Castaways. (Stuck on an island RP.) (Five Slots open!)

((I was waiting for Jesi to reply, but I'll just reply anyhow I guess.))

"Are you talking about Castaway?" She asked with a small laugh as she made her way back towards the shoreline. "As fun as that sounds, don't we kind of have each other?" She questioned as she tried to ring out her soaked clothes. Her tight jeans clung to her body like a second pair of skin, making it rather uncomfortable to move. Without a second that she slipped her thumb into one of the larger torn holes and began to rip until the pant leg fell to the sand. Quickly she did the same to the other and now she was wearing a pair of short. Though they were still wet, it was better than walking around in wet jeans.

Anna glanced towards the horizon for a moment, taking in what was left of the plane when her eyes caught something from afar. Though it was hard to make out, she swore it looked like a body. Without thinking she ran over towards it, a slight limp still in her step. "Hello?" She called out, hoping whoever it was was still alive. Finally she was at the persons side and to her surprise he was still alive. "Are you okay? Do you need help?"
His vision was fuzzy from adjusting to the light, his mind seemed to be taking things on at a time. He looked around, not at the girl who approached him but everywhere. When his eyes focused and adjusted after a good minute or so. He looked at her and groaned once more. Putting his hand on the ground, which was sand to his surprise. He expected a crash in the woods, not a beach. His forearm muscles shook with the effort as he pushed himself up, not using his right hand at all while he got up on his left foot, his other leg in a knee as his back slumped over.

His breathing uneven since he had to cough some blood out before speaking to her. "I'm...Fine. I think I am anyways. I think the only problem is my right shoulder." He looked her up and down and noticed she was wet, he didn't like that. He didn't want her getting cold later if she couldn't dry off in time. "Um..Call me Rae, who are you miss?" He said, as sand crumbled off of him and stuck in random areas, feeling gross with the sand on him but ignoring it as he started to feel heat under his cheeks. Scanning the area as he put his left hand to his head in pain. his eyes squiting while he tried to make an idea of what had happened.
"Oh yeah" he grinned as her logic cut through his stupid joke, her light laugh made him feel better and it was easier to cope with the severity of the whole situation. He watched as she ripped her jeans and realized that his own blue flannel shirt and pants weren't too comfortable either. He unbuttoned his shirt, wringing it out and tying it onto the cane hoping it'll dry out later. He'd leave the pants as is. Soon he realized Anna had taken off in a random direction. He looked to Hunter and said "Come on, we should join her" he hobbled his way accross the beach to where Anna was headed toward something "What is it?" he called out.
Though he said he was fine, Anna felt as if he was lying to make her not worry, something she did all too often. "Are you sure?" She asked softly. "You don't look too good and you just coughed up blood." She bit her bottom lip slightly, hoping he didn't have any internal damage. "I found a medical kit in the plane before it exploded, I could wrap your shoulder up if you'd like." Concern was written all over her face even though she didn't know him. "You know what, I'll be right back." And with that, she was gone.

She returned a few minutes later, a large orange bag in tow. "There's a lot of stuff in here, but sadly, no pain killers." She sighed as she dropped the bag to the sand and knelt down. Quickly Anna dug around inside, and pulled out a large rolled up ace bandage. "This will probably make you feel a little better. Do you mind if I do it?"
He'd look over at the guy as well while she was gone for a few minutes, and appraise him to look in better shape then himself. Hoping that he was the only one with the concussion and blood coming from his mouth. He shook his head slowly, the pain rather still instead of increasing, guessing it wasn't extreme but it was still very serious in their current situation. "Do you know what happened? I'm Rae the way." He asked the guy before she returned with the medical material.

