The End of Days RP [If you wish to join, read description]

"Well then. That's one way you can find the Armory," Dreylain said, looking at the armor and weapons for sale. He then put his book back in his satchel, and turned his attention to the swords. "You have a lot of weapons and armor here, good sir!," Dreylain said excitedly. "I don't really know which one I want....." He then turned to his attention to the double-edged rapier in the far right corner. "I'll take that Double-Edged Rapier off your hands, good sir!," Dreylain said smiling. He still had the armor he managed to smuggle from Harlem, so he was thinking to find an Inn and change as soon as possible.
Dreylain; The man looks at the sword, rubbing his chin. With a shrug, he decides "I've had enough costumers these past few days to let a sword like this slide. It's all yours, my boy! Just don't scratch it!" He says with a smile as he removes it from the wall. Unsheathing it and giving it a few turns, he then slides it back into the studded leather sheathe. The clean sound of a sword running into its place is calming as he hands it over to you. "Treat her well, my boy. This here is the third sword I ever made. The second, this rapiers twin, was sold to an Elf before the war. If you find him, be sure to run him through for me." He says with a wink.

As the rapier is handed over, music begins to play somewhere outside. The young girl beside you becomes ever so eager as the light melodies of a human tune erupt from the clearing. Without a word, she simply stands by you, biting her lower lip as she tugs at your sleeve. It's apparent that she wants to dance.
Alvar, somewhat confused by all of the excitement, looked at the long list of scrolls. He wasn't sure which one he would need the most. "What kind of barrier spells do you have?" He asked the shopkeeper, "I need one that doesn't use too much energy and is easy to manipulate." He figured that being able to block arrows would be a valuable skill in and upcoming battle, and if it is easy to manipulate then he would also protect the others from arrows. Maybe he could also manipulate it to block one melee attack so he could create an opening, but it might also use up more of his energy that way.

([MENTION=1758]RobinDenstro[/MENTION]: Quick question, are our characters allowed to have had money with them the whole time?)
"Thank you very much. I'll treat like as if she were my wife," Dreylain said. He then turns his attention to the lovely lady pulling his sleeve. "Well you have just made my day, my lady," Dreylain said looking her right in the eyes. "Well then. Shall we dance?"
Alvar; The woman looks to you, then to the shelves that wind around her shop. Looking to each one, she passes by many, trying to find the one you're looking for. After passing through several different scrolls, she soon pulls out a slender roll, laced with a bright red strip of cloth. In a swift motion, she looks to you, and tosses it. Lyra almost squeeled when she did so. It seemed that she did not like to see the scrolls being tossed. The woman, looking around, nods to herself, confirming that she made the right choice. "That will probably suit you the best. A low energy output, but the barrier is weak. It will only withstand a few blows when called forth, and the harder the blow, the more concentration it will take to keep it from hitting you square in the face. Use it well, Cirilian." She said with a nod, as she headed back towards the counter.

Dreylain; The girl smiles brightly as she takes your hand, pulling you forward. The blacksmith laughs as she takes you into the clearing, where all of the music is being played. Citizens and Nobles alike dance and laugh as they move around each other, to the beat of the song. "Come on!" She calls in pure laughter as she tugs you into the circle, just as the song before ends. People clap and cheer, but the evening is far from over. Switching his instrument of choice, one of the bards goes from a lyre to a Dwarven Snare. It appears that a stout Dwarven jig is next. With a twang of the instruments and a loud One, two, three, four the clearing once again goes into its joyful uproar. Your partner, apparently knowing how this dance goes, simply whispers to you; "Follow my lead."
(Well this is going very nicely.)

"Well this day just took me for surprise, and this girl just made my day," Dreylain thought to himself while he danced the girl. "Everyone weak and mighty, rich and poor, watching us dance." "Perhaps it will one day be just like this....when this accursed war is finally over." Dreylain then remembers a conversation he had with his father: "You know Dreylain. One of these days, this senseless fighting will be a distant memory," Vincent said with a smile. "And when it is all over, I intend to cook for a whole month and hold a giant feast for all of Darlem."

(There. I believe this will anything BUT confusing.)
"Thank you. I might be able to strengthen it as I use it more." Alvar said after he caught the scroll. He then concentrated and the scroll began to glow. Soon it disappeared. [learned "Intego" barrier spell] "Do you happen to carry magic staffs? I could use one to store some magic energy in so I don't run out as easily."

(I updated his bio to include the new spell)
Jaidynn, as a man comes up to her and she glimpses the joy behind him, can't help the instant smile that takes over her face. All those weeks of trekking, climbing and surviving on berries were worth it just to see this. To see humans laughing, dancing, happy. It's a beautiful view for Jaidynn and the man's words only make her smile more, directing it at him this time. He was helping her? He knew she was an elf, yet he was helping?

Humans had such a great capacity for forgiveness and acceptance that it sometimes overwhelmed her.

