Castaways. (Stuck on an island RP.) (Five Slots open!)

"I don't have a clue as to what actually-"

He would've finished his sentence, but Anna's comment had interrupted him, and seemed more important anyway. She was doing the right thing by asking Rae if he was alright. He looked like death, and seemed to sway back and forth with the breeze. With an exasperated sigh, Adrian clambered up to his feet. He placed his hand on Rae's shoulder, noticing the guy pull away slightly when he did.

Oh right, he did mention his sore arm...

"You look terrible mate. It might be best if you just rested a bit for now. How about we find some shade for you to lay down under? You're no help to us dead, after all.", Adrian finished with a slight smirk.
He took a deep breath, blinking his eyes a few times. He wasn't sure if he was fine but he kept telling himself that. He needed to stay focused, with goals came planning and work he just may be able to do. With that he can probably keep himself from drifting into a foggy state and then sleep, which didn't sound inviting considering how his head felt. He didn't answer Anna at first as he tried to get his bearings. It took him a moment but it was likely noticed by the other two.

"I'm fine don't you worry about me, you need to rest or something." He put his hand on her shoulder, taking his arm out from under her, but doing it slowly so as not to surprised her. He was sincere in the terms that he thought he was ok. He just wanted to make sure they wouldn't have anymore trouble then they did already. He wondered how far he could push himself. He his left hand to his head, tapping it a couple times, trying to make the pain go away. The painstarting to irritate him and make him a little more disoriented. Falling back on his rear after finally losing his balance.

"Actually maybe Adrian is right.." He said a litte upset that he couldn't keep himself together. Not raelly sure how he should go about the rest of the day if he couldn't even stay on his feet. He looked at the other two as he say there and started to think about what he may just know about the surrounding area since he did know a thing or two abotu forested area's.
Anna gritted her teeth slightly when she heard his annoyed sigh. Really, this guy was starting to get on her nerves, what was his problem anyways? Yes, they were all in pain and tired, but that was no reason to be a jerk, especially when no one was giving him any reason to be one. "What's your problem?!" She growled slightly, she had enough of him. Anna really didn't like confrontation, but she was tired, hot and her nerves were starting to get the best of her. "Honestly, I gave you the benefit of the doubt at first, but my first impression of you was right, you are just a jerk, aren't you?" She glared at him for a moment, before turning towards Rae.

"As much as I don't want to agree with him, he's right, we should find some shade so you can rest a little bit. Besides, you'll probably feel a little better once you get out of the sun. We'll probably feel better." With the last part she shot another glare at Adrian. "And wipe that smirk off your face, it makes you ugly." Yes, the last part probably wasn't needed, but at this point, she really didn't care.

((No harsh feelings! xD I like you character, Anna doesn't though. xD ))
Adrian listened to Anna go on about how awful he was, all the while keeping his slight smile glued to his face. He just had a way with women. He bit back a retort, deciding at the last moment not to pour more gasoline to an already lit fire. If she didn't like him, there was no reason to reinforce that point again and again.

He eyed Rae again, watching the poor kid grimace and groan in pain. This entire situation was a mess. Everyone was tired, emotional, and hurt, and he was having trouble holding back the rage he felt boiling within him. Anna was getting more and more pissed off with every breath he took, and that was irksome. His damn leg felt like it was inflamed... everything was going wrong way too fast. This volatile scenario was like a stick of dynamite with much too short of a fuse. It was going to blow up in their faces and there was nothing Adrian could do about it. It brought back that feeling of being paralyzed and useless. He had felt like that his entire life, and this island was turning out to be just like, if not worse, the city of Chicago he'd just recently left.

"Look Anna... he needs water and sleep. Some food if you can round that up as well. I'm going to just lay down somewhere, and chill out for a bit. Just please let me have that?"

He turned around and began the slow ascent to the forest and the shade it promised. Just before putting his earbuds in and shutting out the world completely, Adrian glanced back toward Anna and Rae.

"And maybe you should take a nap too. Hopefully you'll wake up a nicer person."

