[Sign Ups] The End of Days (Medieval/Survival RP)

[MENTION=1758]RobinDenstro[/MENTION] I loved reading what you guys were writing in this RP so much I decided I needed to be a part of it.

Character Sheet:

Name - Adrian Morrow

Age - 35

Race - Cirilian

Class - Necromancer

Spells - Pestis (Plague spell; slowly deteriorates the target's lungs, making them hack up bloody mucus)

Caecus (Causes the target's eyes to become foggy, effecting their vision)

Nex (Can effect multiple people at once. Causes their interiors to literally melt, as if the blood within them was replaced with corrosive acid.)


Personality - Adrian is an introverted lad, who has changed a great deal since the elven invasion has started. He has grown up a great deal, and acts decades older than he actually is.

Appearance - A shaved head, light stubble, milky eyes and spiraling tattoos covering almost the entirety of his toned chest and arms. Not incredibly strong, but he is very sinewy despite being relatively skinny. Arian is of average height, as well.

Companion -

The ghost of Adrian's twin sister... horribly disfigured and in spectral form (she is only visible to Adrian).

Back-story - Adrian was a poor citizen of the Cirilian empire. He had lived in the slums with his father and twin sister, Alexis, from birth. Their family had been almost entirely shunned by society, in large part because of Adrian's father's interest in the practical usages of necromancy. After countless years of being hated and vilified Adrian had had enough and utilized the oncoming invasion to get his revenge. For an exorbitant amount of gold, he agreed to cripple his villages defenses for the elves.

His plan backfired however; he had secured a position of power in the court of a powerful elven general, and had all the wealth a man could possibly want. Unfortunately his sister and father had not been so fickle and had refused to help with his plan. Despite Adrian's pleas, they had decided to stay behind and fight the elves to their dying breaths. After the remainder of the war, a distraught Adrian brought his sister back from the grave, to apologize for his grievous mistake and beg forgiveness.

Alexis, pitying her brother, accepted his apology on one condition: he had to once again betray the side he was on, and attempt to put an end to the elven empire. Adrian accepted her terms, and like a thief in the night escaped from his elven suitors, eager to try and complete his impossible task. Or at least to die trying.

Other - Adrian is blind and relies on Alexis to see for him.

If you accept me, I'll wait until it's logical for me to actually become an active participant.

(I love your character logan kasper. Well thought out, and it fits just perfectly with the game.

Sadly, yes, you'll have to wait with The BetterKuja for a little while. You guys should appear pretty soon, and you should both consider private messaging each other about some history that you two might have, be it best friends, traveling companions, etc. As long as you're on friendly terms. Sound good?)
Name - Anna Shani Rosse

Age - 23

Race - Human

Class - Ranger

Weapon - Bow and Arrow, a gift from her father. Made of the antler of the finest buck, and strongest thread, it was an amazing gift.

Personality - Anna is somewhat shy, but also aggresive when needed. She has overcame many obstacles, and plans on surviving through whatever comes. Around allies, Anna works for her team, and is kind. She attempts to make the best out of what she has, helps others and enjoys at least being alive.

Appearance -

Companion - A small Fox named Anubis

Back-story - One day, when Anna was still young, only around 12, She awoke alone in the darkness. She had another nightmare about her parents leaving her. Ususally she crawled outof bed and went to them. "Momma... Daddy?" She cried as she stepped out of bed. A tear rolled down her cheek. "Momma! Wh-Where are you Momma?" She cried louder. Still no reply. She sat on the floor crying out for her parents. She awoke again at daylight, now able to see. She wandered through the empty cottage, sniffling. Her heart felt as if it was dead, heavy and hurting. She stumbled upon a small note by her parents bedside. It read:

Anna, You know we love you. Dont worry about us we are fine. During the night... They came, right outside.

We couldnt risk your life, so we fled, tucking you safely away in your bed. Luckily, your reading this now.

Anna honey, we love you. we miss you. Take this and teach yourself to use it. It will become useful in the time to come.