She manages to reply with a Thank you before she is pulled into a clearing, she looks around almost worriedly as the boy seems to vanish, but then a group of children run past her, giggling and almost tripping over their own feet, and Jaidynn finds herself giggling too at the joy filling the air and taking over her mood. Then suddenly music is being played, and Jaidynn looks over with a smile to see the boy who had brought her here, running around and causing instruments to be played. People begin to dance and the eleven maiden watches with awe as they pair up, the smiles on their faces and twinkles in their eyes so bright they rivaled the warm glow of the sun.

She turns, her own eyes now sparkling with the infectious festivity, as the boy re-appears, bowing and asking for a dance. Jaidynn could join too? She nods, smiling, and does a polite curtsy as she lets the boy take her hand and lead her into the merry jig that seems awfully familiar. Her eyes catch onto a petite human dancing with a armored knight who she instantly recognizes as Brakkus. She giggles lightly at the amusing sight of the two dancing - what with their size differences - and she resists the urge to pinch herself, thinking maybe this is a dream.

There is no way one could be this happy and not be dreaming.


Darrien almost jumps as he is approached, but to see it is only a small human girl, a very pretty one at that, who has placed a wreath around his neck, he instantly calms. He smiles lightly as she blushes; thinking it looked sweet. He noticed another human, most likely her older sister, mouth something to her, then he is being lead to a shop by the shy girl. He is still slightly on edge, not as relaxed around humans as his elder sister, and glances around for her, but is unable to see her.

He can however hear jolly folk music playing in the distance.

As soon as he enters the shop, the familiar smell of wood and hay hits the elven boy's nose and he knows instantly he has been taken to a fletchery. Darrien's eyes are taking in the beautiful arrows and perfect bows when a voice lifts to his ears and he looks over, a distracted gleam in his gaze, as he spots a smiling woman, missing a few teeth. Despite her obvious lack of dental care, she stills looks welcoming, comforting even, and he smiles back as she jokes with the nervous girl beside him.

A wide smile spreads across Darrien's face as the woman announces he can have his pick of bow and twelve arrows, the girl looks to him, seeming proud, and he smiles back at her. Turning to the woman he thanks her and then bravely takes the girl's hand, gently pulling her over to the bows as he glances to her. "What one do you think I should get?" He of course already has his eye on the dark osage bow in the corner, it is obviously well crafted, probably the best one here. But he loved that look in the human girl's eyes just then when she thought she had made the right choice, and he wanted to see it again, so whatever bow she suggested, he would take.

He might aswell grab a bow while Alvar has his one anyone; regardless of it's quality.
After watching the doors finally open right in front of Junichiro and the other survivors, he couldn't stop himself from taking in such a beautiful atmosphere. Why, there was people doing all sorts of things! There was music and dancing, and you could even hear the joyful laughter that came from the fellow citizens of this community. It was truly a magnificent sight. It was a great feeling to see that everyone here were so lively. It seemed that the Humans still had a hold onto that one hope they so very cherished.

And as Junichiro was looking around, a small woman walked over to him and placed a flowered necklace around his neck. Junichiro couldn't help to smile at first; rather, he felt surprised that a woman had approached him. Moments later, the woman gently took him by his hand and lead him over to what seemed to be a Blacksmith. But, it wasn't just ANY Blacksmith. It was a Dwarf who stood there, hammering down on the heated sword he held. Junichiro couldn't believe it!

Once the giggling woman had brought him closer to the Dwarf, the man was still working on the heated sword and looked over to Junichiro and the girl next to him. After a while, the Dwarf lets go of the sword as it falls over to a nearby water bucket. The man then asked Junichiro a question, but approached Junichiro and the Dwarf placed his hands on the man's shoulders and began to laugh.

The man then tells Junichiro that he seemed like a hardy lad, and told him that he had all sorts of weaponry and armor around his work place. To Junichiro, it was truly fascinating. He could hardly believe that he actually meet a Dwarf. The first one he had ever seen before, and this man might be the last of his kind.

After listening to the Dwarf's words, Junichiro gladly looked around the shop to see if there was anything interesting that he might find to his liking. But just as he was looking around, Junichiro spotted it. A white, shining armor stood there next to the wall, looking as mighty and powerful as ever. He moved over to the armor, and gently placed his hand on the armor's chest plate. He slowly moved his hand over to the armor's left pauldron. He could feel the smooth metallic texture as he moved his hand on the armor. It felt as if he was moving his hand over the blade of his sword. He felt amazed by this as he looked over to the girl behind him, and smiled.

Junichiro then looked over to the Dwarf, seeing that this man has some impressive skills with crafting the armor and weapons he had here in the shop. "How much are you selling this for?" Junichiro asked as he stared back at the armor. He knew that this armor would come in handy soon, especially since the Elven army was heading this way, since the last time the others mentioned anything about it. He gripped the hilt of his own blade with his unoccupied hand, knowing very well that he will defend this Northern civilization against the enemy when the time comes. Along with his fellow allies, as well. Only time will tell on what will happen.

