The End of Days RP [If you wish to join, read description]

"Certainly you jest, boy. You seem no older than eighteen. Ten years ago, you would have been a mere child. A squire. Ten years ago, I was a Knight of Cerion. My only companions were Oswald the Bold, Torin the Noble, Percy the Wild, Luke the Swift, and Nolan the Untouchable. Together, we formed the table of Cerion. Eight years after our founding, the Elves came to our lands bearing weapons and declaring war. Together, we fought against the evil wrath of the Elves. Two of us died that day. So, Oswald, Nolan, Luke, and myself, all swore to protect each other until our dying day. I am the only one left." Brakkus said, angered by the boy's tales of a beast. Annoyed by his persistence. While he said his piece, he grew ever close to the boy, until he was only but a foot away.

"Do you mock me, boy? Or do you wish to explain yourself?"

(The reason I went off on this tangent is because your character is 17, Kuja. Ten years ago you were 7. Lol)

( I like the tangent and you're right. I was trying to impress you a little bit, and I see I got carried away. Brakkus is just so cool at the moment, and I guess I wanted to be cool as well. I did think and write this out recently. lol)

Though he could've drawn his sword at the moment, Dreylain knew the effort of trying to fight Brakkus would be absolutely futile. He was proud of his ablities, but against a more experienced fighter, he'd have to fall back on the emblem on his chest to actually be a challenge. He knew he'd have to tell him Brakkus the truth or grab Anna and Adrian and make a break for it, which he wasn't counting on. "I was not making an attempt to mock you, Brakkus.," Dreylain said calmly, knowing that getting angry would only worsen the situation. "I will admit I wasn't a Knight until I was 10, and that I was 14 when I really defeated that Questing Beast." Dreylain explained. "You'll have to forgive me, I always get this story mixed up since it was a great day for me, but at the time, I still looked as I did when I was 7."
Brakkus gave a firm eye at the boy, before smirking slightly. He remembered. "You have to be joking! You're the prodegy knight? The best fighter of his age? My, boy, you were the youngest human to be knighted in our history, and you still live to this day! What a testament!" Brakkus laughed, slapping Dreylain on the back, and lowering his weapon. "I remember that questing beast! Ah, how it scared the civilians straight. How it would terrify the peasants so, taking them in his mouth one by one. But low and behold, the young swordsman comes bearing his sword, and kills the beast might fast. A real show of your swordsmanship." Brakkus remembered the boy immediately. Like a flood, memories came rushing back.

"You'll have to excuse my anger. Surviving in this harsh world for so long, I've become as solid as stone."

(Eh, I didn't want to leave you out of the rp. 10 is still REALLY young to be knighted, so I toyed with the idea)
(I know the idea sounds UBER CRAZY, but I wanted to try it out for humor's sake. lol)

"No problem, really. That day was a memorable day, wasn't it?," Dreylain said, finally feeling relieved. Dreylain was glad that Brakkus remembered, but he couldn't deny how he surprised was that everyone was opening to him. "However; I wouldn't say that I'm greater than you, Brakkus. Dreylain said.
"Ah, nonsense. You are a fine warrior. Now, where are the rest of my companions..." Brakkus stated, searching around.

Alvar was too deep in thought to hear anything that they said. He hoped that he could somehow manipulate the source of magic so he could get a recharge. He didn't know if this was possible, but it was worth a try, right? He wasn't having any success, and he snapped out of it when Brakkus called for him. "What? Sorry, my mind was elsewhere."
Dreylain walked over to Alvar with a blue potion in hand. "You should drink this, friend. This will replenish your magic power. My name is Dreylain Miratelle, the youngest knight in the Order of Cerion. Dreylain said to Alvar, offering Alvar the potion.
Alvar gladly took the potion that Dreylain offered him. "Thank you, although how could you tell that I was low on magic?" He said somewhat suspiciously, although he already expected a certain answer as he asked it. Dreylain looked perceptive, and the condition of the group he was in might have been a giveaway. (let's see if you answer correctly. I gave you a hint.)
"Well. I will not say that I took a stab at the matter. Dreylain said, knowing he had seen the fight. "I saw the fight you, Brakkus, and company were in. I was impressed at how quickly you all beat them down."Dreylain explained. "I could also feel a decrease in the flow of mana in your body. (Well. What do you think?)
Alvar chuckled to himself. "I was expecting the fact that our group is beat up, but I guess that will do." He said, pointing to the bloody rag over his arrow wound. He then drank the potion and put one hand on the wound. "Sanare" he said in his mind. Nothing happened. "worth a shot." "Sanare." He said aloud as his hand glowed. His hand left his wound and it, as well as the blood stain, was gone. "hmm... it also works on gear. You learn something new every day." (is that okay for the heal to work on gear also?)
(A repair spell should work on gear, right? Heal spells bring living cells back to normal, and a repair spell would seal or replace mechanical or otherwise leather/metal parts. They aren't very similar xD )

