite trying to be as quick as she could, she knew she took a lot of time.

With heavy breaths, she made her way back to headquarters where Stone awaited her and Iris. A few people around the vicinity offered to assist her but she gave an intimidating glare that made it clear she did not want any help. She arrived ten minutes after Iris, standing by shifting her weight on her better leg. "...Sorry..." She said softly as she looked at the two, a little too tired to say more.
Connor was rather out of it. Blood loss hasade him severly drowsy, and his brain wasn't working at 100%. But he was awake and brain was working enough for him to understand a question was asked. Lifting a head that fealt like it was a stone, Connor looks around, eyes nearly closed. The room swam in front of him, and the face of the Loco was dangerously close to him. Suddenly wide awake, he jerks back, causing his chair to tumble over. "Help!" he begins to shout, knowing deep down it was useless. "Someone help me!"

Stone looked at the two of them. "You both look like shit." he said in his gruff voice before continuing on. "I want a report, right now. Casualties, what we have to buy more of. I want to know what the fuck you were thinking when you put yourselves in danger and possibly compromised the whole mission. Then I want a damn good reason not to court marshal you." Yeah, some thought him a massive prick. But he did things for a reason. He thought Iris was a lost cause, and that the cost to fix her up was much higher then just leaving her behind.
Iris did not stir to the comment of being called unkempt and terrible looking after the adventure they had to try and rob the bank. "Casualties were kept among the guards and one innocent civilian who got caught in the crossfire from the guards. Another man was shot in the arm but did not seem harmed in any other way," started Iris in a formal tone of voice. Just because she was injured did not mean she could not do what her boss asked. "Minimal damage to the van and some scraps were taken by other members of the team but no deaths. As for court marshaling, sir...you should just do it with me...Elena had nothing to do with me screwing up. There are no reasons or excuses for me sir," she added solemnly. Regardless that she saved the life of a small innocent boy and the grief of a weeping mother, she put herself at risk and she should have been left behind...but for that one instance, she thought she could make it.

((Was waiting for more people to respond, but since that doesn't appear to be happening.))

Stone gave them both a blank stare, eyes switchin between one then the other as he thought it all over. "Thank you fkr keeping the collateral dage to a minimal. As for that court marshal, I may have spoken a bit to quickly about it. You look like you wouldn't survive it" this with a finger pointed at Iris, "and you because you were trying to rescue a soldier just like yourself. But she was not going to make it, look at the state she's in. At this point, she is costing me more to keep her alive then not. But, what's done is done. Perhaps we can balance out the costs, however, with half rations. And putting in extra hours with things like teaching and physical labor. The doctores will tell me, truthfully, the limits of your current condition, and you will be assigned tasks accordingly. Dismissed."

At the last word, he himself grabbed his cane and heaved himself to his feet. His flask was already at his waist, and his pipe no doubt in his pocket. "Now with that over, I'm off for a walk on the floral floors of the Archology. If any crisis happens, at least you two will know where to find me." he said, already out the door. For a man with only one leg, he was surprisingly quick. And his steps were the distinctive tap, pause, and thump-clang of his prothetic on the floo, cane tapping out a steady rythm.


Beowulf said:
Connor was rather out of it. Blood loss hasade him severly drowsy, and his brain wasn't working at 100%. But he was awake and brain was working enough for him to understand a question was asked. Lifting a head that fealt like it was a stone, Connor looks around, eyes nearly closed. The room swam in front of him, and the face of the Loco was dangerously close to him. Suddenly wide awake, he jerks back, causing his chair to tumble over. "Help!" he begins to shout, knowing deep down it was useless. "Someone help me!"
Stone looked at the two of them. "You both look like shit." he said in his gruff voice before continuing on. "I want a report, right now. Casualties, what we have to buy more of. I want to know what the fuck you were thinking when you put yourselves in danger and possibly compromised the whole mission. Then I want a damn good reason not to court marshal you." Yeah, some thought him a massive prick. But he did things for a reason. He thought Iris was a lost cause, and that the cost to fix her up was much higher then just leaving her behind.
@DramonFire top paragraph.
Iris remained silent to Stone's scolding and surprisingly apologetic demeanor to the end of his lecture, taking the results in stride and coming up with solutions immediately. He was always like that for as long as she could remember. No second guesses, no regrets, nothing...everything a strong leader needs. Moving a little out of the way to let Stone pass, Iris began to follow his lead a little to the door. "Sir...do you mind if I join you?" asked Iris gently. "A walk with fresh air would do me a little good as well."

"Im off duty. No need for 'sir'." he said, continuing his steady pace. Although he said that, it was probably wise to keep some formal aspect to addressing him. Perhals continuing to call him sir would be idea. Or at the least just Stone. "And you can join me if you want. I don't see why not." A moment later, they were at the lift.
Nodding respectfully, Iris followed Stone's lead towards the lift, remaining silent as the doors closed and the lift began to move. Iris was having a hard time getting herself to speak, looking down to the ground before her eyes trained to her hands holding the IV portable stand and finally just let herself say it. "I am sorry, sir...the little boy I saved...I couldn't let him get trapped in all of that...Free Arc or not..." she finally confessed.

