Castaways. (Stuck on an island RP.) (Five Slots open!)

Travis sat by the roaring flame, proud of his accomplishment. Now they had a way to keep warm and cook food should they find any. Not to mention a way to call for help should they need to contact a passing plane or ship.

The bird had watched the unfolding of his plan, but was greatly dissapointed when they suspected things that were not them, luckily they had begun to suspect it as them going crazy or losing their minds. This morphing game wasn't over yet and he knew there were still a few tricks he could do.

He morphed into Hunter, unfortunately, Hunter was no where present so he'd make a crafty excuse for the lack of clothing. He simply wrapped a large leaf around his waist and made his way into the cave "Hey Travis, I heard you tried to make a move on Anna!"

Travis heard his voice and blushed "What? no I did-" He turned to see a nearly naked Hunter and was taken aback "H-Hunter?" he was perplexed. He stood up and faced him. The facade Hunter grinned "Nice try loser, I made my way with her first, it was great". Travis was utterly shocked. Poor Anna! She had hated him when he thought she was a tramp making a move on him, and now Hunter forced himself on her, and he had the guts to show up here naked to rub it into his face. He felt himself get angry and punched hunter in the face. The blow made Hunter stumble back and rub his bruised cheek. Then things got really bad, Hunter gritted his teeth and grabbed Travis stick, beating Travis on the head, Travis crumpled to the ground, a large welt formed on the side of his head and blood trickled from it.

Fake Hunter gave a ghoulish grin before the illumination of the flames and grabbed Travis's clothing. He morphed into Travis, dressing and wielding the stick cane, then made his way to find the real Hunter.

Real hunter was picking berries, 'hmm, I could use this to my advantage.' Travis appeared from the forest and made an angry face at Hunter "Dude, back off, I found berries first, if anybody is the savior on this island, it's me" He punched Hunter in the face, giving him a bruise accross his cheek.
(( There was a purpose to him hiding In the beginning X3 If not i would already be around someone.))

Cole laid in a thick bush instead of going up the tree again,he had twisted his right ankle in the fall and wasn't able to move it well without hurting.So it wouldn't get any worst,he stayed on the ground for now even though there were a lot more ways to make noise and be noticed. He had to find something to secure his ankle so he could at least move around a bit,so he slowly got up being careful with his ankle and leaned on a tree.He looked where he had fallen and grabbed two of the branches that had fallen with him,he looked around often to see if anyone was there before he continued.After he had grabbed the branches he sat down in the thick bush again so he wouldn't be seen,hoping he hasn't been seen already.

Cole broke the two branches to a good size and set the two them on ether side of his ankle,he reached into his pouch and pulled out a hand sized first aid kit he keeps with him at all times. He clicked it open and grabbed a small white role of medical tape and used it to keep the branches in place,Taping the top and bottom of them fairly good since he didn't want to use it all.After he had finished he placed the medical tape back in the kit and the kit back in his pouch as he sighed,he got up and tried to walk so he could move somewhere else more unnoticeable.But since he wasn't yet used to walking with the branches on his leg,when he walked he tripped and fell into another bush in front of him.He moaned as he just laid there,figuring he was making more noise trying to get somewhere then just staying where he was.
Anna sat there, her head hung low and confusion all over her face. None of it made sense to her. How could all of this stuff happen and she not remember it or someone else to remember it? It didn't seem real, could it even be possible? She let out a soft sigh before glancing back up at Rae, with tears in her eyes. She had it, there was no more fighting back the feelings, or trying to find them. She was tired of all of this and it was only the second day, how was she going to make it through tomorrow or the next day. No one had any idea just how long they'd be stuck here, it could be months and that thought terrified her. She was already starting to break down, how was she going to hold herself together for that long?

"I'm sorry." She said in a whisper before getting to her feet. "I shouldn't have yelled at you, especially when I was in the same situation not too long ago. I was just scared... You..." She paused, thinking of the right thing to say. Honestly, she wasn't even sure if it was him, but if it wasn't, then who else could it be? Someone who looked and sounded exactly like him? No, that was absurd, there couldn't be two Rae's, just like she knew there wasn't two of her... Or was there? She took in a few deep breaths, trying to shake the crazy ideas from her mind before speaking again. "Whatever happened back there... Whether it was you or not, it scared the daylights out of me. Honestly... You were so... So forceful, I didn't know what you would do to me." She couldn't make herself look at him now, almost ashamed at what she was saying.