(That's my last post of the night. I'll be back on tomorrrow)
Anna glared at him for a moment more before giving an annoyed sigh. This wasn't like her, it wasn't like her to just go off on someone like that, usually she was so level headed about things, but this wasn't a normal situation. All sorts of different emotions were building up inside of her, she was confused, in pain, tired, hot, and most of all, scared. She was so freaking scared, but she didn't want to admit it, she didn't want to have a break down that she had felt coming on. She didn't want to be yelling at this guy that she just met, she didn't want to feel this way. She just didn't want to be on this damn island for any longer!

She took in a few deep breaths, trying her hardest to calm herself down. "Oh right, like I'm going to follow you around yelling or something." She mumbled, though he could no longer hear her. "And I am a nice person, you're the ass!" She yelled and with that, she felt slightly better. She could still feel the surge of anger inside of her, but it was starting to die down and now she was starting to feel almost bad about her little outburst. "I'm sorry..." She whispered to Rae. Her head was hung low like a puppy who just got into trouble. "We should go somewhere cooler."
(If you say so o_o))

He looked at them argue, not sure how much he should care about it. The situation was really dire, and it was understandable that they could be acting weird. Takinga minute to regain his physical senses, he stood back up and reached an arm around her, squeezing her gently. "Don't you worry about it, we'll get through this, just because he's different doesn't mean he's a bad person. Lets go." He said as he urged her toward the brush, trying to see if he could get them back to the place he originally woke up. It would be comforting to him if he could at least know he can remember his sense of direction.

"Maybe we can get to the place I woke up at and felt all broken like the inside of my head...Why don't you like him?" He wondered why they didn't connect the way they did, he hoped Anna could get along with Adrian. He knew though that some people just didn't get along, he just wanted to make sure they didn't have any enemies to say the least.
(What's with the face? Lol It's almost 2am where I am, but I stay up late. This will be my last one and then I need to watch American Horror Story with my bf.))

Anna's face flushed slightly when he wrapped an arm around her, it was comforting though. "I don't not like him... I... I don't know. It's not, because he's different or anything, he just... He seems like he's up to no good. I don't know, maybe I'm just agitated, before of the heat and stuff. I bet I'll feel better when I cool off a little." She sighed as they made their way towards the trees. Her clothes were still slightly damp, though it was was bearable now and if anything, was keeping her slightly cooler. Her head, though it still throbbed here and there felt better than before and she could actually walk normally now without having to lean again Rae.

"That sounds like a good idea I guess. Maybe you can remember something." She said softly as she brushed her hair from her face. "As I said, I really don't know why he made me so mad. There's just something... Something off about him."
((Ok lol it's earlier here, about 10:49, see ya tomorrow or whenever you jump on))

He sighed to himself, thinking on what was going on. He almost got them lost while he was trying to find his way there, his mind was slightly less painful finally, just distant every now and then. He thought that as long as he had someone near and could keep himself from falling asleep he should be fine. He was off by about ten feet. But whether he was off or not was good, it meant he could get back here when he wanted, he simply had to let the concussion pass and he would be alright.

"Maybe you two just can't connect. Just give it some time, we just got into an accident. I would prefer to have some friends personally." Getting towards the tree it looked like it was bent into a 45 degree angle, loking diagnolly near the top where he came in contact with the tree. He put his left hand on his shoulder lightly while looking up at the tree. Pointing up at the tree to make it obvious for Anna just to make sure she would notice to. "Thats where I hit the tree, it knocked my shoulder blade out of place."
((Waah! You guys did a lot of stuff without me!!!!))

((I know it's overdone but the headache thing is the only thing I could think of to explain his absence))

Travis's mind had grown cloudy again and his head throbbed, he stood there for a little bit while Anna tried to help this guy. He then looked over to him and told him his name. "Hey Rae, I'm Travis" he said only once. He stood on the beach leaning against the stick. Injury-wise, we was far better than this guy, but he struggled to remain conscious. His mind barely registered what was happening, he decided instead of standing awkwardly on the beach he needed to go away and let his head clear. He stumbled into the forest, his forehead pressed against the rough bark of a tree. It was the he couldn't stand the swirling feeling in his stomach and he hurled, it felt horrible, but his stomach felt more relieved. Minutes passed, the buzz in his head dissipated to a more manageable thrum.