Aleyaah stepped back, displeased with the decisions made by both the party and the guards. She watched disapprovingly as the party entered the town and dispersed, lead in different directions by the townsfolk. The merriness of these people was unbelieveable. They were completely defeated. They could easily be killed at any time. This was most certianly not the time to be holding a worthless celebration. She watched for a few moments, before deciding that the best course of action would be to follow the elves. The boy seemed to be the biggest threat at the time, as he was in the process of being presented with new weapondry. She followed him quietly. It seemed as though he didn't notice her, but she couldn't quite be sure. She shook her head as the boy was given his pick of the bows. Didn't these people know he was the enemy? Such ignorant fools could not possibly survive much longer. It was a wonder they were still alive.
Half way through the dancing crowd, she saw the man being pulled into the party. Near them, were other people of the group she recognized. The suspicious woman elf with a polite and boring young man and the large man, who seemed to be the leader, was dancing with a woman who was half, not even, a fifth of his size. That's most of the group already...she thought with a smile to herself. Yet when she felt something wrap around her wrist, her whole body stiffened, her smile faded as fast as lightning.

"Relax, it's me," said a familiar voice. Turning around, she saw that it was Asher, her friend from before, "You're never like this, except during Harvest Week," he said, with a concerned face. Alice opened her mouth to argue, but she saw he wasn't even paying attention, "What a pair," he said giggling. She knew instantly who he was talking about, and laughed along with him. "Is that who you're following?"

"No, I'm foll-No! I-I wasn't-" Alice cried, but what was the point? Everybody knew she was probably the creepiest person in the whole city. People who didn't know her personally stayed away from her.

"Come on! Dance with me and Zari," Asher said, nodding to their best friend. She smiled and waved back. Then, leaning down to whisper in her ear, "We can keep watch on the elf girl over there." Alice nodded, and with an evil grin, he pulled her over to Zari. Copying the rest of the crowd in the mindless yet fun dance, they all kept their eyes glued on the girl.
Seth watched as the people below had there fun and figured maybe he should too,there's got to be something he would like here.He looked over the area to see if something interested him,though the only thing was the guards.he only took what he needed yet they still act as if he took something valuable,which he figured an apple here and there wasn't that important was it? But he was sure if he got something to hide with like a hood he'd be able to move around more freely,as he was distracted thinking over it all,Silver and Copper wanted to help him so they slithered off to find something that he would like without him knowing.
Dreylain; As fast as the excitement and joy rose, it was quickly slowed with satisfied happiness and contentment as the music began to slow. By clockwork, the girl giggled slightly, hesitating before swiftly approaching you. As all of the others become closer to each other, she did the same to you. Of course, she was not laying against your skin, but her arms were placed lightly on your shoulder, as was expected. With the change of tune, the music became relatively Elven, but no one seemed to mind. The Elven music was beautiful, after all, and such a serene feeling came over the crowd. When everyone settled, they were paired, slowly moving in circles. Some in love, others in friendship. For you, it is hard to tell.

As the dance slowly continues, she, inch by inch, begins to come closer to you. Otherwise jovial and a handful, at this point, the girl before you almost seems frightened to come any closer. And yet, she does so, ever so slowly. In time, she stops, waits, keeping you but a mere three, maybe four inches away. Her arms interlock around you neck, and she holds there, letting out a sigh of what seems to be both relief and contentment. The song becomes ever more surreal as you slowly sway in your tight circle.

Jaidynn; With the ending of one tune, another slowly starts to begin. This, being quite familiar to you, presents the tune of a much slower pace. As many of those around you come closer together, the young man before you seems wary. Evidently, this was not apart of his plan. With near shaking hands he decides to instead bow to you, not sure what his next move will be. With a grin, he fearfully approaches, laying his hand out to be taken. It appears that he does partially wish to dance; however reluctantly. He is but a mere boy, and so seems afraid of the dance to come.

In the corner of your eye, you do seem to notice Dreylain, the young knight you had met along the road, seemingly have a much better time with a fiery haired girl. On the other side, however, you notice Brakkus, removing what appears to be his armor. The girl that accompanied him seems to have gone, and he now seems to be relieved as his armor is taken, to be both repaired and cleaned. With a wipe of his face, he sits back, enjoying the much slower dance that's taking place before him. Although his armor is gone, the thin leather tunic wrapped around his chest and legs still remain, providing little protection. As your glance comes back to the boy, you again notice how scared he appears to be. He seems to be content with whatever choice you make.

Alvar; Lyra, the Crilian girl, silently sits in the corner as you looked over the shop. The old Cirlian woman behind the counter seems rather puzzled at your remark of holding "energy in a staff," and shows this by quietly rubbing her chin. However, in time, she has a thought, and enters the back of the store. In a flash, she presents a collection of three staffs, each remarkably different. The first, a staff made of a pale white wood, oddly twirls and shifts in a spiral as it ascends to what appears to be a partially glowing, light-blue gem. Small twigs of the staff seem to curl around it, holding it in place as elegantly as nature would intend.

