Castaways. (Stuck on an island RP.) (Five Slots open!)

(( I find it rather interesting, it seems we all live in different time zones. I'm in California and it's 11:45 right now... Anyone else? Haha I've never even talked to people out of the country before :P I think we should agree on some sort of fictional creature that has real characteristics, like a mix match of animals to create one that's not so fictional...? :D ))

Hunter heard Anna's cries and he rolled over quickly, wanting to keep up with the rest of them but he got an immediate rush of the headache they'd all been experiencing and decided it was best to take it slow. After a few moments he gets to his feet and tries to follow the foot prints of the others. Soon he finds the cave, Rae against the wall, Travis seeming to be going to sleep. Adrian however has yet to return from his outings and Huter doubts that he'd hear the in coming storm as his head phones are in, noob. Hunter had been at too many wilderness camps and years of boy scouts to do anything stupid. This whole situation made him feel... older. He felt as though he had crash landed on responsibility island where everyone had to either work together or die together.

Hunter slowly draws to the back of the cave, walking slowly as he tries to make out what is the wall and what is the path. Eventually he is almost blinded as he turns a corner. A body of water lays before him, shimmering in the soft light.

"Water!" Hunter almost exclaims. He kneels down on the bank and cups a handful for himself, after all, what good would he be dehydrated? "Try some, it is definantly not bad at all. It'll help your concussion, best not to get dehydrated."

Hunter wonders if everyone should stay awake incase of concussions. Seeing as how two out of five were already on their way to dream land and everyone's injured that they'd all just find out tomorrow. After a fair amount of time he says,

"We should catch some sleep too." he stands slowly and motions toward the other part of the cave, which is no doubt warmer than the rest of the island. "Your clothes are still wet, you'll freeze by the middle of the night..." rather shyly he adds, "Do you wanna share a blanket? I think there's one more you managed to grab from the plane. If not, by all means take it, I'll survive."
((I'm kind of use to this. See, I come from a pet site called Wajas and that's where I learned to RP. I've gained some online friends through that site, one who lives in the UK well the other lives in Australia. I'm from NY and it's 2:43am here. And yes, we should. I found a site full of mythologic creatures that people think are real. Cryptids actually. Want the link?))

Anna's face became even more red as Hunter offers her to share a blanket with him. "Umm... I really don't want to be a burden." She said shyly, as she stared at the ground. Yet another clap of thunder could be heard and Anna jumped yet again, but this time she found herself at Hunters side. "Sure, sure we can share one." She said with a quickened tone. Slowly she grabbed the blanket, wrapping part of it around her body and sat down on the ground, holding the other part open for him. Her face was beyond beat red at this point, though she tried her best to hide it.
He looked over at the guy, not exactly introduced but he did see him earlier. He did like his insight on the concussion, as well as his general concern for them. He took the blanket from Anna and stood up. Putting his blanket over his wounded shoulder, seeing his point to grab a drink, but thinking of putting it off for the time being at least. "Don't worry about the storm Anna, were in a cave thats isolated from outside. An h'es right you know, you should take my cape, I can spare it, I got ashirt and this blanket you gave me." He said while looking out towards the cave entrance, wondering how long such a storm could keep up in this area.

Sighing, he was glad that the other guy kept up at least. Now they werea little group that just needed to get better and get out of here, it'd be nice if they could get some food along with the water but for now this was about as good as it gets. Taking up the opposite wall Travis was sleeping on he would set his blanket down, taking off his cape and tossing it Anna to give her the option. "You ok, um sir? I say that I can't recall your name..Sorry"

(I wish I wasn't so slow :P ill still toss my cape at you though, im on the pacific time to Jesi, so don't think were too far off)
Anna glanced up at Rae, but before she had time to reply he had already tossed his cape at her. "Thank you." Though she didn't really need it, she also didn't want to be rude and reject his offer. Due to the fact that the thick wool blanket was much warmer, she simply folded the cape up and placed it behind her head, using it as a pillow she slowly land down on the hard ground. It wasn't comfortable, but at this point, she didn't care, she just wanted to sleep. Anna knew Rae was right about the thunder, but she found it hard to stop herself from jumping whenever the louder claps of thunder rang out. "As terrible as this all is, I'm pretty happy that I'm not alone."
"I'm Hunter." he said to Rae. "You're Rae, right?"

