[Sign Ups] The End of Days (Medieval/Survival RP)

(Yea, xD I did a while ago,I've just never known if i was approved or not.I have an idea on how to move on into the story,but it really sucks that i had to change to an engineer >.< ruined many of my plans,though hopefully all that I had to change was that he had no pets T~T poor copper and silver...)
(Do not fear. Copper and Silver still live in that creative mind of yours. They'll have their debut soon enough.)
Sorry that I haven't been on in a while. EXAMS! Anyways, [MENTION=3517]Mr.Fancy-Cake[/MENTION] , you're in. Just wait until we get to the city before jumping into the storyline.

[MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION] , I'll accept you whenever you make a character.

And finally, Mr.Fancy-Cake, yes, you can use a battle axe. I'm actually surprised myself that I didn't add that as a weapon of choice...
(@[MENTION]RobinDenstro[/MENTION] O.o I already made my character a long time ago xD remember we had the whole ordeal about him being a ranger and you said yal had enough rangers T-T then poor Copper and Silver couldn't be his pets because i changed him to an engineer. O.o you don't remember?)
I would love to join if I could. Please feel free to scream at me if my character is horrible.

Name: Aleyaah Miran

Age: 21

Race: Human

Class: Monk

Weapon: bow staff

Personality: Aleyaah lacks alot of the emotion she used to have. She seems out of things alot, but really she spends most of her time inspecting her surroundings. She tries to be very cautious, but yet, she doesn't like to seem cautious. Most of the things she does seem effortless, but were really planned out and practiced.


Backstory: Aleyaah was once a boisterous, naive child, but this changed when her family sent her away to train in martial art forms with the monks. Feeling unwanted and abandoned, she closed herself off, refusing to speak to anyone.Trying to regain her lost worth, she trained harder than anyone and quickly became one of the best students. As a result of trying to prove her worth, she sure that everything she did seemed effortless. She refused to let anyone see that she had to work and that things didn't come naturally to her. Once she was better than most of her teachers, she left, sneaking away in the middle of the night to return to her family and prove that she was worthwhile. When she made it back to her hometown, she found it burned to the ground and dystroyed, her family and friends murdered. She left, traveling from place to place (learning on her journey of the war ) and killing as many elves as she possibly could.

Because of this, Aleyaah is still looking for validation. She still refuses to speak to most people and refuses to join any groups of remaining surviviors. Her skills have improved through her travels, making her stealthier and more cunning.

Other: Aleyaah is near silent with her movements. Her reflexes are cat-liike.
Accepted, but you're gonna have to wait until we hit the city first D: Don't worry though. We'll be getting there VERY shortly.
@Mr.Fancy-Cake , @Ember Bare , @Lunar-dweller , @xJobozx , @The BetterKuja , @Thesmashbro , @Sprinkles228 , @Darksoul90 , [MENTION=3326]logan kasper[/MENTION] , @Dino

Herro, fellow role-players! A few announcements about the rp;

1) We're going to be picking up speed! Posts are hopefully going to be more prominent and the story will hopefully be moving MUCH faster!

2) When we reach page 20 in the rp, I will consider every person who does not post between pages 15-20 to be no longer in the rp! I'll even write up reasons why your character died along the way O.o

3) "The End of Days" rp has WON 2012's "October's Roleplay of the Month!" http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/4319-October-s-Roleplay-of-the-Month!-(2012)?p=151166#post151166

In celebration, the city that you've just reached is currently celebrating what they call "Harvest Week!" A prestigious holiday week including apple bobbing, archery tournaments, etc. etc. This will also act as filler while I wait for everyone to post until page 20 of the rp!

4) Also, in celebration, you'll notice that I've recently added a large amount of new classes. For fairness reasons, your character is allowed to change his/her class as long as they remain the same race. (Message me first before making this change)

Yay! Wait...Thanksgiving?