The second, a rather heavy staff, seems to have been a solid maple staff, before it was clearly modified. Dark black tendrils now swirl around it, infusing the brown with the black in an elegant pattern. In some areas, peeks of light brown seem to erupt, but they're most brief, and they are quite few. At the top, the light brown, maple, and black finally collide at a nearly floating grey gem. Although it nearly appears to be floating in mid air, it is clear that the three different strands of wood hold it in place, just above the end of the staff.

The third, a slightly taller staff, seems to be completely made of oak, all the way from the bottom to the tip. However, nestled near the top appears to be a small gap. Your first thought was that it was a termite infested hole; that perhaps this staff is most old, and that the hole if from age. But this does not appear to be the case. It rather appears to be a compartment, where perhaps a small knife or a scroll could be held. At the top of this staff appears to be a chiseled holster for a large, sharpened gem. Gleaming with a pale grey aura, the navy blue gem sits, almost calming. The woman, content with the variety, simply states; "This should do nicely my dear boy. I apologize for the lack of energy holding staves." She laughs as she walks back toward the counter, slightly limping from age.

Junichiro; The Dwarf, noticing your appreciation for the gleaming white armor, laughs a bit to himself before replying. "Before you lies Mithril, my dear boy. Light and durable are only two mere characteristics of armor such as this. Not many would look upon this armor, for the ore has a... colorful, back story." The Dwarf sighs a bit, looking to the armor in awe. In moments time, he then turns his attention back to the knight before him, smiles. "Mithril is commonly made by the Elves, although only a true Dwarf can craft armor like this just right. By wearing this you will show courage, and indifference to race. That is by far a bold act."

Walking away now, the Dwarf grabs a small stump, which he then uses to stand a bit taller. Looking to the knight, he takes a seat there, and sighs with relief. "Normally, an item such as this would be priceless. However, in times such as these, I'd most likely lose it if I did not sell it. Give me a mere... fifty crowns, and it's yours." The Dwarf proclaims before laying back on the stump, resting his back against the sturdy wooden wall behind him. The girl that accompanied you here still remains silent, standing at the side, watching. Waiting.

Darrien; In a moment of emotion, the girl's face glows bright red as she starts to look about the room. Blushing furiously, she takes each bow into consideration, not wanting to pick the wrong one. Each is different, each is unique in its own right. It is so difficult to choose only one. However, in a moment, she notices a dark, wooden bow near the front of the building. Most likely either osage or yew, it curls in a particular way which she deems to be just the one. With a tug of his shirt, she points at the marvelous bow in the corner, eyeing it down as she does so. The texture, the length, it all began to seem so perfect now. The bow really seemed to be the right choice. The woman behind the desk could to nothing but laugh under her breath as she saw the two, resting her head on her hand, her elbow placed solely on the counter.

The fiery red face of the young girl now began to fade as she felt content with her decision. With a flourish of her hand, she sends the hair behind her ear as she steps forward to embrace the bow. Taking it down was an easy task, surely, but she then looked at it with a bit of a glow. Smiling to herself, she only says a few audible words; "It's perfect..."

Brakkus; With a laugh, he decides to take a seat, nearly sweating from the dancing. Wearing the armor that he has, it would almost be expected for him to be as tired as he is. He quickly takes a step towards a blacksmith, who promises to mend the damage made to the armor, and have it sparkling by morning. With another step, he takes his seat once more, relaxing from the avid dancing. The girl that accompanied him now disappeared, more than likely with another man. Maybe welcoming another soldier into town. Who knows.

With a wipe of his face, he enjoys the relaxation as he watches the music before him change from joyful noise to a more solemn tune. The area quiets as pairs and couples begin to swirl around each other, in love or bliss.

As the twin snakes are released into the crowd near the back wall, a few women cry slightly as they see them crawl by. They quickly catch their breath as they realize that the snakes mean no harm, and only wish to pass. However, the guards do not take to this well. As the music plays in the distance, the guards grab what seem to be nets and pitchforks as they go to catch the slithering vermin. The gentlemen near the event do the same, in the attempt to assist the guards. Even from this, laughter erupts from the people, watching the guards and men scramble as they reach out for the snakes, nearly falling over themselves. A few conversations are stopped as an audience comes forth to watch the event; laughing and smiling throughout their faces.
Alvar picked up the third staff and weighed it in his hand. Back in his librarian days he had heard rumors that certain staffs could carry magic energy, it appears that either the rumor was either wrong or that it was so rare that the woman here hadn't even heard of it. He went with the former, as the woman looked old enough to have known about one if it was real, and examined the gem in the staff. He wasn't trained as a fighter as the rest of his group, so he never wielded a staff before. He wondered what the gem was used for. "How much will this staff cost?" He asked the woman who owned the shop. "I need to get back to my group. I'm supposed to be watching someone and they might get angry with me if I leave them alone for too long."
(I decided using a color instead of bold was a more creative approach to my posts.)

