The End of Days RP [If you wish to join, read description]

(I'm just a passerby reader but... Your character is my favorite! You should stay in. Every group needs a sarcastic bad ass nobody else in the party likes.)

(Yeah @♥Lost_In_Paradise♥ ! Stay pleaseee! :( And Jaidynn doesn't hate Victoria, she was just a bit upset that the girl seemed to hate her instantly because she's an elf. And thanks Robin :P I like action posts :D )
(I wouldn't mind her playing her character if she followed the rules that I put into place. She seems like an awesome person to play with :D )

(Also, just for clarification; The Elves [besides Jaidynn's uncle] have two hit points)
(Since I'm in waiting for the moment, I thought I'd read the story so far. It's pretty cool thus far. I'm really excited to be a part of this RP! :) )
A single white arrow shot of the bushes, hitting an elf in the stomach. The familiar face of Victoria suddenly appeared next to Brakkus, a wicked grin spreading on her face. She pulled out another arrow out of her quiver and strung it into her bow. Aiming it at the second elf, she glanced over at the others.

"Well, it's nice to see you guy's again." She snickered, watching as Renn leaped out of the bushes and tackled one of the elves, roaring at him and baring his teeth angrily.

Victoria wasn't planning on coming back, but when she heard all the commotion, she eventually made her way over. She wasn't the kind of person to travel alone, even though she's been doing it for years. She'd prefer to stay with a group.

(Lol is that a better post than the last one??)
(Looks good to me. Let's say that you killed the wounded Elf behind the tree that I stabbed before)

(So, in all; Two Elves are injured, one Elf is only a bit hurt, three more Elves are dead, and the primary bad-guy Elf is dead. Both archers are dead, so all that's left is swordsman)
Junichiro just listened to the conversation taking place right before the band of survivors and the Elven patrol attacked. Some of the survivors were telling the Elves to just back away from starting a pointless fight. They were actually showing some mercy, something that Junichiro doesn't give. Well, to his enemies that is.

So it was pointless to tell them to leave the group of survivors alone. Because they would just ignore them, and will just go ahead for an attack. But maybe since they finally had something to kill, they each could show each other their own skills. But it seemed that the group of survivors was going to be dealing with someone much more "higher-up" in the Elven army.

Jaidynn's uncle.

The fight that was coming their way seemed to be more of a personal point for Jaidynn. Of course, she should have the honor of killing her kin, while the others take down the rest of the Elven patrol. And after both Areth and Jaidynn had spoken, Brakkus had started the first strike, ultimately injuring the swordsman of the patrol.

And so with that, everyone else had payed attention to their own targets. Taking them out one by one. And during the battle, the other human woman had finally returned. The group's fighting skills impressed Junichiro, now knowing that together, they stand strong.

But he paid his attention to the fight that Jaidynn had with her uncle. He couldn't believe that the uncle was actually asking if Jaidynn could return to the Elven order. Thankfully, she did not accept his pointless offer. Which should have made the group of survivors to trust Jaidynn even more than how they did before.

Seeing how nobody finished off the swordsman, Junichiro just thought that he could finish him off. But as he walked over to the swordsman; whom was stepping away from the dark figure, Junichiro's emotions against the Elves grew stronger. He knew better to not let his emotions get in the way of a battle, but still. The only true reason why he was with these group of survivors.. The only reason why he had survived.. Was to save his children, and he could care less if he had to die to try to save them.

So once he made his way to the swordsman, who finally decided to stop moving around, Junichiro just kicked the Elf's sword from out of his right hand. He noticed that his previous injury was preventing him to move any further, for he was losing too much blood. Junichiro moved his right hand over to the hilt of his blade and gripped it, eventually unsheathing his sword. He just stared down at the Elven swordsman, getting ready to execute him.

"You should be honored to die by my blade, for so many of your kind's souls have been trapped in it since the day you creatures tried to wipe us off from the face of this planet." He told the Elf, who's face was now showing pure fear. But no mercy, none will be given what so ever. Junichiro found a perfect rock to finish this Elf off, and so he dragged the swordsman with his unoccupied hand and set the Elf's head right on top of the rock. Junichiro stood by the left side of the Elf, preparing to finally end this swordsman's life.

"Pray, that God will have a seat for you up in the Heavens of peace and harmony," He said as he raised his blade up into the air, and closed his eyes. This was something that he would do if he had the last enemy to kill, it always felt good to do so.

"..For you shall be damned into the further depths of hell for all that you and your kind has done. But by the cutting edge of the Daichi Sword, I shall grant you a path into the void; a realm where spirits will cease to exist. There will be no Heaven or Hell. For I am the left hand of Judgement, and the right hand of Death himself. For he shall be your only salvation, and your only guide into the void from the path I will give to you. And thus, by the will of God, you will burn for eternity in Damnation." He finished as he opened his eyes and brought down his sword upon the Elven swordsman. And with a quick executional downwards strike, the Elf's head was decapitated. And with blood now spilling out from the open wound, Junichiro just stared up at the sky. He then swiped his blade in the air, splashing off the blood that was stained on the sword. And after doing so, he sheathed his sword and walked back towards the other survivors.
(^ That is why I give people a chance to react instead of having the rest of the Elves flee. Cause of bossness like that.)