Seeing Anna wait for him to join her in the only other blanket of heat she managed to grab from the plane, he sits down next to her and accepts his portion. He can tell she is slightly nervous/embarrassed or whatever emotion she is to dispell the color her cheeks have turned. He wasn't exactly trying to win her affections but she probably would or will be freezing in her soaking clothes by the middle of the night. Extra body heat is always a good thing when there is no camp fire. Following Anna's lead, he lays down on his back. Seeing no other way to comfortably go about sleeping, he puts his arm around her lightly, hoping she won't mind too much.

Hunter closes his eyes and finds he is more exhausted than he thought he was. Within a few moments he is asleep, his breath labored but never a snore. Tomorrow they'll figure out all their problems.

((About the link.. We could decide what the 'beast/animal is by posting the ones we want to have in the rp, in the character sheet so we don't get distracted from the rp ;D but definantly we should pick one! ))
((Sounds good, I'll post the link there then. ^^))

Anna froze slightly when she felt his arm go around her, but once she felt how warm it was, she quickly relaxed and closed her eyes. It took her slightly longer to fall asleep then she thought it would. Her mind with filled with all different things, but mostly her family. She knew they were probably all sleeping soundly and warmly in their beds without a care in the world, not even knowing what she or the rest were going through. The thought alone made her upset, and without thinking she moved slightly closer to Hunter. It comforted her almost, knowing that someone else was there, going through the same thing with her. They were all probably hurting on the inside. Slowly she let out a soft breath that she didn't know she was holding and finally, sleep took over.
((It'll get figured out, im sure O.o ))

Sitting on his blanket he would look out toward the rain mostly, keeping on eye on Anna to see if she can at least get some sleep like Hunter was able to. Raevum didn't intend to sleep, he wanted to think a little, he may just drift off to sleep if he could distract his mind anyways, it was easier for him to sleep when he made his mind think too much, it sort've lulled him to sleep. Feeling his right arm he wondered wehn it would be useful to even start moving, let alone figure out when he could remove the bandages. "I'll keep watch, we don't know if there's anything out there yet. Besides my concussion was really bad, it'd probably for the best."

After they succumbed to rest, his mind seemed distant while he started to focus. He wondered what they would use to contain the water, how to get food, how these woodlands related to the ones he had at home. Maybe if they were similar enough he could gather plants or even more rarely, get his hands on some source of food. He felt useless in the group, maybe just a luxury to have around, if he was lucky he could make himself useful. His eyes mostly stayed on the rain as he went over thoughts roughly in these areas.
((When I'm done with what? You mean when I log off? My boyfriend is playing video games, right now so I can't lie down. xD I'm also a night person.))

Anna slept all through the night without a stir and without any sort of dream. Her eyes slowly fluttered open to a bright light that beamed through the cave, practically blinding her. She groaned slightly, before sitting straight up and glancing around. For a moment, she had forgotten where she was, and once everything came back to her she let out a sigh. Her headache was finally gone, and the only thing that really hurt was her aching back from sleeping on the ground. Other than that, and her dry mouth, she actually felt much better than she did yesterday. Slowly she rubbed her eyes before standing up and making her way towards the lake and bent down. Anna cupped her hands, and quickly splashed some of the cool water on her face. She brought her hands back down towards the water once more, but this time drank from it. She had almost forgotten how great water tasted. Today she planned to search for food, but she'd wait for the others to wake before heading out.
He did manage to stay up the night, his body seemed to get the numb sleepless feeling while he stayed up, he did get a drink or two while they were asleep. Now it was much later in the day, the sun had risen again, the storm had passed, at worst the clouds were still there. When he came back from his walk, making some marks around the area, like breaking off branchesi nto piles or putting up some temperary piles of sand he noticed that one of them was out of bed. It looked like it wasn't bad if both weren't missing. Walking back over to his blanket he would sit down, keeping an eye out of the cave, looking at a few puddles of water, or some wet rocks.

