[Shifting Sands] Chapter 3: Cat & Mouse, Scene 1


Maelstrom Engineer
Flames explode into the evening sky, drawing attention of the people on the street below. Shing, disguised as Tyrs bel Dacanos, steps out an old magma tube in the mountain, ready to play the part of the magma god. The guise if flawless with it's orange, yellow, and red robes, tribal obsidian mask, and bowl of smoldering embers.

The torch tubes full of oil you both worked up that flank either side of the ledge work perfectly. People immediately notice and a crowd begins to for in awe of Tyrs bel Dacanos' power.

Selima, you stay hidden in the magma tube looking out onto the crowd below.


Okay, Shing. You have the floor. You have the attention of hundreds and more are coming.
"This is some SHIT you get me into, Selima!" Shing gave a disgusted face as feeling of regrets coursed though his mind. Shing was never an articulated person, and would never be without good amount of practice, at least.

When the hundreds of believers flooded into where the congregation was told to be held, Shing mustered his focus and leaped twice onto the 12 yards tall platform the priests set up for their God.

"They should buy it...No mortal can leap this high...And the disguise is perfect! Don't worry! Shing! Everything will work out just fine..." Shing comforted himself. When it was finally time for him to address the cultists, there was a long silence. He could feel his stomach churning...Words were lost...his thought was...Blank.

"Say something...damn it!" Shing could feel his body temperature rising and globules of sweat forming at his forehead. "Say something...." Then he recalled his brief experience he had with Sol Invictus...during his exaltation. He took a breathe and allowed that majesty and awe he felt before to course through his entire being. He held on to that sensation at his forehead, imagined that it to be a ball of golden light, hovering between his brow. Then he envisioned it growing, ballooning into something bigger until his entire head was almost engulfed by the light and power generated. And finally, he opened his eyes.

"KNEEL!" The word came from what was once pursed lips. "Before your GOD!" Shing's uncompromising voice shook the entire congregation and yielded the results he intended. The cultists obeyed as demanded, and on their knees they went.

A brief moment of silence passed while the cultists peered at their God on the 12 yard tall platform. From a distance his head seemed to grow in bright light...The entire experience was mystifying. They had learned much of Tyrs bel Dacanos. But this was the first time they saw their God in person. Shing empathized with how they felt and purposefully paused to allow that awe to sink deeper into their beings.

Following that Shing delivered his sermon. It was a passage he once read in the library of Kether Rock. A passage that edified the might of Sun God. He omitted all mention of Sol Invictus and replaced them with Tyrs. Those words surfaced onto his thought vividly, line by line, and Shing read them aloud with a fiery tenacity and passion. Shing's efforts were convincing. And the cultists were gullible and fallible to the words of Shing...They were inspired. They were ignited with brand new hope that their God would guide them to a grandeur, a promising future.

For a moment, Shing did feel like he was truly the God. All was good as intended.

Crappy...don't really know how to do this...but WTF...Just do it!

Anything I need to roll?
Nah, you guys already did, unless you're looking for some added effect we haven't covered. This is great. Take a 2-die stunt (4 motes).

The crowd is in awe and thickens. Hundreds turn to thousands as the word passes like wildfire. Night is falling, plummeting the world in darkness, lit only by a blanket of stars and your rigged fire tubes.

Selima, as Shing continues his sermon into the night, you feel a soft hand ease its way onto your shoulder from behind.

A woman's silky voice fills your ears. "Hello, pretty girl. What is your name?"
- Yoooow!

Selima jumps with surprise.

- You scared me!

Who the hell are you?
The crowd seems enthralled and seems to hang on your ever word.

Selima, you turn and find an older woman who, despite her years, is beautiful. She wears thin silks that leave little to the imagination and her red hair is put up in a bun. She smiles like a snake and draws closer to you.

"First, tell me your name, love." Her voice is soft but erotic.
- Fucking priss... - thinks Selima, acknowledging a small hint of envy.

- Ow! Hands off!

Selima pushes away the woman's hands and shifts back, on the guard but ready to run away.

What is the diameter of the tunnel?

How far from the exit?

