Sci-Fi rp, unfinished, input and suggestions welcome.


Four Thousand Club
Ok, lets set out the setting first, then the technology, races ect...

I have a basic setting worked out, but i will need help sorting out an overall plot, what kind of feel this RP should have (a space-war feel to it, or more of a drama ect...) and other suggestions to help flesh out the universe.

remember, no suggestion is stupid.

We open on the planet Rythor, the 7th planet from the sun in a system with 2 suns, one larger which is further away, and one orbiting the larger one on the outer edges of the solar system, the place of these suns in relation to Rythor determines the seasons, in the "global winter" the temperature globally drops to approximately -10 celcius, and when the outer sun is closest is the "global summer" where temperatures average out at 38 celcius, due to the planet's atmosphere there are no "polar regions" the atmosphere absorbs much of the heat during the summer, and releases almost all of it during the winter, meaning no singular religions can remain frozen throughout the year.

Rythor's atmosphere has a higher CO2 level than earth, but this is natural, and not due to the technology of Rythor's inhabitants, the Kulrah, a tall, hair-covered species with a level of technology similar to how humanity's level of technology will be in 2050 (much more advanced than now, about at the level of them beginning experimenting with colonization of their planet's 2 moons) with their culture similar to ancient India's.

However, approximately 2 years ago, the Kulrah found themselves under attack by an alien species, who would only be identified as "the Hierarchy" (the closest english translation to their name anyway)

The Hierarchy are a bug-like mammal species, pale and bloated, from the surface they look almost like crabs outside their shells but with hair and a selection of 4 arms with hands with opposable thumbs, but they didn't fight, their advanced robots did the fighting, all on the cellular and molecular level...

the purge of the Kulrah was almost complete, until a third species joined the fray, a species more dangerous than the Hierarchy... Humanity.

The humans evaluated the situation, and after a quick battle... well, more of a slaughter, humanity drove the Hierarchy off, disabled their machines and quickly established relations with the Kulrah... our RP is based approximately 5 human years after this "first contact"...



The Kulrah are a single-gendered mammal species, each member possesses both female and male genitalia, the concept of "gender roles" is completely alien to them, they lack both Estrogen and Testosterone, but instead have a hormone which acts similar to both.

The Kulrah are similar to humans as they are clever, varied, ambitious and driven to better themselves and further their own goals, and like us, they have been drowing in their own blood in wars throughout the ages, mostly over religion. unlike humans, they are not as greedy in the same way, they do not sacrifice technological progress in favor of using old methods that give money to their own corporations, like humans did in the 20th and early 21st century, where companies stopped electric cars from being made so they could continue to make money off oil.

The Kulrah have many cultures, the dominant being similar to ancient India / the Sikh empire put in the modern day, with the second largest, almost rivaling the biggest, being similar to ancient Egypt's empire again put in the modern day, the 3rd larges actually being similar to Islamic culture of the modern day... of course they are vastly primitive to the other 2 in every way.

Apperances: Like all other species, there are different races/breeds of the Kulrah. note that i cannot be arsed thinking of different race names, but i will allcoate which ones have built their own respective societies.

1:, Battle ready.jpg these are the ones who have built the India-like culture, due to their thicker fur, these ones thrive in the cold winter time, but during the hotter summer times, these ones go through a massive "malting" phase, where they have to go to certain clinics every single day to have their fur sucked off as its falling, so they don't completely coat their homes with it and make the air hazardous to breathe in (but this is mainly a problem in the cities where there are millions of 'em)

2: These are the ones in the Egyptian-like Culture, their fur is thinner, they are typically taller and faster, their culture is very strict and they have retained old practices but made them much more bearable, for example, they still practice slavery, however all slaves come from war-torn poverty-stricken areas, their hours are bearable, their quarters are better than the hovels they came from and they can only be taken willingly, this has also lead to a thriving tourism trade, where Kulrah from all over Rythor come to drink, have fun, have sex with their more beautiful slaves and go home, and the slaves can leave whenever they want to, but since almost all would have to go back to the slums if they did, so they rarely ever do.

