The End of Days RP [If you wish to join, read description]

Alvar walked into the ruined city of Tenier with his open book levitating just above his glowing hand. He looked for survivors as he walked the empty streets. As he walked, he flipped through the pages of the book. After a few minutes of page-flipping, he stopped on a page about sensing other people. He outstretched his arm and said, "Quaerere." Soon after he could detect that there were two humans and an elf in the city, and another human a distance away. The spell wouldn't tell him where, but it was good to know that there are people here. He closed his book and put it under his arm as he continued to walk through the ruined city.
Brakkus, cleaning the dirt off of the end of his blade, abruptly stopped as he listened to the air. Although it was faint, he could hear foot steps gently touching the ground nearby. He quickly sheathed his sword, and faced the direction that he believed the person was.

"It seems that we are not yet alone. Areth, cover my back. I'm going to investigate." Brakkus firmly stated as he stepped only a few feet away, his right hand grasping the hilt of the sword on his back.
Areth pulled out his crossbow a bolt still loaded in it and followed behind Brakkus.

"What do you hear?"

Areth questioned.
"Gentle foot steps, coming only a few dozen yards away." Brakkus whispered, trying to keep low to the ground.

"Don't be alarmed, however; it could easily be another ally simply trying to survive in this land of turmoil." Walking a few steps farther, he was able to detect the sound only a small ways off, and could hear the odd sounding breath of something not necessarily human... Brakkus smiled slightly.

"It may seem that we don't have to be afraid, Areth. If my ears are correct, we're only dealing with a Cirilian."
Walking down the treacherous road of the city of Tenier. How awful. Not a soul was found the entire time Junichiro had entered such ruins. He began to wonder.. To wonder if there really is any survivors around these parts. But the city looked as if it had also taken the worst part of the war. He could see skeletons lieing around on the ground. Did these people put up a fight against the Elven army?

Of course not. Not too many people saw this day coming. Junichiro sure as hell didn't. He just stared up at the sky, hoping that all of these dead souls were living in a much better place than here.. But he wasn't selfish enough to think that why couldn't he had died. He still has to save his children.. For what good will it be if he was dead? He just shook his head at his own thoughts.

Until suddenly, he heard voices as he kept walking. At first these voices he was starting to hear didn't sound so clear. But as he walked closer and closer to the source of these voices, he could fully understand their conversation. Could it be? Survivors? Junichiro just sighed, he didn't want to deal with others. As always, he would rather walk on his own path. Alone. But he was smart enough to know that he can't survive without a group of people that he could count on. Hopefully they won't be annoying, which was something he was worried about.

And as he continued to walk closer towards the group of people, he saw a woman and this feline looking creature walking the opposite direction from the group. Could she have been with them? He just didn't care about her as much. He just minded his own business. All he was doing was trying to walk over all of the crushed pieces of bricks and stones on the floor while he continued to move his way to the group of survivors. But when he passed by her, he stopped for a moment.

"If those are survivors I hear, then it's best to turn back towards them. You won't be able to survive without anyone to watch your own back. But that isn't my decision to make, only yours. For I nor God will show you your own path. Because it is you who must decide on whether to live, or die here." He told her, without even staring at the woman behind him. He just wanted that to sink into the woman's head, he was right after all. So once he gave her his message, he kept on walking as if he never saw her.

Finally, he could see the others. Two humans, and an Elf. At first, his right hand was reaching down to the hilt of his blade as he stared at the Elven woman. But then he thought about it for a moment, and figured that she was with the two humans, and the other woman that walked away. One man had his sword unsheathed, while the others were right behind him. Did they know that someone else was nearby? Junichiro just stood there, about a feet or two away from them.

"I'm hoping you aren't prepared on killing any survivors with that sword of yours." He said as he stared at the man who was holding onto his unsheathed sword. Was there any survivors at all, besides Junichiro? If there was any, then maybe his luck about not being able to find survivors was starting to change. He just hoped that for his sake, he could handle these people.
Alvar heard a faint sound and looked to where it was coming from. He saw Brakkus and walked over towards him saying, "Hello! It's nice to know that there are survivors in all of this destruction."
Brakkus, taken aback by the two new faces, kept his great sword at the ready. "I assume that you two are survivors, yes?" He said, paying close attention to both the black clothed swordsman and the young Cirilian mage. "If you're here seeking assistance in this world of uncertainty, you've come to the right place." Brakkus stated gently, hoping that these two meant his small band no harm.
Alvar looked around the area. "Are there any other survivors here, or are we the only ones?" He said. He couldn't use the search spell again because it used too much of his energy. If he used it again he would probably faint. Fortunately he knew that he could still use his fire and slowing spell without using all of his energy, but he wasn't sure about his healing and levitation spells.
Areth just smiled at the new comers and lifted up Neo who was hiding in his shirt again and rubbed Neo's stomach.