His numb feeling of not being sleepy was still there but his eyes hurt, they were tired but he wasn't at the moment. Stretching his left arm he would, think that maybe he could get nap in today or maybe a rest later tonight. Nothing really seemed to be watching them as far as he knew. It didn't mean there wasn't something out there, it just meant it probably didn't know where they were. Running his hand through his hair he wondered how Adrian faired the previous night and how everyone slept. At least they would be able to do much more today better rested and warmer then the previous night of their wreck.

((Well at least you can stay up late, wouldn't be good for the rp <.<))
Anna slowly made her way back towards the front of the cave, and sat down near Rae. "You didn't get any sleep last night, did you?" She questioned as she rested her head against the rock wall behind her. "At least the rained stopped," she stated as she glanced out towards the trees. The ground was still wet, but at least it seemed cooler out there than it was yesterday. Anna wasn't one for heat, really she couldn't stand being hot. "You should probably try and take it easy today then, we don't need you passing out on us or something." She said as she glanced over at him with a small smile.

((Never mind, I'm heading off to bed. He's finally getting off and I get to watch The Vampire Diaries now! ^^))
Travis awoke at the sounds of stirring in the cave and bright rays of sunlight hit his face. He sat up and yawned "Morning guys!" his mouth was parched. He stood up shakily and wondered if the others had any ideas for water yet. He saw Anna walk to the back of the cave and he tentatively followed her. But as he saw the lake he became awed by its presence. "No way! You guys found this while I slept?" He walked over and placed his hands in the cool water, then he cupped them and brought some of the water to his mouth. He toook long troughts of it and felt refreshed.

He went back into the cave, and looked at Rae and Anna, "I'm going to find out how to get a fire going by tonight" he said. He went over to the supplies that Anna had dropped, shuffling through them. He found a box of matches and a lighter. It seemed like enough but he gulped, what if it wasn't, how long would they be stuck here? Would they have to rely on other resources? He shook the daunting thoughts from his head. He looked at the two of them. "We have some fire starters, I'm going into the woods to get some branches and tinder." he said. He remembered starting campfires at home, it required some dry branches, and he often used paper as tinder but leaves would work. He walked out of the cave and grimaced. It would be hard to find dry fire starting materials seeing as how it had rained "Well, this makes my job harder, I'll be back later alright?" he said as he marched of into the woods.

Most of the forest was wet this morning, perhaps he should wait until it dried up from the sun. He wondered what else he could do in the meantime.

((Yay Cryptids!!! That sounds like so much fun...and IDK how you can handle RPing so late at night Satellite, Night person indeed D:))
Cole was walking through the forest soaking wet,freezing,and completely lost,and he hated it. Being soaked he could deal with but the cold he absolutely despised,and being lost was normal for him.So the only thing that made him hate this was the fact that he was cold,and not liking it one bit. He continued to walk though,not showing that he was bothered,he saw a cave not to far ahead but then completely stopped his pace when he saw people."Safety with people or no safety alone?..."He said out loud to himself wondering which he should do.He didn't like others very much,though he didn't want to die out here. So he was in a predicament at the moment,not sure which he should choose as he just stood there staring at the cave from behind a tree.

(Oi,hope this works
xD )
"No I stayed up and kept watch, did a couple things when the rain stopped to.." He said to Anna, returning the smile while thinking he didn't look tired. He thought he could take it easy but that could come a little later in the day when they secured some other things they needed, sorting their supplies to see what they had, checking his snares made of sticks he didn't sharpen but only break off with a pointy edge, and tied in place with bark skin, since it was wet it was flexible like rope to him and worked well. He didn't want to perimeter the area since Travis was going to try and find dry woods, he knew it would be hard but not impossible.