He looked over at her and smiled at her concern, not used to being treated as if he were in trouble, which he knew was all too true. "I wouldn't mind, just be careful. I think my shoulder is out of place a little. It hurts to move it so I put it in my shirt." He hadn't a clue that his back had a smooth round piece of metal in his back which caused the internal bleeding. The only reason he wasn't torn up inside was because of the cirular edge. He would've been long dead if it cut up his right lung.
((I totally forgot to have her say her name. xD ))

"I'll be as gentle as I possibly can." Anna said softly as she gave a small comforting smile. "I'm Anna by the way. Sorry, I ran off and completely forgot to tell you." She gave a sheepish grin before moving towards the back of him, but stopped dead in her tracks. Her mouth dropped open a little and she didn't know what to say or do. Honestly, she didn't want to freak him out and have him possibly go into shock, but she knew if she didn't do something he'd probably die. She thought back for a moment, remembering all the different shows she watched where people had things stuck in them. Every show said that it was best to leave it in until the last minute, because pulling it out could cause the person to bleed out. Suddenly a thought struck her and though it would be painful and she really didn't know what she was doing, it could work. In the bottom of the bad was a medical stitching kit. Something she only saw done on TV. She knew all to well if she didn't do something, he'd die.

"Umm... Rae..." She tried her hardest to hide the panic in her voice. "I don't want you to freak out, but you have a... A piece of metal in your back..." She bit her lip again, honestly fearing the worst for this guy. "I... I'm not an EMT or a doctor, but I could... I could possibly help you, but it will probably hurt. There's a kit in the bag to give someone stitches, if I take the metal out slowly and clean enough, I could stitch you back up, but it will hurt. What do you want me to do?"
Not sure what to think he took his hand off his head nad rested it over his chest. Coughing up more blood while he worked on using his fingers in his other hand. It looked like he was right about only his shoulder being hurt since he could move his fingers without a painful consequence. He thought he felt rather fine on his back aside his shoulder. He wasn't sure how but it hit him good or maybe the pain wasn't noticeable because of his other injuries? "Metal? I don't know what to say..Do you think it's dangerous to toy with?" He said, staying on his knees since he didn't want to revisit the pain of his concussion at the moment for fear he would puke.

"I trust you know what to do better then me..Are you hurt at all either? I don't want you wasting any of our supplies because of a little hole in my back." He was very worried and conerned about his injury but he kept acting as if it wasn't there to blind her worry, and maybe they guys to if he thought it was a bad place to get run through. "I think you'd be better off fixing yourself up first..if it was really bad I might not have made it this far." He said smiling at her, while the concussion seemed to pulse with the veing in his head. He thought it might hurt for a good hour or so before it would start to fade.
Anna's face twisted a little, and she let out a soft sigh before kneeling down behind him. "It could get infected if you leave it like this. Besides, don't worry about me, I'm fine. I got patched up earlier." She wasn't completely lying, she did get patched up earlier, but her head was still throbbing. She wouldn't be surprised if she had a concussion, but even if she did, there wasn't much that could be done for it anyways, other than not sleeping tonight. "It's a decent piece of metal, but it looks like it went in pretty clean, and it's not too deep. I think it will come out fine." She knew it wouldn't be good to just leave something like that in him, if it got infected, he could die from that too.

"Please, let me help you." Her voice was a little bit harsher this time as she practically begged him. Without waiting for his reply she moved towards the medical bag, grabbing a pair of gloves and slipping them on. "You need to get this out, it's not good for you." Quickly she grabbed the small stitch kit as well and placed it beside her, before resting her hand gently on his back for leverage. "Are you ready?" She asked softly before taking her other hand and slowly pulling out the piece of metal. It came out with ease, but soon after blood was starting to drip down from it. Honestly, the sight of blood made her rather woozy, but she had to fight through it, he needed her help. With one quick motion she grabbed the small kit and did as the instructions told her to do. The wound was rather small, only needing a few stitches and once she was done with that, she gently cleaned off the blood. "How does that feel?" She asked as she inspected her work. It wasn't the best, but it got the job done and all that was left was his shoulder.

Slowly she unwrapped the ace bandaged and gently, but tightly began to wrap up his shoulder. It only took a few minutes until she was done with that too and she slowly leaned back, placing both her hands behind her and letting out a soft sigh. Her head was beyond killing her at this point, between the pain and the dizziness that was caused by seeing blood, her head felt it was about to explode. "I'm sorry if I hurt you at all." Her words came out almost as whisper, and her eyes were starting to close. She fought to stay awake, but the pain was far to strong and she could feel herself starting to slip away.