"You did what I asked you for." Stone said. "You kept civilian casualties to a minimum. And saving a kid might sway some more people over to our side." Ah, Stone. A human heart and a robotic brain. Saying bravo for saving a child then thinking how it might help them. "And perhaps I was a bit rash in saying leave you behind. Why I thought a medic couldn't perform some form of first aide on themselves is beyond me." As they talked, he pressed the button to the bottom most of the floral floors, which in most of the early archologies was the top three or four floors. They had a bit of a wait to get up there, and that didn't include any stops for other people to get on and off. In a sudden feeling, he "How are the eyes, are they actig up any?"
Smiling a little to hearing old Stone mention the 'additional' benefits to saving a child from the violence and cross fire, Iris sighed, adjusting her hands on the stand as she watched blurred images of others entering and leaving the lift. "You had to make a choice, sir...it was for the better of the company..." she spoke quietly, wishing it did not have to be that way. She grew quiet to the mention of her eyes, glancing down to the floor as her hands tightened their grip a little on the IV stand. "Painful as always...but I will be fine," she assured her boss before smiling a little bit. "You know...Char is the one that helped patch me up...as odd as that is...he may be a Loco...but he cares, sir," she smiled, glancing up to the old man.

"Good, good." Stone said, nodding his head. But at mention of Char, his face turned hard. "Char is a rabid dog that is barely held on his leash. What ever he does, is for his own sock and twisted reasons. What Improvement did to him broke him. His mental state is in shambles, and to top it all off so is most of the people in Locos. He's a the crazy leader of a bunch of crazies. I spoke with Rabbit, and we both agree that an eye mus he kept on the Locos as a whole. And if I could have my way, we would leave them for the Peace Keepsers." As he finished, they finally reached the floral gardens that were the top floors. "You listen and you listen well. Char is a lost cause, between Improvement and all the Juice, he is long gone. I know how you get when you set your mind to fixing something, but he can't be fixed." he said as he walked out of the elevator. "I hope Char is not the only thing you wanted to talk about." he mumbled quietly to himself.
"He may be savage at times, sir...but..." started Iris, growing a little quiet to thinking back on how Char out of the noise of gunfire and chaos, turned to the sound of her voice. "He heard me, sir...he came to my aid when I asked him to. He could have easily ignored me and went on shooting but he didn't," she added before following Stone's lead out of the lift. "And how would we be any better than the Peace Keepers if we left the Locos or the others in the dust?" Still inching beside Stone through the gardens, Iris started to grow quiet again, looking down to the ground as she shook her head to herself. "I...have been having the nightmares again, sir..."

Stone gave a soft grunt at what she had to say about leaving the Locos to defend for themselves. Rabid dogs had to be put down, else they bit someone. But she had a point, he had to show some compassion, and it wasn't like Char to turn down a reason for shooting things. But his attention was immediately directed to her nightmares. He didn't have time for everyone's problems. But Iris and a few others were like a family of sorts to him. He had to give some attention to them when they needed it. "Do I have to ask if they are the same ones?"
Upon Stone asking if the dreams were the same ones, Iris felt her eyes start to water, a shaking hand rising to her face to cover her mouth and nodded, breaking down in tears for the first in a very long time. Perhaps it was the mixture of the bodily injuries, the stress from the mission...the mixed feelings she had felt for Char...everything seemed to just crash all at once. She knew Stone was not a man to comfort people like a mother hen...but he was one of the very few who knew what she was going through, who she could really talk to...who was there for her when she was lost and needed someone. "I keep waking up...crying from the pain...screaming...and I keep seeing his face..." she confessed.
"Hush now." he said comfortingly. "There was nothing you could do. But you can do something now. Remember that, and you will get through it." After that, he walked in silence, enjoying the vibrant colors of the flowers and their smells all mixing together along with the humming of bees. "I can authorize some medication for you if you need it." He had asked that question before, and always there was varying degrees of success. "And if you don't want medication, there are always people willing to talk. Albiet some of them want you to pay them in the end." he continued, making a somewhat poor joke at therapists.
Struggling to try and control her crying, Iris kept walking beside Stone in silence, her mind still racing and forgetting for the moment the beauty of the flowers surrounding them while they continued on their garden pilgrimage. Upon the offer for medication, Iris shook her head gently, waving her hand. "No sir...I don't think...medication would help me..." she sighed, panting a little before rubbing her sleeve across her nose to rid the evidence of her tears. But with the joke of the therapists, Iris smiled a little, a faint chuckle escaping her lips before she sighed. "I don't think they would be willing to give free sessions..." she teased.