Do I know what to expect at the other end?
The tunnel is 10 feet in diameter. The exit is about 20 yards away at the end of which are more lava tubes. You know which lead out into the streets ouside and which head further into the city inside the mountain.

"Now that's not very nice," the woman says in a mocking baby tone. "I ONLY want to talk. Find out more about you. You're beautiful, you know that?" A smile grows on her face.


Shing, outside the crowd begins to chant, "Tyrs! Tyrs! Tyrs!"
Selima feels mocked, but keeps it for herself.

- Just keep your hands for yourself.

And why would a rich woman like you come in this filthy place?
"I saw you," she admits. "In the street. There you were. I had to have you. Now!" She steps toward you again, drawing to arm's length.
- Eeeew! You are creepy!

Selima pushes away the woman's face with the palm of the hand.
Selima, you feel yourself being drawn toward her . . . she is quite beautiful . . . and pretty . . .

3 WP to resist seduction.
Spending the 3 wp.

Limit [X|X| | | ][ | | | | ]

Willpoer [X|X|X| | ][ | | | | ]
Selima's biceps bulge as it drives the pretty face of the woman to slam violently against the wall.

She's sensitive to being manipulated. Poor girl.

We'll keep an eulogy for the power of Social Combat another time.

At least Lorenzo has a good Dodge...

Punch, Fierce Blow, 15 dice.

On suxx, it's 10B of damage.
I actually like that a lot. 2-die stunt worth 1 success and 4 motes.

Selima, you smash her into the side of the wall and crush the right side of her face, caving in her cheek.

As she doubles over, she tries to touch your arm to steady herself, you easily sidestep her touch.

Shing, behind you in the caves, you hear commotion and fighting.
Selima peers at Tyrs bel Dacanos, ready to reassure Him with a gesture should he worry for his greatest fan.

Could the woman conceal anything through her clothes?
Probably something small between her breasts or stuck between her skin and clothing. Nothing large though.

Oh yes, and she went. So it's your action again.
Shing heard the commotions behind him and feeling a feeling trouble tingled within him. He wanted to turn and see but was caught in the final piece of the sermon. Then an idea came to him.

"So before I move any further..." He paused and there was a long silence, the followers' gaze frozen at the fake god. "I would like all of you to prostrate on the floor. Close ye eyes in quiet meditation reflect upon ya life. Count the good you have done and all the sins that you have committed. Stay still until I ask you to get up! Lets pray for you..."

Immediately, the followers laid flat on the floor with their eyes closed, in hope to recieve the blessings of a God. A smile crossed Shing's face before he turned to dashed to the source of commotions.
- Shing!

Selima shakes her hand in a clumsy attempt to have the blood fall off.

- This priss uhm.. attacked me.

You think she's alone?

Is she unconscious/incapacitated? If not, Selima will punch her again, just to be sure.

Once she seems to be, Selima will search her through.
Yeah, it's your action again. She isn't unconscious ... yet. Go ahead and make an actual attack.

Shing, you see a woman in tight leather with half-smashed face doubled over on the ground in pain. Her blood is smeared along the wall.
Selima hesitates... Abyssal or not there is only so much harm she's willing to inflict on a creepy woman in the wrong place with the wrong clothes.

Before the woman recovers from the pain, Selima seizes her wrists and forces her against the ground with the knee on her back.

Not the most efficient solution, and I may regret it, but Selima has both Valor and Compassion...

Attempting clinch.
1-die stunt worth 1 success and 2 motes.

She has a charm active that will expose you to a disease should you touch her. Give me a Stamina+Resistance roll. Difficulty 4.

You force the woman to the ground with the skill and efficiency of a hungry croc. She's wedged under your knee and screaming in pain.
- Ok priss.

You are the third in oh so few days.

I'm going to kill you good and sloooow, and no, your stupid friends are never going to get me.

How does it feel? - Selima marks the question by pushing harder.

Is Selima aware of the disease thing?

Burning 6 (+1 to silence) motes on Res II, for 3 suxx.
"I am not too sure..." Shing passed a blank look. "What have we got here?"

Shing moved close to the lady and crouched, "Better answer her questions...She is nasty"

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