The End of Days RP [If you wish to join, read description]

The small party made their way through the forest, wary of anyone that could be walking along the road. Come sun down, they planned on resting at a nearby river bed. The sweet sound of rushing water and the abundance of moss made an excellent place to rest.
Victoria gripped her white bow and followed the group from the back. She glanced back behind her cautiously and than clicked her tongue, watching Renn immediately look up and follow. She was having second thoughts on staying with the group. They hadn't said a single word to her, let alone, not even a glance.

She stopped in her tracks and watched the group disappear into the forest. Sadness swirled into her eyes, but it quickly vanished when she turned her back on them and walked the opposite direction. Renn flicked his ears in confusion, looking towards the group, but he obediently padded after Victoria.

Guess they weren't the right group after all..
(I'm quite sure that Jaidynn gave you a friendly smile. Besides, I gave you guys two days to communicate what you were going to do before we left. So, we're at the camp site)

(Also, @xJobozx, you can introduce your second character with the other three, alright? I don't want to slide in your second character before I add their first)
Brakkus, relaxing after a long days walk, sat by the riverbed and sighed. Quickly rushing across the stream, Brakkus splashed his face with the cold water. He then stripped his armor, and began cleaning his wound with the stream. The cold tendrils of water spilled past his wound, helping it greatly. There, he relaxed.

([MENTION=3277]Sprinkles228[/MENTION] [MENTION=3326]logan kasper[/MENTION] [MENTION=3293]The BetterKuja[/MENTION] , you're up, amigos. Jump out fromt the shadows like you're going to kill us, sneak around the trees and try to steal from us, whatever you guys want to do. Also, [MENTION=1488]xJobozx[/MENTION] , add your second character into the mix here)
Jaidynn found herself heading towards the riverbed after their tiring day's walk. She was glad for what she was doing, rebelling against the elven soldiers to help the humans who hadn't deserved this war, but she still did miss home life, her mum, her little brother. Pushing back those thoughts, she looked up to see Brakkus had removed his armour and was in the river, cleaning his wound. She ignored her cheeks heating slightly, hoping her cheeks hadn't turned pink but having a sneaky suspicion that they had.

She forced herself to look away from him as she sat by the riverside and removed the tied cloth from her own wound, pulling off her long top to reveal a tank-top on underneath. Her red wound was now exposed, and she used the ripped piece of cloth to clean it after having dipped it in the river. Once that was done, she fiddled with her long top for a moment, finally pulling a small needle out from the pocket with thread attached to it. "This is going to hurt.." She muttered to herself. She knew it had to be done though, the gash in her arm was pretty bad, and even if Alvar was to try to heal her it would need to be stitched up. Plus, it might be a while before he could heal her, and if she didn't stitch it up the wound would just get worse.

So, with those motivating thoughts she pushed the needle through her skin with a light wince and began to sow her wound shut, having difficulties since she was only able to use one arm to do it.

Yeah. It hurt.

(Like Sprinkles, I'm going to wait for the others :) Oh also, what does Brakkus look like underneath his armour? The picture of him only shows a suit of armour)
Aeth sat down and washed Neo in the river. Getting out the little balls of what ever they were in his furr. He finally finished and Neo licked his hand. Aeth laughed "Stop that tickles" He shouted whilst laughing. Neo shook himself dry then jumped up onto his shoulder. He walked over to Alvar and held out a hand. "Im Aeth and this is Neo we didnt get to introduce ourselves properly earlier" He gave off and smile and Neo meowed aloud.
(Well I don't mind being first.)

Dreylain, having watched the whole fight take place had just finished the sketches he had made of the party and showing the elves who's boss. My my my. How arrogant the elves are and how quickly they fell to the Knight, the Sorcerer, and the Archers. I know now why my elven father resents his kin. He said softly. He jumped down from behind the tree where he was sketching, and quietly walked closer to the party. I doubt they'll see me a threat .... or as an elf.
(OK yay your on.. Im pretty sure you were told about the plan, so ill post based off that.)

Anna lay on her back, just waking from a short nap and yawned. She walked over to Dreylain "Nice sketch" She added giggling. She yawned again, while her hair blew in the wind. She blinked the small amount of sleep in her eyes out and scanned the area. She studied Dreylains drawings closley, slighly invading his personal space, then looked up at him. Her stuff by the other side of the tree was left laying there. To her it seemed.. lonley.. She didnt know why but it did. She bright red apple from the tree, struggling a bit to reach it, but finally she heard the snap of the stem and was satisfied with herself. Sh took a bite as the sweetness of the fruit ran into her mouth. She held out the apple to Dreylain and asked "Want some?" She took another bite and put it in the palm of his hand and laughed as she moved her stuff, so those stupid ants wouldnt get it.
Brakkus sits in the stream for a moment, the blood rushing from his wound out into water. He leans on the side, relaxing from the long day. He turns his head, looking around the grand seen of nature, only to look upon Jaidynn. The fact that she was only wearing her tank top was irrelevant. Brakkus already forced himself to expel those thoughts. However, she did seem to be having a difficult time stitching her wound closed. With only one arm, he could only imagine the challenge.