Stay safe honey, we love you. Forever and always.


Momma and Father.

Anna cried, and looked at the gift beside the letter. There laid a beautiful bow. Anna snifled and stared at it.. SHe would teach herself to survive. She HAD to survive. She had to be strong. She folded up the letter, took a few small items of food, a blanket, a few of her fathers study books and folded them into her pack. She grabbed the magnificent bow and the arrows and left the house. From there, all she could do was run,

Other - Anna has become very emotionally, and physically strong, but she still is determined to find her parents.
(So many people want in to the group...)

(Okay, yeah, your character seems alright, but you'll have to wait with the others until we get on our feet. Sorry Sprinkles228. It's just that we really need to get moving. You'll come in with logan kasper and The BetterKuja soon though, don't you worry. I advice you to read over the main story line and to read over all of the rules so far)
Whoa, I'm missing out xD I'll post in a bit. The thing is that I caught a terrible flu, but I'm getting better as we speak. So I shouldn't have a problem with posting anymore besides school XP
Uh, can we clarify when this massive war started? 'Cause I thought it was a recent thing, like a few years ago, but in Sprinkles character form it said it happened 11 years ago?

When did it happen/start.....?
(So, was wondering if I can have two characters xD ?)

Name - Darrien Caverly

Age - 15

Race - Elf Rogue

Class - Archer

Weapon - Bow and Arrow

Personality - Darrien is practically the complete opposite to his big sister, besides both being brave, they have next to nothing in common. Darrien is definitely what one would call hot-headed, and often needs his calm big sister to settle him down. He seems incapable of planning things on his own and usually leaves that up to whoever else he is with. Darrien would never, EVER admit it out loud, but he's totally scared of the dark and his favourite time of day is midday - when the sun is highest in the sky. He does love the outdoors though, having spending most of his time outside practicing his archery skills as well as running to increase his speed - now he moves like a bullet. Darrien can be ignorant at times, but is a lot smarter than Jaidynn and people in general think.

Appearance - View attachment 7318

Companion - View attachment 7319 Jamain, the burrowing owl. They are the only owls who are active at daytime aswell as night, so they are not nocturnal. Jamain was not given to Darrien, he was a wild owl who began to follow the boy and gradually became his companion. So many would say Jamain picked Darrien, not the other way around.

Back-story - Darrien grew up in his village with his mother, father and older sister Jaidynn. Darrien had a good childhood, but found himself being widely misunderstood by everyone except his mother and sister Jaidynn. He was never really close to his dad at all, being a 'mummy's boy' and distanced himself even further when the war started. When he found out that Jaidynn had left, he was heart-broken, wondering how he was going to survive without his big sister to have his back when he got into trouble. He spent more and more time practicing archery - even though his whole family didn't know about his bow and arrow skills, they thought he was practicing running - and had just returned home when he heard his Mum and Father arguing once again about the war. They had been doing this recently, about a year after Jaidynn had left they started, but this time was different.

The argument got out of control, Jaidynn's mother was begging her husband to stop what he was doing, to try and convince the others to call off the war and the endless slaughter of humans - since he was/is one of the head generals in the war - when he told her he couldn't do that, she got mad and this time threatened to leave just like Jaidynn did, along with Darrien. She stormed upstairs, and Darrien's dad, scared of losing his wife and son, chased after her. She was at the top of the stairs when he grabbed her and tried to tug her back, to stop her. But he tugged too hard. Darrien watched as his Mum toppled down the stairs and snapped her neck as she fell, stopping to a rest at the bottom of the stairs where he was standing just a few feet away, by the door. Darrien's dad saw Darrien and made a move to go down the stairs and grab the boy before he could run, but Darrien, like the whizzing bullet he is, sped from the house and didn't stop running until he couldn't see civilisation anymore. Bow in hand and Jamain by his side Darrien has set off to find his big sister and to most importantly stay as far away from his Father and elves like him as possible.