"Im Areth. This guys Neo" ​He said with a smile.
Jaidynn noticed the hostile glance Victoria sent her, and then found herself pretty relieved when the fierce girl leaves, hiding her smirk as Brakkus puts Victoria in her place. Of all the humans here right now, Brakkus seems the least likely to chop Jaidynn's head off, so that made him the most trustable in her books. This was also confirmed by Brakkus's words of being relieved when Victoria left, she was glad he agreed with her.

Then Brakkus asked Areth to cover him, and Jaidynn found herself standing alone as the two ventured off. Of course he wouldn't ask Jaidynn to watch his back, she was an elf, that made her untrustable in every way, shape and form. It didn't matter what she had done, what her opinion was or who she had fought to be on the side of the humans; she was still just an elf to them.

After deciding to follow the two, she noticed two new faces had shown up, one almost about to attack her before deciding against it, and she found herself looking around. Why had that Victoria left so soon? Did she prefer going solo? Jaidynn let out a small sigh as her hand rested lightly on her sheath, almost as if keeping her dagger accessible comforted her.

She had to keep reminding herself that she wasn't the only one here who had lost, and they had probably all lost in much sadder ways. All she had to do was leave her mother and younger brother behind and turn her back on her Father. She was sure they probably hadn't been given a choice. When Areth spoke his name, Jaidynn looked up and decided she should share hers aswell, "I'm Jaidynn, a rogue elf." Jaidynn, unlike the others, was uncomfortable with sharing her last name, since it was also her Father's last name and some of these survivors may know his last name, and not for the good reasons. She had seen her Father kill the innocent humans, she knew none of them here would know General Caverly for a good reason.
"Besides a ranger that decided to storm off, we're the only ones here, Cirilian." He stated, looking at the mage before him.

Brakkus, feeling more comfortable with his surroundings, decided to quickly sheathe his sword. He turned, seeing that Jaidynn had joined them, and made a clear statement to the two. "Before either of you survivors alarm yourselves, I wish to state that this Elf is a very trust worthy person. If she was dangerous, really, one of us would be dead by now. Since that isn't the case, please refrain from stabbing her."

Brakkus nodded to Jaidynn, keeping a close eye on her safety. If she was able to accompany him while he traveled, she would make a valuable asset when striking enemy Elf war camps and caravans. And, honestly, she was much more attractive then he would have thought Elves could be. But that was beside the point at the moment, and Brakkus refused to think of it. The priority was surviving, and, if need be, killing.
Junichiro just nodded to the swordsman's question about him and the mage being survivors. Of course they were. It wasn't as if he was looking to kill any fellow humans anyways. The only humans he would kill were traitors and those damned bandits. Along with the Elves. But then the rest decided to give out their own names, in which Junichiro decided to just stay quiet for the mean time.

But then his attention went back to the swordsman, who was advising them to not attack the Elf woman. It was quite obvious to Junichiro, he didn't really saw her as a threat after he had thought about the situation here. But he was right, if she was the enemy, one of the others could have been killed already. Junichiro just nodded again, and stared up at the sky as he thought about what the swordsman had just said about not killing the Elven woman. Which made him chuckle slightly.

"Relax. God only knows that if I would have never known about the Elven woman being one of us, her head would have been rolling across the soulless streets." He said as he continued to stare up at the sky. Soon after, he stared back down at the swordsman. It was true, though. He wasn't bothered by the fact of having an Elf as a companion, either. He didn't see the Elves as how other humans saw them. Sure, he probably hates Elves as much as most of the others do. But there was no reason to discriminate Elves whom were willing to fight along side with the humans. Even though a good bunch of them were vicious savages. But as he thought about it, humans weren't so different from the Elves.

"Besides, I don't intend on tainting my blade with the blood of my allies. For what good could our struggle bring if we began to slaughter everyone we see?" He told them.

They would all just be lifeless murderers if that was the case.
"My name is Alvar." He said, bowing slightly. He observed the group and thought to himself, "let's see... we have two knights, a ranger, a rogue, and myself. The knight in black would probably be the lancer, the other knight would probably be the big guy, if not the leader. Areth has a possibility of being the leader if the knight isn't. Jaidynn would be the chick. That would leave myself as the smart guy. If Areth can be the leader, then we would have a five-man band."

(Way to go Alvar, 4th post and you're already leaning of the fourth wall.)

P.S. If you don't know what he is talking about, look here.
"Alright. We've all been acquainted, of course, but now we have to move on. There's nothing left in this city but scraps and debris." Brakkus stated, noting everyone around him. "If we stay here any longer, we will be found. The Elven kingdom has made note to set patrols along the roads until the main force arrives on the shores. So, we have to discreetl-"

"Oh, don't hide on our account." A dark figure stated, just on the edge of Brakkus's sight. Turning, Brakkus saw him; an Elven man with auburn brown hair. His eyes were dreadful, almost like the power of death were hiding behind them, ready to lash out at any time.

