[Tumultuous Tides] Chapter 6: Empty Halls, Scene 1

Here we go. Bleck, 8 rolls 3 successes.

4 motes to reroll and 2 motes to add a success with excellencies.

Yick, luckily I can take the highest. So it's 4 successes. Ok, but not really as good as I wanted.
Alek, you lead the group of Solars—and Yuki—through the bailey and around the keep.

Flashes and images crowd your head.

Some, you can easily make out; others are fuzzy and disorienting.

But, you can feel yourself drawing closer to ... something.

Stopping at the side of the keep toward the back, you have a strong image of where to place your hand on the wall.

As you place you hand on the exact stone, a golden circle of Essence burns around it, then dissipates.

The wall jerks, then shifts in and slides to the side, revealing a large dark chamber.
"While material wealth is not something that I am very interested in, I would rather not leave this place empty handed. Not after so much work." Alek begins to walk into the area. "This place is mine. It's broken and I can't keep it, but I will at least claim what I can from it before we have to leave."

There shouldn't be anyone else in the area for now. Certainly the army would begin to move in soon, but by then he hoped to be leaving with at least some of the more useful items.
Ajani spoke up, "I can carry all weapons and shields that we find, can't really do anything else though. I also have a set of essence adapters if we find anything that's not orichalcum."
"Lets have a look then." Snow said as she wasted no time entering the dark chamber and having a look around.
You all step back into the Manse through Alek's secret door.

Inside, it's pitch black.

There doesn't seem to be any light source other than the doorway leading back outside.
Yuki peeks inside the dark room.

She bends down and picks up a translucent bendable stick from inside.

Grasping both ends, she bends it, trying to see how far it can go before breaking.

Instead, you all hear a number of small crackles from the stick.

It begins to glow, bright as a torch, in a yellow light.

She smiles.

"This is neat," she says. "Shall we?"

You all notice several of these "sticks" piled near the door on the inside.
Lorenzo grabs a couple, turning both on.

- This is the perfect party implement... Had I a few of those just last year...

Then he proceeds on, exploring the environment.
Snow grabbed a torch and then started moving the place. "Such an interesting place, and you raised all of this from the ground?" She said looking over to Alek obviously impressed.
So, let's do this to get this bit out of the way.

Alek, roll me another Perception+Occult. This is to navigate and find a way back to the cache of artifacts below.
"To be honest it raised itself out of the ground." Alek shrugs as he walks forward and into the area. "I was attempting to purge the place of the taint of undeath and pushed too much power into the area. It did what I needed, but overloaded the entire area. While it was necessary I regret the amount of power I used now."

Candy flits to the top of Alek's head and begins to quite literally sleep ontop it. "You always do tend to go overboard when you get annoyed."

Here we go. I got a few motes left, so spending 2 to give one success.
In no time, you navigate through winding corridors and back halls down into the depths of the Manse.

After a few minutes, you all find yourselves standing in a massive room with four floor-to-ceiling statues.

In the center, a small obelisk stands.

Runes glow faintly on it.

Scattered throughout the room are corpses.

Some wearing Jade armor.

Others are holding Jade weapons.

Lorenzo, Alek, and Zen, you have all been here before.

This is the first room that you entered beyond the well.
"Mind if I take all the weapons? We should get everything that we can."

Wlf, if I choose not to use the weapons I get now and just keep them in storage will I have to pay XP for them? I need more weapons for the full invocation of TAP to be as epic as I want it to be.
"If you wish it." Alek looks indifferent as he leads the way. "To be frank I'm not that interested in them other than raw materials. Should I wish it I could make things like that fairly easily. None of them looked to be exceptional when we were here last."
"Does this mean you three dealt with these." Snow said motioning to the bodies. She continued to be impressed, maybe Luna hadn't been wasting her time after all. "I look forward to see how you guys fight." A grin spread across her face as she thought about what these men might accomplish if pointed in the right direction, or at least what she considered the right direction.
@Seeker: No, you can just take them. No cost. You only need to pay the XP cost if they're important to you and you don't want me to mess with them ... as much.

@Everyone: Just collecting all the crap down here? I can just give you guys a list and we can skip RPing this bit, unless you'd like to have in-game chats for character development.
I for one have already more junk than I need. We can actually have Seeker load everything and check it later.

I hope that there is more to this Manse than DB weapons.
I am happy to skip over it. Snow is more of the bare handed fighter so weapons aren't of great interest to her.
I'll need a count of how many weapons there are since TAP hold essencex2 per mote. I'll attach converters on it as well so I can actually use it.

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