Other - Darrien looks up to Jaidynn and if he were a girl he'd be the spitting image of her, they look almost identical and you would be able to tell in a heartbeat that they're related by looking at their faces.
(You can introduce him with the other three. If we do actually get this show on the road, maybe we'll actually run into these characters...)
Okay, thanks [MENTION=1758]RobinDenstro[/MENTION]

See what I did there? :P And yup, I was thinking of introducing him when they stop for the night in the forest or whatever, he'd be hiding in a tree, see Jaidynn and sprint over to her. So yeah, he might shock the humans a bit when he just appears out of no-where and flings himself at Jaidynn xD
Name - Kanjo Kenshi

Age - 37

Race - Human

Class - Ranger (the only one that seemed close to my character)

Weapon - Rapier

Personality - lack of emotion, but not evil.

Appearance - (I don't have a picture) He wears black shoes, pants, and sleeveless shirt that seems to blend in with each other. He also wears a black cape and hood. His tall, slender build means that he is very agile. He has orange hair and blue eyes which show no emotion.

Back-story - Kanjo has always been a wanderer. He has traveled the world and been to many places. No one really knows how he became emotionless. Some people think that a wizard put a spell on him for trespassing, but he never confirmed this. He doesn't tell people a lot about his past; just enough to answer some of their questions.
( [MENTION=1488]xJobozx[/MENTION] , here's a picture of Brakkus without his armor...)

View attachment 7376

(Also, Thesmashbro, I don't really like that you're making another character. I mean, if for example, you're pet cat transformed into a person with a specific class and race. Then, in that case, you would be able to make a character, but otherwise, I would much rather you stick with your first one, unless of course, he somehow dies. So, in other words, unless it's plot related to your character, I would like it if you would stick with only one character)
(I am sorry if I really suck at this because i'm not used to this site yet >.< So i am just warning you...)

Name - Seth Collen

Age - 18

Race - Elf

Class - Archer

Weapon - a simple wooden homemade Bow and arrows

Personality -He's shy and doesn't speak much unless he knows you well, and he's rather heartless when it comes to helping out others. Usually found talking to himself if he is left alone and can think out a strategy before his enemy even thinks of there first move.(Pretty much what the new sherlock home does when he has to fight.)

Appearance -View attachment 7622

Companion - Silver and Copper (the two snakes in his picture)

Back-story - Seth was always a lot shorter and smaller than anyone he had met, always being stared down upon he felt irritated that he couldn't do the same. And it never changed, he stayed that smallest, though faster and more flexible than all the others he still felt them looking down on him. And he hated them for it, all of them. Even though he new it wasn't anyone's fault, it didn't change the fact that nothing would change.

Other - He has a habit of dozing off out of the blue, doesn't know why, it just happens.
(I think your character is pretty cool man, but I could really use anyone else besides a Knight, a Ranger, or a Mage right about now. Feel free to pick ANY other class, it's just that we already have an abundance of Rangers and Knights at the moment. Sorry)

(Y'know, honestly, I wouldn't mind if you played a Ranger. You can if you want to, I would just rather you play something else :P There are a lot of cool classes to choose from)
(Den Dobry, I'm new too, so sorry if I don't do well at first .3.)

Name - Alice

Age - 19

Race - Human

Class - Berserker

Weapon - (Could I use a Battle Axe? :D )

Personality - Detached, a little bit insane, playful, childish,mischievous. She has huge trouble trusting people. Despite her insanity, she's big on manners. :3

Appearance - View attachment 7988Pretty much like this :3

Back-story - She was abandoned by her parents when her hometown was invaded by elves when she was 4. She was usually avoided since she gave a lot of trouble for people. When old neighbors found her, they ignored her. Not that she mind, she didn't mind one bit.

When she was walking through the wood one day she found a man singing to himself by the fire. she went to him immediately, and the instantly became the best of friends. They took care of each other even though the age difference. They loved each other as if they were father and daughter. But one day after she came home from a morning walk (at age 16) he had disappeared, and she never had seen him again.

Other: hates being touched, whether being attacked or in a loving way.

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