The two other Elves, gaping in fear from the execution that they had just witnessed, scurried off, running as fast as they could up the road.

The adrenaline, finally fading from Brakkus's body, caused the full pain of his wound to finally set in. Quickly, he grabbed the jagged edge of the hole made in his armor, and slowly pried it back into position. Pain was a luxury that Brakkus could not take.

"Let the other Elves go. They're both wounded, and so will most likely die before reaching friendly lands. Besides, now, more than ever, is the time to leave this place." Brakkus announced to the small group, cleaning off his sword on the grass as he did so.

"Although I didn't have much of an idea of where we would go before, I know just where we're headed now." He flipped the sword and began cleaning the other side. "The Elf mentioned that the humans were trying to rebuild our civilization in the North. I believe that it would be in our best interest to support them? I mean, where else are we going to go." Brakkus stated, finally sheathing the sword on his back. He then quickly sat down on a nearby boulder, his hand holding his forehead.

"Sorry, sorry." He murmured. "That fight took much more out of me then I thought."

"Does anyone have any other opinions on where we should go?" He strained to say, now looking up to the small crowd before him.
"I don't know of any other place we could go, so why not. The spell I used gave me all of my energy, but drained the rest of it after the fight so I can't heal anyone right now. We need to get to a town so we can fully recover." Alvar said as he painfully pulled the arrow out of his arm. He then took the point of the arrow and tore off part of his overcoat which he wrapped around his wounded arm.
Once he walked back to the other survivors, the last two remaining Elves hauled their way out of the area. It seemed as if this band of unlikely heroes could actually stand a chance against the Elves. It was a great feeling knowing about that. Junichiro just stood there, listening to Brakkus' suggestion about leaving these ruins. It wasn't a bad idea, there was nothing else they could do here.

They had to advance if they wanted to make some progress on their survival. But Brakkus continued to speak out about his plan on leaving, and telling the rest of the survivors that one of the Elves mentioned something about a Human civilization in the North. As surprising as it may seem, there might actually be something useful over there.

Quickly, Alvar stated his own opinion about Brakkus' idea. He was completely right, seeing that both Alvar and Brakkus were injured from the fight. Even Jaidynn was, too. Of course they needed to recover, for what else could happen if their wounds weren't healed in time? Hopefully they would actually find a Human civilization up North. There, they can rest and get their wounds healed. It didn't seem like a bad plan at all.

And so with that, Junichiro decided to state his own opinion. "Well, I say we head on to the North. Alvar is right, the injured has to get healed somehow, and there's no better way to do so than to go to the Northern Civilization. We obviously can't stay here any longer, for we will just attract the wrong attention." He said as he stared up at the sky again, feeling as if he knew something. Then suddenly, a smile began to form on his face. He couldn't quite tell the reason on why he was smiling. Maybe because the Humans were actually strong enough to survive? Or was it because that there was a human civilization in the North?

He thought about it for a while as he stared up at the sky, wondering how this could get better. If all went well, he could actually save his children. Yes, that was what probably made him smile. The fact that the two people he held so close to his heart, were starting to not become as distant as how they were when the Elves captured them. And with the help of these survivors, people whom he could finally trust, his dream might be fulfilled.

"Maybe there is still hope." He said as he continued to stare up, not even moving his vision away from the sky.
Victoria placed a hand on her hip, listening carefully to everyone's ideas. She really didn't mind where the group went, as long as she went with them. The large Bengal Tiger crept up behind her, sitting next to her patiently and flicking his orange ears. Grinning slightly to herself, she scratched his head and glanced around the group.

She put her arrows back into the quiver, and than gripped the white bow in her right hand. Taking a step back, she scanned the area of any movement, just in case the elves came back.

(I have no idea what to make Victoria say xD )
Jaidynn watched silently as the others spoke, glancing to her uncle's dead body on the ground, absentmindly wiping his blood from her cheek with her sleeve. She had no problem with killing, that wasn't what was bugging her, no.

He WAS her uncle.

Despite his twisted ways, he was her blood, her memories, he was so many of them. Caleb, before the whole incident happened, had been like a second Father to Jaidynn, since him and her Father were so close he was always around, he spoiled Jaidynn rotten and she loved him. But it had to be done, she knew it had to be done. But it still hurt. To see her uncle, the man she had once loved, dead on the ground. Now that he was dead....wasn't his evil gone? To her, he just looked like her uncle, the one who had held her up on his shoulders and played with her and Darrien when they were younger. She was itching to bury him, but she knew the humans probably wouldn't approve, to them he was the monster who killed their families, destroyed their homes.

He was just another elf.

Painfully turning her gaze away from the corpse on the floor she looked to the others half-heartedly, she nodded in approval and looked to her own bleeding arm, she tore a bit of cloth from her long top, tearing it so that it fell to her hips rather than her mid-thigh, and then wrapped the cloth around her wound tightly. That should hold it until she could stitch it. When she spoke up, her eyes were distant, "Heading to the north sounds like a good idea. From what the elven soliders said it seems like they're planning an attack on the humans there, so we should try to get there before they do, to defend the survivors there."