"If you are the youngest Knight of the Order of Cerion, then I am the oldest, Dreylain. We are all that's left."
Brakkus stated with a sigh. He glanced around noticing, the lack of others. "What do you think befalls our comrades?"
(I guess that makes sense, but it makes it harder for knights. Let's just say that the healing spell removed the blood.)
"Well, you all should come and sit at our little camp, so we can get to know eachother." Anna smiled, gesturing them toward their small set up. "Here, have an apple" She picked a few apples from the tree, handing them out to each of them. She picked them off the tree as to not raise suspicions of the other group. Taking a bite, she looked at them. "Im sure you travelers are weary. We are on our way to the town." She added, wondering if she should have said that..
"I am sorry to inform you that we have no time to waste." Brakkus stated, leveling his sword with the ground. "Upon any hour, the bold reincarnation of human civilization can be destroyed at any time. Every minute we waste is another minute that they remain less defended." He said. He turned away from the company, finally feeling the urgency in the situation.

"I must regain my armor and sheath. Alvar, be ready to leave shortly. And uh..."
Turning towards the girl, he realized that he did not know her name. "Feel free to come with us. The more the merrier." He abruptly muttered as he began moving back towards the river bank, preparing to don his armor once more.
"I'll head back to the group and heal everyone." Alvar said as he turned around. "Jaidynn seemed like she needed healing the most." Alvar walked away from Brakkus, Anna, and Dreylain.
Dreylain looked at Brakkus while gathering his belongings, feeling confused about his question. "Actually I haven't seen any of our kinsmen in arms ever since the Elves attacked Harlem for a few days.", Dreylain answered. "Come to think of it, I do remember one of your companions who came to visit me a week after my fight with the Questing Beast. It was Nolan the Untouchable. When we met, he immediately challenged me to a sparring match. I lost, but he smiled and said he was headed North. Dreylain now turned to Anna and Adrian. "Why don't we travel with these guys?, Dreylain asked. We are going to the same place, so it seems."
Brakkus smiled, knowing that the company of these fine travelers would be quite fruitful in times of need. "It shouldn't be too long of a journey now. But we have to reach them before the Elves do, so come on!" Brakkus called back, as he now took to a sprint towards his equipment.
Anna grabbed her bag and stuffed as many apples as she could fit in along with her things. She threw he pack over her shoulder and sprinted to where she had laid her bow. She grabbed it and slung the bag Of arrows on her back, ready to grab and shoot. Takin her bow in hand she rejoined all the others and looked at the band of survivors. 'This.. This is a strong group...' She thought to her self, examining all of them. She could tell there was a strong warrior, Brakkus, and knew that if there was a strong leader, they all were strong. Stronger than the 2 she had, and herself combined. Hopefully, this wouldn't end badly. She didn't want to go against them, at any point in time.
Dreylain pats Anna on her shoulder with Adrian on his back. He knew she did not want to fight them, but he knew that there was nothing to fear for now. "I doubt we'll have any hardships with these great people.", Dreylain assured. "I don't plan on leaving him here. He may blind, but at the end of the day, we still have to look out for him, am I right? Now let us go." Dreylain pulls out a book, and starts walking behind Brakkus.
Jaidynn watched as Brakkus returned with three others, she had stayed back after all, realizing he had it sorted, and also that she needed to gather her belongings if they were to be heading off and getting to the North. She glanced up as they returned, tucking a strand of her her blonde hair behind her elven ear; she hoped none of these survivors disliked Elves, for that could be troublesome. She smiled lightly at Brakkus and nodded to the three newcomers, she did note that one of them had elf-like features, but she could of course tell he was not one, maybe he had an elf in his ancestry.