He realized the others had long taken off. He hobbled in the direction he'd heard them run off to. Anna and Raevum were by a tree, discussing something about another survivor, apparently. He made his way over, "Hey guys what happened?" They were probably worse off than he was, so he felt bad for not trudging through the pain and helping them out, instead he ended up leaving them. "I'm sorry" he apologized profusely "I should've stayed with you guys, I really should have" He shrugged. He really should have a higher pain tolerance, he'd need it.

He looked around, "Do you know where to get food, water, what have you guys come up with?" He leaned against one of the trees, trying to not get too dizzy.
(( Sorry!! I had a writing project yesterday and couldn't get online, I'm still in tho!!!!))

((Took me forever to catch up :P so is it like around night time cause it seems like everyone's getting tired cuncussion or not))

Hunter stays back from the group, taking a seat in the sand, watching as Rae walks around with Anna, catering to her every need. He knows there is another survivor, one he hasn't yet met the acquaintance of but that he went into the forest. Travis had left and decided to sit with Rae and Anna. Seemed as though at least Rae and Anna were hitting it off. Travis wasn't so bad either.

He takes his shoes off and burried his feet in the sand. His clothes are still wet and he lifts his shirt up to where his cut is, stuck stinging. He pushes the bandage back a little noticing how red and slightly inflamed it looked. With his head still throbbing (as well as everyone else's :P ) he decides to put off cleaning it. It couldn't get too much worse if he waited until dawn to clean and re-bandage it again. Hunter leans back in the sand, watching the clouds roll by and tries hard not to think of all the things he could be doing right now let alone that his suitcase blew up with the plane and they're stranded with no new clothes, food, decent water, or even a way to get off this island. But he tried to put that all off for another time...
((It's okay. xD Glad you're back though and yes, night is coming soon.))

The hot sun was starting to set, casting almost eerie shadows over the island. Though the sand still felt warm, a slight chilly breeze swept through the trees. Anna shivered slightly, almost wishing she hadn't turned her pants into shorts. She listened quietly as Rae explained how he had woken up there, but her mind kept trailing off, thinking about home, wondering if her parents even knew she was lost. No, they probably didn't, it would probably be weeks until they finally knew something was wrong. She held back the on coming tears, moments away from a breakdown that had threatened to show itself for some time now. Anna nodded a few times, trying to make it look like she was listening, but she couldn't stay focused. Night was coming and she knew that right about now she should be curling up in a nice warm bed, but instead all she had was the sand; at least it was still warm.

"I'm sorry, that must have been scary." She said softly when Rae was done talking. "I just woke up in the sand by the plane, and then I found Hunter and Travis." That's when something hit her, she had completely left both of them, the first two people she had met on this island she had left. "I need to g-" She was quickly cut off by another voice and to her surprise she turned around to see Travis. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left you! I don't know what I was thinking. For now on, I think it would be best if we all stuck together!" She exclaimed, feeling terrible. "No, we haven't found any food or water. We really should find some before the sun sets though, at least water and a shelter." Anna glanced up at the darkening sky and bit her lip nervously. The clouds were starting to turn that angry gray and Anna knew a storm was coming. "We should really find shelter quick." She said as she pointed up at the sky.

Shortly after she made her way back to the beach where she noticed Hunter laying down from afar. "Hey! Hunter!" She shouted as she picked up the medical bag and blankets she gathered from the plane before it exploded. "I'm going to go look for some sort of shelter, want to come? There's a storm rolling in!" She waited for a moment before disappearing back into the trees. Anna wasn't really sure where she was going, but she kept moving, deeper and deeper into the brush, until finally, she came across something. Something that could possibly save all of their lives. "Oh my! Guys, look! A cave!" She shouted before taking off towards it in a run. For the first time, she felt like she possibly stood a chance, like she could possibly see her family again one day.