"Interesting. We're both very scared, and yet the two of us come closer and closer, almost as if we're in love. Except we are total strangers to one another," Dreylain thought to himself, trying to get a feel for the music. "This song....It's usually played for those who are great friends and have strong sense of love for those who due to be married." To him, the song was beautiful, like the very cheerful girl he was dancing with.
Seth looked to where all the laughter was taking place and his eyes widened in surprise when he noticed who was causing it all.He looked back behind him and it was confirmed,"Those little...brats...snakes...ah!"He hopped up and ran along the roofs as close as he could possibly get to where Copper and Silver were a and whistled the same as before at the gates.Copper and Silver began moving along to where he called them,not sure what was going on and why the guards had came upon them so harshly.
(Sigh. Since no one has posted in the last several days, looks like I'm gonna have to push the story early.)

Laughter and joy erupted throughout the town, as it had been for hours. Everyone really seemed to be enjoying themselves, in such times of peril. Over the laughs and yells of glee, it was almost impossible to hear the watchman yelling and crying. Running up to what appeared to be an old man, wearing a set of thick under armor, the watchman quickly relinquished what he had to say. In a fit of rage, the old man approached a nearby table, and proceeded to throw it away from him, it now crashing to the ground nearby, one of the legs snapping right off. The cries of joy began to settle as more and more civilians were curious about what was to come. While everyone began to calm themselves, the music no longer being played, the old man readied himself on a makeshift pedestal. Standing upright, his hands placed solemnly in front of him, he released a long sigh.

"G... good evening."
He stuttered, looking now to the eyes of the audience. "It appears that, from the observations made by our humble guard, that the Elves are on there way here now." Immediately, cries of horror erupted from the crowd. What was once a village of happiness was now a town of sorrow. With another sigh, the orator continued his speech. "Just beyond the horizon appears to be a tight legion of perhaps one... two thousand Elves. With the lack of soldiers, it is hard to say how long we will last. So, as this dark hour approaches, I ask of you; who here will fight for the last hope of this country? Who will protect this land, as the only hope of our fallen civilization? Nay, not civilization. But our fallen people. The same people that we've loved, cherished, and mourned as they became martyrs. Our sons. Our daughters. Brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers. All have perished under the Elven blade. And now, men of courage, women of valor, I ask only if you will pick up your weapon once more, and fight back the evil that seeks to overthrow us. Destroy those that wish to see an end to our happiness. We may be fighting for our lives, but we will win our freedom!"

As the mood of the town had changed from joy to sorrow, it now seemed to change from sorrow to courage. Immediately, men stepped forward, pledging their swords, their bows, their staves, their axes. Pledging their lives to a cause they know was worth fighting for. Strong and nimble women stood up as well, retrieving their weapons and their books of magic. Although many stood up for their freedom, when they assembled, there was but a mere fifty soldiers.

Looking around the clearing with awe, Brakkus noticed that no one else was going to stand. And so, he did. Taking to his feet, he stood, walking towards the small group of men and women. As he walked, a few people in the crowd called out, glad that another man had stepped forward in this dark hour. When he turned, finally joining the team, he soon noticed another, decidedly taking the stand. But it was no man; rather, it was a boy. No more than ten, it seemed, wielding a dirk that was, for him, a sword. When he joined the syndicate, the orator on his pedestal could do nothing but laugh. A few of the crowd joined in as well, watching the boy stand amongst the women and the men. With a small leap, the old man had jumped from his stand, and placed a firm hand behind the boy.

"Who does this boy belong to?"
The man said with a laugh. The laughs of the crowd began to dwindle as no reply came from the crowd. "Come on no, jokes over. Who is this boy's parents?" However, the reply did not come from the crowd. No; it instead came from the boy that the man stood by. Looking up to him, the boy simply stated; "My parents are dead, sir. I wish to fight for them, like you said." With a gaping mouth, the old man looked down at the boy, only feeling pity for the boy. Without a word, he nodded to the small soldier, and stepped back up to his post, looking to the crowd. As no one else stepped forward, he hesitated. "Come on, now..." The man said, seemingly depressed as no one else stepped forward. Suddenly, his mood changed as he called forth; "If this boy can fight and die for this city then you should be able to defend it as well." His voice echoed, his anger only bittering the mood further. However, through the crowd, others appeared to be moving forward...
(It's funny. I have noticed you are in no hurry with this story, and you try to break away from the tragedy of the story.)

"It seems all the fun had come to an end," Dreylain said in grim tone to the lovely girl he was dancing with. "I have to fight the Elves and show them who's boss."

