[Tumultuous Tides] Chapter 6: Empty Halls, Scene 1

Whisper turns to Zen, and bows. Very slightly.

"We came here for three reasons. One, there is a Dragon-Blooded commander outside your walls with the entire 28th Legion at his command who was asking questions in such a way as to make me believe he intended us, and the young lady who we rescued from the army of the dead, some serious harm. Two, we found the ground splitting apart around us, and we needed somewhere safe to be. The fortress appearing out of the ground seemed a good place to start. Third, I at least thought to ask for shelter should the owners be anyone but a Deathlord. Thus are we come to this place.

As for my reasons for traveling at all...I seek to unite as much of the Scavenger Land and the East as I can to resist the bloody Realm and the Dead, while providing a place where those of us Chosen of the Sun and Moon can work together to restore what our ancestors built. I know nothing of the means to do the work myself, but I'm a skilled negotiator and seek alliances with any who will work toward the goal of unification for strength and prosperity."
With mention of the young lady, Yuki peeks around the massive doors outside. Tears well in her eyes as she sees the Alek, Loenzo, Zen.

"Oh thank goodness you're okay!" She says stepping into the room. "What happened?"
"And I get the Solar without the impressive manse, there really is no justice." Snow commented hoping to get a reaction out of Ajani who was seeming far too serious for her liking.

She watched as Yuki appeared and addressed the others who she seemed to know. Spinning round Snow grinned "We are also returning your long lost companion, as obviously we are such decent folk who at least deserve a roof for the night and possibly even some food." She doubted a building that had just appeared out of the ground would have food but it seemed the Dragonbloods would no longer be feeding them so she may as well try what she could.
Ajani frowned at Whisper's mention of the First Age.

"I do not want to the horrors of the First Age to be repeated again. Let the past remain the past." Ajani frowned, "I remember the monstrosities that we committed, it was through our boundless hubris and ego that we earned the titles of Anathema. History will only repeat itself we allow ourselves to grow arrogant. The First Age is buried within the sands of time, let it remain there, lest the Solars and the Lunars become demons once more. If this age should come to an end, let the Fourth Age be kinder and grander than the First."

When Snow voiced out her complaint against Ajani, he showed no real reaction. He was used to being spat upon, scorned, and hated by all. If anything there was only resignation in his voice, acknowledging that all Snow had said was true.

"Again, I apologize for not meeting your standards. I only exalted scarcely a month ago, I have nothing on me save for my armor and weapons." This was spoken from a weary voice, heavy with age and experience. Ajani appeared to be much older than he seemed now, no longer a 17 year old child, but a worn veteran.
- Yuki, you are alive - Lorenzo glances at her briefly.

- It seems that one way or another you are the eye of the tempest...

Oh.. - the Dynast turns to the three Exalts - are those Dragon Bloods any threat to us?

Using Crafty Observation Method to check Yuki. Does she have the same marks and scars?
1-die stunt worth 2 motes.

Nice. Yes. And a few more. She has a bruise on her cheek and a cut above her eye. They did mention she was being carried off.

Yuki looks between the two groups of Exalts not fully understanding. She keeps quiet. With all that's happened to her in the past 48 hours, she knows she means little.
"There is an entire, albeit weary, Realm Legion making camp outside of the Manse. There are at least two Terrestrials, one Earth-Aspect and one Fire-Aspect, both of which are likely to be extremely experienced. We could've negotiated with them better if SOMEONE," Ajani glared at Snow, "hadn't decided that it would be a wonderful idea to go into war-form in the middle of a Realm legion. We were going badly with negotiations until the manse burst out of the ground. We took the chance and ran like Adorjan was after us, and we were brought here."
Snow was about to tell Ajani to relax a little when he made his accusation and the thought went out of her head. "I guess someone should have just left all those men to die then, let the dead swell their ranks with new corpses. You need to worry less and accept your power, your supposed to represent the Sun not some skulking shadow."
- It's ok, really, you put yourselves on the line to protect those men.

I'm sure they'll be reasonable next time we talk to them.
Whisper gazes at Ajani. "You seem almost as dedicated to your ideas as those who follow the Immaculate Order. I did not say I wished to restore the First Age. I wish to rebuild those structures and tools our ancestors used for good. I would that we avoid their fall into hubris, and to accomplish that we must study what they did and why. I would that we create something new on the foundation of what came before. Would you throw away all that was made in the First Age? If so....you'd best start with your own gear, for I believe I saw more than one weapon created before the Usurpation.