"I piled up a bunch of smaller branches to make some sort of boundary, I made them after the rain stopped, maybe a couple piles dried up. I even put up a couple snares, but we had no food to lure them so I doubt we caught anything, I just put leaves on the trap spots" The snares broke easy but he knew their limitations, not sure if small mammals were even on the island. His mind was groggy but not exhausted yet, it was too hard for him to take notice of Cole so he simply walked over to where Anna and Hunter were sleeping and put his cape back on since she wasn't using it anymore.
Travis romped through the brush, using the branch cane as a second leg. His leg felt better after yesterday's crash, but he still felt like he wouldn't be able to walk for a few days. A giant hunk of metal on your leg for a specific amount of time can have that effect on you. He crouched and placed his hand on the brush which he walked on, it all felt damp at his touch. He got back up on his feet and walked the expanse of the forest some more. He'd stop periodically to scratch a mark on the tree's surface with his knife, a bread crumb trail of sorts.

It had at least been awhile that he'd been on his task, luckily the sun had almost dried up the forest foliage, but almost wasn't good enough. He sighed and sat on a rock, What a help he had been to the group, a whole entire nameless amount of time of him just wandering aimlessly. He put his hands in his palms and scanned the wilderness, trees crowded about and loomed above him, as if they were tall and skinny giants mingling at a party. Leaves and mold clung to the bark and lush bushes fanned from the ground like a green carpet. But then his eye caught one bush in particular, he got up, pressing his weight on the stick and walked over. He crouched by it, there were several clusters of round red orbs strung abou it like chritmas lights. His blue eyes glistened, he had found food! Or did he? He wondered if they would be poisonous, if they were than maybe they were useful as a weapon instead, he grabbed a long, round, and flat leaf from a neighboring tree and started to pick a pile of berries, folding the leaf over it as a sack. He wondered how he cluld test the lethalness of them without ingesting them, he didn't want to risk death over some fruit that might not be worth the effort. He shook his head, stuffing the berries in his pocket and went on his way back.

Just as he was walking it hit him, he could dry the leaves and branches faster by gathering some and placing them in the open sun by the beach. He mentally scolded himself for not thinking of that solution before. So along with the berries he gathered wayward brush from the floor, and hobbled toward the ocean, following his scratch marks on the trees.

The sunlight beat down and he could hear the ocean roll in, lapping against the shore. He laid all the branches and leaves out in the sand. He sat down, his cane in his lap and watched the ocean, it's hypnotic rhythm lulling him into his memories.

Travis wasn't from a very rich family, but he was good in school and he worked hard, so when he got to go on a trip with the financial aid he'd recieved, his mother was bewildered and utterly proud. He'd ruffled his little sister's hair and promised her a souvenir from his trip away from home. They exchanged soulful goodbyes and he made his way on the plane. He merely brought with him a bag of his clothing and necessities and a pocket knife his father gave him for their hiking trips before he passed away about five years ago. So on the plane ride, he'd been excited that he could make something of himself despite his familie's poverty. They had been counting on him.

His stomach roiled, he wondered if they knew yet that he was not okay or if they were blissfully unaware of his situation and sure he was having a safe and good time, he severly hoped the later because if not, they would be devasted. He tried his hardest to block out images of them upon hearing the news that he was missing.

His eyes looked down at the staff, he pulled the knife from his pocket and flipped it open. He scored the wood, starting at the tip, with tallies. One, for yesterday. Two, for today. Today was day two, he hoped it wouldn't be much longer. He scanned the skies. There were no planes, simply a swirling mass of emptyness. If a plane did pass, how would they possibly know there were survivors of a plane crash fighting for survival right under their noses.

He got up, pushing his weight on the stick and it sank deeply in the sand. He'd be back, they'd need a lot of fire starting material, not just for a campfire, but a bonfire. It was his only plan for rescue.