"I fear that you survivors are just the kind of people to make an example out of. You scum thought you would get away with rebuilding your kingdoms to the North? Bah. When they see us gut open you in front of their eyes, they'll scatter like the cattle they are." He spat at them, drawing his weapon in the process. It was a long-hilt rapier made from white-steel.

"It seems that a test of your allegiance has surfaced, Jaidynn. These men wou-"

"Jaidynn..." The Elf man stated, interrupting Brakkus for the second time. Realizing that the man recognized Jaidynn, he knew that he made a mistake. Quickly, he unsheathed his sword and stepped forward. He refused to allow this to continue any further.

"Ah, you are defensive of the Elf, are you not?" The cruel Elf stated, as six other Elves joined him; four were obviously sword bearers, the other two instead handled bows.

"You are not worthy of addressing an Elf that has chosen the path of justice. Ready your weapon, for I will not be merciful." Brakkus spat back. He was ready to decapitate this monster.

(I'll give you guys a moment to react to the appearance of the Elves or to argue with them before I start the combat)

(Also, Victoria, this is a great chance for you to jump in and help us out. You know, redeem yourself and all)
Areth Spat at the ground as the 6 elves appeared. He pulled out his Crossbow instead of his bow a bolt already loaded. Areth smirked. "You picked the wrong people to mess with Im afraid" Areth grinned. He laughed aloud as Neo hissed at the elves. "You are know more than a mere weak patrol and as of us are highly skilled in our effective areas of combat." He smirked and aimed his Crossbow at the elf in the middles head."Now I suggest either leaving now or I pierce this bolt straight through your head, Hmm?"
Jaidynn had been idling in the background, watching the interaction between the humans and cirilian and paying little attention to their words as her mind wandered. So they were going to stick together? That could be handy. If they ran into more humans, as unlikely as that may be, then at least she wouldn't have to have such a worry about the humans attacking her once they see her with others like themselves.

Speaking of others like themselves, or herself in this case, Jaidynn heard a familiar voice and looked up with a hint of surprise in her eyes as she recognized Caleb, one of her dad's right hand men, also known as her uncle. She found herself almost frozen as the elven man spoke to the group, obviously he hadn't seen her yet.

But then Brakkus had spoken her name, speaking of her allegiance, and Caleb looked to the young elf, speaking her name as his eyes landed on her. Jaidynn was still immobile as Brakkus pulled out his weapon, and as Caleb spoke once more to the human. She barely heard his words about Brakkus being defensive of her as her eyes narrowed. He had brought others, he was going to kill these survivors, and if he didn't kill Jaidynn he would take her back to her Father, where she would surely be punished and have to live under his thumb for the rest of her life.

She stepped forward now, dagger in each hand as she spoke icily. The best way to prepare herself to kill her Father was to take her Uncle out of the equation first, right? "Uncle." She didn't seem to care she had just given her relation to the man away; he would soon be dead anyway. "I suggest you call your men down before I take them down for you." Her eyes were as cold as her tone as she spoke again, "I'm afraid there will be no easy way out for you though. You've killed far too many people for that." She knew her Uncle was as guilty as her Father when came to the amount of innocent blood on his hands.

She just hoped he didn't speak of her Mother or her little brother Darrien. That would be crossing the line.

(Sorry, not quite ready for her to take down her Father just yet :P She can kill her Uncle now though xD )
Brakkus, eyeing the Elves that now appeared before him, thought of who he should attack first. While he did so, Areth and Jaidynn made their taunts and remarks regarding the enemy. When Jaidynn mentioned that the Elf was her Uncle, it stirred multiple feelings of both mistrust and anger, but that was irrelevant now. Brakkus had chosen his target.

He strode into the enemy, striking the Elf to the far left of center, taking the archer off guard and striking the swordsman that accompanied him (Elf numero 5 is now injured. Yeah, I'm keeping a check list. Sue me)

At this position, he hoped that the Cirilian and Areth would both have a clear shot at the Elves to the far right, and Jaidynn, out of respect, could attack her Uncle herself.
(he introduced himself. you can call the Cirilian by name you know)

Alvar backed up as the two groups started to attack each other. "I need some more time to regain my energy." He thought to himself. He brought his book out and frantically looked through the pages, hoping that he could find something useful.
Areth fired his bolt into the Far right elf before loading in another bolt and shooting the other one also to the right but his bolt was clearly misjudged and only seemed to hit his foot not doing to much to the elf. He jumped back as an Elf slashed their sword at him. He pushed the elf to the ground and walked slightly back loading another bolt into his crossbow.
Caleb smirked at his Niece as she stepped closer to him. He would allow his companions to deal with the disgusting humans, he decided, his niece was his responsibility. If he could not coax her into returning home and joining the side that was clearly superior, then he would take it upon himself to dispose of her before she became an issue. "Jaidynn." He spoke almost soothingly, but you could hear the trickery in his voice as the elven girl approached him, both daggers at the ready, "Stop this foolish behaviour and return home." Once he had noticed this wasn't working, he added on in a sly voice, "Your Mother and Brother miss you Jaidynn."