She stepped inside and took in her surroundings. The entrance of the cave was huge, a slight breeze swept through, but it blocked out enough wind to possibly make a fire. Though it was slightly dark, she could make out a long narrow pathway, but she couldn't see where it lead to. "Guys, isn't it perfect?" She asked as dropped the things she collected from the beach on the rock below. "I mean, it's no five star hotel, but it's better than sleeping out the open."

((That was rather long, and kind of rushed, I'm sorry. I just really want to get the story kind of going along a tiny bit faster. Also, I was planning on having that pathway lead to an underground lake kind of thing. So, it would be fresh water. ^^))
Rae didn't pick up on her sadness, a little out of focus as he tried to picture himself in his position of what had happened while he was explaining what he was able to recollect. Yawning, he would rub his eyes, taking note of what Travis was asking when he came around. He looked like he had his own problems like the rest of us, but he seemed to be in fairly good condition compared to the rest of us. Looking in the vague direction of where Adrian went he would shake his head as if saying no. Not really being able to even have Anna finish her own speech before she took off for the other guy who had been left behind back at the beach.

He followed Anna, while keeping an eye on Travis. Wanting to make sure we all made it in one piece, considering some of us had trouble even walking, mostly himself. When they reached the cave, he was in awe actually. With what he was able to focus on, he looked the cave up and down and like that it was fair in size, rather then some small hole in the side of some mountain. Walking off to the left he would lean against the wall. slowly dropping to his feet to rest while he closed his eyes. "I think it's perfect, anywhere is better than out in the open at this point." Pulling his left leg close he would put his elbow on his knee, putting his forehead in his hand while he rested his eyes and his feet"Well we covered shelter, now we need food and a fire.."
((Okay great, thats fine))

Travis followed Anna into the woods, they trudged through the dense foliage for a long time until he heard Anna gasp "Oh my guys! Look! A cave!" He felt a bit apprehensive about the idea of a cave "Wait Anna!" But she had took off. He reached the maw of it's opening and stepped in, but before he went in he pulled out a pocket knife, it probably wouldn't do muh if there was real danger but he felt safer clutching the tool in his fist.

The cave was dark, which kind of set him on edge but Anna didn't see it that way "Guys! Isn't it perfect? I mean it's not a five star hotel but it's better than sleeping ou in the open." Travis nodded "Yeah, I suppose so" It didn't feel quite as chilly as outside, that's for sure. He decided that maybe he should relax and go with her judgement on this. He sighed "Alright, it's cool I guess, I just hope we're the only ones here" he should have bit his tongue, but the slightt danger factor made him slip out his aversion to it, even if he didn't want to damper her elated mood.
((Something could live on the island if you guys want? Maybe some sort of unseen creature or something? *Shrugs*))

By this point, Anna was in her own little world and was honestly blind to any sort of danger. She was just happy to call something home, well this was as close to home as she was going to get for now. "Oh Travis, relax." She said softly, noticing the blade in his hand and the concern in his voice. "Who else could be here with us? I've seen no signs of people thus far, just relax, this could be what makes it or breaks it for us." She said with a soft tone. She glanced over at Rae for a moment, frowning slightly as his current condition. "Here." She said as she picked up one of the blankets and handed it to him. "Rest your head on it, it'll probably make it feel better to have it on something soft."

She glanced around again, staring down the long narrow pathway. "I'm going to see what's down there." And without waiting for anyone to say anything, she made her way down the dark tunnel, not really sure what she'd come across. Finally she came to another opening and gasped at what she saw. A decent sized underground lake sat before her with a large opening in the top of the cave that light up the crystal clear water. It was certainly a sight to see and unlike the ocean, there was no salty small. Could it possibly be freshwater? "GUYS!" She screamed in excitement hoping they could hear her from where she was. "Guys! Guys! You need to see this!"
((It would be more exciting if there was some dangerous animals or creature))

Travis decided it best to relax like she had said, he shrugged "Okay" he sighed. He laid down on his back, feeling comforted by the people with him, maybe it wouldn't be so bad, they could live. These people were really competant and intelligent individuals, if they worked together, he'd be safe with the team effort. He yawned and closed his eyes. "He thought he'd heard someone's excited voice cry out but it filtered in his dreams of returning hom to see his mother again.

