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  1. Wuming

    [Shifting Sands] Shifting Sands Discussion

  2. Wuming

    [Tumultuous Tides] Chapter 6: Empty Halls, Scene 1

    Zen swang the blade up to allow its blunt edge to rest on his right shoulder, deliberately tapping his left foot. His brows narrrowed as the conversation got heated up. "Ahem...Let's continue this DISCUSSION at a more divinely appropriate time. Most important thing to decide now is WHAT...
  3. Wuming

    [Shifting Sands] Chapter 3: Cat & Mouse, Scene 2

    "Wait!" A chivalrous voice came from the entrance. A golden hair youth leaped into the air, executed a somersault and a 2 and a half twist and landed perfectly. Everyone in the brothel turned their head to check out the originator, and their gaze followed the acrobatic stunt from midair through...
  4. Wuming

    hehe...I like weird...

    hehe...I like weird...
  5. Wuming

    lol...hmm...wouldn't it be strange that I like BOTH. : p

    lol...hmm...wouldn't it be strange that I like BOTH. : p
  6. Wuming

    I shall be back...Just need a little catch up on the story and get all my work done in RL! ; p

    I shall be back...Just need a little catch up on the story and get all my work done in RL! ; p
  7. Wuming

    [Shifting Sands] Chapter 3: Cat & Mouse, Scene 1

    Shing nodded and without further delay, he found a discrete area to put on his usual clothing. He bundled the costume and inspected the area to find a place to hide it. Shortly, he leaped and placed his costume at the cross beams near the roof. Nobody, under normal circumstance would have look...
  8. Wuming

    [Tumultuous Tides] Chapter 6: Empty Halls, Scene 1

    "And I am Zen...a demon hunter..." Zen hissed while his eyes inspected the three suspiciously. "What had brought you here?"
  9. Wuming

    [Shifting Sands] Chapter 3: Cat & Mouse, Scene 1

    Shing maintained a solemn look while the conversation took place and simply nodded when the three left. "Well...To Lady Blackbird's we go!" The God imposter smirked. "What do you think? How all these connects? And what do we do with this lady..."
  10. Wuming

    Thanks...I was back to my hometown for holiday...Much time spent together with family and...

    Thanks...I was back to my hometown for holiday...Much time spent together with family and friends. And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
  11. Wuming

    [Shifting Sands] Chapter 3: Cat & Mouse, Scene 1

    -Oh! Why don't you say so earlier? Shing gave a short chuckle and return to the alter platform. He looked over the prostrated cultists and marveled at how much authority a God commands over mortals. - You may rise now. - Amongst you...are constables. Come forth to me. 3 of you who deem...
  12. Wuming

    [Shifting Sands] Chapter 3: Cat & Mouse, Scene 1

    How do you suppose I find them? Lady. Shing raised one brow and tapped his right finger on his lips.
  13. Wuming

    [Shifting Sands] Chapter 3: Cat & Mouse, Scene 1

    Sorry...what death worshippers?Where? Shing scratched his head and etched a confused look.
  14. Wuming

    [Shifting Sands] Chapter 3: Cat & Mouse, Scene 1

    "I am not too sure..." Shing passed a blank look. "What have we got here?" Shing moved close to the lady and crouched, "Better answer her questions...She is nasty"
  15. Wuming

    [Tumultuous Tides] Chapter 6: Empty Halls, Scene 1

    Zen's face turned pale and flickered vigorously to make sense of the transformation. "Alek, enlighten me...what the hell had happened?"
  16. Wuming

    [Shifting Sands] Shifting Sands Discussion

    Selima here I come!
  17. Wuming

    [Shifting Sands] Chapter 3: Cat & Mouse, Scene 1

    Shing heard the commotions behind him and feeling a feeling trouble tingled within him. He wanted to turn and see but was caught in the final piece of the sermon. Then an idea came to him. "So before I move any further..." He paused and there was a long silence, the followers' gaze frozen at...
  18. Wuming

    [Tumultuous Tides] Chapter 4: Pieces & Shards, Scene 2

    "Ok...pardon my ignorance...Lorenzo...Do not laugh" Zen asked in a serious tone, "What this manse does? How can this help in our pursuit of EVILs terrorizing this land?"
  19. Wuming

    [Tumultuous Tides] Chapter 4: Pieces & Shards, Scene 2

    "My pleasure..." Zen's lips widened to show his pearl white teeth. He dashed forward and just before he reached a blade length, with quick thrust of heels onto the ground, he leaped over the walking dead. His landing was perfectly executed- one deserving an applause. Then with a quick twist of...
  20. Wuming

    [Tumultuous Tides] Chapter 4: Pieces & Shards, Scene 2

    "Good! You are back!" Zen stared at Alek with worrisome eyes,"Now...What's next?"