((Too long?))
After Travis left he thought he may as well try to contribute to the group. Getting up once more and trudging into the woodlands. His clothes had already accumulated water from his previous sessions in the water, he was very cold at some points, but the sun was out once more. With that he concluded it was best to keep on the move, his eyes were probably rimmed like little bruises for staying up but he was ignoring the exhaustion with determination. He noticed a couple cuts on tree's in the direction Travis went making him wish he had a knife as well. He also and didn't stray off in search like Travis might have, he didn't want to sound like he was looking down on him, even in his thoughts. He looked at a few piles of woods he stacked to stand up like posts for the perimeter. He thought it would let the unwary know that there were people or some form of civilization here trying to scrap by each day. His mental thought of the time they were here was the crash and today, how was he flung from the plane instead of piled up? Did the plane break open in mid crash? Or did he jump, thinking the plane would end his life?

It didn't matter, it only cost him an arm, and he was left handed anyways. His arm felt good so long as he ignored it, it was only a dislocation, longer he left it be the better. Every pile of wood he compiled besides the posts were actually very wet, as if the pile had helped soak the water into the wood rather then dry it off. So much for that he thought as he walked through some brush, looking for his snares. It took him awhile to find them, he was groggy and tired, with his mind elsewhere he tripped. The fall was very unpleasant even though he caught himself. He put his hand infront of him but the catch was unbalanced since it was only a one handed catch in a poor as well as tired state. He laneded on his shouder and yelled through clenched teeth. So much for leaving it alone he thought while using extreme anger to block most of the pain and distract himself elsewhere. He got back up, but slowly and noticed he tripped over a very young tree that felled, not much more than a branch really. He sighed, at least he didn't catch his foot, he could've sprained it.

All of his traps had failed, he noticed that one did go off though, which was unusual. He wondered what could be living out here. He had reset his snares and had broken off sharper edged sticks. It took awhile but he got them, he had about five up in the area, he only put up some long skinny sticks to try to warn the others. he didn't have a shovel and posts were harder to put up away from the cave surrounded by brush and trees. He put up one more snare where the his one other snare went off and left the area. He was exhausted and didn't want to get lost either, he was at the edge of his imaginary boundary he made up for the cave. He did feel alot heavier and strained to be using his energy.

His body was feeling the wear and tear and staying up late finally. His breathing was hard and his back slumped as he walked. He thought that he truly needed sleep, whether it was on the floor, blanket or no blanket, anything would suffice at moment. Sadly it lookedl ike his wish was granted. He tripped on his own pile of wood he set up far off in the woods for a post, but abandoned the idea thinking it was a little too far. His head hit a rock right on the temple. The last thing he seen was a tree and a couple leaves before the world went black.

((I think the size was great, and maybe my unconciousness can call for one of those tricksters to show up? O.o just think on it))
Cole had decided that he would just sit back and wait,so he had climbed up the tree he was hiding behind and sat on one of the lower branches but with enough leaves to hide him.He just watched the people he had found to see what they were up to and wondered if they were from the crash as well. There appearances proved so and some of there health conditions had also,this made Cole think of the crash and just how he got out without any serious injuries.All he had remembered was that everything went black and he woke up under a pile of junk,though why couldn't he remember anything before?This started making his head hurt so he just shook it off and continued to watch the others.

Cole had noticed one in particular who looked to be having a lot of trouble,but it was not like Cole could help but still. He viewed the others to see any faults and he began humming a song he had stuck in his head this whole time and he couldn't help but let it out.
((The size was perfect! :D And yes, whenever you guys want to throw in weird creatures, go for it! I don't mind. Actually, I'll have trickster Anna show up right now. ^^))

"Hmm... Well you should try and get some sleep tonight then." Anna said softly before standing up and heading towards the back of the cave. "I'm going to wash off some of this dirt, so don't go back there, okay?" She asked, but didn't wait for a reply, instead she made her way towards the back of the cave and stripped off her shirt and shorts. Standing only in her undergarments she slipped into the cool water, enjoying the relaxing feeling it gave her. Anna didn't even know that something was watching her from above the cave.

A large bird tilted its head, his eyes glued on the girl below. He looked much like any ordinary bird of prey, but was far from normal. As Anna dipped under the water, the bird flew in through the opening above the cave, grabbing her clothes she just laid out with its large beak and vanished back into the tree tops. The bird could actually take on the form of many different creatures, never actually revealing its true self. Mostly it just shifted into other animals from the island, but now that there were actual humans on the island, he was going to have his fun.

