The End of Days RP [If you wish to join, read description]

(Uh, I had the impression that Alexis was a ghost/figment of Adrian's imagination? How come Anna can see her?)

Jaidynn had kept as controlled as possible when Brakkus was so close to her, not sure if she felt strange because it was awkward for them both or because or something else. Probably the awkwardness. That had to be it.

Then she also picked up the arrow twang, and as he left to investigate she cut the thread from the stitching. There, her wound was taken care of now. Slipping the needle back into her pocket along with some left over thread she pulled her long top back on and stood up. Looking behind her, she watched as Alvar stood up, declared Brakkus would need help and followed the knight - who did seem horribly unprepared with just a tunic and sword. She glanced to Junichiro with his own sword and then to Aeth. "I think we should stick together guys, so I guess we should follow them both."

Whether they decided to listen to the elven girl or not was up to them, but Jaidynn herself followed the two men who went to investigate. Her hands were on her sheath as she kept an eye out.
Brakkus watched in silence as the girl awakened one of her companions. He counted two, maybe three. Shortly there after, he was accompanied by Alvar and Jaidynn, both of which, seemed armed. He knew that if they were going to strike, they needed to do it now.

"Do they seem friendly?"
I whispered to Alvar, whom was standing behind me.
"I'm not sure." Alvar whispered back. "Although they don't seem allied with our enemies. If they had sent them, they would have attacked, or prepared to attack, our group. They could be headed to the same place we are."
Adrian stood, briefly searching the ground until he wrapped his pale fingers around the apple Anna had thrown at him. It was squishy; the fruit slightly over-ripened and rotten. He brought it up to his mouth, hesitated for a second or two, then bit in to it. rotten or not, food was food, and after not eating for quite a while it tasted delicious.

"I wish I could have some," his sister sighed. She sounded so weary, occasionally. It made Adrian's heart ache, to hear his sisters sorrow and not be able to help. It was best not to focus on it.

"Just watch the perimeter, Alex."

Although, as the thought left his head, he realized it was unnecessary. A twig snapped, a little ways past the edge of the clearing, and the light sound of a muffled whisper could be just heard, above the bickering of his comrades and the wind whistling through the trees. They were being stalked.

A bead of sweat dripping down his back, Adrian quickly tensed, and racked his brain for a spell that could get him out of this forest with his life. As the seconds ticked by, he realized he most likely didn't have one.
"Hey did you guys here that?" She wispered to the guys, as she swore she heard someone talking, and it wasnt any of them.

She grabbed her bow and loaded it with an arrow, lowering it to her side. She didnt want to be a threat to anymore survivors, but needed ready in case something attacked. "Hello?" She said alud, regreting saying it.

'Nice one Anna, your gonna get yourselves killed! You deserve a Gold Star!' She jokingly thought to herself. She crept around the area quietly, searching for the intruders and stepped over to Adrian. "Hey do you.. hear anything? I feel like we're being.. watched.." She whispered in his ear, still in alert mode.
Do not fear, Anna., Dreylain said. He knew that everyone was asking themselves the same thing. Are we among allies or enemies? He saw that Brakkus and company were coming closer from a distance. Allow me to alleviate everyone's fear and anxiety. He walked closer to Brakkus and his company, letting the thought being mistaken for an elf leave his mind.
After moving his fingers over to the end of his blade, he picked up the sword's scabbard and sheathed his blade. He had enough about going back into the past for now, since Brakkus and Alvar needed their help in case there really was anyone that would want to kill the band of survivors.

Nodding to Jaidynn's suggestion, Junichiro just stood up from where he was sitting, placed his sword back onto the left side of his waist, and began to follow Jaidynn. It was odd how he could hear a few people speak within the distance. Could it be? Could there be another group of survivors much like themselves?

The big question was though, is if the other group of survivors were friendly at all. Because who knows how screwed up someone had gotten since the war began, depending on what they have been through. And Junichiro himself has seen it. He's been through the Hellish nightmare that this war has brought them.

All of them has been through there, whether they were Elves or Humans. But Junichiro just kept quiet once again as he followed Jaidynn to where Brakkus and Alvar were at, prepared for anything. He just held onto the hilt of his blade as they walked, hoping that for the other group's sake, that they weren't their enemies.
Anna motioned for them to follow her, as she could have sworn she heard somthing in the brush. Keepin her now ready, She keeper closer. Hearing crunch of sticks she gestured to the others, as to tell them they were probably back there. Turning past the brush, She saw a small group. "Who.. are..You?" She said, ready to aim her bow invade they weren't friendly. "They're back here!" She yelled to the rest of her group and turned to the strangers who had been stalking them "Tell me who you are, and why your here, an then I might consider not shooting."
(View attachment 7409)

Brakkus noticed the woman with the bow, and faded behind the tree that he was waiting behind. He knew that he was spotted. He also knew that he was much safer behind this tree.

"Why do you stutter, maiden? Are you but afraid?"
Brakkus states, with but a mere whisper.

"If you come to steal my belongings, you will have to search my cold corpse. For I will not allow you to take anything from my living hands."
Brakkus decided to come close to the girl now, leaving the protection of his tree. He looked her dead in the eye, trying to understand her thoughts. Her emotions.