She walked over to the group, looking Brakkus in the eye, "Brakkus, we should get going if we are to make it to the North before the Elves." She was not looking forward to the cold weather of the North, but what had to be done, had to be done. She then addressed the other three, "Hello, I am Jaidynn, I'm part of Brakkus's group." Technically they were Brakkus's group; he was the most leader like.


Darrien Caverly was sat up in a tree, his bow in his hand securely with an arrow loaded in it, Jamain sat beside him on a branch, and Darrien kept his eyes peeled for any people, any elves. He was ready to shoot, and he had been doing this since he left his dad. A combination of running and defending. He had managed to get a few solider elves down and had yet to be caught. But he was still looking. Looking for a person he hadn't seen in years.

His sharp eye caught onto some people, a group of them, heading in the direction of the North, and he narrowed his eyes, pulling back his arrow to shoot it. Then the girl with the blonde hair flipped her head to look back at one of the group members, and Darrien's eyes widened as he almost fell out the tree. "Jaidynn." The barely whispered word left his lips before he scrambled madly out the tree, dropping to the ground, arrows in the sling around his back and bow in hand as he sprinted out from the cover of the forest. He didn't care for the others around the blonde elf, didn't even stop to think that they may mistake him for a threat and attack, as he threw himself at the elven maid. "Jaidynn!!!!!!!!" The boy began to shake as he hugged Jaidynn, breaking the rule of boys never crying as he did so now.


Jaidynn looked down, eyes wide as suddenly a blonde-haired boy was hugging her. "Uh...?" She glanced to the others, confused, before the boy spoke her name. She looked back at him, shock filling her confused eyes as she grabbed the kid by the shoulders and pushed him away so she could see his face. "Darrien?" Her tone was startled and the boy nodded, "What on earth are you doing here? Where's Father? Mother?" Darrien's blue eyes wavered with tears before he spoke in a broken voice, "Father killed her." Jaidynn's face paled so much she could be compared to a ghost and she spoke in a quiet whisper, "W-what?" "Father killed her! He's a monster Jaidynn! First he killed all the humans then he killed Mother and I ran away because I thought he was going to kill me next!" Jaidynn shook her head, denial clear, " wouldn't do that, he wouldn't kill Mother...he loves her---" "No he doesn't Jaidynn! HE PULLED HER DOWN THE STAIRS!" Jaidynn didn't even try to shush her brother as her legs shook slightly. "No. No. He couldn't have killed Mother." "He did! Her neck snapped Jaidynn! I saw it!" He paused, eyes watering, "Mother's dead." She shook her head fiercely, looking to Brakkus with watery eyes as if she had just remembered his presence, the group's presence. Darrien also looked over then, and his eyes widened, as though he was scared of the humans before he hid behind Jaidynn. "...Jaidynn? Wh-Who are they?" Jaidynn didn't respond, looking at Brakkus still.

Her Mother was dead.

( Gah sorry, needed to introduce Darrien and we haven't had a post in a while, so thought I'd throw some action in there. Please go easy on Jaidynn; she loves/loved her Mum :( )
(Who doesn't love their parents? ^^)

Dreylain smiles and shakes Jaidynn's hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Jaidynn. I'm Dreylain, or you can call me Drey", Dreylain said.
(Yay! Brakkus has been officially dubbed leader! Pour the champagne!)