"I don't hate you though."
He snapped out of his thoughts when Anna told him he was sorry. He looked over at her, listening intently. She sounded as if she were confused and sorry at the same time. It didn't surprise him since he felt the same way. But she had to have been accused of something she didn't do and then have some imposter Rae attack her in a weird way. He understood why she was freaked out, but he was extremely confused, not sure how this could be happening.

Waiting until she was finished, he got up on his feet. Cautiously walking over to Anna so as not to appear hostile since she had enough things to worry about, whether she believed it was him or not. Putting his left hand on her shoulder ot reassure her. "Don't worry about it, I'd hate me to if I did that." He said with a small smile. Taking his hand back to himself while he looks around the area.

"Sooo..why are you here? I was just coming back from seeing if I caught any food in my snares." He said gesturing in the direction of the brush he had first come out of by pointing with his left thumb. HE was trying to lighten up the mood by changing the subject since she seemed to be in a rather sensitive state compared to himself. He only hoped they could keep their heads on their shoulders long enough to find out what was going on.
Anna didn't flinch or move away when Rae placed a hand on her shoulder. In a way, despite everything that had happened, it was almost comforting, but she could tell that he was now nervous around her. She frowned slightly, choking back a few more tears before wiping them away from her face. She knew she was a wreck right now and she honestly didn't care too much. She was almost tired of pretending like nothing was wrong.

"Well... You.. Uhh... I was kind of... I kind of ran away after all that happened, and found myself here I guess. I don't know really, I just went where my feet took me I guess." She said with a shrug, before pushing her hair out of her face. "Did you find anything?" She asked softly, her voice returning back to its normal, calm state. "I don't think I've ever been so hungry in my life." She said with a small laugh as she placed her hand on her growling stomach.
He laughed a little himself, knowing the feeling as well. Disappointed to know he had nothing to show for, but he knew the water would at least keep them going for a few days until food did show up. "Uh, well no I didn't get anything yet. I was hoping the other guys had more luck with finding something, I don't have bait or anything to lure animals out." Sounding upset but hopeful of the other, he gestured back towards the cave.

She seemed to be getting back to normal, hoping it was just the same on the inside incase she was hiding her feelings. "Well did you want to go back to the cave or do you got anything else in mind?" He said folding his arms, feeling weird with his arms just hanging at his sides. Calming himself, while he wondered just where Travis and Hunter were at. But then again he was the one that got knocked unconscious, maybe he shouldn't be the one worrying about guys in better condition than himself.
Hunter, having been knocked to the ground, brought a hand to his head, having the worst headache attack he's had since the crash. He could feel the bruise on his cheek beginning to show. As he recoiled in pain, wincing and gritting through his teeth he suddenly wondered, who on earth had punched him? He sat up, and turned around to face his attacker, the quick movement cause his head to surge with pain once again. When he looked up he found Travis holding his ground.

"Travis? What is your problem? I thought we were cool!" he staggers to his feet, his head hurting with the movement. "I found the berries! Me! So why do you get to take credit?" Hunter throws a punch at Travis.
Anna shrugged at first, but nodded. "Sure, I don't really have much else to do out here I guess. Maybe someone else found some food." And with that she started to make her way through the thick jungle again, but soon came to a stop. In the distance she heard someone shouting about something not to far from them. After all the weirdness that had been going on today, Anna couldn't help herself to go see what was going on. "Did you hear that?" She asked Rae as she turned and headed a different direction. Soon she came to a clearing, where Hunter and Travis stood. Before Anna had a chance to ask what was going on, Hunter had thrown a punch at him. Anna gasped, running towards them, ignoring the possible danger of getting in between to fighting guys.

