[Tumultuous Tides] Chapter 4: Pieces & Shards, Scene 2

Not too worried, Lorenzo ensures to keep a comfortable distance from the undead.
"Well. That's a start now." Alek looks to his summoned elemental. "Would you mind terribly destroying those undead? I've got a new building in my head and need to concentrate."

More worrying was the lack of knowledge of where the woman who summoned the creatures was. Too many inputs, and not enough time to sort it out. Perhaps he could tell where the treasure she was looking for was?
"My pleasure..." Zen's lips widened to show his pearl white teeth. He dashed forward and just before he reached a blade length, with quick thrust of heels onto the ground, he leaped over the walking dead. His landing was perfectly executed- one deserving an applause. Then with a quick twist of his waist, he loosened his upper torso and allowed his blade to whistle through the air at neck height. The swinging momentum generated much power, and the sharp edge of the reaper diaklave cut through the heads of undead like knife slicing through cheese. Then there were trails of golden arc that ran in several figure of eight in the air.

Within a few heartbeats, nothing short of spectacular maneuvers was exhibited, and rotten bodies and skeletons piled up- all threats eliminated.
Lorenzo, genuinely impressed by the performance, clapped his hands profusely, interrupting from time to time to whistle loudly.

- Bravo! Bravo!
Zen: 2-die stunt. Take back 4 motes.

You guys aren't feeling the same surge, and haven't been as you may have notice, that you were in the big chamber will all the Jade doors. If you remember, you were getting massive Essence channeled into you. After that, you were not.

The room is empty, save the Core. Hacked zombie bits line the floor. Pounding and scraping can still be heard from outside against the door.

Alek, you thoughts begin to sort out, slowly. Things begin to clear and your realizing more about this place.

You know for certain that the zombies are the only other organic creatures left in this Manse beside yourselves. You also know that one of the treasures is missing. Then suddenly you know which one: The Fist of the Divide. Destruction of the other artifacts housed in the Manse appears to have halted since you were given it's power.

Things Alek is realizing he can do with his new power:

Free options:

  • Seal the doors throughout.
  • Control the automata for shorts periods of time
  • Spring traps that were built in when the Manse was built.

Options that cost 4 motes or 1 Willpower:

  • Activate three remaining Essence Cores (this will open new options).
"Tch, the woman likely has gotten her prize. We are going to have to track her down now." Alek sighs and rubs at his forhead. "If we are lucky I managed to trap her in the area, but that's not likely."

With a small expendenture of essence Alek starts up the Essence Cores of the place. Perhaps there would be better options if he managed to get everything up and running.
"Ok...pardon my ignorance...Lorenzo...Do not laugh" Zen asked in a serious tone, "What this manse does? How can this help in our pursuit of EVILs terrorizing this land?"
- Before attempting any pursuit, I would be glad to understand how can we dispose of the little horror here. - Lorenzo points at the little cage.

- It was a stroke of luck that we took it from our friend out there, I would hate to bring it back to her.
Alek, you FEEL the Manse draw Essence and power itself. It's a surge in your mind and gut that's exhilarating. The power in your heart and should grows or feels like it does. You're no longer sure if it's the Manse or you who feels this way.

Then. Suddenly.

You feel your body begin to grow cold. It starts in your legs then draws into you thighs. It becomes hard to breathe. It's cold, so cold.

Lorenzo and Zen, around you the walls of the Manse begin to turn from bronze to gunmetal.

Alek, something is speaking to you. It's faint at first in your mind. But, as you breath grows shallower and the world begins to fade around you, the voice becomes clearer.

"Alek," says the familiar voice of Morinth. "Alek, turn it off. Shut down the Manse, Alek. Entirely. Hurry."

You know you have but a few moments to make that decision. And you know the second you do every defense and doorway fails.

If you wish to do so, shutting down the Manse costs 2 Willpower and requires a Wits + Integrity, difficulty 2.
"I... Wonder if you realize how badly you've irritated me now." Alek growls to himself and forces himself to his feet, having staggered from the impact of the cold. "Morinth should be gone. She is gone. I know this cold Abomination. I can guess what you are trying to do."

Alek focused to the best of his ability. The black essence, the creature that was likely contaminating the entire area was likely inside the manse itself. Either part of it now, or infecting it like a plague. It didn't matter.

Alek's focus narrowed to a point. Down the passages of the manse, through the walls and lines of power. He took his power and pushed it, bright and burning. Golden light arched across his body, and his anima flared as bright as the sun. The six armed figure manifested around him, and the Solar pushed with all his might.

"Be gone. This is MINE."

Ok, not sure if this would work, but spending 30 essence and 1 willpower. I believe that leaves me with 4 personal left :) I'm also expending a willpower, and 8 EXP to bump my integrity up to 3.


If I die, it's been nice playing with you all! *Laughs*

Also at 4 WP now

3-die stunt worth 1 success and 6 motes.

Alek, you force power through yourself making your mind, body, and soul a conduit for Essence. You feel your body and the Manse fill with power, driving away and burning the dark Essence out of every nook and cranny. And you feel your power and will flood into the dormant Essence cores. All three fire up almost immediately ...

All of you see the this chamber's walls turn from drab metal to dazzling gold. The room lights like there are one hundred torches burning in it.

Suddenly, the whole Manse begins to shake and rumble. You can feel it shifting. Then, one after another, massive BOOM sounds fill the chamber, the Manse continues to shake.

Based on what you're hearing and feeling, the whole complex seems to be changing shape and ...


The next three minutes feel like an eternity as the Manse transforms and breaks the the ground above it. Then, just as suddenly, the rumbling stops and all is quiet.

Alek, with you connection to the Manse, you know that the power cores have been overloaded and, while the Manse's transformation is complete, Essence has once again been cut off. The three cores are now non-function.

Outside the chamber doors, none of you hear anything.
Alek curses briefly to himself and leans against a wall for a moment. He needed to recover a moment before attempting anything else. He was minorly annoyed at himself for breaking part of the manse, but it was far better it be broken then usable by whatever the creature was. Possibly he could repair it at least.

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