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  1. L

    A Christmas to Remember, A Horror RP Info and Signups.

    Haha, that's a shame. oh well, can't get them all.
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    A Christmas to Remember, A Horror RP Info and Signups.

    Relative of the Killer: Name: Jackson Silver Gender: Male Age:18 Looks:Prototypical football jock; muscular, tall (6.6ft) and ruggedly good looking. He has brown eyes and close cropped black hair. His only physical flaw is his "barely there" smirk; he's dumb as a brick. Personality...
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    Castaways. (Stuck on an island RP.) (Five Slots open!)

    Adrian listened to Anna go on about how awful he was, all the while keeping his slight smile glued to his face. He just had a way with women. He bit back a retort, deciding at the last moment not to pour more gasoline to an already lit fire. If she didn't like him, there was no reason to...
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    Castaways. (Stuck on an island RP.) (Five Slots open!)

    "I don't have a clue as to what actually-" He would've finished his sentence, but Anna's comment had interrupted him, and seemed more important anyway. She was doing the right thing by asking Rae if he was alright. He looked like death, and seemed to sway back and forth with the breeze. With...
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    Castaways. (Stuck on an island RP.) (Five Slots open!)

    (to avoid getting messed up again, I'm just gonna let Satellite Skin go first)
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    Castaways. (Stuck on an island RP.) (Five Slots open!)

    "Fair enough, I suppose. Although I don't have a clue how you didn't notice me on the plane. My ipod was so loud I'm willing to bet the sound distracting the pilot is the reason why we crashed." Speaking of which... Adrian dug his hand into his jean pocket, his fingers enclosing around an ipod...
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    Castaways. (Stuck on an island RP.) (Five Slots open!)

    Adrian scoffed at her question, but didn't reply out loud. Instead he put his head down and focused on edging his way closer. No, it's totally cool lady. I'll walk wherever you want. I mean, don't worry about me, I have one good leg at least! Despite his inner annoyance, he kept his temper...
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    Castaways. (Stuck on an island RP.) (Five Slots open!)

    Adrian was laying flat on his stomach, listening to the waves crash against the shore. It hit with a calming predictability, like a ride symbol at the end of a drum fill. If he just focused on that one sound, instead of thinking about the hissing of the fire, or the boom the explosion had made...
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    Castaways. (Stuck on an island RP)

    Oh, that's awesome! thanks for letting me join. Hopefully this character is up to snuff- Name- Adrian Halloway Age- 19 Appearance- Clothed in punk band tee shirts and ripped jeans, Adrian looks like your prototypical youth in revolt. His dark brown cascades down to the nap of his neck in a...
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    Castaways. (Stuck on an island RP)

    :( Sigh... I'm loving this Lord of the Flies type setup, but I'm just really not confident in my ability to role play as a female character. Any chance you'll break your rules and let me make a dude, or am I going to have to hold out on this one? :/
  11. L

    Fight for the Fate of the Gods

    Name: Magnus Nystrom Age: 22 Gender: Male Nationality: Icelandic (Speaks English) Looks(Pic or Describe) : Ragged dirty blonde hair, descending to his shoulders, and blessed with a runners body. Muscular, but lithe, not necessarily stocky. Also, his left eye is a pale, crystaline blue...
  12. L

    The End of Days RP [If you wish to join, read description]

    Adrian stood, briefly searching the ground until he wrapped his pale fingers around the apple Anna had thrown at him. It was squishy; the fruit slightly over-ripened and rotten. He brought it up to his mouth, hesitated for a second or two, then bit in to it. rotten or not, food was food, and...
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    The End of Days RP [If you wish to join, read description]

    (sorry I'm late) "Brother, wake up. Adrian!" Alexis' voice resounded through Adrian's skull, her nervous tone disrupting his once deep sleep. Her words seemed to come from within his own body, as they always tended to. Perhaps that was why he was the only one who could hear her. Her caring...
  14. L

    [Sign Ups] The End of Days (Medieval/Survival RP)

    Same... university is a blight on this earth that needs to be eradicated.
  15. L

    The End of Days RP [If you wish to join, read description]

    (I'm just a passerby reader but... Your character is my favorite! You should stay in. Every group needs a sarcastic bad ass nobody else in the party likes.) @<3Lost_In_Paradise
  16. L

    [Sign Ups] The End of Days (Medieval/Survival RP)

    RobinDenstro I loved reading what you guys were writing in this RP so much I decided I needed to be a part of it. Character Sheet: Name - Adrian Morrow Age - 35 Race - Cirilian Class - Necromancer Spells - Pestis (Plague spell; slowly deteriorates the target's lungs, making them...
  17. L

    Sci-Fi rp, unfinished, input and suggestions welcome.

    This is a really good framework. If it's fleshed out more and worked upon I'm sure it could become a good RP. At any rate, I have a couple questions- Is humanity still divided and grouped in to different nations, or are they a more united force? What are the limits of humanities...
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    Greetings from Iceland

    Oh! A reply! And so soon! Oh this is all happening so fast! Generally speaking, I'll be game for pretty much anything. I prefer literate or semi-literate RPs, and I tend to avoid things like the 'animals' or the 'slice of life' category. If the other posters are good writers I'm more engaged...
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    Greetings from Iceland

    I'd like to introduce a man with a lot of charm, talent, and wit. Unfortunately, he couldn't be here tonight, so instead . . . You folks are stuck with me. Quite tragically, I had written an incredibly thoughtful, interesting introduction that was lost when my computer crashed...