((Sorry I kind of rushed that, I hope you don't mind, I just didn't know what to do. Also, if you really wanted him to leave it in, I can rewrite that. xD ))
((Don't worry about it he was just making sure you weren't only trying to take it out. :P ))

he took her word for getting herself fixed up. Instead of being able to really reply to her he felt something foreign being moved out of him. It felt unusual, but at the same time kind've relieving. He did have to clench his teeth while she worked on him though. It stung fiercely, instead of reacting to it he just let it burn through his body. His breathing got quicker while he felt adrenaline making his body feel numb and his fingers felt colder. He kept to himself while he tried thinking of what they were going to do next after she worked on him. His shoulder though made him involuntarily jerk. He wasn't crying but his eyes stung fiercely like he should be.

After she was done he felt great knowing he didn't have to worry about his wound getting any worse so long as he was being careful. "Thanks alot..." He looked over at her, his mind still foggy with pain but his body felt better just at the thought of being bandaged. He still felt something in his lungs though, giving him a small urge to cough that he could ignore until it was more required. He noticed she looked like she was about to feint or go to sleep. Making sure she wouldn't fall he put his left arm under shoulders. Her weight was very hard to maintain in his current condition. He felt like he had no energy to be moving around, let alone anything extra. He leaned her on him mostly, using his legs to mostly keep himself from falling over. His body arched over while he seemed to be extremely tried physically. "Are you ok? I thought you got fixed up.." He said out of concern but curiousity to question her earlier statement of being ok.
All that running around had taken its toll on her and she could feel herself grow more and more tired by the minute. If only she'd learn to help herself more she probably wouldn't be in this situation, but that's just how she was, always putting other first before herself. She could feel a slight warmth go to her cheeks as he leaned her against him. "I did," her voice was much softer than usual, "I got my cut on my stomach fixed up, but my head has been killing me all day. I'll be fine, I think, I just need to take a break from all this running around. Just... Just don't let me fall asleep, okay?" She knew sleeping with a concussion was a bad thing, and there was always that possibility of never waking up again afterwards.

((Meh, short post is short.))
((It's alot better then it could be, don't be too hard on yourself. :P Sorry about being slow..))

"Don't worry, I don't plan on sleeping anytime soon either..I kinda banged my head when I hurt my shoulder. It hurts like somethings broken up there." He said while he looked over at the wreck. Not at all knowing where they were since he had the whole scenario wrong in the first place. He appraised the woodlands behind him and the condition of Anna. "Do you know where we are? I had no idea we were on a beach, isd there a town nearby?" He grunted with the effort of forcing himself up with her leaning on him. He started walking back toward the area that she got the supplies that fixed him up pretty well despite his concussion.

He hated feeling as dirty as he did, but he knew better then to get wet unless it was necessary like it must have been with her. His arm was holding her up at her waist. Stumbling once or twice at the effort of helping her. He thought that he wasn't nearly as tired as she was, since she was straining herself to help others while in roughly the same condition he was in. "Thanks for the help..but don't go risking your life like that, ok?" He said in a optimisitic voice to tease her and help her feel better.
Really, who was planning on getting any sleep tonight? Everyone probably had so much on their minds that sleep would be almost impossible. "We're on some island, I honestly don't think anyone lives here, but we really didn't go looking either." She said as she slowly got to her feet, though she still leaned slightly against him for support. She couldn't help, but to feel bad. She knew he was in pain and rather weak too, but with every step she took she could feel her legs shake, threatening to give out at any moment. "Thank you," she said as she glanced up at him, her face flushing slightly again. "I'm sorry for being such a pain though."

"Really, it's no problem, I like helping others, honestly, I'm rather use to it." She explained, before looking out towards the clear water. Really, it would be a rather beautiful sight, despite the situation they were in. As far as she could tell so far, the place seemed deserted, maybe they were the first people to even step foot here. Suddenly, a sinking feeling swept over her at that thought. If they really were the only people who ever stepped foot on this island then would that mean nobody even knew of this place? How would they get rescued? She quickly tried to shake the thoughts away, trying her hardest to stay positive. Someone had to find, they just had to.