3: the smallest and fastest breeding of all, these ones are native to the vast swamplands in one part of Rythor, they are constantly at war with both other cultures, and have a tendency of claiming false victimhood status when their attempted invasions fail and their lands become occupied. They are also prideful and often stupid, relying entirely on exporting their vast resources from contained gasses used for clean fuel, to minerals found in massive reserves under their swamp lands, they claim that they are the fastest growing force on Rythor, but that is only because of their insanely high birth rate, with the arrival of humans, these Kulrah attempted to manipulate humans into attacking the other 2 cultures, instead humans have since shut them out of all negotiations and they have remained resentful ever since, often attempting to bomb transports and trade shipments to and from the human colonies.


we all know humans, so lets get to the culture, hmm?

in the 21st century, the total dominance of the west fell, economically dominated by Asia, and with rampant immigration, the west was forced to relinquish it's dominance.

after this, there was a massive cultural shift, corporations who once held back technological progress were forcibly destroyed by governments, well, only 2 types of companies were destroyed, Oil companies and Gun companies, with the oil companies gone, humanity soon found all gas stations instead giving out hydrogen and electricity, to fuel the hydrogen and electric cars which rapidly overtook and wiped out the old combustion engine cars, this also happened for planes, boats, rockets ect... humanity came in to a golden age which lasted over 600 years The west survived but Asia was now dominant, Countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran collapsed completely within 50 years with their oil now being worthless, since everything oil was once used for from fuel to plastic was replaced with cheaper and more effective alternatives.

even after the 600 golden years, humanity continued to advance, in the year 4500 humanity, now an interstellar species did the unthinkable... converted an entire planet into a starship, converting 4 planets from orbit around various stars into massive ships, using their own geothermal energy to fuel them, these planet-ships became the "Prime fleet" and with this fleet of 4 planets and countless ships on those planets, they set out into space with one goal... to make first contact.

approximately 19 years after setting out, the Primary fleet found what they were looking for, a system with intelligent life, locked in a bloody struggle and one was about to be wiped out, the fleet commander made a snap decision, to save those in trouble, the fleet established orbit and dispatched fleets, hundreds of thousands of ships from each planet to drive off the invaders, humanity's fleet suffered minimal losses and the enemy were driven off, with their motherships and most of their hyperspace-capeable ships destroyed in a few quick engagements... and with that done, Humanity landed one of their cruisers on the planet's surface, and first contact was made, a declaration of friendship.

Contact with earth is minimal, but tensions are building between the Prime Fleet and Earth, and although everyone knows the Hierarchy was driven off but not fully defeated, everyone is waiting to see if, or when they'll come back...


Please keep criticisms somewhat positive or at least neutral, no "this is a stupid idea" crap.

any and all input is welcomed so long as it is at least somewhat constructive, and feel free to ask questions, but don't rely on me to know every single tiny little aspect of the in-game universe, that is why im asking for input and suggestions.
This is a really good framework. If it's fleshed out more and worked upon I'm sure it could become a good RP.

At any rate, I have a couple questions-

Is humanity still divided and grouped in to different nations, or are they a more united force?

What are the limits of humanities technology, and how has the average persons life changed in 2000 some odd years?

What would we actually be doing in the RP? What role would our characters be thrust in to?
1: Humanity isn't so much "united" as "we stopped giving a damn about those holding us back and went our own way" so although back on earth places like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia ect... the West, Israel and East Asia essentially decided to leave them behind, or "cut off the dead weight", so on earh the people aren't united completely, however of the cultures who HAVE made it to the stars, their relations are mostly good... mostly.

the "Prime Fleet" is in itself a collection of 4 nations, but they operate as one fleet, if 1 planet shows signs of descent, then the other 3 will bring them in to line.

2: The average human can now live to approximately 300 years in an organic body, some wish they could be truly immortal, but the fact is it takes very advanced technology to keep the brain working after 300 years, any more would result in the brain being converted into an actual computer. Also human women hit menopause at 150 years old again thanks to modern technology,

3: thats what we're trying to put together, any suggestions?

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