Having said that....yes, we need to be careful that we do not become the monsters the tales speak of. However, I have some doubts of those tales, given that the Realm seeks to destroy anyone not Dragon-Blooded simply because they exist. The Realm is as corrupt, if not more so, than the stories say the Solars became. Which is worse: roughly 300 Solars as corrupt as the stories say? Or thousands of Dragon-Blooded as corrupt as their stories of the Solars? Neither is right, or acceptable. I seek to create a nation, or realm, or territory or whatever we decide to call it, strong enough to put paid to the Realm where any may study and learn in peace. A land where the leaders work alongside those they lead and where every man has his own land and food.

Now, Ajani...and the others of you...have you anything negative to say about such a vision? It is an ideal, and the devil is always in the details. But is such a goal worthy of pursuing? I say yes."
Zen swang the blade up to allow its blunt edge to rest on his right shoulder, deliberately tapping his left foot. His brows narrrowed as the conversation got heated up.

"Ahem...Let's continue this DISCUSSION at a more divinely appropriate time. Most important thing to decide now is WHAT should we do now!"
Yuki looks at each of you in turn. "The undead were all destroyed. There is the Legion back down there on the plain. I wonder if this was the same Legion that you mentioned was coming, Lorenzo?"
Snow nodded as Zen spoke. "Now there is someone who makes sense." She then turned to Lorenzo who Yuki was addressing. "Sagoru the Legions Commander seemed... wise enough. He was willing to talk to us over dinner when it was just us three, or at least he claimed. I imagine he will be even more willing to talk to six who hold a fortified position. Assuming you don't mind us intruding."

While Snow enjoyed the action of the earlier battle now everything was all seeming a bit too jumbled. If she thought about it Whisper was the only one here she had known for more then some hours. For all she knew any or all of these others could easily be an enemy. It was only after these thoughts that she realized she had moved closer to Whisper.
- I *love* intruding, but Alek's the door owner.

Plus, it's the six of us against barely a few thousands of them, they've better to talk with us.
"I would rather be away with no one the wiser, but that is probably not going to be possible. A few thousand mortals would just be food to the thing we are facing anyway." Alek grimaces slightly and focuses on the things the manse was telling him. "This place is near inactive now, and while it's under my control there is little it can do any more. My suggest would be to take what we can and leave. We have to hunt down the monster that caused these events before she gathers enough power to do more than she already has."
Ajani sighed, "We will discuss this later, Whisper." He turned to the other Solars. "The problem is of course whether Sagoru will consider us a threat and will seek to eliminate us instead. The Dragon-Blooded would most likely feel threatened with so many Exalted here. I agree with Alek, it would be best if we left immediately. Have you found any artifacts that we can use? I have several harmonic essence adaptors I can use, plus I can store as many weapons as I need Elsewhere. I can't help with armor though."

You feel the approach of a few more souls. They're just beginning to climb up to the gatehouse on the far side of the bridge.
"Looks like more are coming. What we wish do do had better be decided quickly." Alek's eyes glance from person to person.
"Let us meet with them if their numbers are small is my suggestion. It is time to find out if we must flee this place...or if we can use this fortress as a base. If the Legion withdraws we should have the time to explore this wondrous fortress and perhaps even repair some of it."
- I think we can split.

Some go and have a chat with our friends down there, some hold the fortress.

Unless we want to leave, that's not a bad idea either.
By this time, three figures appear in the doorway to the entrance hall. In the middle is a stern with wild eyes wearing ornate Red Jade armor. He holds a dragon's head helm under his arm. To the man's left walks a young woman in White Jade. She has dangerous eyes and cool confidence. A realm trooper walks on the other side carrying the Cathak standard slashed with the red of the Realm.

The commander in Red Jade stops with the other two halting just behind him on either flank. He regards all three of you with a hard look. "I am High Commander Cathak Sagoru, 28th Legion commander and servant of the Glorious Realm. Who is in charge here?"


At the sound of the door of the manse beginning to open, Ajani quickly sent Helios back Elsewhere and turned to trio of the new arrivals.

"Commander Sagoru," Ajani inclined his head as a standard polite gesture.
- Cathak Sagorou? Was your father stationed by Port Calin during the River Campaign?

The question is genuine, but does not wait for an answer.

Lorenzo steps forward.

- Ledaal Torriani Lorenzo. River Campaign. Second winter. Spec Ops.

We owe a lot to house Cathak.

Using my Gem of Genuine Smile: 13 dice: 6 successes

Spending 11 motes on Socialize II to convince them of my identity.

Trying to exploit Cathak's pride.

Rolling Man + Soc + Spec + Artifact Bonus + Excellency = 22 dice: 13 successes

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