[Tumultuous Tides] Chapter 6: Empty Halls, Scene 1

Whisper turns, then bows to first Sagorou, then the lady beside him. He discretely tucks his serpent-sting away, then steps to Ajani's left. Making sure he's a pace behind and to the left of the swordsman, Whisper adopts a waiting pose, listening to the others and seeking that moment when the right word or action may turn the tide in the direction he wishes it to flow.
Lorenzo, Cathak eyes you a moment. Then a smile grows on his face. It seems misplaced on such a battle-hardened stern face. "What the hell are you doing here, soldier? We can use men like you up North." He steps forward to give you a barbarian handshake.

You all notice the young woman in White Jade looking back and forth between Lorenzo and Cathak. She seems suspicious.

3-die stunt worth 1 success and 6 motes.

Love it.
Not getting much of a response, Cathak turns to the rest. "All right. What the hell is the place that just killed more of my men?" He looks between all of you, waiting for an answer.
My apologies. Had a few days of fire and completely forgot I had to answer here. =(
No prob. Plus, the other games add plenty. Just wanted to write myself out of the "wait for one guy to do stuff" corner I always put myself in. *sigh*
Yup. It sucks. This is why I feel terribly guilty. Next time PM slap me.
"All I have found is that there was a necromancer attempting to seize this place. I do not know how these other people got here, but my group and I entered the place upon leaving. I was hoping to find more information on what was going on." Ajani stated simply as he addressed Sagoru and his companion.
Again, Whisper remains silent, eying the woman in white jade, waiting for her to make a move or say something. Somehow I believe she's the key to this. Is she from the Order as Sagoru's minder?
Cathak turns from Ajani. "All right," he says with a blunt tone. "Someone, in plain Realm, tell me what in the Underworld this place is?"

The woman in White Jade rests her hand on her sword.
Lorenzo recollects himself from the sudden stupor.

- According to our bookworm here - Lorenzo nods back to Alek - it's some sort of ancestral Manse. We managed to partly take control of it, but have still much to discover ourselves.
Sagoru shakes his head. "None of this makes any sense." He crosses his arms. "We were called here to support a small town named Guara. The Immaculate Order Missionary, Nesia, sent a letter outlining issues in the area. Does anyone here know about that?"

Yuki speaks up. "Nesia was our town's Immaculate Priest, yes. She wrote to you? Things had gotten so bad here I had expressed the dire need for help. I didn't know she wrote her Order."

Sagoru screws up his face, not sure what to think. "All right. Were the undead outside the only threat?"
- We were in Guara.

We fought and lived for a miracle.

We saw the Undead... It is not just about Guara...

Sagoru...- Lorenzo grabs the man's shoulder and looks straight into his eyes.

- I fear we are into something much, much larger...

We saw the black Anathema and the Sun-Anthema, they were fighting each other.

For some reason, the Sun-Anathema fought against the undead and the black Anathema, and eventually Guara and Pisan were destroyed.

Lorenzo gives Sagoru time to react, but his eyes randomly fall on the girl next to the warrior.

He looks at her sternly and slightly annoyed.

- You are not helping. What's your name?
Lorenzo gives a disappointed glance to the woman, takes a deep breath and moves back to the group.

- Sagoru, you and your men may want to fortify here, even if we haven't checked the whole thing.

Us... - Lorenzo turns to the other Solars - We have to decide whether we stay or we go.
"I would suggest we leave. There is little more we can do here. The taint of whatever caused the undead is gone, and to be frank I have little interest right now in empty halls." Alek frowns slightly in thought. "There was a treasury room here however, we probably can't take all of it, and quite a bit of it probably needs to be guarded. Shall we go examine that place first? It might provide clues as to what the conflict was about."

It was already likely that the Necromancer had gotten what she wished, but it wouldn't hurt to see. Raw materials would be very useful if he could get some of them. The manse itself was a bit of a lost cause in Alek's opinion though. It was too flashy, too big to easily defend.
- I trust your judgement, Alek.

We can secure the fortress for the soldiers, retrieve whatever information and artefact we find, then move on.
Sagoru shakes his head. "We'll secure the Manse ourselves, thank you." He motions to the woman in White Jade. "Bring up the 4th. Keep the 3rd working on camp and the 2nd on guard." He nods at her. She turns to leave, looking hard at each of you before walking out.

Sagoru says, "Kindly collect what's yours and be on your way. I claim this holding in the name of the Glorious Realm." He nods to you, Whisper, then looks at the rest of you. "Consider us even, now."
Whisper nods back and looks at Alek. "Let us help you retrieve your items from the armory, Alek, and then we'll be on our way."
Cathak Sagoru shakes his head again. "Leave all that was here. It is now Realm property. It is time you leave."
"Lets go then." Alek shrugs. It wasn't worth fighting over, especially since he still had full control over the manse, with an idea of where everything was. It would be fairly easy to simply circle around the man and go to where the particularly important areas were. "Follow me please."
"Well it was a delight meeting you and your men Commander, enjoy your fort." Snow said sweetly biting back what she really wished to say to the man. She started to wander off with the Solars.
All six Solars and Yuki follow Alek out into the bailey .

Give me a Perception+Occult roll to find another way in. Your mind will be searching through the place for any hidden entrances.

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