The End of Days RP [If you wish to join, read description]

Dreylain reaches out his hand for Darrien to shake it. "Hello Darrien. My name is Dreylain Miratelle", Dreylain said. "And my condolences to you two". Dreylain could not believe his ears about Darrien said about his and Jaidynn's father. "It was enraging enough that the Elves would declare war without any reason on the matter", Dreylain said slightly enraged. What kind of man would kill the women that bore his children. That is unforgivable in all eyes." "Jaidynn and Darrien, I wish not to state the obvious, but your father is no longer an honorable man". "He is now a power-hungry lunatic who would kill anyone for power. You do not deserve to call him "Father"".
(I don't really care anymore :P [MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION] , if you want to make a Ranger, so be it. Copper and Silver shall live if you want them to :D

Now we just REALLY have to get this story on the road.)

Brakkus sighed, gathering his equipment in entirety and proceeding to equip them on himself. While doing so, he firmly noted; "I'm sorry about my speculation, Darrien. In times like these, one must always be on their toes." Finishing his apparel by sheathing his sword, he continues; "If you wish to come with us, so be it. We're heading North if that wasn't already clear. You will be with your sister, naturally, but the road will be treacherous." Brakkus concluded, shaking his head. The Elf was only a boy. It was clear to see that. Looking around to those that accompanied him, Brakkus decided that something had to be said.

"The sun sets farther into the horizon every second that we waste here. Every second that disappears is another second that the Elves gain. And if we want any chance of rebuilding our home, it is with that city. Over the past few days, we have seen new faces, and we have made new friends. Although some of them have departed, we must still carry on. Grab any supplies that you need; food, water... whatever you can find in these woods. We'll have to leave within the hour, or we'll never make it in time."

Looking at the faces of his companions, he realized in what weathered condition some of them appeared to be in. Placing his helmet over his crown (the literal crown, as in the top of your head. Not an actual crown), he picked up the small bag of dried meat which he collected two weeks ago. Although stale, food was still food.

(I'll wait until we get at least 4-5 posts in before I get everyone to the city. Feel free to collect whatever you want from the woods or make any last social/RP connections with any character(s) or yourself before we move on. [MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION] , if you could, wait to introduce your character until we get into the city. I don't want to waste any more time in the woods.)

(And no, there are no Master Swords in these woods. Nor are there any other magic weapons. >.> <.< >.> )

( [MENTION=1758]RobinDenstro[/MENTION] I am VERY inclined to agree with you. I have not much been THAT busy lately. Just a research proect that will take till December at the moment. I can't argue about the fact that people DO have lives and jobs as well rping here, but WE REALLY need to get this story on the road ASAP.)

"Brakkus is right. We need to get moving", Dreylain said in a sharp tone. He then looked at Jaidynn and her brother and smiled. He was an only child, so he didn't know what it was like to have a sibling. He stopped to check his satchel and grabbed the white book with was on top of the armor he had packed but never took the time to change into. "Well then. It would be nice to see what interesting information this book holds", Dreylain said softly, already deep into the book.
(Sorry I haven't Posted in sooo Long... )

Anna searched the woods for what she could grab. She the edible fruit from wherever she could find, but made sure it wasn't soiled or poisonous first. After carefully placing it in her pack, she collected a certain type of leaves, known for helping heal wounds and keeping Infections away. She also collected a few stones and sticks of wood, I case she needed makeshift weapons, or fire starters. She sighed and looked for anything else she would need. She put her satchel around her neck and took her bow. Her arrows were on her over soldier. She had a shield in her backpack, so it was extremely heavy. She sighed and looked at Brakkus and the others. "Ready.." She said.
( You need not be sorry. I can say that most of us have jobs and lives after all. I don't know if anyone here is online 24/7. :P )
Alvar had been reading his book for a while and didn't hear most of the conversation. He soon realized that everyone was packing their things and figured that they were leaving soon. "If it is no bother, I'd like us to make a slight detour. It won't take us too off course. I can detect a source of magic in the woods. If I can reach it I might, with the help of my book, be able to use more powerful spells to upgrade and repair our gear without draining all of my energy." He said. The page he was on had some information about the magic sources that can be found. He was hoping that he could upgrade his "staff" so it could store magic energy so he would be less likely to run out.
"Hurrrmmm. This book has a plethora of magic spells and information on herbs and poisons", Dreylain said softly, deep into the book. Having heard Alvar's suggestion, he takes his eyes off his book and turns his attention to Alvar. He found his idea to be rather interesting, and it might give him a chance to change into his armor."Well, if it's on the way, I see no harm in the matter", Dreylain said assuredly.
(Okay, marching on! I've been waiting for this for two months! [MENTION=1439]Lunar[/MENTION]_dweller , [MENTION=3517]Mr.Fancy-Cake[/MENTION] , [MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION] , you're up. Feel free to take the positions of city guards, town folk, refugees, etc. Just no councilors or dukes or anything. You'll see why in a moment. Now... MONTAGE TIME)