Dreylain walked towards the small group of men and women along with Brakkus, ready to fight the elves and putting one piece of his armor at a time. "I have fallen victims to the elves' greed once, and I will fight as well!," Dreylain announced, drawing his rapier.

(Drey is wearing this now.)
Alice looked over her shoulder. Silence rapidly swam over the crowd. Men and woman, and one child, held weapons. This isn't an appropriate mood for Harvest Week. Alice said with a smirk. Alice heard Zari sniffle, and saw that she was crying. She had lost father to the elves, and came here with her grandmother and baby sister for a fresh start. Now here they were again. In Alice's mind, she rolled her eyes. You're such a crybaby, she thought. Of course, she wouldn't say that out loud.

Putting a hand on her shoulder, Alice looked into Zari's eyes, a gleaming smile on her face, "Why are you crying? You'll be fine. Just get your family and hide in our hideout." Zari nodded, and ran off, her black bob bouncing with each step.

Scanning the crowd, Alice could no longer see Asher. Whipping out her axe, she joined the crowd. She was in not a good place for fighting, she had not expected to fight, but Alice loved the unexpected, even if it meant risking her's and Zari's life.
Seth noticed a change in mood all through out the crowds,he skipped over the roof tops to get a better look as his pets followed behind catching up. Seth listened to all the talk,"Well,so much for easy fun...I was hoping there'd be a game i could play..."He sighed,wishing everything could have just gone smoothly. He wondered if he should step up to help but saw that'd be a bad idea,unless he covered up a bit so he wouldn't be as noticeable. He hopped on to one of his spots he kept things he needed,it was on a roof not to far from were all the people were.

He kept it under a pile of plywood so it wouldn't be very easy to see,he moved all the wood off and there was a old looking bag and a black sheet bundled up beside it.He grabbed the sheet and shuffled through his bag to find a thin rope,with the sheet and rope he made a hood that reacted the floor.He flipped the hood over his head covering his face and then headed back to the busy area,looking down on everyone from above.
After hearing all of the commotion outside, Alvar decided that he should head out there and give their elves' weapons back. "I'm sorry, but I have to go." He said as he pulled out a small bag of money and poured out half. "I hope that this is enough. If it isn't, I'll be back after the battle. I'll pay the rest then." He walked out of the building and made his way to the crowd. He saw Dreylain and Brakkus and walked towards him. "Do you know where the girl and her brother is? I have their weapons and I think they might need them." He said as he got closer. He knew that saying that they are elves in the middle of the crowd would cause some to panic, and he hoped that they would know who he was talking about.
Aleyaah listened to the man's speech, rather unmoved. Such a thing was unavoidable; she had been expecting it to happen soon. All the better she was here now, she supposed. What did move her, however, was the boy. She wasn't fond of people, but children were different; her heart went out to every child, human child, who had lost their family in the horrible war.

She stepped forward, moving through the crowd, so to position herself close to the boy. She would have joined anyway, if only to kill as many elves as she could, but now she had a much greater purpose. She would protect this child, doing whatever it took to ensure his safety. She gently placed her hand on the child's shoulder, smiling sadly as he looked up, startled to feel her touch. "Thank you for your bravery. Your parents would be proud," she said softly. For the first time, possibly ever, the prospect of a fight was a dreary thing indeed. She would have carried the boy away, but yet she knew such a thing would wound his pride, so she refrained. The boy nodded slightly, looking greateful, but a bit perplexed.
Jaidynn looked around as the dancing seemed to come to a halt, a man had come forth, declaring the elves were almost here, and Jaidynn clenched her fists. That must mean her Father was here too. She watched first, as men stepped forward to fight, women too, and her heart almost broke when the boy stepped up, looking even younger than her own little brother Darrien. He had lost his parents, as Jaidynn now felt she and Darrien had, and he was willing to fight for them.

As the crowd seized to let many more warriors out, she strided forward, head up. She may be an elf, but she would stand up for what she believed in, even if that meant going against her race and her Father. She headed over to Alvar, taking her weapon with a thank you for looking after it for her, then she moved to stand beside Brakkus, tilting her chin up confidently as she grazed her eyes across the audience. Her way of saying she was also joining the warriors. Then she saw a blonde-headed boy pushing through the crowd and successfully managed to not widen her eyes.

What was Darrien doing?


Darrien gave the shy girl a massive smile as she picked the correct bow, speaking happily as the bow was taken down and given to him, "That's the one I liked the best as well." When the pink colour filled her cheeks again Darrien's smile remained on his face. Maybe not all humans were that bad. Then a commotion was occurring outside and he looked around curiously, the dancing had stopped, and an announcement was being made. He frowned at the girl lightly, "What's going on?" He then proceeded to go outside, and managed to just catch the announcement that the elves were in fact about to invade.