She let out a soft sigh and moved away slightly from him, her legs feeling not so wobbly anymore. "So, where did you come from?" She asked, trying to think of something else.
Adrian was laying flat on his stomach, listening to the waves crash against the shore. It hit with a calming predictability, like a ride symbol at the end of a drum fill. If he just focused on that one sound, instead of thinking about the hissing of the fire, or the boom the explosion had made, or the panicked voices of the other survivors, this situation might actually be bearable.

Just the rocking of the waves...

He groaned, and tried to roll over on to his back, to no avail. It hurt too much. His body felt broken and crushed, and he had a sneaking suspicion the only reason he was still in one piece was because his leather jacket managed to hold all of his now separate parts together. Blood was trickling into his left eye, from a open wound on his forehead stinging and irritating him, but he couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't do anything at all. The helplessness he felt was totally encompassing, and it was driving him crazy. This is how paralyzed people must feel; entrapped within their own useless body.

But Adrian wasn't paralyzed. Nor dead. And until he was either one of those things, he refused to lay down and slowly wilt away. With a groan and a clenching of his teeth, he urged his body on, rolling over on to his back. the action sent stars to his eyes and just generally hurt like hell, but it was a start. He planted his hands on the ground - at least his arms seemed to work correctly - and pushed himself to a sitting position. From there, he glanced around the crash site. What remained of the plane was to his left. a multitude of different aircraft parts were scattered around, some dormant, whereas others were slowly burning, with orange flames drifting skyward hazily in the bright sun. He was maybe 20 feet away from the gist of the wreckage The explosion that had woken him up should of obliterated him. Yet, by some miracle, he'd been left relatively untouched by the whole affair. Adrian looked up to the sky wearily, the action of raising his head sending pain racing down his spinal cord.

Gee, thanks.

After a quite a struggle, he had managed to walk to the other side of the crash, away from the water and toward the forest, where the sound of other voices were coming from. His right knee was completely destroyed, he could hardly put any weight on it, and he was relatively sure at least 3 of his ribs were broken, but the fact that he could move at all was indicative of how well he actually was compared to how he had thought he'd been a few minutes before. Although he was still pretty far away, he could see the 4 people hanging about in the distance. 2 men were hanging backing, standing there awkwardly, as if they were not sure what to do, while a woman and another man were close together, talking. It looked like the girl was checking over the guy, in an attempt to play doctor. Which was logical, Adrian supposed. Nobody leaves a plane crash completely unscathed.

"Hey!", Adrian yelled, as he slowly hopped toward the group of people. "Over here!"
((sorry, I thought it sent <.<; its before we heard him though.))

His mind dragged on the though of them being stuck on an island. He didn't like the idea on bit, he knew if it was isolated they could be stuck there for a very long time if things didn't go there way. He watched her as she felt bad for needing my help since she was more exhausted then he was. "Don't worry about being a pain, I can tell you like to help just be more careful when you're in such bad conditions. I don't want to lose the person possibly responsible for saving my life." He said as he turn his head away from her and coughed up some blood. Spitting it out before looking ahead.

Almost there now, it looked like she eased up off him sort've. "Me? I'm from a little country town surrounded by woods. I don't really know much abotu there except their woods. I loved exploring them, helping people and being by myself I guess.." he said his voice trailing off. Looking over at her until he stumbled again. His head was killing him, he was happy they weren't walking far or he'd probably fall over just like she almost did. He felt like he was starting to look down a tunnel in his vision, not really looking at things as much but still in contact with what was going on. "Umm..where are you from?" he said to pick up some small talk since she started in on him first with.
Anna gave him a faint smile before sighing slightly, thinking back to her own hometown. "I'm from the country too. I live with my parents on their horse ranch. I love it there, it's so peaceful and quiet I would honestly just spend hours riding through the fields. That's why my parents signed me up for this... Well, the trip we were suppose to go on. As embarrassing as this sounds, they wanted me to get to know more people." Slowly she brushed a strand of hair from her face and let out another sigh. "I guess I should've listened when I got that feeling that it wasn't a good idea." She shrugged slightly, remembering that morning all too well. Never in a million years did she think it would end up like this.