"Hunter! What is wrong with you?!" She exclaimed as she placed her hands on his chest, trying to push him back. She glanced back towards Travis, unsure of what was going on or what even started the fight. "What is wrong with you two? Stop fighting!"
Rae was about ot start heading with her back to the cave until she heard something he didn't pick up on as well as she did. He folowed her through the brush but stopped when he seen Travis and Hunter, staying in the brush to hide as if Anna were the only one to show up. He was in disbelief to see them hit eachother, he thought that everyone muist be going crazy and just not him and Anna. He decided that unless things got worse he would see if he could pick up on anything unusual. Maybe one of them were under a drug exposure, or maybe they were just losing their minds and eradicatin eachother because they were stuck on an island.

He crouched in the brush, keeping a lcose eye on the event that were about to unfold, he wasn't the brightest bulb but if he watched he could learn enough to figure out anything, unless of course they just run off or try to kill eachother. It looked like they were by a bush that had berries in it, it was a great find. It meant there were likely other plants like that around here, if they were poisonous then they could at least be used to help trap some animals, considering one of his snares went off last night. He sighed to himself, he wouldn't want Anna getting hurt but he doubted they'd hit her so bluntly. He just didn't want to feel responsible for what happened if he didn't stand by her side, especially if all their trust is destroyed because of this.
Cole had heard all the noise and stayed in the bush he was in until it all stopped,something was just not right here.He thought all those people were doing well together but with what he's been seeing and hearing he's not so sure anymore,and now he was happy he didn't decide to go to them or he'd be stuck in all this too.The voices sounded close,yet before he was sure no one was around,at least that was what he thought.He tried to move to where he could look to where the voices were coming from,and there two of the guys were not to far off."Crap..."Cole thought to himself,he had hoped he could stay away from the people but this wasn't far at all.
Hunter couldn't believe Anna was coming into this, it wasn't her fight, nor had she been there to know what had happened. He took her hands off his chest and looked toward Travis who also now possessed a bruise on his cheek.

"This guy, wanted to take credit for my food discovery," he pointed to the berries that lay scattered on the ground, "So he came, out of now where, and punched me!" After he finished his sentence he did a double take at the berries on the ground, noticing some were burst and smashed. Twisting around he tried to look at as much of his shirt he could. "Great. And now my one and only shirt is ruined." He put a his hand on Anna's shoulder and gentily pushed past her, being sure he was careful not to upset her though he glared at Travis as he stocked past him. He headed in the direction of the beach, the water, to wade in and drench his shirt and hopefully get rid of the berry stains. "We need to find a way home..." he said aloud to himself as the water washed over his shoulders, cold and relaxing.
Cole watched as this went on and he smiled,He liked this one.He showed more control than the others,or well at least of what he's seen."She called him Hunter right?"Cole thought to himself as he watched Hunter,trying not to make too much noise as he shifted a bit."How interesting..."Cole crept out of the bush was hiding in and decided to try and get away from the people since he felt too close for comfort.
Pseudo Travis rubbed his cheek, refraining himself from making a devious grin. He looked to Rae and Anna and grimaced, "Whatever, Hunter is a liar! This whole thing started when I found the berries. He tried threatening me for them, and then I punched him in self defense before he could, and thats when he really punched me." He shrugged "What gives?!?! What does it matter who finds the berries? It's survival, not superiority. Who knew Hunter was one of those guys". He stalked off in a facade of rage, "You guys stay here, I'm going back to the cave to clear my head I wish to be alone for a bit".

The creature arrived at the cave, standing before the naked body of Travis. He shrugged his clothes off and threw them at his body to cover him, he'd had enough of this, so he didn't bother dressing him (besides being nearly naked would be an interesting reaction to see). He didn't get the reaction he wanted from Hunter, he hoped Travis would be upset enough to make a scene of all of this. He didn't know if his plans were working. It was only a matter of time, only two things would happen: Chaos or Cooperation. He sincerely hoped it was the former, because if they became closer because his little tricks didn't work he wouldn't be too happy.