((OOC: Awww Stone trying to be the dad figure lol :) ))
Elena was silent the entire time Stone was angry. She could not blame him when what mattered was minimal casualty and a successful mission. Iris did all the talking, which Elena was quite thankful about since she was not in the mood to speak. Elena was a little contemplative though on her actions towards saving Iris. It was either her solidarity as a Free Arc or simply because the team's medic should live to save more. Court marshal though, she thought with a scoff when Stone retracted his threatening statement. Then she looked at Iris for defending her from the threat, unappreciative of Iris' kindness. The fact is that Elena went ahead to save a dying member and her actions were reckless and dangerous for the whole team. There was simply no need to be defended.

Elena shrugged lightly when Stone dismissed the briefing and she heard Iris ask Stone if she could accompany him in the floral floors. Leaving the two to their own, she turned to walk away to the lounge, where she could have some rest until she receives orders for the next mission. In this condition, she could not even move her body to her content. Dancing to release her stress was out of the question. Sucks to be me, she thought. As she sat quietly by the window, looking out at the bleak view of fighters, she slowly closed her eyes to imagine herself dancing in an open space nearby. As she imagined every wave of her hand and curls of her fingers, swift steps of her legs and flexible back, and a distant nostalgic music from her dancer's time, her fingers twitched as she yearned to move. It was then that she felt her heartbeat a little too rapidly and she clumsily and hastily headed towards the restroom, locking herself in a cubicle and placing a hand over her mouth as her breaths grew heavier. It was a mild but distinct reminder for her that the drug she takes was causing a side effect.
Arcer sighed as the guard hit the ground "Do you really think someone will hear you? This room is made sound proof, Char's idea, so the sounds of agony don't distract the neighbours..." he stood back up and leaned against the wall, looking down on the guard "You'd better save your strength, it's been a while since Char has had a private torture doll." a small grin formed on his face, the guard had no chance of escape, and knowing Char, he won't have to spend a lot of time here anymore.


(Sorry, I didn't recieve any alerts :/ )
From the vent in the bathroom, came two whistles, one after the other. One was low, the other high. You could mistake it for a bird call, that is if it wasn't coming from the vent in a bathroom. And since it came from that location, odds were it was a Moon Walker. Perhaps it was a certain member that often supplies the drug Cat Eye, often called Joey.

(@Polaris )

This only comvinced Connor to theash about even more, which. Aused the chair to move around somewhat. Eventually, he stopped, exhausted. Which was the moment Char walked in. Giving a startled look at the gjard, you could have thought he didn't expect him to be there. "Why isn't he cleaned up? He has to look nice before all this happens. He has to look pretty for the guests." he crooned.

(@DramonFire )

Stome gave a snort at her unwillingness to take some sort of medication. But it was the reaction be was looking for when it concerned his joke. "Now why would you say that? They only want to talk and feel some credits dropping into their hands at the same time." He said, sarcasm dripping from his lips. "Well, if you don't want medicine, and you don't want a therapist, work will do. My punishment still holds. I assume you are compitent enough doctor to diagnose yourself. And I'll be cross referencing it with the doctor's that will be examining you, so I'll know if you are blowing it out of proportion."

(@LadyMatsudai )

((Sorry for the long wait. The jobe of gm is a hard one.))
Giggling a little to Stone's sarcasm with their joke about the therapists, Iris nodded seriously to his firm reassurance he was keeping his punishment. "I will, sir..." she spoke gently, turning to head back to the elevator before stopping to look back to her commander. "Thank you too, sir..." she thanked quietly, starting to shuffle back towards the lift. With each step, her mind reeled at the thought of Char stopping to help her, furrowing her brow to the curiosity of how in the middle of all the chaos...he heard her voice. Her mind drifted to the chiseled jaw and strong body before she shook her head quickly at the thought, a blush rushing to her cheeks.

Her journey to the medical and over all doctor section of the Archology was rather uneventful. Well, the growing beehive she passed may have been a small alarm, but the gardeners and bee keepers would find out soon enough. When she arrived, all was organized chaos. Doctores and nurses scrambled between rooms or stretchers, but all was well. Tge patients were cared for, replacements were being manufactered and synthacized, and infection was kept to a minimum. And they were all rather punctual, for when she arrived, a doctor was already waiting. "Right this way. All the necessary tools are rea... Iris?" His name tag said his name was Nathanial. And he looked about her age. It was all very possible that they had gone to training before, or they could not have. Perhaps he was talking about another Iris.
The trek back to the medbay seemed to take forever, Iris's mind still dwelling on so many things at once before her head would start swimming from the overexertion, sighing to herself before she would continue on. Upon arriving, she was greeted by a very familiar face, a man adorned in white and a face that had not aged since training. "Hey Nate," she cooed weakly, grimacing to her stomach flipping and her side pulsing with pain, leaning heavily against her walking IV stand for support.


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