He waded over to her, his armor still waiting by the edge of the river. "Do you need any help with that, Jaidynn?" Brakkus said, trying to come across friendly. Most humans probably didn't show her much grace, her being an Elf and all. He wanted to be gentle.
Jaidynn was infact thinking just how annoyingly difficult this was, wincing lightly where she inserted the needle a bit too roughly from her anger and then looked up in surprise as Brakkus's voice floated to her ears. The shock was obviously clear in her eyes, but she nodded anyway. She would be an idiot to refuse help just because most humans didn't offer it.

She couldn't make the mistake of thinking all humans were the same; she had been on the wrong end of that assumption and it wasn't nice.

"If you don't mind" He didn't seem to of course, since he offered, so she held out the needle to him, flicking her braid to the side so it wouldn't be in the way. She of course had to ignore the fact that her eyes wanted to rest on Brakkus's face and take in his definitely appealing features. Why did he wear that helmet again? He certainly didn't need it.

Oh yeah, to protect his face from getting sliced. She forgot that. She looked down as he took the needle, suddenly feeling very vulnerable with him being so close.
"They're amazing" She replied, not looking at him as she rummaged through her pack. "Never knew you were an artist, as well as a great fighter." She walked back over to him studying his drawings closer. She quickly grabbed his pencil, and drew a mustache on the picture of himself. "That's better" She giggled happily. "We need to get moving... Only if he woul get up." She said pointing to the third member of their group. "I guess me and you can hang until then.." She said, climbing into the tree with her bow, munching a new, sweet apple.
Dreylain sighed. It seems to be that way. We should wait for him, while I'd rather leave him here to be found. But I wonder what we and they will do now. Dreylain bites into an apple, savoring its taste. He watched Brakkus and co. and wondered what they would do next and where they would go. Well why don't we follow them to another town when Adrian wakes up? Dreylain asked.
"Welllllll I guess I'll let the man make his decision, I mean, you've surely learned quite a bit from me" She said sarcasticly, looking him in the eye. "Man I love these apples!" She said, teasing him by taking a bite of his apple. "But seriously, I'll do whatever your up for." She said, taking out her bow and shooting just above his head at a target she placed in her own mind, purposely placing it where his head would barely brush the arrow. "Oops" She said laughing, glad she didn't actually hit him.
Brakkus, gently, took hold of Jaidynn's arm and as softly as he could, started threading the needle through her arm. Although he was slow about it, his hands were steady, and he tried to make it an experience that would be as painless as possible. Of course, he had to be quite close to Jaiydnn to place the stitches, making him most uncomfortable. Her hair, getting in his face only a few times, smelled of sweet berries. But of course, he tried to pay no mind to it. He had to remain focused. And, by doing so, also remained silent.

Just before finishing, he heard the familiar twang of an arrow nearby. It wasn't far, but it was surely noticeable. Taking care to finish Jaidynn's stitching, he gently let go of her arm, handed her the needle (which was still attached to the thread), and jumped out of the water. "You'll have to cut the thread. I need to investigate something." He said, as he quickly took up his armor. His helmet and chest guard would have to wait. His tunic was the only thing that he could put on fast enough. Grabbing his sword, without its sheath, he began crossing into the forest to investigate the noise.
Dreylain turns away from Brakkus and co. for a moment and turns to Anna. Well what would you like to do, then? Dreylain asked, curious about her answer.
"I just wanna do what's best for our survival..." She sighed and shot another arrow, slicing through an p

apple and dropping it in her hand. She ate yet another half apple and threw the other half at him. As she bit in she heard somthing crunch through the mid-forest leaves."Just a bird" she miles as she turned back to the boy.
Dreylain catches the other half of the apple and takes one bite. He then looks at Adrian with an idea. What do you think about this? I can carry him and we head for town. We could stay here till he wakes up, but I would not like to stay and come across anymore elves.
"Alright, I agree, let's gather our stuff and get a move on then." She said with a mouthful of apple. She jumped out of the tree with her bow and retrieved he earlier shot Arrows. She gathered her pack, stuffing about 10 apples in her pack. "For the trip" She said to herself. "I'll get the boys stuff, and yours If you like" She said pickIng up everyone's bags and slinging them over ht shoulder. The wind tossed around her hair as she squinted into the sunlight. "It's about two hours before noon. We should get a move on" She said, looking at the boy.
After the long walk with the survivors, they finally picked a place by the river in the forest to rest. They all needed it, in case of any attackers. But that didn't mean that they had to let their guards down, too. Junichiro just sat there next to river as he watched Brakkus tended to his wound. The Mage and the Archer seemed as if they were busy speaking, and Jaidynn was tending for her wound as well.