He sat high up in a tree, watching his next target. After secretly spying on the group, he had learned each of their names. This one was named Travis. Quietly he flew down towards the ground, clothes in his beak and hide behind a few trees, his eyes still never leaving the boy. In one smooth motion the bird shifted, now he took on the form of a naked Anna. Quickly he threw on her clothes and came out from behind the tree.

"Hi Travis." The Anna look alike said in the same voice as hers. "How are you?" She asked, slowly, almost seductively walking towards him. The creature had a plan, cause everyone to either hate each other, or become extremely awkward of one another until the group separated, and he could move in for his kill without being known. "You know, I've been watching you for awhile now." He wasn't completely lying with this, he had been watching him, along with everyone else in the group. "Rae is really nice and all, and so is Hunter, but I've had my eye on you from the moment I saw you." She said with a seductive tone as she made her way closer and closer to him. "I thought, maybe that we're alone, we could have a little fun? You know, just to relax a little." She said as she ran a hand down the side of his face before placing it on his chest. Her eyes never leaving him once. "What do you say? I may look sweet and innocent on the outside, but trust me, I have a wild side to me as well."

((You guys can feel free to play the trickster whenever you want, just make sure he isn't being played by someone else first.
:) ))
Travis had just found tons more firewood, and it was nearly dry, he gave a satisfied sigh when suddenly Anna showed up "Hi Travis, how are you?" she said, but something was off, it didn't sound friendly, it sounded like she wanted something from him. He looked over to her "Oh...hey Anna, I got some firewood and stuff...for a fire" he gave a nervous laugh.

"You know, I've been watching you for awhile now. Rae is really nice and all, and so is Hunter, but I've had my eye on you the moment I saw you" Travis blushed, normally he'd always had something smart and witty to say, but he was always thrown of his practical joke side when it came to girls. "Oh...Well..." Why was she acting like this? Maybe she had never gotten to express herself like this with the others around.

Then his heart froze when she said "I thought that maybe that we're alone, we could have some fun, relax a little. What do you say? I may look sweet and innocent on the outside, but I have a wild side to me as well." He flushed a fierce crimson, this didn't seem like Anna at all, why would she suddenly go from sweet to flirtatious to seductive? His palms started to sweat and his heart thumped wildly. "A-Are you sure? Shouldn't we get back to...surviving on this island"

He wasn't the type of guy to sleep around with women, and Anna seemed out of sorts. He gulped 'must be the concussion, I can't blame her for acting all out of sorts' he thought. If she was suffering from head trauma, it wouldn't be right for him to take advantage of her. He sighed and placed a hand on Anna's shoulder "Anna, we shouldn't be doing this, you're not in your right frame of mind" and with that he grabbed all the stuff "I'm going to start a test fire in the cave, want to come with me" he tried his friendliest smile, which given the previous few moments was very hard to do.

((Not gonna lie the temptress bit was creepy. Awesome!!!))
((My guy is gonna be out for probably a half hour, hour? Just a fyi on his knock out session))

((Don't worry about it, maybe Travis will find me or I'll just wake up after Travis gets back? It all depends on how you two react to my missing presence, Been gone awhile for the search and now i'm just gone because i'm unconciouss O.o ))
((I'm sorry! I forgot he was knocked out. Do you want someone to find him? Maybe Ember's character could?))

((I was trying to not make it like SUPER weird, but whatever, it's not actually Anna, so... xD ))

The Anna look alike let out a small growl, but tried its hardest to keep its cool. It wasn't working. Its plan right now for Anna, was to seduce each of the males, and hopefully get them all to turn on her when they realized the mind games she was playing with each of them, then he'd have his turn trying to tear apart the guys. Maybe he made the wrong move or maybe he wasn't giving it his all, but he had to come up with some sort of idea and come up with it quickly.