As the equipment was gathered and the group of survivors readied themselves, I step started the last journey towards the mysterious city. Hours passed, with wounds bleeding, feet sore. The sun was relentless, and fell on them in burning rays. As noon turned to afternoon, and afternoon into evening, the hope of this town actually existing became thinner and thinner. A day went by without event, without word. The road that was followed became ever more dusted and faint, making it harder and harder to follow. Some even began to question; "Does this city even exist?"

Within time, however, the shadow of a wall loomed in the distance. As the group finally nears the great city, the sound of conversation and the rustle of feet strikes your ears. A sound that you have not heard in ages. The great wall, made primarily of stone, holds many areas where steel sheets and bricks cover large dents and holes. Great towers spiral upward from where you stand, yielding archers and even a few magic users. Not only this, but the entire atmosphere seems more pleasant then you could ever imagine. The grass looks greener than anywhere else, the sky, shining brightest in this land alone. As you pay more attention, you can even see workers placing ruins of stones and brick along the road, in the attempt to rebuild it. Even around the forest line, animals and birds hum and whisper in life. No place feels more tranquil in times like these.

As you approach the gates, you're stopped by a pair of armed "guards," as they would appear. The first, a bulky man of sorts, holds a spear in hand, and looks at you with a sharp eye. His armor is bound tightly to his body, ever more illustrating his immense size. The other man, however, appears to be a Cirilian. He too armored, his equipment obviously appears to not be his size. With two weapons strapped to his side; one sword and one dagger, he seems much more confident then one would expect. Perhaps, he is skilled with such weapons.

"State your business." The first man proclaims, gripping his spear. Although he stares you down with an aura of menace, you can't help but to notice a slight twinkle in his eye. Before you have a chance to answer, he bursts out; "Sorry, sorry, I just can't hold it in." He laughs a bit more, before starting again. "I can never do the whole 'tough guard' thing. Never was good at it... anyways, we'll just need to make sure that your weapons are sheathed and that you don't have any Elves among you. Then you can be on your way."

Aleyaah had just gotten into the city last night. She really didn't want to be there; she always felt awful with people around. But she had been really hungry for the past week, and hadn't had any luck getting food, so she was forced to admit defeat and enter the city. She had just bought some sort of reddish fruit from one of the vendors and was packing up her few belongings to get on her way, when she noticed a fair sized traveling group trying to enter the city. She would have walked past them and moved on, if not for one thing. They had an elven female with them. Fire burned within her. She stopped walking, turning to face what appeared to be the leader of the group, a male knight. She began to tighten her stance, prepared to end the elf by what ever means possible, but she stopped.

For whatever reason, the elf was a part of their group. Either she held valuable information, or she had proven herself trustworthy. Aleyaah didn't like to think that an elf could ever be an ally, but she didn't want to put the group at a disadvantage was she actually useful. She straightened herself up, tightening her grip on her staff. Should a wrong move be made, she wouldn't hesitate to render some of these travelers disabled. Trying to get a handle on the situation, she began to speak to the knight. Her voice sounded foreign to her. She didn't like it one bit, but then again, she hadn't spoken for the last few years. "May I ask why you have an elf traveling with you?" She was trying her best to sound controlled, but she was too out of practice, and from the word 'elf' on sounded like she was speaking a curse.
"Calm yourself, soldier", Dreylain said to Aleeyah calmly. "The elves travelling with us are the side of humans."
Seth was hiding from some guards that were chasing him,he had stolen some food from a market not to far away and had gotten caught.This wasn't the first time and he normally didn't get caught,If he did he got away pretty easily but this time he was having trouble.He just decided to take the high route along the roofs until things calmed down,like they always did.Seth had been here for about 2 months just to take a break from the forest which he had lived in most his life and called home,that's why he was used to being up high and able to react well to changed.
(I'm going to be offline for about a week. In my absence, Robin has full permission to do whatever he wants with Aleyaah.)