He flew off, watching the effects of all that happened today.
Anna stared at him, completely confused on what was happening. Maybe they were all starting to go mad or maybe they just had enough of it all. She let out a soft sigh and glanced back at Travis for a moment. Before she could open her mouth, Hunter gently pushed past her and went on his own way. She wanted to tell him that maybe she could get the stain out of his shirt, and maybe she could find more berries to replace the ones he lost. Though, the more she thought about it, the more she started to realize how stupid this fight really was, no matter who started it. Really, she didn't want to take sides at all, she hadn't seen the whole fight, but either way, everyone was acting weird.

Anna let out a soft sigh, almost feeling bad for getting between the two, but who knows what could have happened. "I'm so confused." She said softly, turning towards Rae who had stayed back from the fight. "If everyone has already had enough of one another, there's no way we'll survive this." She kicked a rock from under her foot and started off into the trees again, the opposite way from the cave. "I need to think for a bit. I think everyone does. I'll be back soon." And with that, she disappeared deep into the jungle, not really caring where she was going.

After what seemed like forever, she wondered upon a another opening. All around her were old tribal looking stone carvings and a large piece of stone that sat in the middle of it all. To her, it looked almost like a table of some sort, but what would it be doing here? Were there people on the island? If so, how come they haven't came across them yet? Slowly she walked around, examining everything. Everything looked so old, like it had been here for centuries. Slowly she moved her hand across the table, feeling the cold stone under her hand. On closer a look it looked like there was small carvings in the stone, but she couldn't make out what it said. Then her eyes landed on something that made her jump back with a gasp. On the side of the table was a dark, dried out crimson substance. She didn't want to admit it, but it looked like blood. Maybe some sort of animal was here? As far as she knew, the only animals that lived here were birds and small reptiles, not once did she come across any signs that something larger could be living here.

She debated turning back and showing this to the rest, but with everyone acting so weird, she wasn't sure if it was even a good idea or not. Suddenly she heard something from behind her, something large making its way through the tall thick grass. "Hello?" She called out, wondering if someone had followed her back here, but there was no reply. She could still here whatever was out there though and it was slowly getting closer and closer. Panic started to set it and she could feel her heart begin to race. "This... This isn't funny!" She exclaimed, stepping a few steps back, her eyes darting in every direction. That's when she heard it, a deep growl that sounded like nothing she had ever heard before. Her mind was racing, debating whether or not she should run or try to remain calm, but when she heard the creature inch closer, just inches away from showing itself she bolted, running as fast as her legs could take her.

((Long, I know, but I got seriously carried away. xD ))
After wading in the water for a good half hour, Hunter decided there was no way he was going to be able to get the stupid stains out of his shirt. The sun was starting to set over head and yet he knew they still had a few hours before it would be completely dark. After the fight earlier he wonders if everyone would return to the cave, if everyone could stand each other. They all desperately needed to keep their sanity and pull together to come up with a way off this godforsaken island.

Hunter pulled off his shirt and layed it on a log, in the sun, by the edge of the forest line. His stomach was rumbling and he couldn't blame it seeing as how he hadn't eaten all day, who knows if the others had found anything. He quickly retraced his steps to the clearing he had been at earlier, finding the crushed berries and remanants of the fight. Quickly he lifted up the bushes, searching for the berries. He found another two handfuls and snacked on them until his hunger was fulfilled.

Hunter hastened back to the beach, grabbing his now mostly dry shirt, shrugging it on. The sun was slowly desceneding in the afternoon and he knew he had to get back to the cave before too long. As soon as he found the cave enterance he was surprised to find a half naked Travis lying on the ground. Why would Travis wear his clothes on top of himself? This was certainly not normal and beyond a survival skill for keeping warm. As far as Huter could tell, the cave was empty, everyone probably on their own, so he covered Travis with a blanket then shook him awake.

"Dude, I don't know what you think you're doing, but if I were you I'd put some clothes on." against his better judgement he decided not to bring up the fight, hoping that it wouldn't matter any more.
Her heart pounded in her chest as she ran as fast as she could. Whatever animal was back there was now hot on her trail, causing her to zigzag through the trees, hoping to lose track of it. Whatever it was was fast and clearly did not want to be seen as it stayed hidden amongst the brush. At this point, she didn't know where she was going or which way the cave was, but the island was only so big, she'd hit the ocean sooner or later. The animal let out another loud growl, but this time it came from in front of her. It didn't make any sense how it could have gotten in front of her so fast, but she did the only thing she could do, and run the other way.