"Do you not find me attractive?" She said with a small frown, followed shortly by an almost devilish smirk. Slowly the creature followed after him, getting more and more angry by the moment. Without a second thought he turned towards Travis and pushed him against a tree, pinning him. For someone thinking this person was actually the normal old Anna, it did have some rather unbelievable strength behind it. "Come on..." It begged. "I need to let loose a little and think you do too." It whispered in his ear. She stared at him for a moment more, before letting out a frustrated sigh and backing off a little. "Fine, not now I suppose. Maybe you just don't like to do stuff in the open like this. Well, you should meet me back at the cave. Everyone is out and about and we could have the lake to ourselves." Slowly she started to walk away, but not before turning back around and giving another seductive smile. "Don't keep me waiting." She cooed, before she disappeared back into the jungle.

The creature quickly shifted back into the bird he was before, grabbing Anna's clothes and flying back towards the cave. He hopped Travis would actually go back to the cave where Anna was right now and maybe try to make a move on her. Due to the fact that Anna wouldn't have an idea what was going on, hopefully it would at least rip these two apart for now. He'd have to think harder about his later plans.

Once he spotted Anna diving back under the water he flew back in and placed the clothes back on the rock where she had left them and quickly back out of the cave to wait and see his plan hopefully unfold.

The real Anna on the other hand was now making her way out of the water, trying her best to drip dry, before putting back her clothes on. She had no clue at all what had just happened, or that something was pretending to be her. The only thing she had on her mind right now was drying off enough to put her clothes back on without them being soaked.

((He doesn't need to head back towards the cave if you really don't want him to. ^^))
((He's foing to the cave, but I'm planning on a different awkward situation))

Travis was deeply distressed by Anna's sudden mood swing and it was even more disturbing when she pinned him against the tree, he had no idea she had so much strength in her. "...don't keep me waiting" she had said. He leaned against the tree for a moment trying to figure out ehat had just happened. He really didn't want to go back to the cave to face her. The worst part was, he did kind of find her attractive and now he had to shake of thoughts of her from her head. He looked at the stuff in his hand. Perhaps, he coul drop most of the stuff off against the wall of the cave, grab the lighters, and start a fire at the beach instead.

He made his way to the cave as quickly as possible and dropped most of the firewood off, grabbing the lighters, but he stopped, perhaps he should make sure she was okay, he took a deep breath, making his way to the lake..."Anna?" he called out into the tunnel before going in, steeling his nerves to face her.
The creature would go off in search of Rae as he called himself, he already had disturbed the feelings between the other two, why not keep it going and make hurt old Rae look like he has his own darker side. After leaving the cave it would follow his posts , coming across him laying on the ground with his face near a rock. There wasn't blood but it looked like he had been hit hard enough to be rendered unconciouss. The opportunity couldn't have been better, they probably didn't know he was over here. Maybe Travis could turn down Anna but what if Anna was the one who was put on the spot? Or better yet, what if he made her hate him? The possibilities were endless so long as he was back in time so as not to have him be found without his clothes and be caught as a hoax. Taking that into consideration, he moved Rae's body off under some brush, and a couple branches, looking like an innatural mound of bushes, but better then a naked guy out in the open.

"Eh hem..." He said, sounding like Anna a before correcting his voice into that of Rae..acting too abrupt made them suspicious, he had to learn from his mistakes. Rae was a little shy, but being a little forward or angry could go a long ways in the right direction. Not producing the bump on his temple, it would have to explain as to why he won't return a second time. He made his way back walking with those sad stumbles and careful movements not to bother that bad arm of his. When he got back to the cave straight away he went looking specifically for Anna. Not minding if he came across anyone else on the way, he was intently looking but otherwise doing very well at being who Rae made himself out to be, at least on the outside.

But he Seen Travis enter first, with that he waited on the outside, he leaned against the wall on the outside of the cave with his supposedly good half of his body. He wanted to see how things turned out before he headed inside, make sure his plans were at least becoming a confusing feeling for them to confront one another normally. If not, well he always had Rae's body to add to what he thought was missing in making them seperate so he could do what he wanted with them once they were all apart and not in contact with one another.

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