"I-" Before Anna could make out another word she was cut off by a voice calling out from behind them. Slowly she twisted around, noticing another guy in the distance. Honestly, she began to wonder if she was the only female who had made it out alive. All this guyness made her feel slightly uncomfortable. She never really spent much time with people, let alone guys and now she was stuck on an island with a lot of them. Instinctively her mind told her to go to him, because he may need her help, but she listened to what Rae had said, she had to take it carefully. "Can you make it over here?" She asked, hopefully loud enough for him to hear. "We're not in the best of shape to be walking everywhere!"
((I don't mind, lets just move on <.<))

((I though this sent..))

He looked over as well, trying to see who he heard over there, his thoughts fading on trying to picture her life as well as his. He took a few deep breaths, thinking it shouldn't take long it he wasn't in the worst shape. Better yet, maybe he knew where they were. He like that she was able to keep herself from going over there, smiling at her for a moment before taking his arm out form under mostly. "Ok, how about you rest here or at least take it easy." Staying there until he made sure she wouldn't fall or anything of that sort without his support he turned towards the wreckage. "Sorry for acting like your fragile, This shouldn't take too long, maybe he knows mroe then we do about what happened.." He said as he intently stared over there, his eyes regaining some of the focus they were struggling to keep.

"Hmmm.." He started walking towards to plane, making sure he wouldn't strain his sight, not sure if he was simply disoriented or if he was about to collapse. Taking it slow was his best bet until he could figure out his thought in a more vivid way, rather then walking around like he was in a nightmare of pain and foggyness. When he was closer to the plane, he could feel remnants of the fires heat, looking over at it occasionally for anything that could be salvaged. It looked like that wouldn't be the case for anything near the explosion. Coughing up some more blood before he looked towards the other male he would wave with his good hand. "Hey! How fine can you walk?" He asked to make sure he understood the extent of the guys wound at least basically so he could figure whether or not he needed his help more or less directly.

((If I reply slow, I've been busy or of that sort))
((Umm... Just so you know she's not half naked. Lol She has shorts on and a tank top on. Lol I like your character though!))

Anna bit her lip again as the guy made his way over towards them and practically fell on the sand near her. She shuddered slightly as his smiling. It didn't come across nice at all to her, it almost came across as if he was up to no good. No, maybe she was just overthinking things or the sun was starting to get to her. Besides, it wasn't nice to judge a book by its cover, maybe he really was a good person, but just had a rather mischievous look to him. She let out a soft sigh and sat down in the sand next to him.

"Yeah, my name is Anna, though I must say I don't remember you. Then again, I don't really remember anyone." She said with a small shrug, before glancing back out at the water. "Sorry we made you walk all the way over here though, but we're pretty exhausted and banged up as well. Trust me, I would have, but I don't think I could even walk another few steps."
Adrian scoffed at her question, but didn't reply out loud. Instead he put his head down and focused on edging his way closer.

No, it's totally cool lady. I'll walk wherever you want. I mean, don't worry about me, I have one good leg at least!

Despite his inner annoyance, he kept his temper in check. She probably was telling the truth, when she said they weren't in the best shape. He would have done the same, if given the opportunity.

After a few laborious minutes, he had managed to make it over to them, the effort winding him way more than it should have. Adrian sat, or more accurately fell, landing hard on the ground next to them. The impact jolted his fractured bones, and he wanted to scream out in pain and frustration at this entire scenario. He bit his tongue, and breathed heavily for a few minutes, before glancing up at the worried looking girl. she was half naked, only wearing her underclothes, and her body was covered in a plethora of cuts, nicks and bruises. She was so thin, it was amazing to him that she didn't shatter when the plane hit ground.

Ignoring the miserable circumstances, he mustered up the will to shoot her his best smile. A mischievous one, where is blue and brown eyes shined with a daring light. It was the kind of look he gave people when he didn't want people to know whether or not he was laughing with them or at them.