The trickster, laughed to himself as he played his game of cat and mouse. He wasn't entirely sure if he was going to eat her just yet or just scare the daylights out of her. He had to take his frustration out somehow, none of his plans were working. Some of the group seemed to be getting closer together, yet others just seemed annoyed, yet moving on with it. This is not what he wanted, not at all. He wanted to tear apart the group, not just have everyone mildly annoyed with one another. Just thinking about it made his blood boil. As of right now, he took on the shape of a large black wild cat with red glowing eyes and two large canines that stuck out of its mouth. He was hungry, hungry for blood and he knew he was starting to wear the girl out. Sooner or later he'd have his fix, though he had no intentions on killing her, not yet at least.

Suddenly the creature jumped out from the bushes and Anna let out a gasp, stopping dead in her tracks. It circled her for a moment, its eyes never leaving her own. Anna had never seen an animal like this one before and she could only assume that it had not been discovered yet. "Please..." She begged as if it could understand her, little did she know it could. With one quick, almost blinding motion the animal leaped, pinning Anna to the ground. She let out a blood curdling scream as it sank its fangs into her arm. Her life flashed before her eyes and she surely thought this was it, but as quick as it all happened, the animal vanished back into the grass again, not even making a sound. She sat there for a moment in shock as she held her bleeding arm. Her face was covered in tears and dirt and she could feel small droplets of blood landing on her leg. She had to get back to the cave before she bleed out.

Slowly she pushed herself off of the ground and made her way through the trees yet again. Finally she could see the cave in front of her and she let out a sigh of relief. "Guys!" She called out with a shaky voice. The blood was starting to seep through her fingers and down her right arm. The pain was so unbearable that she was surprised she had made it this far. "Guys..." She cried again, fresh tears starting to pour down her cheeks. Slowly she walked into the cave, standing there still in a slight haze of shock.
Hunter looked to Anna who had just appeared at the mouth of the cave. She looked to be in terrible condition, worse than terrible. He could tell she was definantly shaken by whatever had happened.

"Anna! What happened?" he got up from crouching next to Travis. He took a look at her arm, trying to decide what to use to keep pressure on it. His mind raced. "Here, sit down." he took a hold of her arm and helped her sit against the wall of the cave, opposite Travis. Deciding that they may actually use the blankets again, he shrugged off his shirt and applied it to her arm, "Here, keep it there." He placed her hand on the wound before running back to the lake to get the first aid kit and water for her.
"I... I was attacked by something." She choked. "Some sort of animal. I don't even know what it was, it was like nothing I have ever seen before!" She exclaimed as she sat down against the wall. She winced as he placed his shirt on her arm, slightly pulling away from the pain. "No! Your shirt is already dirty, don't make it blood stained too." She sighed, feeling bad. She glanced over at Travis, who just laid there... Naked. She blushed furiously, before glancing away. She wasn't exactly sure why he was just laying there with his clothes on top of him, but she'd save that question for a later time.
Rae sighed to himself when all the mess had ended, grabbing the left over mush of berries and collecting them into a leaf he could hold and not stain himself. He felt the weight of his exsistence bearing down on him as he couldn't make anything out of the situation. He decided he should distance himself from everyone for a little bit, maybe a good hour or two, jus tto mentally fix himself up. With the left over berries that were either lost or destroyed to a point of pretty much being useless he headed out toward the traps he laid that were deeper into the forest. The were maybe a good five or ten minute walk in, placing a small mound of berries at each trap in hopes a small animal would take the bait so they could be captured for food.

Without food we were going to lose our energy faster and eventually die, only when the water wouldn't be able to sustain us would it be a truly bad thing though. It took a good twenty mintutes to berry all his traps, He got in the general direction of the cave so he could find the little mountain of rock the cave was made from. He found a stick he would thought would make a fair walking stick, and if need be a club. He followed the mountain side for a half hour. He stopped when he found a concave portion of the hill that he could sit up straight in. Getting on his right knee he could get into the hillside and sit cross legged, setting his stick beside himself. Facing back outward, he would observe the surrounding nature, he could see trees everywhere as well as his tracks that went off towards the beach.

