Castaways. (Stuck on an island RP.) (Five Slots open!)

(Lol I find it funny. xD ))

Anna finally felt dry enough to slip back on her dirty clothes. Right now, she was really wishing she had grabbed a few suitcases off the plane before it exploded. Though her body felt sort of cleaned off, putting back on dirty clothes made her feel gross. With a heavy sigh she pushed her wet hair out of her face and used one of her barrettes from her pocket to pull her bangs out of her face. She jumped in surprise when she heard Travis call out for her. "Yeah?" She called back out, before making her way through the path. She stopped in front of him, giving him a soft smile, completely unaware of anything.
And as he had been doing,Cole was watching them all. He sighed as he thought all this though,he wanted to find out as much as he could before moving in.He figured he just wouldn't talk,pretend that his voiced was damaged or something so he wouldn't have to speak to anyone.He liked that idea and the smile on his face showed that clearly,he continued to hum the song as he grabbed a small bottle from his pouch on his side.he opened it and tipped it upside-down over his hand,6 pills fell out and his smile quickly faded."Crap..."He put 5 of the pills back as he took one and put the bottle back in the pouch."5 more...That won't be enough..."
"Listen, about before at the beach" he blushed nervously and put a hand on the back of his neck "Look, I like you and all but we have more important things to do on this island...we can' don't know why you suddenly wanted to make love with me but that's not something I would do... you're head was really bad are you feeling any better now?"

He blurted out. Hoping she wouldn't be forceful and angry that he was once again rejecting her advances on him.
((It's okay, just wanted you to know. ^^ At some point they all will find out, but not yet.))

Anna gave him a blank stare, her face turning a deep shade of red. She had no idea what he was talking about at all. Making love? When did she say that? Did she somehow accidently come off that way? Maybe it was her being too nice and he just took it the wrong way. Honestly, Anna had no idea what to say to him. "I... Uhh... Travis..." She couldn't seem to form a coherent sentence. She was completely confused on where all this was suddenly coming from. That's when something hit her. The beach? Anna was never at the beach, she hadn't even left the cave today. "Travis, I don't know what you're talking about." She said finally, her face still slightly flushed in embarrassment. "I haven't left the cave since I woke up, besides, I'm not that kind of girl." She watched him for a moment, before letting out a soft sigh and glancing away. "Maybe I accidently gave you that impression, but it kind of hurts to know that you actually think I'm like that."

And without another word she pushed past him, making her way out of the cave. She was confused, hurt. Did she come off like some... Some tramp? Did the other guys think of her that way? She let out a soft sigh and walked around the side of the cave, nearly bumping into "Rae".

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention." She said softly as she glanced up at him and gave him a small almost sad smile.
He looked at her with a sympathetic smile,putting an arm around her, drawing her in. "Is something wrong?" He said in a conerned tone, taking the soft route since it was possible, and if it went wrong he could make that worse instead. He stood up off of the cave, acting as if he didn't know what was going on. he was trying to be patient, act as if he were really calm, maybe al ittle too calm but he wanted to make it seem like he wanted something else. He looked at her hair, it was wet. She must've been cleaning up. He rubbed her arm while he tried getting her on his chest.

"Did I miss anything? I was awfully busy checking to see if everything I put up were intact." He kissed her forehead, wanting to get a fair reaction, yet comforting her a little too much. Maybe he was being too strong, thinking his injuries neeeded to be taken into account. But he didn't know those feelings very well and could only go off what he seen from Rae.
((OMG Ember, the mute thing that your character is trying to play is kinda cute xD LOL sorry, I love shy characters. I have my own shy/ mute character that I play occasionally))

Anna pushed passed him, now he was all sorts of confused. How could she not have left the cave? He had seen her clear as day and he had even shoved her roughly against the tree. Was she embarrased and trying to play it off as innocence? But her reaction seemed so real, maube he was the one with the bad concussion and it was giving him vivid illusions. His head spun wildly. Well, whatever was going on, he felt really guilty that he had hurt her. He had came in her to make things better between them, only to find that he had made things worse.

Travis decided it was probably best to finish what he'd set out to do. He went to the cave and grabbed the branches and leaves. He set some of the branches up in a tepee shape, then set the leaves in its center. He got the lighter ready, setting one leaf on fire and placing it in the center, breathing upon the small flame to make the conflagration grow.