Aww, I wish we celebrated Thanksgiving in England :(

Archery? Does that mean Darrien gets his weapon back for the festival? Archery is his thanggggg :D
Thanksgiving! The one holiday worth sharing with friends AND family! @xJobozx You live in England? HOLY CRAP! SEETHING FRIZZ! I COULD" HAVE HUNG OUT WITH YOU WHILE I WAS IN ENGLAND DURING SUMMER!!!

Anyway, I plan on making an RP of my own. And when it's finished, YOU ARE ALL INVITED!!!! :)

Robin, I'm terribly sorry for not posting all this time. School and other things had a hold on me for a while (again...)​, which explains my absence for this RP.

That's going to change, though. Lately I've been getting back to role playing, so now that I am I'm going to read the posts from where I last left off. Hopefully, I'll shoot up a lengthy post tonight to make up for all that I missed out on :/

But for now, I've got some posting to do!
Just set up the longest post I've ever made. I nearly cried while writing half of them. The others, I felt really happy with regarding the story and set up. Enjoy!
[MENTION=3293]The BetterKuja[/MENTION] , Just a heads up from your last post (and to everyone else that might be confused); About five years ago, the war began, and the Elves attacked. Little over a year ago, the war ended, and the Elves won. We're now living in a post-apocalyptic environment, and have thus far been unable to rebuild our fallen kingdom (Side note; "Fallen Kingdom" was in the running for the name of the RP, until I realized how overused it was :P ) The city you're currently in is just a scrap heap that was thrown together, and currently, the people that live there are celebrating. Not only is this an astounding show of the will of Men, but the pure emotion at this point is astounding. These survivors are literally happy. The entire world around them; their friends, family, lives were killed in cold blood by the Elves, and they are happy!

Think about this while you guys role-play. I'm literally close to tears when I think about this concept, and at least your characters should feel this as well. The reason why I singled you outThe BetterKuja ​is because in your post you stated that the war is still going on. Just a heads up, it's not. You lost. Welcome to the End of Days. :D
I have to say this. [MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION] , [MENTION=3517]Mr.Fancy-Cake[/MENTION] , why would your characters see this as a game? Stop thinking about this as a game you can manipulate, but rather, a world that you live in. You should be sad, you should be angry, you should be depressed, or furious, or courageous; but excited? News flash; no matter what anime shows, movies, or cartoons tell you, no one is emotionless. There was actually a study done a few years back in Switzerland, done by a few bored scientists, who decided to see if there was anyone that were emotionless, battle hardened people. They recorded all kinds of people; prisoners, veterans, peasants, criminals, civilians, nobles. Guess what? They all had emotions, and fears, and felt sad, and angry, and emotional. Your characters are not vessels of your own pleasure, but people that write and define a story.

And [MENTION=3293]The BetterKuja[/MENTION] , never have I ever tried to break away from the tragedy of the story. In fact, I encourage it. I keep the story hot because the story is a major part of the role-play, and because I want to keep things moving. I try to push as much tragedy and emotion through this story as possible, without you guys thinking that I'm trying to force your characters to be depressed bigots. I don't want you to be depressed or anything; I just want you to feel. Is that too much to ask for?!

Alright, I'm done with my rant. *sigh*
O.o The 'game' part was for before,a game that was being played during the festival if there were any xD Not what the dude talked about.Like the archery tournament would be fun for him. Now if he can't be excited about that then okay,but if your thinking he was excited about what seems to be a battle coming then you've got it wrong ^^

~And also, you know some people just might not be moved by war and all that.It could take something else to show there emotions,so some could laugh and smile about this yet when it came to something else that others would laugh at he wouldn't and take it seriously :/ there are many 'different' people out there with different mind sets. Like my character wouldn't as moved with what has happened but if something were to happen to Copper and Silver or the forest he'd get really anger and act on it right away.Just to point out...
This story is like a cake, I cannot taste the cake because it is I want to savor the taste when I do take that first bite, but it gets even more delicious as the story progresses.
The BetterKuja, I have no idea what you just said. Primarily because of the first sentence's lack of understanding.

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