What was going on? Was it a living superstition? why havent they seen any larger signs of wildlife in such a thriving island? Was Adrian responsible for all of this? He was the only other human he was sure exsisted that could make up any mishchief as far as he was concerned.
Cole had gotten far enough he thought and fixed the brace he had made on his ankle so he could move a bit more freely since it was starting to get dark and had no idea what could happen.Tomorrow he figured he'd look for something to eat and look around more since he still didn't know what was around here other than the cave the people stayed in,the crash and water.He wanted to know what else was around.But for now he wandered around looking for a place to stay for the night.
Travis's eyes fluttered and his hand flew to the top of his head rubbing the knot on it. He shivered and looked down, realizing he was only covered by a blanket "What did this...?" he looked up and saw Hunter and Anna, Anna had a huge gash on her arm and Hunter was beside her "You! Hunter, what did you do to Anna! Haven't you done enough you perv!" He went to get up but blushed, realizing there would be no way for him to dress right now. "Why are all my clothes off?" he was incredibly confused. "I swear Hunter, the last thing I remember was you hitting me over the head with a stick, what is going on? Why are you hurting everyone?!?!" Travis was on the verge of panic but took deep breaths to get himself under control as he looked at the two of them and narrowed his eyes at Hunter willing him to give an explanation.

((Er...this is starting to sound odd, as in dirty odd. just don't think that way. :/ ))
Anna jumped when she heard Travis suddenly awaken. She glanced over at him, but only to turn away, her face turning bright red. "Hunter didn't do this Travis, relax." She said softly, taking a few deep breaths to try and get past the pain. She kept her eyes locked on the ground, avoiding looking at Travis until he had some clothes on. Then something accorded to her, he asked if Hunter had done enough. Done enough what? For a moment she wondered if he was talking about the stupid berry fight they had earlier, but the last thing Travis had said made her think otherwise. Hurting everyone? Who had Hunter hurt?

She peered over at Travis for a moment, confusion written all over her face. "What do you mean Travis?" She asked as she narrowed her eyes, glancing back at Hunter every so often.
Anna's face, which avoided looking at him, seemed confused. Suddenly he found that she didn't seem fearful of Hunter, and Hunter didn't seem as malicious and evil as before. He sighed in relief but was confused as well, "So Hunter didn't..." he blushed "hurt you today?" He shook his head "I was in here tending the fire and he was bragging and then I punched him and he hit me over the head" He scratched his head in confusion.
"Hurt me?" She questioned, this time she stared straight at him. She didn't understand why he would think such a thing. "Hunter didn't hurt me," she stated with a rather serious tone. Now everyone was seeming to act weird, seeing things that supposedly didn't happen. She knew damn well that she never tried to seduce Travis earlier, but he seemed so sure of it. The same went for when Rae tried forcing himself onto her, but when she saw him later that day, he swore he hadn't done anything. Now, the same thing was happening with Hunter and Travis. None of this made sense. How could any of it be possible? It's not like they all have an evil twin or something.

Her eyes shot open at that thought. It seemed so ridiculous, but honestly it was the only thing that made any sense. "Trav... Travis," she stuttered, unsure of how he was going to take what she was about to say. She didn't want people to think she was going insane, but she had to give it a shot. "Do... Do you think that there could be something on this island that's... Well, imitating us?" She asked, her eyes locked on the ground again. "I mean... Earlier you said that I... I tried to seduce you, but I was here the entire time. Then Rae practically forced me to kiss him, but when I saw him a little bit later that day, he swore that he hadn't. Then of course there was that stupid fight between you and Hunter over berries not to long ago." She thought it all over in her head, wondering if something like this was even possible.

"Wait! Did you say that he knocked you out in here?" She asked with a confused look. If he had knocked you out in here... That doesn't make any sense. You and Hunter had a fight about a few hours ago over berries or something. You came up and took them from him and..." She trailed off, her head swirling with all sorts of different thoughts. "This doesn't make sense."

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