Brakkus grabbed the several pieces of his armor, placing them squarely on himself before moving on to the next. Before he was able to attach his chest plate, however, he caught Jaidynn's eye. Although he would have normally followed it with a warm smile, there seemed to be a problem. Her eyes began to flood with tears as she looked towards the group. She was saddened by something, or troubled. Brakkus then noticed a boy standing behind her, possibly out of fear. Maybe anxiety. Then, a small peak of an ear enveloped from behind her shoulder. The boy was an Elf. Unable to see his face completely, Brakkus quickly thought of how he shoulder react. Why was she sad? No, not out of trouble or news. She's afraid. This is a hostage situation. The young Elf is using her as a shield. There must be others behind him, preparing to strike.

Quickly, Brakkus looked for his weapon. He placed it a few feet away, but he didn't want to startle the boy by grabbing it. He did not want to sacrifice a young girl's life. Not again (Fore-shadowing!). He took a step, trying to measure the true emotions of the Elf boy. He probably had a knife pressed against her back, and Brakkus knew not to startle him. Slowly, Brakkus took another step forward. "What business do you have here, Elven boy?" Brakkus tried to saw commonly. However, he could not mask the anxiety on his face.
(At least this RP is here to stay! Now who wants some champagne?)

Overhearing Brakkus's question, Dreylain closes his book and manages to get a good look at the other Elf's face. "Naturally, I'd be nervous to see that there is someone behind Jaidynn", Dreylain thought to himself. "But I am willing to bet that this man is not our enemy."
"Brakkus, the way the boy talks to her, I'm assuming they may be related? No need for aggression yet ." She said smoothly. She looked at Jaidynn and the boy. "It's a pleasure to meet you both. You may call me Anna." She said kindly, smiling atthe both of them proudly. Seeing that he wasn't a threat she placed the bow at her side.
Jaidynn was unable to respond as she had her hand shaken, as one of the new people introduced themselves. Her Mother was dead. Her face still pale, eyes still wide she didn't move for a moment.

Darrien looked at the warrior as he addressed him, his eyes had fear in them as the human stepped closer and he gripped Jaidynn's forearms, "Jaidynn!" He was obviously scared of Brakkus and the others, as he pulled her back a bit. "Who are they? Are they gonna hurt us?" He shook his big sister lightly after getting no response, "Jaidynn!"

Then the human girl spoke, giving herself the name Anna, and seeing her bow being put away Darrien stepped out from the cover of his sister ever so slightly, so he could see all the humans. His own bow was at his side, and he nodded at her, smiling lightly. He however then glanced to his pale big sister and frowned, looking back at Anna to confirm her words, "I'm Jaidynn's brother Darrien." He looked to his sister, shaking her again, "Jaidynn!"

Finally, the girl seemed to snap out of it as she looked at Darrien distractedly, "Darrien?" He frowned at her, "Jaidynn? What do we do now?" He was so used to taking guidance from his big sister, the last two years had been a bit of a drifting period for him, he had spent most of it in the woods outside his house. Jaidynn shook her head, eyes still watery, "I...I don't know..." She looked to Brakkus, wiping one of her eyes as she motioned to the blonde-haired elven boy beside her, "This is my little brother Darrien..he um..he..." She trailed off, not wanting to say it aloud, thankfully Darrien interrupted.

"Jaidynn, we need to stop Father! We...we need to do something! He...he killed Mother Jaidynn, who knows who he'll kill next?" His own eyes watered when he spoke of his Mother, and Jaidynn shook her head, "Are..are you sure? She could have just not gotten up straight away." She looked to Darrien, words watery, "She can't be dead." Darrien glared up at his sister now, did he think she was stupid. "I saw it Jaidynn! She wasn't breathing! I..I heard her neck snap Jaidynn..." He choked up on the word 'heard', trying to stop himself from crying.

Boys don't cry. Boys don't cry. Ah dammit it. Darrien then hid his face against Jaidynn as he hugged her again, hiding the tears that leaked from his eyes. She looked down at him absently before looking back up at the others, she blinked, looked down then back up again. She needed to stop. She could try and think about this later. She was sure the humans infront of her had lost their families too; how selfish did it look when she and her brother - the elves - sat here and cried over their Mother when these people probably lost many a family member to the elves?

She looked to Brakkus, but her voice came out quieter and softer than intended, "We..we should probably get going. It'll take a while to get to the North." She looked away after saying this, rubbing a tear from the corner of her eye.

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