(Sorry for short post, but like Travis I require sleep and it is nearly 1:30 xD ))
He would put the blanket next to him, wondering how they would get something to eat until he heard Anna yelling for them. It took him a moment, getting on his feet before running over. He thought that his head hurt, but it wasn't on the same level as it was earlier, it seemed to be fading in pain. He knew better though that it could be bad to sleep even after you felt better physically. When he seen the water he looked around, not seeing any connection to the ocean from here, it looked like it was it's own little section of water, maybe even fresh water. "Wow..I never thought we'd have a run of luck with a day turning as bad as it did. Maybe if the water is good we can eventually find Adrian and we can work out a way to get out of here."

"Wish I could go to bed, I feel like I've been playing games all night.." He said rubbing his eyes, while he walked over to the water to sit down by it. Pulling his knee up again he poked the water with his index finger so he could watch a ripple travel for a ways. Seemingly very satisfied to simple watch the water while he pondered how the situation may turn out so long as they had this makeshift shelter they may as well call home unless something better came up, which he was pretty sure wouldn't. "Are you cold?" He asked while not looking over at Anna, poking the water every now and then to entertain himself.
Anna smiled almost tropftly up at him. Her hope of surviving had gotten stronger, but in the morning they'd still need to find food, but that could wait. Slowly she sat down near him, and kicked her torn shoes to the side before dipping her feet into the water. The water soothed her aching feet and washed away the dried sand. It was relaxing, but it was making her all the more tired. She was beyond worn out and honestly, didn't care where she slept as long as she got sleep, but she knew it probably wasn't the greatest idea with a concussion, even if she did feel better. "A little, but it's bearable." She said with a smile as she rubbed her arms slightly. "I'm just really tired." Anna said with a small yawn. "You know, at this point, I just want to sleep, concussion or not. I actually feel better too, maybe it's safe."
He thought about sleep a moment, weighing who would be better suited to sleep through how each of us had acted since we were awake. He thought she had a much better chance of not worrying about having any problems since she was able to help people. She was likely only exhausted, if not suffering from a concussion alot less harmful then his was being. Nudging her with his bandages arm he tilted his head back towards the entrance where Travis fell asleep. "How about you go lay down, your in greater shape then me, I probably would be the only one that has to worry about sleep. Maybe I could watch out near the entrance incase there are other things on this island, or keep an eye out for Adrian." He said smiling at her afterwards. Thinking it was best that way even though he would be just as happy to get some rest.

"Besides, I'm not much help compared to you, I should at least try to make something of myself and be some kind've night watch.." he said while laying on his back, day dreaming about the thought of rest after so much strain on his entire body.
Anna frowned slightly, knowing he too wanted sleep. She felt a little bit wrong going to sleep well he stayed away. "Well... If you think you'd be fine, then maybe you should go to sleep too. I mean, we can always find Adrian in the morning, besides, you need your rest as well. We all need as much rest as we can possibly get, especially for tomorrow if we go looking for food." She explained as she slowly stood up and grabbed her shoes. Suddenly a loud boom rang through the cave, followed by a bright light and the sound of rain hitting the outside of the cave hard. Anna winced slightly, but didn't say anything. Honestly, she had an awful fear of thunderstorms, a fear she had since she was little and witnessed a young kid get struck by lightning.

"I feel bad." She said with an almost shaky voice, but started to walk towards the front of the cave anyways. Slowly she made her way towards the front of the cave and grabbed the last blanket before handing it out to Rae. "If you're really going to stay up, at least take this so you don't get cold." Another loud clap of thunder echoed through the cave and Anna jumped with a small yelp. Her face admittedly turning a light shade of red in embarrassment.

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