She looked around their group, Brakkus was injured aswell as a few others. "But Alvar makes a good point, some of us are injured, we need to find a rest stop."

She didn't care if they didn't like an elf telling them what they should do, or giving an opinion, she had just killed her damn uncle, wasn't that enough evidence of what side she was on?
"As far as I can tell, there's no way for us to heal ourselves until we get to that city." Brakkus stated, not caring about his wounds. "I'm not sure how far the journey will be. But as long as we keep cloth tightly wrapped around our wounds, we'll survive. We do not have any other choice." Brakkus was standing up now, trying to think of any other path that they could take. There wasn't any.

"We'll follow the road North, but we'll hide in the forest. Come night fall, we'll sleep among the trees."
He informed everyone, trying to at least take command of the situation. If all went well, they'd reach the city in under a week, and hopefully wouldn't run into any opposition along the way.

"If we start now, we'll at least travel five or so miles before having to rest. Come morning, Alvar will at least be able to heal some of our wounds."
He said, now making his way to the path, leading away from the town. "Is everyone with me?"
Hearing Jaidynn mention about the Elves planning for an attack against the Northern civilization, the situation seemed greater. If they weren't able to make it to the city in time, the newly found city will be crushed by the brutal Elven forces. Something in which they must stop. Junichiro only hoped that they were able to make it before the attack..

But he agreed with Brakkus about not being able to be healed until they get to the city. Although, Alvar is only able to heal some of the others' wounds. And hiding in the forest seemed like their best choice. There was noway they would want to be strolling around in the middle of the road where anyone can see them. Of course, they would have to be careful if they decided to take the road either way.

Then something else was wrong. The forest, one area in which might even be a perfect battle grounds for the Elves. They would have to keep their guard up, for ambushes may lie within the forests. And sleeping among the trees seemed better than on the ground where they can easily be spotted if they're not careful.

And once Brakkus asked if everyone was with him, Junichiro quickly looked back down from the sky. "Of course I am." He told Brakkus as he followed him. He stopped for a moment, and stared back at Jaidynn. After a while, Junichiro stared back at the swordsman in front of him and decided to tell the man what was on his mind.

"We have to defend Jaidynn while we're out there. I don't think none of us would want any other humans to kill our own allies out of pure discrimination over the Elves." He said as he let his left hand rest on the hilt of his blade. Either way, every single one of them knew how to defend themselves. But it doesn't hurt to have each others backs for once.
"I should be able to heal all of you in the morning with energy to spare." Said Alvar in response to Brakkus' statement. He walked towards the corpses of the elves they had fought. "Although without energy, I won't be able to protect myself. We might as well forage what we can from the elves. It's not 'bind on equip.'" He said as he picked up a sword from one of the elves. He wasn't an expert swordsman, but it will do. He also picked up a bow and quiver stocked with arrows from another elf. He pulled the string without loading an arrow to try and get a feel for the bow. "Maybe one of you could give me some lessons on these."
"Leave the weapons where the lie." Brakkus sternly said. "They're the weapons of the Elves that we had to kill today. Although we are at war with them, does not mean we should desecrate them by taking what they died fighting with."

Brakkus adjusted his equipment, then looked again towards the path. "We're losing sun light. The longer we wait, the close nightfall approaches."

He took a step down the path, ready to leave.
"Alright." Alvar said as he dropped the equipment and followed Brakkus. "But now I might have trouble surviving without a way to defend myself."
"Can we just hurry and go? More or probably coming and we don't want to be seen here now do we now"Areth said stroking Neo, he just wanted to hurry up and get out of here.
Jaidynn followed suit as Brakkus began to lead the way, briefly pausing to look back at her dead uncle on the ground. She stood for a moment, conflicting, before she moved back to the body. She couldn't help it. He was still her uncle.

She stood over his body for a moment before crouching down and pulling his eyelids shut, she then stood back up and walked off, sliding her daggers away as she fell into step beside Brakkus. Eyes on the ground ahead, her excuse was that she was looking for any set traps - which she was of course - but she didn't feel like making much eye contact with anyone either. She still wasn't entirely sure if they trusted her or not.

But when she heard Alvar's words of not having a way to defend himself she glanced back to him, "One second." She muttered and ducked into the woods they were walking beside, re-appearing seconds later with a long wooden sturdy stick that looked a lot like a staff of sorts, though of course it wasn't. She chucked it at Alvar with a grin, "It's just a stick, but you can block attacks with it, smack elves across the head and legs and if you want I'm pretty sure you could enchant it with an offensive spell." She carried on walking beside Brakkus as she spoke, "It's the best we can do for now, we'll find something better up north probably."

That was another thing Jaidynn was good at, fast-thinking. She glanced back to Victoria, noticing how the girl had come back and offered her a smile that she hoped would lessen any hatred the girl had towards her, if she had any, "You coming aswell, Victoria was it?"

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