((I guess I'll stop here, IDK how long you guys stay up 'til but its 1:40 here and my face is all like @___@))
((Sorry I'm late...))

Hunter woke up as soon as Anna had but chose to stay on the ground, rest a little longer. Rae and Travis had left early in the morning and Hunter managed to slip away with all the morning commotion. He sought for the beach, again. He liked the sound of the waves and watching the clouds, it made thinking easier. What they were going to do for food he didn't know yet but it wouldn't be long before he would be hungry.

Growing up prepared, Hunter expected that he'd be able to find some source of food, no matter how little. Having noticed Travis's trail of niches in the trees, and Rae's boundary around the cave, he made sure he went a different route; breaking branches and leaving them against the tree as 'bread crumbs'. As he walked he couldn't spot any berries, so he lifted up a few big bushes and found some ripe blue ones. Knowing that they could be poisonous though he highly doubted it, he picked a bunch and placed them on a rock and hid in a bush big enough to conceal him. Then, he waited. After an hour or so of pure boredom and melancholy, a squirrel jumps down from a tree and takes the berries, searching a few more bushes for them. Yes! Food!

Hunter takes a handfull and eats them as... Brunch. Decideding not to be selfish, he looks under a few more bushes and finds quite a few more. He starts to walk back to the cave, taking his time. He starts to wonder what all the others are and could be doing and quickens his pace, growing a little thirsty in the mid-day heat.
Anna's smile slowly vanished as Rae pulled her towards him. She felt slightly uncomfortable at first, but she thought about it a little more. This was Rae, as far as she knew, he seemed like such a sweet and caring person, he wouldn't do anything stupid, right? She glanced up at him, completely taken back by what he did next. He kissed her! No, he didn't actually kiss, kiss her, but he kissed her forehead. Her face went back to being that same red color it had been just moments before and she squirmed slightly. Maybe he was just trying to comfort her, but didn't really know how. Maybe the sun was getting to him or his injuries were worse than she had originally thought.

Slowly she let out a soft sigh, trying to just let it go and move on. 'He didn't mean it like that,' she thought to herself as she glanced back up at him. "I uh... Nothing." She was too embarrassed to tell him what Travis had said. "I just... I miss home, that's all." It wasn't a complete lie, she did miss home, but she was really upset about the whole Travis situation. "I think I'm going to go look for food." She said almost nervously as she pulled away from him and started for the woods.

((This is getting fun. We should of thought about a trickster sooner! Just to let everyone know, I give you guys permission to freak out Anna as much as you like or make her mad as much as you like. xD ))
Amused that she didn't bring it up he smiled inwardly. This could be her softspot, and she didn't mind that Rae went further then when she attempted to take advantage of Travis. Thinking of something to do next he had to stall the conversation. Not He let her squirm back a little, he had to respect her boundary at least partially or she'd suspect something just as Travis had. "Really? I miss my home to, maybe we could have a home together?" He wanted to come off a little more elusively, but he didn't have the luxury of a full day, Rae wasn't dead and he was already probably mid way through waking up, he had to give her the unusual interest Rae 'had' for her. Pulling her close again, hugging her around her back this time

He smelled fire, Travis must've light the wood he brought into the cave, well at least he would be ableto spy on them in the night, easier to watch his prey when he wasn't playing with his food so to speak. It would all come in good time. He sighed, those injuries were annoying, he probably wasn't pulling off the headache well, if he still had it.Oh well it won't be a problem, he only had to confuse them not be them completely.

((Nice new picture by the way))
Anna couldn't believe what Rae had just said to her. Have a home together? What the hell was that suppose to mean? Live together? Be a couple? No! That was the last thing on Anna's mind right now, she wanted to get home to her real family. Besides, why was Rae thinking such things? Then something hit her. Did she come off like she liked him too? Like how she apparently came off to Travis. It was true, all the guys did think she liked them. She felt completely disgusted with herself, but before she could say or do anything Rae's arms wrapped around her from behind, and she yelped in surprise.