Aleyaah listened to the man's response, not quite satisfied with his answer. "I see. May I ask in what way has she proven herself?" She peered past him to look at the man, realizing there was another, smaller elf among them. She refused to admit it, but the small elven boy was almost cute--almost. He reminded her a bit of her own brother, but then, he was an elf and elves were not like her family. She couldn't help the small smile that escaped her lips as she recalled her own brother's life. She told herself to stop; the memories went sour soon thereafter.
"This Elf has chosen to fight against her own kin, and she killed her own uncle," Dreylain said. "I have no doubt in my mind that she is willing to even send her father to the hereafter." Dreylain may have been traveling with Brakkus, Jaidynn and co. for a few days, but he knew that Jaidynn was on their side. He saw how she fought and killed her uncle, and perhaps her father, whom every Human and Cirilian had several bones to pick.
F"Darrien was a tad overwhelmed here. First someone called Dreylain shook his hand, offering condolences, and speaking ill of the Father Darrien no longer wanted. Darrien nodded, ignoring his numb sister for a moment, "I thought he was going to kill me as well, so I ran. He probably would have." This human was right. They shouldn't call him Father anymore; he didn't deserve it. Then Brakkus was apologizing and the boy looked to him next, where else would he go? He couldn't go back to the insane man who killed their Mother, and he'd rather be with his sister than on his own, despite all the human strangers. No-one else seemed to mind him there, so once everyone was ready they headed to the city, Darrien sticking close to his big sister the whole way there.


Darrien found the journey hard. Even Jaidynn seemed to handle it better than him - and she was a girl! - still, he didn't slow down the group; he hoped. He kept pushing on, even when his feet ached and he questioned whether this place even existed or not. He trusted his sister. But they finally made it, and he hid amongst the group, in the middle of them all with his sister at his side. When the guards said they had to make sure no elves hid among them, his heartbeat picked up in worry, and he noticed Jaidynn, try to cover her ears and blend in a bit more. Maybe they could make it past the guards.

But then a human had to go and ruin it.


Jaidynn looked up as a human female asked why the group had an elf with them. That was obviously her. She moved then, facing the girl, trying to hide her brother behind her. She noticed the venom in the word 'elf' and she couldn't really blame the girl. Elves had caused so much damage, not only slaughtering humans by the hundreds, but also now murdering their own kind.

She was still processing her Mother's death. It had been the main thing on her mind the past few days, through all the terrain and all the bad weather, the pain of her tired feet was nothing compared to the outdated image of her Mother in her mind. She hadn't seen her in years, and now she would never have the chance to see her again.

Jaidynn remained silent as Dreylain defended her, simply watching the girl for any attack. At the mention of her killing her Uncle however, there was a noise from behind her and she looked to see Darrien was blinking at her, "You killed Uncle Caleb? Why?" Jaidynn spoke calmly, recalling the fight so vividly that she could smell her Uncle's blood on her cheek, "He threatened to kill the others and swung his sword at my neck." By others Jaidynn obviously meant humans, but Darrien didn't quite get it. "You mean the humans?" He glanced around the small group. He hadn't interacted with them much in the past few days.

Jaidynn chose to ignore that, besides a nod, and looked to Aleyaah neutrally, "Me and my brother are no threat to you or any humans. We've both turned against the elven army. I've proved this by killing countless soldiers - one of which was my Uncle." If the human girl asked what her brother had done to prove himself. Jaidynn might not be able to bite her tongue.
(I apparently have full control over Lunar's character. *rubs hands together menacingly* I'll use 'Golden Rod' to show when she's talking)

Brakkus stepped forward, putting himself between Jaidynn and Darrien and those that despised such Elves. Looking at the guards in the eye, along with the girl, he extended one hand as to guard those behind him. With his helmet still firm over his head, he stated; "The Elves here mean you no harm. If they do so, trust me, I will be the first to deal with them. However, if you wish to keep them outside of these walls, imprison them, or even kill them for crimes that their people have committed, then I will not hesitate to draw my sword in their defense." Brakkus brought his arm back to his side, flexing and moving his fingers underneath his leather glove. Taking a step forward, he concludes. "The Elves are my burden, and I will deal with them if the time comes. Now, let us pass."