The elven girl growled at the man, pushing him against a tree with her dagger now to his throat, though she hadn't harmed him yet, she was close to it. "Don't you dare bring them into this." "Are you going to kill me Jaidynn? What about your Father? Will you kill him? Your Mother? Your baby Brother?" "I would never hurt innocents, unlike you and Father. So it's only you two who are going down."

Caleb, while speaking, had been devising a way to get out from underneath Jaidynn's blade, and with her last sentence he had found a way. Striking out with his left hand, he grabbed the girl's hand which was on the blade and pulled it away, lifting up his foot and kicking his niece in the stomach. Jaidynn staggered back, only armed with one dagger now. She was hurt. Caleb tutted at Jaidynn, "Silly silly girl. You honestly think you can kill me Jaidynn? I helped your Father train you. I know all your moves."

Jaidynn found herself staring at her uncle as she straightened up, having caught her breath back. She may only have one dagger, but you only need one to kill. "I don't think I can kill you Uncle." She murmured looking down as she feigned defeat, "I...I'm sorry." Her voice caught on the word sorry, and although Caleb hesitated for a moment, he couldn't help but believe the girl, seeing his niece as the innocent child she once was. He started towards herself, "It's okay Jaidynn, just come ho--" Caleb's words were cut off as the sharp blade pierced his thigh, gasping from the shock more than he would from the pain.

"I KNOW I can kill you Caleb. You're not my uncle anymore." The man was shoved back as Jaidynn ripped her dagger, dripping with his blood, from his thigh. Now he was hurt. He glared up at the girl, "That was a stupid move Jaidynn, now I have to kill you." He ran at his niece, sword in hand as he swung at her neck. Jaidynn ducked and kicked his chin, making the man stagger backwards before she jumped back up, ready to defend as he glared at her. He was Injured. "Still think I'm on the wrong side Uncle?" She questioned him with a mocking tone, and he nodded, blood leaking from his injured leg. "Of course you are Jaidynn. Whether I die or not tonight, you'll always be on the wrong side. You'll be called disgusting by every elf you meet, a traitor to your own kind. Your Mother will be so disappointed Jaidynn, if you kill me tonight, and little Darrien will never be allowed to see his big sister ever again."

Jaidynn was done talking. So she ran at him, forgetting her rule of never letting her anger overtake her in a fight. Her Uncle swung at her, and his blade caught her arm, leaving a gash across it as she ignored the sting of pain and used double-tap. Slashing once across the man's stomach and then quickly across his neck as his eyes bulged and Jaidynn was splattered with her Uncle's blood. She watched as he gripped his neck, then dropped to the ground. Dead.

She then swiped up her other dagger, and looked for another to fight. She may be injured, but her Uncle was dead. If she could kill him, she should be able to kill her Father.
( O.o You manipulated my rules, without breaking them, to make an epic fight and kill your uncle. That was freakin awesome, xJobozx)

Brakkus, believing that the others could handle themselves, decided to take on the swordsman and the archer himself. The archer, quickly, notched an arrow as the other swiped at his chest, causing his armor to spike sharply inward. Although the blow did no damage, the gap that was left in his armor forced Brakkus to shield it in fear that it would be used against him. Swiftly, he struck into the swordsman, piercing straight through his stomach. The man, already injured, had no strength to grasp onto life, and so perished under his blade.

Unaware of the opening that he gave the archer, an arrow pierced the gap that was left by the swordsman in his armor. Blood slowly crept down his chest as Brakkus broke the arrow at it's shaft. Placing a firm boot on the now dead swordsman, Brakkus pulled his sword form him, the blade now coated in Elf blood. The archer notched another arrow as Brakkus leaped forward, catching the Elf on his shoulder. Although wounded now, the Elf was still felt able to fire off another arrow. However, before doing so, he retreated behind the safety of a nearby tree, hoping to avoid combat for a few moments before attacking again.
Alvar stopped on one page. He then put his index and middle finger on his forehead and said, "Vis!" He regained all of his energy for now. By doing this, he made himself open for the archer that wasn't dealing with Brakkus. The archer shot an arrow at Alvar, which would've been a serious injury if his arm wasn't in the way. The arrow painfully hit his arm. He steeped back some more, grasping at his injured arm. He then aimed his uninjured arm at the archer and said, "Tardus!" The archer was surrounded by a blue glow and became slowed.

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