"Rae!" She exclaimed. "Rae, come on stop, you're making me feel awkward." She tried pushing him away, but stumbled, falling into him. "I don't like you like this!" She practically shouted. "Let go, please."

((Mine? Thank you! I'm kind of a Pokemon nerd. xD ))
Hmm..she was getting weirded out by him, what if he pushed it? Hating him wouldn't be a bad thing, but he had to do something about this arm when he went back to Rae, he was annoyingly restricted, it was all bandaged up and unable to afflict more control. But he had to go, he loosened his grip, but not before he kissed her on the lips. He had to make her angry with him, like he was trying ot force her into things. But now he made himself pretty much not holding her at all, giving her the leverage to get out of his grip so he could return to Rae, his wasn't past due for his time but he had a plan and that would take a moment or two of the extra time he was trying to make himself have. "I don't see the problem...if were going to die here why don't you enjoy what life has left to give?" He asked almost in a hurt voice, betraying the fact that he looked too satisfied in hurting her.

(Not too big :/ I like pokemon to <.<))
Anna felt his grip loosen, but before she could move away, he did something that completely took her off guard. He kissed her, this time for real, straight on the lips. Of course she didn't kiss back, she just stood there, dumbfounded and completely confused. Why was he suddenly acting like this? He was so different yesterday, so kind, not forceful. Maybe this was the real him, maybe all that yesterday was an act and he was just trying to gain her trust. She took a few steps back, her eyes widened with a look of pure shock. "Rae... I'm not like that." She whispered before taking a few more steps back. "Just... Just don't talk to me anymore, okay? I don't want to be around you." She mumbled, before turning around and running into the jungle.

Anna wasn't exactly sure where she was going, but she just let her legs carry her to wherever. After a few minutes she stopped and sat down on a large stump, trying to take in everything that had just happened. She felt like she was probably over reacting, but she felt almost scared of him right now. Who knows what else he'd try and do. She let out a few deep breathes, before propping her elbows on her knees and resting her her head in her hands. "I want to go home." She whispered.
He didn't show his happiness, he needed to make sure it was completely done, this was a battle in a war. He went back toward Rae, limping off until he was way into the brush, he looked around, no animals, people or Anna were nearby. He ran off to see Rae, he was still unconciouss. He put his clothes back on him, luckily he wasn't asleep or he woulnd't have gotten the clothes off. After he put him back in the last spot he got him and removed his bandages. He hit him where his shoulder blade was, fixing it but waking him at the same time. He retook his form and left Rae in the day.

Rae awoke with a huge pain in his soulders, he screamed out. Not being prepared at all for what had happened, his head also stung fiercely, he had a bump the size of of a cherry or grape on his forehead. His stoof up, his shoulder hurt but it felt like it worked again..He moved his shoulder, it didn't hurt to move it too much, but it stung on the inside, did he fix his arm when he fell? He looked around, not disoriented but in alot of pain. He took a good examination of his surroundings. His head never felt better on the inside, he could think! His eyes didn't hurt either, he started to make his way back, checking his posts again, but at a faster rate. He tried keeping an eye out for anyone nearby. He neared Anna but had no visual of her as he checked the perimeter.

(in the day, oops)
Anna jumped slightly when she heard someone scream out. It sounded like they were in pain, but she couldn't make out who it was. Slowly she got up, her thoughts still swirling with pure confusion on what had happened not too long ago. Honestly, far too much had happened in one day and Anna wasn't sure how much more weirdness she could take. She let out a soft sigh, and glanced around, though she couldn't make out anything in the thick brush. "Hello?" She called out, almost to scared to move. Who knows what could be going on or what made them scream. Besides, with how odd everyone was acting today, it was only right that she'd be just a tad bit nervous. She took a few more steps, her eyes nervously darting everywhere. She had no idea how close she was to the real Rae, but she still couldn't see anything accept trees, vines and some tall grass. "Is someone out here?"
He heard Anna not far off, he had an idea as to where she was since this was in an area he had scouted, making sure he knew their surroundings rather then out in the expansive island. "Anna? What are you doing over here? I thought you were at the cave." He said as if he never seen her since he left the cave, it was like they never even kissed or talked earlier, or he could be lying, just like how his emotions changed so drastically? He stepped out into the open, it was an area with a stump, not too far off but her hair looked wet. He moved his shoulder as if to exclaim it worked. "Look my shoulder was fixed..I fell and I think it must've fixed my arm, if anyone screamed it was me..." He said rubbing the back of his neck nervously, seemingly embarrassed to tell her he had screamed, as if it made him a weaker man to admit such a thing.