The guards, only partially taken aback, looked it each other with raised eyebrows. Whispering to themselves, they considered their options. However, while they collaborated, the stubborn girl took her own step towards Brakkus, sizing him up. "Elves cannot be trusted, especially in times like these."

"They deserve a chance."

"They deserve death."

"By who's hand? Yours? These Elves are no threat to us, I assure you. Look at them, girl. One of them is a mere boy."

boy will eventually become a man. A man that can fight. That can kill."

"You lack to realize which side he will
kill for. The Elves as you know them might be cruel, but that does not make them all evil. You must see reason."

She opens her mouth, just about to say another word, but is soon cut off by the guards posted at the gate. The Cirilian man, an interested smile crossing his face, voiced their conclusion.

"We will allow them into our city under two conditions; the first, being that they should hand us all of their weapons so that they cannot do any damage to our people, even if they seem as kind as you say. The second, that they covers their ears, so that they will not bring attention to themselves."

The girl, after hearing their decision stepped away, still frustrated about their ultimate decision. Brakkus too took a step back, content with what they had decided. Turning to Jaidynn, he simply whispered; "Your knives, please. Otherwise, you will not be able to enter."

Alice sat on the roof of a not so tall building, standing near the city entrance. So many people laughing, talking, enjoying life, not realizing that they were going to die...Don't get the wrong idea. She, most likely would never kill them, some, maybe even most, may be saved from being sliced up by the elves. They were just going to die, all people do. Her mother hated that whenever she pointed it out. She hated that. Why couldn't she stand the truth!? Why couldn't did she make Alice lie about inevitable!? Why was her mother a stupid, dumb-witted, idiotic-

"Hey! Alice!" Someone called, interrupting her raging thoughts, "Come down here for a second!" It was a friend, another town guard. Alice jumped down on the roof, landing swiftly on her feet. Ha, like the would ever happen. She did a clumsy landing on top of her friend, who broke her ever so elegant fall. Groaning, he pushed himself up, making Alice fall off his back.

"God Alice! You weigh a ton!" He moaned, cracking his back. Alice giggled, but after apologizing. It was rude not to apologize! Even to your enemies, "Anyways, look over there." He said, nodding to the entrance, "Some people are bringing in elves, and it seems like they're letting 'em in!"

Alice looked over, sure enough, that was the situation. "I'm going to go check his out," she said. She hid behind a box of crates, and watched.
"It may be hard to understand, but these two elves are on our side", Dreylain said to Aleeyah with a smile. In back of Dreylain's mind, he was kind of upset that everyone was hostile towards Jaidynn and her brother, Darrien. Then again, nobody knew that they were different from all the other elves. "I wonder what he is doing nowadays," Dreylain thought to himself. He was concerned for his old man's well being, as any caring child would. It would be quite some time until he saw him again, but even if he reunited with him, he'd still travel with Brakkus and co.
(I have no issues with Dreylain being Jaidynn's and Darrien's cousin, but next time could you ask me first? I don't mind of course, but it would be nice to be asked >.>)

Darrien was doing some major tongue biting while the stubborn human girl spoke. Elves cannot be trusted? They deserve death? Who was this human to say Darrien and his sister deserved to die for crimes their people had committed. Brakkus was valiantly defending the siblings, despite being a human, and this instantly put him higher in Darrien's mind. Maybe all humans weren't so bad.. But then this girl was suggesting that Darrien, that Darrien would be the one to kill and betray. He hadn't even been able to kill an elven soldier yet! Let alone a human! He'd just hit anyone who had threatened his life in non-critical areas and ran for it.

He was about to step up, defend himself and Jaidynn, when Brakkus did it for him.