"Made it,", he sighed. "barely, but that's more than an be said about a lot of people on the plane."

Once again he cast his eyes over the wreckage. The thing was twisted and coiled around itself like a metallic snake. It was hard to believe anyone survived. "

"Your name's Anna, right? I think you were sitting one row in front of me, before the crash. Oh, and before I forget, my names Adrian. Halloway."

(Oops. I didn't see your post
-_- )
((Woah... I am confused. Raevum you did send that, that's what Logan was referring to, but now Logans post is gone? O.o ))

((Okay... It's back again, but this time after my reply to it. Weird... I guess I'll just repost mine?))

Anna bit her lip again as the guy made his way over towards them and practically fell on the sand near her. She shuddered slightly as his smiling. It didn't come across nice at all to her, it almost came across as if he was up to no good. No, maybe she was just overthinking things or the sun was starting to get to her. Besides, it wasn't nice to judge a book by its cover, maybe he really was a good person, but just had a rather mischievous look to him. She let out a soft sigh and sat down in the sand next to him.

"Yeah, my name is Anna, though I must say I don't remember you. Then again, I don't really remember anyone." She said with a small shrug, before glancing back out at the water. "Sorry we made you walk all the way over here though, but we're pretty exhausted and banged up as well. Trust me, I would have, but I don't think I could even walk another few steps."
"Fair enough, I suppose. Although I don't have a clue how you didn't notice me on the plane. My ipod was so loud I'm willing to bet the sound distracting the pilot is the reason why we crashed."

Speaking of which... Adrian dug his hand into his jean pocket, his fingers enclosing around an ipod nano and the earbuds wrapped around it. His sigh of relief was probably overkill, but he was genuinely relieved to still have it. It was his prized possession, and he had a feeling a good hour or two of just zoning out with his music would be the perfect remedy to this whole situation.

He looked over to the other person near him: a guy, who had a far away look in his eyes. As if he was looking at everything through a dense fog.

And i thought I was worse for wear.

"Hey, what's your name?" the question was stated bluntly, and perhaps rudely, but politeness didn't seem to be priority number 1 at a time like this.
((I had the same problem :P You weren't alone, lets get back to whats going on))

He looked at the guy who called himsled Adrian, he returned the smile as s formality, even if it wasn't directed at him. He felt bad for the guy who had to make his way over to us himself. He looked to be in bad condition just like himself. He looked around, not sure if there'd be anyone else around. He loosened his hold on Anna to see if she was up to it, thinking about what was going to go on later tonight. "Do we have anymore medical supplies? Do you think you'll get dry in time before it gets late?"

Aside the newcomer, Raevum was getting more distant, thinking ahead a little but also slowly losing his focus on staying on his feet. He did seem to sway a little but didn't really notice it. "You can have my shirt if you like, I'm not using it right now anyways. It's the least I could do after you helped me earlier." He looked down at Adrian again, not looking too clearly at him though

"Adrian? I'm Raevum...Do you know what happened? Or where we are? I can't seem to recall anything, I'd offer you a hand but my other hand is a little out of place at the moment." He wanted to help Adrian, he just wasn't sure of him just yet, or the others except maybe Anna, her intentions were a little too selfless, but she seemed trustworthy.
Anna shrugged and slowly shook her head. "No, I was kind of in my own little world on the plane. I don't even really remember much of it, until the crash that is." She bit her bottom lip again, thinking back at how they all got here. She wasn't exactly sure what had caused it and honestly, she probably never would know, but she'd never forget that feeling of complete and total fear as the plane plummeted to the ground. Thinking back, she was surprised that the worst that had happened to her was a concussion and some cuts and bruises. Not to mention she was surprised that this many people had lived through it.

She shot Adrian an odd look when he asked Rae his name. She wasn't sure if he had meant for it to come out so rudely, but she didn't like it. Anna was tempted to comment on it, but she kept her thoughts to herself. There was no need to cause a problem, especially when she wasn't even sure if he had meant it that way. She glanced over at Rae, and frowned slightly. He looked like he was slipping away little by little. "Rae?" She asked softly, placing and hand gently on his good arm. "Are you alright?"

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