He walked over to her sort've not getting too close but getting an idea to see if she appeared fine, he was no different, but he didn't know how on earth his shoulder could be fixed over just falling down. Not only that he fell on his front half, there's no way it would've luckily hit something..maybe something stepped on him, who knows.
Cole had dozed off in the tree,he was high enough not to be seen so he figured he was fine.The fact that he was high up was also a bad thing since he had nothing to hold him onto the tree,and as expected he moved over a little too much and fell out of the tree.And of hitting a couple branches on the way down and slamming to the ground wasn't enough to wake him up,the branches that had fallen after him did.Cole laid there on the ground for a second trying to comprehend what just happened,then quickly looked around as he got up.He hoped no one was around so he could just go off and hide again,seeing no one around he crept off quietly.
Anna's narrowed, and she glared at him for a moment. 'He just doesn't give up, does he?' She thought to herself. She glanced over when he moved his arm, but didn't say anything. If things were different, she would have been happy for him, but as of right now, she was far from it. She was pissed to be correct. Pissed that he'd even come back here and act like everything was fine and dandy. Anna almost winced slightly when he stepped towards her. Quickly she took a few steps back, keeping her eyes on him the entire time. "I thought I told you to stay away from me?" She growled.

((Cole is a creeper. xD I feel bad though, because no one is talking to him.))
He heard some branches break, and looked off in the direction. He didn't have time to check it out, Anna was acting really weird. She looked to be mad at him, but why? She was smiling at him telling him to get some sleep last he knew. He stayed his distance, she seemed to fear him as if he were a monster. He put his hands up and took a step back. Confused but taking the initiative to appear harmless at least. "I don't know what your talking about Anna..What did I do?" He was confused not sure how to gather his wits, he had to prove himself or they wouldn't be able to work together. She did alot for him and he didn't want to mess things up yet. He put his hand suggesting over at the stump.

"I don't know why you look so mad at me, the last time I seen you, you wanted me to get some sleep and I went to check the stuff I put up the night it rained, remember? You can have a seat, can't we talk it over? I won't get near you if that's the problem." He said sounding as confused and worried as ever. His bump made his left eye look a little bulged, he felt it and hated the feeling. Feeling a little ugly while he tried to make her see reason. He didn't know what was going on, he never sleep walked in his life, let alone carry a whole situation to have her hate him and wake up in the same place with a great shoulder once again.

(If he quit hiding I would talk to him O.o )
Anna didn't take her eyes off of him the entire time. She watched his every move, making sure he would do something stupid again. She was confused though, wondering why he was suddenly acting like he didn't know what was going on. Maybe this was his way of messing with her, getting to her head? Either way, she knew she wasn't going crazy, she knew what happened, what he did and what he said. It was all still fresh in her mind. There was no way he was going to get out of this.

"The last time you saw me?" She questioned angrily. "The last time you saw me you acted like a complete creep!" She exclaimed. "The last time you saw me you forced a freaking kiss onto me! How dare you act like you don't know anything!" She shouted, pure anger rising in her voice. "I thought you were different, I thought you were nice," she said as she shook her head. "I was wrong though, and I was stupid enough to let you trick me into thinking that."
His cheeks got red when she said he kissed her, but he was far more surprised to hear that he did stuff he didn't remember. He would never do such a thing to her, he wondered if he was losing his mind or if everyone was going crazy, she eyed him like a hawk, a hawk that thought he was a creep just like she said. He didn't really know what to do, he respected her alot for doing all the stuff she did, there if he liked her he wouldn't make her like him. "W-what? Kiss you? I don't know what you're talking about Anna..I was knocked unconciouss earlier, I fell and a rock hit my temple, I don't even know how long I was laying there..I would never do that to you after you saved me from bleeding out, maybe even saved my life." He gestured toward the cave.