Jaidynn had been standing silently throughout it, she understood why the girl was behaving the way she was, elves had taken everything from humans, even their lives, why should they willingly trust one? But she let Brakkus defend her and Darrien, and once the guards agreed and Brakkus spoke to her she nodded, handing over her weapons without delay. "Darrien, your bow and arrows." The young boy's eyes widened as his sister asked for his weapon, his lifeline, his most treasured possession, and he spoke up worriedly, "What? Why, why do they need my bow? I'm not gonna hurt anyone with it, why do they need it?" Jaidynn frowned down at the blonde boy, "Darrien, calm down, just hand them your bow." Why was he making such a fuss? It was just a bow. "No. They don't need my bow. They have lots of weapons." Jaidynn could see Darrien's hot headness coming out now, and it wasn't good, especially infront of these humans, "Darrien. Stop being so childish. It's not like it's even important, how long have you had it? A few months?" "4 years Jaidynn. 2 years before you left, and 2 years while you were gone."

Ouch, Jaidynn recognized the bitterness there. She knew it stung her brother when she left, it must have hurt a lot to have your big sister, your role model and best friend leave just like that. But didn't he see it was for the better? She turned to Brakkus then, finding her brother difficult, "Will he get it back when we have to fight the elves?"


Darrien, as his sister seemed to give up and turn to Brakkus, looked to the guards, he stepped forward bravely, as if to speak to them, then he stumbled back a bit, fear in his eyes. He then looked up at them, trying to sound brave. But damn he was scared of humans. Every single one he had met so far had tried to kill him. Besides Jaidynn's group of course, but they were with his sister, it was different. "Wh-Why do you need my weapon? I'm not going to hurt anyone, and, and even if I was I think they'd notice someone pulling out an arrow and loading it, right?" His voice shook a bit, and he cursed himself for not sounding stronger. He didn't care if Jaidynn said he was just a kid, he was still a boy, and boys' were supposed to be brave.
Seth had made his way to the entrance and over heard a lot more talking then there was normally,and since Seth was always so curious he just had to check out what was going on.After slipping along and taking a peek to see some guards and a group of more strangers he had never seen,he softly whistled a tune with a smile on his face.Not to long after his friends Copper and Silver slithered along the wall and went to Seth,they were dealing with the guards that were chasing him before but now Seth needed them for another task he had planned.
Alvar, who had been content with watching from the sidelines to see how it would play out, finally decided to say something. "If it will make you more comfortable, I would like to volunteer to hold their weapons and keep watch on them." He said. He wasn't exactly lying; he was going to hold their weapons and keep an eye on them. Although he was going to give them back when the invasion comes. He figured that if they gave the weapons to the guards, they might give them to their army. After hearing Darrien, he figured that their weapons are important to them.
For the entire time, Junichiro had kept to his quiet self through-out the conversation the survivors had. He didn't seem to care too much with greeting new strangers. He was fine already with the people in the group he was in. But that doesn't mean that he hates the other new survivors.

But he just wanted to respect the fact that the survivors were having a peaceful conversation. And so with that, he walked over to the nearest tree and just sat there with his back on the massive tree. He then closed his eyes, and sank into his mind. Cutting off all noises and zoning out everyone else that was around.

He breathed in slowly, and then breathed out after holding in his breath for a moment. He was concentrating, rather, he was remembering about one of his training lessons. He was only a mere teenager when he was thought about this lesson he had kept ever since the day he became a skillful swordsman.

The old man who had trained him back then, was indeed a retired Knight himself. The man was so wise, as well as being "perfect" with his sword skills. But it was that one time that Junichiro clearly remembered. The day the old man spoke of wise words.

During training, the old man had told Junichiro to never forget about the people that he kills. For they will never forget about his face in the after life. Junichiro took those words in. It wasn't too long ago since Junichiro had already executed an Elf. He felt a bit curious about how people would think about him. He had such great anger towards the Elven Empire, but here he was in a group with an Elf. It isn't as if he regrets joining them.

But will this stop him from reaching his goal? Of course not. He had people to protect now. People he could trust with his own life. He just hoped that this peace between them was able to last long. A few of them seemed very friendly. Maybe too friendly. Even so, Junichiro knows that he has a dark heart inside him. For so long, he has been searching for the person who had ordered the attack on his town. For so long, he had fought his way to find his children. His children, for God's sake..

He was pulled out of his train of thoughts when he had heard a new comer roll into the scene. Another Elf, who seemed to be brothers with Jaidynn. Surprise for her maybe? It was, especially with the news he had brought her. Which wasn't very pleasant news at all. It turns out that their father had killed their mother.