So soon? Was he ready just yet? Sure he was an incredibly skilled archer, he'd been doing it long enough. But...was he ready to kill someone? He'd never killed before, human nor elf, so far he had just been dodging his way through life. He was always picked on at school for being the coward he was, he was always last in his class. From being last to learn how to ride a horse all the way up to being the last to hunt an animal. And even then he hadn't killed it; his Father had infact done it for him and made it look as if Darrien had done it. Simply because he was embarrassed by his boy. Of course, the fact that his Father was the manliest, most strong and intelligent elf in the whole of their village didn't make life any easier for Darrien. He could never live up to his Father's name.

Then he watched his sister walk up, taking her place aside the men and women already willing to fight, and Darrien thought once again of how proud his Father had always been of Jaidynn, she was the first in her class to ride a horse, the first to hunt successfully, the first in everything she ever did. She had always been more brave than Darrien, better at being a boy even though she was a girl. Or maybe he was such a failure that even girls could surpass him.

But the thing that really did it for Darrien, the thing that made him start to take those steps forward, was the boy, younger than himself, who stood up and announced he would avenge his parents. And Darrien thought to himself, if that boy, barely a kid even, could step up and avenge his parents, then why couldn't Darrien? He had a parent who had been killed by an elf, even if she was one herself, and he needed to stop being such a coward.

So he stepped up to the group, taking his bow from Alvar a bit too shyly than he would have liked, and took a stand beside his sister. Anyone in the crowd could see the two were clearly related. His eyes wandered over the crowd warily, seeing human after human face. He didn't despise the humans as his Father did, no, he feared them. All he had seen on his journey so far were humans who wanted to kill him. With the exception of the shy girl back in the shop and her sister. Even the girl at the gate seemed to dislike him immediately; and he was sure if given the chance she wouldn't hesitate to rip his spine out.

Speaking of the angry human, his eyes landed on her as he looked among the group he was standing in, she was actually smiling, at the human boy, and Darrien watched, both intrigued and still a bit fearful as she praised the boy. His eyes didn't leave her as thoughts raced. He recognized the differences in how she treated this boy, and how she treated Darrien, and he wondered - not the first time - why it had to be like that. He knew the elves had done horrible things, terrible, but unlike his big sister he didn't completely see the humans as innocent little lambs. It wasn't just the elves who killed in cold blood, Darrien had not only a few close calls himself with humans, but had seen another elf - a lone rebel - murdered by the humans. This girl was a perfect example of that. She judged Darrien without even knowing him just by the shape of his ears, yet he was willing to push past his fear and try to be nice to her.

It wasn't just the elves who were wrong.
Junichiro was silent as he listened to the Dwarf's words when he tells him about the armor he had his eyes on. Mithril, it was a fine name for a good looking piece of armor like that. But he felt amazed by the fact that this was actually a common Elven armor. But as the Dwarf said, only a true Dwarf can craft this type of armor to it's near perfection. And he was right, because anyone who were able to look around with their eyes opened would notice the magnificent craftsmanship skills this small man had.

Sadly, though, after hearing the Dwarf say that the armor was only fifty crowns, Junichiro didn't have the money. He only had thirty crowns in a bag that hung on his belt. He just shook his head, and stared back at the armor. "I'm glad to have walked all this way to see that there is still armor worth wearing. But, I do not have the amount of crowns to buy such a beauty, I'm sorry." He told the Dwarf as he turned back to the small man, who was resting his back against the wooden wall. Junichiro, in all honesty, was more glad that he had meet up with a Dwarf. And with this, Junichiro knelled down and bowed his head.

"Although, I am truly honored to have the chance to finally see a Dwarf for the first time in my life, and probably one of the last to have survived. I hope God continues to watch over you, friend." Junichiro said as he stood back up and stared at the girl behind him, then back to the Dwarf. Now since he couldn't buy the armor, Junichiro figured that he should just head over to the others. But as soon as he was going to say good bye to the Dwarf, Junichiro had heard panic going on outside of the store. Quickly, Junichiro walked outside and stared at the large crowd of people who had their eyes on an announcer.

It was just terrible news that the man had. He told the crowd of people that the Elven army were nearing for an invasion against this peaceful town. And when he had asked if anyone were to rise up against this, only a good fifty people stepped forward. But fifty will not do at all. Why were the rest not standing up for this place? Were they afraid of the Elves? Junichiro couldn't stand that fear that loomed around the crowd. At least Brakkus stepped forward as well.

But then a young boy stepped up and the announcer began to ask who's child that was. And moments later, the boy simply said that his parents were dead, and that he wished to fight for them. Even a small child wanted to be driven into war. And Junichiro felt bad for the young boy because of that and the fact that he had no parents to look after him. Maybe Junichiro cared because he too had lost those who were close. He was a father after all. A father trying to see his son's and daughter's faces again.

And with this, Junichiro moved closer towards to where Brakkus was at, along with Dreylain after he had made his way to the group's leader. And soon enough, Alvar step forward too. Except he was looking for the other two Elves. But as Junichiro got closer, he decided to join them all. To lend them a helping hand.