It seemed peaceful, none of them were killing anyone. Just relaxing. It's healthy, Junichiro supposed. It was just good to get away from all of those killings and slaughterings for one day. But as Junichiro sat there with his back straight up on the wood; sitting Indian style, he placed his blade on top of his legs. Slowly, he unsheathed the blade, placing down the scabbard of his sword right beside him on the grass.

He stared down at the blade, with all of these writings that were inscribed onto it. He steadily moved his fingers on the smooth surface of the blade, feeling the edges of each name that sat there on the hard steel sword. It has been passed down through generations after all.

But as he moved his fingers over to the middle of the large blade, it was as if his memories were returning. He still dreamed of the day he could see his children again. It was strange how he never told a soul about his personal life, he just guessed that maybe he hasn't found anyone who was worthy enough to hear his story. Still, he could feel them, the souls of the past swordsmen who wielded this magnificent blade.

He continued to move his fingers down his blade, but stopped when he heard Brakkus asking Jaidynn if she needed any help stitching her wound together. It was nice to know that not all humans bare the same hatred towards all Elves. He just smiled, then looked back down at his sword. He moved down his fingers again from where he had stopped, and before they reached to the tip of the blade, he smiled even more.

His families' names was inscribed onto the sword as well. It was tradition. Those who were skilled with their swords technique were able to witness the power of this amazing sword. The Daichi sword. He couldn't explain his feelings when his fingers had reached over to his families' names. Half of him wanted to tear up with sadness, the other.. He couldn't quite tell. But of course, he knew better than to do something as childish as that. For the more he knew that he was closer to his goal, the better he had felt.

His attention was taken away from him as he watched Brakkus leave the scene, not really hearing what he had said. Did Brakkus head out to patrol the area? There wasn't anyone here when they came, that is unless the enemy was hiding, which was something Junichiro had expected.

Junichiro just moved his fingers down to the last part of his sword, the tip of his blade. He felt relieved, feeling the sharp edge of the tip of his blade. But he was silent nonetheless, and just continued to stare at his sword.
"It's nice to meet you, Aeth and Neo." Alvar said. His mind seemed to be elsewhere. He was thinking about what was going to happen. The plan that they had so far was that he could heal all of them in the morning and everyone would head to the city so they could protect it. He knew that they would probably run into trouble on the way and have to fight, and he knew that everyone could hold their own in a fight. However, the fact that he kept on running out of energy made him feel useless. The spell that gave him all of his energy decreased his regeneration rate, but once he got back to full energy it would return to normal. He looked at the wooden "staff" that Jaidynn gave him. If he could get to a source of magic, he could use some spells to improve it greatly. He could even faintly feel a source of magic, but he wasn't sure how far away it was. He also didn't want to leave the group and go alone; that's the worst thing to do in a situation like this. He then saw Brakkus leave horribly unprepared with only his tunic and sword. Alvar got up. "He's going to need some help." He said as he walked towards where Brakkus went.
(sorry I'm late)

"Brother, wake up. Adrian!"

Alexis' voice resounded through Adrian's skull, her nervous tone disrupting his once deep sleep. Her words seemed to come from within his own body, as they always tended to. Perhaps that was why he was the only one who could hear her. Her caring words, angry chastises and quiet words of consul were as much a part of him as his own thoughts, and equally as private as well.

Adrian sighed, before forcing himself up to a sitting position. All the while he was rubbing his throbbing temples, attempting to sooth the constant migraine he had had since this war had started. "What is it, Alex? And why is it worth waking me up?"

"It's the others... they want to get moving. And I don't want them leaving us behind because you slept in."

With an outward smirk and an inward groan, Adrian turned his head towards his two companions chuckling voices. Those two drove him crazy. Yet.. he needed them. There was a certain safety in numbers, and the longer he could remain safe the better. It would be hard to avenge the fallen if he himself ended up dead.

"Hey! Maybe you two should inform me before leaving, instead of slipping away while I'm dormant. We are a team, aren't we?"
"Hey sleepy head!!" Anna shouted as Adrian awoke. She tossed a fresh apple at him, knocking him in the head. "You'll need your breakfast!" She said giggling, with a slighly sarcastic tone. She tossed another apple at Alexis' feet, then turned to Dreylain. "Well, at least their up now.. We're still going into town right?" She asked. Sighing, she took out her bow and studied it, off in her own little La-La land world. She thought of her parents and ran her hands against the bow's surface. 'So smooth, so elegant' She thought, staring at the object. It meant so much to her, yet it was only a weapon, only an object. It wasnt like it held someones life inside of it. Maybe to her it did. It held her only connection to her father. Coming back into the real world, she shouted "Well, lets get a moveon slowpokes!" She shouted playfully at them and turned to face the direction of the town.

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