This made Junichiro grip onto his sword. How could a bastard like that do such a thing to their wife? And in front of their own son? For power, perhaps. Or maybe the Elven man just "felt like it." He just shook his head to the sad news. To Junichiro, it was horrible to hear something like that. Especially since his wife was brutally murdered.

But nevertheless, Junichiro began to zone them out one more time. After a while, the large group of survivors had actually decided on moving on to the Northern civilization, in which will no doubt be a hard journey for them. But Junichiro was determined to see the place for himself as they moved along towards the direction to the hopefully standing city that the humans had left in the world.


Days had passed since they began traveling again. Or maybe even weeks. Junichiro didn't really pay attention, for as long as they moved forward. It was then when their time spent traveling was worth it. They had finally made it, the Civilization of the North was only just up ahead. Beyond the beautiful grasslands.

When they reached over to the city walls, it was a much grander sight than any of them could imagine. The walls stood high and mighty, and the guards stood there by the doors as they waited for the group of survivors. One of the men seemed to be holding a spear, while the other guard; a Cirillian, had a sword and dagger strapped to both sides of his waist.

The human guard had told them to state their business, in which after a short moment he began to laugh and appalogizing for acting so "tough" on them. As if that was the joke of the century. Junichiro just smirked at the man. Although, one thing did bother him when the guard started all over again. The fact that they could come in as long as there were no Elves had made him resist from saying anything at first.

But then a few from the group decided to defend the Elves. That was until a woman had asked why they were traveling with such Elves on their side. Dreylain then told the female soldier that the Elves were on the Human's side. The woman didn't seem too excited over his response, however. So she then asked if there was a way for them to prove themselves.

So, they had to prove themselves now? Dreylain explained that Jaidynn had chosen to fight with us than against us. In which Jaidynn then jumped in and explained herself to the soldier. But of course, this woman will still disapprove the fact that the Elves are able to come along with them into the city. At first, Junichiro was going to step in and say something, but Brakkus; thankfully, stepped in instead.

Brakkus stated that if the Elves were to be the enemy, then he was the first to deal with them. They were to only be dealt with by him, since this is their group. He then said that if they were to be imprisoned, or to be killed for the things they have never done, then he would draw his own blade in their defense. Junichiro would, too.

But then the woman decided to make herself fell as if she's got a grasp at the situation, and so she stepped forward towards Brakkus and began to argue that they aren't to be trusted. After the argument; in which Brakkus won, the guards decided to just let them in as long as they handed their weapons over.

This made Darrien seem as if he was freaking out over his weapons, seeing that they are precious to the Elf. And with that, Alvar had decided to tell the guards that if they would let him, he would hold their weapons and watch over them. Finally though, Junichiro decided to say something after being silent for a while now.

"The Elve's weapons will be in safe hands because of Alvar. We can take care of our own, so there's no need for anyone else to tell us otherwise. The Elves are on our side, whether you or that woman like it or not." Junichiro coldly told the guards, but his attitude was mainly towards the woman who seemed to have a problem with the Elves.

"So now that we've settled to an agreement, let us pass through those gates. We really wouldn't want to have any trouble now that we're finally here."
The guards nod, noticing that the Elf's weapons have been removed. The Cirilian, giving a nod to a man above the gate, stands in silence as the heavy door begins to open. The large wooden structure, ever so slowly, moves upwards to reveal the sound of merriment and joy. A sound that you've longed to hear in years. With every inch that the gate climbs, the sound grows louder and louder, until the gap becomes tall enough to enter. Inside, you see a multitude of events going on; archers firing their arrows at nearby targets, men and women selling multitudes of items and goods, children running about. You had no idea how massive the city really was until you glimpsed such events occurring around you. As you take a step inside, people turn to you with smiles across their faces. Women run to your men, and men run to your women, placing a wreath over your head and pulling your hand to the multitude of events happening around the city.

@Darksoul90 Junichiro; A petite woman, possibly being a Human and Cirilian cross breed, gently places a flowered necklace around your neck. Taking your hand in stride, she slowly pulls you off to a nearby blacksmith. When you arrive, you can hardly believe your eyes; the blacksmith, using his hammer to bend a heated sword, looks at you with a joyful expression across your face. You stand in awe as you notice what the blacksmith is; from his size and demeanor, and his flowing beard... could it be? One of the last surviving Dwarves of yore? The girl brings you to him with a gentle giggle.