"Unless you seek friendship, you will find nothing but death by my sword."
Sternly, he grasped his sword between his hands. He hoped that those behind him would be able to flee if it came to his demise. They needed to get to that city.

Anna lowered her bow. "I, my good sir am defiantly not afraid, as I was the one who approached you." She said with a sarcastic tone. "We do not wish to steal your belongings, just figure out who you are, and why your here, as you seem to be another group of survivors. I will not kill anyone who isn't against us." She added more serious, but with softer eyes than before.
Junichiro just stood there behind Brakkus and the rest, listening to the conversation. Really, if the other group were their enemies, they would have been fighting right now. But the woman whom Brakkus was just speaking to stated that she wasn't planning on stealing from them. She just wanted to know who they were.

They can't let their guard down by that, though. Even if right now they seemed friendly, it was only a matter of time before both sides started a rumble. But they seemed all right, so there really wasn't anything to worry about. Junichiro just let his left hand rest on the hilt of his blade as he stared at the woman and her group of survivors.

If they had more people, they would all be able to give the Northern civilization a better push against the Elven attack. It's like what Junichiro said earlier that day, maybe there was hope after all. But he just stared up at the trees, analyzing the area. Once he was done, he decided to just tell the other team what they were planning on doing.

"We're all resting here for now. When the sun rises, we'll pack up and leave for the Northern civilization. It is said that the Elven army are planning on attacking that human civilization. If we all make it there in time, we might have a chance to help them and to push back our enemies away from the North." He said, but he wasn't quite done yet.

"But if you and your friends cross us," He said as he leaned forward towards the woman, as if he was going to tell her and her group the world's biggest secret.

"Then your head will lie on a platter." He warned her as he gave the woman a cold stare in the eyes, not moving his eyes away from hers.
"Your welcome I rest wherever, but we aren't letting our guard down, even if you don't plan on hurting, or killin us for that matter." She said sternly. She looked at the boy who had told them their plan. "That's an alright plan, I guess, and I hope you do well. We also are heading into town" She said, not directly to the boy, but the whole lot of them. Placing her bow back on her back she looked straight at the boy. "But you may want to simmer a bit before you start a fight." she added, smirking at him.
"No one is with me. You and I are alone until I know that I can trust you. Now, bring out the rest of your party. I request to seem what I'm up against." Brakkus said, seriously. He was in no mood for this girl's sarcasm. It was unnecessary, and immature of her. He wanted to speak with someone that wouldn't attack him with a cocky tone.
"Hey, Adrian, Dreylain, someone wants to meet you!" She yelled at them, motioning for them to come over here. "Well just so you know, I am Anna.." She added, wanting them to know her name. "I have some apples if you are hungry... Picked straight from that tree over there." She said pointing to the tree where she had picked them and grabbed enough apples for each of them. She wanted To be kind to them, careful not to provoke them to attack. If they were here, she might as well try, because it was true there are strengths in numbers.
Brakkus continued to grasp his sword as he motioned for his other companions to step forward. He would keep alert for now, but he wanted his numbers to be known. Both for tactical intimidation and friendliness.
Alvar came out of the cover as he stood behind Brakkus. His staff was in his wounded hand and the book in the other. When the girl called for her companions, he thought one of them sounded vaguely familiar... but he didn't know why. Maybe when he saw them he would realize why. He could still sense the source of magic a distance behind him. If he could get there, he could heal everyone who needed healing.
(I'm here Just going too many places this weekend. lol)

Dreylain walked enough to stand before Brakkus. "Why do you have your sword drawn, kinsman?" Dreylain asked looking a bit puzzled.Being mistaken for an elf he didn't care for,but he didn't want to launch into a battle and he's underdressed.

(How's this? Better?)
(Much better)

"My sword is my protection. And unless you hail from the order of Cerion, which I doubt you have, since I don't recall your face, we are no kinsman."
He stated, gripping his sword.
"Well, now that we've met each other, let's talk. We lay down our weapons, you may keep yours at hand if needed, but we solemnly swear we will it hurt you." She said, glaring at the other members if her group and bowing. She sstepped back to place her biw into her pack, then hiding it snugly inside the tree, covering it with brush so no one would see it. She couldn't tell if this group was hostile it not, but sometimes you have to take risks for your survival these days, as there is strength in numbers.
"I hail from the Order of Cerion. You and I have only met once." Dreylain said. He was not surprised at all hearing that Brakkus doesn't recognize him. "To be honest, I never expected to meet you again." Dreylain said.
"Hurrrmmm. You really don't remember me, do you?" Dreylain asked, folding his hands. "Well that shouldn't surprise me. It was ten years ago, after all." Dreylain said. "Well ten years ago, this group of hunters headed for Harlem were attacked by a huge Questing Beast. It only needs to bite you once to make you its dinner." , Dreylain explained passionately. "With jaws that bite, and claws that catch, it sought to make a meal out of those hunters. I took my sword in hand. My swift blade went snickersnack, but I left him dead, and with his head, I went galumphing back. The funny thing was you were watching the entire fight." As he finished telling the story, Dreylain felt a bit disappointed that Brakkus didn't remember him, but he found this turn of events much better than trying to escape an execution.

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