"Come on, I don't understand whats going on..ever since I woke up my arm is fine but I fell on my face, and now you think i'm a monster.." his voice trailed off, trying to think of something that could make up for it. He didn't want to push her thoughts just yet, she was in a touchy mood. It worried him, what if they seperated, it could ruin everything they were building, maybe even ruin their ticket home. He put his hands in his pants pockets, trying to keep from looking hostile towards her, not sure what he did, or whatever it was it included him.
((This shall be my last post for the night. I gotta go to bed. So, I shall say night now. ^^))

Anna blinked a few times, wondering why he was still pretending like he didn't know what was going on. Then it hit her, she remembered the talk she had with Travis earlier. The awkward one where he said she was coming onto him at the beach, even though she knew she hadn't been there. Her head was starting to spin and slowly she sat back down on the stump. Nothing made sense, what was going on? Maybe there were all going crazy? Maybe it was the water from the cave. Maybe it was making them forget things or even see things. No, she wasn't seeing things, she felt that kiss, she felt his touch. There was no way she was just seeing things. Maybe it was just her who was going crazy. What if she hit her head hard enough that made her do crazy things or see crazy things!

"I... Don't know." She said with a deep sigh, placing her head in her hands. "I think I'm going insane. Earlier, Travis said that I came onto him, that I wanted to... That I wanted to do things with him on the beach. I know I never said that or did that, I hadn't even left the cave, nor would I do something like that. And now... Now there's this." He sounded so sincere when he said he didn't know what was going on. Honestly, at this point she didn't know what to believe. "That's it, I'm seriously going crazy!" She exclaimed, tossing her hands up in the air.
He would pinch the bridge of his nose and close his eyes, pondering how she could've did things she didn't remember saying or doing. He was in the same situation she was in, but as far as he knew he had been more physical with her, then with Travis. He couldn't say what was going on just yet, he hadn't been there or heard everything. He looked over at her after pinching his nose and put his hands on his hips. There was something going on, they couldn't be blacking out and doing stuff like this, he did get knocked unconscious but he woke up in the same spot. She came onto Travis but didn't leave the cave...It didn't make sense. Unless...there was something that looked exactly like them? Too unlikely, something was up and it wasn't normal.

She seemed to mostly regain her doubts of it being him. That was a step, he had to make sure they could at least get along, he didn't want her to hate him, but she didn't have to like him, if anything he'd think Hunter fit better with her, he was more forward and confident in himself. Rae was simply on the bad end of everything, some hero...

"Look whether I really did it or not, I'm sorry. I don't think you're crazy..we just need to figure out whats going on." He said looking off where he heard the branches break, could the thing be watching them in the trees? He knew though that when he was unconscious, something happened. When she must've been washing up, something happened again..

His mind had taken him, he was lost in deep thought and his eyes had grown distant in thought. He was staring off into the brush, what ifs and maybe's becoming obscure, what if it wasn't natural, what if we were delusional, a gas? He groaned, even if he could use his shoulder, it hurt. Take it easy with lifting, it would heal, the muscles were probably just stressed. Maybe if Travis added to the story he could figure something out, it very much needed to be brought up in discussion. He would see to it himself if he had to, he didn't want anyone doppelganging him, or playing Ditto from pokemon. But that idea was far fetched...things like that didn't exsist, he heard stories but always thought of them as false. It would be too easy to blame things that didn't exsist. There had to be something going on that hopefully made sense.

Sitting on the ground, he grabbed a nearby stick and drew patterns in the dirt that made no sense. She wanted to do stuff to Travis, the other him was the same..A monster invoked by lust? this problem was serious in the least, they were the only people they knew of aside Adrian, and without each other to fall on for help or progress things would go much slower then preferred. This was their life, no mere group project in class.

He concluded that it would all be figured out in time. He didn't want to be in the same predicament and risk their teamwork falling apart over things they couldn't explain that included them. He was mentally cooling himself, he knew better and had to work it out in his mind, the connection had been made with the problem but not compared..he needed Travis's information, He wished he didn't get knocked unconsious, he should've rested just like Anna suggested. He wouldn't have been in this situation, but he also wouldn't have learned this much about what is going on..Slowly his thoughts drifted off to food, water, Travis, fire, the thing by the branches, ect.

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