The Dwarf, still tapping at the heated sword before him, inspects you as he looks at the girl before you. With a twist of his wrist, the blade goes into a nearby bucket of water, as his other hand strokes his fine beard. "Can I help ye', sonny?" The Dwarf says in a jolly tone. He approaches you, places a hand squarely on your shoulder, and laughs. "Ye' seem like a hardy lad. Come, come. I have some items that ye' may want to see. Armor, blades, axes, shields, ye' name it, we got it!" He laughs as he waddles into the main portion of the shop. Lining the walls are multiple sets of armor and swords. However, a gleaming set of white armor seems to catch your eye...

@Thesmashbro Alvar; An anxious woman, obviously timid and shy, gently places a wreath around your head, meeting your eyes. Obviously a Cirlian by her eyes and skin-tone, she never says a word. Pointing off into the town, you meet her glance, and notice a small shop in the distance. She motions you to follow as she walks towards the hut. Bustling children run around in laughter as you walk, some even stopping to look upon you in awe. It's clear that they don't see many Cirlians in these parts. Especially not those with a magic aura.

When you arrive, you notice an old Cirlian woman behind the counter, rustling and moving objects to and fro. When you enter, a bell rings above the door, and she looks up to see you. With a smile across her face, she stands straight, and looks to you. "In normal circumstances, I would have you pay for simply walking in the door. But seeing as you are a fellow Cirlian, I'll let that fee slide." She said with a laugh. "I see that you've met my apprentice, Lyra. A quiet one, you see, but she can create a simple potion in a pinch. Come, come. Any scroll you see in here is free, but only the first. I don't want you taking my merchandise without pay." (Each scroll offers a different spell, all of ranging types and designs. The farther in the shop you go, the more elaborate the scrolls become, and the more powerful [and draining] the spells become).

@The BetterKuja Dreylain; Just as a woman in her mid-twenties is about to approach you, a young girl -- most likely between the age of 16 and 18 -- throws her hand out to stop her. Taking the wreath from her hand, she approaches you, a cocky smile across her face. As she places it over your head, she smiles. "Nice sword you have there, soldier. My father can probably make one better, or, if you desire, can make your sword sharper than it ever was before." She says with a wink. Gently grasping your hand, she quickly runs you over to a nearby shop, the sound of clanking metal inside. Weapons and armor line the walls as you enter. Behind the desk is a young boy, maybe in his mid-teens, spinning a coin on the counter. It is apparent that he's not having much fun.

The girl, running up to the counter and grabbing the coin, whispers something in his ear before he has a chance to become angry with her. Quickly, he nods, and walks into one of the back rooms. Suddenly, you hear the low murmur of inaudible words. The clanking then stops, and a large man comes through the door. His face appears so hard, so stern, that a smile would crack the very fibers in his cheeks. However, when he sees you, he does in fact smile, and no fiber even comes close to snapping. With a flourish, he walks around the counter, and walks up to you. Easily a foot or two taller than you, he speaks gently; "Can I help you, boy?" He says with a grin across his face. Before you can say a word however, he slaps a hand on your back, and turns to the room before you.

"Take a good long breath through the nose, my boy. Fine swords all around. Some sharp, some broad, some tall."
As his hand moves slightly on your back, he notices the sword that you carry. "Hell, if y'want, I can stud this sword with a few pearly gold pieces or a solid ruby if you want. What'd you say? The first pearl is my treat!"

@xJobozx Jaidynn; A young male approaches you, his eyes gleaming with joy. His demeanor portrays him to be anywhere from 18 to 21 years old, but his size makes him seem years younger. However, he still stands taller than you. Gently placing a rope necklace over your head, the front a wooden symbol, commonly used to represent honor in the human civilization. "This will help you hide your identity, miss. I know what you are, but I will do nothing to harm you." The boy says with a smile. Grabbing your hand, he takes you to a small clearing, where many civilians are running about, enjoying themselves. In a second, he leaves you, and approaches a nearby man, holding a lyre. With a whisper and a clap, the bard jumps up, and, with a laugh, starts playing a merry tune. The boy, running over to two others -- one with a drum, the other with a viola -- has them start to play as well. In mere moments, the clearing livens with laughter and joy as several individuals laugh and run about. In a half-second, several of them pair off, and begin to dance in the clearing. A human dance, it appears, but the one that they chose seems quite similar to an old Elven jig you recall. Possibly the boy's doing?