"After killing everyone in the town I was from, the Elven platoon who had attacked took my wife and brutally killed her in front of my own two children. And once they finished with her, they dragged my children away from me while they made me watch and listen to their terrified screams; as the group of Elves nearly beat me to death. They then walked away and left me there to die while the town burned to the ground. They did, however, made one big mistake.. They let me live."
Junichiro said as he stared at everyone else within the large crowd.

"And after going through that I swore to myself that I shall not let the Elves destroy another town or city and kill hundreds of citizens.. Not while I'm still alive. And there is no way that I will let them crush the only hope that our civilization has left. So yes, if that boy is brave enough to fight, then as God as my witness I will stand up and fight against the enemy as well." Junichiro finished, then smiled when he saw that Jaidynn and her brother had joined up with them too. Throughout his entire life, he had never seen Elves wanting to fight along side with the Humans. But Jaidynn and Darrien proved that they were better than how the other Humans would describe them as. They were better than a bunch of murderers or savages. And that means something. And now since there was a few Elves who were willing to fight with the Humans, then the crowd should see them as equals. As brother and sister, no matter what species they were.
As the last few entered the ranks, the numbers barely held below sixty, and no one else dared to join the group. In fact, it appeared that many of the crowd had already left; preparing to gather their equipment and depart, most likely. The small team glanced about as the orator waited, waiting for anyone else to assist them in their time of need. With a sigh, he realized that no one else would be joining them. A cool breeze licked past the town as the gentle sound of war drums pounded in the distance, describing the intimidating army that was soon to arrive.

"If that be the last of us, then we must prepare ourselves. Quickly to the-"

"Wait!" A voice proclaimed, cutting off the old man. "I'm not gonna' watch my comrades die as I jus' sit around, doin' nothin'!" A stout dwarf called forth, waddling towards the team, a large hammer clasped between his hands. He wore a sterling bronze chest plate and winged helmet, clearly made by a master dwarf blacksmith. The old man, clearly taken aback by the approach of this dwarf, just watched in awe as he stood in the crowd, prepared to fight. As silence filled the clearing again, the old man was forced to clear his thoughts and to recollect his thinking. Repeating himself, he begun again.

"If that be the last of us, then we must prepare ourselves. Quickly to the outer walls; there, we will position ourselves, and hope for the best." He yelled as he made his way towards the gate. At his approach, the gate quickly opened, revealing the two guards that were posted there before. Rather than cocky, however, they appear much more nervous; they fear what is to come. Moving to either side of the wall, allowing the small army to pass through with ease, the soldiers lined themselves against the wall, only forming a slim two rows; the Mages and Archers in the back, the Fighters and Knights in the front. The boy, whom had joined the fray, lined himself in the front, ready to strike down the Elves before him. Miraculous, it seemed; the boy did not seem cocky or unaware, for he knew exactly what was to come. It almost seemed that the boy knew he would die; and simply now, embraced it. For his family, perhaps. For his family's honor, for his parent's lives.

The team, fully assembled and distributed, looked far to the horizon, as the beating of the drums grew ever louder in the distance. Only a mere row of Elves could be seen at such a distance, and they easily outnumbered the small brigade that defended the city now. Drawing their weapons, the small battalion readied themselves for the worst; some, it seemed, braver than others. With the enemy advance, the few guards that protected the city's border joined the ranks, unsheathing their weapons as well. The old man, drawing his own sword, looked to the horizon, and let out a great, long sigh.

"Kinsman, we stand here today simply to look upon our certain demise, I will not lie to you. Our enemies outnumber us twenty to one, if we are lucky. So, I will not encourage you with a speech of winning our freedom, but rather, a speech of honor, a speech of courage. We few represent the last hope for the race of Man, and years from now, when the Elves and the Cirilians sit at their table of peace, they will talk of our last stand. They will talk of our bravery as we charged into the fray, our loyalty as we pushed each other to fight on, not of false hope, but of brotherhood! They will speak with their tongues tales of valor, of glory, as the last Men boldly protected their families, their children, and their friends. On that table of peace, let us teach them the story of war! Make them know what it means to remember! Let them know that we did not go quietly!"

An eruption of cheers came forth from the ranks, the morale of the small battalion rising just enough to fight this day. By this time, the Elves have grown quite near, and now begin to place themselves at the end of the horizon. Rolling in gargantuan catapults, they only now ready themselves as their own ranks are formed. As a brush of settlements sweeps over the ranks, the Dwarf quickly hurtles forward, stepping just in front of the old man. Still running towards the enemy, he turns just enough to proclaim; "We must strike while they prepare, and I will not wait for the courage of men to rise!" And with that word, he continues to charge forward, looking the Elves dead in the eye. From the ranks, men prepare to follow his example. With a cry of valor and the yells of war, the brigade quickly begins to move forward, chasing right behind the dwarf. We did not go quietly.

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