As everything begins to warm up, the boy runs to you, and bows low. "Would you care to dance?" he says with a smile. As he asks, you also notice Brakkus being lead a thin woman approach the clearing. Eagerly, she pulls him into the clearing, causing him to drop his helmet. It's quite odd to see a fully armored man dancing with such a petite girl.

@Sprinkles228 Anna; A large man, most likely in his early thirties, approaches you with a laugh. Although he appears rather young, his laugh is quite deep, and seems almost fatherly. Gently tossing a lace necklace around your neck, he notices your bow, and claps his hands together. "Follow me." He says with a whisper, and leads you through town. Bending and winding through the city streets, you quickly arrive at a small clearing. There, you hear the twang of bows as arrows sail towards distant targets. As they land, a man calls out several numbers, and the majority of the contestants seem sad or depressed. However, a rather cocky man, juggling his bow and two of his arrows, laughs with disdain. The jolly man leans down to you and states clearly; "He's one of the best archers in the city. With your bow, however, you might be able to put him in his place." With that, a man calls for the next contestants, and the large gentleman that brought you here pushes you forward with a joyful smile.

@RobinDenstro Brakkus; A rather thin woman approaches you with a necklace grasped in her hand. Taking a step forward, she giggles, and says gently; "Take off your helmet please." As you do so, she places the lace necklace around your neck, and takes a step back. Giggling again, she takes you by the hand, and runs off. Weaving through people and children, she appears to be taking you to a nearby general, until the sound of music erupts from a nearby clearing. Becoming completely distracted, she turns, and instead leads you towards the sound. When you arrive, she nearly squeaks with joy as she pulls you into the fray, causing you to drop your helmet to the ground. Turning, not wanting to lose your helmet, you notice that it's picked up by a merry fellow, who salutes you, and places it on a nearby bench. You nod at him as the girl leads you into the group of dancing people, pulling you in. Although you wear such armor, and she appears so small, she easily seems to get around it, and dances with you justly. It's a simple human dance, really, but the movements are just perfect enough for you and the girl to get around each other.

@xJobozx Darrien; A small girl, most likely between the ages of 13 and 14, slowly steps towards you. Behind her lies her older sister, who tries to give the girl confidence as she approaches. Nearly shaking, she places a wreath around your neck, and takes a step back, blushing. Her older sister, tipping her head to the side, mouths something to the girl, and she sighs, obviously nervous. Taking you by the hand, she turns, and walks you towards a nearby shop. Not knowing which one to pick, her being of poor judgement, decides to bring you to a fletchery, where a few other individuals move in and out of. When you take a step inside, the strong smell of wood and hay wafts to your nose, as you see the extravagant bows and arrows lining the walls. The woman behind the counter, winding a string together, notices you enter, and smiles. Although a few of her teeth are missing, it still is quite welcoming.

"Kara, why do you bring such a young boy to me, he probably has no money!"
She calls with a laugh. The girl, rubbing her hand against her arm, stutters, trying to say something in her defense. The woman quickly comes up to her and pats her shoulder. "I'm only kidding, dear girl. However, I wasn't kidding about the money. But, since it is harvest week..." She turns, looking about the room. "Bah, to hell with it. Feel free to take and bow along the wall. And twelve arrows, if you see fit." The young girl's eyes gleam as she looks to you. It appears that she made the right choice after all.
When the door began to open,Seth freaked and took off.Hiding as he watched the people come to the strangers,he wondered what was going on but figured if he went to close one of the guards would recognize him.So he watch from afar,close enough to hear and see but far enough not to be seen or discovered.Strangers always interested Seth,there culture and how they acted was always different from each other and Seth liked it. This was a very weird group of people though and were not ones to be judged by there looks,and every step Seth thought through at the moment to meet them ended up with him ether dead,captured,or seriously wounded."Best to stay put..."He thought to himself deciding to wait for more options before going along with his goal.

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